#Didn't even notify me of this just happened to decide to check threads
spirit-x-ing · 1 year
CONT. from X
Whoever it was that had taken over this house might not be paranoid as Lorelai suggested, but he was certainly guarded. To a curious degree. Lilith had rarely seen such determination to keep everything out, even in the depths of Hell. Whether he had cast these barriers himself or had found someone to do the bidding for him was a question Lilith desired answered for several reasons, but what also begged her interest was his reasons; keeping something out or keeping something in?
Opting to simply open the door the normal way rather than magic herself inside, Lilith examined the door even as she picked the lock with a subtle twirl of her fingers, before turning her attention to the rest of the house. The relatively traditional picturesque home, its entire aesthetic, didn’t hold her attention in the same way it evidently held Lorelai’s; Lilith didn’t have any personal stake in this residence, only a…justified curiosity in its current owner.
Standing at the base of the stairs, she silently watched as the girl wandered off, enthusiasm lacing every word as she took a nostalgic trip down a lane of distant yet familiar memories, betraying her excitement at being here. Leaving Lorelai to examine the kitchen, and doubtless the fridge, Lilith turned to walk up the stairs, her scarlet nailed hands trailing long the bannister as she took each step at a leisurely pace, examining the walls as she did so.
Her hands continued to trail along the wall as she reached the upper landing, her palm tracing the wallpapers and framed painting and photos. She paused at a picture frame, and seeing that it was the identity of the current resident, she snapped her fingers and the frame was suddenly empty, the photo now in her hand.
Continuing on, she peered through this door and that until she found the one she was looking for.
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“Perfect….” She murmured to herself as she pushed open the door to the main bedroom. It was the one place that everyone kept their secrets, the parts of their personality that they…reserved for their own privacy. Smiling with eager determination, she entered the room confidently, her hands yet again trailing over everything, getting a sense to everything she touched. Whoever it was that had cast those barriers spent a great amount of time in this room; the identity simply…hidden between the trinkets.
She bit her lip, moving towards the closets just as felt the presence of Lorelai nearby. Turning to look at the girl, she held out the photo. “The new residents, including your…little over-cautious caster.”
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She climbed the stairs albeit loudly as she paused for a moment. The creaks that came from the house were her own. She listened a bit more. The house was much quieter than it was. No other spirits or entities were nearby. This was much different than she remembered. She was haunted, tortured by the numerous spirits and, she was now sure demons, coming and going. Sleep only came when her body could no longer shed anymore tears before shutting down.
She continued on as she looked around. The home looked very much the same and that irritated her. Triggering upsetting memories from her time here. Her mother's room was up ahead to the right. Her brother's right next to her mother's. She finally kept walking, her Grandmother's was on the left as she turned her head and realized it was already open. Lorelai stepped in and looked around. The interior here was different, updated to a degree, though once again some things lingered and it made her wonder if the person who bought this house bought the furniture with it.
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She sighed making her way towards Lilith as she presented a picture. She gazed down upon it. The guy looked regal-like. A bit stuck or confident. He was pretty attractive overall. ❝Yep,❞ she replied with a pop of her lips. She nodded in agreement with Lilith's discernment. ❝I can sense his energy here...❞ she passed sniffing a bit ❝And his cologne?❞ she said perking a brow with a smirk. It smelt good. She looked around once more. ❝This was once my Grandmother's room,❞ she voiced nearing by the same bed. ❝That room over there, her bathroom...here was a nursery," she said making her way toward another door and opening it. ❝Oh...and now it's a walk-in closet,❞ she said with a small chuckle. She walked in to explore. It was a nice walk-in closet, with typical drawers, organizers, and lots of suits. ❝Eh....all business,❞ she replied looking over the various suits he had hanging.
Lorelai sighed with a huff. ❝I'm starting to gander that if this guy does work the magic it's not really at his home," she said with a shrug walking back out. She paused, calming, looking around a bit more, admiring the detailed carved ceiling panels. Those were new. ❝My room was in the attic,❞ she whispered remembering. Lorelai tilted her head before crossing over and floating upwards towards the attic.
Lorelai floated up to the attic as she paused. It was dark and most of the windows that lit her room were closed with shutters. It was also dusty and full of random stuff. ❝Geeze, obviously Mr. Hotshot lawyer does not come up here often!❞ Lorelai complained as dust floated about with the small rays of sun that managed to sneak in. She looked around more familiar stuff! ❝Heh,❞ she said a bit happily, feeling she may be able to find something of her family here.
She looked around before noticing a familiar trunk with brass buttons and a very old key lock. It was her grandmother's trunk. She scoffed out a sigh before falling to her knees. ❝It's still here❞" she whispered to herself. Lorelai's hands glossed over it lightly as she tried to ghost through it but couldn't. ❝Huh,❞ she let out a bit surprised in a mock-like challenge. She tried again as she tried to reach in and grab something or at least unlock it but it burned this time. ❝Ah!❞ she let out pulling her hand back before shaking her hand. ❝Lilith! I think I found something!❞ she bellowed suddenly hoping she can help her out and unlock it quickly.
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