#Desi Thalia
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months ago
Indian Grover and Pakistani Grace siblings
Thalia glaring at Grover after hearing the cricket score and Grover just beaming at back at her with the smugest grin on earth. Jason's disheartened sigh only makes Grover's smile wider.
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thebigqueer · 1 year ago
dude all i can think about is desi thalia
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eshahahahahaha · 2 years ago
praying for a desi beryl grace so we can have half black/half desi jason and thalia in the show🙏🏽🙏🏽
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neon-in-the-night-time · 1 year ago
pov thalia and luke pre-tree (pjo tv)
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thefvrious · 1 year ago
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desi snorts again, shaking his head at thalia even as his eyes remain alight with his affection for her. "you know i'm on your side, but don't you think you're the bad guy in this situation?" he teases with a curiously arched eyebrow, resting his chin on his palm. "oh, what am i going to do with you?" he asks, that smile growing. "mm... that's the question, isn't it? you'll never know if you don't try... was what you did really that awful?"
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"why do bad things happen to good people?" which more or less equates to 'why do bad things happen to idiots like me?' though she's never been one to willingly confess to her own downfalls, especially since so many people were more than ready to take over that honour anyway. "--she's not going to want to is she? is she?" the question falls defeatedly at first, before growing more earnest, curious, hopeful. "is she?"
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year ago
As I mentioned earlier I'm not going to watch pjo because of emotional reasons. But seeing all the clips on Tiktok is making me nostalgic. Especially as a girl of color seeing one of the badass fictional girls I grew up with being a girl of color is so important to me. It makes me so happy :(. Also don't get me started on Desi Grover. I will cry
I know it's not canon in the books, but i would like to have a big 3 kids bonding scene . I know not possible mainly because Bianca is well yknow and Thalia and percy aren't the biggest fans of each other. I just want to see them all bitch about their parents and deduce that Pluto/Hades is the best father.
Also I need the 7 to be big stans of Nico and be nicer to him. Because that's my child who deserves so much love and credit
Also.also.the "you are not my type" scene
I need it so bad
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES ︰ adelaide. admirer. adora. adoraten. adore. ai. aiko. amadeus. amara. amor. amora. amore. amorette. amorie. amour. amoure. amourette. amy. angel. annabelle. aphrodite. arrow. atuf. bambi. bastet. bear. beau. bes. bliss. blossom. bow. bunny. caleb. candy. carwyn. ceri. charity. chelsea. cherie. cherria. cherrill. cherry. cheryshe. claire. clarissa. claudia. connell. connor. cordelia. crimson. cupid. dahlia. dante. david. delphine. desiree. desyre. dhalia. doll. dove. dylan. eldad. eros. esme. esme.cara. euphor. flower. freya. frill. garden. harp. hart. heart. heartstring. heretic. honey. honeybee. hubert. hugh. ingrid. iris. julia. julie. juliet. juliette. june. kalei. kara. kevin. kiss. koramor. lennon. lev. love. lovebird. lover. loverboy. lucinda. luvbelle. luvia. lynn. mabel. mabel.mila. mai. mars. may. maya. melody. milo. milos. mona. obi. ophelia. paramour. paris. passerine. passion. pearl. phillip. pippa. pippi. raymond. red. reed. reese. ren. rhett. rhys. roma. romanciel. romeo. rosalyn. rose. rosetta. rosette. rumor. sky. sugar. tahlia. teddy. thalia. theo. tyas. val. valen. valentina. valentine. valentino. valerie. vanessa. venus. vera. vincent. violet. vivian. vivianna. vivianne. yua. ásta. éowyn.
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PRONOUNS︰ ado/adore. adore/adore. ae/aer. am/amour. bli/bliss. bouquet/bouquet. bow/bow. bud/bud. charm/charm. che/cher. cher/cherish. choco/chocolate. chu/chu. co/cora. coo/coo. cu/cupid. cu/cute. cupid/cupid. cute/cute. dar/darling. date/date. de/dear. de/devote. dear/dear. desi/desire. doe/doe. doe/dove. er/ero. ero/ero. eternity/eternitie. euphor/euphoria. fle/fleur. flower/flower. fri/frill. friend/friend. gift/gift. he/heart. he/hymn. hea/heart. heal/heal. heart/heart. hon/honey. hope/hope. hug/hug. hx/hxm. hy/hymn. h♡/h♡m. kie/kiss. kiss/kiss. kyuu/kyuu. lae/lace. lav/lavender. lo/love. love/bug. love/love. love/lovely. love/lover. lu/luv. lust/lust. luv/luv. myst/mystic. pass/passion. pink/pink. plu/plush. pray/pray. prince/prince. re/red. red/red. ri/ribbon. ro/rose. rose/rose. royal/royal. sacri/sacrifice. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. sh♡/h♡r. smitten/smitten. soft/soft. sweet/sweet. tear/tear. ted/teddy. thxy/thxm. th♡y/th♡m. tu/lip.| val/val. val/valen. val/valentine. valentine/valentine. ve/venus. vei/veil. veil/veil. vir/virtue. xo/xo. xoxo/xoxo. ye/yearn. yearn/yearn. ❤️ . 🌹 . 🍓 . 🍫 . 🍯 . 🍰 . 🎀 . 🏩 . 👑 . 💋 . 💍 . 💌 . 💐 . 💒 . 💓 . 💘 . 💝 . 💞 . 🤍 . 🦢 .
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year ago
aka. my favorite people on the internet
@mxnkeydo - rithi! 🌸
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance - bee! 🐝
@fish-ofishial123 - fishy! 🐟
@that-multi-fandom-hijabi - nova! 💗
@aylin-hijabi / @moondust-on-the-hijabi - aylin! 🌙
@hijabi-desi-bookworm - raven/esme! ♟
@itadori-yujiii - leta! 🍬 (left 😭)
@loife1m - loife! 🎬
@/queenie-blackthorn - queenie! 👑 (left 😭)
@/tinadablackthorn - tina! ☘️ (left 😭)
@nerdy-girl3791 - lola! ☂️
@your-localjesus - ✨
@theslytherinskin - 🐍 (slytherin bestie)
@riordanverseaddict - aether! ⭐️
@ssavinggrace - thalia! ⚔️
@dark-blue-diamond - 💎
@lucyshypemaster - nav! 🪁
@labaguetteisdabest - nyota (ny)! 🌌
@summersblooms - seph! 🌺
@notyourlegacygirl - lana! 💕 (left 😭?? kinda just disappeared)
@callas-pancake-tree - autumn!🌳
@the-princess-fangirl - alice! 🎩
@stvrlighhttt / @moonlightt444 - maliha/mare! 💌 (the best That Annoying Tumblr Mutual ᵗᵐ)
@reyna-obsessed - mini! 🔮
@the-ultimate-bookworm - v! 🎶
@queenpiranhadon - kae! 👑 (fellow cabin 13 member bunkmate 🥰🥰)
@inluvwithremuslupin - inara/ara! 🎈
@violet92959 - violet! 👾
@tastetherainbow290 - aeylis! 🌈
@svnflowermoon - lucy! 🌻
@leaskisses444 - lea! ☕️
@mqstermindswift - nicky! 🦚
@skeelly - kristen! 📚
@zoesim5 - zoe! 🫐
@pigcot - piggy! 🐷
@rachellelizabethdares - april! 🦋
@stop-ur-losing-me - kellie! 🪩
@the-bookish-bitch - 🪴
@book-girl4eva - bea! ❄️
@4114yunique - yuna! 🌟
@nqds - nad! 🎹
please tell me if i missed someone!!
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doritosister · 7 days ago
Since people have not stopped hounding me since I spoke on my experiences with Thai transgender culture and have repeatedly recommended me this article I decided I might as well give it a re-read so that all you angry people clicking on my profile can see my thoughts. For starters, I would like to come right out and say that I am actually a fan of Thalia Bhatt's, and found the article enlightening. I find that nearly everything she has spoken about in regards to feminist thought and particularly her in depth knowledge of desi trans culture and Hijras to be spot on and would go as far as to say she is an authority on all things on the subject of transfeminism and transgender identity in India. I won't go too in depth on her views of Hijras, both because she puts it better than I ever could and because what I disagree with her on is her conclusions on global third sexing rather than third sexing of trans women in India. I will begin by summarizing the parts of the article relevant to Thai ladyboy culture since I am confident very few of the people recommending me the article have read it in full themselves, much less through the lens of Thai culture, and then share my thoughts on it
In regard to the subject of Thai ladyboy culture and the culture of transfemininity in Thailand as a whole, we first get mention in part 2 of the article, specifically in a critique of Serana Nanda's book Gender Diversity. Talia critiques this book for how it looks at third sex cultures from around the world, including Thailand, as being deeper and less limited than western gender, equating these third sex cultures as being analogous in their enlightenment. Bhatt goes on to critique Nanda for not viewing third sexing through a feminist lens, stating that all these cultures idea of third sexing comes from the same place of male supremacy and gendered oppression, extensively citing India's history with Hijras as proof. We then get to perhaps the most important section of the article in regards to Thai trans women, an examination of A Short History Of Transmigosyny by Jules Gilles-Peterson. In Gill-Peterson's book she posits that all trans cultures worldwide share a common struggle under a global suppression of transfemininity and that these cultures are all unified in their distinction from western transgender identity, an idea that Bhatt rejects in favor of viewing both 'cultural third sexes' and 'western transgender identity' as all being analogous in their shared roots.
So, what are my thoughts? While everything Bhatt says about Hijras culture is true, where she strays away from the truth is in her conclusion. She poses a theory that every third sex culture worldwide, from Hijra's to Two Spirit to Ladyboy to Travesti, are roughly analogous in their purpose and their place in society. By (correctly) reaching the conclusion that Hijras culture is rooted in gendered oppression, she extrapolates this to mean that EVERY nation and cultures concept of third sex has both roots in oppression and that the people identifying with it are under an inherently oppressive system. While this is a very popular idea as it allows you to reduce many differing and unique cultures into a singular easy to digest framework, it falls apart when you speak to members of the cultures you're reducing. The reason I do not view Thai ladyboy culture and identity as being inherently offensive as an identity is because one of my closest friends is a trans woman who lived in Thailand for many years, and who lived with and spoke with many self identifying 'ladyboys'. Much like Bhatt's experiences as a trans woman from India gives her a unique perspective and insight into indian trans culture, when it comes to matters of of Thai trans culture I will defer to the experiences of actual trans Thai women. The trans women of Thailand who identify as 'ladyboys' do not view themselves as being a third sex distinct from cisgender womanhood and even from western womanhood, but rather as being women. The viewpoint that they are analagous as a 'third sex' does not stand up to scrutiny because that is a viewpoint only held by outsiders to their culture. Ironically, Bhatt's very critique of Gill-Peterson and Nanda equating all third sexes as being analagous applies here. Whereas Bhatt critiques these authors for viewing all third sexes as analagous in their uniqueness from western transgender identity, and she herself views third sex and western transgender identity as being analagous with eachother in their origins of oppression, the reality is that you cannot create a singular framework by which all cultures transgender identity can be evaluated. To use Talia's own words here, "[Thai trans women] positivly affirm with it". In short, I praise this article for everything it has to say about trans culture in india, and regret that the conclusions drawn from these findings don't offer the same insight into other cultures trans identity.
TLDR: Everything Talia Bhatts says about the Desi trans identity is correct. Her conclusion that this means her findings are applicable to every cultures trans identity is incorrect. If you want to learn the history and ethics of trans identities from other cultures, speak to trans people from these cultures, not randos on the internet. And above all else, respect peoples culture and identity regardless of what your cultures sensibilities clash with
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mxnkeydo · 1 year ago
moots <3
piggy (my irl platonic other/bestie) @pigcot 🐽
fishy aka jaan (my platonic other) @fish-ofishial123 🐟
bee @swans-chirping-in-the-distance 🦢
loife aka ma mère aka ma vie (my parent) @loife1m ☀️
alice (my parent) @the-princess-fangirl 👑
val @yourtwistedlies 🧬
bee @foxglove-and-foxfire-lover 🐝
archivist @sleep-can-wait ⏰
nova @that-multi-fandom-hijabi 🌸
persephone @summersblooms 🌻
dolphin @anonymouscuzwhynot001 🐬
aylin @aylin-hijabi 🌙
mini @reyna-obsessed 🎀
v @the-ultimate-bookworm 🫧
leta @itadori-yujiii ⭐️
ally @ally-cocobella1 🌹
nyota @labaguetteisdabest 🥖
esme @hijabi-desi-bookworm 🔮
thalia @ssavinggrace ⚡
hana @whoishana 🐚
kae @queenpiranhadon 🧶
cat @catinasink 🌱
hera @fly-inghighx 🪴
elle @certainchopshopcheesecake 🍰
shree @dafantasyqueen 🪐
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months ago
Pakistani Grace Siblings
Percy: But you said that I was a thick hoe.
Jason: No, no I said “tum theek ho?” (تم ٹھیک ہوں) I asked if you were okay.
Percy: ….OHHHHHH.
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liperlover · 2 years ago
Nobody on the argo II is white.
Ok, maybe in cannon they are, but in my head this is how it is…
Jason-Black | Thalias black too bc I say so and I love the zeus casting!!
Piper- Cherokee (cannon)
Leo- Mexican (cannon)
Hazel- Black (cannon) | Stop drawing her with light hair and white features challange: Go!
Annabeth- Black (tv cannon) | I rlly love the series casting you have no idea
Frank- Chinese (cannon)
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neon-in-the-night-time · 11 months ago
desi thalia grace in pjo season 2 like to charge reblog to cast
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ireadyabooks · 2 years ago
This one’s for the GIRLS! 👯‍♀️
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So we have Red, White, & Royal Blue, Heartstopper, and Love Simon, but where is the representation for the GIRLS? Media may be failing us, but here are a few books that will make you believe in sapphic love again. 🩷
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Mehar hasn't been back to India since she and her mother moved away when she was six. Her father made it clear that she was not his priority when he chose not to come to the United States with them.
But when her father announces his engagement to socialite Naz, Mehar reluctantly agrees to return for the wedding. Maybe she and her father can finally heal their broken relationship. And either way, her father is Indian royalty, and the famil home is a palace--the wedding is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime affair.
Once she arrives in India, Mehar meets Sufiya, her grandmother's assistant. Though they come from totally different worlds, their friendship slowly starts to blossom into something more . . . Mehar thinks. Start reading WHAT A DESI GIRL WANTS! 
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Liz Lighty has always believed she's too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. But it's okay -- Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever: attend the uber-elite Pennington College, play in their world-famous orchestra, and become a doctor.
But when the financial aid she was counting on unexpectedly falls through, Liz's plans come crashing down . . . until she's reminded of her school's scholarship for prom king and queen. The only thing that makes it halfway bearable is the new girl in school, Mack. She's smart, funny, and just as much of an outsider as Liz. But Mack is also in the running for queen. Will falling for the competition keep Liz from her dreams . . . or make them come true? Start reading YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN! 
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Fifteen-year-old Morgan has a secret: She can't wait to escape the perfect little island where she lives. She's desperate to finish high school and escape her sad divorced mom, her volatile little brother, and worst of all, her great group of friends...who don't understand Morgan at all. Because really, Morgan's biggest secret is that she has a lot of secrets, including the one about wanting to kiss another girl.
Then one night, Morgan is saved from drowning by a mysterious girl named Keltie. The two become friends and suddenly life on the island doesn't seem so stifling anymore.But Keltie has some secrets of her own. And as the girls start to fall in love, everything they're each trying to hide will find its way to the surface...whether Morgan is ready or not. Start reading THE GIRL FROM THE SEA!
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Claire is a junior in high school when a worldwide pandemic strikes, and she's in the epicenter of it all in New York City. Suddenly, Claire is forced to isolate with her family indefinitely, which means she won't be able to see her friends or even her girlfriend, Vanessa, in person for a long time.
At first it's not so bad, but the longer the pandemic lasts, the more Claire feels her priorities changing. That's when she looks outside her bedroom window and notices something new: A girl who lives in the building across the street sitting on her fire escape.
So Claire starts writing a story online about a girl who falls for the girl across the street. To Claire's surprise, the story goes viral-and it seems people think it's true. But how true is true? And what if Vanessa finds out? Will Claire be able to manage her newfound internet fame before everything spirals out of control? Start reading GOING VIRAL!
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The Haunting Season is here and the Wolves are awake. Start reading THE WITCHERY!
Haelsford, Florida, is a hellmouth. Or at least, that's what Logan, a new witch struggling to control her powers, thinks when she arrives at Mesmortes Coven Academy. She is immediately taken under the wing of the infamous Red Three: Iris, a deathwitch, who wants nothing more than to break the town's curse; Thalia, the talented greenwitch, on the run from her religious family and a past that still haunts her; and Jailah, one of the most extraordinary witches at the academy whose thirst for power may lead her down a dark path.
With the Haunting Season approaching, Wolves will soon rise from the Swamp to kill, and the humans and witches must work together to survive the yearly onslaught. However, the history between humans and witches is long and bloodied, with the current truce hard-won and hanging in the balance. And this year, the stakes couldn't be higher as two boys from Hammersmitt School prepare to make their first sacrifices to the witches in exchange for protection. But when students start turning up dead, Iris, Thalia, Jailah, and Logan realize they'll have to harness their powers and stop the Wolves themselves. Yet old dangers lie in wait, and the cost to break the curse may be greater than any witch or human could ever know...
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willsolace-loml · 5 months ago
rebloging with other characters WITH NO SET RACES UNTIL THEY ARE/WERE CASTED!!!!
im a fan of all thalia graces.
black thalia grace, white thalia grace, mixed thalia, albino thalia, desi thalia, asian thalia, latina thalia, gay thalia, bisexual thalia, straight thalia (i mean ig, if ur blind), pansexual thalia, omnisexual thalia, trans thalia, cis thalia, non binary thalia, polyamorous thalia, short thalia, tall thalia, physically disabled thalia, physically able-bodied thalia.
if you dont love all versions of thalia grace, then you don't love thalia grace
im a fan of all percy jacksons.
black percy, white percy, mixed percy, albino percy, desi percy, asian percy, latino percy, gay percy, bisexual percy, straight percy, pansexual percy, omnisexual percy, trans percy, cis percy, non binary percy, polyamorous percy, short percy, tall percy, blond percy, black haired percy, physically disabled percy, physically able-bodied percy.
if you dont love all versions of percy jackson, then you don't love percy jackson.
im a fan of all annabeth chases
black annabeth, white annabeth, mixed, albino, desi, asian, latino, gay, bisexual, straight, pansexual, omnisexual, trans, cis, non binary, polyamorous, short, tall, blonde, black haired, brunette, physically disabled, physically able-bodied.
if you dont love all versions of annabeth chase, then you don't love annabeth chase
im a fan of all magnus chases
black magnus, white magnus, mixed, albino, desi, asian, latino, gay, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, trans, cis, non binary, polyamorous, short, tall, blonde, black haired, brunette, physically disabled, physically able-bodied.
if you dont love all versions of magnus chase, then you don't love magnus chase
im a fan of all luke castellans
black, white, mixed, albino, desi, asian, latino, gay, bisexual, straight, pansexual, omnisexual, trans, cis, nonbinary, polyamorous, short, tall, blonde, black-haired, brunette, physically disabled, physically able-bodied.
if you dont love all versions of luke castellan, then you don't love luke castellan
im a fan of all clarriese la rues
black, white, mixed, albino, desi, asian, latino, gay, bisexual, straight, pansexual, omnisexual, trans, cis, non binary, polyamorous, short, tall, blonde, black haired, brunette, physically disabled, physically able-bodied.
if you dont love all versions of clarriese la rue, then you don't love clarriese la rue
im a fan of all will solaces
black will, white will, mixed, albino, desi, asian, latino, gay, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, trans, cis, nonbinary, polyamorous, short, tall, blonde, black-haired, brunette, physically disabled, physically able-bodied.
if you dont love all versions of will solace, then you don't love will solace
im a fan of all jason graces.
black jason grace, white jason grace, mixed jason grace, albino jason grace, desi jason grace, asian jason grace, latino jason grace, gay jason grace, bisexual jason grace, straight jason grace (i mean ig, if ur blind), pansexual jason grace, omnisexual jason grace, trans jason grace, cis jason grace, non binary jason grace, polyamorous jason grace. short jason grace, tall jason grace, physically disabled jason grace, physically able bodied jason grace.
if you dont love all versions of jason grace, or any other character because I will reblog this everytime I see hate, if you don't love all versions of jason grace, then you don't love jason grace
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parcai · 4 years ago
I love what you said about tradition when discussing brown thalia and jason. Like I never really made that connection but it's so relatable <3
yeah i'm glad!!
i really do believe that if ur going to make a character desi or any type of asian really, if tradition isn't a central theme, i don't want it.
and that doesn't mean ur character has to accept tradition necessarily, but it should be a core part of their background and personality. preserving tradition, razing tradition, legacy, ancestors, etc.
and that's why i said thalia, jason, and annabeth would all make good desi characters. history is proof that asian culture is built on tradition!!
percy doesn't even have relatives since they're all dead, but that doesn't immediately eliminate him from being desi. lack of tradition could be a theme w him too. but it's never discussed, and he never identifies w it, and that's all good and fine, but that means i'll never see him as desi, no matter what
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