#David Tennant you are adorkable
11thsdoctress · 2 years
I seen that you been asking for request for writing and I can't get out of my mind the idea of a one shot based of snap out of it by the artic monkeys. Where the doctor (ideally 10th but I don't really mind if you use any other) had a relationship with the reader in the past and they meet before a long time and reader is gonna get married and the doctor try to stop them. Sorry if was too long of request and thank you in advance! ✨
oK SO IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO WRITE THIS,,,, bUT,, I LOVE THE PLOT I WANNA TAKE TIME AND DO IT JUSTICE,, I wanted to stick with the prompt to it's exact originally, but I just went on and branched out tbh,,, I hope I did a decent job (after all I wrote this with one braincell) also,,, I love Ten (and David Tennant in general),, I've been meaning to write something with/about him,, he's sooo adorkable :(( ========================
Just Like Old Times (10th/Tenth Doctor x Reader)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ship: 10th/Tenth Doctor x Reader
Warnings: n/a Word Count: 2276
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It was a fickle feeling, knowing that the both of you had something going on, even though you knew the Doctor for just a few years, it felt like he was a childhood friend for more than a decade or two. 
Now your world was back to its normal, dull, and mundane manners, leaving the TARDIS was the hardest decision you’ve made in your life, but who could blame you? Not even the Doctor could blame you for a time of some normalcy. 
A few years had gone by, you met a man, and suddenly everything happened so quickly, from the first few small dates to outings, to him proposing, to which you said yes, After all, you were in love with him, right? Or the idea that he reminds you of the Doctor? Are you really in love with the man that you call the love of your life? Or was it just an infatuation?
You try to shake your head away from these thoughts since it was the day of the wedding ceremony, it was still really early, the sun barely touching the horizon, and the bridesmaids were still fast asleep, you decided to take a head start in preparing for your big day, you pass by your wedding dress on the mannequin, a nice white gown, with some blue accents to compliment with the dress, you took a moment to try to process the moment, but you went ahead to prepare.
*whirring, buzzes, beep-boops, whoooosh-*
It was one of those nights when the Doctor reminisces about the two of you, he always had a feeling that something was missing every time he woke up, and starts a new adventure, hell, even sometimes see you in his peripheral, only to be his imagination playing with his brain and hearts, 
The moment you walked out of the TARDIS was extremely difficult for the Doctor to move on from, He tried to forget everything for a bit, but it was no use, all he could think about was that it was his fault that you had left him with his time-traveling box, 
He had blamed himself that he had put you at a distance, blamed himself that he knew that he was afraid for you to get closer to him, not only of putting you in danger, but afraid to allow himself to express how much he loves and adores you in all the ways he could imagine.
“Oi! Spaceman, where are you heading off to this time?” Donna had pulled him back to reality as she looked a bit worried before grabbing the keys to her home.
“Oh it’s nothing, just thinking of visiting some old friends.” he put on a smile before saying his goodbyes to Donna and heading back to the TARDIS’ console and sighing,
“Maybe I do need to relax.” he looks at the monitor, and his reflection on the monitor, “Alright, let’s pick this date then.”
*whirring, buzzes, beep-boops, whoooosh-*
The TARDIS had landed on in a sunny morning in London, next to a beautifully decorated garden, the door swung open, The Doctor cheerfully opened the door and looked around the place, he smiled bitterly as he recognized the familiar garden, stepping out and started to empty out his mind from the adventures.
He had wandered off in to the garden, the sights and scents of roses, orchids, and lavenders had filled him, bringing back all the memories of him and you in this very place, the time you had brought him ice cream from your favorite parlor, the time he had read you a book while having a picnic, and the countless times of afternoon to night strolls.
All of these bittersweet memories flooding his head filled his hearts with the familiar flutter and heaviness of the guilt that was lingering with him for a while, it was a momentary bittersweet bliss he felt until he saw a signage,
“Mr. & Mrs. Wellington Wedding Ceremony”
Intrigued and curious, The Doctor went around to sneak in and to look who were the lucky couple. Spotting the groom, he just mumbled to himself, “eh, could’ve been worse.” before trying to find out who was the lucky bride,
The Doctor snooped around more to satisfy his curious brain, as he got to a photo album of the couple, he slightly regretted feeding his curiosity by finding the album to see you in the photos.
He felt that the world around him froze, he didn’t want to believe the thing he was seeing, he looks around him, before running to the back of the venue. His hearts were racing as he was trying to calm down, He wanted to deny that he saw you in those photos, he was trying his very best to get you off of his mind.
He wandered around until he reached the park, little ways down the road, not that far from the wedding, settling on the bench near the river, he was trying to convince himself that you were happy with someone else, but there was a nagging feeling in him that he has to do something. It was truly an internal battle, his mind was now wandering into endless, ‘What if’s’ and hypotheticals, until he was interrupted by a voice he tried to forget and  at the same time, longed to hear,
The wedding was a disaster,
James, your supposed soon to be husband, was delaying the wedding hour by hour, since his business was on the edge of a international deal to make them skyrocket in the stocks. You felt stupid to let him tend to his business instead of pushing through with the wedding, and honestly now it felt like the wedding ceremony was skipped entirely.
You tried to keep yourself together, convincing yourself that it was better for the both of them, since, at least it’s going to help the both of you in the finances in the future, but hell, you couldn’t even live and experience the wedding ceremony itself. There was this feeling that bothered you, and to take a breather, you headed to the back of the venue to calm your nerves, to prevent yourself from snapping at the disaster.
As you slowly inhaled and exhaled, to lower the tension and stress of the situation, there was a figure at the corner of your eye, walking to the bench you once had great memories with a memory, the more you looked and analyzed the figure, you were in disbelief when you saw the familiar brown suit and the messy hair, you had to make sure in what you saw was not a hallucination, you were frozen there, you couldn’t believe it, he was there. The Doctor was there.
You had debated with yourself, thinking on which was going to be your next move, let him be or approach him, 
Taking a gulp, you slowly approached the bench, mustering up all the courage you needed before letting out,
It felt that time had stopped, it was surreal for the both of you, for you, you’d never thought that you would say that word or name ever again, 
For him, he’d thought he would never hear that voice calling for him ever again,
He quickly turned around, stumbled a bit as he was trying to come up with something to say, 
“I-It’s been a while, huh?” you look down, “would’ve sent you an invite, but didn’t know how to…” You awkwardly say, just to avoid the the silence,
There was a pause, an unbearing one, before the both of you say at the same time,
“I’m sorry!”
Both of you were surprised on how the apologies came out at the same time,
“I should be the one saying sorry here.” The Doctor went a bit closer as he looked at you, “I was the one that was scared to say anything-” 
“No, I should be the one apologizing since I was the one that walked away on what we could’ve fixed!” You insist as you looked at him, 
“Seems like both of us have things to say sorry for.” He says, trying to make the atmosphere less intimidating,
As it became more comfortable and exchanging jokes and banter, the both of you sat on the bench next to the river, asking questions just to catch up, everything was easy going and breezy,
“Never thought I would land on your wedding day.” he says as he sighs, trying to hide the bitter thoughts that accompany with it,
Never thought I’d see you again after what I did.” You look away, regretting the harshness of the reply,
“Wouldn’t blame you.” There was a while of comfortable silence before the Doctor had to ask the question that was in his mind for a while,
“Do you still love me? Or do you resent me for everything?” He asked as his voice had a hint of sadness and nervousness as he was trying to brace for your answer,
“Doctor, I could never hate or resent you, honestly, for a while, I resented myself for walking out, not doing anything to get to you, or at the least-” you sigh, “said yes to this.” gesturing to the white gown you were wearing, “but I can’t do anything about it, can I?” 
“Then how were you so sure that this type of forever suits you?” He suddenly asked,
“What do you mean?” You looked at him, 
“Well, you’re questioning a major choice that affects your life, why did you say yes to this?” 
You thought about his question, it was something you really had to ponder, realizing alot of things, you met your soon to be husband at your lowest time, and he very much acted like the Doctor,
The more you thought about the reasons, the more you realized that you were still very much in love with the Doctor subconsciously. Slowly by slowly, you were regretting the choices you had made ever since walking out of the TARDIS, 
The Doctor suddenly pulls you in an embrace, noting your habit of spacing out and shaking, as soon as you realized what he was doing, you snapped out of the state of overthinking and calmed down, “I can’t just back out of this, I have to push through with this, I signed up for this, I have to take that…” 
“You can.” 
“No I can’t.”
The Doctor was about to say something, until you heard your soon to be husband calling to you, “Baby, what are you doing with this guy?” He harshly grabs your wrist, causing you to whimper,
“What the hell you think you’re doing? Treating her like that?” The Doctor was not happy with that.
“So? She belongs to me.” He plainly and arrogantly says as he was dragging you away from the Doctor’s comfort,
You could feel the anger piling in the Doctor as he was trying his best not to punch this guy, “I’d be careful if I were you.”
He pushes you in his car, “As if.” He gets in the car and it speeds off, You were hopeless, you were comfortable and honest for once in a while. As the car was speeding off, it was the uncomfortable silence that stressed you out the most, James was about to say something but the driver of the car interrupted, “Is that a flying blue box?”
You looked through the window behind you, seeing the familiar TARDIS, you had hope in you for once,
James notices the flying blue box behind the car as well, “What the hell is that?!” 
The doors of the TARDIS opened as The Doctor was now in sight with his sonic screwdriver in hand, he points it to the car door on your side. Noticing the plan, you were about to jump out of the 120mph car and into the blue box, but you felt a grip on your wrist,
“You’re not going anywhere.” James angrily says, The blue box is now next to the car, matching the speed, 
“Yes I am!” You punched him square in the face,
As he winced in pain, he lets you go, in the window of opportunity, you hurriedly made an effort to grab the Doctor’s arm and jump to the TARDIS, in which you ended up landing on top of him and the doors shutting,
As the TARDIS flew up and into space, both of you took a moment to catch your breaths before both of you broke into laughter,
“I miss this!” you exclaimed as you both sat up,
“I miss you.” He says as his laugh turns into a smile,
You blushed at his sudden confession, not really expecting that he would still feel that way towards you, however, you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t feel the same way.
“I miss you too.” you say as you leaned your forehead against his, a usual thing that the both of you did, The Doctor’s smile grew wider and his hearts beat faster after hearing you say that,
He slowly held your face and leaned in closer for a kiss, and it felt that he was longing for this moment for a while, it lasted for a few minutes before he scooped you up, carrying you bridal style, as if he was the one you married.
“The next time I see you in a wedding gown, I better be the groom.” He says, making the both of you laugh as he carries you towards the TARDIS’ halls towards his bedroom, after all, the two of you needed to rest before going on more adventures, just like old times.
======== author's note: aaaaaaaaaaaaa I hope to write more since I really love doing this, and ofc requests are open, wait for announcements for it hdksjksdjfhkdsj hope ya'll enjoyed this-
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Top 5 David Tennant characters!
Oh man!!!! This is a good one.
Ok, to no one’s surprise, Number One for me HAS to be the 10th Doctor. It’s what unleashed him on the world, we fell in love with the adorkable spiky haired slightly manic alien in the suit, I mean I don’t really have to say a whole lot do I? Just look at this face
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Number Two: Crowley in Good Omens
Another kind of no brainer. There’s the sexy sneke walk, the clothes, the pining, god it’s just so goooood. Plus he and Michael have AMAZING chemistry. And there’s this fucking scene. We all won when he decided to do this
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Number Three: James Arber in The Decoy Bride
It’s an adorable rom com up in Scotland, the chemistry between him and Kelly Macdonald is great and the final kiss is so sweet. The whole movie just leaves you with a giant smile on your face.
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Number 4: Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing
Omg soooo funny. We already knew he and Catherine Tate were hilarious together and this production absolutely proves it. The paint scene has me rolling on the floor every time.
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Number Five: Kilgrave from Jessica Jones.
SO. FUCKING. CREEPY. So creepy!! Talk about range!! I thought the first season of JJ was much better than the second and that in no small part had to do with his acting and presence in the show.
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Honorable mentions for all the panel shows he’s done (like the Friday Night Project, QI, Never Mind the Buzzcocks) and the Ghost of Christmas Present in the Catherine Tate Show Xmas Special. I’m still convinced some of Crowley’s outfits were inspired by this one.
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ALSO THE BEST COMIC RELIEF SKIT OF ALL TIME bahajaha told you he and Catherine were comic geniuses
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Ask me Top 5/Top 10 of anything!
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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David Tennant Dancing - Part Five (Dancing Whilst Acting Part 2)
Also see:  David Dancing parts [one]  [two]  [three]  [four]  [ six ] [ The Doctor Dances ]  [ Much Ado Dancing ]
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hobidreams · 4 years
♡ tagged by @kpopfanfictrash for the childhood crush tag!!
♡ rules: write at least five or more fictional or celebrity crushes you had as a kid. Be sure to include pictures! (idk what u mean by childhood, i still like some of these men 🤪)
Lee Min Ho (Gu Jun Pyo in Boys over Flowers)
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okay look i know everyone hated on his hair but as someone who was head over heels for the original jpn Domyouji, i LOOOVED HIM when i was a kid. like i had BOF posters, the star necklace, soundtracks, you name it. Lee Min Ho just has this smile that makes me 🥺
Zoro - One Piece
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Zoro is so cool y'all 😩💕 i remember being like 10 and just being absolutely smitten with his sense of duty & honor & inability to find fricken anywhere without getting lost.
Patrick Swayze - Dirty Dancing
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daaaamn i love this movie! totally inappropriate for the age that i first watched it at but eh. LOL. Swayze rly is all kinds of hot with those hips & low cut shirts 🙈
Uchiha Sasuke - Naruto
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yes i too, fell into the angst trap that is Sasuke as a young kid LOL. idk what it was that made me wanna be so angry at the world back when life was p good 😂 something about those dark looks, the brooding eyes! (tbh my bf leans more to being Naruto than Sasuke, and thats probably for the best hahah)
David Tennant - Doctor Who
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technically this one was in my mid-teens but! anyway. i had 0 interest in Doctor Who but an ex was into it so i watched it & LORD David Tennant is SO CUTE. he is exactly my type. that adorkableness that just makes me wanna melt 🥺🥺 such a brilliant actor!
♡ tagging: @johobi @suga-kookiemonster @underthejoon @cinnaminsvga @minsprings @joonary @pseudofaux @kashimalin @lamourche
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forgetobias · 5 years
What was the moment that you realized you were hooked by the charming Scot?
wow, now that’s a rather good question!
okay, first of all is of course, because I love his brilliant acts and performances. well everyone knows how talented he is.
and yes, he’s a good looking (very handsome and probably the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, imo). and he’s much older than me, which is a plus point (well, at least for me) since I always love man twice my age.
the moment I learn more about his personality, I just can’t help but totally got hooked by the charming scot.
he’s just literally the nicest human being. yes, he’s shining in the bright spotlights, indeed. but he doesn’t let the spotlights to consume his kind soul. he never forgets where he came from. and he is down to earth. also, he’s truly an inspiration for me. he grew up admiring and saying that he wanted to be the Doctor, and he did become one of the Doctor! from him, I learned not to give up my dreams no matter how silly it sounds to other people. that’s what makes me came to japan, to pursue my dreams which is to working together with my beloved japanese male talents. and it really did came true! so here I am, here in japan, doing projects with japanese male talents that I love. there are times where I just want to give up, but then I’ll always remember that david didn’t give up his dream to become an actor, or the Doctor. and it’ll give me a big push to keep moving forward. the existence of david tennant is literally the thing that I need the most now.
aaand, I’m especially weak to man who doesn’t understand social media that well. no seriously, I am weak. so again, it’s a plus point that makes me got hooked by david! I do have a type, I guess, hehe.
and some extra points:
he is adorkable
he is just a 5 years old kid who trapped in adult body
he is too precious for this world and we need to protect him
his sluttyness is literally my everything
his thicc scottish accent
he’s definitely a sexy dilf for me (and yes I’d like to fuck him, for real)
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tenandtate · 5 years
It’s so wonderful to see new Ten/Donna blogs appearing 12 years after they stole our hearts! ♥️
Awww hello! 🙈☺️
I will always adore that adorkable duo; A timeless pairing
I was worried when setting up this blog because I didn’t know if I was too late to the party tbh😂
Plus one of the things you will never get over in life is the beauty of David Tennant
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anazenart · 5 years
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Anazen's Perfect Man: a Short Dialogue
I find it so funny when people act like I haven’t found a man yet because I’m not shopping at the right place. Like there’s a build-a-man store or starbucks drink order equivalent.
But if there was, I'm sure my order would go something like this:
“Hello! Yes, I am here to get a man. I’ve been wanting one for a while now but never made the time to get one ordered. Right, so, is this one of those places where I can mix and match, or is it just preset models? I can mix and match! Great, wonderful, ah…. Let’s see…. So many options. I guess I really should have been deciding while I was waiting in line. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting - oh you’re not sure what you want either? Fantastic! So by the time I’m done, you’ll have it all worked and won’t appear like the goose I’m being. I know, right? Okay, so, let’s just dive in. Nothing’s final until you press a certain button, right? Awesome! So, let’s start with… Benedict Cumbercatch’s voice and eyes. Have to have those. Oh, look! Hugh Jackman! Definitely have to have him in there. Give me a few squirts of his charisma and several dollops of his sweetness. Speaking of sweetness, I’d like the sweet enthusiasm of Robert Irwin. Very good, off to a great start. Add in some of Chris Evan’s sincerity, and that lovely smoulder if you think it won’t clash with anything. And I would like some prominent cheekbones. Any recommendations? Nah, Depp has kinda lost his charm for me. What about that other guy, the one in Cheeky Blinders? Cillian Murphy! Yes, that’s the one. His cheekbones, if you please. Oh, the hair! Almost forgot about the hair. How about... Matt Bomber’s hair, but a touch darker? Yes, please, darkest you can make it. How about we add the adorkableness of Yuzuru Hanyu, because really, who could resist that? Now I would like a decent amount of intelligence, but I know balancing that out can be tricky, so I don’t want super-genius. Oh, I can put a fictional character’s intelligence? Oh that’s wonderful! Because I don’t know any major living smart people. I’m sure a lot of girls ask for Einstein intelligence and then regret it. Then let’s do Indiana Jones intelligence (that way he’ll be bookworm smart and ingenuitive). Now since I’m ordering the perfect guy anyway, let’s give him Bruce Lee’s martial arts skills; not only would I get a live in bodyguard but then I wouldn’t have to pay for lessons. Bonus! And before I forget, could you put in a bit of Michael Fassbender’s curiosity and wonder? I saw him on some late night show where he wanted to pet all the guest animals and it was just too cute. I definitely need this guy to be funny, so let’s put Jensen Ackles’s goofiness combined with a bit of Wesley’s wit, the guy from the Princess Bride (since I can add fictional character traits anyway). And now, for the most important part; this is the part that I need right no matter what. If nothing else, I want this: I’d like David Tennant’s legs in skinny jeans. Yes, I think that will be all. So the grand total is? … oh, my. That is quite a lot. Hmm… not sure I can afford that. And that’s just the standard price for the mix and match option? All additional elements added are extra each? Wow, that adds up fast, doesn’t it? Well, I think I’ll just look around at the preset models and see if any of them catch my fancy. And all their prices are shown? Good, that’s good…”
Needless to say, even the preset models would be too much money and I would be back to trying to find a free one on my own. Yay…
Art and story by @anazenart
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theaccursedninth · 7 years
*Slides this URL across the table*
Send me a url and I’ll answer the following;;
Opinion on;
Character in general:So I have mixed feelings about Kilgrave. Part of me can’t believe that was even David Tennant…like damn. Same accent as the Doctor, but wow…just really impressed by his performance. However, I think it’s my fondness for the Doctor that like prevents me from hating him completely XD; he’s such a…I don’t know. An awful person but at the same time when you look at what he’s been through–it’s like “explains his behavior but doesn’t excuse it.” So as a character he’s super fascinating and heartbreaking but my gosh my skin crawled more than once watching Jessica Jones. How they play them:Maybe it’s just because Malekith is even worse than Kilgrave as an individual but your portrayal is far less…not skeevy, but he’s definitely more sympathetic and kind of adorkable. And I like that…but again it could be that compared to my muse, Kilgrave is a schoolyard bully at best. I do like that you really incorporate his past and think carefully about all his little quirks–he feels like multidimensional character and that’s good, or rather, good for me. There’s a lot of wrong ways to write Kilgrave but you don’t touch on any of them. The Mun:I’m still baffled by how far we’ve come with these two. I had no idea what I’d be getting into when I followed you, for some reason I thought you’d be one of those self-dubbed ‘elitist’ rpers and I am sooooooo glad that’s not true. 
Do I:
RP with them:Yes! Want to RP with them:XD I do. I love how different Tennant!Malekith is and how Kilgrave actually brings out the worst in him, as opposed to say, someone from his past. I mean there’s some ground there and it’s pretty impressive that Malekith has learned to care for someone else, someone new and human, but these two are, as you know, a right mess. It’s fun xD
What is my;
Overall Opinion:Guys, I know Kilgrave can be a controversial character but if you’re looking to write with one, definitely check this blog out. Seriously. So much fun XD
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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