#DC Gear Motor
sggear · 1 year
The Importance of DC Gear Motors in Power Tools
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DC gear motors play a vital role in the functionality and performance of power tools. These compact yet powerful motors provide the necessary torque and speed control that enable power tools to deliver exceptional performance and enhance user experience. Here's why DC gear motors are indispensable in power tools:
Torque and Power: Power tools often require high torque to drive through tough materials or perform heavy-duty tasks. DC gear motors offer excellent torque capabilities, allowing power tools to generate the necessary force for cutting, drilling, grinding, or fastening operations. The combination of a DC motor with a gear system amplifies torque output, providing the tool with increased power to tackle challenging applications.
Speed Control: Different tasks require varying speeds, and DC gear motors excel in providing precise speed control. By adjusting the voltage or current supplied to the motor, users can easily regulate the tool's rotational speed. This versatility allows power tools to adapt to different materials, ensuring optimal performance and preventing damage.
Compact and Efficient Design: Power tools demand lightweight and compact components, and DC gear motors meet these requirements. Their compact size and efficient design make them ideal for integration into power tools without adding excessive weight or bulkiness. This feature allows for improved maneuverability and reduced user fatigue, enhancing overall usability.
Durability and Reliability: Power tools are subject to rigorous and demanding applications, requiring motors that can withstand heavy use. DC gear motors are known for their robust construction, durability, and reliability. The gear system provides protection against excessive strain and shock, extending the motor's lifespan and ensuring long-lasting performance.
Battery Efficiency: Many power tools operate on batteries, and DC gear motors are highly efficient in this regard. They can optimize power consumption, allowing power tools to run for extended periods on a single charge. The combination of energy efficiency and high torque output maximizes the tool's runtime and enhances productivity.
In conclusion, DC gear motors are indispensable for power tools due to their torque capabilities, speed control, compact design, durability, and efficiency. These motors enable power tools to deliver reliable performance, withstand demanding applications, and provide users with the power and precision needed to accomplish various tasks effectively.
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sggearbox · 1 year
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 Is DC Gear Motor revolutionizing robotics?
The impact of DC gear motors in revolutionizing robotics cannot be overstated. SGMADA, with its commitment to innovation, precision, and versatility, has become a leading force in this transformative movement. By providing state-of-the-art DC gear motors, SGMADA empowers robot designers and engineers to push the boundaries of what robots can achieve. As we embrace a future where robotics plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, SGMADA's DC gear motors will continue to unlock new possibilities and shape the world around us.
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jiamingcai · 1 year
''Understanding Their Key Functions"
Small gear motors are essential components used in various industries and applications. These compact devices play a crucial role in converting electrical energy into mechanical power, enabling precise and controlled motion. In this blog, we will explore the primary function of small gear motors and their significance in modern-day technology.
Function of Small Gear Motors
Power Transmission: The primary function of small gear motors is to transmit power from the input source (typically an electric motor) to the output shaft. The motor generates rotational energy, which is then transmitted to the gear assembly. The gears inside the motor are designed to mesh with each other, creating a mechanical advantage that enables the motor to deliver higher torque at reduced rotational speeds. This power transmission allows small gear motors to efficiently drive various mechanisms and devices.
Speed Reduction: Another critical function of small gear motors is speed reduction. By using gears with different numbers of teeth, the rotational speed of the output shaft can be reduced relative to the input shaft speed. This feature is particularly useful in applications that require slower, controlled movements, such as robotics, automated systems, and precise machinery.
Torque Amplification: Gear motors are also known for their ability to amplify torque. The gear assembly increases the torque output, making it easier for the motor to overcome resistance or load in the system. This torque amplification ensures that the motor can perform tasks that would be challenging or impossible with a direct drive system.
Directional Control: Small gear motors offer precise directional control. By reversing the rotation of the input motor or changing the gear arrangement, the output shaft can rotate in the opposite direction. This capability is crucial in applications where bidirectional motion is required, like in the operation of conveyor belts, valves, and actuators.
Compact Size and Efficiency: The compact size of small gear motors makes them ideal for applications with limited space. Their efficiency in converting electrical energy into mechanical power also contributes to their widespread use. They can achieve efficiency levels of 70-90%, making them highly energy-efficient solutions.
In conclusion, small gear motors play a pivotal role in modern engineering and technology. Their primary functions include power transmission, speed reduction, torque amplification, directional control, and efficiency. As these devices continue to evolve and improve, we can expect them to remain a key component in various industries, ranging from robotics and automation to automotive and aerospace.
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dynaflux · 3 months
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nmagroup · 8 months
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Revolutionize motor control! Explore our infographic for a quick guide on implementing precise speed controlling geared dc motor with plc.
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pragya0123 · 1 year
Discover the Versatility of Brushed DC Motors for Your Power Needs
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stevebattle · 7 days
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Kermit (1978), by Ron Milner and Larry Nicolson, Cyan Engineering, Atari's secret think tank in Grass Valley, CA.
"The robot was a pet project for Nolan Bushnell, then still the head of Atari and a very creative guy. Its purpose in life was as Nolan put it to "bring me a beer!" Navigation for robots was a sketchy thing at that time with lots of pioneering work at MIT but no consumer cost ideas. Nolan brought us the incredibly original idea to navigate a robot (which mostly meant knowing where it was) by means of scanning bar codes attached here and there to the baseboards in the rooms the robot was to service. Why it wasn't patented I don't know.
I had lots of fun building the R2D2 style robot about 20" tall. I liked to put mechanical and electronic things together and we had a great shop at Cyan. Its brain was one of the 6502 based single board computers-I think it was a KIM but not sure. Locomotion was two DC gear motor driven wheels and an instrumented caster-about the same rig as a modern Roomba. A rotatable turret covered with a plexiglass dome carried microphones, an IR sensor to detect people, and ultrasonic ranging sensors I built on a separate PC board. A speaker so Kermit could beep gleefully, of course.
A ring of contact-detecting burglar alarm sensing tape (green in the pictures) around Kermit's middle told the software he had hit something and should back off. The ultrasonics provided range to obstacles and to some extent direction as the turret was rotated, so we could go around things.
My pride and joy was the barcode remote scanner which was mounted on the bottom of the robot so its rotating head would be level with the barcodes on the baseboards. It had a vertical telescope tube with a beam splitter between the IR Led and the photodiode sensor and a lens to focus 2-20' away. It aimed down at a front surface mirror at 45 degree to scan horizontally. The mirror was mounted on a motor driven turret so it spun around continuously with a sensor once around to resolve the continuous angular position of the beam horizontally of course with respect to Kermit's rotational position. Unfortunately, this part of the robot did not survive the closing of our group. The barcodes I made for the prototype to detect were about 4" tall made of 3/4" reflective 3m tape on black poster board.
My programming partner on the project was Larry Nicholson, a really bright guy. He made the barcode reading work to detect not only the barcodes, but where they were angularly with respect to the robot and also their subtended angle or apparent size (all from timing of the rotation of the scanner) which was a measure of distance combined with angle from the barcode. We worked out some pretty clever math to resolve that information from two or three of the barcodes into a position and orientation of Kermit in the room. We had rented an empty room upstairs on the third floor of the Litton building to try all this out and work out the navigation. Larry and I got the basic navigation and obstacle avoidance working so Kermit could go from one place to a designated other place in the room and avoid wastebaskets placed randomly. We demonstrated it to Nolan and he was impressed.
Shortly thereafter Warner Communication who had bought Atari from Nolan kicked him out and the Kermit project was cancelled."
– Kermit The Robot Notes by Ron Milner.
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wonderhecko · 2 months
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arjunvib · 5 months
How does an engine contribute to a car's powertrain?
The powertrain in a vehicle is the system responsible for generating power and delivering it to the wheels to propel the vehicle forward. The operation of a powertrain can vary depending on whether the vehicle is powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) or an electric motor (in the case of electric vehicles). Here's a general overview of how a powertrain works in both types of vehicles:
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicle - Combustion Process: In an ICE vehicle, the powertrain starts with the combustion process in the engine. Fuel (gasoline or diesel) mixes with air in the combustion chamber and is ignited by spark plugs (in gasoline engines) or compression (in diesel engines).
Power Generation: The combustion process generates energy in the form of mechanical power, causing pistons to move up and down within the cylinders of the engine. This motion drives the crankshaft, converting linear motion into rotational motion.
Transmission: The rotational motion from the crankshaft is transmitted to the transmission, which consists of gears that allow the driver to select different ratios (speeds). This enables the engine to operate efficiently across a range of vehicle speeds.
Drivetrain: The transmission sends power to the drivetrain components, including the driveshaft, differential, and axles, which transfer power to the wheels. The differential allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds, enabling smooth turns.
Wheel Movement: The power transmitted through the drivetrain causes the wheels to rotate, propelling the vehicle forward or backward depending on the gear selection and throttle input from the driver.
Electric Vehicle (EV) -
Battery Pack: The primary source of power for the EV, storing electricity in chemical form.Powers the electric motor and provides electricity for all electronic devices within the EV.
Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors battery cell conditions, including voltage, current, temperature, and state of charge (SoC).It protects the battery against overcharging, deep discharging, and overheating and helps balance the charge across cells. Ensures optimal performance and longevity of the battery by regulating its environment.
Inverter: Converts DC from the battery pack into AC to drive the electric motor.Adjusts the frequency and amplitude of the AC output to control the motor’s speed and torque. Critical for translating electrical energy into mechanical energy efficiently.
Onboard Charger: Facilitates the conversion of external AC (from the grid) to DC to charge the battery pack. Integrated within the vehicle, allowing for charging from standard electrical outlets or specialized EV charging stations. Manages charging rate based on battery status to ensure safe and efficient charging.
DC-DC Converter: Steps down the high-voltage DC from the battery pack to the lower-voltage DC needed for the vehicle's auxiliary systems, such as lighting, infotainment, and climate control. Ensures compatibility between the high-voltage battery system and low-voltage electronic components.
Electric Motor: Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to propel the vehicle. It can be of various types, such as induction motors or permanent magnet synchronous motors, each offering different efficiencies and characteristics. Typically provides instant torque, resulting in rapid acceleration.
Vehicle Control Unit (VCU): The central computer or electronic control unit (ECU) that governs the EV's systems. Processes inputs from the vehicle’s sensors and driver inputs to manage power delivery, regenerative braking, and vehicle dynamics. Ensures optimal performance, energy efficiency, and safety.
Power Distribution Unit (PDU): Manages electrical power distribution from the battery to the EV’s various systems. Ensures that components such as the electric motor, onboard charger, and DC-DC converter receive the power they need to operate efficiently. Protects the vehicle's electrical systems by regulating current flow and preventing electrical faults.
In both ICE vehicles and EVs, the powertrain's components work together to convert energy into motion, enabling the vehicle to move efficiently and effectively. However, the specific technologies and processes involved differ significantly between the two propulsion systems.
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trainsinanime · 2 years
Motor Replacement
Time for another model railroad project! The victim this time is this little Kato N-gauge tram:
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Kato just calls these DUEWAG tram and reissues them every now and then with different liveries (this one features Cologne). Technically, they’re Aufbau- or Verbandwagen, two types that were built by a number of companies in post-war Germany, sometimes on the basis of older vehicles, sometimes new. Kato’s model is relatively cheap and based around their two-axle chassis that is also used in their pocket line trains, and it’s okay at best. No flywheel, old motor, just two wheels for power pickup, you can’t really expect much here.
Recently, Kato introduced a completely redesigned version of this chassis, with a tiny coreless motor with a flywheel. The difference is night and day: These new trains run perfectly even at low speed and are incredibly quiet and smooth. Kato sells replacement chassis, and if you have any pocket line train from them, you should really consider buying it, even if DCC installation is a big hassle there.
Sadly they don’t sell a tram version of the replacement chassis yet (they do sell exactly one tram with the new chassis), and since all the plastic parts were completely redesigned, you can’t fit the new mechanics into the old chassis.
So I decided to convert this to a coreless motor myself. A coreless motor is a DC electric motor where the spinning part does not contain an iron core, which decreases weight and undesirable magnetic effects. They used to be very expensive to manufacture, and you could only find them in the most expensive model trains, or in super-expensive conversion kits. A motor by brands such as Faulhaber or Maxon can easily cost 50-100€.
But these days, you can also find really cheap tiny coreless motors for like 20€ or less. I’m certain they’re not as good as the brand name ones, but they’re much more attractive. I bought mine from micromotor.eu (via a big green retailer), but there are plenty of other sites available as well.
Here’s the old motor, surrounded by the new motor, shaft extension/adapter and worm gears:
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There’s notably no flywheel here; the tiniest motor they sell with shafts on both end, like the original, is the 0816D, which stands for 8 mm diameter, 16 mm length (both approximately) and dual outputs, and that makes it as long as the original. There’s no space for a flywheel, sadly.
To fit the motor into the train, I designed an adapter that would give it the right size, and then 3D printed it (not myself, I use Shapeways for that).
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I stole that idea from micromotor.eu, which sell kits with such adapters for many different types of trains, but sadly not this one (yet). The motor is glued into the adapter with superglue, through the hole in the adapter. It needs to be wired up manually, but since I’m running DCC, that’s literally no change; I just added some longer leads here.
And here it’s in the chassis:
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So, how does it all work? Well, I’d show you, but apparently I can’t insert a video in the middle of a post and I’m not changing the post type now and loosing all formatting. What I can tell you is that it runs at all, which makes me happy.
The downside is that I don’t have the relative positioning between the cogs on the wheels and the worm gears perfect, so the result is that it can be loud at times (and that is after putting a lot of cardboard shims in there). Also, the lack of flywheel is really noticeable. Power pickup remains as poor as ever, and the tram remains very sensitive to dirt on the track.
Overall, the result is… pretty much useless, actually; it was a lot of effort to get back to about the same behaviour as before. On the other hand, I had fun and learned things, so it isn’t all bleak. But still, I cannot recommend you try this yourself.
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iamhussainialvi · 9 months
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🌟Capsule Header: Ridstar DC-26: The Ultimate Electric Bike for All Terrains
📝Title: How to Ride Like a Star with the Ridstar DC-26 Electric Bike
👩‍💼Bio: Muhammad Faisal Hussaini is an artist and a passionate cyclist who loves to explore new places and share his experiences with his readers. He is the founder of Ridstar, a blog dedicated to electric bikes and their benefits.
🗒️Summary: The Ridstar DC-26 is a powerful and versatile electric bike that can handle any terrain, from beach to mountain to snow. It features a 1500W motor, a 48V 20AH battery, a 26-inch fat tire, and a 21-speed gear system. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and drawbacks of this amazing e-bike, and show you how to ride like a star with it.
🏷️Label: Electric Bike, Review, Ridstar, DC-26
💭What’s on Mind: Have you ever dreamed of riding an electric bike that can take you anywhere you want, with speed, comfort, and style? If so, you might want to check out the Ridstar DC-26, a foldable electric bike that can conquer any terrain, from sand to snow. This e-bike is not only powerful and durable, but also sleek and elegant, making it a perfect choice for adventurous riders who want to stand out from the crowd.
If you are looking for a new way to enjoy cycling, you might want to consider getting an electric bike. Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are bicycles that have an electric motor that assists the rider’s pedaling. E-bikes can make cycling easier, faster, and more fun, especially for long distances or hilly terrains.
However, not all e-bikes are created equal. Some e-bikes are designed for specific purposes, such as commuting, touring, or mountain biking. Others are more versatile and can adapt to different environments and conditions. One of these e-bikes is the Ridstar DC-26, a foldable electric bike that can handle any terrain, from beach to mountain to snow.
#RidstarDC26 #ElectricBikeAdventure #UnleashYourExplorer #GoFurther #EbikeLife #MountainBiking #BeachCruising #SustainableTravel #AdventureAwaits #Ridstar #DC26 #ElectricBike #Review #Ebike #FatTire #AllTerrain #Cycling #Adventure #RideLikeAStar
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sggear · 1 year
Use of dc gear motor in electric vehicle
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DC gear motors play a crucial role in the propulsion and operation of electric vehicles (EVs). These motors are integral components of the EV drivetrain, contributing to its efficiency, performance, and overall driving experience.
One of the primary applications of DC gear motors in electric vehicles is in the powertrain. They are used in electric vehicle transmissions to control the gear shifting process. These motors enable smooth and efficient power transfer from the electric motor to the wheels, allowing the vehicle to achieve optimal acceleration and speed. The gear reduction provided by the DC gear motor helps in torque multiplication, enhancing the vehicle's ability to climb inclines and handle varying road conditions.
They are also utilized in electric power steering (EPS) systems in EVs. These motors assist in turning the wheels, providing the necessary power and control for steering maneuvers. With the help ofthese gear motors, electric power steering systems offer precise and responsive steering, improving driver comfort and maneuverability.
Additionally, DC gear motors find application in electric vehicle braking systems. They are used in electric braking systems such as regenerative braking, where the kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted into electrical energy and stored in the battery for later use. They facilitates the control and modulation of the braking force, ensuring smooth and efficient deceleration.
Furthermore, they are employed in various auxiliary systems of electric vehicles, such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, windshield wipers, and seat adjustments. These motors enable the precise control and operation of these systems, enhancing passenger comfort and convenience.
The advantages of DC gear motors in electric vehicles include their compact size, high efficiency, and reliable performance. They are known for their ability to deliver high torque at low speeds, which is crucial for starting the vehicle and providing adequate power for acceleration. Moreover, these  motors have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance, contributing to the overall durability and longevity of electric vehicles.
In summary, DC gear motors play a vital role in the functioning of electric vehicles. From powering the drivetrain and assisting in steering to supporting braking systems and auxiliary functions, these motors contribute to the efficiency, performance, and overall driving experience of EVs. With their compact design, high torque capabilities, and reliability, they have become an essential component in the advancement of electric mobility.
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sggearbox · 1 year
Things to know about brushless dc gear motor
Here are some important things to know about brushless DC (BLDC) gear motors:
Brushless DC Motor: A brushless DC motor is a type of electric motor that operates using electronic commutation instead of brushes and a commutator found in traditional brushed DC motors. This design offers several advantages, including improved efficiency, higher reliability, and longer lifespan.
Gear Motor Combination: A brushless DC gear motor combines the brushless DC motor with a gear reduction mechanism. The gear train reduces the motor's high-speed, low-torque output and provides higher torque at lower speeds, making it suitable for applications requiring increased torque or precise control.
High Efficiency: Brushless DC motors are known for their high efficiency. The absence of brushes eliminates friction and reduces energy losses, resulting in improved overall efficiency compared to brushed DC motors. When combined with a gear reduction mechanism, the efficiency can be further optimized.
Speed Control: Brushless DC gear motors offer excellent speed control capabilities. By adjusting the electrical signals provided to the motor's control circuitry, the speed and direction of the motor can be precisely controlled. This makes them suitable for applications that require variable speeds or reversible motion.
Compact Size: Brushless DC gear motors are designed to be compact and lightweight. They often have a high power-to-weight ratio, making them suitable for applications where space is limited or weight is a concern.
Reduced Maintenance: The absence of brushes in brushless DC motors eliminates brush wear and the need for regular maintenance associated with brushed DC motors. This reduces maintenance requirements and extends the motor's lifespan.
Lower Noise and EMI: Brushless DC motors generally produce less noise and electromagnetic interference (EMI) compared to brushed motors. The electronic commutation system eliminates the arcing and sparking associated with brushes, resulting in quieter operation and reduced interference with sensitive electronic equipment.
Wide Operating Range: Brushless DC gear motors can operate over a wide voltage range, typically ranging from low-voltage DC to higher-voltage configurations. This flexibility allows them to be used in various applications and environments.
Applications: BLDC gear motors are widely used in numerous applications that require high torque, precise control, and compact size. They are commonly found in robotics, industrial automation, electric vehicles, medical devices, aerospace equipment, and many other systems where efficient and reliable motor operation is crucial.
Cost: Brushless DC gear motors are typically more expensive than brushed DC motors due to the advanced technology and control electronics involved. However, their improved efficiency, reliability, and performance often justify the higher cost in applications where these benefits are essential.
As always, it's important to refer to the specific product documentation and manufacturer guidelines for detailed information about a particular brushless DC gear motor, as different models may have unique specifications and considerations. SGMADA Manufacturers premium quality Brushless DC gear motors .Shop Now.
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jiamingcai · 1 year
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"Unveiling Excellence: SG Gearbox's Online DC Motor Store"
SG Gearbox's online store offers a seamless shopping experience for DC motor enthusiasts. Discover the perfect motor for your needs. Visit us on: https://sggearbox.com/dc-motor-dc-geared-motor/dc-gear-motor/ Email: [email protected] Phone: (+86) (0574) 88332168
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dynaflux · 5 months
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DC Drives Manufacturers Exporters
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theweirdoinurhouse · 1 year
Socket Wrench (a scriddler one-shot)
(This is my first time posting a story of mine, so sorry for any mistakes. Also I don't know how southern people talk all that much, sorry) Fandom: DC Pairing: Jonathan Crane/Edward Nygma Warings: None
The shop reeked of smoke, body odor, and motor oil. Tools were on the floor, and uncompleted projects were thrown away from the main work bench. The room was a complete mess, just like the man who worked in it.
Edward sat on a stool, working on some new peject that was sure to be forgotten like the others. Edward hasn't come out of his shop for a week. The skin under his eyes were discolored, indicating his lack of sleep. There was more grease and dirt on him than ever. It's unclear how he got dirt on him, being that he hasn't been outside in a week. He was bent over the work bench, not wearing any safety gear. The flames of the torch he was using illuminated his face.
The door to the work shop opened, but Edward didn't pay any mind to it. He continued to work, not caring about whoever dared to disturb him. Behind him he could hear metal scrapping and papers rustling.
"I really don't know how you can read these. Your handwriting ain't the post legible." A gruff, southern voice said behind him. Edward already knew who was there, but hearing him talked only set it in stone.
"In case you couldn't tell, Jonathan, I'm quite busy. It would be best if you left." Edward said, clearly annoyed.
Jonathan scoffed, but he wasn't surprised by Edward's response. He was expecting an answer like that honestly. Edward never liked to be interrupted when he was working. Jonathan could understand the annoyance though. He didn't like being interrupted as well. Not sure who would like it.
Jon walked around the other rogue's space, running his fingers over some toys and discarded projects. It disturbed him how messy the room is. "Disturbed" might not be the right word, but it gives off the same premise of how Jon feels.
"Will you stop messing with stuff? You're making too much noise." Edward seemed even more agitated than before. He was trying to have a quiet, peaceful day, and Jonathan had to ruin it. Wouldn't be the first time though.
Jon walked over to Ed, standing behind him. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around Ed's torso. Edward's body tensed at the touch, but relaxed after a few seconds.
Jon leaned down even more, resting his chin on Edward's shoulder. 'I'm gonna get serious back pains from this.' Jon thought. He didn't really care though. It's all worth it for the fact Edward isn't pushing him away or yelling at him. It's not like Ed's always like that, just when he's working and Jon comes in.
"Sorry for disturbing you, darlin'. I was just worried 'bout ya." Jon said. Edward could feel Jon's breath on his neck and shivered at the feeling, but tried not to. Jonathan felt it though and smiled.
"Well. If you're going to be here, you might as well make yourself useful. Hand me the socket wrench." Ed ordered, holding out his hand for the wrench. "What's the magic word?" Jon asked in response to Edward's demand, dragging out "word".
Edward groaned, not wanting to say it. It was humiliating to even think about it. Alas, he was out of reach of the wrench, but Jonathan wasn't. And he knew Jon wouldn't get it with what he said. He swallowed down all his dignity. "Please?"
Jon chuckled. He retracted his right arm from Ed's torso, reaching to grab the wrench. Ed shivered from the sudden cold that hit him. He hadn't realised Jonathan was warming him.
Jon grabbed the wrench and put it in Edward's out stretched hand. He wrapped his arm back around Ed's torso. "Now was that so hard?" He whispered in the other rogue's ear. He didn't respond, just went back to work.
"You're welcome."
Edward just hummed in response, not paying mind to the other man. Jon tilted his head and kissed the area where Edward's neck and shoulder meet. Ed shivered from the intamate act, but didn't protest. Jon made a trail of kisses up Ed's neck to behind his ear.
"I know you love me"
"I didn't know you were that smart."
Edward tilted his head towards Jon. They made eye contact, and Jonathan could see all of Edward's love he tries to hide from others. Edward leaned forward, pressing his lips to Jon's. They both smiled against eachother's lips. They pulled back, still looking at eachother.
"I love ya, green smart-ass"
"I love you more, hay for brains."
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