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HIV Treatment in Delhi
HIV has become a global health emergency at present and has affected all regions of the world irrespective of gender, age, region, culture and nationality causing millions of deaths and sufferings. Access to prevention, modes of treatment at different stages available these days has changed the scenario globally.
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being, especially for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. A nutritious diet can help support the immune system, manage symptoms, and improve the quality of life. Watch full video for more information.
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HIV Doctor in Delhi
एचआईवी और एड्स: एक संक्षिप्त परिचय
HIV और AIDS के बारे में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें:
HIV वायरस का संक्रमण मुख्यतः असुरक्षित यौन संबंधों, संक्रमित रक्त के संक्रमण, संक्रमित सुईयों के उपयोग, और मां से बच्चे में जन्म के दौरान हो सकता है।
लक्षण: HIV के शुरुआती लक्षण सामान्य फ्लू जैसे हो सकते हैं, जैसे बुखार, थकान, और गले में खराश। संक्रमण के बढ़ने के साथ, लक्षण गंभीर हो सकते हैं, जैसे वजन कम होना, बुखार, रात में पसीना आना, और लिंफ नोड्स में सू��न।
उपचार: HIV के लिए अभी तक कोई स्थायी इलाज नहीं है, लेकिन एंटीरेट्रोवायरल थेरेपी (ART) के माध्यम से इसे नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। यह थेरेपी वायरस की संख्या को कम करती है और रोगी की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बनाए रखती है।
रोकथाम: HIV संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए सुरक्षित यौन संबंध बनाए रखना, संक्रमित रक्त और सुईयों से बचना, और संक्रमित मांओं के बच्चों को संक्रमण से बचाने के उपाय अपनाना महत्वपूर्ण है।
देर ना करे आज ही संपर्क करे डॉ. विनोद रैना जी से जो की दिल्ली के सर्वोत्तम अच्छे डॉक्टर (HIV Doctor in South Delhi )माने जाते है।
HIV संक्रमण की निगरानी और उपचार के लिए दो प्रमुख मानक होते हैं: CD4 काउंट और वायरल लोड। इनका विस्तृत विवरण निम्नलिखित है:
CD4 काउंट:
CD4 कोशिकाएं, जिन्हें CD4 T-सेल्स भी कहा जाता है, शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं। ये कोशिकाएं संक्रमणों से लड़ने में मदद करती हैं।
CD4 काउंट, एक व्यक्ति के खून में मौजूद CD4 T-सेल्स की संख्या को मापता है।
स्वस्थ व्यक्तियों में CD4 काउंट आमतौर पर 500 से 1500 कोशिकाएं प्रति क्यूबिक मिलीमीटर (cells/mm³) होती है।
HIV वायरस CD4 T-सेल्स को निशाना बनाता है और उन्हें नष्ट कर देता है, जिससे CD4 काउंट कम हो जाता है।
CD4 काउंट का उपयोग यह जानने के लिए किया जाता है कि HIV संक्रमण कितनी गंभीर है और व्यक्ति की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली कितनी मजबूत है।
अगर CD4 काउंट 200 cells/mm³ से कम हो जाता है, तो व्यक्ति को AIDS के रूप में निदान किया जा सकता है।
वायरल लोड:
वायरल लोड एक HIV संक्रमित व्यक्ति के खून में मौजूद HIV RNA (वायरस की सामग्री) की मात्रा को मापता है।
वायरल लोड यह बताता है कि व्यक्ति के शरीर में कितना HIV वायरस मौजूद है।
यह परीक्षण वायरस की सक्रियता को मापता है और यह दिखाता है कि वायरस कितनी तेजी से बढ़ रहा है।
उपचार की प्रभावशीलता का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए वायरल लोड की निगरानी की जाती है।
एंटीरेट्रोवायरल थेरेपी (ART) लेने वाले व्यक्तियों का वायरल लोड सामान्यतः कम हो जाता है, जिससे संक्रमण का फैलाव कम होता है और CD4 काउंट को बनाए रखने में मदद मिलती है।
अगर वायरल लोड बहुत कम (अकसर "अंडिटेक्टेबल" या "अप्राप्य") होता है, तो इसका मतलब है कि उपचार प्रभावी है और वायरस की मात्रा शरीर में बहुत कम हो गई है।
HIV से जुड़े मिथक और तथ्य
मिथक: HIV संक्रमित व्यक्ति से हाथ मिलाने, गले ��गाने, या सामान्य वस्तुओं के उपयोग से HIV फैलता है।
तथ्य: HIV केवल रक्त, वीर्य, योनि स्राव, और मां के दूध के माध्यम से फैलता है। यह सामान्य शारीरिक संपर्क से नहीं फैलता।
मिथक: HIV केवल समलैंगिक समुदाय को प्रभावित करता है।
तथ्य: HIV किसी भी व्यक्ति को प्रभावित कर सकता है, चाहे उसका यौन रुझान कोई भी हो।
मिथक: HIV का कोई उपचार नहीं है।
तथ्य: HIV का कोई स्थायी इलाज नहीं है, लेकिन एंटीरेट्रोवायरल थेरेपी (ART) से इसे नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है और एक स्वस्थ जीवन जिया जा सकता है।
दिल्ली में HIV का उपचार: डॉ. रैना के सेफ हैंड्स में
डॉ. विनोद रैना द्वारा संचालित "डॉ. रैना के सेफ हैंड्स" में HIV के बेहतरीन उपचार और देखभाल की सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं।
प्रमुख विशेषताएँ:
विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर: डॉ. विनोद रैना, HIV उपचार में विशेषज्ञता (HIV Specialist in Delhi) रखते हैं और उनके नेतृत्व में पेशेवर टीम द्वारा उपचार प्रदान किया जाता है।
उन्नत उपचार: यहाँ एंटीरेट्रोवायरल थेरेपी (ART) और अन्य उन्नत उपचार विधियाँ उपलब्ध हैं।
व्यक्तिगत देखभाल: प्रत्येक मरीज को व्यक्तिगत ध्यान और देखभाल मिलती है, जिससे उपचार प्रभावी और आरामदायक बनता है।
आज ही परामर्श के लिए संपर्क करें और सबसे अच्छे HIV उपचार का लाभ उठाएं।
डॉ. विनोद रैना, एचआईवी स्पेशलिस्ट
पता: इ-34 एकता अपार्टमेंट साकेत, नई दिल्ली – 110017
फ़ोन नंबर: 9873322916, 9667987682
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Best orthopedic in india
For those searching for the best orthopedic in India, Dr. Vinod Raina offers extensive experience in treating complex orthopedic conditions and trauma care. His dedication to patient outcomes has earned him recognition in the field. Patients can rely on Medserg to connect with Dr. Raina for personalized treatment plans.
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Smart Strategies for Preventing and Managing STDs
To take care of yourself and prevent complications when dealing with STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), follow these healthy practices:
Get Regular Screenings
Routine Testing: Regular STD testing, even when symptoms aren’t present, is essential for early detection and prevention of transmission.
Partner Testing: Encourage your partner(s) to get tested too, to reduce the risk of re-infection. STD Treatment in Delhi plays a vital role in preventing the spread of infections and ensuring both partners receive proper care.
Adopt Safe Sexual Practices
Use of Condoms: To lessen the risk of spreading STDs, always use dental dams or condoms during oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse.
Restricting Partners: To lessen the chance of exposure, cut down on the number of sexual partners.
Maintain Good Personal Hygiene
Urinate After Sex: This helps flush out bacteria from the urinary tract, reducing the risk of infections.
Wash Properly: Clean your genital area with water and mild soap regularly to avoid infections.
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
Clear Judgment: Avoid substances that can impair your judgment, leading to risky sexual behavior or unprotected sex.
Take Prescribed Medications
Adhere to Treatment: If diagnosed with an STD, take all medications exactly as prescribed. Don’t stop even if symptoms disappear, and avoid sharing medication with others.
Partner Treatment: Ensure that your partner is also treated to prevent re-infection and transmission. Consulting the best sexologist in South Delhi can help ensure comprehensive care for both partners.
Stay Informed
Learn About STDs: Educate yourself about different STDs, their symptoms, and prevention methods. Preventive measures heavily rely on awareness.
Boost Your Immune System
Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to strengthen your immune system.
Remain Hydrated: To ensure that your body is operating at its best, consume lots of water.
Exercise Regularly: Physical activity improves immune function and overall health.
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Seek Counseling: If you feel stressed, anxious, or emotionally affected by an STD diagnosis, talking to a counselor or therapist can be helpful.
Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your partner(s) about sexual health and STDs.
Get Vaccinated
HPV Vaccine: Consider getting vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to genital warts and cervical cancer.
Hepatitis Vaccines: Vaccines for Hepatitis A and B are also recommended to prevent liver damage caused by these viruses.
Following these healthy practices can help manage and prevent the complications associated with STDs.
Dr. Vinod Raina, Sexologist Doctor
Address: E-34 Ekta Apartment Saket, New Delhi – 110017
Contact: 7687878787, 9871605858
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How to Increase Testosterone ?
Testosterone is a steroid hormone that belongs to the androgen group. It is primarily produced in the testicles in men and, to a lesser extent, in the ovaries in women and the adrenal glands in both sexes. Testosterone plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of male physical characteristics and overall health.
Increasing testosterone levels can be achieved through lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and, if necessary, medical treatments. Here are some strategies to boost testosterone levels:
Exercise Regularly:
• Strength Training: Lifting weights and resistance training can significantly boost testosterone levels. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also effective.
Get Enough Sleep:
• Quality sleep is crucial for hormone production, including testosterone. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Maintain a Healthy Weight:
• Obesity is linked to lower testosterone levels. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help maintain a healthy weight.
Eat a Balanced Diet:
• Protein: Supports muscle growth and hormone production.
• Fats: Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil, are essential for testosterone production.
Consult a Healthcare Provider:
• If lifestyle and dietary changes are not effective, it may be necessary to consult a healthcare provider to check for underlying conditions that could be affecting testosterone levels, such as hypogonadism.
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Men can face various sexual health issues, which may affect their physical and emotional well-being, relationships, and quality of life. Below is an overview of some common sexual problems men might experience, along with possible causes and treatments:
1. Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Symptoms: Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Causes:
Physical: Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, or certain medications.
Psychological: Stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues. Treatment:
Lifestyle changes (exercise, healthy diet, quit smoking).
Medications (e.g., Viagra, Cialis).
Therapy for psychological factors.
Medical devices or surgery in severe cases.
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
Symptoms: Ejaculation that occurs sooner than desired, often within a minute of penetration. Causes:
Psychological: Stress, performance anxiety, or relationship issues.
Biological: Hormonal imbalances, neurotransmitter issues, or penile hypersensitivity. Treatment:
Behavioral techniques (e.g., the “stop-start” method).
Medications (e.g., SSRIs or topical anesthetics).
Counseling or therapy for emotional factors.
3. Low Libido (Decreased Sex Drive)
Symptoms: Reduced interest in sexual activity. Causes:
Hormonal imbalances (low testosterone).
Stress, depression, or fatigue.
Chronic medical conditions or medications. Treatment:
Address underlying medical conditions.
Hormone replacement therapy if testosterone levels are low.
Psychological counseling or relationship therapy.
4. Delayed Ejaculation
Symptoms: Difficulty or inability to ejaculate despite prolonged sexual activity. Causes:
Physical: Nerve damage, hormonal issues, or certain medications.
Psychological: Anxiety, stress, or past trauma. Treatment:
Address underlying causes (e.g., changing medications).
Therapy or counseling.
Medications in specific cases.
if You Need Any Sexual Problem Please Call Now: 7687878787, 9871605858
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A US Patient’s Victory Over Cancer: Low-Cost Surgery by India’s Leading Oncologist Dr. Vinod Raina
🌍✈️ Rodriguez Ezra from the USA beat stage 3 colorectal cancer with Dr. Vinod Raina’s expertise at Fortis Gurgaon, guided by India Cancer Surgery Services for seamless, affordable, world-class care. 💪❤️
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Top Cancer Surgeons in Delhi: Where to Find the Best Care
Cancer care in Delhi is rapidly advancing with the city's top surgeons providing world-class treatment using state-of-the-art technology and innovative therapies. With an increasing number of specialized cancer centers and a growing community of highly qualified oncologists, patients can access comprehensive and personalized treatment plans. For anyone seeking the top cancer doctors in Delhi, it is essential to know where to find the best care and which surgeons are recognized for their expertise.
Delhi, being a hub for medical excellence, is home to some of the most renowned cancer surgeons in India. In this article, we will explore the profiles of top cancer surgeons in Delhi and guide you through what makes them the best in their field.
Why Choose Delhi for Cancer Treatment?
Delhi is not only the capital of India but also one of the foremost centers for medical tourism, particularly for cancer care. Many hospitals in the city are equipped with cutting-edge facilities for diagnosing and treating various forms of cancer, including Proton Therapy, robotic surgeries, and advanced chemotherapy protocols. These hospitals provide multidisciplinary teams of oncologists, including medical, surgical, and radiation specialists, all under one roof.
Delhi’s cancer treatment centers emphasize a patient-centric approach. This means personalized care, dedicated tumor boards, and access to holistic treatment strategies that integrate not just surgical care but also radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and palliative care. In this growing ecosystem, finding the top cancer doctors in Delhi becomes an easier task for patients looking for the best possible outcomes.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma: Leading Expert in Cancer Care
When it comes to outstanding cancer care in Delhi, one name that stands out is Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma. With years of experience in the field of oncology, Dr. Sharma is widely recognized for his multidisciplinary understanding of cancer. His journey into cancer treatment has been fueled by a commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements and techniques in the field. One notable aspect of his career is his fellowship in Proton Therapy from New Jersey, which places him at the forefront of cancer treatment using this cutting-edge radiation therapy technology.
Proton Therapy is a game-changer in radiation oncology, offering precision treatment that targets tumors while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. This makes it especially beneficial for treating complex and sensitive areas, such as brain tumors or cancers located near vital organs. By specializing in Proton Therapy, Dr. Sharma has equipped himself with the skills needed to provide advanced care for cancer patients.
Dr. Sharma’s vast experience spans multiple cancer types, and his deep understanding of oncology allows him to collaborate effectively in tumor board meetings, where decisions about patient treatment plans are made. He is also a mentor to junior doctors in radiation oncology, emphasizing research, continuous learning, and the importance of technological integration in cancer care.
Other Leading Cancer Surgeons in Delhi
Apart from Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Delhi has a large pool of exceptional cancer surgeons who specialize in different types of cancers. Here are a few other renowned names in the field:
1. Dr. Suresh Advani
Dr. Advani is a celebrated oncologist with decades of experience in the field. He has made remarkable contributions to cancer care and is known for his pioneering work in stem cell transplants. His expertise includes a wide range of cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and breast cancer.
2. Dr. Vinod Raina
Dr. Raina is one of the most respected names in cancer care, particularly for his work in chemotherapy and immunotherapy. He has worked on groundbreaking clinical trials and is highly skilled in personalized cancer treatment strategies.
3. Dr. Harit Chaturvedi
A surgical oncologist with extensive experience, Dr. Chaturvedi is known for his precision in performing complex cancer surgeries. His expertise spans across various cancer types, including breast, gastrointestinal, and thoracic cancers.
4. Dr. Sameer Kaul
Dr. Kaul is a leading surgical oncologist specializing in head and neck cancers. His approach to cancer care focuses on preserving the patient's quality of life by using minimally invasive techniques, wherever possible.
5. Dr. Kapil Kumar
As a highly regarded surgical oncologist, Dr. Kumar has made a significant impact in the field of breast cancer treatment. He is known for using a multidisciplinary approach to create tailored treatment plans for each patient.
Finding the Right Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Choosing the right cancer surgeon is crucial for any patient. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:
1. Specialization and Experience
Different oncologists specialize in various types of cancer, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, head and neck cancer, or hematological cancers. Ensure that the surgeon you choose has experience and expertise in treating your specific cancer type.
2. Technology and Techniques
Surgeons who are proficient in using advanced technologies like robotic surgery or Proton Therapy, like Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, can offer more precise and less invasive treatment options. Inquire about the technologies that the surgeon uses and how they will benefit your treatment plan.
3. Reputation and Patient Feedback
Seek out patient reviews and testimonials. Hospitals and doctors with a reputation for excellent care are more likely to provide a positive experience. Cancer treatment can be a long and challenging process, so choosing a surgeon known for their compassionate approach is equally important.
4. Access to Multidisciplinary Care
Look for cancer centers that offer a multidisciplinary team. Cancer care often requires input from multiple specialists – surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, and more. Choosing a surgeon who works within a collaborative team can lead to better, more comprehensive treatment plans.
Delhi is home to some of the best cancer care facilities in India, with a growing number of specialists offering innovative and comprehensive treatment. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma stands out as one of the top cancer doctors in Delhi, bringing a combination of experience, advanced knowledge in Proton Therapy, and a patient-centered approach. Other top cancer surgeons, such as Dr. Suresh Advani and Dr. Harit Chaturvedi, also contribute to making Delhi a top destination for cancer treatment.
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Sandeep Marwah Honored by Ishkama Global Change in London
London, UK: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an eminent figure in the global media, entertainment, and education sectors, was honored by Ishkama Global Change in a prestigious ceremony held at Hotel Holiday Inn in London. His unparalleled contributions have set remarkable records, cementing his legacy as a visionary leader and innovator.
Dr. Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios, and AAFT University. Under his dynamic leadership, Noida Film City has witnessed an astounding ninety million footfalls, while Marwah Studios alone has hosted three million visitors from 156 countries for 7,500 events. These milestones underscore his global influence and dedication to fostering cultural and educational exchanges.
Introduced by Prapti Dutt to a packed hall, Dr. Marwah’s extensive achievements were celebrated. He has produced 3,500 short films and trained 30,000 students from 145 countries, demonstrating his commitment to nurturing talent and promoting international collaboration. His leadership extends to over 100 organizations, with associations spanning 600 global entities.
Dr. Marwah has been honored more than 1,200 times, including over 200 international awards and 19 doctorates from various countries. His nine world records in media, entertainment, education, and sports underscore his pioneering spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence.
In his capacity as President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, Dr. Marwah also serves as the Ambassador of Wales and chairs the Indo Wales Creative Forum and Indo UK Film and Cultural Forum. Remarkably, he is the only Indian to have been honored eight times in the British Parliament, a testament to his significant contributions to humanity.
The award was presented to Dr. Sandeep Marwah by Abhnash K. Bains, CEO of Ishkama Global Change, and The Right Honorable Lord Daniel Joseph Brennan KCSG KC of the House of Lords, British Parliament. The honor recognized Dr. Marwah’s untiring contributions to humanity.
The event was graced by several distinguished personalities, including Ambassador Monika Mohta, Former Mayor Sunil Chopra, Ashish Chawla, Prabhakar Kaza, Dr. Anthony Raju, Ajay Devalia, Dr. Maria Santiago, Donya Mlouka, Dr. Alka Pandey, Dr. Neha Swami, Pavan Nagori, Barrister Gul Nawaz Khan, Hina Gupta, Preeti Puja, Minakshi Koch, Prof. Dr. Parin Somani, Hida Kalap, Dr. Satnam Deuchakar, Dr. Tisha Patel, Latha Baine, Des O’Connor, Dr. Deepika Saini, Raina Kalhan, Dr. Parul Begum, and Joydeep Das.
Other notable attendees included Dr. Clayinka Uadiale, Dr. Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha, Sonia D’Souza, Dr. Ishi Bains, Shallu Gupta, Abhha Sandill, Dr. Kamilla Karuddin, Yvette Manong, Alison Chiwara, Chinu Kishore, Prof. Caroline Makaka, Dr. Manju Mangalprabhat Lodha, Kamalpreet Madaan, and Riya Gupta.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s recognition at this event highlights his extraordinary achievements and enduring impact on global media, education, and cultural exchange. His relentless dedication and visionary leadership continue to inspire and transform the lives of many around the world.
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Blood Cancer Treatment in India for Foreign Patients
Blood cancer, also called hematologic cancer, is a type of cancer that starts in the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced. There are mainly three types of blood cancer; leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. These can be further categorized as non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), and amyloidosis. Some of the rare types of blood cancer are Waldenstrommacroglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.
Blood cancer treatment in India includes stem cell (bone marrow) transplantation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. Sometimes the course of treatment consists of a combination of these. This article explores blood cancer treatment cost in India, the best blood cancer treatment hospitals in India, and the top blood cancer treatment doctors in India.
Blood Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Blood cancer treatment cost in India ranges between US$12000 and US$35000. The price of blood cancer treatment in India depends on various factors like fees of the oncologist, the patient’s age, the severity of the cancer, the course of treatment advised by the doctor, other lab tests, and the hospital’s location. Due to the affordability of blood cancer treatment in India, most international patients come to India to get their treatment done at a low cost.
Best Blood Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India
Blood Cancer Treatment in India has advanced majorly in the last ten years. India has become the most popular place for medical tourism. Al AfiyaMedi Tour helps you get the best blood cancer treatment in India by finding the best hospitals for you. These hospitals are known for their world-class treatment and exceptional patient care. Here is a list of some of the best blood cancer treatment hospitals in India:
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram
Max Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi
Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai
Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
Apollo Hospital, Bangalore
Nanavati Max Institute of Cancer Care, Mumbai
MedantaTheMedicity, Gurugram
Top Blood Cancer Treatment Doctors in India
There are many outstanding oncologists and hematologists in India. The best oncologists in India are highly experienced and skilled, ensuring the best blood cancer treatment. Our consultants are trained to match you with top blood cancer treatment doctors. These doctors prioritize your health and offer excellent medical care. Here are the top five oncologists in India:
Dr. VikasDua - PaediatricHemato Oncologist and BMT
Dr. Rahul Bhargava - Hematologic Oncologist, BMT
Dr. Vinod Raina - Medical Oncologist, Hematologist,
Dr. Dharma Choudhary - Haemato Oncologist & BMT
Dr. Rakesh Chopra - Medical Oncologist, Internal Medicine
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Best 3 Cancer Surgeons in Delhi NCR
Dr. Seema Singh is the top cancer surgeon in Delhi. She works at Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals in Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, after serving at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute Research Centre (RGCIRC). Dr. Vinod Raina, from AIIMS, specializes in robotic cancer surgeries. Dr. Sameer Kaul, at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, is known for robotic surgeries, ensuring faster recovery and fewer complications. They're highly skilled and respected for their care.
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Famous Sexologist in Delhi
Oorja ayurvedic clinic , Dr. Prakash Kothari, Dr. Sudhir Bhola, Dr. Vinod Raina, and Dr. Mahinder Watsa are some renowned sexologists who have been prominent figures in Delhi's medical community. Their expertise and contributions to the field of sexual health have earned them recognition and respect among patients seeking guidance and treatment in Delhi. These professionals have often been sought after for their knowledge, experience, and compassionate approach toward addressing sexual health concerns. However, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider various factors before choosing a healthcare professional for personalized care. Factors like qualifications, experience, patient reviews, and comfort level during consultations play a crucial role in finding the right sexologist to address individual needs.
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Sexologist Doctor in Delhi
Key Differences between STDs and Sexual Problems
Here are the key differences between sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexual problems like erectile dysfunction (ED) or low libido: STDs are infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that are transmitted through sexual contact, whereas sexual problems like ED or low libido are typically related to physical, psychological, or hormonal factors affecting sexual function. For those dealing with either STDs or sexual health issues, consulting a sexologist doctor in Delhi can provide the right diagnosis and treatment to improve sexual well-being.
1. Cause:
STDs: Caused by infections, which can be viral, bacterial, or parasitic, such as HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, or chlamydia.
Sexual Problems: Often due to physical, psychological, or hormonal factors. For example, ED can result from blood flow issues, while low libido might be linked to hormonal imbalances, stress, or mental health concerns.
2. Transmission:
STDs: Spread primarily through sexual contact. Some can also be transmitted through non-sexual means like blood transfusion or from mother to child.
Sexual Problems: Not contagious and do not spread from person to person.
3. Symptoms:
STDs: Symptoms can include sores, rashes, discharge, pain during urination, or genital discomfort, but many STDs can be asymptomatic as well.
Sexual Problems: Manifest as difficulties related to sexual function, such as inability to achieve or maintain an erection (ED), reduced sexual desire, or performance issues, without external physical symptoms.
4. Treatment:
STDs: Treated with medication, often antibiotics for bacterial infections or antiviral drugs for viral infections.
Sexual Problems: Managed through a combination of medical treatments , lifestyle changes, or hormonal treatments depending on the underlying cause.
5. Impact on Health:
STDs: Can lead to serious health complications if untreated, such as infertility, organ damage, or increased risk of HIV transmission. For effective STD treatment in Delhi, timely medical intervention is crucial.
Sexual Problems: Primarily affect sexual function and emotional well-being, but do not pose direct physical health risks unless linked to an underlying condition like cardiovascular disease.
6. Prevention:
STDs: Prevented by practicing safe sex, using condoms, getting vaccinated (for HPV and hepatitis), and regular testing.
Sexual Problems: Prevention focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, maintaining cardiovascular health, and seeking help for mental health issues.
These distinctions are important for understanding how each condition affects sexual health and overall well-being.
Dr. Vinod Raina, Sexologist Doctor
Address: E-34 Ekta Apartment, saket New Delhi – 110017
Contact: 7687878787, 9871605858
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HIV Specialist in Delhi
HIV is a virus which if not eradicated before time can lead to the development of HIV positive and then this viral load remains in body for life. Like other viral infections, HIV virus also enters the body and attacks the immune cells thus resulting in the collapse of immune system. But the difference here is, in case of entry of HIV virus in blood, it makes its home there for life.
The immune system of our body protect us by recognizing the invading pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites) and gives the instant reaction to those pathogens and thus prevent us from falling ill. The cells of immune system that play part in regulation and destruction of antigens ate T lymphocytes. When HIV is in the circulatory system, it targets CD4+ lymphocytes.
Watch full video for more information.
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