mariacallous · 2 years
As the United States was watching the skies in the aftermath of the spy balloon incident, China may have been acting at sea. In early February, maritime vessels disabled the two undersea cables connecting Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, a tiny archipelago just 10 nautical miles off China’s coast, to the internet. Now residents of the islands face highly reduced internet connectivity until the cables are repaired. The activity looks like targeted harassment by Beijing—or an exercise in preparation for cutting off the whole of Taiwan.
On Feb. 2, a Chinese fishing vessel sailing close to the Matsu Islands severed one of the two cables, which connect the islands with Taiwan proper. Then, six days later, a Chinese freighter cut the second cable. Speaking shortly after the second cable was cut, Wong Po-tsung, the vice chair of Taiwan’s National Communications Commission, told reporters that there was no indication the incidents were intentional. It’s not uncommon for undersea cables to be damaged—but losing two in a row is either really unfortunate or quite possibly not a coincidence. Either way, Matsu Islands residents are now left with only rudimentary internet access: The islands’ commercial telecommunications provider, Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), has set up free, round-the-clock Wi-Fi in its stores on the islands and launched a backup microwave system for phone calls and state communications.
The Matsu Islands’ 12,700 or so residents will have to live without the cables for many more weeks; a repair vessel will arrive on April 20 at the earliest, and the repairs will require further time. The residents have experience living with damaged undersea cables. CHT reports that the cables were damaged five times in 2021 and four times last year, though nowhere near as badly as this time. During such periods of impaired internet connectivity, “it would take more than 10 minutes to send a text message, and sending a picture would take even longer,” Lii Wen, the Matsu Islands head of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told the Taipei Times, adding that “the booking system in hostels and logistics services cannot function normally either, let alone viewing content and films on social media.”
With both cables down, even moderately slowed-down internet immobilizes daily life. Beijing is watching to see how island residents get on with this impediment to their existence—and to see how they manage to communicate with Taiwan proper. It’s also keeping close military watch of what it considers a renegade region. Taiwan’s offshore islands have always been its Achilles’s heel; in 1958, China shelled the Matsu Islands and the neighboring island of Kinmen. Last summer, the People’s Liberation Army Navy conducted large exercises near the island, purportedly in response to then-U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, though their large and well-executed nature suggested they had been planned long in advance.
Indeed, it’s striking how often Chinese vessels have damaged the undersea cables connecting islands in recent years. It’s especially striking because it’s no mystery where the world’s 380 undersea cables are located. On the contrary, there are maps detailing their location to ensure that fishing vessels don’t accidentally harm them while dragging their nets. By and large, this works: The International Cable Protection Committee reports that each year there are between 100 and 200 cases of damage to the cables and only 50-100 of those incidents involve fishing vessels; the rest are the result of construction and other activity. The incidents involving damage to the cables connecting the Matsu Islands are, in other words, disproportionately frequent.
What’s more, to date they have primarily involved the Chinese excavators that park themselves off the islands and dig up sand (which I wrote about for Foreign Policy last year). Given that undersea cables have a diameter of 17-21 millimeters (roughly the size of a garden hose), it would require an unbelievable amount of bad luck to accidentally damage them as often as Chinese vessels do—let alone to take out two in a row.
Chinese excavators parking themselves in Taiwanese waters and taking Taiwanese sand are classic gray-zone aggression: It’s not a military attack, but it’s also not nothing. Indeed, every time they appear, Taiwanese coast guard vessels have to travel to the site and instruct the vessels to leave (though they can’t be sure the uninvited visitors will do so in an expeditious manner). Every time, the diggers harm the maritime wildlife and the seabed. And because they often harm the undersea cables in the process, they harm the Matsu Islands’ ability to function and to communicate with Taiwan proper and the wider world.
Given that the undersea cables’ locations are known, this frequent and now jacked-up harm to the Matsu Islands doesn’t look like accidental damage—it looks like harassment of Taiwan. After the most recent incident, the DPP accused China of deliberately damaging the cables given how often they’re broken. The incidents could even be an exercise in preparation for a communications cutoff of Taiwan proper. Fifteen undersea cables connect the main island with global telecommunications.
CHT plans to, at least partly, ensure the Matsu Islands’ connectivity by laying another cable, and this time it will be buried underneath the seabed. The cable will, however, only be in place in 2025. In the meantime, CHT has to pay for the backup internet system, and it’s also waiving island residents’ internet fees. When the repair ship arrives, fixing the two cables will cost CHT between $660,000 and $1.3 million.
Causing such costs is also part of gray-zone aggression. If a company suffers losses as a result of geopolitical aggression, its insurer may not cover it: Russia’s devastating NotPetya cyberattack resulted in massive lawsuits between multinationals and their insurers. While CHT’s conversations with its underwriter are naturally confidential, the two will have to agree on whether the severing of the cables was accidental damage or an act of harm initiated by another government to weaken Taiwan. Either way, CHT or its insurer has to pay for repeated damage that goes far beyond what’s typical for undersea cables. What happens if CHT backs out of providing connectivity to the Matsu Islands on the grounds that constant cable repairs are making it too difficult and expensive? As I’ve outlined in other pieces and this report, geopolitical confrontation risks making parts of global business uninsurable.
And there’s another problem facing CHT, Taiwan, and indeed every country: the shortage of cable ships. The reason CHT has to wait until the end of April, or later, for repairs to begin is that there are only 60 cable vessels around. (Take a look at them here.) It’s a good thing that these scruffy-looking ships exist; indeed, without them the internet would not operate. But not only are the cable ships few in number—they’re also getting on in years. As Dan Swinhoe reports for DCD Magazine, no new cable ships were delivered between 2004 and 2010, and only five ships were delivered between 2011 and 2020. “Only eight of those 60 ships are younger than 18, with most between 20 and 30 years old. 19 are over 30 years old, and one is over 50,” Swinhoe notes. Like the world’s undersea cables, the cable ships are privately owned—and the market, as of yet, seems to have no interest in improving things. This might be a chance for governments—especially the world’s predominant naval powers, such as the United States—to step in. Alternatively, cable operators, which include not just telecommunications firms but tech giants like Google, too, might want to buy their own cable ships.
In the future, more submarine cables will be placed underneath the seabed to make them less exposed to damage—but that, too, depends on the 60 cable ships being available. If Chinese fishing and cargo vessels want to accidentally damage or sever the 15 undersea cables connecting Taiwan to the rest of the world, the near future thus offers enticing prospects. Indeed, given the world’s dependence on the cables and the few ships that can service them, the near future offers tempting prospects for any country ready to create a few more “accidents” at sea.
Cable sabotage could become our era’s blockade—and unlike past generations’ blockades, it can be conducted on the sly. No wonder other telecom operators are studying CHT’s backup operations, because they, too, could be forced to deploy such measures, in Taiwan and beyond. And let’s hope many countries study Taiwan’s response. Responding to a devastating but invisible blockade could become one of the thorniest diplomatic challenges facing Western governments.
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schoenes-thailand · 4 months
Taiwans neuer Präsident tritt sein Amt an und fordert China auf, feindselige Aktionen einzustellen
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Lai Ching-te setzt sich in seiner Antrittsrede für Frieden in der Region ein und sagt, die Zukunft Taiwans sei wichtig für die Zukunft der Welt. Lai Ching-te wurde als neuer Präsident Taiwans vereidigt und forderte China auf, „seine politische und militärische Einschüchterung gegen Taiwan einzustellen“ und die Welt von der Angst vor einem weiteren Krieg fernzuhalten. Lai wurde am Montagmorgen im Präsidentenamt aus der japanischen Kolonialzeit im Zentrum von Taipeh eingeweiht und trat damit die Nachfolge von Tsai Ing-wen an, deren acht Jahre an der Macht zu einer Verschlechterung der Beziehungen zu Peking führten. China beansprucht das demokratische Taiwan als Provinz und bezeichnet den 64-jährigen Lai als „gefährlichen Separatisten“, der „Krieg und Niedergang“ auf die Insel bringen werde. Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas hat nie über Taiwan geherrscht, aber Xi Jinping hat erklärt , dass das, was er als „Wiedervereinigung“ bezeichnet, unvermeidlich sei. In seiner ersten Ansprache als Präsident sagte Lai, dass die Zukunft Taiwans für die Welt ebenso wichtig sei wie für Taiwans Bevölkerung, und wies auf die strategische Bedeutung der Insel hin. Er forderte China auf , „seine politischen und militärischen Einschüchterungsversuche gegen Taiwan einzustellen, mit Taiwan die globale Verantwortung für die Wahrung von Frieden und Stabilität in der Taiwanstraße und der Großregion zu teilen und sicherzustellen, dass die Welt frei von Kriegsangst ist.“ . „Ich hoffe, dass China sich der Realität der Existenz der Republik China stellt, die Entscheidungen des taiwanesischen Volkes respektiert und in gutem Glauben den Dialog der Konfrontation, den Austausch der Eindämmung vorzieht und sich unter den Grundsätzen der Parität und Würde engagiert.“ Zusammenarbeit mit der vom taiwanesischen Volk gewählten rechtmäßigen Regierung.“ Er warnte die taiwanesischen Bürger davor, sich Illusionen zu machen und ihre Entschlossenheit bei der Verteidigung der Nation zu demonstrieren. „Solange China sich weigert, auf die Anwendung von Gewalt gegen Taiwan zu verzichten, sollten wir alle in Taiwan verstehen, dass selbst wenn wir die Position Chinas in ihrer Gesamtheit akzeptieren und unsere Souveränität aufgeben, Chinas Ambitionen, Taiwan zu annektieren, nicht einfach verschwinden werden.“ " er sagte. Lai lobte Taiwans demokratischen Prozess und verwendete in seiner Rede 31 Mal das chinesische Wort für „Demokratie“. Er verwies auf Taiwans dunkle Geschichte unter autoritärer Herrschaft von 1949 bis Ende der 1980er Jahre und auf die ersten direkten Präsidentschaftswahlen im Jahr 1996. Diese Wahlen „ der Welt, dass die Republik China Taiwan eine souveräne, unabhängige Nation ist, in der die Souveränität liegt.“ den Händen des Volkes“. Lai und Vizepräsident Hsiao Bi-Khim, der als Taiwans oberster Gesandter in Washington fungierte, sind beide Mitglieder der Demokratischen Fortschrittspartei (DPP), die sich für Taiwans Souveränität eingesetzt hat. In der Vergangenheit bezeichnete Lai sich selbst als „pragmatischen Verfechter der Unabhängigkeit Taiwans“, schwächte jedoch kürzlich seine Rhetorik ab und schloss sich Tsais gemäßigterer Haltung an, für die sie während ihrer Amtszeit als Beitrag zur Wahrung des Friedens ohne Kapitulation gelobt wurde . Vor Lais Amtseinführung nannte das Pekinger Büro für Taiwan-Angelegenheiten, das sich mit Angelegenheiten über die Taiwanstraße befasst, „Taiwans Unabhängigkeit und Frieden in der Meerenge … wie Wasser und Feuer“. Am Montagnachmittag sagte ein Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums, die Unabhängigkeit Taiwans sei „eine Sackgasse, und egal unter welchem ​​Banner, die Abspaltung sei zum Scheitern verurteilt“. Chinesische Kampfflugzeuge und Marineschiffe sind fast täglich rund um die Insel präsent, und in der Woche vor der Vereidigungszeremonie kam es zu einem Anstieg der Zahl von Kampfflugzeugen und Drohnen . Aus Peking gab es keine unmittelbare Reaktion auf Lais Rede, doch die chinesische Social-Media-Plattform Weibo blockierte einen Hashtag im Zusammenhang mit der Amtseinführung. Lai löste bei der Menge Jubel aus, als er sagte, er wünsche sich die Wiederaufnahme des bilateralen gegenseitigen Tourismus zwischen Taiwan und China, der eingeschränkt ist. Lai sagte, dies müsse unter bestimmten Bedingungen der „Würde und Zusammenarbeit mit der vom taiwanesischen Volk gewählten rechtmäßigen Regierung“ geschehen. Viele Menschen in Taiwan haben soziale und geschäftliche Beziehungen zu China und wünschen sich eine Rückkehr zu freundschaftlichen Umgangsformen, auch wenn sie keine Wiedervereinigung wollen. Wen-Ti Sung, ein Politikwissenschaftler an der Australian National University, sagte, Lais Rede „bekräftigte, dass Abschreckung der wichtigste Schutz für Taiwans Sicherheit ist und dass Akkommodationspolitik nicht funktionieren wird“. Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Assistenzprofessorin an der Taiwan National Dong Hwa University, sagte, die Rede sei „entschlossen und nachdrücklich, forderte aber auch China auf, seine Weigerung, mit einer DPP-Regierung in einen Dialog einzutreten, zu überdenken“. Amanda Hsiao, China-Analystin der International Crisis Group, sagte, die Aussicht auf einen Dialog sei gering, da es keine klare Grundlage gebe, die ihrer Meinung nach beide Seiten akzeptieren könnten. Lai hat manchmal seine Skepsis gegenüber der Verfassung der Republik China (ROC) als Grundlage für Angelegenheiten über die Taiwanstraße zum Ausdruck gebracht, und zwar in einem anderen Ansatz als Tsai, die die darin enthaltenen Unklarheiten über die Existenz „eines Chinas“ für ihre Geschäfte mit Peking nutzte . In seiner Rede am Montag verwies er auf die Verfassung, sagte jedoch, dass China und die Republik China einander nicht „untergeordnet“ seien. „Seine Rede zeigt, dass er Formulierungen gegenüber skeptisch ist, die als Legitimierung der Idee von „einem China“ ausgelegt werden könnten, aus Sorge, dass dies Chinas Anspruch mehr Boden verschafft“, sagte Hsiao. „Ich denke, er ist den Absichten Pekings gegenüber ziemlich misstrauisch.“ Die Einweihungszeremonie begann um 9 Uhr (01.00 GMT) mit der Amtsvereidigung von Lai und Hsiao im Büro des Präsidenten in Taipeh. Zu der kleinen Gruppe von Zeugen gehörte Morris Chang, der Gründer von TSMC, dem führenden Halbleiterhersteller, der die meisten der hochwertigsten Chips der Welt herstellt und für einen erheblichen Teil des BIP Taiwans verantwortlich ist. Nach den Formalitäten gingen Lai, Hsiao und Tsai nach draußen, um die Tausenden von Delegierten und Mitgliedern der Öffentlichkeit zu begrüßen, die sich zur Zeremonie versammelt hatten. Tsai schüttelte dem ankommenden Team die Hand und dankte „Xiao Ing“ (ein Spitzname für Tsai, der „kleiner Ing“ bedeutet) für ihren Dienst. Im VIP-Bereich der Zeremonie saßen mehr als 600 Delegationsteilnehmer aus mehreren Ländern, darunter 11 von 12 diplomatischen Verbündeten Taiwans und wichtigen internationalen Freunden, darunter das Vereinigte Königreich, die USA, Japan und Australien. Zu der amerikanischen Delegation gehörte auch der ehemalige Außenminister Mike Pompeo. Peking hatte Einwände gegen die Delegationen erhoben, die aus Ländern entsandt wurden, die Peking wegen Taipeh offiziell anerkennen, aber keine dieser Delegationen bestand aus Staatsoberhäuptern oder hochrangigen Ministern. Der US-Außenminister Antony Blinken gratulierte Lai und sagte, er freue sich darauf, dass Washington und Taipeh die Beziehungen vertiefen und „Frieden und Stabilität über die Meerenge von Taiwan hinweg “ wahren. Während der Zeremonie kündigte das chinesische Handelsministerium Sanktionen gegen drei US-Waffenhersteller wegen Waffenlieferungen an Taiwan an. Lai erkannte auch die innenpolitischen Herausforderungen an, mit denen er konfrontiert war, darunter die Wohnkosten, die Vermögenskluft und der Druck bei den Lebenshaltungskosten. Er versprach außerdem, die öffentliche Infrastruktur zu verbessern. Lai gewann die Präsidentschaft, aber die DPP verlor ihre Mehrheit in der Legislative. In Taipeh liefen die Vorbereitungen in den letzten Tagen auf Hochtouren – Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber der Luftwaffe überflogen die Stadt im Training für die Flugformation, mit der Lai gratulierte. Zwischen den Reden wurde das Publikum mit einer Reihe taiwanesischer Tanzaufführungen verwöhnt, die von traditioneller Oper bis hin zu Hip-Hop reichten. Unter der Menge war auch Li Xin-xiang, ein 92-jähriger Taiwaner, der in Osaka lebt und zur Amtseinführung zurückkam. „Taiwan ist ein unabhängiges, souveränes Land. Es spielt keine Rolle, dass wir keine diplomatischen Beziehungen haben“, sagte er dem Guardian. „23 Millionen Menschen werden über unser eigenes Schicksal entscheiden.“ Wir sind dem chinesischen Festland nicht untergeordnet … Regierung, Volk, Land, Souveränität, Verfassung, wir haben alles.“ - Quelle: The Guardian (dir) Read the full article
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kbanews · 1 year
Disebut Tak Jadi Cawapres Anies, Khofifah : Anda yang Bilang Katanya
SURABAYA I KBA – Ketua DPP Partai NasDem Effendy Choirie atau Gus Choi sempat menyatakan jika Khofifah Indar Parawansa menolak halus tawaran sebagai cawapres Anies Baswedan. Khofifah sendiri merespons pernyataan Gus Choi tersebut dengan santai. “Opo seh, sampean yang bilang katae. Walah walah, wis-wis. (Apa sih, anda yang bilang katanya. Sudah-sudah),” kata Khofifah kepada awak media di Gedung…
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wahdahjakarta · 3 years
Sekjen DPP WI: Pesan Wapres Sejalan dengan Program Wahdah Islamiyah
Sekjen DPP WI: Pesan Wapres Sejalan dengan Program Wahdah Islamiyah
MAKASSAR—wahdahajakarta.com, Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekejen) Dewan Pimpinan Pusat  Wahdah Islamiyah (DPP WI)  Ustaz Syaibani Mujiono menanggapi, pesan Wakil Presiden Ma’ruf Amin yang disampaikan pada Grand Opening Muktamar pada Ahad (19/12/2021) lalu sejalan dengan program Wahdah Islamiyah.   Dikatakan Ustaz Syaibani yang juga ketua pengarah muktamar iv, Wapres berharap agar Wahdah Islamiyah turut…
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The EOS Digital Solution Disk Software contains various applications for EOS digital cameras. The following applications are included in this package. Digital Photo Professional 4.9.0 EOS Utility 3.9.0 EOS Utility 2.14.31 EOS Lens Registration Tool 1.9.0 EOS Web Service Registration Tool 1.8.0 EOS Sample Music Picture Style Editor 1.21.0. "EOS Digital Solution Disk Software" is a software suite containing the applications "Digital Photo Professional",... EOS Utility: Mac OS X 10.6.8, 10.7, 10.8 2. Supported Computers... Canon Marketing (Taiwan) Co., Ltd., and its affiliate companies ("Canon") make no guarantee of any kind with regard to the Content, expressly disclaims all.
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Ganjar Tak Diundang Di Acara PDIP Jateng, Dedi Kurnia: Layak Dicurigai Rekayasa
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo tidak diundang di acara internal PDIP saat Puan Maharani datang ke kader banteng di Jawa Tengah. Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah berpendapat ada yang perlu diwaspadai dari fakta politik itu. Kata Dedi, jika konflik internal karena cemburu dengan elektabilitas Ganjar, maka terlalu dini konflik itu mengemuka. Atas dasar itu, Dedi menengarai hal itu patut diduga adalah rekayasa sistematis. "Layak dicurigai jika konflik ini adalah rekayasa sistematis. Tentu untuk menempatkan Ganjar sebagai "korban", dan awal dari dimulainya politik playing victim untuk mempertegas seberapa kuat nama Ganjar di publik," demikian kata Dedi kepada Kantor Berita Politik RMOL, Senin (24/5). Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo tidak diundang dalam acara penguatan soliditas partai menuju Pemilu 2024 yang dihadiri Ketua DPP PDIP Puan Maharani. Penegasan itu sebagaimana disampaikan langsung Ketua DPD PDIP Jateng Bambang Wuryanto. "Tidak diundang! 'wis kemajon' (sudah telalu maju), 'yen kowe pinter, ojo keminter' (bila kamu pintar, jangan sok pintar-red)," tutur Ketua DPP PDI Perjuangan Bidang Pemenangan Pemilu sebagaimana dikutip dari Antara, Minggu (23/5). Bambang Pacul, sapaan akrabnya, lantas menyindir tentang gelagat Ganjar yang sedang bersiap menuju Pilpres 2024. Menurutnya, Ganjar terlalu berambisi sehingga meninggalkan norma kepartaian.[rmol]
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3yyA1p2 via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/ganjar-tak-diundang-di-acara-pdip.html
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kaoarika · 3 years
My experiences with pkmn sapphire (so far) are as followed:
- Okay, battery = dry, cannot do much about it atm (unless doing electronics stuff I’m not particularly savvy). I do THINK this was a terrible idea  (not as much as entire game depending on the battery, thanks gsc) and, thankfully, the clock thing was improved with the DS onwards.
Either way, missing opportunity on the Regis pkmn, Mirage Islands, the berries thing, and the tidal waves -so, probably no Snorunt and other tiny stuff-.
That still doesn’t make me feel less annoyed by the game reminding me about it EVERY SINGLE TIME I START UP THE GBA SP.
- The limited pkmn thing. Now this kinda feels nostalgic. I remember reading back in the day the rumors about the Hoenn pkmn dex, about the obvious “uhm, you can’t transfer pkmn from gen i and ii to RS due to technical advances”, etc. And in that upfront, maybe that’s why I wasn’t so angry with the “no national dex pkmn in Unova (only after beating the games)” or the “yeah, you can’t transfer EVERY pkmn available in Galar” controversy.
Say what you want, while I do miss some of my fave pkmn from the first two gens that do not appear in this game (although LG exists, cannot transfer though)... well... yeah...
- Speaking of, kinda a shame that I did arrive to a point where it was possible to transfer pkmn from LG to Sapphire and viceversa... but no link cable and the other GBA we have is in conditions that need repairs. Also... do I miss these simple times where you were forced to trade pkmn through link cable when you didn’t have lots of friends nor acquaintances that played pkmn? :))) Not really.
Curiously enough, a wi-fi thing that was used for both LGFR and Emerald did come to our hands loooots of years after we got Sapphire and LG, but, again... not FR (the game was notoriously absent, although this thing came with a JPN FR box... kinda cute, however, and a piece of my collection, nowadays, lol) and not another SP on hand, yay.
(Maybe that explains why I went nuts with the GTS in both Pearl and SoulSilver... especially around the time Nintendo went and said “yeah, we are... shutting down the WFC”. (Luckily I still can get world trading and wonder trading whenever I get a 3DS pkmn game as soon as I replace my 3DS’ battery)
- Training pkmn for the second gym was absoultely frustrating. Fighting type, I only had Ralts on hand (on lvl 4, nonetheless) and the gym pkmn were already around lvl 14-17. Where else you can grind your party if everywhere are still limited to lvl 10-11 at best...? I don’t remember it was this hard already in the 2nd gym in PEARL, but... 
Either way, it’s a little bit more easier to train for Mauville’s Gym Leader (which is where I am right now). And lots of type variety as well, too. Geez.
- Was the routes’ music this repetitive in both Gen II and Gen IV? I don’t remember :’D
- Definitely not missing when your bag was full of items, either, lmao. Love that DPP improved that, as well.
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dpprooms-blog · 5 years
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wahdahmakassar-blog · 5 years
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📜📣📜📣📜📣 INFO TAKLIM HARI INI (Kamis, 02 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H/28 November 2019 M) . TERBUKA UNTUK MUSLIM DAN MUSLIMAH . . 1. Masjid Darul Hikmah DPP WI | Jalan Antang Raya No. 48 (Depan Stikes Mega Rezky) | Ustadz Dr. Muhammad Yusran Anshar | Pembahasan Syarah Kitab Al-Lu'lu' Wal Marjan: Kitab Zakat | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 2. Masjid Khairunnas | Jalan Anggrek No. 9 Bontorannu | Ustadz Mursyidul Haq Hasta, Lc. | Pembahasan Kitab Fiqih Zadul Mustaqni' (Bab Taharoh: Mengusap Sepatu) | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 3. Masjid Nur Akhlaq | Jl. Dg. Tata Raya Kompleks Pasar Hartako Blok IIb | Ustadz H. Ayyub Subandi, Lc. | Pembahasan Kitab Ihkam Ahkamun Nikah (Mahram; Orang yang Tidak Boleh Dinikahi- bagian 2) | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 4. Masjid Al-Rasyid | Kompleks 44 (Samping Pemprov; Depan SMAN 19 Makassar) | Ustadz Ronny Mahmuddin, Lc., M.Pd.I. | Pembahasan Kitab Ibhajul Mu'minin Syahru Tudhih Al-Fiqhi Fiddin | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 5. Masjid Nurul Ilmi UNM | Kampus UNM Gunung Sari | Ustadz H. Sayyid Tasydiq, Lc., M.A. | Pembahasan Syarah Kitab Tauhid: Bab Termasuk Kesyirikan, Meminta Kepada Selain Allah | Ba'da Ashar s.d. Selesai 6. Masjid Ulil Al Baab | Kampus UNM Parangtambung | Ustadz Muhammad Anwar Paeno | Pembahasan Kitab Dosa-Dosa Yang Dianggap Biasa | Ba'da Ashar s.d. Selesai . Ayo! Dukung Kegiatan Dakwah, Sosial, dan Pendidikan di Wahdah Islamiyah Kota Makassar dengan Donasi TERBAIK ANDA melalui rekening Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) 7087007493 a.n. DPD WAHDAH ISLAMIYAH MAKASSAR (Kode BSM 451). Konfirmasi Transfer ke nomor 0821-9090-6880 . . #wahdahislamiyah #wahdahislamiyahmakassar #wahdahmakassar #infomakassar #posternasehat #istiqomah #quoteoftheday #ayotarbiyah #ayongaji #ayohijrah #ayopuasa #laziswahdah #nasehatislami #islamic #dakwahmakassar #serambimadinah #pray #religious #dirosa #tarbiyah . 🌷 Silahkan Like & Share (di Makassar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ZdCbPBHrl/?igshid=zfoparw7psk
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prahaeu · 6 years
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Do Prahy dorazila poslední 250. tramvaj ForCity Alfa pro DPP od Škoda Transportation
Praha, 5. února 2019 – Zástupci Dopravního podniku hl. m. Prahy (DPP) dnes v Praze převzali jubilejní 250. tramvaj ForCity Alfa s evidenčním číslem 9450. Tím DPP završil klíčový dlouhodobý kontrakt dodávky nových tramvají typu 15T a uzavřela se tato etapa modernizace tramvajového vozového parku. První tramvaje ForCity vyrazily na svoji cestu po Praze před osmi lety. První tramvaj 15T byla Dopravnímu podniku předána 28. 1. 2011. Jubilejní stá byla předána v roce 2014 a dvoustá v novém designu v roce 2017.
„Dnes jsme v Praze převzali od Škody Transportation poslední z celkem 250 ks tramvají 15T. Byl to pro nás jeden z klíčových dlouhodobých kontraktů a uzavřeli jsme důležitou etapu modernizace tramvajového vozového parku,“říká Petr Witowski, předseda představenstva a generální ředitel DPP a dále uvádí: „Jsme rádi, že máme pro Pražany i návštěvníky města moderní a komfortní tramvaje, které jsou navíc i stoprocentně nízkopodlažní a nabízejí tak bezproblémovou možnost přepravy cestujícím se sníženou pohyblivostí. To je v souladu se strategickou prioritou Prahy, zajistit do roku 2025 bezbariérovost v celé síti MHD.“
„Je to již téměř deset let, co v Praze vyjela první červeno-stříbrná, nízkopodlažní tramvaj s nadčasovým designem ze Škodovky. Naše vozidla za tu dobu úspěšně završila více než padesát milionů ujetých kilometrů v provozu s cestujícími. Tramvaje z rodiny ForCity jsou kvalitní a je o ně zájem, o čemž svědčí loňské objednávky až 176 tramvají ForCity Smart pro Ostravu, Plzeň a především pro tři německá města Mannheim, Ludwigshafen a Heidelberg,“ říkáPetr Brzezina,předseda představenstva a generální ředitel Škoda Transportation. Tramvaje ForCity můžete však zahlédnout i v Maďarsku, Turecku, na Slovensku nebo třeba také v Číně.  
Tramvaj ForCity Alfa Praha je první sériově vyráběnou 100% nízkopodlažní tramvají s otočnými podvozky na světě. Jako první má také unikátní pohon s bezpřevodovkovými motory s permanentními magnety, které pohánějí všechna kola čtyř beznápravových podvozků. Umístění podvozků pod přechodovými měchy a pod konci vozidla umožňuje maximální variabilitu v uspořádání interiéru.
Tramvaj, která měří 31,4 m a široká je téměř 2,5 m, pojme 180 cestujících – z toho 61 sedících. Díky schopnosti hladkého průjezdu oblouky tramvaj zkracuje jízdní dobu a urychluje dopravu. K tomu napomáhá také šest širokých dvoukřídlých dveří, které cestujícím umožňují velmi rychlý výstup a nástup.
V průběhu dodávek došlo u tramvají k několika designovým změnám a změnám interiéru. Rovněž se provedly úpravy zaměřené na zvýšení pohodlí cestujících. Kromě postupného zavádění klimatizačních systémů v tramvajích se jednalo např. o výměnu dřevěných sedaček, které cestujícím nevyhovovaly, za plastové a rovněž o doplnění madel pro cestující se sníženou pohyblivostí. Některé z inovovaných vozidel mají také k dispozici wi-fi připojení na internet s moderní technologií LTE. Nový design je zřetelný zejména na čele vozidel, kde byla výrazně upravena barevnost: rám čelního okna a střední díl čela vozu jsou nově žlutooranžové. Cílem této designové inovace by měla být hlavně zvýšená bezpečnost chodců. Zářivá žlutooranžová kontrastní barva je vidět už zdálky a zajišťuje tak maximální viditelnost tramvaje zejména na přechodech.
V současné době DPP mj. postupně spouští systém EMA, který má za úkol automaticky bez zásahu řidiče ovládat vybrané funkce vozu jako např. hlášení zastávek, přimazávání kol a kolejnic, snížení rychlosti na předepsanou hodnotu při jízdě do oblouku nebo přes výhybky, zobrazení pozice tramvaje v mapových podkladech na vnitřním monitoru pro cestující apod.
S dodávkou nových tramvají musely být realizovány rozsáhlé rekonstrukce kolejových podpěr ve vozovnách, doplněny pracovní lávky pro zaměstnance údržby, nové silnější hydraulické zvedáky a nainstalování automatického doplňování písku do tramvají. Několik stavebních investic bylo realizováno i v Opravně tramvají a bylo nutné připravit a naprojektovat nové technologie pro těžkou údržbu zejména podvozků v Opravně tramvají. Všechny tyto investiční akce jsou zrealizovány nebo jsou před dokončením.„V Hostivaři se buduje nové odstavné kolejiště, práce jsou v plném proudu. Pracuje se i na vozovně Žižkov, probíhá zde postupná rekonstrukce v halách, mění se podpěry kolejí tak, aby byly schopné komfortně deponovat nové tramvaje 15T. Podobná rekonstrukce proběhla již ve vozovnách Kobylisy, Pankrác a Vokovice a částečně i v Motole,“ uvedl Milan Slunečko, vedoucí jednotky Správa vozidel Tramvaje.
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am-akhyar · 6 years
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Trik KKN Islami Aktivis Dakwah Kampus . . . “...buku ini alangkah baiknya menjadi buku panduan bagi muslim - muslimah yang ingin KKN-nya mendapat NILAI dari ALLAH Robbul Izzah...” . . . 👤 Nur Amsi Machmud S.Pd., Istri Ustadz Syamsuddin Kurru, S.Pd. (Ketua Departemen DUD DPP WI); Aktivis Dakwah Kampus tahun 90'an di IKIP UP, Ketua Lembaga Muslimah Wahdah Islamiyah selama 2 periode . . . Penulis: Andi Muh. Akhyar, M.Sc. (Ketua PP LIDMI 2015-2017,Penulis buku ‘Aktivis Dakwah Kampus; Problematika dan Solusi’) . . . Cara pemesanan: Ketik : nama_judul buku_jumlah pesanan_alamat pengiriman_no HP pemesan lalu kirim ke 0852 2504 9800 (WA only) . . . Harga: Rp 37.000,- . . . Cp:0852 2504 9800 (WA only) . . . Fb: Andi Muhammad Akhyar Ig: @a.m.akhyar 🌐 www.akhyar.net (at Wageningen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtERUAVlEN-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=75wwydlzbr9n
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wahdahjakarta · 4 years
Sekjen Wahdah Islamiyah, Semangati Relawan dan Ingatkan Protokol Covid-19
Sekjen Wahdah Islamiyah, Semangati Relawan dan Ingatkan Protokol Covid-19
Mamuju – Setelah melakukan kunjungan ke beberapa titik dan meninjau penanganan bencana pasca gempa bumi yang melanda Kab. Mamuju dan Majene. Sekjen Wahdah Islamiyah Ust. Syaibani Mujiono memberikan pengarahan kepada semua relawan Wahdah Islamiyah pada apel pagi di posko induk. Jumat, (29/01/21) Dalam arahannya, sekjen Wahdah Islamiyah ini menyatakan bahwa semua relawan Wahdah Islamiyah yang…
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labourpress · 7 years
Keir Starmer speech on Labour's approach to Brexit
Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, setting out Labour’s approach to Brexit, will say:
At this election there will be a very clear choice on the ballot paper.
A choice of two visions of Brexit.
Labour’s approach to Brexit will be based on our values: internationalist. Outward looking. A belief that we achieve more together than we do alone.
We accept that outside the EU our relationship with Europe must change.
But we do not accept that Brexit has to mean whatever Theresa May says it means. We do not accept that there has to be a reckless Tory Brexit. We do not believe that if you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.
We recognise that immigration rules will have to change as we exit the EU, but we do not believe that immigration should be the overarching priority. We do not believe that leaving the EU means severing our ties with Europe. We do not believe that Brexit means weakening workers’ rights and environmental protections or slashing corporate tax rates.
Labour believe in a very different vision of how Brexit can work for Britain and the EU.
We believe in building a new relationship with the EU – not as members but as partners. Where jobs, the economy and retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union are our priority. Where hard-fought workplace rights and the environment are protected. Where we are an open, outward looking country. Where EU nationals living here are guaranteed their rights and can live in certainty that Brexit will not affect them.
A Brexit that brings the country together, radically devolves power and supports all regions and nations of the UK.
That’s the approach to Brexit I will set out today.
 A Labour Government would reset the Tories failing approach to Brexit.
We will scrap the Government’s Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that reflect Labour values and our six tests.
Labour’s White Paper will have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union as we know that is vital to protecting jobs and the economy.
Our White Paper will make clear that jobs and the economy are Labour���s priority throughout – whereas the Conservatives are willing to put this at risk.
That means we will seek: continued tariff-free trade between the UK and the EU, no new non-tariff burdens for business, regulatory alignment and continued competitiveness for goods and services.
Whether this is best achieved through reformed membership of the Single Market and the Customs Union or via a bespoke trading arrangement is secondary to the outcome. What matters for jobs, the economy and living standards is that we retain the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union.
And rather than focusing on hypothetical new trade deals with other countries, Labour will focus above all else on securing strong trading arrangements with the EU. After all, the EU accounts for 44 percent of our exports and is by far and away our most important trading partner.
It is extraordinary that we have a Prime Minister who has given up on the Single Market and the Customs Union even before negotiations have begun, but is so willing to talk up the chance of there being no deal reached.
Theresa May has said that no deal is better than a bad deal. Boris Johnson has said no deal is no problem. Labour are very clear that no deal is the worst possible deal.
It would cause huge damage to British businesses and trade, including likely tariffs of 30-40 percent on dairy and meat producers, 10 percent tariffs on cars and a loss of passporting rights for financial services. No wonder the CBI have called it a ‘recipe for chaos’.
A Labour approach to Brexit means ending this reckless approach.
It means making clear to our EU partners that we will seek to negotiate strong transitional arrangements as we leave the EU and to ensure there is no cliff-edge for the UK economy.
It means rejecting no deal as a viable option – a move that will give greater certainty for investors, workers and businesses.
We will also approach negotiations in a completely different way to the Tories.
Where Theresa May wants to shut down scrutiny and challenge, Labour will welcome it. We will work with Parliament, not against it.
Because on an issue of this importance the Government can’t hide from the public or Parliament.
A Labour approach to Brexit means legislating to guarantee that Parliament has a truly meaningful vote on the final Brexit deal.
It means regular reporting back to Parliament on progress in negotiations and it means working with the devolved administrations to reflect specific and particular concerns.
A Labour approach also means rebuilding relations with our EU partners, because striking a good deal for Britain relies on having alliances across Europe.
We will make clear that we will seek to build a close, collaborative future relationship with the EU.
Not as members, but as partners.
This will involve continued cooperation in a whole range of areas from counter-terrorism to higher education; culture to climate change.
So a Labour Government will seek to remain part of the Erasmus scheme so that British students have the same cultural and educational opportunities after we leave the EU.
We will ensure the UK maintains our leading research role by staying part of Horizon 2020 and its successor programmes, and by welcoming research staff from the EU.
We will seek to maintain membership of or equivalent relations with European organisations which offer benefits to the UK, such as Euratom, the European Medicines Agency, Europol and Eurojust – two agencies I worked closely with as DPP.
A Labour approach to Brexit means rejecting Theresa May’s argument that as we leave the EU, we must also sever links that have served the EU and the UK well for decades.
A Labour Government will also mean a new approach to how we treat EU nationals in the UK.
It is shameful that the Prime Minister rejected repeated attempts by Labour to resolve this before Article 50 was triggered. As a result, 3 million EU nationals have suffered unnecessary uncertainty, as well as the 1.2 million UK citizens living in the EU.
EU nationals do not just contribute to our society: they are our society. And they should not be used as bargaining chips.
So on day one of a Labour Government we will immediately guarantee that all EU nationals currently living in the UK will see no change in their legal status as a result of Brexit, and we will seek reciprocal measures for UK citizens in the EU.
There could be no clearer signal that Britain is taking a new approach to Brexit than a Labour Government immediately rectifying this injustice. And there could no clearer signal that Labour want a close and collaborative future relationship with our EU partners.
So I can assure you today that policy will be in Labour’s manifesto.
And we will also set out in further detail how we will reset Britain’s approach to Brexit and prevent a reckless Tory Brexit.
Firstly, we will drop the Tories’ Great Repeal Bill.
The EU has had a huge impact in securing workplace protections and environmental safeguards. That was one the main reasons Labour and trade unions campaigned to stay in the EU.
But we all know that for many Brexiteers in the Tory Party, this was why they wanted to Leave.
It’s why Priti Patel – now in the Cabinet – spoke during the referendum of wanting to ‘halve the burdens’ of ‘EU social and employment legislation’.
A Labour Government will never consider these rights a ‘burden’ or accept the weakening of worker’s rights, consumer rights or environmental protections.
So instead of going ahead with the Tories’ Great Repeal Bill we will introduce new legislation – an EU Rights and Protections Bill.
This will make sure that all EU-derived laws – including workplace laws, consumer rights and environmental protections – are fully protected without qualifications, limitations or sunset clauses. We will work with trade unions, businesses and stakeholders to ensure there is a consensus on this vital issue. 
A Labour approach to Brexit will ensure there can be no rolling back of key rights and protections.
And we will go further, because protecting existing rights can never be the summit of our ambition. A Labour Government will work with EU partners, trade unions and businesses to ensure that, outside the EU, the UK does not lag behind Europe in workplace protections or environmental standards in future.
We will also make sure that there is rigorous and independent scrutiny of any new powers this gives to the Executive, because Brexit cannot result in a power grab by Whitehall.
This brings me to another commitment we will have in our manifesto: a presumption that any new powers that are transferred back from Brussels should go straight to the relevant devolved body.
This will apply to regional government across England, as well as to the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This was a proposal included by the Mayor of London in his Brexit White Paper and it is one a Labour Government will take forward.
A Labour approach to Brexit will be part of a radical extension of devolution, and will help bring the country together.
A Tory Brexit will push the country further apart and lead to a concentration of power in Whitehall.
A Labour approach to Brexit will also contribute to how we rebuild a fairer, more progressive country.
The debate over Brexit is not happening in a vacuum.
It will be shaped by the approach the Government you elect takes to a whole range of wider issues – security, taxation, public services, the environment and education.
The Tories see Brexit as a way to further their wish to deregulate the economy, slash corporate taxes, water down workers’ rights and remove Britain from anything and everything European.But a Labour approach to Brexit will help ensure we have a fairer society, a strong economy, robust workplace rights, action on climate change and a more international, outward looking nation.
We need a Labour Government to deliver a real living wage – giving a pay rise to over 5million people – invest in public services and tackle the crisis in housing, the NHS and our schools.
That choice is on the ballot paper at this election.
If Theresa May wins another 5 years in power, she will take it as a green light to side-line Parliament, ignore opposition and drive through a reckless Tory Brexit.
She will isolate us from our nearest partners and strike trade deals with any country that will talk to us – no matter the consequences for workers’ rights, environmental protections or our place in the world
The only way to stop that and to build a fairer Britain is to elect a Labour Government.
A Labour Government who will reset our approach to Brexit, rebuild relations with the EU and make sure that jobs, the economy and rights come first.
We have 6 weeks to make that case.
Thank you.
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kinanmanja-blog · 7 years
DPRD Kota Malang Tanpa Ketua, Ini Kabar Terbaru DPP PDIP Terkait Nama Pengganti Arief Wicaksono
Kinan Manja DPRD Kota Malang Tanpa Ketua, Ini Kabar Terbaru DPP PDIP Terkait Nama Pengganti Arief Wicaksono Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang DPRD Kota Malang Tanpa Ketua, Ini Kabar Terbaru DPP PDIP Terkait Nama Pengganti Arief Wicaksono Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita DPRD Kota Malang Tanpa Ketua, Ini Kabar Terbaru DPP PDIP Terkait Nama Pengganti Arief Wicaksono Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : DPRD Kota Malang Tanpa Ketua, Ini Kabar Terbaru DPP PDIP Terkait Nama Pengganti Arief Wicaksono Saat ini, tiga orang wakil ketua DPRD Kota Malang mengemban jabatan ketua dewan secara kolektif. http://www.unikbaca.com
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Puan Beri Arahan ke Kader Jateng soal Pemilu 2024, Ganjar Tak Diundang, PDIP: Dia Kelewatan dan Sok Pintar
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  Ketua DPP PDIP Puan Maharani memberi pengarahan kader untuk penguatan soliditas partai menuju Pemilu 2024. Seluruh kader baik eksekutif, legislatif dan struktur partai di undang, kecuali Gubernur Jateng Ganjar Pranowo.
Pengarahan yang dilakukan di Kantor DPD PDIP Jateng, Panti Marhaenis, Jalan Brigjen Sudiarto, Kota Semarang, Sabtu (22/5/2021) kemarin ini juga merupakan rangkaian acara HUT ke-48 PDI Perjuangan.
Pada saat acara memang tidak terlihat Gubernur Jateng Ganjar Pranowo, juga tidak ada keterangan dari struktur partai tentang hal ini.
Ketidakhadiran Ganjar pun menjadi perhatian tersendiri. Terlebih pada rundown acara tertulis bahwa gubernur bukan menjadi salah satu tamu acara.
Pada rundown tertulis acara dibuka oleh laporan Ketua Panitia Agustina Wilujeng. Kemudian sambutan ketua DPD PDIP Jateng Bambang Wuryanto. Arahan Puan Maharani menjadi acara inti ketiga.
Dalam pidatonya, Puan memberikan pesan kepada para kader yang hadir langsung ataupun secara virtual untuk memenangkan Pemilu 2024 mendatang. Menurut Puan, Jawa Tengah menjadi daerah suara terbanyak PDI Perjuangan.
Pada susunan rundown acara yang tersebar di kalangan para wartawan, tertulis; "tamu tatap muka: 100 orang. (terdiri dari) DPR RI Jateng, DPD Jateng, DPRD Prop Jateng, kepala daerah & wakil kader se Jateng (kecuali gubernur)".
Sedangkan tamu virtual via zoom yakni 463 anggota DPRD kabupaten/kota, 35 DPC kabupaten/kota, 573 PAC, serta badan dan organisasi sayap PDI Perjuangan se-Jawa Tengah.
Belum ada konfirmasi dari Ganjar perihal ketidakhadirannya. Sementara itu, Kabag Tata Usaha dan Rumah Tangga Pimpinan Setda Provinsi Jateng Hanung Cahyo mengatakan ketidakhadiran gubernur karena memang tidak mendapat undangan.
"Sudah saya cek dan pastikan tidak ada undangan acara tersebut baik selaku gubernur maupun selaku kader partai," katanya.
(Sumber: Detikcom)
Ganjar tak Diundang di Pengarahan Kader Oleh Puan Maharani, PDIP: Dia Kelewatan dan Sok Pintar
Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo tidak diundang dalam pengarahan kader untuk penguatan soliditas partai menuju Pemilu 2024 oleh Ketua DPP PDIP Puan Maharani.
Merespon itu, ketua DPD PDIP Jateng Bambang Wuryanto menilai, Ganjar tak diundang karena sudah kelewatan dan sok pintar.
“Tidak diundang! (Ganjar Pranowo-red) ‘wis kemajon’ (sudah kelewatan), ‘yen kowe pinter, ojo keminter’ (bila kamu pintar, jangan sok pintar-red),” kata Bambang melalui siaran pers, Minggu (23/5/2021).
Bambang secara terang-terangan menilai Ganjar Pranowo terlalu berambisi maju pada Pilpres 2024 sehingga meninggalkan norma kepartaian.
Sementara di satu sisi, belum ada instruksi dari Ketua Umun Megawati Soekarnoputri. Dia menilai, Ganjar terlalu percaya diri di media sosial.
“Hal ini ditengarai dengan tingginya intensitas Ganjar di media sosial dan media massa, bahkan Ganjar sampai rela menjadi ‘host’ di youtube-nya, padahal hal serupa tak dilakukan oleh kader PDIP lain yang juga berpotensi untuk ‘nyapres',” ujarnya.
Menurutnya, kader PDIP lain itu bukannya tak bisa melakukan hal yang sama, namun tak berani karena belum
mendapatkan perintah ketua umum.
“‘Wis tak kode sik. Kok soyo mblandang, ya tak rodo atos’ (Sudah saya ingatkan, tapi malah keterusan). Saya di-bully di medsos, ya bully saja, saya tidak perlu jaga image saya,” katanya.
Pria yang akrab disapa Bambang Pacul ini sekali lagi mengingatkan jika elektabilitas saat ini belum bisa dijadikan patokan dalam pertempuran pilpres yang sesungguhnya.
Elektabilitas yang saat ini hanya terdongkrak dari pemberitaan dan medsos. Hal itu mudah dikalahkan dalam pertarungan secara riil.
“Hal ini disampaikan bukan sebagai teguran bagi Ganjar yang juga kader PDIP. Ini bukan teguran, karena ia merasa lebih tinggi dari kita (DPD PDIP Jateng). Ia merasa yang bisa menegur hanya Ibu (Ketua Umum Megawati Soekarnoputri),” ujarnya.
Sebelumnya, Ketua DPP PDI Perjuangan Puan Maharani memberi pengarahan kepada seluruh kader di Jawa Tengah untuk penguatan soliditas partai menuju Pemilu 2024, tanpa mengundang Ganjar Pranowo.
Berdasarkan pantauan di lokasi pengarahan yakni di kantor DPD PDIP Jateng Jalan Brigjen Sudiarto Semarang, Ganjar tidak terlihat.
Sejumlah pejabat daerah diundang, seperti Wali Kota Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Wali Kota Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, dan Wakil Wali Kota Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu dan kader terbaik lainnya.
Berdasarkan rundown acara yang tersebar, tertulis: “tamu tatap muka: 100 orang. (terdiri dari) DPR RI Jateng, DPD Jateng, DPRD Prop Jateng, kepala daerah & wakil kader se Jateng (kecuali gubernur)”. (fin). 
source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/puan-beri-arahan-ke-kader-jateng-soal.html
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akuzakiyah-blog · 7 years
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Family ghatering Wahdah Islamiyah. 28/oktober/2017 . . Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal, Jadi acaranya ini di peruntukkan un keluarga besar karyawan DPP WI.
Saya dan Aisyah memang berteman sejak dari kecil hingga saat ini, sebab orangtua kami juga satu tempat kerja. Kalau ada acara seperti ini pasti kita selalu sama2, soalnya sama anak lainnya kami masih kurang akrab.
Kita memiliki karakter yang berbeda, saya yang senang berterus terang sedangkan kamu orangnya sangat tertutup (susah ngomongnya) , namun dari perbedaan itu justru menjadi pelengkap dan penguat ukhuwah biar bisa lebih awet.
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