#Delta Harps
blandvanillapuddin · 7 months
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selkiechild4998 · 1 month
Water Ghoul Headcannons
Ok! So I just had some pizza and a good bath so let's get into it! Water Ghoul headcannon time!
Behavior-wise, water ghouls are some of the shyest ghouls, and they stay in the water for nearly 90-100% of their lives. If they're up on land, it's either they need to take long rests, or the ghoul might be sick. I mentioned in a previous post that water ghouls also tend to have very fluffy pups, but that's for the coastal ghouls like Rain. Open ocean ghouls like Delta would have pouches to keep their young close when they are still tiny or would dig out underwater dens like tropical water ghouls like Mist or Dew when he was still a water ghoul.
Water Ghouls are one of the most colorful ghoul elements, of course, the colors available depend on the environment but even in biomes with little color, they still have elaborate patterns. The most colorful Water Ghouls are tropical, with bright, colorful patterns like reef fish. This also sends the message that they are either venomous or poisonous. Mist is extremely venomous but thankfully can dry bite. Dew is also venomous and has bitten quite a few siblings of sin in the past.
Tropical water ghoul venom tends to paralyze those bitten, and the effects vary on how bad the bite is.
Coastal water ghouls normally have more muted, natural colors but a wide variety of patterns. Spots, stripes, splotches, everything! Rain's patterns resemble that of a harp seal. Coastal water ghouls's environments span from your normal beach to an arctic-like environment, where Rain would be from had he been born in the Pit. Yes, he was also a very fluffy pup.
Open ocean ghouls are a bit of a mystery. They hardly come to land and tend to get big. Delta is one of the only open ocean ghouls the Ministry has. It's because of them they learned that open ocean ghouls move in large pods. Their colorization isn't as grand as the tropical ghouls or coastal, mostly being dark and light colors but on closer inspection, they have faint patterns that look like ripples in the water.
Lastly, the ancient ghouls for water ghouls are big. The only ancient water ghoul the Ministry has is Sister's water ghoul, Requiem, but it took them a long time to realize it since Requiem has melanism, so they thought he was an open ocean ghoul. It took quite a bit of research on Sister's end but she managed to narrow it down to Livyatan for what type of ancient ghoul Requiem is, so he's gonna get big.
Up next on my list for ghoul headcannons are Air and Fire! I can't wait to post the next one! X3
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delta-00 · 3 months
wowsa first post on this account!!!
Hello! I go by either NightMyth (An oc), Delta (Newer name I decided on awhile after I posted this after getting tired of Harpia, if you called me Harp before this you are fine and I still appreciate this name) or Harp/Harpia. I use She/her!!!!!!
I'm just here to post about my projects, but you should definitely know what I like!
I enjoy all things about creatures and art and loree and I am a die-hard Rainworld fan.
I also like Warriors, Wings of Fire, and Hollow Knight (though I am yet to complete)
I will add onto this in the future but aaaaaaaa 🔥🔥
I'm also a rimworld addict but we don't talk about that part
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mspiggy · 9 months
what if the Pop Trolls DID take over? (aka Troll Nation AU)
(inspired a widdle bit by game of thrones, more by all the time i've spent playing crusader kings, and all in service of a parb arranged marriage lmao... i have been working on this for three and a half years so be nice uwu)
the premise is this: the Pop trolls successfully retained control of all six strings, making them the defacto rulers of all the troll kingdoms. the Bergens were never a threat to the Pop trolls as a result, due to the powerful magic of the strings being an effective deterrant.
after a few years of revolts and unsuccessful attempts to unseat the pop trolls, treaties were drawn up determining the rights and obligations of the newly-declared Troll Nation's constituent states.
to assist in balancing the influence and power of the six core genres, the Imperial House of Pop uses the six strings (set in the "Harp of Harmony") in a ceremony that takes place once every ten years, to select the "Sound of the Decade." for example, the sound of the decade before Poppy born was Pop, Funk, and Techno; as a result, Funk and Techno enjoyed preferential treatment as compared to the Rock, Country, and Classical trolls. (this is also my reason for Cooper to still grow up in the Pop Kingdom; he was a ward sent by his parents to ensure Funk remained more or less free of excessive Pop control).
in "the present day," troll nation is led by Queen Viva of the house of pop. her younger sister Princess Poppy is her heir apparent. she rules over a troll nation wracked by the stirrings of revolution. Sheriff Delta Dawn of Lonesome Flats seems to be threatening secession from Troll Nation following the unauthorized execution of a Pop troll by a Country posse, an act easily construed as outright aggressive.
Pop trolls live in the Troll Tree, officially dubbed Trolltreetropolis but often referred to as Pop City or Pop Central. it's a little metropolitan wonder, where the most famous and powerful trolls live.
Funk trolls remain in Vibe City; their contact with the other troll kingdoms means there is a much higher level of technology throughout Troll Nation, leading to troll mass media, troll cell phones, troll internet... centered around the Troll Tree, of course!
Rock trolls are led in name only by King Thrash, who is held up by a series of Pop-appointed advisors. his coolest daughter, Princess Barb, assists him in his daily duties as ruler and has big plans for the throne, once she takes it. Rock trolls typically roam around their territory in their bands, a little like the Mongols of Earth history. a schism between Soft and Hard Rock took place some centuries ago, leading to Soft Rock trolls to mostly occupy land at the border between Rock and Pop.
it has been over 25 years since Rock has been in favor, with Viva's most recent Sound of the Decade favoring Techno and Funk again. fortunately for Barb, she's spent a lot of time reading the ancient treaties over the course of her many tours. through reading these old legal documents, she's discovered a clause to ensure Rock never falls out of favor for too long:
if Rock is not selected as part of the Sound of the Decade for more than 25 years, an alliance must be made through the marriage of the Rock monarch's heir to a member of the Imperial House of Pop. lucky for Barb, after the expulsion of her shitty brother Bash and his band The Party Crashers (WINK WINK~) for selling intel to the Pop trolls, Barb became the heir apparent of the Rock Kingdom.
tell me if you wanna hear more tbh! i'm obsessed with this au enough that i came up with three weed-smoking girlfriends "groupies" for Barb (Rock trolls are definitely polygamous) and adapted Bash from The Beat Goes On into a Rock troll sibling for Barb to compete with...
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forlorn-crows · 3 months
*Throws my music student hat in the ring*
Because the piano has a harp within it, you could class the string ghoulettes as air ghoulettes, but on the same proviso, you should technically be classing the keys ghoul as an earth ghoul, because the piano is technically a percussion instrument.
My instinct is water ghoul, because the cello and violin have four strings like the bass guitar, and because they fulfil a similar role in the ensemble; they’re the accompaniment. But fuck it, quintessence and fire are stringed instruments too, so go for your life! Pick whichever speaks to you!
Or invent a new category of ghoul entirely? 👀
i have thought about the piano-technically-a-percussion-instrument thing, which is funny that, in this band, we classify keys as air and not earth, despite the non-electronic version the keys/synth are built from is a percussion instrument!
@askingforthesun made an interesting discussion point to me about assigning elements to instruments, in that it may differ also based on the arrangement or type of group the instruments are used in; while drums are the constant rhythm of a rock band, the piano serves a similar function with these four ladies, therefore could be considered earth in that way as well.
you and @divine-misfortune agree about the cellos being closest to the bass (excluding a literal upright bass lol), and i feel like i would agree they feel very water to me. almost like that deep sea, haunting feeling, echoing the piano lines and giving them depth.
i thought earlier if the group had a violin i might classify that as fire, light and sharp as they usually are.
vocals we could assume is air, but the quality of this voice in particular is really giving me quint energy. ethereal and all-encompassing.
i dont know that we'll ever really agree on the elements, but that's also similar to how many people view swiss, sunshine, and aurora--as multis and hybrids. not to mention the two 'transitioned' ghouls, delta and dew. and really, the main reason we have assigned elements is due to the ghouls' uniforms and the papas' assignments over the years!
it just feels different with these four; everyone was so quick to jump on the new names within hours of seeing aether and sunny were gone, because they're in the band; we aren't really talking about these ghoulettes yet bc it was a one-off type thing. it would be cool if we came up with shared names but i dont know if we will!
i think my headcanons are shaping up to be:
vocalist: quintessence cellos: water piano: earth or air
with overarching idea that they're very old ghouls that have been with the church almost as long as its existed, even before the clergy itself was founded, as the group that provides music for mass and/or special occasions. this would mean the pianist would most likely know the organ as well (which circles back to that air element possibility tho lol!). while other ghouls have played hymns and the like too, i think they must be the 'staple' group, so to say. fairly private otherwise, but very loyal to the church and the spirituality aspect. keen on preserving their history. all of them well-respected and revered as 'keepers' of this history, as well as musical skill.
they just seem like really cool ladies worthy of appreciation in our fandom lore <3
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georgi-girl · 1 year
The Corpse Groom (Corpse Bride recast)
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original meme belongs to Blaze-On-Fire. I've learned some disappointing things about Tim Burtan. But my sister tells me it's still okay to like his movie since he's not really the creative mind behind them. So with that in mind, I give you my polyamorous retelling of The Corpse Bride with characters from the Dreamworks Trolls franchise (inspired by the Tangled/Corpse Bride crossover "Live For You" on AO3) starring... Hickory in the role of Victor Van Dort. Princess Poppy in the role of Victoria Everglot. Delta Dawn in the role of Nell (she's Hickorys' sister-in-law) Cybil in the role of Maudeline (until the third movie comes out, I'm casting her as Poppy's mother) King Peppy in the role of Finis. Dickory in the role of William (Hickorys' brother, Delta's husband) Branch in the of Emily (why is the title character so far down? this is not a well-designed meme) Creek in the role of Lord Barkus. DJ Suki in the role of Hildagard (she's Poppys' lady in waiting) King Gristle Senior in the role of Pastor Galswells. Biggie in the role of Mayhew (Don't worry, he's not going to die) Grandma Rosie Puff in the role of Grandfather Everglot (she's Poppys' ancestor in this story)   King Thrash in the role of Elder Gutknecht. He and the other Rock Trolls are psychopomps (death angels) who watch over Troll souls in Purgatory. Riff in the role of the Black Widow. Chaz in the role of the flirtatious Miss Plum. Barb in the role of the Maggot (I thought about casting her as Bonejangles, but she's more like the sassy Maggot)   Conductor Trollzart in the role of the General (I wanted to us the Country Troll who SPOILER: dies onscreen, but I couldn't find any picture of him) King Trollex in the role of Bonejangles (specializing in Horrorcore Techno) And Fuzzbert in the role of Emil. 
The story is this... Princess Poppy is betrothed to Lord Creek. But she's in love with the handsome trans man Hickory Dock. They decide to elope, and while passing through the woods, they practice their wedding vows, accidently summoning Brance, a corpse who's still holding his last breath. He approaches his "beloveds" who explain that they're already an item. He tells them that he's "willing to share". He then sprits them away to Purgatory, where the dead spend their time before they're ready to move on. They're greeted by the Barb the psychopomp who shows them around, and Trollex who sings about the tragic Corpse Groom that was betrayed and murdered by his lover. The trio has a good time together, until Hickory remembers his family is still waiting for him. They go to Thrash, who gives them a haunting spell that sends them to the world of the living. They go (with Branch in disguise) to the home of Hickory's brother and in-laws. The next day, they sneak into the castle, where they overhear Creek blackmailing King Peppy for Poppys' hand. Poppy chooses to stay and help her father, while Branch and Hickory escape back to Purgatory. Poppy and Suki do some investigating and discover that Creek stole a royal family relic ~ a harp said to restore life to the freshly dead. (wink wink) Meanwhile, Branch is distraught, but Hickory comforts him with a romantic ballad. Right when they're ready to start again, Thrash reveals that the dead and the living are forbidden to marry. If they want to be a couple Hickory will have to go back to the world of the living and take his own life. Hickory agrees, and the whole dead community goes up to perform the wedding. Poppy sees the procession and joins them, thinking that her death will make her wedding to Creek null and void. But during the ceremony, Branch sees Poppy and Hickorys' families watching and can't go through with it. Poppy tries to tell him about the harp, but Creek interrupts. Branch recognizes his murderer, and a fight breaks out. Creek escapes but trips and impales himself on a thorn. And before he can use the harp on himself, he's dragged off to face judgement. Poppy and Hickory use the harp to restore Branch to life, and then destroy it. A new life is waiting for all three of them.
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squirrelpatties · 6 months
Okay, ignoring the incest, the question of Trolls World Taxonomy is pretty interesting (and not something I'm exactly qualified to get into lmao). You've got Trolls, Bergens, Vaycaytioners, Mount Rageons, and the variety of critters. And the Party Crashers as a potential result of Bergen/Troll relations based on what's known about them.
Clearly, we can't judge the species of this world by the taxonomies we know; Trolls have hair and maybe fur like mammals, and likely have a "warm-blooded" metabolism based on how much energy they're able to expend singing and dancing all the time (which then begs the question of how much they must eat relative to their body weight to maintain that energy, but it's possible there's some degree of music-based magic involved somewhere. Or the foods they normally eat are incredibly calorie-dense, like Bugsnax), but they also display non-mammalian traits as well—the most obvious one being eggs, and the most important one (in the movies at least, discounting Delta Dawn) being the lack of mammaries.
Of course, it's not impossible for non-mammalian species to have fur; Trolls could be some form of arthropod, like the fluffy moths of our world. But I think the true answer is, as stated earlier, far stranger, and outside the normal bounds of the taxonomic systems we apply to Earth animals. Take, for example, the Trolls-as-drugs metaphor present in the first and third movies. Yes, the Trolls being eaten and Floyd being drained serve as a metaphor for material consumption and talent being taken advantage of respectively, but from a literal standpoint? Trolls have a recorded emotional effect when consumed and their "talent" can be drained as an essence that works as a performance booster. In-universe, Trolls are drugs.
And then things are complicated further when we remember that Trolls have an inherent connection to music. It's written in their very bones and something they cannot be rid of, and different subspecies emerged based upon differing genres of music. Yes, there were the strings, but the ending of the second movie involved no making of new strings—and, in the history Peppy described (though we must take that account with several pinches of salt due to the inherent biases in his explanation; though it was a cute detail for the scrap-Pop Troll to be the one holding the harp when Peppy said "Trolls grew intolerant of each other's music" in the same way that the Pop Trolls having that original harp was a cute detail alluding to the truth purported by the Funk Trolls and Barb), the strings were described to have been made by the ancestors when they were inspired by the Original Sound. So it's very likely that the strings, for all the power they held, were merely instruments themselves, and that the power of music was inherent to Trolls from the beginning regardless of the strings' existence. But that's entirely speculation, as canon has no real indication towards the truth.
Still, the way that music is so inherent to Trolls can be considered an integral trait of the species; and yes, I am counting all Trolls as the same species. While we haven't seen any intergenre couples in canon, with the way that music develops, evolves, and exists in a variety of ways makes it near impossible to imagine that the different genres would be unable to mix. As for how deeply music is written into a Troll's very being, while it's true that many musical numbers seen in the movies and show are likely rehearsed, there are still plenty more large coordinated groups singing and dancing in tandem with no clear rehearsal or even discussion beforehand. While calling it a sort of "hiveminding" ability feels a bit too far, it's easy to surmise that, due to their inherent nature as creatures of Music first and foremost, it is incredibly easy for Trolls to join in on song and dance they've never heard before and naturally slot into place.
Perhaps it is disingenuous to compare Trolls to Earth animals at all; perhaps the more apt comparison would be to fungi, which are neither flesh nor cellulose and follow their own set of rules. But even then, fungi don't lay eggs, so we are once again brought back to the conclusion that Trolls cannot be defined by the mundane taxonomies of our world. While less is known about the other species (Bergen, Vaycaytioner, Mount Rageon, Critters), it can be assumed the same applies to them. Thus, an entirely new taxonomy would have to be created to apply to these creatures, which is what makes thinking about it so fun! One would have to come up with theories and worldbuilding on the histories and prehistories of the Trolls' world, using what information canon gives us and extrapolating off of that, all while using real world cladistics, taxonomy, and ecology as a basis with which to shape the barest bones of the Trolls' world taxonomy!
*nods dumbly* Yeah yeah 😃 <- (spaced out mid-way through that)
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pargolettasworld · 3 months
You know the Kingston Trio?  Or that scene in Animal House where a guy in a black turtleneck is singing “I Gave My Love A Cherry” on the staircase at the Delta House toga party before Bluto takes his guitar away and smashes it to bits?  The Folk Scare of The Sixties, that’s what I’m talking about.  A folk music movement centered in Lower Manhattan, with a repertoire consisting of some reworked Anglo-American folk songs and some newly-composed additions to the genre, very earnest, the Sixties version of vaguely lefty politics, more clean-cut than you’d expect.
Haparvarim are sort of the Israeli version of that crowd.  The name means “The Suburbs,” referring to the outskirts of Tel Aviv-Yafo, where the founders Nissim Menachem and Yossi Khoury grew up.  This song is a charming little ditty about making musical instruments -- a harp of ivory and gold, a reed flute, a copper bell, and a French horn from a crystal-covered shell -- and playing a song that fills the whole world.  It’s not exactly high art, but it’s a lovely piece, with some absolutely gorgeous imagery.  It’s very much the sort of groovy, peace-adjacent song that you could play on the staircase of Beit Delta -- at least until the Israeli equivalent of Bluto comes along!
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krispyweiss · 4 months
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Dom Flemons at Happy Hollow Hootenanny, Snow Fork Event Center, Nelsonville, Ohio, June 1, 2024
Birdsong accompanied the early portions of Dom Flemons’ Happy Hollow Hootenanny headlining appearance and fireflies lighted up the encores.
It was just before 8 p.m. June 1 when Flemons took the small Creekside stage in the woods of Nelsonville, Ohio, to play the instrumental “Old Cindy Gal” on rhythm bones and harmonica, his tapping feet and strategic breathing adding extra percussion. Ninety minutes later, the 125 or so in attendance were solemnly singing “We are Almost Down to the Shore” along with Flemons and his acoustic guitar before the American Songster wrapped his singular gig with an impromptu rag that earned a standing ovation in the forest and elicited a deep bow from the makeshift bandstand.
In between, the Carolina Chocolate Drops co-founder played originals from his most-recent Black Cowboys and Traveling Wildfire LPs, revisited the songbooks of Rev. Gary Davis on “Saddle it Around,” Elizabeth Cotten in an instrumental acoustic guitar medley bookended with “Freight Train” and “Oh, Babe it Ain’t No Lie” and reprised the Drops’ version of “Your Baby Ain’t Sweet Like Mine” on banjo as the audience alternated from respectful silence to explosive appreciation during and between numbers that encompassed traditional country on “Slow Dance with You;” country blues on “Steel Pony Blues,” which also appeared during soundcheck; folk on “Nobody Wrote it Down;” and spiritual music on “My Long Journey Home.”
Dressed in blue pants held up with suspenders, a plaid work shirt and hat, the bespectacled Flemons played five instruments (guitar, banjo, harmonica, bones and quills) across the 18 numbers on his playlist. He was in a jovial mood, explaining songs’ origins, recalling a whitewater-rafting trip with Yo-Yo Ma before the banjo-instrumental “Lost River Blues” and laughing off Wildfire’s recent Grammy loss to Joni Michell, singing: When Joni’s in the category it’s a Grammy that you ain’t got.
A master- as well as multi-instrumentalist, Flemons conjured Lightnin’ Hopkins’ shuffle on “He’s a Lone Ranger;” intuited trains on quills (“Railroad Bill”) and caused his custom-made Songster banjo talk back on “Saddle it Around” and “Tough Luck” as the instrument responded to Flemons’ spoken asides and recreated sounds from outside the narrator’s jail cell. As a guitarist, Flemons is equally adept at the Piedmont, Delta and folk styles and plays the instrument as if he’d dedicated his life exclusively to it.
After sitting for the second half of the show, Flemons stood and pulled a harp from his pocket to close the main set with “There’s a Brown-skinned Girl Down the Road Somewhere.” With Flemons in command, a harmonica becomes a band; he blew and cupped the thing to produce an array of sounds before rapidly turning it 360 degrees again and again without missing a note.
The audience went bonkers at this trick and Flemons couldn’t even get to the backstage tent before an encore - beginning with “My Baby Said Yes Instead of Maybe” to “lift us up” - became inevitable.
West Virginians Jesse Milnes & Emily Miller opened with a delightful 45-minute performance of originals and covers by the likes of Ola Belle Reed, the Stanley Brothers and Skeeter Davis. Handing fiddles and guitars back and forth to each other, the husband-and-wife duo brought the mood down with Davis’ “The Sad Situation” and ratcheted it up with Milnes’ “It’s Hard to Tell the Hippies from the Hicks.”
Miller’s own originals - about her husband and German relations accused of poisoning Kansas water supplies - sounded as old as the covers they played. And when the duo ended their set with “The Fun’s all Over,” it was only just beginning.
Grade card: Dom Flemons at Happy Hollow Hootenanny - 6/1/24 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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snackpointcharlie · 6 months
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Music from elsewhere and beyond for you to tune in, turn on, freak out, and go deep into the heart of creation at the center of the universe. Or something. 10pm tonight on WGXC, 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley and streaming 24/7 at wgxc.org or UPDATE: download the podcast at the link below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 136 - 2024.04.03 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/asfrfb [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Alice Coltrane - “Journey in Satchidananda” from THE CARNEGIE HALL CONCERT https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2024/03/21/alice-coltrane-the-carnegie-hall-concert/
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Whataboutism”
2) Gus Vali - “Telly” from CHIMERA - A FANTASY IN JAZZ ROCK MID-EAST SOUNDS https://www.discogs.com/release/2391349-Gus-Vali-Chimera
3) John Sinclair & His Blues Scholars - “I Talk to the Spirits” from FULL CIRCLE https://www.discogs.com/release/4433050-John-Sinclair-His-Blues-Scholars-Featuring-Wayne-Kramer-Full-Circle
4) Jesse Paul Miller - “Ancient Wave Travelers” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
5) Ron English - “Bees” from JOHN SINCLAIR PRESENTS DETROIT ARTISTS WORKSHOP https://strut.bandcamp.com/album/john-sinclair-presents-detroit-artists-workshop
6) Dimi Mint Abba and Nema Mint Choueikh w/Luleide ould Dendenni, Mohamed ould Deddah ould Choueikh, and Mohamed ould Seymali - excerpt from MOROCCAN SAHRAOUI EVENT (A MYSTERY TAPE FROM MAURITANIA) https://hivemindrecords.bandcamp.com/album/a-mystery-tape-from-mauritania
7) Khruangbin - “May Ninth” from A LA SALA https://khruangbin.bandcamp.com/album/a-la-sala
8) Street Musician of Yogyakarta - “Asoi” from STREET MUSICIANS OF YOGYAKARTA https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/album/street-musicians-of-yogyakarta
9) Kyle Tierce - “Interlocking Questions” from THE FIVE FINGERS OF A DOG (ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) https://superspectrum.bandcamp.com/album/the-five-fingers-of-a-dog-original-soundtrack
10) Jesse Paul Miller - “Radio Cambodia” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
11) Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi - CAIRO ???” from POLLUTION OPERA https://pollutionopera.bandcamp.com/album/pollution-opera
12) Ludwig Berger - “Apparent Heart” from SPECIES LONELINESS https://ludwigberger.bandcamp.com/album/species-loneliness
13) Faust - “Stay or Leave” from MOMENTAUFNAHME IV https://faust.bandcamp.com/album/momentaufnahme-iv-2
14) La Monte Young & Marian Zazeela - “31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM (a section of Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery)” from 31 VII 69 10:26-10:49 PM / 23 VIII 64 2:50:45-3:11 AM THE VOLGA DELTA (aka THE BLACK ALBUM) https://www.melafoundation.org/lmy.htm https://www.superiorviaduct.com/collections/la-monte-young-marian-zazeela
15) Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer – “Mo-mo” from SPIRIT CRY FLUTES AND BAMBOO JEWS HARPS FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA : EASTERN HIGHLANDS & MADANG https://ideologicorgan.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-cry-flutes-and-bamboo-jews-harps-from-papua-new-guinea-eastern-highlands-and-madang
16) Lea Bertucci - “Of Shadow and Substance (excerpt)” from OF SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE https://leabertucci.bandcamp.com/album/of-shadow-and-substance
17) John Bence - Raphael, Archangel of Tiphareth” from ARCHANGELS https://johnbence.bandcamp.com/album/archangels
18) Jesse Paul Miller - “Radio Wat Thailand I&II” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
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Tom Paris - The Wedding
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♫ - Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran 
A/N: This is for a lovely and very patient Anon, I am so sorry this took so long, I hope you’re still around! Thank you all for reading, I appreciate every one of you! Hugs! - Mal  ♡
Never in your life did you think you were one for marriage. You hadn't ever really thought much about it, and never saw yourself actually getting married. You loved weddings, and you loved the festivity of the day but you hadn't imagined you would be having your own wedding someday.
That all changed when you met Tom Paris.
You were both aboard Voyager when she was lost in the Delta Quadrant, but you both came from different sides. You were a member of Captain Janeway's crew, whilst Tom was one of the Maquis you had taken on board. At first, you were polar opposites, exchanging snarky comments and looks back and forth. But the more you got to know him, the more he seemed less like an asshole and more of a genuine person. Eventually, you got to know Tom Paris the person.
Ever since then, you had been inseparable, and whilst on shore leave, Tom had proposed to you. With no hesitation, you had said yes. The bond you had formed with the Lieutenant was far too important to you, and you knew he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The wedding planning was put into motion, and soon enough, the day itself had arrived.
As B'Elanna had finished fixing your hair into place, you finally got a chance to look at yourself fully in the mirror. Your eyes welled up and your smile was wide.
"You look wonderful, Y/N," B'Elanna said, smiling just as much as you were. You turned to her and gave her a hug.
"Thank you, and thank you for the effort you've put in with all of this, I appreciate you so much."
"Don't mention it, the least I could do for you after all you've done for me. Now, stop crying and get ready for the best day of your life."
The two of you finished preparing, and ran into your captain on the way out.
"Why Y/N, look at you! I was coming in to check everything was alright, and my goodness, you look gorgeous." She took your hands and stood back a little, it reminded you of what a mum would do. "Truly, you look beautiful, Mr Paris is a lucky man, I will say."
"Thank you, Captain, for everything."
The hours rolled on and eventually, it came to the big moment. You waited patiently for the cue and with a quick glance over yourself, you took a deep breath and stepped out into the aisle.
The room was filled with your crew and friends, at the end stood Tom and his best friend, Harry. As you walked, you could feel all eyes were on you, gasps and smiles filling the atmosphere. Though the attention fell on you, yours fell to your soon-to-be husband.
Tom's jaw was wide the moment he laid his eyes on you. Barely remembering to blink as you walked, he reminded himself of just why he fell in love with you in the first place. Your ability to captivate him knew no bounds, and he stared as though he may never see you again despite this being the proper start of your life together.  
"Pick it up off the floor, buddy," Harry tapped Tom on the shoulder, and he laughed. "I hope you remember the words."
Tom smiled. "Shut up, Harry."
As you reached the bottom of the aisle, you took your eyes off Tom long enough to see the proud face of your Captain smiling at you both. That alone calmed your nerves and you turned attention back tot he love of your life. The ceremony went perfectly, and the conclusion was reached.
"I do." "I do."
And you kissed.
The ceremony ended and it was off to the mess hall for a party, everybody's favourite part of a wedding. But not before the first dance.
Tom took you by the hand and whisked you to the middle of the dance floor. Eyes locked together, you danced slowly to the music of Tuvok playing the harp, occasional backing instruments played through the hall. Silence overcame the guests as they watched you two engulfed in each others presence, not a care in the world and dancing the moments away. Once you were done, Tom dipped you into a kiss and the hall clapped for you.
Now, it was onto the real event, the partying. Neelix and the replicators had managed to conjure up some decent food and drink, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Making your way around the hall and chatting with your guests, an arm swooped around your waist and pulled you off.
"And where do you think you're going?" Tom asked and you'd giggled.
"Greeting our guests, Tom. You can't miss me already, surely?"
He sensed the playfulness in your voice and pouted like a child. "But I do,Y/N!"
Giving him a kiss, you fled once again, leaving your sulking husband in the shadows.
"Y/N!" The voice of your Captain called you to the other side of the room, where she was stood with Chakotay and Tuvok.
"Hello, are you all enjoying yourselves?"
"We are," she replied, beaming at you and enclosing you in a hug.
"It's been lovely, you look beautiful," Chakotay spoke, also engulfing you in a hug.
"It has been a very nice day, Y/N. May you and Mr. Paris be happy together." Tuvok didn't hug you, but acknowledged you enough that you knew he meant the equivalent of a hug.
"You must be buzzing, Y/N, I have never seen either of you look so joyous, and I can see why. You share a love that anyone would strive for. Here's hoping it continues for you both, and you can keep him well behaved and under wraps from now on."
You laughed along with the group, turning your eyes to your badly dancing husband and nodding.
"Oh, I'll do my best, Captain."
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blandvanillapuddin · 7 months
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trevlad-sounds · 1 year
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Monday 31 July Mixtape 347 “Astral Logo”
Downtempo Cosmic Space Synth Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
Architectonica-Logo 00:00
Uncle Fido-They Accuse Anyone 00:07
Cate Brooks-Curig 02:07
Orfeón Gagarin-Salmos Funiculares, Pt. 11 07:08
Alpha Chrome Yayo-The 19th Hole 11:55
Tomer Baruch-Bugs Fly 13:36
E Ruscha V-Breaking Clouds 16:27
Richard Norris-Gamma and Delta 21:36
Apta-TND 24:15
Alexis Lumière-The Ballad Of G.Threepwood 28:39
Dean Honer, Supreme Vagabond Craftsman-I Saw The Frogman 32:14
Binaural Space-Vintage Laser Harp 35:23
Benge-The Dreamer 36:21
Cole Pulice-Astral Cowpoke 40:07
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agentgrange · 2 years
Whats with you and Philip K. Dick?
Alright, I know I harp on this shit and have been using his specific weird philosophy as connective tissue in my field notes which I can understand seems like an odd pick at best or shoehorning it in at worst. I know that at first glance Philip K. Dick has nothing to do with the mythos to which I say... Consider this section from Faith of Our Fathers. Try telling me, devoid of any context, that this doesn't sound like a lloigor / xin (in FOTG.)
God, he thought, and felt ill. Was this what Tanya Lee had called the "aquatic horror" shape? It had no shape. Nor pseudopodia, either flesh or metal. It was, in a sense, not there at all; when he managed to look directly at it, the shape vanished; he saw through it, saw the people on the far side -- but not it. Yet if he turned his head, caught it out of a sidelong glance, he could determine its boundaries. It was terrible; it blasted him with its awareness. As it moved it drained the life from each person in turn; it ate the people who had assembled, passed on, ate again, ate more with an endless appetite. It hated; he felt its hate. It loathed; he felt its loathing for everyone present -- in fact he shared its loathing. All at once he and everyone else in the big villa were each a twisted slug, and over the fallen slug carcasses the creature savored, lingered, but all the time coming directly toward him -- or was that an illusion? If this is a hallucination, Chien thought, it is the worst I have ever had; if it is not, then it is evil reality; it's an evil thing that kills and injures. He saw the trail of stepped-on, mashed men and women remnants behind it; he saw them trying to reassemble, to operate their crippled bodies; he heard them attempting speech.
Don't get me wrong, I have my issues with his works just as most people have their issues with Lovecraft. But I can't help but see echoes of one within the other. I feel like there's a special contrast between Dick and Lovecraft that I find extremely compelling. I've seen it described in two ways below. (Not my words.)
Dick was a poster child for narcotic alienation and paranoia, while Lovecraft was the cerebral, dreamy hermit.
PKD is where reality is a simple nightmare pretending to be real and becomes a complex nightmare that you don't want to believe is real (Ignorance is irrelevant), while HPL is real and the nightmare is coming to get you but only if you look for it (Ignorance is bliss).
Both were deeply wracked with anxiety brought on by the specific form of alienation prevalent at the time. Both authors tackled similar themes but from competing philosophies. Both were haunted their entire lives by visions into parallel worlds outside our own. Both passed relatively young, and both grew to great acclaim only after their death. More to the point, the original Call of Cthulhu TTRPG was meant to be set in the era that Lovecraft's work found its audience. As an 80s source guide, Delta Green Able Archer will take place at the time PKD's work finally found its mark as well. Its a loose framework, there certain won't be any Bladerunners or direct ties to PKD's intellectual property beyond inspiration. But the PKD-Lovecraft axis just perfectly serves the theme of dualism that I keep coming back to again and again. PKD-Lovecraft. America-USSR. Delta Green - GRU/SV8. Ignorance-knowledge. Creation-destruction. Yaldabaoth-Azoth. Et cetera, et cetera.
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spyloaded · 3 months
Governor Adeleke Commissions Bypass Road in Delta, Harps on Infrastructure for..
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rosenongrata · 5 months
Behind the Stars – The Great Rift
⋯ ✩ A/N: This will probably be updated periodically as I work on them and their universe over time. If you ever have any questions, feel free to drop them in my inbox! Note: This alphabetical list encompasses characters from both Starfield and Liberation. These stories, while in the same universe, take place in different periods.
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🌌 — Via Lactea – "Ama-gi; the All-Mother" (Milky Way) 🌌 — Andromeda – "Medea" (Messier 31)
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💫 — Andromeda – "Andy" – The Chained Maiden 💫 — Antlia – "Lia" – Air Pump 💫 — Apus – Bird of Paradise 💫 — Aquarius – "Aqua" – Water-Bearer 💫 — Aquila – Eagle 💫 — Ara – Altar 💫 — Aries – "Ari" – Ram 💫 — Auriga – Charioteer 💫 — Boötes – "Tess" – Herdsman 💫 — Caelum – "Cae" – Chisel 💫 — Camelopardalis – "Cam" – Giraffe 💫 — Cancer – "Ann" – Crab 💫 — Canes Venatici – "Cane" – Hunting Dogs 💫 — Canis Major – "Cani" – Greater Dog 💫 — Canis Minor – "Can" – Lesser Dog 💫 — Capricornus – "Cap" – Sea-Goat 💫 — Carina – Ship Keel (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Cassiopeia – "Cassie" – The Seated Queen 💫 — Centaurus – "Cen" – Centaur 💫 — Cepheus – "Ceph" – The King 💫 — Cetus – Sea Monster/Whale 💫 — Chamaeleon – "Leon" – Chameleon 💫 — Circinus – "Cici" – Technical Compasses 💫 — Columba – Dove 💫 — Coma Berenices – "Berenices" – Berenice's Hair 💫 — Corona Australis – "Aussie" – Southern Crown 💫 — Corona Borealis – "Borea" – Northern Crown 💫 — Corvus – Crow 💫 — Crater – Cup 💫 — Crux – Southern Cross 💫 — Cygnus – "Cyg" – Swan (also the Northern Cross) 💫 — Delphinus – "Dede" – Dolphin 💫 — Dorado – Dolphinfish 💫 — Draco – Dragon 💫 — Equuleus – "Equi" – Pony 💫 — Eridanus – River of Eridanus 💫 — Fornax – Chemical Furnace 💫 — Gemini – The Twins 💫 — Grus – Crane 💫 — Hercules – Heracles from Greek Myth 💫 — Horologium – Pendulum Clock 💫 — Hydra – Sea Serpent 💫 — Hydrus – Lesser Water Snake 💫 — Indus – "Indy" – The Indigenous* 💫 — Lacerta – Lizard 💫 — Leo – Lion 💫 — Leo Minor – "Lee" – Lesser Lion 💫 — Lepus – "Lep" – Hare 💫 — Libra – Balancing Scales 💫 — Lupus – Wolf 💫 — Lynx – Lynx 💫 — Lyra – Lyre/Harp 💫 — Mensa – Table Mountain 💫 — Microscopium – "Micky" – Microscope 💫 — Monoceros – "Ceros" – Unicorn 💫 — Musca – Fly 💫 — Norma – Spirit Level 💫 — Octans – Octant 💫 — Ophiuchus – "Ophi" – Serpent-Bearer 💫 — Orion – Orion from Greek Myth 💫 — Pavo – Peacock 💫 — Pegasus – Pegasus 💫 — Perseus – Perseus from Greek Myth 💫 — Phoenix – Phoenix 💫 — Pictor – Easel 💫 — Pisces – Fishes 💫 — Piscis Austrinus – "Pisci" – Southern Fish 💫 — Puppis – Ship Stern Deck (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Pyxis – "Pyx" – Mariner's Compass 💫 — Reticulum – "Ret" – Eyepiece Graticule 💫 — Sagitta – Arrow 💫 — Sagittarius – "Sag/Saj" – Archer 💫 — Scorpius – "Scorpio" – Scorpion 💫 — Sculptor – "Scully" – Sculptor 💫 — Scutum – Shield 💫 — Serpens – Snake 💫 — Sextans – Sextant 💫 — Taurus – Bull 💫 — Telescopium – "Tele" – Telescope 💫 — Triangulum – "Tria" – Triangle 💫 — Triangulum Australe – "Trin" – Southern Triangle 💫 — Tucana – Toucan 💫 — Ursa Major – "Ursa" – Greater Bear 💫 — Ursa Minor – "Cub" – Lesser Bear 💫 — Vela – Ship Sails (also a part of Argo Navis) 💫 — Virgo – The Maiden 💫 — Volans – Flying Fish 💫 — Vulpecula – "Vixen" – Fox
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✨ — Beta Andromedae – "Mirach" ✨ — Delta Antliae – "Delt" ✨ — BPS CS22892-0052 Aquarii – "Sneden" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Theta Aurigae – "Mahasim" ✨ — Alpha Canis Majoris – "Sirius" ✨ — Alpha Cassiopeiae – "Schedar; Daria" ✨ — Gamma Cassiopeiae – "Navi; Tsih" ✨ — Alpha Centauri – "Rigil Kentaurus" ✨ — Beta Centauri – "Hadar" (goes by Malachy in other worlds) ✨ — BPM 37093 / V886 Centauri – "Lucy" ✨ — Centaurus X-3 / Krzeminski Centauri – "Krze" ✨ — Alpha Cephei – "Alderamin" ✨ — BPS CS31082-0001 Ceti – "Cayrel" (a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Omicron Ceti – "Mira(e)" ✨ — Alpha Corvi – "Alchiba" ✨ — Gamma Corvi – "Gienah; Dextra" ✨ — Epsilon Cygni – "Gienah" ✨ — ZTF J203349.8+322901.1 Cygni – "Janus" ✨ — Alpha Delphini – "Sualocin" ✨ — Zeta Delphini A – "Zeke" ✨ — Zeta Delphini B – "Delphi" ✨ — Alpha Draconis – "Thuban" ✨ — Beta Draconis – "Rastaban" ✨ — Gamma Draconis – "Eltanin" ✨ — Alpha Hydrae – "Alphard" ✨ — Gliese-Jahreiß "431931" – "GJ" ✨ — Alpha Leporis – "Arneb" ✨ — Beta Leporis – "Nihal" ✨ — HD 140283 Librae– "Methuselah" (also known as The Progenitor; a part of The Elysians) ✨ — Eta Ophiuchi – "Sabik" ✨ — Gamma Orionis – "Bellatrix" ✨ — Lambda Orionis – "Meissa" ✨ — V1005 Orionis – "Vee"
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💫 — Ashlesha – "Ash" – Naga 💫 — Baihu – White Tiger 💫 — False Cross – "Eris" 💫 — Diamond Cross – "Dia"
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