#Diarrhea myths & facts
explanationation · 7 months
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, overview; 1/13
What is it?
->an inherited chronic illness that is passed from parent to child. It affects blood vessels, skin, joints, and connective tissue. Known to worsen with age.
->there are 13 different known variations of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome however the most common is the Hyper mobile variety
How do I know if I should get tested for it?
->there are a few at home tests you can use to check for hyper mobility in the joints, but you should really think about it and your every day symptoms and childhood and bring it up to your physician
->at home 1: hold your arm up in front of you, see if your thumb is able to semi-comfortably bend down to touch your wrist/forearm
->At home 2: check each of your fingers and see if they bend back 90° or more
How do I get tested/diagnosed for EDS?
->genetic testing, imaging, skin biopsies, and/or physical examination
-> rheumatologist!!
->get in touch with your physician looks to be the first step, you may want to do research on geneticists and contact them directly to see if they need a PCP referral or not
-> whether or not your family members have been diagnosed does also factor in
What does it look like in childhood? Normal life?
->digestive tract issues (diarrhea or constipation), pain in the feet especially in the mornings, “growing pains” (which are in fact a myth and if you have growing pains for any significant amount of time it’s probably a sign of something else), easily dislocated joints,
-> stretchier skin, soft paper/velvet skin texture, easily bruises, takes longer to heal
What does it look like in day to day life?
->Varies based off what kind of EDS one has
Sources: https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/what-is-eds/
Google :)
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Do you think you could find anything on how Rasputin‘s children died? He had seven, three of whom (Dmitry, Maria, Varvara) survived to adulthood. They have causes of death listed, but their siblings who presumably died in childhood (Mikhail, Georgiy, Anna, Praskovya) do not.
What we DO know:
Rasputin got married with a woman named Praskovya Fyodorovna and had seven children.
Mikhail Rasputin, born in 1889, who died the same year.
Anna Rasputina, commonly misconceived as Georgiy's twin sister, was born on January 29th, 1892, died May 3rd, 1896. The fact there's a persistent myth about Anna being Georgiy's twin sister could mean Georgiy did have a twin named Anna too (some families re-use for latter children the names they gave to still born babies) but it's a bit unlikely as Anna died after Georgiy and his elusive twin's births.
Georgiy Rasputin, born 25th of May 1894, according to some sources, on the 1st of May according to others. However, there's a discrepancy of around three weeks between the orthodox and roman calendars, and the roman calendar only started being used in Russia in 1918, which means both dates might be true. He died on september 13th of the same year at three-four months old.
Dmitry Rasputin, the boy who lived! He was born in 1895 and lived until the 1930's, when he died of dysentry in a labor camp up north, most probably in the Gulag. He had children but they died in the same camp, as well as his wife.
In 1896 was born an unnamed baby who didn't survive more than 24h.
On March 27th, 1898 was born Matrena Rasputina, who later chose the new name "Marija" (Maria) as it was more aristocratic. She died in 1977, on September 27 after making a career as a wild beasts tamer in a travelling circus then becoming a riveter on a defense shipyard during WW2. She had children herself but I won't get into details since it's not the point of this ask.
Finally, Varvara was born in 1900 and died of typhus in 1925 without children.
Now, we don't know how Mikhail, Anna, Georgiy or the unnamed baby died, but we do know the dates so let's extrapolate.
1889, 1894, 1896 (x2).
in 1891, there was a pretty bad famine in Russia, and 1892 even saw people using unsafe provisions for their stoves, which led to cataract in old and very young people.
In winter, because of poor health-related knowledge, it's not rare people died of pneumonia that had become too bad to cure, or from tape- and round-worms because of unsafe water drunk. There are ritual binge-drinking of kids as young as 9-yo. Babies regularly died of infections from not being changed after soiling themselves. A russian researcher (Semyonova) wrote that summer was the worst time for that as very young children were often left unnattended while their parents were working on the fields, most often from diarrhea after eating something bad.
Now though I doubt Mikhail died of the famine as he was born before it happened. Granted, famines don't always start at the exact point they are recorded to have started, but he died in the same year he was born. And the others were born after the famine stopped.
As for all the other poor health issues, Giorgiy might have died from diarrhea after eating dirt or weeds when left unnattended in the summer: he died in september, which is the end of the crops. Although I can't guarantee Mikhail's date of death, it's plausible it's the same.
This leaves us with the unnamed baby and Anna.
Now the same researcher claims infanticide, mainly of unwanted/illegitimate children, were common. But while Rasputin's wife might have killed that young child, it is noted that most infanticide, accidental or not (a parent rolls over in bed and smothers the child for example) happen in younger years, and she had already had multiple other children.
And also, as any post-natal nurse will tell you, if a child dies in the 24h following the birth, chances are they were just too weak to survive. Nowadays, there's post-natal care to help the runts survive but at the time, in rural Russia? None.
The four years old is the most interesting. Semyonova relates at lengths not only infanticides but also child beatings. However, Martena/Maria described her father in her Memoirs as a simple, loving man and father. Yes, she was born after her big sister's death, and yes, she was born and raised at a time where her father's fortunes had gotten better. But this still throws a doubt on whether or not Rasputin would have beaten his daughter to death. I'll choose to believe he didn't. Then, if she had died a particularly brutal death (trampled by a horse or killed in an alleyway for example) we would probably have records of it, if only because there was a wide campaign of defamation against her father at some point, but while they accused him of stealing horses and killing someone in a fight (which no records of were found in his hometown), they never accused him of infanticide, which probably means not only that she didn't get beaten up to death but also that her death wasn't suspicious at all.
The diarrhea thing is plausible: she died in may, which saw peaks in such deaths. However, she was already four years old: not to say she should have survived it, but that if she hadn't died of it earlier, there was no reason she would have died of it later. I would go with pneumonia, but it's mainly during winter that those epidemics happen. HOWEVER the late 1890's were part of the mini-ice-age which saw winters and all-year-round get considerably colder, which could mean extended winter until may. Also, it's Russia, which isn't exactly known as a tropical destination. So she probably died of some illness or food poisonning, either because of the cold or the hunger. Of course if it's for fictional purposes you could also make her drown, for symbolism, as Rasputin's older brother Andrei died drowning himself.
Now though do take into account that this is all hypothesis. Interpol was only created in 1923 and there are not secret records I can browse on the Rasputin children who died young (on the others though...)
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golden--doodler · 2 years
I saw you in my inbox and must immediately go to yours 🥺 Gotta ask you who your favorite Belcher is AND your top 10 favourite side characters 🤌
Oh no, you gave me another hard one! I guess this is going to be another long one, hahaha, get ready.
As for who my favorite Belcher is, that is so tough, almost too tough for me to answer because that changes for me every day, and I love all of the Belchers for very different, specific reasons. Tbh, I relate to all of them on some level. However, if I HAVE to choose, I will choose two, because I am still that indecisive.
I have to go with Linda as one because of her endless optimism and her constant singing spouts, because who hasn't wanted to break out into song like her every once in a while? Honestly, her outros for the show are the best. The one for "Wharf Horse" Part One? COME ON. She is just THAT girl, and she knows it--she is hilarious, she's honestly quite pretty (gotta love her in that blue dress she wore in "An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal") and when you have her affection, she's with you for life, and will go to the ends of the earth for you. She will literally help you hide the evidence of a murder and go on the run for you, she is THAT loyal. Like, seriously, she planned what she would do to help Bob if he ever murdered Teddy, oh my god. And even just her support for the smaller things, like helping Bob with his dream to run the restaurant (okay, maybe this doesn't count as SMALL, but still). She is ALWAYS there to help him have a little light in his life when he needs it. She's always down to have a little fun and spice things up--I mean, who else would come up with "sexy cooking" and a "strip tease" on Valentine's Day? She's so freaking giving, to the point where it's even a detriment to her, as seen in "Terminilator II: Terminals of Endearment", where she let her mom walk all over her because thought that's what she needs to do as their daughter, which is not the case (I'm really glad Bob got upset about this for her, but I really wish she'd actually seen how terrible her parents are). I love all of her little quirks, and she is totally someone I would want to marry or at the very least be friends with irl. I think my Bisexuality is showing with this one, haha.
My second Belcher whom I love will probably be a much less popular opinion. I almost chose Tina for this one, but honestly, I have to go with Gene. He's the Belcher kid who's the most similar to Linda, so I guess that makes sense. I do sorta get why he's not everyone's favorite, but I just can't help but have the biggest soft spot for this guy. His jokes/one-liners are consistently funny, and he always provides the best levity when a scene needs it ("Nature boner!"). Plus, I really relate to his adoration of music even though he's actually not even good at it. Also, just him questioning his love of music was just super interesting overall. But his being objectively not great at playing chords doesn't even matter, because of his sheer passion--and it's this passion that led him to create the BEST songs in the entire show. I mean, "Electric Love"? "Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl?" "Turkey, I Need You Beside Me?" You love to see it. These all came from his unadulterated love for music, and I think that's kind of beautiful. I also relate a lot to his love of food, especially during the episode "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid", where "Turkey, I Need You Beside Me" came from. I mean, I'm the kind of person who pays extra close attention to expiration dates and would never eat expired food (one of my pet peeves is actually when people say expiration dates are a myth), but the fact that all he wanted throughout the episode was to enjoy some of his dad's cooking with his family together on Thanksgiving is just... yeah, I feel that. It's also just so wholesome. Speaking of wholesomeness, I don't know, Gene just feels a little wholesome to me. Besides Tina, he's the nicest of the kids, and usually, despite his non-sequiturs and jokes, he just wants to do right by people, especially people like his dad, which he outright says in "Best Burger". Just him wanting Bob to be proud of him and not see him as a screw-up is so 🥺
Okay, this is already super long, oh god. Onto my ten favorite side characters!
1.) Gonna start out with Sergeant Bosco. I recently watched a compilation of him and remembered how much I love this guy, he's just so freaking funny. I love how he's a cop who's super incompetent and still gets the job done somehow--he's terrible yet great at his job, which is amazing. Especially loved how he tried to give advice on how Linda should do speed-dating in "My Fuzzy Valentine", and then almost arrested Linda for stealing his gun. And just his entire role during "Bob Day Afternoon", trying to take the phone from a screaming Louise, pffffft.
2.) Gotta mention Nat the Limo Driver! Mainly because she's LGBTQ+ and that's wonderful, love that for her. She hasn't appeared that often at all, but the few appearances she's made have been pretty great. I loved seeing her try to win her ex-girlfriend back, and her being super nice and trying to help find that darn ring in the waterpark during "The Ring (But Not Scary)". Also just the fact that she casually was transporting a snake to the aforementioned ex-girlfriend is hilarious.
3.) Regular-Sized Rudy, my beloved! He's so precious all around, I love him and everything about him. I adore how he's such an antithesis of Louise, being pretty much everything one would expect a typical fourth-grader is like, with the added bonus of unfortunately having asthma. He probably only gets a point taken away from being obsessed with Chloe Barbash, but it's fineeeeeeeee. I find the fact that he's a child of divorce super interesting as well, I don't think it'll ever get super explored, but some more on that would be cool, specifically how it's affected him mentally. He's definitely the kind of friend that Louise needs. Also shoutout to his stuffed flounder, Pancake.
4.) I have to acknowledge Gayle Genarro, Linda's younger sister. We all know Gayle. We all love to hate Gayle. Okay, hate is probably too strong a word, but she is just such an enigma of a human being that I kind of love it. Every time she's used, she's so funny and completely freaking unhinged. Sometimes it's hard to believe she and Linda are sisters, and other times it makes perfect sense. I love her saying that Linda is her "best friend and mortal enemy" in "The Pumpkinening". Honestly, that might be my favorite episode she's in. Well, besides maybe "Topsy" or that episode where she helped get Louise a filling at the dentist (I think it's "The Kids Run Away"?). But I just really like her in "The Pumpkinening" because of how close she and Linda are shown to be, and how she admits to actually loving Linda at the end. It's surprisingly a super sweet moment for this otherwise crazy, but lovable character. Everything about her and Mr. Business is top tier.
5.) Zeke! I don't know, there's something about this boy that's really grown on me over time, I want to give him some appreciation. His way of talking and his voice are so recognizable, and I love it, and I can't really explain why? But yeah, if Tina can't get with Jimmy Jr., I might just vote for her and Zeke to be a thing. I think that ship is actually getting to me, but I don't know yet. Anyway, I think we should learn more about his family history because it actually sounds really complicated and sad, yet interesting? Gotta love how much he adores his grandma and step-mom, Cheryl, that's really sweet. And him eventually being the mad pooper for Tina in "Broadcast Wagstaff School News" was great. Ooh, and learning that he has a perfect palate in "Bob and Deliver" was also great.
6.) You gotta love Teddy. He's Teddy, everyone's favorite iconic handyman (side note, that commission you did of him and Teddiursa the Pokémon was so adorable and perfect)! I NEED to know the backstory of how he met Bob and Linda, and how he fell in love with Bob's burgers. And also how it's possible that he STILL thinks their last name is Burger. He and Kathleen are actually a very sweet couple, and he's just a very loving person in general. Like Linda, he's so loyal until the end and will do ANYTHING for Bob and his family and the restaurant, even if he does get on their nerves from time to time. However, it's all out of pure love and respect for the restaurant. He's just so genuinely invested in all their lives, it can get a little weird sometimes, but for the most part, it's wholesome as heck. Love how he also got invested in the whole storyline Linda made up for the raccoons in their alley. And how he stood up for Tina when he babysat them in that one episode.
7.) Mr. Fischoeder is just... what a guy. I just saw the new April Fool's Day episode, and it made me love him even more. He's always hilarious and iconic all around, I mean, how can you not appreciate him? He doesn't seem like a great person to have as your Landlord, but just as a person, he's great. His rivalry with Felix will always be a great staple of the show, and the way he was so chill about almost dying at Felix's hands in the two-part Season 4 finale is so great. How many times has Felix attempted murder on him for him to be so calm about it? Just his random ideas in general, like in "The Oeder Games" and "To Bob, or Not to Bob" are great, as well as his overall presence. I will always love his singing in "Topsy". His Christmas song about Bourbon is top-tier, as is his outro song about being put into a volcano after he's gone so he can stay around in some sort of way.
8.) Okay, fine, I want to acknowledge Mr. Frond, too. Is he a terrible guidance counselor? Well, yes. But is he hilarious? Also yes. That brief time he dated Gayle was so strange yet so entertaining. That one scene where he made that poor kid, Nicholas, admit his deepest darkest secret because he wanted people to say if the hurricane was caused by "something bad they did"?? Oh my lord. His interactions with Louise will always be gold, especially when that one exchange where he says "You're in trouble" and Louise tells him to "Drink more cranberry juice" (Not "Urine Trouble!" >:( ). Also, his entire role in the "My Butt Has a Fever" short is perfection in terms of comedy. Him getting THAT upset over the song only to end up with it stuck in his head too and humming it later? Yup.
9.) Ms. Labonz doesn't have the right to be so funny. Why is she so funny? God. I love how she's just done with everyone 24/7, especially the aforementioned Mr. Frond, and her role in "Touch of Eval(uations)" is actually really nice. I love her telling Louise that she knows Louise is smart and capable, and just needs to apply herself more, and it ending with her getting that brand new parking spot is actually pretty well deserved. Also, she is definitely a heavy smoker. Might want to get your lungs checked out, Ms. Labonz, no offense.
10.) Consider this last space a tie between Hugo Habercore and Jimmy Jr. I couldn't go through this list without Hugo, because even though he is terrible (come on, man, chill for a second, let the Belchers live their lives in peace), man is he funny. His role in the pilot episode "Human Flesh" is iconic in and of itself, his lines are so quotable there. I'm honestly super curious about how he met Linda, and what their relationship was like while it was still going on. I'm also curious about how he became a health inspector and how he met Ron. Is it weird that I almost want him and Ron to have something going on? It sounds so random, and it is, but I don't know, he just needs someone to be with to get over Linda and be a happier/better person, and I like their dynamic. He did have that girl he went on a blind date with in "Romancing the Beef", but she's never seen or mentioned again. As for Jimmy Jr., this was a tough call. There were so many people I wanted to mention but couldn't (I mean, the Pesto twins, Courtney, Jocelyn, Mort, MARSHMALLOW--I'm so sorry I didn't put you on the list, Marshmallow) but I decided to go with Jimmy Jr. Your appreciation for him is rubbing off on me. The guy definitely needs to get better at actually committing (he IS at his worse in "V For Valentine-Detta") and I don't know if I want him to be the one for Tina, I don't think he should, but I don't know, whenever he has a genuine interaction with Tina, it just... ah. It kinda gets to me. It makes me wish he were better so they could actually just be a couple. Lord knows Tina has been wanting him long enough. Seriously girl. But yeah, I love his dancing and his general weird-but-doesn't-care-what-others-think-of-him vibe. Like in the movie when he tried to get a chicken nugget in his mouth just so he could say he did it. That's peak comedy. I love his role whenever he's in an episode, especially in "What About Job?" when Tina made him the villain just because he refused to share gum with her--he also is just a very entertaining villain. I feel like he's so close to being someone who Tina could be with, but is never right there. Oh well.
Side note: Him asking Tina on a genuine frozen yogurt date in the April Fool's Day episode is actually so sweet, what the heck.
This got way too long oh no. I hope you're able to read all of this and get some enjoyment out of it! I tried to condense it but found I had way too many thoughts on these characters. I love them all so much. I probably forgot to mention a few things and made a few mistakes, but here it is.
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yevkaaaka · 1 month
Myths and Facts
Semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, has become a well-known drug in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Its effectiveness in lowering blood sugar and body weight has attracted much attention, but with the popularity of the drug, many myths and misunderstandings have arisen. In this article, we will debunk common myths about semaglutide and present facts that will help you better understand its role in the treatment and management of diseases. But with the help of High-quality semaglutide you will be able to understand that the myths about semaglutide will be dispelled
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Myth 1: Semaglutide is only for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
Fact: Although semaglutide was originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, its effectiveness in reducing body weight has led to its use in the fight against obesity. Studies have shown that semaglutide helps to significantly reduce body weight in obese patients, regardless of the presence of diabetes.
Myth 2: Semaglutide causes significant side effects
Fact: Like any drug, semaglutide can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, especially at the beginning of treatment. These symptoms usually improve over time, and many patients tolerate semaglutide well. Overall, semaglutide has a favorable safety profile, and its benefits often outweigh the potential risks.
Myth 3: Semaglutide causes rapid and permanent weight loss
Fact: Although semaglutide has been shown to cause significant weight loss, results vary from patient to patient. The average weight loss in clinical trials is 10% to 15% of starting body weight. Weight loss takes time and effort, and maintaining the results may require continued treatment and a healthy lifestyle.
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Myth 4: Semaglutide is a temporary solution and the weight will return once you stop taking it
Fact: Research shows that some weight gain is possible when you stop taking semaglutide, but most patients maintain some of the weight loss they have achieved. To maintain the results, it is important to follow the diet and exercise recommendations even after stopping treatment.
Myth 5: Semaglutide has no long-term studies
Fact: Semaglutide has been the subject of many clinical trials that cover both short-term and long-term outcomes. Studies such as STEP 1, STEP 2, and STEP 3 have demonstrated its effectiveness and safety over a significant period of time. Long-term data confirm that semaglutide is effective and safe for long-term use.
Semaglutide is a modern and effective treatment for type 2 diabetes and obesity. Despite common myths, research and clinical practice confirm its effectiveness and safety. Understanding the facts about semaglutide will help patients and healthcare professionals make informed decisions about treatment and optimize health management. Always consult with your doctor to get individual recommendations and maximize the benefits of treatment.
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drsidhantkhanna · 1 month
8 Gastroenterology Myths You Should Stop Believing
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When it comes to our digestive health, there's a lot of misinformation floating around. From what to eat and what to avoid, to what's causing our symptoms and what's not, it's easy to get caught up in gastroenterology myths. But the truth is, many of these myths can lead to misdiagnosis, ineffective treatment, and even worsen symptoms.
In this article, we'll debunk 8 common gastroenterology myths that you should stop believing.
Myth #1: All stomach acid is bad
Many people believe that all stomach acid is bad and that it's the root of all digestive problems. However, stomach acid is actually necessary for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Low stomach acid, also known as hypochlorhydria, is a common condition that can lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and heartburn.
Myth #2: Probiotics are only for gut health
While probiotics are often associated with gut health, they can also benefit other areas of the body, including the urinary tract, respiratory tract, and even the skin. Probiotics can also help alleviate symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and even mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
Myth #3: You can't get food poisoning from raw meat
While it's true that cooking meat can kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, it's not a guarantee that you can't get food poisoning from raw meat. In fact, the CDC estimates that each year in the United States, there are approximately 1 million cases of food poisoning caused by raw or undercooked meat.
Myth #4: Gluten-free is the same as wheat-free
Many people assume that gluten-free is the same as wheat-free, but this is not the case. Gluten is a specific protein found in certain grains like wheat, barley, and rye, while wheat-free simply means that the product does not contain wheat. If you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, you should choose gluten-free products instead of wheat-free.
Myth #5: Constipation is just a sign of an unhealthy diet
While diet does play a role in constipation, it's not the only factor. Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions like thyroid disorders or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Myth #6: All lactose intolerant people need to avoid dairy
While it's true that some people may need to avoid dairy due to lactose intolerance, this doesn't mean that everyone with lactose intolerance needs to avoid dairy altogether. Some people may be able to tolerate small amounts of lactose or certain types of dairy products like cheese or yogurt.
Myth #7: IBS is just in your head
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a real condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While stress can exacerbate symptoms, it's not the cause of IBS. IBS is characterized by recurring abdominal pain, changes in bowel movements, and bloating.
Myth #8: You should drink plenty of water to flush out your digestive system
While staying hydrated is important for overall health, drinking excessive water will not "flush out" your digestive system. In fact, drinking too much water can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating, cramps, and diarrhea.
In conclusion, it's essential to separate fact from fiction when it comes to your digestive health. By debunking these common myths, you can take a more informed approach to maintaining your gut health and seeking medical attention when needed. At KMC Hospital, our expert gastroenterologists are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and treatment. From routine check-ups to complex procedures, we're committed to helping you achieve optimal digestive health. Don't let misconceptions hold you back from achieving your health goals. Schedule an appointment with our team today and start living a healthier, happier life.
If you're experiencing gastrointestinal issues and have tried various remedies with no relief, feeling tired and sluggish, than come and  visit us.
Website -  KMC Hospital - Gastroenterologist in dehradun
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underleak · 5 months
UTI Myths vs. Facts: Separating Truth from Fiction on How Do You Get It
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects millions globally, with symptoms varying widely... Our article explores these symptoms across different IBS types—constipation, diarrhea, or mixed—and their impact on daily life…. Read More:
#underleak #leakproof #incontinence #underwear
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drvitaltips · 5 months
Why Does My Poop Smell Like Sulfur? (And What to Do)
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Ever notice your poop smells like sulfur, kind of like rotten eggs? Don't panic! While changes in stool odor are normal, a strong sulfur smell in your feces can be a sign that something's up with your diet or digestion. Let's break down the causes and talk about what you can do. Common Causes of Sulfur-Smelling Feces Here's where that rotten-egg smell might be coming from: - Your Diet: Foods rich in something called sulfates can make your poop smell foul. Think eggs, meat, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic... even beer! If you eat a lot of these, it might be the culprit. - Bacterial Infections: Yucky culprits like salmonella or giardia can upset your gut, leading to smelly, often diarrhea-like, bowel movements. - Malabsorption Issues: If your body can't absorb nutrients properly (like in celiac disease or Crohn's), your gut bacteria can go a bit wild and create smelly gas. - Medications: Some medications, especially antibiotics, can change your gut bacteria balance and lead to temporary smelly poop problems. When Should I Be Concerned? A temporary sulfur smell after a meat-heavy feast probably isn't a reason to stress. However, watch out for these signs that might signal something more serious: - Changes that last: The sulfur smell lingers for days or weeks. - Other symptoms: You have stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, or unusual changes in your poop. - It's new for you: Your poop has never smelled like this before. If any of this sounds like you, it's time to chat with your doctor! Solutions and Management Depending on what's causing your stinky situation, there are a few things you might try: - Tweak Your Diet: Experiment with cutting back on those high-sulfate foods and see if the smell changes. - Treating Infections: If a bacterial infection is suspected, antibiotics might be needed to clear it up. - Managing Malabsorption: Work with your doctor to manage any underlying conditions, which might involve dietary changes or specific medications. - Probiotics: These "good bacteria" supplements might help rebalance your gut. Ask your doctor if they're right for you. How Is the Cause Diagnosed? Wondering how the experts figure out why your poop is being extra stinky? Here are a few ways your doctor might sleuth it out: - Stool Testing: They might ask for a stool sample to check for bacteria, parasites, or signs of malabsorption. - Medical History: Expect questions about your recent diet, any medications you take, and any other symptoms you're having. - Further Tests: If your doctor has suspicions, they might suggest further testing like bloodwork or imaging to look at things like your gut health in more detail. FAQs Let's answer some common questions that folks might have: - Q: Is a sulfur smell always serious? - A: No! Most of the time, it's related to your diet and clears up in a few days. But if it lingers or you have other concerns, chatting with your doctor is always a smart move. - Q: How long does this smell last? - A: It depends on the cause. Diet-related smells tend to be short-lived. An infection or underlying condition might need treatment before your poop returns to its usual smell. - Q: What foods should I avoid? - A: Start by cutting back on some of the usual suspects like broccoli, meat, garlic, onions, and dairy. You might keep a food diary to see what helps. Check in with your doctor for specific food-related advice depending on your situation. Myth Buster! Myth: Smelly poop means I have a serious disease. Fact: While a lasting sulfur smell can sometimes indicate something more serious, it's usually a sign your body needs a minor adjustment. Don't panic, but don't ignore it either! Food ItemSulfate ContentMeat & PoultryHighCruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)HighOnions & GarlicModerateDairy ProductsModerateProcessed FoodsVaries (check labels) When to See a Doctor While diet changes often fix a temporary sulfur smell, it's definitely time to see a doctor if: - The smell persists for several days or weeks. - You have other concerning symptoms like: - Stomach pain - Lasting diarrhea or constipation - Blood or mucus in your poop - Fever - You're on medication and the issue started alongside it. - You suspect you might have a food allergy or intolerance. Important Note: Don't self-diagnose or hesitate to get professional help when something seems off. It's always better to err on the side of caution! Natural Approaches to Consider Important! These are complementary ideas, NOT a substitute for medical advice. Always check with your doctor before starting new supplements or making big changes. - Hydration: Drinking plenty of water aids digestion and might help flush out smelly compounds. - Smaller Portions: Eating smaller, more frequent meals might be easier on your digestive system. - Probiotic-Rich Foods: Yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods might help support healthy gut bacteria. - Digestive Herbs: Some folks find ginger, peppermint, or fennel helpful for soothing digestion. Fact: Did you know that stress can affect your digestion, too? Activities like yoga or meditation might be indirectly helpful alongside other strategies! Key Takeaways - A sulfur smell in your poop is usually linked to things you've eaten, but it can sometimes signal something else is going on. - Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor if you're concerned or if dietary changes don't help. - Simple lifestyle changes can often make a big difference to your digestion and overall well-being. Conclusion It's normal to be a little alarmed when your poop takes on that rotten egg smell. The good news is that in most cases, simple dietary changes are all you need to get things back to, well, normal! However, don't be afraid to listen to your gut (pun intended). If symptoms linger or you have other concerns, reaching out to your doctor brings you peace of mind and puts you on the path to a quick solution. Extra Tip: Curious about your gut health? Keeping a "poop journal" for a short time – noting what you eat, any symptoms, and how your poop looks and smells – can be super informative for both you and your doctor! Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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wovetherapy · 6 months
The Gut-Brain Connection
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Did you know that humans have two brains? Well, not actually, but the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is lined with 100 million nerve cells, making up the gut’s own independent nervous system called the enteric nervous system (ENS). This is why the human gut is often referred to as the “second brain”. You may have been told at some point to listen to your gut or felt butterflies in your stomach or felt your insides twist into knots. Or perhaps you have felt something in your gut before it came to the forefront of your mind. These are all examples of the gut-brain connection, and there is a reason these idioms are so prevalent.
The ENS relies on the same neurons and neurotransmitters as the central nervous system (CNS, consisting of the brain and spinal cord), which helps with communication and interconnection between these systems. One example of this direct communication between the brain and the gut can be seen when one’s fight-or-flight response is activated due to extreme stress in which digestion slows or comes to a halt temporarily such that all of one’s internal energy is channeled towards facing the perceived threat. In less stressful situations, the digestive process may slow or be disrupted, causing abdominal pain or other symptoms of functional GI disorders.
The relationship between environmental or psychological stress and gastrointestinal distress is complex and bidirectional. Each type of stress can activate and exacerbate GI symptoms and vice versa. Stress is especially impactful on gastrointestinal function. Common stress-related GI symptoms include heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and associated lower abdominal pain. These symptoms are not solely psychological or “made up” in one’s head. Pain and other bowel symptoms result from the combination of psychological and physical factors which lead to actual changes in the physiology of the gut. For example, stress, depression, anxiety, etc. may affect movement and contractions of the GI tract.
It is well-acknowledged that psychological stressors can impact one’s gut, but more recent evidence continues to emerge showing that one’s gut also impacts one’s brain.
The Gut Microbiota
Some sources mention that, within the gut, bacteria outnumber human cells 10:1. Other sources refer to that information as a myth and mention there is too much variability to ascribe this information as universal truth. Either way, it is factual that one’s gut is teeming with these single-celled organisms. The diverse community of microorganisms living within the gut is called the gut microbiota. Research continues to accumulate through a multitude of studies which illuminate how the gut microbiota is connected to the brain.
Gut bacteria produce hundreds of neurochemicals that are involved in the brain’s regulation of basic physiological and mental processes such as learning, memory, and mood. Further, the gut produces and interacts with many of the same neurotransmitters as the brain, such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In fact, the gut produces over 90% of the body’s serotonin, the “happy hormone” strongly associated with mood stability, sleep, and appetite. The presence of various strains of bacteria have been associated with significant increase in activity of brain regions involved in emotion, attention, sensation, and empathy (in addition to memory and processing complex information).
It is clear that the brain and the gut are intimately connected, communicating via signals back and forth between each other. Evidence has emerged which suggests that imbalances in the gut microbiota can disrupt this communication, leading to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and potentially neurodevelopmental conditions. For example, studies have revealed patients with GI disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis to have higher rates of depression and anxiety than healthy control groups.
Functional GI disorders affect 35% to 70% of people at some point in life, women more often than men (Harvard Health, 2019). Health disparities which disproportionately affect one or more ethnic and racial minority groups also exist when looking at certain digestive issues and diseases, some of which can heighten the risk of cancers (e.g. H. pylori–related gastritis and gastric cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer, pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, and cirrhosis and liver cancer) (Singh et al., 2022). Sexual and gender minorities are also at increased risk for digestive health issues, especially QTBIPOC (Vélez et al., 2022). The gut’s sensitivity to stress and the Minority Stress Theory may help to explain some of these disparities, along with discrimination within currently existing health care systems. Gaining understanding and focusing more attention on the brain-gut connection is thus part of the movement for collective liberation, impacting all minority individuals.
Ways to Promote a Healthier Gut-Brain Connection
Add probiotic foods to your diet: Early studies suggest certain probiotic strains to influence brain function, reduce stress, and improve mood. Although there is much more to discover, a healthy gut microbiome generally contains a diverse mix of bacteria as well as certain key beneficial species such as Bifidobacteria.
Eat more plant foods: Prebiotic fiber acts as fuel for the good bacteria in the gut and can typically be found in plant foods such as asparagus, onions, berries, bananas, and oats. Consuming a diverse array of plant foods rich in prebiotic fiber helps one’s unique gut environment thrive and diversify, supporting research which indicates there is no one-size-fit-all combination of bacteria for a healthy gut microbiome.
Consume less “junk” foods: studies show that highly processed foods that are low in fiber and high in additives (i.e. sugar, salt, artificial ingredients) promote “bad” microbes associated with inflammation, heart disease, and poor metabolic health. Be cognizant of a balanced diet, paying particular attention to frequent consumption of soft drinks, white bread and pasta, processed meats, and packaged snacks (e.g. cookie packs, bags of chips, candy bars, etc.).
Exercise and stay hydrated: Clinical studies have revealed higher levels of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness to be positively associated with markers of good gut health such as bacterial diversity and quantity of beneficial species present. Research also supports stress reduction in movement which feels good for one’s body. Staying hydrated promotes optimal gut health, aiding in digestion and the elimination of waste, all of which is directly related to one’s mental health and wellbeing.
Manage stress levels: Although stress may be a non-negotiable part of life that cannot be totally eliminated, there are ways to help manage one’s stress. Exercise, meditation, and mindfulness are all examples of stress-management practices. Consider working with a therapist to help tune in to and identify roots of stressors and explore stress-reduction strategies that feel right for you.
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Top 10 Myths And Facts Of Anal Fissure
Anal fissures are a common yet constantly misunderstood condition that can bring significant discomfort and pain. Despite its frequency, there are many myths surrounding anal fissures that can conduct to misconceptions and needless anxiety. In this article, Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu, a famed gastroenterologist in Hyderabad will debunk the top 10 myths surrounding anal fissures and deliver substantiation-based facts to support your understanding of this condition. By separating fact from fiction, we aim to empower individuals to seek proper treatment and support for anal fissures, promoting better common health and well-being.
Myth 1: You are the only one suffering from Fissure.
Fact: Anal fissures are a common condition, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. It’s estimated that around 10% of the population will witness an anal fissure at some point in their lives. You are not alone in dealing with this issue, and there are operative treatments popular to support take and heal anal fissures
Myth 2: Fissures affect only the elderly.
Fact: While anal fissures are more common in aged grown-ups, they can occur at any time. Factors similar to constipation, diarrhea, childbearing, and certain medical conditions can boost the threat of developing an anal fissure, regardless of time.
Myth 3: Anal Fissure treatment needs surgery.
Fact: Surgery isn’t invariably necessary to treat an anal fissure. In numerous cases, conservative treatments similar to salutary changes, fiber supplements, and topical remedies can help cure the fissure and relieve symptoms. Surgery is generally considered only if conservative treatments fail.
Myth 4: Spicy foods and cold surfaces cause fissures.
Fact: Spicy foods and cold surfaces do not directly cause anal fissures. However, they can itch an existing fissure and worsen symptoms. Anal fissures are frequently the result of trauma to the anal conduit, which can be caused by passing hard or large droppings, habitual diarrhea, or childbirth.
Myth 5: Exercises must be avoided if you have Fissure.
Fact: Exercise is important for overall health and can prevent constipation, which is a usual cause of fissures. Still, emphatic exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as heavy lifting, may aggravate symptoms in some cases. It’s best to counsel with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.
Myth 6: Fissures can be cured by herbal remedies.
Fact: While some herbal remedies may give temporary relief from symptoms, there is no scientific validation to support the claim that they can cure anal fissures. It’s forever best to counsel with a healthcare provider for proper opinion and treatment. In numerous cases, conservative treatments similar to salutary changes, fiber supplements, and topical remedies are more operative in healing anal fissures.
Myth 7: There is a possibility of recurrence of anal fissure after surgery.
Fact: While recurrence is practicable, it isn’t ineluctable. Proper Post-operative care, involving salutary changes and good hygiene, can support and reduce the threat of recurrence. In some cases, further treatments may be necessary to prevent recurrence
Myth 8: Fissures are sexually transmitted diseases.
Fact: Anal fissures aren’t sexually transmitted conditions. They’re generally the result of trauma to the anal conduit, similar to passing hard or large droppings, habitual diarrhea, or childbearing. While certain sexually transmitted infections can beget symptoms that may be incorrect for an anal chink, fissures themselves aren’t caused by sexual activity.
Myth 9: Fissures are caused by poor hygiene.
Fact: While poor hygiene can contribute to the evolution of anal fissures, they’re generally caused by other factors similar to constipation, diarrhea, or childbirth. Maintaining good hygiene, involving regular washing, and avoiding harsh detergents, can support prevent fissures but may not be the sole cause.
Myth 10: Anal fissures are embarrassing conditions that should not be discussed.
Fact: Anal fissures are a common medical condition and shouldn’t cause embarrassment. Seeking early medical concentration is pivotal as it can prevent complications and ameliorate your quality of life. Open communication with a healthcare provider is crucial for proper opinion and treatment, ensuring you receive the necessary care and support.
An anal fissure is a common condition that can be effectively treated with various nonsurgical techniques. Indeed if surgical intervention is demanded, numerous procedures are minimally invasive and do not involve significant cuts or injuries. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can also prevent the evolution of anal fissures. thus, if you are experiencing symptoms of anal fissures, it’s important to remain calm and book an appointment with Dr. N.S. Babu for appropriate diagnosis and best fissure treatment in Hyderabad.
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itvh · 8 months
5 Things Women Need to Know About UTIs & How to Treat Them
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Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) affect approximately 50% of women at least once in their lives, as reported by the US Department of Health. This common yet often misunderstood ailment poses challenges for many women, with 20% experiencing recurring episodes. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of UTIs, exploring symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment, providing valuable insights to empower women in understanding and managing this health issue.
 Understanding Urinary Tract Infection
A UTI is characterized by the excessive buildup of bacteria or viruses in the urinary tract. While the bladder is a frequent target, infections can extend to the ureters, and urethra, and, in severe cases, even reach the kidneys.
 Symptoms of UTIs in Women
Women experiencing UTIs may encounter various symptoms, including frequent urges to urinate, a burning sensation during urination, abnormal urine color, fever, shakes, constant fatigue, and, in emergency cases, blood in the urine. Recognizing these signs is crucial for prompt intervention.
 Myths and Facts about UTIs
Dispelling myths around UTIs is essential to fostering a better understanding. It's not solely related to sexual activity; other factors contribute to its development, as we'll explore.
 Causes of UTIs Beyond Sexual Activity
Contrary to common belief, UTIs can arise from factors beyond sexual intercourse. Incorrect hygiene product use, hormonal imbalances, diarrhea, prolonged urine retention, dehydration, and kidney stones are among the culprits.
 UTIs in Postmenopausal Women
Postmenopausal women face an increased risk due to hormonal changes leading to vaginal dryness—a conducive environment for bacterial growth.
 Gender Disparity in UTI Risk
Women are at a significantly higher risk of UTIs than men, primarily due to the shorter female urethra, facilitating bacterial travel in the urinary tract.
 Complications of Untreated UTIs
Delaying UTI treatment can result in severe complications, particularly kidney problems. Immediate medical attention is vital upon suspecting a UTI.
 Home Remedies for UTI Treatment
While seeking professional help is crucial, certain home remedies can complement treatment. Probioticrich foods, Vitamin C intake, ample water consumption, and heat treatments can aid in managing symptoms.
 Professional Medical Treatment for UTIs
Despite home remedies, consulting a doctor is paramount for comprehensive UTI treatment. Services offered by establishments like 13Cure play a crucial role in addressing various UTI cases.
 Preventive Measures for UTIs
Proactive measures, including proper hygiene practices, timely urination, sanitary product hygiene, and avoiding unclean toilets and tightfitting panties, can significantly lower the risk of UTIs.
 Educating Yourself on UTIs
Knowledge is a powerful tool in preventing and managing UTIs. Staying informed about the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures empowers individuals to take charge of their urinary health.
 Encouraging Appointments for Questions and Concerns
For any questions or concerns about UTIs, seeking professional advice is encouraged. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment for personalized guidance.
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78965445 · 11 months
AV hospital's guide to Gall Bladder Health
 The Impact of Gallbladder Removal on Digestion: Separating Fact from Fiction
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Gallbladder removal, or cholecystectomy, is a common surgical procedure, with over 700,000 surgeries performed in the United States alone each year. The gallbladder plays a crucial role in the digestion process, storing and releasing bile to aid in the breakdown of fats. Many people wonder how life changes after the removal of this small but essential organ. Does it affect one's digestion? In this blog, we will explore the impact of gallbladder removal on digestion and address common misconceptions.
The Role of the Gallbladder in Digestion
To understand the effects of gallbladder removal, it's important to first grasp the role the gallbladder plays in digestion. The gallbladder acts as a storage reservoir for bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver. When you consume a meal high in fats, the gallbladder contracts, releasing bile into the small intestine. Bile aids in emulsifying fats, breaking them down into smaller particles that can be absorbed by the body. This process is essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients.
The Impact of Gallbladder Removal
When the gallbladder is removed, the reservoir for bile storage is no longer present. As a result, there is a continuous, slow trickle of bile from the liver into the small intestine. This change in bile flow can lead to several digestive changes:
1. Difficulty Digesting Fats: One of the most noticeable effects after gallbladder removal is difficulty digesting high-fat meals. The absence of the gallbladder means there is less concentrated bile available for the breakdown of fats. As a result, some individuals may experience diarrhea, bloating, or fatty stools after consuming fatty foods.
2. Weight Loss: Paradoxically, some individuals may experience unintended weight loss after gallbladder removal. This can occur due to malabsorption of fats and subsequent calorie loss.
3. Dietary Adjustments: Many people need to make dietary adjustments after gallbladder removal. Consuming smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding high-fat, greasy foods can help manage digestive symptoms.
4. Tolerance to Certain Foods: Some individuals develop intolerances to specific foods after gallbladder removal. These can include dairy products and high-fiber foods, which can exacerbate digestive issues.
5. Gastrointestinal Changes: The constant trickle of bile into the small intestine can affect the balance of gut bacteria and may lead to changes in bowel habits for some individuals.
Debunking Myths
There are several misconceptions regarding gallbladder removal and digestion that need to be addressed:
1. "You Can't Eat Fats Anymore": While it's true that digesting fats can be more challenging after gallbladder removal, it doesn't mean you have to avoid fats entirely. Moderation and choosing healthier fats like avocados and nuts can help manage digestion.
2. "Digestive Issues Are Permanent": In many cases, digestive issues after gallbladder removal are temporary and improve with time as the body adjusts to the new bile flow. Lifestyle modifications and dietary changes can also help alleviate symptoms.
3. "Bile Supplements Are Necessary": Some individuals may be prescribed bile acid supplements, but these are not always required. They should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
4. "Everyone Will Experience the Same Symptoms": The impact of gallbladder removal varies from person to person. Some individuals may not experience significant digestive issues at all, while others may struggle with certain foods.
Gallbladder removal can have an impact on digestion, primarily related to the processing of fats. However, it's essential to understand that the effects are not uniform, and individuals may experience a wide range of symptoms and dietary changes. For many people, dietary adjustments and time allow them to live a relatively normal life after gallbladder removal. If you're facing gallbladder surgery or have already had your gallbladder removed, consult with a healthcare provider to create a personalized plan to manage your digestion and overall health effectively. Remember, you can still enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life even without your gallbladder.
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healthyyhabitshub · 1 year
How to Stop Diarrhea Fast in Adults #diarrhea #health #shorts
How to Stop Diarrhea Fast in Adults #diarrhea #health #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q2BX64j2BU Want to create automated professional videos? Visit the following link: https://ift.tt/izAxXL5 ✅ Important link to follow: 👉 Pictory AI: https://ift.tt/izAxXL5 ✅ Stay connected to Us. 🔔Please Subscribe to our channel to get more valuable tips to live a healthy life: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Transform Your Life with the top Alkaline Foods| Health Benefits of Alkaline Foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i-WZc4ZXU 👉 5 Ways to Stop Bloating Fast | How to get rid of Bloating Fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVwjUdD6QF0 👉 Top 10 High-Fiber Foods for a Healthy Diet | High fiber foods list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSfocGEFwg 👉 Joint Pain Enemies Exposed: Unveiling the 6 Worst Foods for Arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90zgHZdIixo ✅ Welcome Healthy Habits Hub: Welcome to "Healthy Habits Hub" We'll share amazing facts about your body and motivate you with health shorts. You'll learn inspiring stories and helpful tips for a healthier life. Discover the secrets to balance, debunk myths, and improve your well-being. Let's start this journey with The Clear Mind and live happier and healthier! 🔔 Please Subscribe to our channel to get more insights on topics like healthy And fascinating facts about your body: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== #sleepscience #bettersleep #sleephygiene #sleepoptimization #sleepdisorders #healthysleep #sleepoptimization #healthysleephabits Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain copyrighted music and images. Any public, media, and any other business usage are subject to a business license. Unauthorized usage and publications are prohibited. © Healthy Habits Hub via Healthy Habits Hub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauUf6FRrLX90ye_EJy6w2g August 29, 2023 at 05:00AM
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fitnessdivas · 1 year
Top 5 Whey Isolate Protein Myths You Need to Stop Believing
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Isolate whey protein is a popular supplement among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those seeking to improve their overall health. However, like many health and fitness topics, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding isolate whey protein.
In this blog post, we will explore and debunk common myths and misconceptions about isolate whey protein.
Myth 1: Isolate Whey Protein is Only for Bodybuilders
One of the most common myths about isolate whey protein is that it is only useful for bodybuilders or those looking to gain muscle mass. While isolate whey protein can be beneficial for muscle recovery and growth, it can also be beneficial for those looking to improve overall health and wellness. Isolate whey protein is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids necessary for optimal health. It can aid in weight loss, improve cardiovascular health, and help to maintain muscle mass.
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Myth 2: Isolate Whey Protein is Not Suitable for Women
Another common myth surrounding isolate whey protein is that it is not suitable for women. This is a myth that has been perpetuated due to the belief that protein supplements can lead to increased muscle mass, which is often seen as undesirable for women. However, protein supplements, including isolate whey protein, can benefit women in a variety of ways, such as aiding in weight loss, improving overall health and wellness, and supporting muscle recovery after exercise.
Also read: 5 Insider Tips for Healthy & Glowing Skin
Myth 3: Isolate Whey Protein Causes Kidney Damage
One of the most persistent myths surrounding isolate whey protein is that it can cause kidney damage. This myth is not supported by scientific evidence. In fact, several studies have shown that high protein diets, including diets high in isolate whey protein, do not cause kidney damage in healthy individuals. However, individuals with pre-existing kidney disease should consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a high protein diet.
Myth 4: Isolate Whey Protein Leads to Dehydration
Another common misconception about isolate whey protein is that it leads to dehydration. This myth is often based on the belief that high protein diets require more water to digest. While it is true that the body requires more water to digest protein than it does to digest carbohydrates or fats, consuming isolate whey protein in moderation is unlikely to lead to dehydration.
Myth 5: Isolate Whey Protein is Bad for Digestion
Some people believe that isolate whey protein is difficult to digest, leading to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. However, isolate whey protein is easily digested by most people, and these digestive issues are usually caused by other factors such as lactose intolerance or food sensitivities.
In conclusion, isolate whey protein is a safe and effective supplement that can benefit individuals looking to improve overall health and fitness. The myths and misconceptions surrounding isolate whey protein are often unfounded and not supported by scientific evidence. As with any supplement or dietary change, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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thehcginstituteusa · 1 year
The Skinny on Lipotropic and B12 Injections: Separating Fact from Fiction
Lipotropic and B12 injections have gained popularity in recent years as a quick and easy way to boost weight loss efforts. These injections are often offered at weight loss clinics, wellness centers, and even some doctor’s offices. But what exactly are lipotropic and B12 injections, and do they actually work? In this blog, we’ll explore the science behind these injections and separate fact from fiction.
First, let’s start with the basics. Lipotropic injections are a mixture of compounds that are designed to help the liver break down fat. The most common ingredients in these injections are methionine, inositol, choline, and B12. B12 injections, on the other hand, contain only vitamin B12, which is a nutrient that is essential for a healthy nervous system and the production of red blood cells.
Now, let’s take a closer look at each of these injections and their purported benefits.
Lipotropic Injections
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The idea behind lipotropic injections is that they can help the liver to break down and eliminate fat more efficiently, leading to weight loss. However, there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. While some studies have shown that the ingredients in lipotropic injections may have some fat-burning properties, these effects are generally mild and may not translate into significant weight loss.
In addition, lipotropic injections can come with some potential side effects. Some people may experience discomfort or swelling at the injection site, while others may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These injections can also be expensive, and they may not be covered by insurance.
Overall, the evidence suggests that lipotropic injections may have some mild fat-burning properties, but they are unlikely to lead to significant weight loss on their own. Instead, they should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise as part of a comprehensive weight loss plan.
B12 Injections
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B12 injections, on the other hand, have been shown to have some significant health benefits. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is important for a healthy nervous system, the production of red blood cells, and the metabolism of protein and fat.
Studies have shown that B12 injections can help to improve energy levels, boost mood, and improve cognitive function. They may also help to prevent or treat certain health conditions, such as pernicious anemia, a type of anemia that occurs when the body is unable to absorb enough B12 from the diet.
However, it’s important to note that B12 injections are not a magic cure-all. While they may offer some health benefits, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. In addition, it’s important to get your B12 levels checked by a doctor before starting B12 injections, as some people may not need them.
Myths and Misconceptions
There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding lipotropic and B12 injections. One common myth is that these injections can help you to lose weight without any effort on your part. However, as we’ve already discussed, these injections are unlikely to lead to significant weight loss on their own. Instead, they should be used as part of a comprehensive weight loss plan that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Another myth is that these injections are completely safe and free from side effects. While B12 injections are generally considered safe, lipotropic injections can come with some potential side effects, as we’ve already discussed.
Finally, some people may believe that these injections are a quick fix for all their health problems. However, while B12 injections may offer some health benefits, they are not a substitute for medical treatment for any underlying health conditions. It’s important to talk to your doctor
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medospecia0 · 2 years
Epsom Salt For Plants, Feet and Pain Relief
Epsom salt for feet & pain relief can offer a lot of benefits to your health. Not only does it relieve muscle soreness, but it can also be used to help your body get the right amount of magnesium and sulfur that it needs to function properly. It may even be useful in treating autism.
It relieves muscle soreness
If you’ve ever had a painful muscle sprain or bruise, you’ve probably considered taking Epsom salt for pain relief. Many people believe that this type of soak can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, there’s very little evidence supporting the claim.
Most of the claims of medical benefit that are made about Epsom salts are unfounded and based on myth. For example, one popular idea is that an Epsom salt bath will speed up healing by delivering magnesium to the site of an injury.
The claim is that the ions of magnesium can penetrate the skin, allowing the magnesium to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In some contexts, this may work, but not all.
Another claim is that an Epsom salt bath will help your body detoxify by pulling toxins out of your body. This process is called reverse osmosis.
It fixes magnesium or sulphur deficiency in soil
Epsom salt for plants is a bit of a misnomer. Although it is an organic source of sulfur, magnesium, and sulfate, it is not a fertilizer in the usual sense. It has some interesting and useful uses in gardening, especially in acid-loving plants like tomatoes.
The best way to use it is to sprinkle it around your plants or mix it into the soil in your garden. One tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in a gallon of water should do the trick. This will help the main nutrients in your garden be more effective.
A good bath in an Epsom salt solution can lower your risk of sudden heart attack by a significant degree. Several studies have shown that people who take Epsom salt baths are less likely to die from a sudden heart attack.
It may be a possible treatment for autism
One of the more interesting topics to discuss at a dinner party is the nitty gritty of autism. There are numerous ways to get your kid on the right foot. While you’re at it, consider using Epsom salt to your advantage. A little dose of the stuff can go a long way, so make the most of it. Besides, a good soak can do your body good.
The best way to do this is to give your kid a bath. After all, you want to make sure that they’re warm, dry, and safe. Not to mention, a relaxing foot soak can do wonders for your psyche. To make the experience more fun, try adding a couple of Epsom salt-infused bath bombs to the mix. This way, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
It’s bitter and unpalatable
If you’re looking for a foot soak that will ease the pain of a bruised or swollen leg, then you may want to consider Epsom salt. These salts are made from magnesium and sulfate which provide a plethora of health and cosmetic benefits. Moreover, they are inexpensive and readily available. You can find them in most drug stores and online retailers. However, you should avoid taking it in large doses as it could lead to a magnesium sulfate induced coma.
Besides its soothing properties, Epsom salts for feet work very well. The best way to go about it is to take a bath and add salt. After soaking in the tub, you can apply a little bit of the salt to your feet. Not only will it soothe your aching legs, but it can also draw out any scabs or infections that might be lurking.
It’s a holistic remedy for a variety of ailments
If you suffer from a nagging ache or pain in your foot, you may have heard of Epsom salt for plant feet pain relief. This is a popular DIY pain relief remedy. There are a few things you should know before you try it.
You should not use Epsom salt if you have gallstones. Taking more than the recommended amount can have unpleasant effects, such as diarrhea.
Although Epsom salt has been used as a multi-purpose home remedy for generations, it’s only recently been discovered that it has an interesting biological function. The fact that it is a mineral compound (magnesium and sulfate) could explain some of its properties.
Another interesting fact about Epsom salt is that it was initially created as a medicinal remedy. It was first found in Epsom, a small village in Surrey, England. People came there to take the bitter saline spring waters for medicinal purposes.
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yesastradairy · 2 years
Cow's milk: what does it really give us?
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For a long time , a series of false myths about cow's milk have been spreading that have called into question this basic food of our diet. From the fact that mucus increases, harming people with respiratory problems, to the fact that it offers no benefit beyond childhood, to the fact that it causes obesity , diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
                                             Fresh cow milk in chennai
However, endocrinologists and nutritionists seem to agree that it is a unique food that we should not banish, unless we are allergic or intolerant . Both explain that it is a very complete food, rich in high-quality protein , which provides calcium , magnesium , fat-soluble vitamins and essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and that we can only provide through food. “These amino acids are key at a structural level, intervening in the synthesis of muscle tissue, skin, bones, formation of hemoglobin, antibodies and other molecules, for example, but also with functional capacity at an immune, cardiovascular and digestive level, thanks to peptides bioactives”, indicates Pérez.
                                            Pure cow milk in chennai
, the enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose into gA different process depending on age Despite how complete this food is, the truth is that it is not processed in the same way depending on the age of the consumer. This is due to concentrations of lactase lucose and galactose so that it can be absorbed by the intestine. This decreases progressively with age, to the point that it is common to find elderly people who have problems digesting lactose. Although, in general, older adults can consume it regularly without complications in their digestion. In fact, according to Civera, these lactase concentrations also depend on genetic and racial factors. “The populations of northern and western Europe and the nomads of North Africa are the ones that best maintain lactase levels in adulthood,” she points out. Damages for the intolerant and allergic Logically, milk becomes a prohibited food for those people who are going through a pathological process, such as gastroenteritis . Also for those who are allergic to their proteins or lactose intolerant. In allergy sufferers, usually infants and young children, it can cause dermatitis , hives , vomiting, colic, diarrhea , inadequate weight gain, respiratory problems, and anaphylaxis . In the intolerant, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
                                                 A2 milk in chennai
"The allergy usually appears in infants when they start consuming formulas with these proteins, but we must point out that a large part of affected children achieve tolerance as they get older, between 80% and 85% at 3 years of age. ”, says Civera. Both for them and for the intolerant, both specialists recommend opting for similar alternatives, such as lactose-free milk (only for the latter) or vegetable drinks , which can be soy , oat, rice or almond, for example. “In the case of choosing vegetable drinks, it is important to take into account the composition. You have to read what its ingredients are to verify that it is a quality drink, avoid those with added sugars and opt for those enriched in calcium and/or vitamins D and B12 to benefit from it”, adds the dietitian-nutritionist. Alternatives for vegans Another population group that usually looks for an alternative to cow's milk is that of vegans . According to the specialists consulted, there is no food that is nutritionally similar to this food, although the enriched soy drink is probably the closest thing. "It is important to know that it is a processed food that frequently contains added sugars in its composition, while milk is a raw material," Civera points out.
                                         Fresh milk in chennai
That is to say, although it has a similar proportion of proteins as cow's milk, these types of drinks have a lower biological value. "Its calcium content is very low, and virtually zero vitamin D. However, there are some on the market that are enriched in these two nutrients that could make it a similar alternative," adds the SEEN member. When choosing a drink, the food from which it is made must be taken into account in order to know what the majority of the nutrient it will provide when consuming it will be. "Those from cerea
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