aureliasylvia · 1 year
Sometimes u gotta relax and slow down!
Enjoy a moment and look back at the past!
And be the best version of yourself!
#kingdomhearts #dearlybeloved #oceanwaves
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
Welcome, dearly beloved, we are here this afternoon to throw rice as these two drive down the road to ruin. With cans tied to the bumper and a dragging muffler too. They'll be together forever 'til they find somebody new. So raise your glass and join me. Here's to the bride and groom. They'll be together forever 'til they find somebody new. Ya'll come back, ya hear now? Thanks Dad. Hahaha.
Dearly Beloved by Faith Hill
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dreamsandhonor · 1 year
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voidedgear · 9 days
@dearlybeloves liked for a starter!
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"So, you're Naminé." Vanitas's rough voice is tempered by what is undeniably curiosity. He'd heard a little bit about her when the Master had left his lackeys to bring everyone up to speed. The man with pink hair had mentioned her (what had been that guy's name? Vanitas had barely cared about anything back then).
The boy steps out of the darkness and makes his way toward the girl in white, his steps echoing loudly on the pavement. Darkness practically pours off of him, enshrouding his very body in its cold embrace.
He'd heard about this girl, but only a little. That guy hadn't really been keen on getting into the details—though, Vanitas probably wouldn't have cared either way. Not back then. He was... more focused back then.
Now that he's in front of her? He's only focused on her.
"Do you have more of Sora or Kairi in you?" He asks, bluntly and without care for how rude that might be.
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sunhalf · 3 months
@dearlybeloves : ❝ i wish i'd known all this before we ended up here. ❞ / hanamyrl
Hana tries to remember the last time they'd wished for anything.
Well, not quite that. Hana's wished for death, the swift and comfortable consistent, their hopeless suicide nearly cradling them. Leor keeps trying to beat Vanitas's shit in every time Hana tries to let him kill her.
Hana tries to remember the last time they'd wished for something that wasn't death. Everything is so empty and exhausting now, it's hard to do things like want. There's no point, when every moment is the same unending and unforgiving slog of missing and hurting and regretting and not feeling. They feel, when they look at Myrl, so much their sternum cracks under the weight. The grief and the shame is all - devouring. They wish ——
They wish they'd known how to talk to the others. They wish they'd known how to explain how bad things were, at the end, before the others died and disappeared including Hana. ( hana's special. they got to die lots of time. ) They wish they'd never met the others, like that might have saved Myrl's life. They wish ——
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That they'd never been born? Same as wanting to die, just tilted on its side. Would that have even helped? Would Myrl and the others have stories just as tragic without Hana there to sicken them? They feel something at that, too, a selfish cruelty — borrowed from Xehanort, or one of the others? or innate to Hana and given to the villains, yet more victims of the failed protagonist? — at the thought that their lives might be unchanged if Hana had never known them. That Hana's touch to Myrl's life could be so meaningless. Sick, sick. Deserves to die.
"Sorry," the girl says, voice empty and exhausted. Almost says, I'm trying to die, to make it right, and thinks better of it. None of the others like when they say they want to die. Myrl must still love Hana, even though Hana doesn't deserve to be loved.
Hana wants something, suddenly. Even more more than they want to die. "I wish I'd....known it, too. I wish I could have...saved you. I'm sorry I didn't save you."
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chef-lamoree · 7 months
[🍴] Some of the customers keep calling you hot....I don't-- I don't really get that.....
[ Rody paused for a second , leaning back against the wall he stood against most of the shift . He opened his mouth , then closed it again . ]
“ well !—“
[ he squinted , looking to the side like he was thinking about something ]
“ … eh …”
[ Rody scratched at his chin for a second before looking back at the restaurants beloved waiter ]
“ yeah basically .”
[ he gave a stupid grin , and that was all his answer was .]
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feudals · 8 months
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❝      ...      ❞     tired     eyes     gaze     &     take     in     their     surroundings,     her     head     throbbing     wildly,     painfully.     kagome     wasn't     quite     sure     where     she     was...     but,     it     was     ...     quiet.     slowly,     she     finds     herself     straightening     back     up,     her     hands     delicately     rubbing     her     temples.     it     wasn't     until     she     realized     that,     oh...     this     wasn't     home------------     or,     anywhere     really.     it     was...     white,     almost     dream-like.     
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❝      ...      @dearlybeloves...      you're      here,      aren't      you?      ❞
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heartslight · 10 months
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a letter from @dearlybeloves that reads ' bites him bites him bites him ( yozora ) '
yozora loves —— violently. there were no waves of affection the way kairi loved / there were no stands of devotion the way riku loved. where tender hands had once rested against the side of his profile, there were now bruised knuckles and bloody fingers gripping with intention to harm. empty husks have no use for gentleness, what good is a weapon wielded with a soft touch? roxas had loved violently, xion had loved violently but even they had been kind in the way they ripped sora’s chest apart for their freedom. when yozora tears him apart, there is no sympathy behind the action; every slice of the sword, every bullet from the gun, every ripping of the skin shattering of the bone burning of the flesh — YOZORA LOVES SORA VIOLENTLY. 
but in quadratum, sora loves —— violently. gone were the tender hands and kind intentions, replaced with a darkness not yet known before these days of mortem ( they linger for strelitzia, the last ray of light in a bleak abyss but even there he knows his hands are colder than they used to be. ) where yozora rips, sora shreds and where yozora snaps, sora breaks and when yozora forces the bones cradling his heart apart to prove that the muscle still beats that the nerves still work, sora shoves a hand inside flesh and pulls away tendons to reveal that yozora still has a heart inside him no matter what anyone says — SORA LOVES YOZORA VIOLENTLY.
every slash is a declaration of dedication, every cut a show of adoration. yozora bites and bites and bites but every bite is just another kiss. so sora bites and bites and bites and this love is violent but it's —— love, all the same.
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
Good morning, dearly beloved I'd like to welcome ya'll to see the side effects of sex and alcohol. Please bow your heads and join me in a prayer for these two who'll be together forever 'til they find somebody new. Alright. The bride is a flirt and the groom is worse. As he's putting the ring on her, he's checking out the bridesmaids. Thinking that he might take the maid of honor's honor, oh.
Dearly Beloved by Faith Hill
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halchron · 7 months
❝ i do not know if i am worthy. ❞ / from xion!
song of achilles ━ accepting ( @dearlybeloves )
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❝ you are, without a doubt. ❞
his words are said automatically, quickly flying from his lips in an attempt to stop the thought before it even forms. it pains him to hear xion question her worth and her existence, even if he knew all too well where she was coming from. he couldn't help but feel like an imposter among the guardians of light, like he was nothing more than a shadow being cast from them. xion and roxas though, lea couldn't think of anyone better to be among the guardians of light than them. he shuffles closer to the younger girl, lifting a hand to ruffle her hair.
❝ i know it's easier said than done, but you have just as much of a right to be here than anyone else. ❞
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the-bestest-waiter · 7 months
[🍴] ....W-what do you think about your job?...
“ my job ? Hm ….”
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sunhalf · 5 months
@dearlybeloves : ❝ it's too late to say it, but i wanted to say it anyway.❞ / rikushi.. / accepting.
Xion's thought about it. About what Riku could say to make it better.
She told Lea about it, once; how she imagines conversations that will probably never happen. He said it's normal, that lots of people do it. It can help with closure. She thinks that's nice, so she lets herself imagine. What would Isa say, would Xemnas say, would Xigbar say, would Larxene say, would Naminé say — would Riku say, if they were really trying to make it okay? How would they make it better, what beautiful thing would Xion say back?
Sometimes when she imagines it, she accepts what the others say with grace and kindness and mercy and everyone is awed by her generosity. Sometimes when she imagines it, she sobs and screams and swears she'll never forgive them and they promise she doesn't have to. No matter what, she's always the winner.
There's no winner when it's real she thinks, exhausted and dim and not beautiful like either of the corpse - girls her face is borrowed from, looking at Riku. It's too late, and it was always going to be too late. There's nothing Riku could say to make it better, because there's no apology that would be real and no promise to the future that would be real, too. He may feel guilty for killing Xion — for killing Roxas — but he can't regret it. He would do it again. Xion can't forgive a sin he'd try again. Most days, killing Xion doesn't even feel like it would count as a sin.
( once, she imagined accusing him of being useless, pathetic, disloyal. he'd kill anyone for sora. he'd kill aqua and ventus and hayner. he'd probably kill kairi. it was so easy to kill the girl with her face, after all. )
There's no winner. He killed her or, worse, he convinced her it would be selfish for her not to kill herself. It took her months after coming back to realize that that was a cruelty and not a kindness. It took her months to realize that being told to die instead of outright murdered is not a kindness. He taught her that — that she didn't deserve to be alive. Just like Saïx and Xemnas and Xigbar. There's no winner because there's nothing Riku could say to make it better, and because Xion can't even hate him, not really. Xion can only feel tired and sad for the both of them.
"Okay," she says, and then a beat passes. There should be more. There's nothing Xion can say to make it better, either. "I hope that — someday you're...strong enough to mean it."
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badnikbreaker · 1 year
@dearlybeloves / riku & amy!
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"Gotcha!!" Amy's never fought anybody — or anything? she's not entirely sure if the giant inky monster they'd battled together was a person of some kind or a weird badnik — like that before. It was nice to have help!
And, when the stranger's finishing blow had resulted in him flying, it's a good thing Amy was there! She's holding him the same way she's caught him, an easy princess carry, like he weighs nothing at all. "You okay? That was a close one!"
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cassiaslair · 2 years
first prize goes to @straye​
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you will be able to choose a bundle of up to three items from my shop! literally anything! can be carrd templates, promos, banners, borders, or psds!
second prize goes to @dearlybeloves​
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you will be able to choose TWO items from my shop, but you are limited to: psds, icon borders, banners, and promos.
third prize goes to @cautelous​
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you will be able to choose ONE item from my shop, but you are limited to: a psd, an icon border, a banner, or a promo.
thank you all for participating and entering, and thank you for supporting me!!!
winners,  please contact me any time within the week! if you have me added on my personal discord, feel free to dm me! if not, please join my discord server and ping me or send a friend req!
the general public is free to join as well ♥ it’s a community server for all graphic designers, or if you ever need help from someone or just wanna share your creations!
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gumptioned · 2 years
04.     car glovebox. / 18.     “secret” hiding spot. Idk for who. Go crazy aaa go stupid
       car glovebox.   loose cigarettes and smoked butts   ;   hard candies wrapped in red foil and one unopened, collecting dust   ;   a small, near—empty spray bottle, its bottom clouded in a ring of rheum that she once used to clean her bifocals.   nora needs to clear it out.
       and of interest, two scraps of paper   :   one, a note that she's been meaning to research, adorned with an illegible scrawl of foreign tongue   (   a   ‘ thank you ’   letter, unbeknownst to her, Kymerian in nature, expressing gratitude for the wet tuna behind the detective agency once meant for anthropomorphic felines and their more familiar stray kin   )   ;   and another private photograph she keeps forgetting to hide, fearful that it may not only jeopardize her own occupation but a certain coworker's as well.
       ‘ secret ’ hiding spot.   a family album, namely postcards from her parents and a few pictures of her and celeste when they were younger.   it's difficult to keep worldly possessions when evacuating her home has become routine, but she tries to hold onto these.
       the photographs, however, are a front for the one thing she hides from everyone else   :   an otherworldly power manifested as a small, ragged stone.   she had stolen it prior to the CUBE shattering on athena, after noticing jervis' declining health following his bus accident.   its hue has undergone multiple metamorphoses, glowing violet then white and finally bursting into a brilliant cerulean before going dark.   it hasn't illuminated since.   she keeps it in hopes that it will light up again and lead her to a cure, but secretes it away not only in fear of how others would react to finding it but what it's capable of if it ever comes alive again.
prompt   ▶   a peek at what's inside.
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heartslight · 2 years
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     he’s long grown accustomed to conversing with ghosts / settles comfortably among those who once were ( was it because sora was also a memory of someone who once was? or was this the work of someone else, a mark on his heart that even he was unaware of? ) he’ll save the mental exploration of the topic for another day, far too focused on the staring he was currently doing. there haven’t been many instances to converse with the lost keyblade wielders, and now that he finds himself within myrl’s company, sora finds that it wasn’t all that difficult!
     ❛  how are you settling? it’s all probably a really big change, huh?  ❜ to be thrown so far from home ( to know home was nowhere to be found —— ) sora couldn’t begin to imagine! ❛  is your friend doing okay? you guys don’t have to be shy around us!  ❜     /     (   @dearlybeloves​​   )
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