klaudia96art · 1 day
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I missed you so much…
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she-3po · 5 months
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im late for piccolo day... but i made a thirst trap gif set to make it up to you. <3
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lavishlyleo · 10 months
Astrology Observations 5
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One thing I've noticed with Gemini Moons is that while they do love to talk to people and share their thoughts, if they aren't interested in the conversation's topic or if you stay on one topic for too long, they tend to zone out. If they aren't very invested in the convo at hand it will be VERY noticeable (e.g. blank stares, they suddenly go very quiet, dry repetitive responses, checking their phone frequently).
The same can be said for individuals with a lot of Air in their charts in general, especially Gemini and Libra. It can be hard to keep these individuals attention for prolonged periods of time. They like to cut to the interesting part so keep what you have to say very brief and to the point.
Not something Leo Moons are known for, but that I've noticed is that they can be really good at analyzing peoples behavior. Like, they'll see how someone acts and can make connections to their own behavior to understand some elses emotions and feelings. It's how many Leo Moons relate to people, bonus points if their Moon is in a water house!
In your Natal chart, if your ruling planet 's transit is in opposition or square with your natal ruling planet's sign, it can indicate a period of bad luck and hardship. It may feel like the world is against you at the moment, especially if said aspect is in a less than 5° orb. Not a great transit aspect to have.
For example, My ruling planet is Jupiter (Sag Rising) and it's in Scorpio at 9°. IRONICALLY ENOUGH, in my Solar Return chart for this year, Jupiter is in Taurus at 9°. So I'm expecting a lot to happen this year. Later on this year I'll make an update on this aspect.
If you have Scorpio or Pisces in your SR top 3 this year, don't take this lightly!! Like I said in my last post with manifestations, this will be a year that your manifestation power is at an all time high! You may literally speak things into existence, for better or for worse.
On the topic of Scorpio/Pisces SR top three, my advice for this (and I'm speaking from experience) is try to think about things you want to happen, not things you don't want or like. For example, if you think about how much you don't like a certain person, later on down the line you may find yourself suddenly coming back in contact with that person a lot more, when either you wanted to or not.
People with Cancer personal placements, I'd advise you to frequently check the Moon's transit and positions! Whenever it's the full or new moon, keep tabs on what happens those days and how you feel. Let me know in the comments anything interesting that's happened to yall during those times!
I've said this once and I'll say it again, Scorpio Mars are some of the most PERSISTENT people I've ever seen. When it comes to their desires, NOTHING stands in their way. However this can be detrimental if it's bad habits like drinking, smoking, stealing, ect. One way or another they will get what they want, even if it costs them everything. These people can truly be the victim of their own desires. Honorary mention- Taurus Mars.
Listen, if you ever need someone to promote your music, call an Aquarius Venus/Dominant person. I swear to god these people listen to the most obscure, outta pocket things I've ever heard.
Taurus 6th/5th housers tend to be those people at work that live by the slow and steady motto. They don't like to rush and do a sloppy job on whatever their working on.
On the other hand, Aries 6th/5th housers may be very fast workers, and it usually works well for them, works well under pressure. not the most thorough people but for the most part they get the job done.
People with a lot of Gemini and Leo placements in their chart tend to give off Aries energy.
Capricorn and Scorpio relationships are literally ride or die. I know a couple with many of these placements and they are so possessive of each other. Even after heated arguments and many hardships, they always come back together and work out their issues, it's really sweet!
When in an awkward situation, Libra Risings tend to try and break the tension first. Sometimes they can make the situation more awkward doing this but they're always the ones to bring the vibes back to the way they were, so I appreciate it. Gemini Risings may also do this but can be slightly more unhinged in their methods. I love both regardless for it😭💕.
The reason puberty for all of us hits hard is because it's around this time that Saturn is usually in the sign opposite from our Saturn sign. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it, itcchanges a lot of what we focus on and introduces us to new struggles. Although with Saturn retrograde, the age of which these changes can affect us can range from 13 all the way up to 25. Saturn is trying to toughen us up before we become adults.
What your Rising Sign's season is may be the season/months you prefer. For example, I'm a Sagittarius Rising and I tend to like late fall/early winter.
Your Moon sign can show how you process not just your emotions, but how you handle other peoples emotions, and how you relate to them. For example, a Leo Moon may relate to others by thinking of themselves in someone elses shoes, and how they would handle situations. While a Gemini Moon may relate other peoples emotions with stories from others that they've heard, and use what they've observed from other people to help others.
Venus PC Moon can also show this, I'd look at both sign's relationship to see the full picture of how one truly processes theirs and others emotions.
Moon/Pluto Aspects in someone's chart can show a relationship where however the mother treats the native, is how the native will end up treating her as they get older. For example, if the mother was negligent to the native in their younger years, then as they get older they will have a detached and impersonal attitude towards her. Basically the natives mirror how they were nurtured in youth.
"She say do you love me, I tell her only partly. I only love my bed and my mama I'm sorry." -Drake, a Cancer Moon.
People who say Gemini/Libra placements are indecisive have CLEARLY never met someone with many personal fire placements, especially if it's their top 3. Fire sign energy is naturally high and can be all over the place sometimes, this can include their thoughts and decision making as well, mostly concerning the direction of their passions and work. They may have a million ideas of what they're about to do but have trouble slowing down and planning it all out into managable chunks at a time. Will fight for what they want but may have trouble picking their battles wisely.
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cubesona · 4 months
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New frieza Race OC. inspired by concept art for Dragon Ball Online of some frieza race characters with hair.
He's a soldier for a tyrannical galactic empire who despises the evil acts he has to commit. He may be the strongest warrior in his squad, but he's not powerful enough to fight back against his upper lords. He's been waiting for years, for the right moment where he can finally escape and do the right thing.
His name is Reon
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iamcrisi · 1 month
Saw this concept long ago and wanted to try it
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moonlitmmarie · 3 months
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A quick something for @gochiweek's Day 3: Being grandparents (and TruTen being parents...). A bit late but there's no way I'm missing out on showing off the wish fankid (that might make a full appearance at some point... 👀).
Sorry Pan their only grandkid, you've got a cousin to share the spotlight now
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krampat · 27 days
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i made frieza a wife you can kill me if you want
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sharkkfacee · 7 months
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His name is Mash
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itsthenull · 3 months
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Just a mix of my art from this week <333
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5tt3llar · 10 days
Today in Conton City…
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Nopatzu belongs to me while Fridged belongs to @airplaneear2
To explain Nopatzu’s lore a bit:
She’s a prev Mid Class U7 warrior that accidentally followed through a Time Patroller’s portal back to Conton City, saw too much, and was basically roped into being a time patroller
Nopatzu used to work under King Cold and a bit under Frieza as well. Hence why the “can I REALLY trust you?” air towards other of the Frieza Race/Icejins
Xeno Vegeta got assigned Nopatzu to essentially “civilize” her into the new conditions. Since he used to know the “old way” of saiyans, and he himself had to change away from that exact nature. He also trained her to increase her power since she had gone from one of stronger ones, to the weaker ones. Which did take a toll, and still bothers hers and eats away at her consciousness
She’s been a time patroller for a rather short time, only 6 months. Still mainly trains user Xeno Vegeta as she understands/relates to him the most. As well admires him the most (similiar to how Cabba, but in a more subtle way. In front of him she doesn’t show SQUAT tries to play cool and doesn’t want to let anyone know)
She can only go SSJ, which is still unmastered. Can also go to SSJ4 and is more mastered than SSJ due to her being an expert with the Oozaru/great ape transformation. She can only access SSJ4 via a special Senzu though
THE SPECIAL SENZU: Instead of healing and restoring stamina, essentially works like assisted rope rock climbing. Sometimes they may nudge you to get through a part you alone couldn’t otherwise, but it’s also your own doing to find a grip and stay there after the nudge
Nopatzu is also sent to aid Z-Broly missions quite often (her first mission was also a Z-Broly mission) due to her having a power level low enough to not rile up Z-Broly to become more powerful, and make it a bigger of an issue for the other Z-fighters to deal with. And resilient enough to survive the brutal beating. Essentially she is a meat shield and power battery to help the other Z-fighters win—
She absolute despises the hell outta Z-Broly, and is also traumatized to an extent 😭
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nekromantiiks · 17 days
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bruciemilf · 3 months
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Vegeta rizzing Goku up on their first meeting (they’re gonna beat each other up)
(Click for better quality)
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ronnieartistry · 2 months
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Raditz had a fling with a Brench cleaning lady in the PTO and that resulted in a half-Saiyan made extra small because she wasn't in her nursing pod long enough. Don't worry, she makes up for that lost time by sleeping a lot.
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klaudia96art · 19 days
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Kermit new babysitter!?😱🐸🍼💖 part 2 @DevilArtemisX
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cubesona · 4 months
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portraits of my DBZ OC Frio
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starrymothwings · 2 months
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heheh. draggin my ball--*falls 28 stories to my death*
(never watched past the android arc so i'm going through all of dbz now and it reignited the massive crush ive had on raditz since i was a kid. also ft. my dbz and xenoverse ocs calico cotton (human in the overalls) and sela)
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