#DaTzu fluff
nr1chaedickrider · 8 months
And then I go and spoil it all, by saying something stupid like - i love you.
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Tzuyu never thought that a walk in the snow could turn into talking with the nerdy pianist of the school band.
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Love is a strong feeling.
It can do you good,
It can hurt you.
So is hate.
Two strong feelings that can affect you, that change how you talk to a person, how you think about them, how you feel about them.
For Tzuyu, however, these feelings are too strong.
She tries to ignore them.
Emphasize, she tries.
Desperately, she places her brush on a small table next to her.
She doesn't like what she has drawn on her canvas.
And it's not because it looks bad, no, Tzuyu would say of herself that she's actually pretty good at it, there's always someone to compliment her on her work.
It's more that the drawing looks too much like that one girl.
Better said, Dahyun.
Very talented, loves music and plays in the school band. Tzuyu has English and art with her.
Tzuyu is also in love.
Whether you can even call it being in love is the question.
Tzuyu would probably never say "I love dahyun" because she thinks it's stupid.
They are friends, have met up several times, sit next to each other in English and Art classes.
But for Tzuyu, it's one-sided love - because Dahyun would definitely not love the quiet girl who isn't good at anything except art.
Tzuyu lets out a sigh and looks beside her, out of the window.
The streets full of snow, the sky dark blue, a few lanterns illuminating everything.
She decides to go out, maybe it will help her get inspired to draw something.
Something that has nothing to do with Dahyun?
She puts on her coat, a scarf around her neck.
She turns off all the lights before closing the door and going out.
Every time she takes a step in the rather deep snow there is a muffled sound, somehow annoying but somehow also so pleasant.
Sometimes an old couple walks past her, or people walking their dog.
And Tzuyu thinks about how all these people have their own lives, how interesting it actually is.
And as she walks on, she hears a voice calling out to her.
At first she thinks it's her mother nagging her for dressing too thinly for such cold weather.
But when she turns around and looks at who has actually called her,
she is standing right in front of Dahyun.
She has a smile on her lips, and just like Tzuyu, she's also wearing a coat and a scarf (which is actually too big for her, but Tzuyu thinks it's cute).
"Oh, Dahyun," Tzuyu replies with a smile.
She hopes the smile doesn't look too fake, because she wasn't planning to meet Dahyun during the walk, when she actually wanted to let all the things disappear from her mind in peace.
If you want to be a little more extreme, Dahyun is actually the reason why Tzuyu is out here at all, even though she could be at home, in the warmth, alone.
"What are you doing here?" Tzuyu asks as the two start walking side by side, because she knows that Dahyun lives much further away, she knows that Dahyun has a small park pretty much next to her, so why is she right here?
"Honestly, I have no idea. I'm looking for inspiration for a song, a project in my music class, and I was thinking I need to go somewhere, somewhere I don't go often, for new thoughts" she says with a small smile, "and you?" she asks.
Tzuyu ponders a little, thinking about how she should phrase it.
Because somehow Dahyun has the same motive as her.
Only with slight differences.
"I wanted to draw, but I couldn't concentrate," answers Tzuyu.
It's not actually a lie.
But Tzuyu prefers to leave out some details.
"It looks like we're here for the same reasons," says Dahyun and laughs a little.
Tzuyu would like to turn around right now and find an excuse why she supposedly has to leave.
Because she doesn't want to make pointless small talk, she doesn't want to hear Dahyun's laughter, which only makes her fall in love with her even more.
As the two walk on, Dahyun stops in front of a frozen lake.
Tzuyu looks at the lake first, it's beautiful, something she could draw.
But she is quickly distracted by Dahyun, she looks at her, examining her side profile.
And when Dahyun suddenly looks at her, she blushes, quickly looks back at the lake and hopes that Dahyun doesn't think too much about it.
What happens inside Tzuyu is that she says the next sentences, that she dares to say something she was senselessly afraid of.
"I like you"
Tzuyu says, her eyes focused only on the lake, she's too scared to look at Dahyun.
"I like you too, of course" Dahyun replies, but she's immediately confused when Tzuyu lets out a laugh.
"Not the way you think" Tzuyu says, and Dahyun looks at her, a thousand questions in her head.
Tzuyu is still looking at the lake.
"I love you" says Tzuyu.
It's silent, except for the breathing of the two of them and Tzuyu's words, it's completely silent.
This scene is like a cliché, like in those high school movies, Tzuyu thinks to herself.
And maybe she also hopes that it ends like in a high school movie - that Dahyun loves her too.
Dahyun doesn't answer, but just lets Tzuyu talk.
"I.. I don't know how it happened, but I hate it. Maybe I should hate you because you're good at everything, because you're somehow so perfect.... But somehow..." Tzuyu starts to say, her eyes full of tears, gaze still fixed on the water in front of her.
"I'm sorry" she says.
"I never wanted this" she adds.
"So please, just stop giving me hope, don't go for a walk here, do it at your place..." she says.
Dahyun feels like she has even heard a sob.
She looks at Tzuyu.
And maybe it's stupid what she wants to do, but Dahyun couldn't care less.
"Tzuyu," she says, but she doesn't respond.
"Tzuyu look at me" she says, and this time she responds, she turns to Dahyun and looks at her, a tear running down her cheek.
Dahyun stretches out her hand and Tzuyu feels like she's about to get a slap in the face for being so stupid, for having feelings for Dahyun.
But no.
Dahyun runs her thumb over Tzuyu's cheek, wiping away her tear.
Tzuyu looks at her in confusion.
"You're stupid," says Dahyun.
Dahyun stands on her tiptoes and comes closer, her lips landing on Tzuyu's.
Dahyun's lips on Tzuyu's?
And before it can come to anything more - Dahyun pulls back, goes back to her actual size.
Tzuyu looks at her, confused.
"I'll see you on Monday," Dahyun says and walks away.
Tzuyu doesn't move, she thinks over everything that has happened in the last few minutes.
And before she can somehow, finally, react, Dahyun is already out of sight.
The sunrise looks beautiful.
Usually people stay awake to watch the sunset, but Tzuyu always preferred the sunrise.
She doesn't know why.
She looks at her canvas, and this time it is not a person who is painted on it.
On the canvas you can see a frozen lake.
Something that to other eyes only shows beautiful nature is much more to Tzuyu.
At the bottom, in a small corner, she paints a little heart.
And she smiles, because this time it has something to do with Dahyun, and this time she wanted it that way.
Dahyun has inspired her to do something that Tzuyu should have done a long time ago.
Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears her cell phone ring twice.
'Two new messages:
Tell me what you think,
*audio file attached*'
Tzuyu blinks once, then twice, and then a third time to see if it's really true.
The title of the audio file is what shocks Tzuyu, something that gives her a tingle in her stomach.
'Frozen Lake - A love song'
Tzuyu picks up her cell phone and lies down on her bed, cell phone beside her as she turns the volume all the way up and listens to the audio file.
The melody played by the piano, something that immediately reminds you of winter.
Tzuyu feels herself smiling like an idiot.
Dahyun sings softly, gently, and yet so pleasantly.
Words about love, about a sudden confession.
And when it's finished, Tzuyu picks up her cell phone and writes -
'So I inspired you?'
'Always.' replies Dahyun.
Tzuyu smiles as she stares at the messages.
Suddenly, however, Dahyun's words come back to her.
"See you on Monday"
And Tzuyu suddenly realizes,
Monday is a public holiday.
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allfortzu · 7 months
keep it going all night (don't stop)
-- dahyun / tzuyu, 3.55k. smut // overstimulation, exhibitionism. dahyun's just a liiittle mean and sana makes a brief appearance // MEN DNI
where do they get all this energy, anyway?
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dahyun doesn't know where tzuyu gets all this energy. 
“i- i can't, tzu,” she pants, pushing at tzuyu's wrist. 
her eyes are already falling close, and she's all but knocked out in between laboured breaths and weak trembles.
tzuyu, on the other hand, still has a palm on her thigh and the same lidded gaze she had when she dipped her fingers under dahyun's shorts an hour ago.
though, she obeys anyway and pulls back her hand.
“are you okay?” she asks, voice exceptionally tender despite her messily wet fingers. 
“mhm,” dahyun mumbles, head lolling to the side. “you were… really good.” 
there's a pleasant buzz in her tummy that could coax her to sleep any moment, but she also desperately wants to repay the pleasure.
“are you?” dahyun continues, urging tzuyu to come closer. 
“i am if you are,” tzuyu grins. 
she lays a reassuring kiss on the tip of dahyun's nose, calming dahyun's heartbeat, but dahyun isn't quite convinced. 
“that means you're not.” 
tzuyu only keeps smiling. she brushes stray wisps of hair off dahyun's forehead, even though dahyun's sure it's too messy at this point to be saved. “sleep, unnie. i’ll clean up.” 
dahyun throws an arm over tzuyu's neck to keep her in place. 
they're not even undressed, so she can't imagine tzuyu's had enough already. 
“i'm not sleepy. tell me what you're thinking about, please?”
she plays with the baby hair on the back of tzuyu's neck idly, intent on looking right into tzuyu's eyes. 
tzuyu has never been the type to get off from just being on the giving end – dahyun knows she's thinking about something; knows she wants more.
“unnie, don't look at me like that.” 
“like i want to know what filthy thoughts you're having right now?” 
tzuyu bites her bottom lip, eyes darting. “... i don't know if you'll like it.” 
dahyun slips her palm down the tzuyu's cheek, bringing tzuyu's focus back on her. “i'll love it as long as it makes you feel good, you know that.” 
their eyes meet for only a moment before tzuyu panics again. “you don't have to if you don't want to.” 
dahyun lets out an endeared chuckle. “i don't think i'll ever not want to try, but i promise.” 
tzuyu sucks in a breath and lays her forehead on dahyun's shoulder. 
“okay,” she says, then swallows. 
“can you be a little, um… mean...? to me?” 
dahyun's frowns slightly at the unfamiliar suggestion. 
she knew tzuyu loved being praised, but this sounded like the complete opposite.
“like, calling you a… slut?” dahyun tries. 
“no!” tzuyu jolts up, though still awfully flustered. “not… not the names, but something like that. just… i don't know. like… be mean, but still say i'm good..”
dahyun's mind blanks for a second, then suddenly there's warmth blossoming from the base of her neck up to her cheeks, and her imagination runs a little. 
she wonders how long tzuyu has been thinking about this – and how tzuyu has only now just told her about it. a part of dahyun flushes at the thought of tzuyu becoming even more submissive under her, but another part of her melts at tzuyu's vulnerability. 
before she can conjure up a coherent response, one that could encapsulate all her feelings, tzuyu pulls away to stand up. 
she presses her palms over her face to cover its reddening hue, embarrassed. “it's okay, forget it.” 
dahyun reacts instantly. “no, let's try.”  
she scrambles to stand up, reaching out to touch tzuyu's elbow reassuringly. she gently tugs tzuyu hands down, prompting her to look at her, careful. 
“really?” tzuyu asks meekly. her palms fall from her cheeks, but dahyun can still feel the tension in her shoulders. 
“really,” dahyun catches her wrist and intertwines their fingers, rubbing her thumb soothingly. 
she steps closer, then whispers carefully into tzuyu's ear; lets her breath hit tzuyu's jaw. “just tell me when to stop.” 
tzuyu's heart flips and she feels like she should say something – but all the words stuck in her throat come out as a squeak when dahyun kisses the skin right below her earlobe, slow and soft.
“hyun– ”
“sit down, baby,” dahyun husks, in her velvety low timbre that always makes tzuyu melt.
tzuyu sits and stares up wordlessly as dahyun moves to straddle her lap. her hands automatically find purchase on dahyun's waist before dahyun pushes them away.
“no touching.”
tzuyu pouts. “unnie…”
dahyun pinches her cheeks and raises her brows cheekily. “do you want me to tie you up too?” 
she means it as a joke, but then tzuyu starts pursing her lips and clutching at the sheets, and dahyun knows how to read her all too well. 
she scratches tzuyu's chin lightly, smirking. “i'll use the silk, hm?” 
they don't use restraints much, or toys for that matter, but dahyun guesses this is special enough of an occasion. 
as she rifles through their closet for that largely untouched box, tzuyu remains frozen in place.
“i said no touching, not no moving,” dahyun chuckles, returning to her lap once again. 
there's a nagging voice in the back of her head telling her to be mean, but she also really can't help pampering whenever tzuyu freezes up like that, too shy to make a move. it reminds her of their first time together – though, in a way, this was their first time, too, doing something a little different.
dahyun traces her fingers from tzuyu's shoulder blades down her wrists, then brings tzuyu's palms together in between them. 
her gaze darts back up to tzuyu's eyes, a silent request for permission that is promptly given under dilated pupils and anticipating nods.
tzuyu's skin looks incredibly pretty against white silk, dahyun realises. maybe they should touch that box more. 
“you are a sight to behold, tzu,” she whispers, almost struck breathless. 
dahyun pushes tzuyu back, dragging her bounded hands over her head as she falls.
she tries taking it all in – tzuyu's doe eyes, tzuyu's already heaving chest, tzuyu under her. she doesn't think she could ever tire of this sight. 
“i'll stop everything the moment you say stop, okay? or just put your arms down and tap my shoulder twice.”
“i can take it,” tzuyu insists. 
dahyun smiles. she barely even has to set the mood – tzuyu's brought herself all the way in. 
“already so eager to please – aren't you such a good girl?”  
she knows it's contrary to what tzuyu had requested, but she also knows praise gets tzuyu going just as well. 
by the looks of tzuyu biting her bottom lip and as red as dahyun has ever seen her before, she's absolutely right about it. 
dahyun presses her wrists into the mattress forcefully. “keep your hands up here for me, dear.” 
she leans over to give tzuyu a kiss, but when tzuyu turns her face to try and capture her lips, she stops just short of them.
“not yet,” she juts. 
tzuyu gapes a little, surprised. 
dahyun lays a peck on her cheek. “that'd be too nice, wouldn't it?” 
a tinge of helplessness flashes across tzuyu's face, but dahyun ignores it in favour of peppering kisses down her jaw, nipping lightly. her hands move to tzuyu's waist, nails scratching against skin as she hikes tzuyu's shirt up. 
it's enough to make tzuyu squirm as she tries to keep her arms above her head, brows furrowed tight.
dahyun palms her over her bra and she lets out a whimper. her back arches immediately, curving into dahyun. 
“you like this?” 
dahyun pushes the fabric up higher and pinches a hardened nipple, before running over it with her thumb. tzuyu yelps in response, shoulders shrinking as her body twists. her hips rise instinctively, but dahyun keeps her down. 
tzuyu has never been vocal in bed, not past those quiet sounds that leave the back of her throat, and dahyun has never minded it – though, today seemed like the perfect day to try something new. 
“you're breathing so hard… and we haven't even done anything,” dahyun muses.
she drags her other finger between tzuyu's chest, then over the dips of tzuyu's ribs as it tenses under her touch. tzuyu's shirt is bunched up at her collarbone, so dahyun can only imagine it's even more suffocating for her than usual. 
“you want me to touch you that bad?” 
she's not one to tease this much, but she lets it roll off her tongue anyway, and watches tzuyu's reaction. 
tzuyu's pulse races beneath her fingers, skin on fire. 
dahyun leans forward, tilting tzuyu's chin towards her, coy and calculating. 
“you want unnie to use you?” 
tzuyu stiffens under her. 
for a moment, dahyun's afraid she might’ve said the wrong thing. she's ready to drop it all and apologise –
but then tzuyu nods, eyes pleading, stomach undeniably clenching under her.
dahyun raises a brow. 
“you're so filthy, tzu.” 
tzuyu doesn't deny it; only ruts her hips in an effort to draw dahyun's attention there. 
“be patient.” 
she whimpers when dahyun presses a thumb on the edge of her lips, and opens her mouth instinctively. 
dahyun drags the pad of her thumb across tzuyu's bottom lip before she knocks her nail against tzuyu's teeth. 
tzuyu takes her finger into her mouth obediently. her gaze strays, embarrassed, but a moan still escapes and her eyes still flutter when dahyun pushes her thumb deeper, opening her mouth wider. 
dahyun would ask tzuyu to keep her focus on her, but she can't help being a little soft when tzuyu sounds this good. 
“you make all these pretty sounds, all for me,” dahyun drawls. 
she pulls her finger out, along with the drool dripping down her palm and tzuyu's cheek.
“why don't you tell me what you want with words?” 
“unnie…” tzuyu huffs, slightly out of breath. 
dahyun sits back intentionally. “i don't mind waiting.” 
tzuyu, however, with her jaw hung open, eyes hazy – she might just be a little impatient now. 
“touch me,” she mewls, pitch high with equal parts of shyness and desperation. 
“what's the magic word?” dahyun hums. she rests a hand on tzuyu's chest, rubbing her drool-coated thumb over the sensitive nub. “i want you to beg, baby.”
tzuyu almost sobs. she arches into dahyun and lets out a choked moan as dahyun's mouth finds her other nipple, licking and lapping languidly. a steady wave builds in her tummy, and it's terribly hard to ignore when dahyun is sitting right on her. 
“please– please touch me down there, hyunnie,” tzuyu cries. “i'll be good, i'll keep my hands up, you can use me, please, unnie, just don't wanna cum like this–”
there're tears welling up in her eyes now so she squeezes her thighs together, trying to find some friction but also trying to stop herself from coming so unsatisfyingly. 
thankfully, or maybe not so thankfully at all – tzuyu really isn't in the headspace to decide – dahyun stops right when she's on the verge of falling apart.
“that's my girl,” dahyun coos. tzuyu sounds wonderful. 
she licks her lips, then her fingers; then she's off, pulling tzuyu's sweats down.
“legs open, pretty.’
tzuyu listens without hesitation. dahyun settles in between her thighs. 
she leaves tzuyu's underwear on, watching the damp spot slowly forming on the fabric. tzuyu's incredibly soaked through, her lust and desire painfully prominent even if she refuses to voice it without prompting. 
dahyun presses the pad of her middle and index finger on the spot, teasing. “what a mess…” 
tzuyu flinches instinctively. her entire body jolts upwards with a whimper when dahyun rubs up to her clit over the cloth, smearing her arousal. her arms fall below her head unconsciously, naturally seeking to pull dahyun closer despite being bound. 
dahyun clicks her tongue and retracts her touch. “what happened to keeping your hands up?” 
tzuyu whines at the loss. “unnie, please…” 
“you're so desperate to be used you can't even go one second without whining?” 
tzuyu swears she could cum from dahyun's voice alone at this point. 
she has half a mind left to raise her arms again, mumbling brokenly in between. “s-sorry, but please.” 
dahyun's expression softens – she's never been good with apologies – but she sets the thought aside, keeping tzuyu's initial request in mind. 
normally, she wouldn't wait a second to pleasure tzuyu, but a little edging now and then never hurt anyone, did it?
she moves her fingers back to tzuyu's centre, sneaking below the fabric. dahyun sucks in a breath at the warmth engulfing her hand, but focuses on rubbing small circles over tzuyu's clit. tzuyu practically melts, throbbing with every touch and coating dahyun's fingers with wetness. 
her digits slide almost effortlessly against tzuyu's heat, coaxing out quiet moans. 
when the sounds heighten, growing into whimpers, dahyun knows it's time to slow down. 
“you're gonna cum without asking?” 
the cries leave tzuyu's mouth so easily after that. 
“ah– unnie, please please please, let me...” 
if her hands weren't tied together, she would be tugging on dahyun's wrist herself, but all she can do now is beg. 
“please, i'm close…”
dahyun smiles, satisfied. she dips into tzuyu’s heat again, and this time, she doesn't stop rubbing until tzuyu cums. 
she speeds up when tzuyu starts moaning and furrowing her brows, knees folding into dahyun and stomach clenching. 
tzuyu pants heavily, thighs shaking and trembling as dahyun continues dragging out her high, spreading her slick all over. her bounded wrists are red and aching by now, and she honestly can't wait to be untied so she can finally put her hands on dahyun. 
once she’s caught her breath, she peeks under her hooded eyes, expecting dahyun to come up and release her. 
though, dahyun seems to be thinking about other things.  
she clicks her tongue, showing tzuyu her hand. “look at how filthy you are.” 
her fingers are webbed up with tzuyu’s clear arousal, sticky and warm, and it makes tzuyu’s cheeks flush. dahyun peels her ruined panties off, slathering her cum over her skin as she goes. 
without warning, she dives in again, licking up tzuyu's folds and collecting the arousal greedily. tzuyu squeaks, still feeling the oversensitivity from her previous orgasm.
“unnie–! wait–”
dahyun ignores her pleas and spreads open her clamped thighs cruelly. usually, she would check in first, knowing tzuyu didn't have much stamina when it came to this – but she simply couldn't wait. maybe all that being mean was getting to her head, because now all she wanted to do was listen to tzuyu cry her name all night. 
she presses the tip of her tongue against tzuyu's clit before pushing it flat, then sucks gently. tzuyu's back grows taut, arching off the bed sharply. she mumbles out a cacophony of unnies and pleases, every other word long forgotten the moment dahyun laid her mouth on her.
when dahyun's tongue finds her clit again, lapping slowly, she cums almost immediately. 
“hyunnie,” tzuyu puffs out weakly, chest heaving. it's so soft that she's not sure dahyun can even hear. 
she hides her face under her bicep, unable to keep her arms up straight anymore. tears stain her skin, all messy and wet and limp. 
dahyun comes up to capture her lips in a comforting kiss, melting into one another despite the lewd undertones of saliva mixing with slick. 
tzuyu thinks its the end of it when dahyun takes hold of her wrists, but instead of untying her, dahyun pushes them into the sheets once more. 
“wh– ”
she's cut off by a vibration. 
their eyes dart to the sound from dahyun's phone, but neither move. 
dahyun keeps her hands on tzuyu's and retrieves her phone with the other. 
“it's sana unnie,” she announces. 
tzuyu lets out a sigh, happy to have found an excuse to catch her breath. 
for some reason, dahyun doesn't get off her. 
rather, she leans down to kiss tzuyu's tears away, and her grip tightens. 
“give me one more,” she whispers. 
“i-i can't… and s-sana unnie…”
dahyun picks up the call and tosses the phone aside. it's right up tzuyu's alley. 
“hello? dahyunnie!” sana's voice rings. 
dahyun keeps her voice steady. “hey, sana unnie. did you need something?” 
as she speaks, her fingers trail down tzuyu's tummy, pressing her palm over the base of it. 
tzuyu mewls, centre throbbing all over again. she bites down on her bottom lip harshly, brows twisting in a meagre attempt to keep quiet. 
“i was just wondering if you and tzuyu wanted to come over tonight to watch the seollal fireworks together. is tzuyu there?” sana chirps. 
dahyun smirks, sinful. 
“is tzuyu here?” she echoes. her fingers slip between tzuyu's folds, prodding in. 
tzuyu whimpers softly, rutting her hips.
she knows she could mouth the words, shake her head once, and dahyun would get off without hesitation; knows that the knot bounding her is loose enough to be slipped off herself – but she also knows she's terribly turned on now, even if she's sensitive all over, and that there's a part of her desperately begging for dahyun to keep going with sana listening. 
“y-yes, i'm… here,” she manages, albeit a little high pitched and broken. 
there's a pause on the other line, then sana speaks again. “are you two… are you sick, tzuyu?” 
as tzuyu thinks of a response, dahyun thrusts two fingers into her slowly, then out again. tzuyu shivers and turns her head into the mattress in a panic, words lost in low moans. 
“hello?” sana asks again. 
dahyun is merciful enough to help.
“she's okay, just… distracted.” 
“ah,” sana muses, sounding a little coy herself. knowing her, she's probably already guessed. “enjoy yourself, tzuyu. call me back?” 
it doesn't take long to bring tzuyu over the edge again, not after hearing sana say that – another thrust and a curl of dahyun's fingers, a practised thumb to her clit – tzuyu cums a third time with a silent scream, cracked whimpers escaping her throat. 
“stop, stop,” she sobs quietly, tears blurring her vision. 
dahyun lets go of her hands instantly and carefully pulls her drenched fingers out. 
without even bidding goodbye, she hangs up the call and returns to tzuyu's side, untying the silk. though, tzuyu's too exhausted to do anything but lay limp in the same position. 
“was that too much?” dahyun asks, worried. 
she rubs up and down tzuyu's stomach soothingly, trying to ease her oversensitivity. 
tzuyu lets her eyes fall close, enjoying the relief dahyun was providing. 
“three times… is enough,” she mumbles. 
dahyun wipes her tears away with the back of her hand. “did i push too far? are you okay?” 
tzuyu shakes her head. her chest rises and falls comfortably, and her mind feels like it's on a warm, velvety cloud. 
“i liked it,” she assures. she brings her hand to dahyun's cheek, guiding dahyun in for a proper kiss. 
dahyun continues planting kisses all over her face, even as tzuyu loses the focus to maintain the kiss. she runs a thumb over her hairline, brushing the hair out of tzuyu's sweaty forehead. 
“does that mean i did well?” 
“really well,” tzuyu smiles dreamily. 
she ducks her head, only then noticing the mess she made on dahyun’s fingers and their sheets. 
“i probably need a shower…” 
“i’ll help.”
“ah, no,” tzuyu protests. 
they've never been able to keep their hands off each other in the shower, and she doesn't think she can handle a fourth time, especially not standing up. she’ll have to make do with this drowsiness if she doesn't want to wake up with sore muscles tomorrow. 
“i’ll shower; you change the sheets.” 
dahyun traces teasing circles over tzuyu's waist. “i'll be good.” 
“you won't.” 
“but you like it when i'm a little mean, no?
tzuyu comes out of the shower sweatier than when she got in. 
she runs through her skincare as dahyun changes the sheets, and once that's done, she flops down carelessly, legs sore. she doesn't know where dahyun gets all this energy. 
dahyun chuckles, patting tzuyu's thighs. “up, i'll dry your hair.” 
tzuyu sits up begrudgingly. dahyun comes behind her with a blow dryer and her towel. 
the gentle whirring of air on top of dahyun's fingers through her hair lolls her right back to sleep. 
she's awoken by another call to dahyun's phone, but doesn't stay alert long enough to listen in. 
she's told it's sana when dahyun leans over to whisper into her ear – “do you still wanna go over to sana unnie's?” 
tzuyu stirs a little at the name. “... do you think sana unnie could tell? just now?” 
dahyun pats tzuyu's hair down comfortingly. “probably. she just joked about joining us.” 
tzuyu groans and lies into dahyun's front, slightly distraught. “i'm too embarrassed to go.” 
dahyun laughs, but doesn't try to convince her otherwise. she puts the phone back to her ear. 
“i think we'll sit out of this one, unnie. we'll visit tomorrow, i promise – sorry again!” 
dahyun is quick to end the call; or maybe sana still thinks they're doing things – tzuyu isn't keen to find out. 
“you liked it, though. didn't you?” dahyun teases, after she's hung up. “maybe we'll take sana unnie up on that offer, hm?” 
she kisses the spot under tzuyu's earlobe, and tzuyu goes red all over again. 
she decides she doesn't quite have the energy to entertain that thought – 
not yet, anyway.
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oh this was a roller coaster to write from start to finish -- i wrote it over so many different sessions i kept getting lost in whatever minimal plot i set for it <3 i think everyone can probably guess my fav datzu smut tropes by now.. i am just a girl 😞 top!tzu has not been forgotten, i promise! i hope you enjoyed this chaepookie, thank you so much for waiting 🫂
anyway, thank you for reading, and thank you for interacting!! i appreciate it so much <3
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earlysunshines · 6 months
are we still friends? (can we be friends?)
minatozaki sana x fem!reader ; fluff, angst 
synopsis: seeing sana again during christmas causes feelings to resurface
warnings: food ; alcohol ; datzu crumbs ; cursing ; proofread halfway bc i got lazy + grammar and spelling errors probably
a/n: how to write angst?? am i cooked?? (I'm cooked) ALSO I wrote this in December so a lonnnngg time ago like when I touched the doc for the first time two days ago it said last edited 12/30/23 T-T
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“y/n! come help with the decorations, it a bit tough to reach.” your mom calls out from the entrance.  
pausing in your place, you turn to respond to her, “i’ll be there in a bit, let me finish mixing everything.” 
“okay honey. make sure to wear a coat when you get out here, it’s chilly!” she yells back before closing the door. 
a giggle leaves your lips as you continue to sift the dry ingredients, trying not to spill the flour and sugar. when you’re done with a part of your cookie process, you wash your hands and throw on your puffer jacket before heading out to help your mom. 
christmas is in four days and your mom has this annual thing where she throws a big party at your place every christmas eve. she invites all her friends who are back in town—some even fly out to come to this big event—and it goes on until the concerningly late hours of the night.  
your mom didn’t get to throw this big party last year because she was terribly sick, so you missed it that time, but now she’s so back.  
this means you’re in charge of the baking (yet again) and also helping her out everywhere. it’s not that you don’t enjoy this, if anything you look forward to this event—just not this year, it won’t be the same as the previous christmas parties. 
your mom has this friend who moved in five minutes away from your house when you were twelve, and they had a daughter your age. of course, both your mothers found a way to get you guys to meet, and eventually, you’d be spending the majority of your middle and high school years together stuck by the hip. 
her name was minatozaki sana; she was the first person you had fallen in love with inside and out.  
she had this type of vibrance to her that spread through her surroundings like a bullet train. if the room was dim, it’d seem like she had brought a piece of the sun inside just by being there, instantly illuminating it. it was palpable that she had her flaws, everyone did, but with the way she held herself up and gave her all, you’d see right past her imperfections and into that warm heart of hers. 
sana expected nothing and appreciated everything, that’s what made her lips curl up into a contagious grin. the streaks of creased skin in the corner of her eyes as she flashed that toothy grin gave everyone the intimation that she was simply overjoyed to be able to have the ability to love and to care. she was so beautiful in the way she found adoration so enticing, and that’s why you had fallen in love with her. 
your years with her passed by quickly, each year was filled with vibrant memories that led you to fall even deeper into her charm. however, you never mustered up the courage to tell her how you really felt toward her, and by the time you had gotten close to spilling out your pent up feelings; sana had found herself a little boyfriend. 
chris was some guy on the basketball team—who was also a bit short and lacking skill to even make the team—he was an arrogant, pretentious, and egotistical snob who managed to win sana’s heart. how did he do this? who knows, everyone who’s interacted with him either hates his guts or is in love with his pathetic self.  
he was only nice around sana, but you had seen him when he wasn’t pretending like there wasn't a stick up his ass. he was below the bare minimum and that’s how you’d describe him, he was nowhere near sana’s league. if anything, maybe you were just jealous (and that you were), but you knew what kind of person deserved sana—chris was not someone who deserved a wonderful woman like her. 
that asshole managed to win sana’s heart and keep it for half of junior year and all of senior year of high school, then he managed to convince her to go to a college that was a five-hour flight away from home—and by the way, your town was a two-hour drive from a well-known, top notch university, one that you and sana agreed to go to when you were both in middle school. 
there was no way you’d let sana go to that college, not when chris was the reason she was going. it was a school that wasn’t even comparable to the one not so far from home, the one that had significant alumni and programs fit for the both of you. sana could easily win a decent scholarship to the university you’ve been dreaming of going to, but she was going to let him change her mind in a matter of seconds. 
there was no way you’d let that happen, so you simply walked over to her house and stormed up to her room after seeing her text regarding this whole plan, a fool’s plan.  
you remember the argument that shattered your friendships in seconds, almost like it was yesterday. 
“sana, you can’t just go to that school because of chris. look, i’m saying this as your friend and because i love you: he’s not all that, and the uni nearby has great health programs, they’re ten times better than the school over there and you know it.” you argue.  
you’re pacing around the room that you and sana have had countless late-night conversations and sleepovers in, the place where you had done more for sana than chris did. your eyes land on the two strips of laminated paper that hold the memory of the time you two had gone to the photobooth on your sixteenth birthday, your brows crease at the sight of your cheeks squished with sana’s as the two of you posed. a heavy breath makes your lungs shrink as you exhale. 
“i can’t let you do this, not for him sana.” 
“but i love him so much y/n, you know this. he promised we could stay in an apartment together and that everything would be perfect, we have a whole future planned and i—” 
“what about us sana?” you cut her off, voice breaking slightly. “what about our future? we promised that we’d go to that uni together, what happened to that? you’re going to throw it away for him?” 
“you’re being ridiculous y/n, we were thirteen! things change and you need to grow up, look—”  
“we’ve known each other since elementary school and you’re throwing away this opportunity for a guy whose grades are falling apart. not only that, he’s a fucking ass! you’ve come crying and complaining to me more times than i can count on my left hand.” you respond angrily, and much louder than you meant to. 
sana looks at you in disbelief, her expression almost carrying some sort of disappointment or disgust. she scoffs and you feel your heart shatter just from hearing it, this isn’t like her at all. 
“if you were so fucking annoyed by my misery then you could’ve told me,” she responds harshly, water lining her eyes.  
“sana that’s not what i—" 
“you’re supposed to be my best friend, always there for me and to support me. now look at you, what happened to that? can’t you be happy for me and chris? i seriously love him and all you’ve been is mopey and bitchy whenever he’s around.” 
“i know more people that have treated you better than him. he’s an asshole sana, it’s clear as day and even dahyun agrees.” 
her eyes meet the floor and she says in a smaller voice, “i love him y/n, and he loves me.” 
not like i love you, never will he love you like that. 
your features soften as you look at her. “sana you can’t—” 
“get out of my room.” sana spits in a stinging tone that’s worse than a dagger to your heart. she shakes her head then turns to avoid your gaze and your heart completely shatters as you watch a tear slide down her cheek in the process. “get out of my house, i don’t want to hear it.” 
“sana,” you begin, but when you hear her sniffle, you hold back everything that’s burning in your chest. your shoulders give up and sink in defeat before you croak out an “okay.” 
turning around, you step out of her bedroom with a heavy heart and trembling lips. tears stream down your cheeks as you make your way out of the house where sana and you had spent countless hours together—hours that you’d never forget no matter how hard you tried. 
each breath you take is visible in the cold air and snow compresses with each step you take whilst hanging up the christmas lights. your mother smiles once you pin the last string up and  then you take a step back to admire the illuminating pattern of diverse hues beaming when your mom presses the “on” button. 
“thank you again honey, i appreciate it.” your mom says, holding your hand and squeezing it gently.  
you turn and smile at her, shaking your head before responding, “anytime mom.” 
the two of you enter the house again and immediately you’re on your way back to the kitchen to finish up your famous cookies. you three different types of cookies: chocolate chip cookies (the fastest batch to be eaten), matcha cookies with white chocolate chips, and ube cookies—sana’s favorites. 
“ube? what’s that?” sana says, giggling softly as you hand her a purple cookie with white chocolate chunks.  
“just try it sana, you’ll love it.” you assure, urging her to try. “it’s purple too, how could you not?” 
she rolls her eyes at you then picks up the sweet treat, taking a bite of the cookie. it’s crunchy on the outside and perfectly soft on the inside, making her shoulders sink down and eyes close when the new, thrilling flavor meets her tastebuds. 
“so, how is it?” you ask, raising your brows. sana simply smiles and nods, shooting a dorky thumbs up before taking another bite. 
“it’s wonderful, it’s like coconut and nutty and has vanilla and oh my gosh it’s so… it’s really good.” she sighs, melting as she consumes your baked good. she looks adorable. 
you laugh at her response and take a bite of your own experiment, eyes widening at how good they were. sana was right, they’re wonderful. 
“ah the purple cookies, those were a hit ever since you started making them.” your mom says, rubbing your back. she looks at you with some pity, knowing about your little falling out with sana. 
you simply smile and nod. “i like them, i was going to save some for myself too.” you joke, easing some tension in the air. 
“well, i’m going to call your dad up, go visit the kim’s later and tell them i said hi.” your mom insists, placing a twenty dollar bill on the marble counter. “heard they have a holiday latte out, you should try it. dahyun’s also been experimenting with her baking and beverages, she gets better each time i visit.” 
“of course she is,” you chuckle lightheartedly, “let me just finish these last cookies and i’ll put them in the fridge for a bit. did you want anything from their place?” 
“no, it’s fine. oh wait! i have a present for dahyun’s mom, can you give her this if she’s there?” she asks. 
“mhm,” you hum,  “just put it near my bag on the couch.” 
“thanks sweetie, i’ll do that.” your mother beams, then rushes towards her room to grab whatever it was that she needed. 
the sound of the bell chimes throughout the café—which is not too busy other than the elderly group in the corner and a student typing away at their computer to the side. you catch sight of the familiar face, instantly grinning when you walk towards the register. 
dahyun is turned away from you and cleaning the espresso machine, wiping it down and yelling a “welcome! feel free to check out the holiday pastries and beverages!” without turning towards you. 
you laugh and speak up, “it’s nice to see you miss know-it-all.” and upon hearing your voice dahyun instantly turns around, beaming a bright grin and setting her rag down. 
“y/n? you didn’t tell me you were in town? what the hell where were you last year?” she questions, walking out from behind the counter and then towards you to greet you with a warm hug. she smells like coffee grinds and cinnamon, you hug her back and smile. 
“i was deathly sick last year, like seriously fighting for my life. i didn’t tell you?” 
“no stupid, you didn’t.” she sighs, then pulls away to look at you. “i’ve only seen your instagram posts, haven’t seen you in a bit and wow… you look better than in the pictures.” 
“thank you?” you giggle before she walks over to return back behind the register. “i’ve also seen your instagram… who’s that girl you’ve been posting? got a girl and didn’t fill me in with the details?” you pry, smirking cheekily. 
“oh, tzu… gosh y/n we have so much to talk about, i’m glad you’re back in town.” dahyun says appreciatively, and you don’t miss the slight pink that dusts on her cheeks before she starts again, “let’s talk over some coffee. what can i get you? on the house by the way. we have like, thirty minutes before a bunch of people start piling in.” 
a giggle leaves your lips again before you decide on a peppermint mocha. dahyun gets to work and weighs out the coffee grins as you situate yourself to the side, watching her work her magic. 
the two of you catch up on what’s been going on with college, dahyun’s love life that you’ve missed out on, and what you’ve been up to yourself. twenty minutes pass and you’ve both ended up on some old memory that has the two of you laughing like idiots again, making both your stomachs hurt. 
“so… we’ve talked about what’s been going on with me… what about you and your love life? bet you’ve met a girl too.” dahyun interrogates with a teasing tone.  
“oh, well—” you begin, awkwardly staring at the cup in your hand. “i dated this girl for a while, but we ended up falling out and staying friends, nothing much… we just weren’t right for each other.” 
“i see…” dahyun responds, holding herself back from bringing up the sensitive topic—or, well, person.  
dahyun was aware of the falling out as well, but still stayed friends with sana. however, she was your friend before she met sana, so she had made sure if it was alright to keep contact and whatnot. of course you didn’t want your own personal problems to get in between other friendships, and you still loved sana despite everything that had happened so you gave dahyun the green light.  
after running to dahyun the same night of the argument with sana, you cried for an hour or two in her room. this was the first time you turned to someone other than sana, and dahyun had been on your side of the whole situation, making it easier to comfort and reassure you. she also disliked chris, but not as much as she liked you. 
she pretty much agreed with everything you had ranted about and thought it was stupid that sana would rather choose that asshole over someone like you, and later on you’d confess that you were in love with sana to dahyun. when everything had been rocky with sana, dahyun had been by your side, and you were grateful for that. 
“well, maybe you’ll land yourself a kiss under the mistletoe, who knows who’ll be showing up to your christmas party.” dahyun nudges you, smiling as she hands you some peppermint chocolate bark treat. “i could always set you up~” 
“it’s fine, really.” you guarantee. a smile spreads across your face and you dismiss her offer with a wave of your hand. “um, by the way… has um, has she stopped by or anything like that recently? does sana still visit—" 
there’s another ring from the door opening that cuts you off, making dahyun’s attention redirect towards the customer walking in. her eyes widen and she pauses in place before smiling awkwardly, then she mumbles an uneasy “um, be back…” before walking over to the register. 
you don’t think much of her weird mood shift and instead swirl around the small remainder of coffee in the latte cup. 
“hi dahyun! it’s nice to see you again.” a voice beams.  
you freeze in place, all of your body tensing up as soon as the familiar voice processes through your ears. it’s smooth, it’s sweet, and it has that same high-pitched ring and giggle that follows. immediately, your heartbeat spikes and you’re doing anything you can to avoid interacting or even looking in the woman’s direction. 
“it’s nice to see you too sana,” dahyun greets with a bubbly tone. the name being uttered from dahyun’s mouth is enough to make your hands grip the cup in your hand a little tighter. “can i get you anything?”  
“hm… i’ll have that peppermint mocha please. i’m also going to take a look around the bakery, i need to grab some treats for others. you know how it is, holidays and whatnot.” sana says in that adorable tone, it has you falling for her all over again just when you thought you’d gotten over everything that’s happened. 
quickly, you finish the last sip of your coffee before setting the empty cup down abruptly. it makes a small yet noticeable sound with the glass plate it had been sitting on, making sana advert her gaze.  
the small gift you had set down beside you is now placed on the glass that covers the display of christmas themed cakes. dahyun looks at you in confusion and tilts her head before you turn to smile at her, avoiding sana’s widening eyes. 
“thanks for the coffee dahyun, take the present on the glass to your mom—it’s from my mom to yours.” you start, trying to keep your voice level 
every ounce of restraint and discipline is fighting back the urge to simply glance at sana, who’s standing right in front of dahyun. you almost manage to avoid her, but it’s inevitable, your eyes land on your first love for the first time in almost two years. 
she’s looking at you with parted lips and surprise, but she still looks as beautiful as you remember. sana looks a little more mature than when you last saw her; the curve of her jaw is sharper, lips somehow brighter and her features are more defined overall. sana is wearing a scarf that fits around her neck comfortably, a brown, fluffy sweater, and dark sweatpants with uggs to compliment the outfit. there’s simplicity in her look—she’s jaw dropping, the sight of her makes your jaw tighten and heartbeat spike.  
her eyes meet yours for exactly three seconds, enough time to have every memory flowing in. 
clearing your throat, you finish your farewell to dahyun with a smile, “i’ll see you around, my mom says hi to your mom, tell her i also said hi too. i’ll get going now, have a good one.” 
your body doesn’t fight back the urge to glance at sana again—big mistake—before turning around and walking out the door. 
sana keeps her look on you the whole time, baffled to see you here and her own heart yearns for you. she’s missed you more than you’d ever know, and more than she’d like to admit. it doesn’t help her case that you’re ten times more attractive than when she’d last seen you at graduation. 
“you should talk to her.” dahyun says softly. sana keeps her eye on the door, you’re already out and probably in your car, but she keeps her eye on the door still. 
“were you talking to her earlier?” sana asks, now turning to face the younger woman. 
“we were catching up.” dahyun answers. the woman behind the register turns around to start making sana’s drink, unknowingly the same drink you had ordered. it all makes dahyun’s own heart sink in her chest a bit. “how long has it been since you’ve talked to her?” 
“since graduation.” sana explains, looking down at the counter. “i messed up.” 
dahyun turns around again to see sana, sorrow and regret etching into her features. the barista frows and reaches over to place her hand on sana’s shoulder, then rubs it gently.  
“talk to her, there’s always time to fix things. especially with y/n.” 
a few days past since that meeting, you’re still shaken up from it to say the least.  
sana is too, but you aren’t aware of that. 
to stray away from this event that is dreadfully close to leading to some form of existential crisis or spiral, you’re helping your mom out with setting up the last few decorations and tables while your cookies that you chilled a couple days ago bake.  
dahyun is also coming over with her girlfriend in the evening to exchange a couple of greetings and to properly introduce her girlfriend tzuyu to you. your mother had met tzuyu before and talked highly about her, so you were excited to meet her yourself.  
when the time comes, you hear a knock at the door and shoot up to answer it. you open the door and dahyun stands there with a nervous grin on her face. next to her stands tzuyu—and sana.  
your eyes widen and your jaw tenses when you see her perfect face, standing next to tzuyu with this awkward smile. she’s wearing a gray pullover and black sweatpants; an orange scarf also wraps around her neck comfortably. she looks snug and cute as ever, no matter what she’s adorable in your eyes. your heart flutters and you get all nervous like a teenager again. 
pushing away the edginess flowing throughout your whole being, you greet dahyun with a warm hug, then give tzuyu and friendly one as well. you’re not sure how to greet sana, being all shaken up by just her presence, so you resort to a smile and a small “hi sana,” then invite them all in. 
sana walks in and her hand brushes against your arm on accident, the two of you definitely notice it—though you both decide to ignore it and the warmth in your chests.  
your mom greets all the girls with a hug and the five of you sit down in your homey living room. sana sits across from you on the couch next to your mom, and you sit there avoiding eye contact as you all catch up. 
an hour passes by and dahyun is over in the living room talking to your mom about what’s been going on with her parents and the bakery. in the meantime, you decide to give yourself a break from feeling all nervous just by being near sana. 
standing up, you announce, “i’m going to the kitchen for a bit.” your mom simply raises her brows at your sudden departure, you’ve been silent for most of the conversation and it seems like you’re the only one affected by the tension in the room. “won’t be long.” you add, smiling weakly. 
the fridge is still full of some essentials, and to the side, there’s some cold brew and your favorite coconut milk; everything you need is right where you need it. you head over to the counter and grab your favorite glass cup, heart stinging at the memory of when you had received it. it was one of the many gifts from sana. 
you grab some ice and put it in the cup, then add your cold brew inside. then you grab a small cup with some honey and search for a spoon so you can mix it in with the coconut milk. 
“drinking coffee at this time?” a voice says, making you freeze. you break out of your short trance and hum in response before continuing to make your drink. 
“you know i can’t resist a good coffee, sana.” and the way her name slips off your tongue feels right. you haven’t said it often since the falling out and it still rolls off perfectly, it feels right coming from you. you’re hesitant to talk again, feeling her eyes drill into your back. something in your heart shifts and you manage to ask, “did you want something to drink?” 
“yeah,” she answers, walking over to you and sitting at the kitchen island. “same thing you’re drinking, but sweeter.” 
of course she wants it sweet, just like always.  
your back is still turned towards sana and she watches you grab another glass. as you do so, she gets a glimpse of your own glass and smiles. “is that the cup i got you?”  
still fixing up her drink, you nod and answer, “yeah. it’s my favorite.” 
“a lot of your gifts are my favorites too.” she admits, her voice so soft and fragile that you’re scared the thick tension in the air might break it. 
sana watches you turn around, but you still avoid her gaze. you place both cups on the surface of the kitchen island and begin to pour the coconut milk mixtures into the coffee. the liquids swirl as they combine, creating a satisfying view. sana’s quick to redirect her attention back to you, staring at your face again. 
last time she had saw you at dahyun’s cafe, she only had the chance to get a simple glance at your features, not enough time to fully take in everything that’s changed about your apperance. there’s two new piercings on both ears and a new, small tattoo below your ear; the length of your hair is also noticeably longer. your lips part as you swirl both cups in your hands around, and then you take a quick glance to the side, allowing sana to admire your side profile and the unique curve of your nose and lips. 
you hold the mug out for her and finally meet her eyes again. sana’s favorite thing about you were your eyes, they’re still as pretty as she remembers.  
it’s some thursday night during your sophomore year of high school, you were supposed to be studying with sana for your math quiz tomorrow, but she had other ideas.  
“stay still,” sana mumbles softly. 
she situates you in the chair near her desk and tilts your head up with the fingers holding your chin. she’s inches away from you as she puts some sort of sponge on your face, brows creasing as she does so. your heart is racing. 
after a couple of minutes, sana finishes up your makeup. she’s done some type of natural look on you, nothing too heavy or bold. you look at yourself through the mirror and take a moment to examine sana’s doings. as you do so, sana can’t keep her eyes off you. 
something in her heart shifts as she admires you. her eyes land on your lips, they’re oddly alluring, and sana’s cheeks burn. 
“sana you’re staring… do i look weird?” 
“no,” she practically breathes out, mouth slightly agape. “you’re beautiful.” she says breathlessly, her expression turning all serious it makes you giggle awkwardly. 
there have been many moments where sana has found you pretty, not just physically. your small gifts and reassurance have made her heart flutter, but she’s always figured that was just because she loved you deeply as a friend. but when you stare at her with those eyes in this moment, she’s so surprised by everything she feels. she's giddy and happy and warm inside and gosh her heart wants to jump out her chest and cling onto you. she's not opposed to the feeling; she always has this feeling aorunf you and she loves it. that's why she’s always around you in the first place. 
her face burns and you’re gazing at her all confused, you look so cute. 
growing nervous from how non-verbal sana has been, you try to shake her out of her trance. “hey, you’re scaring me. earth to sana? hellooooo…?” 
“how are you so pretty all the time.” sana’s eyes soften and her whole body relaxes as she rests her head on her palm. “like, your face is so perfect and your eyes… god y/n, whoever gets to be with you would be so lucky, seriously. like, you’re honestly the prettiest girl in our school, how do you not have a boyfriend?” 
your cheeks flush from the abrupt compliment, so you push her gently and giggle. sana giggles along with you, still star-struck. you’re both young and unknowingly in love with each other—giggles and teasing seem to be the only way to hide that. 
sana has always found you attractive, after all these years she still hasn’t figured out why she made the mistake of pursuing chris instead of the person who was always there for her—and ten times prettier. you’ve always been right there, she’s a fool for looking right past you. 
sana grabs the mug, still making eye contact with you and both your eyes soften at the same time. 
“y/n i’m sorry.” she says immediately, “i messed up really bad and—” 
“sana,” you cut her off, “just enjoy the drink.” she watches you smile at her, it’s genuine and small, still enough to calm her nerves. you grab your glass and walk towards the door to the porch, tilting your head and urging her to come follow. sana figures she could pour her heart out later, if it were on the porch it wouldn’t be the first time she’s poured out her emotions there.  
the two of you find a seat across from each other, the fairy lights above create some type of ambiance to ease the tension that’s hanging in the air like an invisible cloak of some sort, suffocating the two of you with its unease. 
“how have you been?” sana asks. it’s cliché, but what else was she supposed to say?  
you don’t look up from the drink in your hand when you respond, “good, you?”  
“likewise.” sana lies, her jaw clenching.  
“you know,” you begin, and with intent, your eyes meet her face and she’s doing the same as you had been doing before; she simply sits there with the drink in her hand, looking quite on edge. “i figured if i were to see you again like this, chris would be with you.”  
“we broke up three months after we moved in together.” sana says quietly, “i broke up with him.” 
“sana…” you mumble quietly, surprised to say the least. “why— what?” 
“i ruined everything between you and i because i was so blinded by his affection, i couldn’t stay with him anymore with guilt clawing at me.” she explains, her voice breaking slightly. “and i couldn’t bring myself to talk to you after hurting you. losing you was the biggest mistake of my life. god, it took everything in me to come back to you.” 
“you never lost me sana,”  
“i’m just… sorry for everything, i really am.” she says sincerely, “and i don’t think enough words could really explain how sorry i am.” 
you look at her with pity, and despite her coldness towards you during the last semester of your senior year, you decide to let everything go. she’s your best friend after all, you promised yourself to be there. 
“it’s okay.” you say, it’s not the truth, but it’s not a lie either. “it was my fault too for letting the distance between us get larger.” 
“don’t say that, it’s not your fault.” sana sighs. she takes a sip of the coffee, it’s good, of course— everything you’ve ever made for her has been great. “i only stayed with chris because i was scared. that’s why it was so easy for me to leave everyone i loved behind, i think.” 
“scared? …of what?” 
she looks dead into your eyes and exhales, “i realized that, that maybe i was with chris because i was trying to push down how i felt about you.” 
you tilt your head in confusion, then begin to pry, “sana what do you mean—" 
“y/n, i was falling for you and it terrified me. i mean, i loved you, and honestly, i think i still do. i'm so fucking dumb, god i'm just oblivious.” sana says, then immediately, your heart rate spikes and your brows raise. she continues while fidgeting with her fingers, “i guess it’s easier to admit now because we’ve grown distant, and physically we’re distant enough. chris treated me alright and loved me, but i came crying to you all the time because he never treated me like how i wanted you to treat me, i don’t know why i did that. i don’t know why i let myself go through that when i had you. every time i’d kiss him i wished it were you, every time we did anything honestly.” 
sana's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, their glossy shine failing to hide the immense emotions she was desperately trying to suppress. the weight of her confession hung in the air, causing the entire world to momentarily freeze. it felt as though time itself had paused, giving you a moment to absorb the magnitude of her words. 
sana loved you, and she still does. you loved her, and you still do.  
but really, you can’t. you can’t go through with this. it’s too sudden, so unorganized and uncertain. 
all of this is a recipe for disaster. 
the echo of her vulnerability reverberated through the atmosphere, your mind spun in a cyclone of emotions. thoughts collided and collided again like football players during some game, leaving your head in a dizzying state of confusion, the sheer intensity of it all was jarring, leaving you all disoriented. the feelings you suppressed were finding their way back out, and you found yourself teetering on the precipice of vulnerability once again, just as you did years ago. 
finding out that sana loved you still gave you hope, but the revelation also made you uneasy. it had been too long without sana, and so much had happened, so there was the chance that things would be all rocky. besides, it’s just too sudden. 
“i’m— sorry for dumping all of this, i just wanted to give you closure because… well, i should’ve given you it years ago.” a tear streams down her eye as she says this, and then she begins to stand. “i should leave, i’m sorry for not letting you know i was coming— god i’m so sorry.” 
“sana wait—” you start, grabbing her wrist. she looks into your eyes, her’s are still glossy. you decide it’s better to let her go for now, unsure if this is the last time you’ll see her after this—hopefully not. “it’s okay, just… be careful. you know i’m always here, always sha.” 
the nickname that you made up for her makes her heart crack a little, she can only smile back at you for now. 
the conversation between dahyun, tzuyu, and your mom is interrupted when dahyun catches the sight of sana pulling her scarf off the hook and wrapping it around her neck again. she takes account of the slight flush of her nose and cheeks, as well as her water-lined eyes. 
“you’re leaving?” dahyun asks, concern clear in her tone. sana simply smiles and nods, “yeah, i’ll see you at the holiday party. it was nice seeing you too miss l/n, i missed all of this.” 
“you’re always welcome honey,” your mother assures, “where’s y/n?” 
“out on the porch, she said she’ll be back in a bit. i’ll see you all, thank you.” sana says before departing, leaving the three women in the living room perplexed. 
a few minutes later whilst the three in the living room conjure up theories of what had happened while you and sana had been gone—you appear with a blank expression. you sit down next to your mom and lean against her, not saying a word. 
tzuyu (who is only briefly caught up with whatever had happened between you and sana, and she deinfitely needs a thorough presentation on your history) looks at dahyun and tilts her head, dahyun simply shakes her own head. 
“sana and i talked a bit, resolved and made things clear.” you say, answering the elephant in the room. “i’m heading up, i’m getting sleepy and i want to have some energy for the party tomorrow.” you add. “it was nice getting to know you tzuyu, you’re perfect for the idiot beside you. night everyone.” chuckling quietly in between responses. 
and with that you’re walking up the stairs to your room, leaving your mom, tzuyu, and dahyun perplexed yet again. 
december 25th, five o’clock pm. 
you're greeting guests, various familiar faces and their parents, family friends, and whoever else you mom managed to fit on the list. 
the party is lively, with people scattered in the backyard and on the little porch while your dad grills his signature bbq meats. your mom laughs with her friends as she sips on her wine, moving her hands around as she talks to emphasize her little life updates. 
in the basement with you are your old high school friends: momo, her cousin mina, jaehyun, mark, johnny, seulgi, sooyoung, jeongyeon, and dahyun, who’s accompanied by tzuyu. the rest of your frineds couldn’t make it, they were probably out of town. all of them sit on the floor or couch with a can of smirnoff or soda, all chatting and laughing over old memories. 
you lean against jaehyun as you laugh, letting yourself hide behind his shoulder while mark ruthlessly brings up each embarrassing phase you’ve had. what a guy, a guy you’ll be figthing soon if he keeps this up. 
the feeling of your phone ringing against your palm as you hold it catches your attention, directing you from the conversation at hand. the screen shows a call from “mom♡” which earns a confused look. you answer the call, cupping the phone so you can hear her better as you answer. 
“hello? did you need something?” 
“hey honey, would you mind coming out for a bit? someone wants to see you.” 
“someone?” you ask, “one of your friends or...?” 
“just come on out sweetie.” she insistts. 
“okay okay, whatever you say.” you respond before ending the call and starting to get up. jaehyun looks up at you with a quirked brow as he sips on his drink. you look back and shrug, “my mom wants me to meet ‘someone,’ probably one of her friends or something. i won’t be long.” you respond to him and let the others know. 
"alright, take your time," jaehyun says with a nod, setting his drink down. "hopefully, it won't be too boring," he adds with a small smirk, teasing you gently. you roll your eyes playfully in response before grabbing your jacket and heading towards the sliding door.  
you were right about the guess on seeing your mom's friend, or—friends. however, the sudden chill you get when seeing the minatozaki’s on the porch makes you tense up.  
they're standing there, glasses of wine in their hands as they look at you. sana's mom has a smile on her face, so does her dad. you walk up to them and try to shake off your nerves, fully hugging sana’s mom and giving sana’s dad a side hug. 
“it’s been a while hasn’t it?” sana’s mom says, putting her hand on your shoulder and grinning. “it’s wonderful to see you again.” 
“likewise.” you respond, melting into relaxation the more you get used to this atmosphere. “how have you all been?” 
after a tense reunion with sana’s parents, they find out about your ambitions and what you’ve been up to. not much is mentioned about the falling out between you and their daughter, but the thought most definitely lingers in the cold, winter air.  
sana's parents tell you about an internship she earned at a hospital her first year, saying they’re proud of her for helping others and the bonus of the nice paycheck that came with the experience. they tell you she’s found herself a guaranteed transfer to your school and that she’s excited to help even more people in the nursing program. it sounds like sana’s a great person, she’s always wanted to help others, it makes you smile and nod as her parents update you on what she’s been up to. 
but there’s this feeling of uncertainty and sorrow brewing. the fact that you have to hear about sana from anyone but her breaks you a bit, knowing that the two of you wouldn’t hesitate to update each other back then. now, it seems like you’re missing a chunk of memories that you could’ve shared with sana. 
“we asked her to come to the party.” mr. minatozaki says, looking at you with a sympathetic smile. “she said she’d consider it.” 
“oh, i see.” you respond, nodding whilst looking at the ground.  
part of you is glad that she’s not here, but who are you kidding, there would never be a time where you’d be dissapointed to catch her near you, despite the paranoia taking over. 
“well, it’s nice to catch up y/n. we've missed you, it’s great to see how well you’re doing. your parents must be proud.” mr. minatozaki concludes, looking at you with admiration. 
“yeah, thanks.” you say, “well, i'll leave you to talk to my parents, but i'll stop by again to talk to you two. it's really nice to catch up, i've missed you guys too, and your wonderful dinners.” you add jokingly, earning a laugh from the couple. 
sana's mom kisses your temple and hugs you, then lets you walk back into the house. 
it seems like this whole night has been full of surprises—scratch that, at this point, everything is a surprise ever since you've been back in town. especially now, because once you step into the kitchen, there’s a familiar woman who’s making your knees weak all over again. 
“y/n, hey.” sana greets softly, smiling at you. 
she's just hung up her scarf on the little hook near the fridge, the same place she’d always hang it back then. there was this unspoken rule that when sana was here, there were certain spaces that belonged to her; the hook near the fridge, the chair at the dining table closest to the living room, the right side of your bed, and the left side of the couch in the basement.  
still, you’re pissed at the fact she had practically cut you off completely over a boy just to come back years later to win you back. it irritated you how easy it was for sana to convince you, but you were much angrier at the thought of her coming back to see you because her and chris didn’t work out. was she serious about the breakup? was that all it took to forget that she had caused so much mental turmoil? 
despite this, her being in your house again and seeing her at this christmas party like years before; everything reminds you of the fact that sana had always lingered in your home. 
“hey, didn’t think you’d make it.” you respond, watching her shrug. 
“my parents said your signature cookies are here, i had to.” 
can't be the only reason, you want to mumble, but your lips stay sealed. 
sana speaks again, “i stole a couple, ate some earlier actually. still as great as i remembered.” 
“thanks.” you mutter, walking over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. “did you want to talk about something?” 
“what do you mean?” 
“there’s a reason you came, and i know it’s for me since you’re not in the basement with everyone else. we both know that’s the signature spot.” 
sana cringes at your tone, but gives in. 
“i just wanted to see you, and hopefully talk to you normally.” 
it's taking everything in you to hold your ground, to protect yourself from this sudden appearance that’s making you all uneasy again. you can’t let sana screw you up again with a simple visit, you can’t. 
“i know you’re sorry but sana, you treated me so terribly. do you know how much i cried? how fucking terrible i felt after losing my friend of years to chris?” you seethe, sighing. “part of me wants to start over, maybe try again—but how can i do that when there’s the chance of you throwing away everything, we rebuild over another stupid fucking guy.” 
she looks at you with guilt in her eyes, her shoulders sinking and words jumbling in her throat.  
“y/n, nothing—no one, despite what i've done to you, will ever make me forget how much i love you. there's always a space in my heart for you.” 
you scoff, anger flowing throughout you now, then walk over to her. she stands against the frame of the entrance, you stand in front of her now, looking down slightly. sana's looking at you directly in the eye, you can see the hurt and regret in her eyes; her look brings you back to your senses. 
“how do i know you’re not bluffing? sana, every ounce of me wants to redo this.” your voice cracks slightly, the hurt evident in your tone.  
“you just have to trust me, i'm sorry, i'm really sorry.” 
you feel like curling up into a ball and hiding, the way your chest tightens makes you want to cry a bit. 
the party ends around one in the morning, considering the fact that some of the attendants are adults that don’t have the energy to party until the sunrises.  
jaehyun’s just crossed the line, now slurring his words and laughing stupidly while he gets touchy with the guys, so mark ends up driving him home. johnny catches a ride with seulgi and sooyoung. with them gone, you’re in the basement with momo, mina, dahyun, and tzuyu. all five of you end the night with some recollections of memories, momo’s recent date, mina’s annoying professor, and before you know it you all are hugging goodbye. 
you've already gone through three cans of the smirnoff cans, it hadn’t done much except make you a little more giggly and talkative. you were a little tipsy, that was all. 
throughout the night, tzuyu and dahyun exchange glances, their eyes meeting repeatedly, dahyuns hand rubbing tzuyu’s thigh, and the little smiles they give each other. all of it doesn’t go unnoticed – at least by you – and hints at the potential for something you don’t want to think of in detail once they return home.  
as you observe their subtle interactions, a pang of envy stirs within you, longing for that same allure and anticipation. amidst the swirling emotions, a sense of emptiness creeps in, amplified by the beers you’ve had. you're left to ponder on what’s making you feel hollow, still feeling bad after raising your voice at sana earlier. 
you can’t feel bad, you shouldn’t. whatever you did wasn’t comparable to her practically pretending you didn’t exist for almost two years. 
after rolling your eyes and saying some stupid joke to dahyun and tzuyu – the last to leave the house – you head back to the basement.  
of course, sana had to be sitting on the couch, head turned towards the tv as she sipped on a beer.  
“hey.” you mutter, earning her attention as she turns away from the christmas movie you paused earlier. 
“hi.” sana greets. 
every ounce of anger, irritation, and dread had been squeezed out your body at the sight of her. you genuinely think it’s the alcohol that’s making you rethink everything, making it hard to fight back that voice in your head that’s trying to stay reserved and petty. 
sana sits there, her gaze fixed on you with intensity. her glasses are perched on her nose, a familiar sight whenever she's engrossed in watching tv or anything like that. the sight only adds to her charm, making her look even more adorable. you can't help but notice her favorite cardigan draped over her shoulders – the fluffy, white knit cardigan she adores so much –it's a cherished gift from your mother, and she's held onto it all these years. her eyes bore into yours, drilling into your skull and compelling you to plop down beside her as if nothing had ever transpired between you. you surrender, maybe it’s the late hours of the night, maybe the beer, o rmaybe just sana. 
(it’s probably just sana.) 
she turns back to the movie playing, some stupid romcom jaehyun had put on as background noise. 
your eyes trace the curve of her nose, lingering on her lips and the impeccable contour of her jawline as she remains fixated on the tv screen. her side profile captivates you for a moment, holding you in some sort of spell until she breaks the silence with her soft voice. 
“i think our parents are playing card games in the kitchen.”  
“probably betting money too.” 
“remember when your dad took your christmas money for their game?” sana asks, giggling at the memory. her eyes are still fixed on the screen, you decide to tune into the movie too. “didn’t he lose too?” 
“yeah.” you sigh, sinking into the couch. “he paid me back double the next day though.” 
“so it was worth it?” 
“yeah, i think we went out to eat with that money.” 
sana turns to gaze at you, her eyes tracing the soft contours of your profile in the dimly lit room. the glow from the tv accentuates her favorite features of yours, and she finds herself lost in the sight before her. for a while, she simply stares, allowing the comfortable silence to envelop the moment.  
you turn to look at her now, you two just stare at each other for a while more. 
“maybe we can try again.” you mumble, giving into the beauty in front of you. “every part of me is against the idea.” 
“that’s understandable.” sana agrees. she sighs before adding, “you don’t have to try again.” 
“i know.” you assure, “but i think we should.” 
“i’m sorry.” 
“i know, sana.”  
as the music from the tv fills the room, silence once again settles between you and sana. you know that you can't let this opportunity slip away – it's everything you've wanted, and deep down, you realize it's everything you've needed too.  
there's a mistletoe that’s hung above the two of you, it’s been there the whole time, both of you were aware of it. it dangles from the light tantalizingly, but neither of you do anything about it. neither you or sana even mention it. your mind races to the memory of dahyun and tzuyu kissing each other under it and part of you wants to kiss sana like that, but you won’t let her kiss and make up. 
you reach out, your fingers gently intertwining with hers. you lift her hand to your lips, feeling the warmth of her skin against your own. softly, you press a kiss upon the back of her hand, you linger in the intimacy of the gesture. 
the two of you sit there for a moment, letting the world around you two fade away. 
everything about the moment renders you weak. you think to yourself that maybe, just maybe, a second chance is enough to patch things up. if it’s with sana, then maybe it’s worth it. 
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alcoholfreenayeon · 1 year
Fluff Smut Angst
How Twice would kiss
Sundays with Twice
Twice kinks
How Twice would react seeing their S/O in a revealing outfit for the first time
Twice Mtl: Get Jealous
Girlfriend Headcanon
I’m not sleepy!
Conquering fears…
Nayeon x Irene HCs
Nayeon x Irene HCs Pt.2
Girlfriend Headcanon
Warming up to you
Girlfriend Headcanon
Girlfriend Headcanon
Dom!Sana HCs
Sub!Sana HCs
Girlfriend Headcanon
Out of Control
Caught in the Act
Girlfriend Headcanon
Dom!Mina HCs
Precious love
Perfect Storm
Anger Management
Imagine: Reader drying her hair
Got the thrills
Got the thrills pt.2
Three times a day
Girlfriend Headcanon
Girlfriend Headcanon
Girlfriend Headcanon Pt2
Girlfriend Headcanon Pt3
Girlfriend Headcanon Pt4
Wife Headcanon
Here for you
A little bit more
Don’t Call Me Again
Girlfriend Headcanon
Aching for more…
Like ohh-ahh
HCs Pt:2
Next Page
HCs Pt:2
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sanasgalaxy · 12 days
why I have to learn about minerals if i'm a chemistry? I feel that i'm wasting my time here so i just gonna think about a fluff datzu fic where they cuddle after a long finals week (i wish i were them
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dahyuns-hoodie · 9 months
ao3 fics
my concertmaster: 7/11 chapters. dahyo (minor mihyun). fluff, angst, high school AU, orchestra AU, enemies to lovers, happy ending
in which jihyo is THE violin prodigy of her grade and then her parents had to screw it up by moving to california. all of a sudden she’s second chair to virtuoso kim dahyun. jihyo’s determined to loathe the girl with every inch of her body… until she doesn’t quite want to anymore.
Whispers of the Heart: 3/3 chapters. datzu (unrequited mina pining). angst, misunderstandings, happy ending
in which dahyun is irrevocably devoted to tzuyu but overhears something that destroys her. avoiding tzuyu doesn’t lessen the problem… will talking with mina help?
you’re so gorgeous (it actually hurts): 3/3 chapters. saida (other minor unrequited dahyun ships). fluff, university AU
in which the twice ensemble is in college and a multitude of girls chase after dahyun, but her heart belongs to minatozaki sana.
twice’s dahyun: ongoing, any pairing with dahyun multi-chapter one-shot fics. fluff, angst, AUs. requests open!
in which dahyun is paired with a different member each chapter (who adores her). shenanigans ensue
dahyo childhood friends to lovers
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judjira · 2 years
aus !
apartment au - dahyun's the (very normal) landlord of an apartment that protects supernatural creatures from the horrors of the modern day world. she also happens to be dating those supernatural creatures. (ot9 poly)
volleyball au (out of bounds) - nayeon and jeongyeon are sworn rivals in the highschool volleyball scene, and dahyun's an up and coming star, forcing both of them to direct their attention to her. that all comes to a head when the two of them transfer to her volleyball team. (nadajeong poly, mohyo, satzu, michaeng, yeji/ryujin/lia, chaeryoung/yuna)
after hours (masterlist) - at the end of a long day, when the street lights begin to turn on and the people begin to sleep, you find yourself wondering where you should go. (reader x twice)
heartbreak playlist (masterlist) - soulmates don't always end happily. and you know that firsthand, as the mark on your body solidifies, so does the heartbreak. (soulmate au, reader x le sserafim)
drabbles !
breathless - datzu, fluff
cigarettes on cigarettes - dahyo, angst
confusion - namo, angst(?)
untitled - misaida, angst
dreams - jeongmi, hurt and comfort
revolution - mimo, angst
in your loving arms (preview) - dajeonghyo, hurt and comfort
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twiceinadream · 3 years
“Make me yours.”
Requested: Yup
Request: shy! Alphas dahyun and tzuyu mating reader for the first time. Like there shy until she just begs them to take her and something jus flips?
a/u: Hey, y’all, I’m back! I’m so sorry I was gone for so long, writer’s block and life haven’t really been my friends for the past seven weeks, but I finally managed to finish a fic! I hope you enjoy it and my slow return back to posting. Also thank you so much for 3,000k+ followers, I love you guys!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
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Clouds began to crowd the sky as the morning light was blocked by the downpour that had seemed to manifest out of thin air, the streets made slick with rain as early commuters combated with the elements. But it also created a peaceful atmosphere for you and your girlfriends as the light tapping of the rain against the floor-to-ceiling windows gradually roused you from the depths of sleep, a loud yawn erupted from your lips as your eyes fluttered open.
The scent of the two Alphas snuggled on either side of you filling your senses as you reveled in the moment, enjoying the feel of their bodies against yours until it seemed like you began to burn up. Your skin felt clammy as sweat began to bead along your hairline, the feel of fire felt like it was beginning to claim the pit of your stomach when an overwhelming sense of urgency coursed through your veins, ‘You were in heat.’
The comforter covering your bodies felt suffocating as you pressed your thighs together in an effort to stop the wetness from sleeping out on the bed, while you did your best to weasel away from the women clinging to you. Holding your breath as you snaked your way to the edge of the mattress so you could make a bolt to the en-suite, locking the door behind you as your legs finally gave out from under you and helplessly slid onto the floor.
Your underwear was completely soaked in your slick as you barely had enough strength to peel them off you before discarding them on the bathroom floor. The feel of the tile under your heated skin did wonders to relieve the burn you felt as one of your hands began sliding it’s way down to the burning between your legs. You shyly toyed with your slit as your fingertips dipped shallowly into your center, running your fingers through the wetness but stopping before you could properly pay attention to your clit as more of your essence began spilling out. Drenching your hand in wetness as you finally gave in and plunged into your depths. Your walls immediately tightened around the sudden intrusion as a guttural moan released itself from deep within your chest, your hand pistoned itself in and out of your entrance as you could feel your first release building up inside of you. The cool in your stomach growing taught as you pulled your fingers out from inside and moved up to attack your clit.
Your fingers frantically flicking, rubbing, and circling the straining bundle of nerves as your eyes remain squeezed shut, your breathing beyond labored as you balled your fist against the tile. Your body bracing itself as it froze for a fraction of a second before releasing all the tension it had stored within itself.
Streams of pent up arousal came shooting out of you as you continued to focus all your energy onto your clit as your peak took you to heights you never thought imaginable. You were becoming acutely aware of the screams echoing off the bathroom walls that you finally recognized as your own as your orgasm finally died down. Slight jerks wracked your body as your hand fell to the side, a content smile forming on your lips as the aftershocks of your orgasm thrummed throughout your body. A contented sigh falling from your lips as you rested peacefully against the bathroom door, until a knock sounded cr behind it.
“Y..Y/N? Are you okay?” Your blood ran cold as Dahyun’s voice sounded from behind the door.
“Mm hmm.” You hummed, “Everything’s fine!” You tried to sound more put together than you felt to mask the fact you were in heat and surrounded by your two, unmated girlfriends.
“No you’re not.” It was Tzuyu this time. “We can smell you from underneath the door.”
‘Well, shit.’ You mused to yourself as you slowly began to stand up, ‘That didn’t work.’ You sighed, knowing it was impossible to put off the inevitable, “Okay, fine. I’m coming out.”
To say you were nervous would be a gigantic understatement as you braced yourself to face your girlfriends. Exhaling slowly as you pushed the door open to find the two Alphas you had left in bed this morning staring at you, “Morning.”
Dahyun and Tzuyu deadpanned as they stood up straighter, your scent finally hitting them in full force as they took in your appearance. From the flush of your cheeks to the clenching of your thighs, “You’re in heat.”
It was your turn to deadpan as you looked at Tzuyu, “No shit, Sherlock.”
Dahyun suppressed a laugh as she tried not to look at the stunned disbelief on the taller Alpha’s face, “What Tzumong meant to say was, ‘Would you like some help with it?’.”
You giggled slightly, “Depends.” A coy smile grew on your face as you palmed the Alpha’s bulges through their boxers, enjoying the way their alpha-hoods swelled under your touch. Their scents combined into a dominant musk that made your mind spin and your core clench. “What do you have to offer?”
Tzuyu huffed a laugh and sat on the bed beside you, reaching her hand between your legs to rub at your swollen, slick clit to ease the need that your heat would be bringing without someone inside you. Dahyun quickly pulled her shirt and bra over her head, tossing them both to the floor and eased her boxers the rest of the way down her legs. She watched with a smile on her face as Tzuyu teased you and pressed her own erection up against you, grinding to work you up even more.
Dahyun climbed back onto the bed, laying down beside you as her cock strained against the cold air of the room, slipping her hand down to press two fingers inside of you. Tzuyu pulled her own hand away, drawing out a desperate groan from you as she did so. She undressed quickly, her clothes ending up on a pile on the floor next to Dahyun’s. Her hand found your clit again as she laid down beside you like Dahyun had done.
“What do you want us to do to you, baby? You’re already so wet for us.”
You struggled to find the words to answer that question, your mind torn between how good both of their hands felt on you but also the desire and the need for more. Tzuyu chuckled when she didn’t get a response to her question, her eyes flicking up to meet Dahyun’s.
“Then I guess it’s up to us. Isn’t it, Y/N-ah?” Tzuyu ran her tongue over your lips eliciting a groan at all the possibilities of what was to come at the hands of your Alphas.
Dahyun couldn’t suppress her smile as she felt her length pulse, “Sounds good to me, Tzu.” Both of the girls took their time to feel you up as they each made their way to some part of you. Dahyun moved in front of you to place lingering kisses along your chest making you squirm against her wandering lips while Tzuyu busied herself with placing open mouthed kisses on the base of your neck and up to your jaw as you continued to pant under their ministrations.
The slick between your legs was practically smeared along your thighs and probably soaking into the bed sheets by now with how turned on you were. The fire of your heat burned so hot in your lower belly that you felt like it was going to consume you from the inside out if the Alphas surrounding you didn’t do something quick.
A desperate whine left your throat as you rocked your hips backwards to grind against Tzuyu, her hardness digging into your ass when you finally decided that now was finally the time.
You were finally going to ask them to be your mates.
A shuddering breath fell from your lips as sweat dripped down your face, a look of determination in your eyes as you called both of your girlfriend’s attentions. Causing them to momentarily stop what they were doing to face you, “I’m ready.”
The sudden confession surprised them both as Dahyun looked at you with concern, “Are you sure?”
You appreciated her worry but you could barely think of anything other than the two of them plowing you into the mattress as you nodded, “Make me yours.”
A wide smile broke out onto both of their faces as they placed a kiss on opposite sides of your cheeks, Tzuyu nuzzling into your hair as she wrapped her arms around your waist, “And we’ll make you ours.”
The both of them helped you roll onto your side, having you face Dahyun. Tzuyu’s hands helped to support your thighs to keep them spread for Dahyun as she brought the head of her cock to your already dripping cunt. She chose to tease you at first, not pressing inside but instead rubbing slow, steady circles with it, enjoying the way your entrance fluttered the more you got worked up. Sliding her alpha-hood between your folds to lube up her length a little more before she got ready to push into you for the first time, not bothering to add any additional lubrication other than your guy’s combined wetness as you were practically soaking.
Tzuyu snaked one hand up to palm at your breasts, tugging and pinching a nipple between her fingers, causing your hips to jerk forward towards Dahyun. When she finally pushed forward, sliding the tip of her cock inside of you after she felt you had enough teasing. Your breath catching in your throat as she slowly began pushing into you, your walls squeezing down on her at the unfamiliar stretch as you gritted your teeth a little at the pain. Your eyes squeezed shut as Tzuyu whispered words of encouragement into your ear as she continued to toy with your breasts, doing her best to make the small amount of pain you were experiencing turn to pleasure as soon as possible.
Your body relaxed when Dahyun had finally bottomed out inside of you, she waited patiently for you to adjust to her size when you nodded, “You can move.”
She grunted in response as she pulled out so that only the head of her cock remained inside of you, before carefully thrusting back inside of you causing you to cry out in relief as you were filled up again, the stretch of Dahyun’s length starting to finally feel pleasant. You tilted your head back to rest against Tzuyu’s chest, panting loudly as Dahyun began thrusting.
She took over Tzuyu’s hand that had been supporting your thigh, as she brought your leg to hook around her hip instead. Tzuyu continued to palm at your breast with one hand, moving her now free hand to your ass, using her finger to tease at your other hole. A needy and desperate whimper escaped your lips as Tzuyu’s finger prodded and threatened to press inside.
“So eager.” The taller Alpha teased with a chuckle before standing up, heading to their bedside table.
You let out a whine, Dahyun’s cock was inside you just like you wanted - needed - but her hips stopped moving. You needed more and you needed it now. Dahyun shushed your whines, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulder before switching to nipping at the skin, enjoying the breathy moans you gave in response.
The bed dipped as Tzuyu found her spot behind you again except this time with a bottle of lube in hand. Tzuyu popped the cap, squeezing it into the palm of her hand with a wet noise before tossing the bottle aside. With one hand she began to ease her fingers inside your hole, starting with just one digit but quickly moving to two with the desperate noises she was making.
Dahyun waited patiently, wanting so much to just begin thrusting with how amazing it felt to be inside of you, your walls clenching tightly around her but she knew she had to wait for Tzuyu and it would be worth it. Tzuyu worked her way up to three fingers, enjoying the way you stretched for her before finally pulling away, earning yet another desperate whimper from deep within your chest. She used the rest of the lube to slick up her own cock as she pressed the head of it against your hole, pausing for just a moment before pressing inside.
You clung to Dahyun’s shoulders, fingernails digging in harshly as you wailed with pleasure, feeling both of your holes be filled up just like you’d been impatiently waiting for. There was a pause when Tzuyu bottomed out, the two alphas giving you a moment to adjust before Dahyun gave the first thrust. Your fingernails dragging down Dahyun’s back with a loud moan as Tzuyu thrusted in as soon as Dahyun was drawing back, the two of them alternating their thrusts into you.
“More! Please, please more!” You gasped, your heart racing and mind dizzy as your heat fully took hold and demanded even more from them.
Both Dahyun and Tzuyu were more than willing to oblige. Dahyun moved one hand up to pinch at one of your nipples, while Tzuyu busied her mouth with sucking dark hickeys into the muscle of your shoulders. They both began to thrust into you harder, enjoying the loud moans that you were letting out. You squirmed between them, not to get away from the pleasure but seeking out anything else they could give you.
“How does it feel, Jagi?” Dahyun asked breathlessly, punctuating her words with a teasing press of her newly formed knot against your aching entrance, “I bet you’ve been dreaming of this moment. Tzumong and me filling you to the brim as you lose control”
Tzuyu leaned in, murmuring against your ear as she joined in on the teasing, “You’re so spoiled, Y/N-ah. Having two Alphas taking care of your heat.”
“Fuck! Just…knot me.” You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut as their teasing made the coil in your belly tighten.
Dahyun used one hand to grip your hip to push her knot inside first, doing so with a rough snap of her own hips followed by a delighted sigh. It had entered with a loud, slick pop. Your inner walls instantly clenched tightly around it. By the noises you were making, both Dahyun and Tzuyu could tell that you were so close to your peak, so Tzuyu followed Dahyun’s lead, pushing her knot inside your ass with a forceful thrust.
Causing you to cry out as you clenched hard on the two cocks inside you, viciously dragging your fingernails down Dahyun’s back as you felt both of your girlfriends release inside of you. Filling you up with their cum as they grunted and groaned against you, both of them sharing the same thought as they simultaneously sank their teeth into both sides of your neck.
Mating you.
Claiming you.
Their bites were the final straw as you were thrown over the edge, a high pitched scream escaped from your throat as you felt all the tension building inside of your body finally find its release. White filled your vision as every part of you spasmed, helpless to the onslaught of pure pleasure that made every nerve in your body stand on end. Before your high began to taper off as you fell bonelessly against Tzuyu.
The Alpha snaked her arm around your waist, pulling you as close as possible to her, palm rubbing and pressing against your stomach. A weak groan escaped from you at how full you felt before Tzuyu stopped, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. Before propping herself up on one elbow, watching as Dahyun began to card her fingers through your hair, a goofy smile on her face as she trailed a finger down to the fresh bite on the right side of your neck. Her mark.
Both of their knots had shrunk enough inside of you for them to pull out but they continued to lie there, not moving.
That was until Tzuyu began to laugh from behind you, jostling you and Dahyun slightly as she calmed with a sigh, “I can’t believe we did it. We’re mates.”
The word felt strange but familiar all at the same time as you pushed the Alphas back slightly so that they were no longer inside of you, allowing you to lie on your back so that you could see the both of them properly, “Took us long enough.”
A chuckle also came from Dahyun as she linked her fingers with Tzuyu’s as their hands rested against your stomach, “At least we did. I guess that finally makes you our Omega now, doesn’t it Y/N.”
You couldn’t suppress the smile growing on your face as you took their interlocked hands that were resting on your belly and brought them to your lips, kissing them both. “And I guess that makes you two my Alphas.”
The two smiled as they cuddled into either side of you, “Yes, yes it does.”
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
dahyun has been having some trouble sleeping at night, and tzuyu notices her struggling, so she drags her to bed and holds her from behind. dahyun squirms at first but she falls asleep within minutes in tzuyu's arms. some datzu fluff for the heart 💗
i’ll fill this one since i can’t sleep, if i make mistakes blame my headache and my sleep deprived brain hehe! enjoy :]
dahyun had been feeling really stressed lately, having to rehearse everyday for their upcoming comeback and recording their new songs was just too much to handle. she wanted to rest, but everytime she went to bed her body seemed to reject sleep, her aching muscles not helping at all.
all the members had caught up on dahyun’s new behavior, she was falling asleep in the middle of their practices, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. but tzuyu was the one that actually wanted to try to do something about it, maybe she could help dahyun if she talked to the older girl, so she did.
“unnie? can i come in?” tzuyu said after knocking on dahyun’s bedroom door, it was late already but she knew that dahyun was probably awake and desperate to get at least some hours of sleep.
“yeah come in”
tzuyu opened the door gently, the bedroom was dark except for the glow-in stars dahyun had put on the ceiling years ago when they first debuted, she insisted they looked cool and no one had the heart to deny that statement. looking at the bed she saw dahyun facing the wall, not wanting to face tzuyu right now.
“unnie i know you’re not getting enough sleep these days, what’s going on?”
dahyun stiffened at the question, she didn’t know the girls had caught up on her lack of sleep, specially tzuyu, she tried to hide it all week so they wouldn’t worry over her but it seems like she failed.
“i- i don’t know it’s nothing serious so you shouldn’t worry about it, tzuyu”
“i do worry unnie because you look tired and you need to get enough sleep at night”
“i know i just..” but she was interrupted by tzuyu suddenly pulling the blankets off her, making herself comfortable on the bed right next to dahyun.
“do you want me to hug you until you fall asleep?”
now that was something the korean girl wasn’t expecting, tzuyu wasn’t one to initiate skinship so easily, yes she was the sweetest maknae and never denied her unnies when they hugged her or pinched her cheeks, but she wasn’t really fond of hugging people all of a sudden.
“i wouldn’t ask you to do that tzuyu i-“
but dahyun’s words were cut short when she felt tzuyu’s long arms hugging her tightly. dahyun sighing softly on tzuyu’s neck but soon realizing what was going on, that she shouldn’t be doing this, she should be able to sleep alone and not bother anyone else.
“no tzuyu please you don’t need to”
“shh unnie, try and close your eyes”
“but tzuyu..”
once again dahyun was interrupted but this time it was tzuyu humming softly while giving her back gentle pats. dahyun tried to get off tzuyu’s arms but she couldn’t so she decided to give up and just enjoy the warmth tzuyu was providing her. it didn’t take long for dahyun to fall asleep, soft snores escaping her lips, her head tucked under tzuyu’s neck as the younger kept humming a sweet song. when she was sure that dahyun was totally asleep, she made herself comfortable and closed her eyes to try and fall asleep too, a whisper escaping her lips right before slumber could completely overtake her;
“good night unnie, sweet dreams”
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twixxtor · 5 years
Soft ask, could you write a scenario about maknae line showing off their test scores on their end of year exams from their first year of college to unnie line because they did well even though they were busy as frick?
they’ve been so busy it’s a miracle they actually had the time to go take the exams. the three studied every chance they got between schedules and waiting times, helping each other out because ’team work makes the dream work’ or whatever it was that dahyun had read online.
so when they get the results and they are really good the first thing they do is run out to find their unnies.
”unnie! look how well we did,” chaeyoung pants slightly, holding her phone up for sana and jihyo to look at while tzuyu does the same with mina and jeongyeon, dahyun showing hers to momo and nayeon.
it takes a while for the others to understand what’s going on, but once they do the living room is filled with claps and cheers, the oldests praising their maknaes for being so smart and managing to work everything out with their tight schedule.
”i’m so proud of you three, you’re incredible,” jihyo smiles widely, almost looking like she’s about to cry when jeongyeon slaps her shoulder.
”oi don’t cry. it’s their first year, they’re not graduating or anything yet. besides, they still have time to mess it up,” she laughs loudly but they all know she only means well. that it’s her way of saying she loves them and would do anything to keep them happy and healthy.
”should we go out to celebrate our big brains?” sana asks after everyone is done hugging and looking at their results, earning a series of loud ’yes’s and soon they’re all hurrying out of the door.
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ggwritingloser · 5 years
[TWICE] Tzuyu sometimes has nightmares in which she's the smallest member of the group.
I don’t know if this really angst but still tagging it like that just to make sure.
Again. She just had the same nightmare again.
It’s the same every time, she’s the shortest member instead of Chae and the others are making fun of her, It always makes her feel terrible when she wakes up.
Normally when she wakes up from her nightmares Dahyun and Chaeyoung are still asleep in their own beds, today when she turns over to get in a better position she notices Dahyun staring at her.
“Tzu what’s wrong?” she can hear the others concern in her voice. She turns over in bed so she’s looking at the wall and not at Dahyun. “Nothing unnie just a bad dream, sorry for waking you up.” “you didn’t wake me up plus I can see something’s bothering you, you can tell me Tzutzu I promise not to tell the others if you don’t want them to know.”
She feels the bed dip and Dahyun’s arms wrap around her. She doesn’t know if it’s the way her unnie says it, or because of the arms wrapped around her, but her resolve breaks and she tells Dahyun everything about her nightmare and how it makes her feel.
she expects Dahyun to laugh at her and tell her it’s stupid or something else, she doesn’t expect her to tell her about her own nightmare of turning into a real piece of tofu and her unnies eating her. She turns in her arms and sees Dahyun gently smiling at her and telling it’s normal to have nightmares no matter how stupid or weird they may seems.
When they end up falling back asleep they are cuddled up and smiling in their sleep. The next morning when Sana comes in to wake them and sees them wrapped around eachother she can’t help but coo at the sight of it.
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nr1chaedickrider · 1 year
little introduction !!!
my ult group is twice so if i post something its mainly about them! but i dont mind writing about other groups.
upcoming fic‼️‼️
requests open for kinktober!!
I write dark content here and there ; men dni (-> if you have anything with male reader in your blog i will block you.)
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More&more & other mv's theory
Twice doughnut theory
we were too close to the stars (angst) - michaeng
It's all in my head, who do I trust? - I thought that you loved me, what is happening to us? (angst) - mohyo
Then I go and spoil it all, with saying something stupid like - i love you. (fluff, angst) - datzu
The moment I fall for you is thе end of my innocence (smut)
??? (smut, feat. Mochaeng)
Cold Hands (fluff, angst)
Nayeon drabble
let's keep going (baby don't stop) - (smut)
Do you dream of me? (smut)
summertime is meant to fall in love (fluff)
Fate series
Call me at midnight (smut)
??? (smut, feat. Nachaeng)
dom!momo thoughts
momo drabble (smut)
Three is a magic number - it makes you want me even more (smut)
second choice. (angst)
the love that had been simmering all summer (fluff, suggestive)
dangerous scent (smut?)
Wicked games (smut)
High, high neglectful lover (smut, angst)
I need you (angst)
I need you pt.2 (angst,smut)
My senses move at the smallest movement (smut)
I can only be me when im by your side - im not a monster (fluff,smut,angst)
Can we get even closer? (smut)
Gone (fluff)
Baby, are you gonna please me? (smut)
??? (smut, feat. Namo)
Universe (fluff,smut,angst)
You never knew how much i really liked you (angst)
chae cuddling you to sleep (fluff)
party with chae (fluff, suggestive?)
unrequited love (Angst)
Christmas gift (smut)
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allfortzu · 7 months
look here (look at me)
-- dahyun / tzuyu, 1.3k. smut // top!tzuyu // MEN DNI
tzuyu's just a little too tempting, too distracting.
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dahyun has never been more exhausted in her life. 
she's hunched over her desk, cheek pressed into the hardwood and trying, for the nth time, to convince herself that studying for her finals would be more worth it than doing anything else in the world right now. 
she mustn't look very convinced, because tzuyu comes up behind her, worried.
“are you okay?” 
dahyun manages a tired smile. if there was anything that could convince her to hang in there a little longer, it would undoubtedly be tzuyu. 
“don’t worry.” 
tzuyu seems to see right through her, unfortunately. “you need a break, hyun.” 
while dahyun appreciates the kind reminder, she knows she has to push the temptation aside.
she sighs, straightening up again. “you know that won't be productive.” 
“but you've been studying all day,” tzuyu pouts. “and it's one am already.” 
she places her gentle hands on dahyun's shoulders, rubbing lightly and easing the tension between dahyun's joints. 
dahyun moans unconsciously, head lolling back. she's never quite been able to resist tzuyu's massages.  
her eyes flutter close as she continues, mind drifting. “mhm… well, if you have any other ways to help me learn eight chapters in a day…” 
her words trail off, and she assumes this is the end of the discussion, but perhaps she'd been too careless with her reactions, because the edge of tzuyu's lips tug up, and dahyun knows immediately what it means. 
“i know a thing or two that could help with something else,” tzuyu hums lowly, a titillating lilt in her voice. 
dahyun's cheeks flush. 
she stammers to find a response, but her breath halts when tzuyu pulls her chair back, turning her seat around languidly. 
dahyun tries to protest, she really does. 
“i should– ” 
but her mouth goes dry again when tzuyu kneels in between her legs, lidded eyes trained on hers all the while. 
“relax, baby,” tzuyu teases. 
she slips her thumb beneath the waistband of dahyun's sweats, tugging, but only ever so slightly – a small taste of what's to be desired. 
dahyun's stomach flips, and her heart beats so quickly she feels warmth spread right up to her fingertips. 
more often than not, it has always been her taking the lead – not to dominate, certainly not; but simply to give and to pleasure – because making tzuyu happy made her happy. 
she's never considered – never even thought to consider – that tzuyu could want to lead; or, more importantly, that she herself would enjoy it so much, even if they've barely done anything much yet.  
tzuyu looks up expectantly. 
dahyun’s heart beats so quickly she wonders how she was ever able to resist at all. 
“p-please,” she whispers, hesitant at the unfamiliarity but much too turned on to refuse.
tzuyu lets out a satisfied sound. she tugs on dahyun's waistband again, and dahyun knows enough to lift her hips for her. 
“that's it,” tzuyu coos. 
her eyes have long left dahyun's, now looking over the damp spot on dahyun's panties while she bites her lips absent-mindedly. she pushes the fabric aside with a finger, and dahyun's so wet it almost has to be peeled off, completely drenched in slick and arousal. 
dahyun keeps her gaze on anything else but the sight of tzuyu blown out eyes, face hot at how a few steps of foreplay could rouse her that much. 
tzuyu lifts a brow, amused at the sticky hot substance already coating her finger. 
“want me to help with that, unnie?” 
dahyun's breath hitches. “tzu. anything, please.”
“mhm, alright,” tzuyu giggles. 
she tugs dahyun's panties down then, taking it off completely along with dahyun's sweats. when she reclaims her place between dahyun's legs, she lifts dahyun's knees over her shoulders.
dahyun gasps, suddenly pulled forward in her seat. “oh, fuck.” 
tzuyu's so close that dahyun can feel her breath on her centre, and her stomach starts clenching already at the minimal stimulation.
“you like this?” tzuyu chuckles. 
she lays a cheek against dahyun's inner thigh, looking up with feigned innocence, though her lustfully hooded eyes tell a very different story. 
‘n-need you,” dahyun whimpers.
she feels her embarrassment grow as her own wetness pools incessantly on the seat, yet she almost considers throwing all her pride aside to start begging stupidly when she sees tzuyu lick her lips. 
“i've never seen you like this before, unnie,” tzuyu muses. 
she presses feather light kisses to dahyun's thigh, but the languidness burns like a sting when dahyun's so desperate to be touched properly she could go mad. 
tzuyu drawls on, punctuating her words slowly. 
“it’s really– ” she says with a kiss. “ – really– ” then kisses again. “ – really– ” and another final kiss to dahyun's thigh. “ – cute.” 
dahyun's legs clamp a little more with every kiss, and by now, she's trapped tzuyu in between her legs, her heels digging into tzuyu's back and pulling her in instinctively. 
“tzuyu, tzuyu,” dahyun breathes out, nearly whining. “you-your mouth, please. please don't tease.” 
the edge of tzuyu's lips tug up, pleased. 
“of course, unnie. i did say i'd help, didn't i?” 
it's another tease; an embarrassing one, at that, when dahyun had been so insistent on resisting but was now begging like nothing mattered more in the world than having her girlfriend touch her; yet she can barely find half a mind to care when tzuyu finally puts her mouth to work, kissing her clit and sucking deliciously, and it makes dahyun whine so much all the sounds get caught in her throat and she loses her voice momentarily, managing nothing more than soft whimpers and cries. 
dahyun tangles a hand in tzuyu's hair, keeping her in place as her grip tightens around the armrest. 
“tzu, tzuyu, please– just like that, please don't stop,” she keeps mewling, vocabulary dwindling down to only tzuyu's name and anything else that would get her to keep going. 
tzuyu stutters a little, and dahyun wants to beg her to maintain the rhythm, but her mind goes white and she forgets whatever complaints she'd had when she feels tzuyu's fingers coming in between her folds, gathering her arousal thoroughly so she could thrust her fingers into her. 
dahyun's hips jolt, and this time she's the one who stutters, head thrown back as her whimpers break into sharp whines. tzuyu only has to suck on her clit once more for dahyun to completely fall apart, faster than she ever has before, quickly coming undone around tzuyu's fingers and mouth as she sobs tzuyu's name incoherently. 
tzuyu tries to prolong the pleasure as best she can, but there's only so much she can do after dahyun starts pushing her away, whining with sensitivity. she settles with pressing her palm over dahyun's tummy, rubbing gently until dahyun stops shaking. 
“oh my god, tzuyu,” dahyun finally pants. she lays her hand over tzuyu's, blissed out. 
tzuyu laughs and rises from her knees to give dahyun a chaste kiss. “how was that?” 
dahyun curls her arms around tzuyu's neck, coaxing her in so she could rest her forehead on her shoulder. tzuyu responds in kind, adrenaline helping her pick dahyun up into her arms. 
she brings dahyun to their bed, and dahyun almost immediately pulls her in for another kiss once they hit the sheets. 
“you should top more,” dahyun murmurs. 
tzuyu grins, and dahyun watches as the lust returns to tzuyu's eyes, alluring all over again, both most definitely as into the idea as each other.  
“that was nothing… but i recall someone wanting to study more?” tzuyu teases.
laid nearly bare under tzuyu, head still dizzy from her previous orgasm; dahyun tries, for the nth time, to convince herself that studying for her finals would be more worth it than doing anything else in the world right now. 
but when tzuyu peppers kisses down her neck, nipping lightly and sneaking her fingers underneath her shirt, dahyun decides – ah, fuck it. 
“i can study tomorrow – i want you more.”
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these many fics in a month?? almost reminds me of last year when i'd procrastinate from studying sm (lol) by writing fics (not lol) which is why i wrote so many fics so quickly then 💀 (don't worry, my academics were not effected! procrastinate responsibly! don't be like this fic 🙅‍♀️) i must give credit to this drabble @nr1chaedickrider sent to my ask box -- consider it a remastered ver, maybe! (done with permission!)
and yay top!tzu :)
thank you so much for reading this, and thank you for interacting if you did -- it is very appreciated!
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ao3feed-jeongsa · 4 years
by SaidaScar17
Her choice of a table is always the same, in the middle of the coffee shop next to the window, the perfect amount of distance from the bar to let her observe and take safe quick glances from the girl.
Words: 4008, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: TWICE (Band), Kpop - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Yoo Jeongyeon, Minatozaki Sana, Im Nayeon, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Hirai Momo, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Chou Tzuyu, Myoui Mina
Relationships: Minatozaki Sana/Yoo Jeongyeon
Additional Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, barista!sana, Side Kanghyo, Side nachaeng, Side datzu, side mimo, Mention of light drinking, Alternate Universe - College/University, jeongsa - Freeform, Twice 230s, 230s
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allfortzu · 8 months
some ways to love
-- dahyun / tzuyu. 624, fluff, semi-suggestive. MEN DNI.
dahyun discovers tzuyu's delightful way of loving.
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dahyun wakes up later than usual today. 
there's coffee brewing and breakfast in the kitchen, but she finds herself drawn to the soft chatter of morning news in her living room. 
tzuyu lounges on one of the couches, a peeled orange in her hand and a plate for the skin. she's eating one half of it. 
in the break of dawn, she looks positively ethereal. when the light hits just right, cast over like a halo, tzuyu looks like she's glowing. 
dahyun leans over the couch and plants a kiss on tzuyu's head. 
“good morning,” she whispers. 
she feels tzuyu jolt, then tip her head back to look. 
“morning,” tzuyu says, an uncontrollable smile puffing up her cheeks when she sees dahyun.
dahyun takes the opportunity to cup tzuyu's chin gently, tilting it upwards. tzuyu's eyes twinkle so beautifully, dahyun can't resist laying a kiss on her forehead and sealing their lips with another. 
when she pulls back, tzuyu is flushed and flustered, a familiar sight whenever dahyun does anything intimate. 
“what was that for?” 
“i just thought you looked pretty,” dahyun murmurs.
then, she pecks her lips again, which effectively throws tzuyu into a giggling fit. tzuyu has never been great with affection, so the reaction is expectant, but dahyun loves it all the same, especially when it makes tzuyu so giddy. 
“you taste like oranges.” 
tzuyu licks her lips, cheeks dusted with pink. “mhm, i was peeling some. i'm peeling yours now.” 
dahyun glances over to tzuyu's lap. there's a quarter of an orange on the plate, but the other half in tzuyu's hands – pith mostly removed – catches her attention more. 
“i took off the white stuff that you don’t like,” tzuyu raises the pithless half up to dahyun. “here.” 
“you took the white stuff off for me?” 
“yeah, but… just this half,” tzuyu says sheepishly. “sorry, i ate the other half– I'll peel more while you eat breakfast.” 
dahyun almost melts. 
it's a terribly romantic thing to do, and a terribly tzuyu thing to think nothing of it. 
tzuyu grins up at her and offers her a perfectly orange slice. dahyun tugs on her wrist and takes a bite, right from her hand. 
“that's really sweet, you know?” dahyun muses. she's never been particularly obsessed with oranges, but this one tastes especially lovely. 
“you like it? i'll start buying more from that shop, then.” 
“not the orange – you,” dahyun laughs. “you're really sweet. and i like you.” 
she leans down and tilts tzuyu's head towards her, catching tzuyu in another kiss. maybe her lips taste like citrus now, because tzuyu swipes a tongue over her bottom lip and clutches onto her collar to hold them there a little longer. 
she's out of breath a little by the time they pull back. 
“now you taste like oranges,” tzuyu says. 
“hm,” dahyun hums. she scratches tzuyu's jaw gently. “i haven't tasted you enough, though.” 
if dahyun thought tzuyu's ears were already red, they turn even redder now. “you need to eat breakfast!” 
dahyun grins coyly. “why would i eat breakfast when i could have you?” 
tzuyu shoves the rest of the orange into dahyun's mouth in a panic. she scrambles to escape dahyun's suggestive gaze, wailing for mercy. 
“okay, okay,” dahyun relents, but not before pressing a chaste kiss to tzuyu's cheeks. “will you peel me another orange?” 
“i was already going to,” tzuyu says. then, in a softer murmur, “we can… do the other thing after.” 
dahyun would tease, but her heart soars so far she forgets the words on her tongue. 
she doesn't move until tzuyu moves to the kitchen with her, and as she eats breakfast, tzuyu peels her yet another orange, in her own delightfully tzuyu way of loving. 
it's about time i wrote some plain old plotless datzu fluff with suggestive tropes :) this is from the whole "would your bf peel an orange for you" thing, and thank you to the anon for encouraging me to write something for it! it's a bit short, but what can you expect from a fic all about oranges and mindless love 🍊
on a similar note, happy early lunar new year! 🧧 thank you for all the support, and interactions are always appreciated <3
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allfortzu · 1 year
i'll carry the moon and stars, i'll carry you and me
-- jihyo / tzuyu. 1.4k - light angst, fluff - hurt/comfort, light mentions of blood // MEN DNI.
tzuyu goes home to jihyo.
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it’s late at night and pouring outside, a constant static of crashing cascades instead of rhythmic patters. 
jihyo still finds it calming, though. there’s always been something about the simultaneous state of disarray and comforting orderliness that came with storms and thunder. 
it also meant she had an excuse to curl up under a blanket and watch every movie she’d been neglecting. not that she needed one, but it was always nice to have. 
a little mundane for a detective, maybe, but some mundanity has always been needed to balance out a life like hers. 
peace in chaos, if you will. 
comforting orderliness in states of disarray. 
so, jihyo picks out her most comfortable pyjamas, and makes the best cup of tea she knows how to make – which only consists of choosing the most expensive brand of tea she has and actually boiling water instead of microwaving, but such is life. 
she’s still humming and waiting for the kettle to sound when her doorbell rings, a barely discernible ding in the storm. 
she pads her way from her kitchen to the living room, right up the entrance of her house. it’s too dark outside to see anything through the peephole, so she opens the slightest crack in her blinds.
the light from inside spills out, and the outline of a familiar figure is illuminated. 
jihyo opens the door instantly. instinctual, immediate. 
tzuyu looks up at the sound, and jihyo’s chest tightens. 
her cheeks are smeared with blood, gaze weak and lidded. her suit is ripped and there’s splashes of dirt and more blood over her usually stark white button up. everything is drenched in the downpour. her clothes drip with rain. 
tzuyu’s voice is painfully soft. 
she opens her mouth but nothing comes out, the rain drowning out every syllable. 
but jihyo hears her clearly. 
she knows when tzuyu says –
“jihyo unnie.”
jihyo’s heart shatters. 
she wants to tug tzuyu in by the wrist and ask her every question in her mind – what happened, are you okay, who did this – but tzuyu takes a single step in, and she loses all strength. 
jihyo surges forward; without thinking, without hesitance. 
tzuyu falls right into her arms. 
boneless, completely weak.
the rain from her clothes soak through jihyo’s pyjamas, she’s piercingly cold to the touch. jihyo feels her tremble, meek and shivering. every breath she takes comes out shakily, every exhale barely there.
jihyo’s never realised just how small tzuyu is, finding solace in her arms. 
it hurts terribly to see.
maybe it’s the adrenaline, or pure determination – but jihyo hoists tzuyu up with everything she has, carries her unfalteringly until they reach her shower. 
she sets tzuyu down and hurriedly pushes her damp blazer off; clenches her teeth at the sight of more blood revealed on the sleeves of tzuyu's white shirt. 
"who the hell did this, tzu?" jihyo seethes, pulling a towel off the rack and wrapping tzuyu up. "what happened?" 
"i don't know…" tzuyu says weakly, clutching at the towel and curling into herself for warmth. "some other gang– " 
then, softer; shakier, "sorry… you– you were the only person i could think of."
jihyo pulls tzuyu into her arms as tight as she's able to, presses tzuyu into her shoulder, cheek to temple. 
she's still worried sick, but at least tzuyu's conscious and speaking. 
at least tzuyu's here with her. 
"are you hurt anywhere?" jihyo's voice cracks, pained. she lifts tzuyu's head gently to cup her face, caressing a thumb over her cheekbones and looking over the wounds.  "... is this your blood?" 
tzuyu doesn't say anything, just looks at jihyo, eyes watery and lips pursed. 
"oh, baby," jihyo mutters. 
she realises, tzuyu's not so much shaking from the cold than shaking from whatever happened to her before all this.
she's scared. 
jihyo decides her questions can wait. 
"take a shower, i'll get you a set of clothes," she says, stroking tzuyu's cheek one last time and laying her palms on tzuyu's knees. "okay?"  
tzuyu catches jihyo's wrist before she stands up; whispers, "stay with me?" 
her fingertips are still freezing, so jihyo adjusts her hold until her hands are covering tzuyu’s. just a little warmth. 
“okay,” she raises their hands up to her lips, presses a kiss to tzuyu’s knuckles. “i’ll get us clothes.” 
jihyo has seen her fair share of blood and slashes, but peeling tzuyu’s soaked red clothes off still makes her wince. tzuyu sucks in a sharp breath at times, some wounds a little more tender than others. 
the most obvious ones are gashes below her ribs and another on her thigh, then bruises here and there. there’s more blood on her jaw, but jihyo can’t tell if they’re tzuyu’s or someone else's. 
tzuyu stays close the entire shower, and jihyo focuses on washing her hair first. she kneads the shampoo into tzuyu’s head gently, massages her fingers into her scalp and detangles whatever she can. 
the shower adds on to the rain outside; it’s loud in tzuyu’s ears, a mess of sounds. 
tzuyu clenches her fists, lets jihyo work her fingers through her hair despite the sensitivity of water passing over her wounds. 
she tries to focus on jihyo’s eyes – dark brown, then golden when the light catches them just right. they’re distracted and darting, cautious and wary, but soft around the edges, fading into black at the rim of her irises.
it becomes apparent that the blood on tzuyu's face isn't tzuyu's own. jihyo doesn't know if she should be worried or relieved. 
she cleans tzuyu's wounds in the shower, too, gently rinsing the cuts with warm water. tzuyu flinches whenever jihyo dabs at it, whimpering and shaking softly.
jihyo intertwines her free hand with tzuyu’s, squeezing reassuringly. “just a little more, tzu.” 
tzuyu squeezes back, eyes closed. 
for the most part, jihyo's voice is soothing enough to help her endure the pain. 
"this part won't hurt, don't worry." 
she rests her head on jihyo's shoulder still, and jihyo tries not to ache too much at the feeling of tzuyu tearing up, holding her breath throughout. 
the gashes don't look deep, so jihyo places a gauze dressing over them and settles with wrapping tzuyu up in bandages. 
"can you walk?" jihyo asks, scratching lightly at tzuyu's scalp and running a thumb over the shell of her ear.  
tzuyu nods, releasing the breath she was holding. she uses jihyo as leverage to stand up, but shifts most of her weight on her uninjured leg. 
jihyo stands with her, letting tzuyu hold on to her shoulders as they dress. 
"thank you," tzuyu says, slipping jihyo's oversized t-shirt on. 
it fits just right when she wears it, and it smells perfectly of jihyo. 
"sorry," she adds. "i won't– "
"don't be," jihyo cuts in. "i know it's a given for… what you do." 
she curves her palm around tzuyu's jaw gently, almost as if she's afraid of hurting tzuyu. tzuyu can't help but turn her head to nuzzle into the touch. 
"just come to me, okay? any time," jihyo continues, stroking tzuyu's face. "i'm always here. i'll always, always open the door for you. i'll do all of this again if you ever need it. remember that." 
tzuyu nods. "i know." 
she places a hand over jihyo's, kisses her palm. 
remembers the storm outside, how she staggered through the downpour with barely any conscience, light-headed from the fight. she'd shown up at jihyo's house naturally; an innate desire to just want to be with jihyo.
there was nowhere else she’d rather have gone.
tzuyu wakes up in jihyo’s arms at dawn, turns her head to check if jihyo’s awake. 
jihyo has tossed all the blankets over tzuyu, she knows tzuyu runs cold. she has one hand over the part of tzuyu’s abdomen that had been injured, and the other plays with tzuyu’s hair idly. 
“i have to go to work,” she says, seeing that tzuyu had awoken. her voice is low and raspy in the morning. “will you stay?”
tzuyu hums, stretches until she can curl an arm around jihyo’s waist. “can i?” 
she's still sore, and every move sends a sharp pain to the gashes. but it's better. better than if she were alone.
“always." jihyo kisses her temple. 
she leans down again to brush tzuyu’s hair aside, presses another kiss to her forehead. “i have to get a few urgent things sorted at the office, but i’ll be home quickly, okay?” 
tzuyu smiles. “i’ll be here.” 
where else would she go?
the rain had stopped sometime in the night.
she’s warm, she’s safe. 
and she’s with jihyo. 
even if tzuyu is chaos in all her ways, jihyo is peace.
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i'm sure this would've been a much nicer read if i'd wrote some backstory for them, but i couldn't get this particular scene out of my mind 🤧 it's meant to be detective!hyo / vigilante!tzu! is the suit part of tzuyu's vigilante get-up or is it just bc i find it hot? who knows <3 you can tell ttt crime scene 2 did a number on me
anyways, thank you for reading!!! i really loved writing this one, and i really hope you enjoyed it! interactions truly truly appreciated <3
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