#DILF P'Chan
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antique-forvalaka · 3 years ago
the (probably not) ultimate KinnPorsche alignment chart
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Look ma, yet another Insane Meta Ma.fia Collaboration!
My fellow IMM Mates are: @luckydragon10​, @fractured-ice​, @moerusai​
more kp memes:  1 // ... // 3 // 4 ​
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antique-forvalaka · 3 years ago
DILF P'Chan is an asset to the whole show. The cherry on our whipped cream. The stern dad to our bodyguard frat house. The competency kink to our idiot sundae. The sharper knife to so many apples. The gun to our gun oil... actually i have no idea where i was going with this, but it sure was places.
*How bodyguards see their ultimate boss*
Arm: Chan... How do I begin to explain Chan?
Pol: Chan is flawless.
Porsche: I heard his hair's insured for $10,000.
Ken: I heard he does pushups ... in his sleep.
Pete: One time he told me I was his favorite, that is still one of my biggest achievement.
Big: One time he told me I failed without telling me I failed... it was awesome.
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luckydragon10 · 3 years ago
KinnPorsche Ep06 Lines of Power
Me again, bringing you lines of power, framing, and staging in KinnPorsche. Whew. Who knows a cure for an emotional hangover?
I normally organize and post for LoP on Sundays, but I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'm pushing this out extra fast. In case this gets buried in rapid-fire posts in the KP tag... could a few kind folks please do me a reblog? 🥺
More LoP posts: [Trailer] [Ep01] [Ep02] [Ep03] [Ep04] [Ep05] [Ep07]
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DILF. Such a DILF, P'Chan.
The staging here is fantastic and logical for the situation but so rare. We have characters in foreground with focus, midground, and background, AND we have characters at varying levels throughout. It makes a great composition, in my opinion, while still being sensible for the situation and the setting. Getting up higher on a rock affords a better view, just the thing for a search party.
Also...Big, I gotta say, P'Chan is so far above you it's not even funny. The vertical height difference really underscores that P'Chan is Big's superior in numerous ways.
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Nice low camera angle to catch the stars, much appreciated! Adds to the tenderness here.
The ratty cover and sides of the truck make a great frame, almost like they're in a nest. (Calm down, @moerusai. I know exactly what you're thinking. Tsk.)
You know what else I'm seeing? Looking at the bottom of the truck cargo bed, it's neatly horizontal and even. We tend to see a lot of tilted lines — either subtly tilted or dramatically — in KinnPorsche to show things that are out of alignment, but here, things are balanced between the two leads. They're equals in this situation. Equally in trouble, equally desperate to survive.
Speaking of tilted angles....
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The line I'm looking at here is easy to miss on first watch because Pete's head is well framed and upright, but look at the angle of the lower part of the car door. It's really, really tilted to the left.
The music in this scene adds very obvious tension, but that line helps underscore the threat that Vegas poses because, frankly, this dude is scary. Run, Pete, run!
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Crooked line, curvy, wandering, lost.
Actually, there are multiple crooked lines. This shot has a beautiful almost-symmetry with the road cutting the top section and the dark body of water below also creating crooked, funny lines.
Lost, they're very lost.
Also, if you were to align this shot vertically, you could see a sort of hourglass, like so:
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I doubt the cinematographer was intentionally trying to make an hourglass (??), but I like it anyway. Then again, maybe it really was intentional and represents the passage of time? Or it represents that there's a limit to how long they'll have this opportunity to communicate? Always fun to speculate.
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Yesss, one of my favorite shots from the trailer!
It's been significantly darkened here, which I find interesting. Perhaps it was kept light in the trailer for better visibility and pop, whereas here we need it darker because of the time of day. The darkness of this shot wouldn't have stood out well in the trailer.
Quick recap of what I said back when I analyzed the trailer:
Bless drones. This. This damn scene with the expansive space, and yet these two leads are squished intimately close to one another. Look, I realize they’re handcuffed, but still, exaggerating that proximity with the huge view is MWAH *chef kiss* perfect. Plus…c'mon, that soft curved line of the road? Such a contrast to all those harsh verticals before. It’s a softening, a bending, which is going to be necessary for the relationship to come together.
Yep, still holds up. All I'd like to add now is that they are turning a corner in their relationship. This episode is about both of them (though perhaps Kinn especially) learning how to bend their pride and meet each other in the middle.
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To me, the two walls of the crevice look like puzzle pieces that fit together. The angles of the slopes match and are made to be placed together.
Kind of like our two leads. 😭
Additionally, their arms create a line between them, balanced and connected and sharing that power evenly.
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That background rock is being brilliantly used. It's practically a third character here, representing the heavy, heavy weight of their emotions.
Also, Kinn is diminished. He's partly obscured by the rubble slope from his legs down. He diminished here because he's giving up control, willingly, to Porsche. Porsche meanwhile has the front slope that tilts right as well as the upward slope of the top of the rock opening the right side of the frame to him, showing him the way he can run to freedom.
Porsche has the power here, and the lines emphasize that.
And yet he hesitates, frozen in place. 😭😭
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That rock is working overtime, adding weight and gravity. I titled this screencap "You Are My Rock Now." And yet they let each other go.
Nope, nope, done being analytical now. You'll find me in a hole in the ground, trying to process my emotions.
More LoP posts: [Trailer] [Ep01] [Ep02] [Ep03] [Ep04] [Ep05] [Ep07]
I was in a bit of a rush for this post, as I mentioned, so feel free to shout at me if you find any other special gems.
You can also visit @antique-forvalaka for some color theory, @yeetlegay for voice analysis and other meta, @chaoselmo and @gradienta for costumes, and a whole bunch of other cool KP fans and meta in my Damn Good KinnPorsche Meta doc.
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yeetlegay · 3 years ago
Love, Love! reading all your kinnporsche meta analyses. It's like my jumbled thoughts brought to life. I had this theory about P'chan's role beside Khun Korn mirroring that of Porsche beside kinn and might be why Porsche was chosen. I won't be surprised if Porsche and p'chan have similar stories as well. Would love to hear your thoughts on this?
Omg you’re so sweet anon! 💖💖 I’m glad you liked them.
That is SUCH an interesting theory and I can totally see that being a thing. Honestly we haven’t really seen a lot of Chan (which sucks bc I adore him!) so I’m reeeeally hoping we get a glimpse or two of him in the next episode, especially since there’s a Korn scene.
I offered up a crack post a while back about how Chan is literally just Joe from Princess Diaries (mafia version), and I stand by it! Both dilf energy, both right-hand men and confidants, both acting in a muted authority role that’s closer to an uncle or stepdad than anything else.
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Actually if I lean fully into my own crack theory, Korn being Queen Clarisse—widowed (we assume) monarch, born leader, wanting to step back from his/her kingdom and hand the reins over to the young heir—is like??? Pretty much right on???? And Chan being Joe…like he’s more than Korn’s head bodyguard or consigliere. They seem like genuine friends, and they’ve been together for a long time. Chan sits with him, plays chess with him, keeps him company. It’s like an old married couple just hanging out in comfortable silence. And that’s exactly what Clarisse and Joe have. (And even though she’s a queen, if Clarisse were a chess piece, she’d be the king, and Joe would be the queen kicking the shit out of the other side’s bishops and rooks and knights going after her.)
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The difference is, while Clarisse encourages Mia in the sequel to find a partner (a queen to her king), Korn actually puts Porsche the chess piece on the board by making Kinn go after him. I doubt that’s how it went with Chan back when he first joined, especially since Korn built his empire from the ground up, but we know literally nothing about his backstory so idk. (I’m not even sure if Chan is in the original novel?) I’d guess he worked his way through the ranks and won Korn’s trust over time and then after decades of circling each other and Korn having kids while Chan stayed single, they’ve finally come to an understanding and are quietly in love uwu.
Anon I’m sorry this is total crack 😭 but Chan is definitely a SUPER intriguing character and I really hope they give him more screentime and bigger involvement in the plot. The actor is really good and he’s got such immaculate vibes, I need more of him stat!
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antique-forvalaka · 3 years ago
I dont vibe with the Korn/Chan ship at all. In fact, for my peace of mind i will henceforth treat Daddy Korn as a non-sexual entity.
The dude fucked exactly 3 times and that was enough.
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antique-forvalaka · 3 years ago
I have just been reminded that P'Chan deserves the DILF title not only because his DILF energy is through the roof, but also because he's basically dad to all the bodyguards
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antique-forvalaka · 3 years ago
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Reactions so far have been very high quality.
Seems like no one cares about Papa Korn's loneliness tho; however P'Chan is in high demand as usual
I dont vibe with the Korn/Chan ship at all. In fact, for my peace of mind i will henceforth treat Daddy Korn as a non-sexual entity.
The dude fucked exactly 3 times and that was enough.
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