gxngirl-blog · 9 years
It had been a brisk and rainy day, and even tho Constance was bundled up in her jacket and beanie and scarf she was still cold. Maybe because her shop never got insulated properly, but thankfully it was nearing closing time. Meaning she could go upstairs and turn on the heater and watch TV and now worry about the alleyways that would soon flood after a while.
She brought her hands up to her mouth in an attempt to warm them up and looked up right when the bell over the door chimed. Connie was ready to let her normal greeting fall fom her tongue but caught herself from doing so as she saw her guest.
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"It's pretty cold today huh?"
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wayward-bird · 9 years
Joyful mage practically attacks the barghest with a hug as he enters the bakery. "Levi! Where were you? I was worried about you." He missed him a great deal.
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          LEVI MOST CERTAINLY DID not resist as he was pulled into a hug, and had he a tail, it would have most definitely been wagging as he returned the embrace with his own. “Ah, sorry for being gone for so long. I had some business to take care of, but I’m back now. I missed your scent and the smell of food.” He missed Mike more, but it wasn’t as if he was going to outright admit that. 
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investigxter-blog · 9 years
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours; accepting || @cuorecambiato
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent ||sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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investigxter-blog · 9 years
LOVES ON SHI! great mun here with great muse
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investigxter-blog · 9 years
❥ - GASPS BUT SHI WRECK ME with Amon telling one to Marco because that's cute ( there wasn't an option for a happy memory so I just sent the first thing on the list )
memory lane; accepting! || @cuorecambiato
          AMON WASN’T SURE WHY Marco was so intrigued by something assimple as his childhood, but he didn’t dislike the small intrigue that wasthrown in his direction. After all, he had been interested in the other man’spast too, although in his case, he had far more pleasant memories of scrappedknees, hide and seek, and other various activities that children often partookin. Perhaps the interest came because Marco hadn’t had a chance to reallyexperience a normal childhood. His was filled with violence and death, whereasAmon was actually allowed to be a child.So, although he was unsure of how to begin to answer the other male, he dugdeep for one memory that came up in particular—instantly coming to him out ofmany as if it was wanting to be told. Closing his eyes, he began….
         It was summer, and the sound of cicadas was loud to anyonepresent as they filled the air with their music. Amon had grown so used to thesound, that it hardly bothered him anymore; the sound as normal as hearingbirds chirping in the trees. However, this one day, he found himself out andabout with one of the children—a little girl with bright eyes named Mitsukithat often clung to his sleeve from time to time. She was one of the childrenwho was going to be adopted soon according to Donato, and though he was goingto miss her being present, he was happy that she’d have a wonderful family. Asa result, he had decided that one day that they were going to find a cicadashell. They weren’t overly rare, but they could be quite difficult to find.That didn’t matter to Amon though.
         He would find itfor her.
         The summer heat had been rather intense that day, and beingthe selfless ‘big brother’ he was, he made sure to protect Mitsuki from thebrunt of the heat. The crunching of grass, the sound of birds, and the loudchirping of cicadas was like a bizarre symphony that day. He could stillremember it as if it were yesterday as the scenes replayed within his mind likean old movie. When they had eventually found what they were looking for, bothrealized how terrible they looked—twigs in their hair, pants a bit dirty, andsweat seeped in their clothes as if they had run a marathon. Amon could stillhear the laughter that bubbled between the both of them, the pain in his lower abdomen,and the tears in his eyes because it was near impossible to not laugh in thatmoment.
         They had looked like lost children in movies—the kind thathad to survive in the wild for a week or more before a rescue team eventuallyfound them rather than just two children that wandered further than theynormally did from the church, but that didn’t matter to them. Even when theyreturned to the church and Donato admonished them for wandering so far off andnot having water between them, all they could do was grin brightly and show himthe shell they had found. The dirt, the heat—none of that mattered.
         They had been happy regardless.
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gxngirl-blog · 9 years
❤❤ + ❤ || Ah! We should definitely discuss a thing if you are up for it! :D I can start whatever it is as well.
I wouldn’t mind doing that tbh we can try to do it over fan mail if you’d like 
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