#Cox contour stream player
dztechs · 5 months
أفضل خدمات بث المُحتوى بدقة 4K
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إنَّ شراء تلفزيون يدعم دقة 4K ليس كل ما يُمكنك فعله، خاصةً إذا كنت لا تعرف مكان بث المحتوى بدقة 4K. لكن لا تقلق؛ سنقوم بتغطية مجموعة من أفضل منصات البث بدقة UHD استنادًا إلى حجم مكتبة الأفلام والمُسلسلات المُتاحة ونقطة السعر وخيارات التشغيل المُضمَّنة. تحقق من كيفية البحث في جميع خدمات البث في وقت واحد: بعض خيارات.
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1. Netflix
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إذا كنت تتطلع إلى بث الأفلام بدقة 4K، فإنَّ Netflix بالتأكيد تُعد أحد أفضل الخيارات. ومع وجود عدد كبير من العناوين بدقة 4K والمنصة المألوفة لدى معظم الأشخاص، فهي تُوفر طريقة سهلة للاستمتاع بالترفيه بجودة UHD. سيختلف عدد وتنوع العناوين المُتاحة التي تدعم دقة 4K لكل مشترك حسب المنطقة، ولكن من المعقول أن نتوقع أن تكون إصدارات Netflix الأصلية قادرة على العرض بدقة 4K. لتحديد ما هو مُتاح في موقعك الجغرافي الحالي، حاول البحث عن دقة 4K في Netflix أثناء استخدام جهاز يدعم دقة 4K. أو، إذا كنت مُهتمًا بفيلم ما على وجه الخصوص، فابحث عن شارة Ultra HD في صفحة معلوماته. يرجى ملاحظة أنه إذا بحثت عن هذه المعلومات على جهاز غير قادر على دعم دقة 4K، فستظل العناوين تظهر، ولكن لن يتم إخبارك بأنها مُحتويات فائقة الدقة. من المهم ملاحظة أنَّ مُشتركي خطة Netflix المُميزة فقط هم من يُمكنهم الوصول إلى المُحتويات بدقة 4K على Netflix. تبلغ تكلفة خطة Netflix المُميزة حاليًا 22.99 دولارًا أمريكيًا شهريًا، على عكس الاشتراك القياسي الذي يسمح فقط بالبث بدقة Full HD بسعر 15.49 دولارًا أمريكيًا شهريًا. قد تحتاج إلى معرفة العناوين المُتوفرة في منطقتك قبل تحديد ما إذا كانت خطة Netflix المُميزة تستحق الحصول عليها أم لا. كما يُمكنك التحقق من هل خطة Netflix المُميزة تستحق التكلفة المعروضة؟ لسوء الحظ، لن يتمكن المُستخدمون من تنزيل محتوى بدقة 4K لمشاهدته في وضع عدم الاتصال. تسمح Netflix فقط بالتنزيلات بجودة تصل إلى 1080 بكسل (HD).
2. Disney+
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مع توفر أكثر من 100 عنوان، تُوفر Disney+ محتوى بدقة 4K لجميع أفراد العائلة. يُمكن تحديد مكان هذه العناوين عن طريق التمرير إلى قسم Ultra HD على الشاشة الرئيسية. وبدلاً من ذلك، يُمكن للمُشتركين استخدام شريط البحث للعثور على المزيد من المُحتويات بدقة 4K. إذا كنت مُهتمًا بخيار تنسيق العنوان، فحدد علامة التبويب “تفاصيل” في صفحة معلومات العنوان. بالنسبة لكل من يختار Disney+ كمنصة البث بدقة UHD المُفضلة لديه، فإنَّ زيادة رسوم الوصول لا تُشكل مصدر قلق. تتضمن جميع خطط Disney+ إمكانية الوصول إلى مُحتويات UHD الخاصة بالمنصة، وأرخصها تُكلف 7.99 دولارًا شهريًا. تعرض Disney+ تلقائيًا خيار الجودة الأعلى المُتوافقة مع جهاز البث المُستخدم، مما يجعلها انتقالًا سلسًا للمشتركين. ومع ذلك، من المهم ملاحظة أنَّ خطة Disney+ Basic مع الإعلانات مُقيَّدة بدقة 1080 بكسل على Xbox ولا يُمكن بث مُحتوياتها بدقة 4K. تحقق من بعض الميزات والخيارات في Disney+ للحصول على تجربة بث أفضل.
3. Max
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تحتوي Max على مكتبة واسعة من المُحتويات حيث تضم أكثر من 1000 عنوان يدعم دقة 4K، بما في ذلك مُسلسل Game of Thrones المُفضل لدى الكثيرين. لتحديد مكان عنوان بدقة UHD على Max، يحتاج المُستخدمون فقط إلى استخدام شريط البحث أو القراءة من خلال شاشة تفاصيل العنوان، أين ستظهر شارة 4K UHD. تعتمد قدرة مشتركي Max على الاستمتاع بالمُحتوى بدقة 4K على جهاز البث المُستخدم وخطة الاشتراك. على الرغم من أنَّ Max ستستخدم تلقائيًا أعلى جودة فيديو مُمكنة لأي شخص، إلا أنَّ الأجهزة المستخدمة يجب أن تكون واحدة مما يلي: - Fire TV - Apple 4K TV - Android TV - Cox Contour 2 مع Contour Stream Player - LG 4K Smart TV - Apple Vision Pro - AirPlay 2 compatible 4K TV - Google Chromecast Ultra - Google Chromecast with Google TV - iPhone و iPad - Roku - PlayStation 5 - Xfinity X1 و Flex - Visio 4K Smart TV - Samsung Tizen 4k TV سيحتاج مستخدمو Max أيضًا إلى الاشتراك في خطة غير محدودة خالية من الإعلانات للوصول إلى العناوين بدقة UHD. تبلغ تكلفة هذه الخطة 19.99 دولارًا شهريًا. تحقق من مُقارنة بين Netflix و (HBO) Max: أيّ خدمة بث تُناسبك بشكل أفضل؟
4. Apple TV+
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تحتوي Apple TV+ على كتالوج محدود إلى حد ما من الوسائط بدقة 4K مع حوالي 120 عنوانًا. في حين أنَّ مجموعة الترفيه هذه أقل سطحية من خدمات البث الأخرى، فإنَّ Apple TV+ تتضمن القدرة على إقران الترفيه بدقة 4K مع الصوت المكاني لتوفير تجربة غامرة. يتم تقديم Apple TV+ فقط في فئة اشتراك واحدة بسعر 9.99 دولارًا شهريًا. وعلى هذا النحو، يُمكن لجميع مشتركي Apple TV+ الاستمتاع بمحتوى UHD. يمكن تشغيل هذه العناوين باستخدام تطبيق Apple TV على أجهزة Apple أو أجهزة التلفاز الذكية أو أجهزة الألعاب أو أجهزة البث. تحقق من مقارنة بين +Apple TV و Disney+: ما هي خدمة البث الأفضل؟
5. Hulu
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تُقدم Hulu للمُشتركين قائمة محدودة من العناوين المُتاحة للبث بدقة 4K Ultra HD. تميل هذه العناوين إلى أن تكون إصدارات Hulu الأصلية فقط ويمكن التعرف عليها من خلال شارة 4K على تطبيق Hulu. على عكس خدمات البث الأخرى، مثل Netflix، لا يحتاج مُشتركو Hulu إلى شراء مستوى أعلى للوصول إلى المُحتوى بدقة 4K. تتعاون Hulu مع عدد قليل من خدمات البث الأخرى وتقدم أيضًا حزمة البث التلفزيوني المباشر. لهذا السبب، تختلف أسعار الباقات بشكل كبير، ولكن يمكن للمشتركين الوصول إلى محتوى 4K بسعر منخفض يصل إلى 7.99 دولارات شهريًا باستخدام الخطة الأساسية المدعومة بالإعلانات. بالنسبة للأجهزة المتوافقة مع محتوى Hulu بدقة 4K، تأكد من الالتزام بأحدث إصدار من تطبيق Hulu على أحد الأجهزة التالية: - الجيل الخامس أو الأحدث من Apple TV - Fire TV أو stick - Chromecast Ultra - أجهزة Xbox One طراز X أو S - Roku - izio Smartcast TV - LG UHD TV من سنة 2017 أو الأحدث - Samsung UHD TV من سنة 2019 أو الأحدث
ما هي أفضل خدمة بث فائقة الدقة؟
تُوفر الدقة الفائقة، المعروفة عادةً باسم 4K، تجارب بصرية واضحة ونقية. ومن أجل المُقارنة، تحتوي تقنية UHD على أربعة أضعاف وحدات البكسل المتوفرة بدقة Full HD، كما توفر نسبة البكسل المتزايدة للمشاهدين تجربة أكثر واقعية. نظرًا لشعبيتها الهائلة والقدرة على تحمل تكاليفها نسبيًا مؤخرًا، فقد كان هناك طلب متزايد على محتوى البث الذي يدعم دقة 4K. تختلف أفضل خدمة بث UHD حسب المُستخدم وما يعتبره الأكثر أهمية. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لا يمانعون في إنفاق المزيد للوصول إلى أكبر عدد من العناوين ضمن منصة واحدة، بالتأكيد يجب اختيار Netflix. بالنسبة للأسر التي لديها أطفال، قد تُقدم Disney+ محتوى أكثر ملائمة للأطفال بدقة 4K. وبدلاً من ذلك، إذا كنت تبحث عن ملاحم درامية، فاطلع على Max. إذا كنت تبحث عن أرخص طريقة للوصول إلى عناوين Ultra HD، فاختر Hulu أو Disney+، والتي تُكلف المستخدمين أقل من 8 دولارات شهريًا. في النهاية، لا يُمكنك أن تخطئ في استخدام أي من خدمات البث هذه، لأنها تقدم جميعًا محتوى بدقة 4K بسعر معقول. يُمكنك الإطلاع الآن على أفضل التطبيقات لـ Firestick و Fire TV Stick 4k. Read the full article
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govindhtech · 8 months
Apple Vision Pro gets over 600 new apps
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This February , more than 600 applications and games created to leverage the distinct and potent capabilities of Apple Vision Pro will be accessible. With Vision Pro, apps can expand beyond the confines of a conventional display thanks to its infinite canvas. It also features a powerful and user-friendly three-dimensional user interface that can be used by hands, eyes, and voice. With the help of spatial experiences on Vision Pro, users can turn any space into a personal theater for watching movies, TV shows, or sports; discover new methods to create, collaborate, and consume digital content; and travel to breathtaking new locations and gaming environments.
Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations, said, “Apple Vision Pro is unlocking the imaginations of our worldwide developer community, and we’re inspired by the range of spatial experiences they’ve created for this exciting new platform.” “With over 1 million compatible apps on iOS and iPadOS, as well as over 600 new spatial experiences to explore in the all-new App Store, users can find a wide variety of apps that push the envelope of what’s possible.”
These amazing apps will transform the way we enjoy games, music, and entertainment. They will also give us new ways to learn, explore, grow creatively, and be more productive than ever. Developers are realizing spatial computing’s potential, and we’re excited to see what they do next.
Savor the Greatest Chair in the House With Apple Vision Pro
With Apple Vision Pro, users can view their favorite content on a 100-foot screen thanks to ultra-high-resolution displays that deliver more pixels for each eye than a 4K TV. Sports fans will enjoy watching on Vision Pro thanks to apps like PGA TOUR Vision, which overlays real-time shot tracking with important data such as leaderboards, scorecards, schedules, course details, and other tournament details  to bring the tour to life in the user’s environment.
According to Scott Gutterman, senior vice president of digital operations for the PGA TOUR, “Apple is teeing us up to deliver an innovative and immersive way of experiencing professional golf with Apple Vision Pro and the power of spatial computing.” “PGA TOUR Vision, the first app designed for Apple Vision Pro, allows golf enthusiasts to experience the world’s most renowned courses, from Pebble Beach to TPC Sawgrass, right from their location.”
Basketball fans can stream up to five broadcasts live or on demand with Multiview, monitor team and player stats in real time, and quickly scan other games and scores with the NBA app on Apple Vision Pro. MLB provides statistics from every pitch and a view from home plate to transport users to a ballpark. Red Bull TV features immersive environments, top-notch video, and 3D maps of races.
Additionally, MLS Season Pass is available to soccer fans on the Major League Soccer app on Apple TV. Users of Vision Pro always have the best seat in the house thanks to compatible apps from leading cable services like Charter Spectrum, Comcast Xfinity, Cox Contour, Sling TV, and Verizon Fios, as well as sports broadcasters like ESPN, CBS, Paramount+, NBC, NBC Sports, Peacock, FOX Sports, and the UFC.
Watch Exceptional Immersion Content With Apple Vision Pro
Top entertainment apps have combined with Disney+ to offer viewers brand-new ways to watch their favorite films, TV series, and more by utilizing the special features of Apple Vision Pro. With its larger aspect ratio, IMAX offers a breathtaking visual experience for both 2D and 3D content, including well-known documentaries like Deep Sky.
Hit films and television shows, brand-new original content, beloved family films, breaking news, and live sports are all available on Warner Bros. Discovery’s Max. A few titles are also available in 4K and Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos.
According to Casey Bloys, Chairman and CEO of HBO and Max Content, “fans can transform their space using the Iron Throne Room environment for an immersive experience that brings viewers into the iconic Red Keep” with the help of the Max app for Apple Vision Pro. “Fans will get the impression that they’re watching the content available on Max in Westeros at the height of their reign thanks to the intricate Targaryen-era embellishments.”
In addition, users of the Apple TV app can enjoy over 200 3D films, all Apple Originals from Apple TV+, and Apple Immersive Video, which immerses viewers in the action through 180-degree, 8K 3D recordings that incorporate Spatial Audio. Using AirPods Pro (2nd generation) with USB-C, users can download and stream over 100 million songs on Apple Music without any advertisements.
The music features Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos and Lossless Audio with extremely low latency. Apple Vision Pro users can enjoy their favorite video and music streaming services in Safari, along with the ability to open multiple windows, go full screen, listen with Spatial Audio, and launch an environment for an unparalleled entertainment experience. Native apps offer experiences that fully utilize the capabilities of spatial computing.
Where to buy Apple vision Pro?
The Apple Vision Pro is currently offered on Apple.com and at every Apple Store physical location.
When can I buy Apple Vision Pro?
Apple Vision Pro Can Be Pre-Ordered Now: When Will the New VR Headset Be Available Online. On February 2, Apple is scheduled to release its first mixed reality headset.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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twichactivatecode · 2 years
Disneyplus.com/begin - Enter the 8 digit code to Activate
Disneyplus.com/begin is a well-known and well-oriented streaming application with its own streaming network. It streams many movies, TV shows, news, sports web series, and newly released shows. Even Disney releases its own animated movies on the Disney plus begins. Nowadays even Disneyplus.com/begins code serves the topmost releases from marvel production, star wars, and Pixar. If the TV of the user is smart with the 4k picture quality then Disney has modified its movies to support such greater quality videos by releasing the 4k movies.
Nowadays even DisneyPlus.com/Begin  to code serves the topmost releases from marvel production, star wars, and Pixar. If the TV of the user is smart with the 4k picture quality then Disney has modified its movies to support such greater quality videos by releasing the 4k movies.
How to create an account on Disney plus?
First, take your device. Any device except the TVs can perform this account creation process.
·         Open the web browser on that device (Google Chrome Recommended).
·         Type the URL disneyplus.com in the search bar of the web browser.
·         Then click on the search option.
·         The Disney website strikes on your device screen.
·         You will see many movies but they are visible only if you subscribe to Disney.
·         Click on the sign-in button on the right side of the window.
·         A small window will appear in the center of your screen.
·         It will ask you to sign in to your account. There are 3 options for you to sign in.
·         These options include Using Mobile Phone, Using Email, and Using a Facebook account.
·         Select as per your choice. If you select the mobile number then enter the OTP received on the mobile.
·         Selecting the email address login will make you enter the email as well as its password.
·         And for Facebook, you will need to log in with the Facebook login details.
·         This will create the Disney plus account for you or simply will sign in you to it.
Which devices support Disney+?
Disney+ is available on:
1.       Computer web browsers
2.       iOS
3.       Apple TV (tvOS)
4.       Google Chromecast
5.       Android
6.       Android TV
7.       PlayStation 4
8.       Roku
9.       Cox Contour TV and Stream Player Box
10.   Xfinity Flex and X1 TV Box
11.   Xbox, PlayStation
12.   Select Amazon Fire TV devices
13.   Smart TVs (LG WebOS, Samsung Tizen, Android TV, Google TV, Vizio SmartCast, Roku TV, Hisense smart TVs)
If you’re an Apple device owner or you have one of the many smart TVs and streaming devices that feature the Apple TV app, you can subscribe to (and watch) Disney+ within that all-in-one streaming interface. Disney+ also supports in-app purchases on Apple devices. The Disney Plus website has the full list of supported devices.
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amazonamazonsblog · 2 years
Hbomax.com/tvsignin - Activate Enter Code HBOMAX TV SIGNIN
Steps To Activate HBO Max On Any Of Your Device
1. Access HBO Max on your device by downloading and opening the app.
2. On a desktop or smartphone, access hbomax.com/tvsignin using a web browser.
3. Your device will display a 6-digit activation code. Copy it.
4. Your web browser will prompt you to enter the activation code.
5. Choose a provider to sign in with.
6. Make your choice of cable provider.
For HBO Max to appear on your TV, you must enter the username and password for your provider account.
Note: HBO Max activation codes can be used on both the hbomax.com/tvsignin and activate.hbomax.com websites. HBO Max can only be activated if you have an active subscription.
Because hbomax.com/activate no longer works, you must use one of the above URLs (web addresses).
Steps To Activate HBO Max On Roku TV
Following are the instructions for activating Roku devices with hbomax.com/tvsignin:
1. Install and launch the HBO Max channel.
2. Use your email and password to log into the HBO Max app.
3. Please visit www.hbomax.com/tvsignin
4. On the Roku TV screen in the provided box, enter the HBO Max activation code.
5. Click the Next button.
6. Select the provider you wish to sign in with.
7. Choose your cable provider.
8. To activate HBO Max on your Roku, log in using your cable provider’s login details.
Steps To Activate HBO Max On Xbox One
Here’s how to enter the HBO Max code on Xbox One and begin:
1. On your Xbox One, locate, install, and launch HBO Max.
2. Access HBO Max with your HBO account details.
3. Use a web browser to visit hbomax.com/tvsignin.
4. On the web page, enter the code from the screen.
5. Click the Next button.
6. Choose a provider to sign in with.
7. Choose your cable provider.
8. To activate HBO Max on your Xbox, you will need the username and password for your provider account.
What You Need To Do To Activate HBO Max App on Xfinity Flex and X1
Go to the Apps menu, then select HBO Max, then click SIGN IN.
On your screen, you will see a unique activation code.
To enter this code, go to hbomax.com/tv-sign in on your phone or computer.
Your sign-in page will appear after you enter the code.
Use your HBO Max or Xfinity TV login information to sign in.
Follow any other instructions (if any) on the screen.
Your favorite HBO Max content is now available to stream.
Is There a Way to Enter the HBO Max Code?
1. You can sign in on your device by opening the HBO Max app.
2. A six-digit code will appear on the screen afterward.
3. On your Mac, PC, or mobile device, visit hbomax.com/tvsignin.
4. You need to enter an activation code that you see on the smart TV.
5. Your browser will now redirect you to the sign-in page.
6. Sign in with the same credentials you used to sign up for HBO Max.
7. Start streaming with HBO Max and choose your audience.
Devices that are compatible with HBO Max
Any of the supported devices listed below can be used to sign in and activate HBO Max.
Samsung TV (2016 models and later)
Spectrum WorldBox (in select areas)
Amazon Fire TV
Android TV
Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S
Xfinity X1 and Flex
Apple TV
Cox Contour 2 and Contour Stream Player
hbomax.com/tvsignin — Visit the authority web-based interface and enter 8 digit activation code to activate hbogo or hbomax on your devcie. USer are free to activate hbomax on the following gadgets like smart television, Apple TV, roku, playstation, xbox and other streaming media players. At the point when you sign in to hbomax application on smart tv or other gadget, your gadget shows 8 digit code. This is the hbomax activation code which is utilized to sign in hbomax.
What is Hbomax?
Hbomax is the go-to stage for the vast majority to watch videos in today’s generation. Whether you want to watch informative tutorials, or movies, or even web series, Hbomax has it, and henceforth, it is the most mainstream video support and the real time website as of date. While you can watch Hbomax on any cell phone as long it has video support and a web association just as on computers that have an supported web browser with a internet connectivity. watching Hbomax on TV is an alternate extravagance. Hbomax support on smart TVs is a gift for everybody.
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fiveblog913 · 3 years
Prores Codec For Mac
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ProRes has gained in popularity as an intermediate codec. In this post we share tips for using ProRes in your video workflow.
Prores Codec For Windows
Playback Prores Codec Windows 10
Avi Codec For Mac Downloads
Prores Codecs For Mac
Codec For Quicktime
Created to transform the workflow for film and video professionals, Afterburner accelerates ProRes and ProRes RAW video codecs in Final Cut Pro X, QuickTime Player X, and supported third-party applications. A PCI Express card exclusively for Mac Pro, Afterburner can be installed in any full-length slot, but it delivers maximum capability in a PCIe x16 slot. This update adds the following video codecs for use by QuickTime-based applications: Apple Intermediate Codec Apple ProRes AVC-Intra DVCPRO HD HDV XDCAM HD / EX / HD422 MPEG IMX Uncompressed 4:2:2. Regardless of whether Apple is planning to release a new Mac Pro to market, the need for a cross-platform codec is growing. It will either be filled by a hacked version of ProRes, DNxHR, VC-5 or an official Apple ProRes encoder for Windows.
Prores Codec For Windows
Jan 31, 2020 When you use ProRes RAW with Final Cut Pro, you get the same real-time, multistream video editing performance you experience with Apple ProRes RAW as you do with standard media. And with the Mac Pro (2019), the Afterburner card accelerates decoding and playback of multiple streams of ProRes and Pro Res RAW video files for even better performance.
When I began my career I was editing a lot of video in Final Cut 7, so ProRes naturally was my best friend. When I made the brief jump to Avid and then quickly turned to Premiere Pro, ProRes came along for the ride. With more and more high-end cameras shooting RAW and programs like Premiere having the ability to read those RAW files natively, as of late ProRes has been dwindling within my workflow. However, if you’re shooting a project with a short turnaround time, you can’t go wrong with ProRes.
1. Know Your Formats
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There are a total of six ProRes formats. These formats range from extreme compression to minimal compression rates. It’s important to note that each ProRes format supports all of the current frame sizes such as SD, HD, 2K, 4K & 5K. So lets take a quick look at each codec and the data rate specs for each frame size.
Frame DimensionsFrame RateProRes 4444ProRes 422 (HQ)ProRes 422ProRes 422 (LT)ProRes 422 (Proxy)720 x 48623.98 fps75 Mbps50 Mbps34 Mbps23 Mbps10 Mbps720 x 48625 fps79 Mbps52 Mbps35 Mbps24 Mbps10 Mbps720 x 48629.97 fps94 Mbps63 Mbps42 Mbps29 Mbps12 Mbps720 x 57623.98 fps88 Mbps59 Mbps39 Mbps27 Mbps12 Mbps720 x 57625 fps92 Mbps61 Mbps41 Mbps28 Mbps12 Mbps720 x 57629.97 fps110 Mbps73 Mbps49 Mbps34 Mbps15 Mbps960 x 72023.98 fps113 Mbps75 Mbps50 Mbps35 Mbps15 Mbps960 x 72025 fps118 Mbps79 Mbps52 Mbps36 Mbps16 Mbps960 x 72029.97 fps141 Mbps94 Mbps63 Mbps44 Mbps19 Mbps1280 x 72023.98 fps132 Mbps88 Mbps59 Mbps41 Mbps18 Mbps1280 x 72025 fps138 Mbps92 Mbps61 Mbps42 Mbps19 Mbps1280 x 72029.97 fps165 Mbps110 Mbps73 Mbps51 Mbps23 Mbps1440 x 108023.98 fps226 Mbps151 Mbps101 Mbps70 Mbps31 Mbps1440 x 108025 fps236 Mbps157 Mbps105 Mbps73 Mbps32 Mbps1440 x 108029.97 fps283 Mbps189 Mbps126 Mbps87 Mbps38 Mbps1920 x 108023.98 fps264 Mbps176 Mbps117 Mbps82 Mbps36 Mbps1920 x 108025 fps275 Mbps184 Mbps122 Mbps85 Mbps38 Mbps1920 x 108029.97 fps330 Mbps220 Mbps147 Mbps102 Mbps45 Mbps2048 x 115223.98 fps302 Mbps201 Mbps134 Mbps93 Mbps41 Mbps2048 x 115225 fps315 Mbps210 Mbps140 Mbps97 Mbps43 Mbps2048 x 115229.97 fps377 Mbps251 Mbps168 Mbps116 Mbps52 Mbps
2. Encoding with Variable Bitrate
Variable Bitrate (VBR) allows ProRes to be economical with video storage, without damaging the visuals. This type of damage will sometimes occur when max bitrate is exceeded with codecs that are fixed. So for instance, if we encode an action sequence, ProRes can use a higher data rate which will ensure that image loss is negated and the detail of the video remains. Then say, we have a simple two-shot dialogue sequence. ProRes reallocates only the bitrate needed. Being able to vary bitrate based on the material is pretty impressive.
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3. Question of Storage and RAW Usage
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While ProRes is a larger file size than H.264, it falls well short of the storage cost of RAW formats such as RED RAW. With that said, for most video professionals ProRes is the codec of choice for any work relating to a project that needs a quick turnaround time.
However, many professionals agree that if you are working on a project where more time can be devoted to the project, you’ll want to go with RAW. Even though ProRes 4444 retains a wealth of image information, this data is still far less than what you get with RAW.
RAW assures you that you are getting the least compression. I’ve found that by using RED RAW over ProRes I have far more flexibility in post. If not much time can be devoted to post, then I’ll transcode to ProRes 422 in order to speed up my editing process. Working with RAW 4K footage can be taxing on your editing system. Need for speed underground 2 2004 mach 1.
Virtual dj 7 pro full mac os x. DJ Mixer Professional for Mac is the leading-edge VJ/DJ mixing software that allowing you to create complex music and video mixes on the fly. Virtual DJ has a very easy to use interface and after learning how to handle it in just 3 minutes, you will be ale to use it as if you had been using it for years. You only have to choose the origin folder where the files are, drag and drop them and start playing them. Virtual dj pro 7 social advice Mac users interested in Virtual dj pro 7 generally download: VirtualDJ Pro Full 7.4 VirtualDJ is the hottest AUDIO and VIDEO mixing software, targeting DJs. Virtual DJ Pro for Mac v.6.1.2VirtualDJ is the hottest MP3 mixing software, targeting every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars like Carl Cox. With its breakthrough BeatLock engine, your songs will always stay in the beat, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster. New Media Players software. Atomix Virtual DJ Pro Infinity 8.3.4787 + Plug-Ins The #1 Most Popular DJ software, free download For MacOSX 100% Working. VirtualDJ is the application that DJs use when they want to use a computer to play their music. Because being a DJ is more than just pressing play, DJs cannot just use iTunes or Media Player to perform a mix. They need special controls like crossfaders, loops, effects, etc.
Here is a nice video comparison of ProRes going head to head with CinemaDNG through a Blackmagic Cinema Camera (video by Tom Majerski):
4. You Can Edit Outside of Final Cut Pro X
Playback Prores Codec Windows 10
While this seems like a no-brainer it’s a misconception that I’ve found with quite a few inexperienced video producers and filmmakers. I’ve heard “I thought you could only use ProRes in Final Cut” a few more times than I care to admit. ProRes is supported by all of the major editing softwares such as Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer & Lightworks.
Avi Codec For Mac Downloads
5. ProRes is a 10-bit Codec
The basic train of thought is the higher the bit number, the higher the quality of the video. Bits give us an idea on how many colors are being captured during filming (for most DSLRs you’ll be capturing 8-bit video). But ProRes is a 10 bit codec, so that means it can process a lot more color data. It’s a good rule of thumb that even if you capture 8-bit video using a DSLR (like a Canon 5D Mark III), you can convert that to ProRes and take advantage of the 10 bit encoding, which can make the color correction process easier.
The folks at Atomos put it like this:
Prores Codecs For Mac
Even if your camera only outputs 8 bit video, it’s still better to work with a 10 bit codec, because all subsequent editing and processing will be done at the higher resolution. Imagine, even if your original was only 8 bit, adding a subtle colour tint. If you did that at only 8 bit resolution, you’d be adding contours to contours, whereas with 10 bit per channel resolution, you’ll get a much smoother effect. The bottom line is that it’s much better to work at 10 bit resolution than 8 bit, whatever the source of your video.
Codec For Quicktime
What do you think of ProRes? Is it your codec of choice? Share in the comments below.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News
The streaming service field is becoming more fractured, as more and more media companies break from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in favor of creating their own streaming services. NBCUniversal—the Comcast Corp. division that owns NBC, MSNBC, USA, and the Universal Pictures movie studio—is next up with new streaming service Peacock.
Peacock will feature content from NBC, Bravo, USA Network, SYFY, Oxygen, E!, CNBC, MSNBC, NBCSN, Golf Channel, Universal Kids, A&E, ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX, HISTORY, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, Focus Features, Illumination, ViacomCBS, Paramount, Lionsgate, Warner Bros., and Blumhouse.
Here’s what we know:
Peacock Release Date
Peacock was made available to Comcast’s Xfinity X1 platform subscribers on April 15, 2020. The service will officially roll out to the rest of the country on July 15, 2020. NBCUniversal has plans for an international release of the service but no timeframe has been announced yet.
Peacock Price
What is Peacock going to cost? Well…that’s complicated. NBC is deviating from WarnerMedia, Disney, and Apple by incorporating pricing tiers into its service at launch. Peacock has three potential pricing options: free, $4.99, and $9.99. Here is what you’ll get at each price point:
Peacock Free includes 13,000 hours of NBCUniversal content, including still-airing series a week after they premiere. It will also feature advertisements.
Peacock Premium (with ads) is the $4.99 option and will include everything that the streaming service has to offer (over 20,000 hours of content) including Peacock originals and next-day availability of current TV shows…but also dumb old commercials. 
Peacock Premium (without ads) is $4.99 for Comcast subscribers and $9.99 for everyone else. It will include the full spectrum of Peacock content with no ads. 
Peacock Platforms
Peacock is available to be streamed on the following platforms:
Apple devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD.
Google platforms and devices including Android, Android TV devices, Chromecast and Chromecast built-in devices.
Microsoft’s Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One S and Xbox One X; and VIZIO SmartCast™ TVs and LG Smart TVs. 
Comcast Xfinity X1 and Flex users, as well as eligible Cox Contour customers, can use Peacock Premium included with their service at no additional cost.
Starting the week of July 20, Peacock will be available Sony PlayStation 4 andPlayStation 4 Pro. 
Notable absences on this list include two of the most popular streaming device providers in Roku and Amazon Fire. Just as WarnerMedia was unable to cut deals with either company for HBO Max, so too was NBCUniversal unable to do so with Peacock.
Peacock Originals
NBCUniversal has revealed the first batch of original programming coming to the service:
Available July 15
Psych 2: Lassie Come Home
“Santa Barbara Police Chief Carlton Lassiter is ambushed on the job and left for dead. In a vintage Psych-style Hitchcockian nod, he begins to see impossible happenings around his recovery clinic. Shawn and Gus return to Lassie’s side in Santa Barbara and are forced to navigate the personal, the professional, and possibly the supernatural. Separated from their new lives in San Francisco, our heroes find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping grounds as they secretly untangle a twisted case without the benefit of the police, their loved ones, or the quality sourdough bakeries of the Bay Area. What they uncover will change the course of their relationships forever.” – Read more about Psych 2: Lassie Come Home here.
Brave New World
“Based on Aldous Huxley’s groundbreaking 1932 novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself.” Read more about Brave New World here.
Available August 6
Best friends Jamie (Mel Giedroyc) and Fran (Sue Perkins) are trying to make their way in the world with only each other to rely on. They also just happen to kill people for a living. Fueled by their antics and frivolous bickering, each job inevitably gets derailed, leading them into bizarre misadventures, full of oddball characters and unexpected dilemmas.
Available August 13
Five Bedrooms
Five singles meet at, of all places, the singles’ table at a wedding. After several bottles of champagne, they decide to pitch in and buy a house together. Five singles buy a house together – what could go right?  It’s a grand social experiment with one glaring problem: they’ll have to actually live with each other.  All while journeying together through disasters, life-turning crises, and  moments of love, joy and heartbreak. The series stars Kat Stewart (Offspring), Stephen Peacocke (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot), Doris Younane (Frayed), Katie Robertson (Rosehaven), Roy Joseph (Halim), Kate Jenkinson (Wentworth) and Hugh Sheridan (Packed to the Rafters).
Available September 3
A.P. Bio (Season 3)
“When disgraced Harvard philosophy professor Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher. As he comes crashing in to Whitlock High School, Jack makes it absolutely clear he will not be teaching any biology. Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, Jack decides instead to use the kids for his own benefit. Eager to prove that he is still king of the castle, Principal Durbin struggles to control the force of nature that is Jack Griffin.” Read more about A.P. Bio season 3 here.
Available September 17
Passenger plane Flight 716 shockingly vanishes, and brilliant investigator Kendra Malley (Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife), alongside her mentor Howard Lawson (Christopher Plummer, Knives Out) are brought on to lead the investigation. When battling forces threaten to undermine their work, Kendra must find the truth and stop it from happening again. The series also stars Kris Holden-Reid (Umbrella Academy), Rebecca Liddiard (Run This Town), Tamara Duarte (Longmire), Mark Rendall (Versailles), Peter Mensah (Midnight, Texas) and Sasha Roiz (Suits).
Available TBD
The Adventure Zone 
“Based on the McElroy Family’s wildly popular Dungeons & Dragons podcast and No. 1 New York Times best-selling graphic novel series, The Adventure Zone is a side-splitting and heart-filled fantasy animated comedy series that follows an unlikely, poorly equipped trio and their beleaguered Dungeon Master as they reluctantly embark on a quest to save their world.” – Per THR.
Angelyne (limited series)
“Limited series based on The Hollywood Reporter feature that explored the identity of L.A.’s mysterious billboard bombshell.”
Battlestar Galactica
“Battlestar Galactica returns to television with Sam Esmail producing.” Read more about this reboot here.
Clean Slate
“Old-school car wash owner, Henry (George Wallace), is thrilled that his estranged child is returning to Alabama after 17 years. However, Henry has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he thought was a son returns as the determined, proud, trans woman, Desiree (Laverne Cox).” – Per THR.
Division One
“Division One is a coming-of-age comedy about an underdog women’s collegiate soccer team that gets a new female coach — a former professional soccer player who’s fallen from grace — and must decide whether or not they’re going to take the risk of trying to be great.” The show will be produced by Amy Poehler and soccer star Abby Wambach. – Per THR.
Dr. Death
“Based on Wonderly’s hit podcast, Dr. Death tells the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Jamie Dornan), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), set out to stop him. Dr. Death explores the twisted mind of a sociopath and the gross negligence of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us.”
“Ellie, a fiercely independent but perpetually single music manager, has always wanted a family but never found a man worthy of the role of ‘father.’ That is, until her 39th birthday, when she decides to ask her gay best friend and co-worker, Jonathan, if he’ll be her sperm donor. When Jonathan surprises himself by saying ‘yes,’ it sets off a chain of events that turn Ellie and Jonathan’s personal and professional lives upside down as they try to turn their ‘chosen family’ into a biological family. Mindy Kaling will executive produce.” – Per THR.
Hatching Twitter
“Through exclusive access and exhaustive investigative reporting, New York Times best-selling author Nick Bilton draws on hundreds of sources, documents and internal e-mails to tell intimate true stories of companies behaving badly and technology gone awry. The first installment of this anthology series will be based on Bilton’s acclaimed book Hatching Twitter, a tale of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles that accompanied the meteoric rise of the infamous tech company. 140 characters and a few lines of code changed the world, disrupting the very fabric of the way people communicate. This series will explore the real masterminds behind it all, how it was done, and the colossal ramifications the technology will have on our future.” – Per THR.
After rotting in prison for over a decade, America’s ultimate hero and uber patriot MacGruber is finally released. His mission: to take down a mysterious villain from his past — Brigadier Commander Enos Queeth. With the entire world in the crosshairs, MacGruber (Will Forte), Vicki and Piper must race against time to defeat the forces of evil. Only to find that evil … may be lurking within. – Read more about MacGruber here.
One of Us Is Lying (pilot)
“Based on Karen M. McManus’s best-selling novel, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.”
Punky Brewster (pilot)
“In this multicamera/hybrid continuation of the iconic ’80s sitcom about a bright young girl raised by a foster dad, Punky is now a single mother of three trying to get her life back on track when she meets a young girl who reminds her a lot of her younger self.”
Rutherford Falls
“Ed Helms portrays Nathan Rutherford, the eponymous denizen of a small New England town, who is having difficulty facing the inevitable changes to his way of life.”
Saved by the Bell (reboot)
“When California governor Zack Morris gets into hot water for closing too many low-income high schools, he proposes they send the affected students to the highest performing schools in the state – including Bayside High. The influx of new students gives the over privileged Bayside kids a much needed and hilarious dose of reality.” – Read more about the Saved by the Bell reboot here.
Straight Talk
“Straight Talk examines what happens when two opposing ideologies are forced into an odd coupling. The main characters will be challenged by one another, making the moral lines at which they once stood harder to define.”
Peacock Library
Peacock has been designed to mimic the experience of flipping through channels on a terrestrial television. To that end, both the free and premium tiers are launching with curated channels of NBC-themed content. These include channels that contain the best moments from shows such as The Office (“Office Shorts”), Saturday Night Live (“SNL Vault”), The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (“Fallon Tonight”), Late Night With Seth Meyers (“Seth Meyers Now”).
There are also exclusive genre channels like CNBC Make It, TODAY All Day, CNBC Ka-Ching, American Greed, 80s Mixtape, True Crime, Kiss Me Deadly, Peacock Reality, Out of This World, Caso Cerrado and I Love Jenni.
The free tier will include current NBC TV shows one week after they air. It will also include select episodes of Peacock originals. Most importantly it will include the following library content at launch:
30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
Saturday Night Live
Saved by the Bell
Punky Brewster
The Johnny Carson Show
The Carol Burnett Show
Real Husbands of Hollywood
Everybody Hates Chris
Friday Night Lights
Downton Abbey
The Game
Sacred Lies
Royal Pains
Battlestar Galactica
The Rockford Files
21 Jump Street
Leave It To Beaver
Murder She Wrote
Below Deck
Southern Charm
Chrisley Knows Best
Flipping Out
Million Dollar Listing New York
Pawn Stars
Storage Wars
Real Housewives of Dallas
Jay Leno’s Garage
Shahs of Sunset
Undercover Boss
Top Chef Masters
Hell’s Kitchen
Hollywood Game Night
American Ninja Warrior Jr.
Kong, The Animated Series
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Fievel’s American Tails andWoody Woodpecker
Betty en NY
I Love Jenni
Reina De Corazones
The Riveras
Preso No. 1, Caso Cerrado
El Baron
El Chema
Perro Amo
Mi Familia Perfecta
Quien es Quien
Donde Esta Elisa.
Added library shows for the premium tier include:
Two and a Half Men
Everybody Loves Raymond
George Lopez
Jeff Foxworthy Show
King of Queens
The Affair
Law & Order
Law & Order: SVU
Ray Donovan
Swedish Dicks
American Ninja Warrior
DreamWorks Dragons: Riders of Berk
Care Bears
Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot.
Future Peacock TV library titles feature:
The Office
Chicago P.D.
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
3rd Rock from the Sun
Bates Motel
 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
 Real Housewives of Atlanta
Real Housewives of New York,
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Vanderpump Rules
Millionaire Matchmaker
Top Chef
Married with Children
Curse of Oak Island
 First 48
 American Picker
 Ancient Aliens
Cold Case Files
The free tier of Peacock movies available at launch includes:
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Ultimatum
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Phantom Thread
The Interprete
American Psycho
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Blair Witch Project
The Mummy
Fletch Lives
The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
Do the Right Thing
Howard the Duck
Billy Elliot
The Birds
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
The Last House On The Left
I Am Ali
In The Name of the Father
Lone Ranger
The Hitcher
Law Abiding Citizen
The Sting
What Dreams May Come
Fried Green Tomatoes
One True Thing
Gosford Park
The premium tier adds:
Lone Survivor
Identity Thief
Children of Men
Charlie Wilson’s War
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kicking and Screaming
Larry Crowne
You, Me & Dupree.
The following films are expected to arrive on Peacock sometime after launch:
Trolls World Tour
You Should Have Left
Croods 2
Boss Baby 2
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
The Purge
Ride Along
American Gangster
Fast & Furious
Fast 5
Fast & Furious 6
Field of Dreams
The Express
Knocked Up
National Lampoon’s Vacation
National Lampoon’s European Vacation
Evan Almighty
The Conjuring
Dawn of the Dead
The Dark Knight
The Big Lebowski
Scent of a Woman
3:10 to Yuma
Lost In Translation
Brokeback Mountain
Pitch Black
The Graduate
Police Academy
The Great Outdoors
The Bone Collector
Robin Hood
The Hurt Locker
The Break Up
Open Water
It Follows
Carlito’s Way
Peacock Sports
Peacock is notable in its offering of live sporting events, something that only ViacomCBS’s CBS All Access can compete with among the major OTT streaming services.
Live sports available to free tier users include:
Four exclusive English Premier League soccer matchers on July 15.
Coverage of the U.S. Men and Women’s Open Championships in golf.
An NFL Wild Card Playoff game.
Select events from the now-delayed Tokyo and Beijing Olympics
Premium tier highlights include:
175 exclusive EPL matchups for the 2020-21 season.
Cycling events like the Tour du France.
More than 100 hours of WWE content arriving in August including series like WWE Untold, and Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions. And compilations like John Cena’s Best WrestleMania Matches.
The post Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News appeared first on Den of Geek.
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