#Cousin Brucie' Morrow
badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Dirty Dancing 1987
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Au cours de l'été 1963, les Houseman, une famille aisée de New York, passent leurs vacances à la pension de la famille Kellerman située dans l'État de New York, la région des montagnes Catskill.
La benjamine de la famille, Frédérique Houseman, dite « Bébé »a, âgée de dix-sept ans, participe avec ses parents et sa sœur aînée Lisa aux activités de loisirs proposées par la pension. Peu dégourdie et un peu gauche, cette littéraire, intéressée par l’économie des pays sous-développés et membre du mouvement pour la paix, tranche avec sa sœur. Cette dernière est au contraire frivole et seulement concernée par son apparence physique.
Un peu par hasard, Bébé se trouve mêlée à la vie des employés de la pension. Elle aperçoit alors un employé, un homme séduisant et viril nommé Johnny Castle, étant également un excellent danseur. Bébé se voit alors confrontée à un monde qui lui est complètement étranger, celui de la danse.
Penny Johnson, une des danseuses de l'établissement (et amie d'enfance de Johnny) doit se faire avorter à la suite d'une grossesse non désirée et causée par un des serveurs de l'établissement, Robbie Gould (étudiant en médecine). Il décide de l'ignorer et refuse de l'aider. Penny est secourue par Bébé quand celle-ci demande à son père de lui prêter de l'argent, sans pour autant lui expliquer la situation. Ainsi, Bébé donne l'argent à Penny pour lui payer son avortement. Au début, celle-ci refuse car Johnny et elle ne pourraient pas participer à une représentation dans un théâtre voisin, ce qui leur coûterait le salaire de la saison. Mais Penny accepte finalement l'argent quand Bébé se porte volontaire pour la remplacer, même si elle n'est qu'une débutante en danse.
Cela amène Bébé à suivre des cours avec Johnny afin de préparer le spectacle, aidés également par Penny. C'est le début d'un long entraînement, sous la supervision intransigeante de Johnny, ce qui est très difficile pour Bébé. Mais au cours de leurs séances, les deux danseurs développent une attirance mutuelle. Se déroulent alors de longues heures d’entraînements, jour et nuit, mettant en scène un des moments cultes du film, l’entraînement de Johnny et Bébé, accompagnés de Penny en trios. Malgré l'échec de Bébé à exécuter un porté, le point culminant du spectacle, la performance de Johnny et Bébé s'avère être un succès.
À leur retour à la pension Kellerman, les deux danseurs apprennent que Penny a été blessée par l'avortement qui a été bâclé, et fait par un amateur. Bébé demande alors l'aide de son père médecin pour soigner la jeune femme. Après s'être occupé de Penny, le Dr Houseman, croyant à tort que Johnny était responsable de cette grossesse, ordonne à sa fille de rester loin d'eux. Bébé part s'excuser auprès de Johnny sur le comportement de son père, mais Johnny estime qu'il le mérite, en raison de son statut inférieur. Bébé le rassure sur sa valeur et lui déclare son amour. Les deux commencent à se voir secrètement et ont des rapports sexuels. Quand Penny l'apprend, elle essaie de convaincre Johnny de cesser cette relation. Mais les deux amants ne peuvent s’empêcher de se revoir. Quand Robbie Gould vient narguer Johnny, en présence de Penny et Bébé, Johnny s’énerve et lui inflige une correction.
Pour sauver Johnny, menacé de licenciement car il est suspecté de vols de portefeuilles à la pension (une vengeance d'une riche cliente qui avait pour amant Johnny et qui a vu Bébé sortir un matin de son appartement), Bébé se voit contrainte de révéler leur relation amoureuse au directeur de l'établissement, en présence de son père. Celui-ci, effondré par cette nouvelle et par les mensonges de sa fille, se détourne d'elle. Johnny essaie de s'expliquer avec le Dr Houseman, mais il échoue à lui avouer qu'il n'est pas l'auteur de la grossesse de Penny. Malgré le fait que les coupables des vols de portefeuilles aient été arrêtés (le couple Schumacher, des personnes âgées coutumières du fait), Johnny est quand même licencié pour avoir couché avec une cliente. Il quitte la pension après avoir dit au revoir à Bébé.
Bébé s'excuse plus tard auprès de son père pour lui avoir menti, mais pas pour sa romance avec Johnny. Elle l'accuse d'être trop conservateur, lui rappelant qu'il lui avait parlé du droit à une seconde chance dans la vie. Malgré leur chagrin réciproque, les deux restent en froid.
Au cours du spectacle de fin de saison (auquel participe Lisa, une piètre chanteuse), le Dr Houseman apprend la vérité au sujet de Penny. Alors qu'il tend une lettre de recommandation à Robbie pour ses études médicales, celui-ci admet par maladresse qu'il a mis Penny enceinte et la dénigre ainsi que Bébé. Le Dr Houseman, en colère, lui reprend la lettre des mains.
Pendant que le spectacle se déroule, Johnny arrive dans la salle, s'approche de la table des Houseman et prend Bébé par le bras, disant à son père : « On ne laisse pas Bébé dans un coin ! »[1]. Les deux montent ensuite sur la scène, interrompant le spectacle. Johnny déclare à l'assistance que Bébé a fait de lui une meilleure personne. Ils exécutent ensuite la danse qu'ils ont pratiquée ensemble, sur l'air de la chanson (I've Had) The Time of My Life , avant d'être rejoints par le personnel et les invités.
Pendant la fin de la danse, le docteur Houseman s'approche de Johnny et admet qu'il s'est trompé sur son compte et s'excuse. Il se réconcilie également avec sa fille.
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harrisonarchive · 8 months
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Photo by Leslie Bryce.
“I remember interviewing them, and in those days, honestly, George wasn’t the most exciting Beatle. As a journalist, you’d go after John or Paul of Ringo. George’s introspection made us afraid of getting too much of the mortal sin for a broadcaster, namely dead air. But in retrospect, that was very wrong. I think now that if we had given George the courtesy and respect he deserved, his whole persona might have changed. But none of us did that. It was the other three who got 90 per cent of the action. When he was interviewed, George was always direct, never flowery with his words. He answered succinctly. If he could answer in two sentences, he never made it into a paragraph. He had kind eyes. When you spoke with him, he looked directly at you. You knew there was sensitivity at work.” - Bruce “Cousin Brucie” Morrow, Here Comes The Sun: The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison (2006) (x)
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i-am-the-oyster · 1 year
Does anyone have the audio of this interview:
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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airchexx · 3 years
Bruce Morrow FINAL SHOW on 77 WABC New York | August 7 1974
Bruce Morrow FINAL SHOW on 77 WABC New York | August 7 1974
 WABC 77 New York – Bruce Morrow FINAL SHOW – August 7 1974 This aircheck features New York City’s Legendary radio personality Bruce “Cousin Brucie” Morrow, on his final night on WABC. He started in New York radio min 1959 at WINS, but Cousin Brucie became synonymous with rock and roll during his 13 years at 77 WABC New York, in the 1960s and ’70s. Brucie was a nighttime powerhouse,…
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stars2day · 4 years
‘Cousin Brucie’ to Exit Sirius XM’s ’60s on 6 Channel After 15 Years on the Air
‘Cousin Brucie’ to Exit Sirius XM’s ’60s on 6 Channel After 15 Years on the Air
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In a surprising move, longtime Sirius XM on-air personality Cousin Brucie Morrow will depart the ’60s on 6 channel after his show this Saturday night, August 2.
The 84-year-old Morrow, whose real name is Bruce Meyerowitz, has been a fixture on the channel hosting nights weekly from Wednesday through Saturday since 2005.  He joined Sirius XM shortly after CBS-FM switched from Oldies to an…
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bigmacdaddio · 3 years
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#OTD #OnThisDay #ThisDayInHistory #September28, 2004: #RIP: Scott Muni, American disc jockey, who worked at the heyday of the AM Top 40 format and then was a pioneer of FM progressive rock radio (b. 1929) dies. (Th 5/10/18: Although Wikipedia gives his birth year as 1930, Zachary Taylor Martin, Muni's last producer at Q1043, and Charlie Kendall, who saw his FCC license, indicate he was in fact born in 1929, according to their posts in the WNEW-FM Fan Club Facebook page). Rolling Stone magazine termed him "legendary". Born Donald Allen Munoz in Wichita, Kansas, Muni grew up in New Orleans. He joined the United States Marine Corps and began broadcasting there in 1950, reading "Dear John" letters over Radio Guam. After leaving the Corps and having considered acting as a career, he began working as a disc jockey; in 1953 he began working at WSMB in New Orleans. His mentor was Marshall Pearce. In 1955 he took over for Alan Freed at station WAKR in Akron, Ohio, and after that worked in Kankakee, Illinois. Muni then spent almost 50 years at stations in New York City. He became a Top 40 broadcaster at 570 WMCA in the late 1950s, just before the start of their "Good Guys" era, and did a number of record hops in the New York area. In 1960, he moved to rival Top 40 station 770 WABC. There he did an early evening show called "Scotland's Yard" and was among the first WABC DJs to capture the attention of the teenage audience for which the station would become famous. He also participated in the competition to cover The Beatles on their first visits to the United States, and thus began a long association with them. In 1965, Muni left WABC and ran the Rolling Stone Night Club while doing occasional fill-in work for WMCA. Muni had explored some opportunities beyond radio: for a short time he co-hosted a local weekly television show on WABC-TV 7 with Bruce "Cousin Brucie" Morrow, and he would go on to record the spoken single "Letter to an Unborn Child", about a soldier with a premonition, which was released in 1967 to little acclaim. Muni decided to return to radio, and in 1966, he joined 98.7 WOR-FM, one of the earliest stations in the country to program free-form Progressive Rock music. The progressive format did not last at that station. In 1967 Muni moved to 102.7 WNEW-FM, which had been running a format of pop hits and show tunes, hosted by an all-woman staff. This time, the Progressive Rock format really took hold, with WNEW-FM becoming a legendary rock station. Muni stayed there for three decades as the afternoon DJ and sometimes program director. Muni was described by fellow WNEW-FM DJ Dennis Elsas as "the heart and soul of the place". Under assorted management changes during the 1990s WNEW-FM lost its way, and in 1998 Muni ended up hosting a one-hour noontime classic rock program at WAXQ "Q104.3", where he worked until suffering a stroke in early 2004. Muni was known to his listeners by the nicknames "Scottso" or "The Professor", the latter to emphasize his rock expertise. While he sometimes spoke in roundabout phrases and succumbed to progressive rock radio cliches such as "That was a tasty cut from ...", he also conveyed on the air and in his professional relationships a gruff immediacy that was a by-product of both his time in the Marines and his earlier Top 40 skills. His low, gravelly voice was instantly recognizable and often lampooned, both by other disc jockeys and by impressionists such as on Imus in the Morning. A bizarre exchange occurred in August 1972 when a hostage-holding bank robber called Muni on the air and engaged him in a long, often nonsensical conversation; the two peppered their post-hippie speech with discussions of Bob Dylan music and requests to hear the Grateful Dead. The incident became part of the inspiration for the 1975 film Dog Day Afternoon. Muni specialized in playing records from up-and-coming, or sometimes just-plain-obscure, acts from the United Kingdom on his weekly Friday "Things from England" segment. He also hosted the syndicated radio programs Ticket to Ride and Scott Muni's World of Rock. Muni was friendly with many of the musicians whom he played, and they would often stop by the studio to visit on-air. He played poker in the studio with the Grateful Dead, and he would let Emerson, Lake and Palmer browse the station's huge record library and put on whatever they liked. An oft-related story tells that he was interviewing Jimmy Page when the guitarist suddenly passed out from the aftereffects of the Led Zeppelin lifestyle. Muni calmly put on a record, revived Page, and completed the interview on the studio floor. Muni was close to John Lennon and his family, and after Lennon's murder he vowed to always open his show with a Lennon or Beatles record, a pledge that he kept for the balance of his career. He died on September 28, 2004 at the age of 74 in New York City and is buried in St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Cemetery in Colonia, New Jersey. Muni is included in an exhibit display of important disc jockeys at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The DJs at Q104.3 keep Muni's promise to New York listeners and still start their noon hour with the "12 o'clock Beatles Block". Muni was inducted into the Rock Radio Hall of Fame in the "Legends of Rock Radio-Programming" category for his work at WNEW in 2014. He was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2015.
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tvguidancecounselor · 3 years
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 486: Clint Conley
This week Ken welcomes bassist and singer from Mission of Burma, long time Chronicle producer and personal hero Clint Conley to the show.
Ken and Clint discuss the nexus of punk rock and television, finding interesting things in New England, growing up just outside NYC, having a father "in the business", grad school at BU, the interaction of the high brow and lowbrow, the arty and the boneheaded, weirdo bands, Cousin Brucie, Ed Sullivan, rock bands on TV, the importance of 1966 for Youth Culture, Batman, Gallant Men, copycat shows, Combat!, Secret Agent, The Rifleman, Man from U.N.C.L.E., plat spinning, vaudeville acts, Hollywood Palace, Boris Karlof, seeking out all the horror movies, Channel 9 and 11, Alan King, Ed Sullivan giving extra time to Sly Stone, The Rascals, Raymond Burr, fearing iron lungs and quicksand, the worthless nature of Tucker Carlson, Candid Camera, Prank Shows, Hulabaloo, Richard Pryor and George Carlin on young rock n roller John Davidson's show, My Mother the Car, Vic Morrow, the Twilight Zone disaster and E! Network's re-enactments, Eric Burden and the Animals, Gidget, band names, Night of Whirling Death, Wild Wild West, Car 54, Where Are You?, having a VCR in the 1970s, hating Lost in Space, being scared of Billy Mumy, taping Iggy Pop on Dinah Shore, the greatness of Green Acres, meeting Mary Tyler Moore, W.C. Fields tribute by his own son, The Smothers Brothers, The Amazing Randi, Johnny Carson: GOTCHA!, The 100 Foot Wave, and the greatness of Barry Jenkin's The Underground Railroad.
Check out this episode!
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beatlesradioshows · 3 years
Beatles, Feb 4 Free 4 All #232-'Cousin Brucie' Morrow Talks Beatles    Download  
The Fab 4 Free 4 All cast members are joined by legendary DJ and author 'Cousin Brucie' Morrow.
Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV5AziixIas
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dpfagency · 4 years
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Cue Up the Shirelles: Cousin Brucie Is Back at WABC-AM Radio When Bruce Morrow, the octogenarian disc jockey, announced recently that he was leaving SiriusXM after 15 years, his fans mourned the loss, filling his Facebook page with memories of how his booming voice has entertained them since childhood.
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breakingbuzz · 4 years
Cue Up the Shirelles: Cousin Brucie Is Back at WABC-AM Radio
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By BY JULIA JACOBS Bruce Morrow, who some fans thought would retire after leaving SiriusXM this month, is returning, at age 84, to the station where he worked in the 1960s. Published: August 11, 2020 at 05:02PM from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/2XRkb7Z via
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terryowen-blog · 5 years
A Video History of the American Radio Personality! (Enhanced)
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A Video History of the American Radio Personality! 190 Video Clips that fly by in 22 minutes
Radio Airchecks Videos Vuolo Video Air-Chex vuolovideo.com kurtkelly.com/voice-over-videos.html Talent Name: Station & Market: Drew & Mike (TV clip) WRIF Detroit Shotgun Tom Kelly B-100 San Diego Charlie Tuna KTNQ Los Angeles Steve “Super” Cooper WIFE Indianapolis Diane Shannon WIFE Indianapolis Chris Edmonds WEFM Chicago John R. Landecker WLS Chicago Jeff Davis WLS Chicago Tom Graye WLS Chicago B. J. Hunter (Ashwood) WABX Detroit Scott Shannon & Joey Z-100 New York Brant Miller WLS Chicago Robert Murphy WKQX Chicago Kurt Kelly WKQX Chicago Randy & Alan Gardner WLW Cincinnati Hollywood Hamilton Z-100 New York Len “Boom” Goldberg WMMS Cleveland Dick Purtan WCZY Detroit Joey (3 seconds) WFIL Philadelphia Howard Stern W-4 Detroit Big Jim Hall KSFM Sacramento Amy Lewis KRAK Sacramento Stoney Richards KLAC Los Angeles Howard Stern WNBC New York Alison Steele WNEW New York Larry Lujack WLS Chicago Fred Winston WLS Chicago Chuck Knapp WLS Chicago John R. Landecker WLS Chicago Scott Regan at the WNIC Detroit Reunion Brother Bill Gable at the WNIC Detroit Reunion Byron MacGregor at WNIC Detroit Reunion Super Max Kinkel at WNIC Detroit Reunion Tom Shannon at the WNIC Detroit Reunion Gary Burbank at the WNIC Detroit Reunion Big Jim Edwards/Davis WNIC Detroit Reunion Michael Spears/Hal M. WNIC Detroit Reunion Buck & O’Connor KDWB Minneapolis/St. Paul Munson & Patrick WENS Indianapolis G.Osborn/Andy StJohn WLKI Angola, IN Charlie Brown KUBE Seattle Randy Michaels WLW Cincinnati Kid Leo WMMS Cleveland Denny Sanders WMMS Cleveland Arthur Penhallow WRIF Detroit Steve Kostan WRIF Detroit Bruce Vital KIIS Los Angeles Robert W. Morgan KMGG Los Angeles Bobby Rich B-100 San Diego Gary Kelly B-100 San Diego Mark Larson KFMB San Diego Tad Svenson KLUC Las Vegas Bill Lee KPKE Denver Dick Clark/Barsky WYTZ Chicago Bob & Tom WFBQ Indianapolis Jim Turner WDBO Orlando Paul W. Smith WJR Detroit J. P. McCarthy WJR Detroit Gary Bryan Z-100 New York Randy Michaels WLW Cincinnati Joey Reynolds KB Reunion Buffalo Danny Neverath KB Reunion Buffalo Rod Roddy KB Reunion Buffalo Jay Thomas KPWR Los Angeles Bill Lee (3 sec.) WKTU New York Cathy Fox WTIC-f Hartford Ron Chapman KVIL Dallas Moby KEGL Dallas Bob Steel WTIC Hartford Charlie Tuna KRLA Los Angeles The Real Don Steele KRLA Los Angeles Phil Hendrie (DJ) KLSX Los Angeles Bob Coburn KLOS Los Angeles Gino Mitchellini KLOS Los Angeles Hollywood Hamilton KIIS Los Angeles Randy West (guest anc) KIIS Los Angeles B. J. Hunter KOOL Phoenix Angela Mid-days Allen KOOL Phoenix Scott Miller CKLW Detroit/Windsor Magic Matt Alan Z-100 New York Steve Dahl/Garry Meier WLUP Chicago Kevin Matthews WLUP Chicago Wally Phillips WGN Chicago Bob Collins WGN Chicago Ron Brittan WJMK Chicago Dick Biondi WJMK Chicago Bob Shannon WCBS-f New York B. J. Steel WRKS New York Harry Harrison WCBS-f New York Dan Taylor WNBC New York Paul Smith WINS New York Byron MacGregor WWJ Detroit Bill Cunningham WLW Cincinnati Casey K & Jim Ochs WCZY Detroit Charlie Hackett Z-103 Tallahassee, FL Denny Schaffer WLOL Minneapolis Bobby Wilde KDWB Minneapolis John Lanigan WMJI Cleveland (WIXY) Don Beno WCFL Chicago/Morris, IL Dave Robbins B-96 Chicago Rush Limbaugh EIB Net New York Lynn Samuels WABC New York Sean Hannity WABC New York Phil Hendrie KFI Los Angeles Kim Carson WCZY Detroit Crystal Parker & friend WZPL Indianapolis Donna Rowland WBEB Philadelphia Denny Schaffer WVKS Toledo Larry Waches while at Bobby Poe Conv. Wash DC Phlash/Trey/John O. B-106 Fort Wayne, IN George McFly B-96 Chicago Rick Dees KIIS Los Angeles Kevin O’Neal/Ian Case WKDF Nashville Rob Williams (news) KWK St. Louis Karen Hand (news) B-96 Chicago Ron Lundy WCBS-f New York Jack Armstrong reunion WIXY Cleveland (WMJI) Dr. Ron Rose KFRC San Francisco Wolfman Jack WSM Nashville Hy Lit WOGL Philadelphia Big Dan Ingram WCBS-f New York Scott Muni WNEW New York (FM) Cousin Brucie Morrow WCBS-f New York Tom Joyner WGCI Chicago Alan Berg KOA Denver Bob Kelly WCWA Toledo The Real Bob James WNBC New York (promo) Garth Brooks (at CRS) Promo Nashville Elvis Duran/Valerie S. Z-100 New York Scott & Todd WPLJ New York Coyote McCloud Y-107 Nashville Rich Brother Robin KCBQ San Diego Doug Banks WGCI Chicago Fred Winston WPNT Chicago (FM-100) Howard Stern WXRK New York Dr. Laura Network Los Angeles John Mason WJLB Detroit Danny Bonaduce WKQI Detroit Tom Leykis/Geoff F. WXYT Detroit (remote) and more.. Likes: 5 Viewed:
The post A Video History of the American Radio Personality! (Enhanced) appeared first on Good Info.
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twangyk · 5 years
The Garden State Arts Foundation will present a concert featuring three classic-rock icons — Tommy James & the Shondells, Darlene Love, and the Ventures — June 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, with disc jockey Bruce “Cousin Brucie” Morrow hosting. Tickets are free, but must be requested in advance by mail. For information, visit gsafoundation.org.
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therealmattnappo · 7 years
77 WABC Cousin Brucie (((STEREO)))
[UltraVid id=1375 ]Cousin Brucie Simulated AM Stereo 1960 something
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airchexx · 3 years
Bruce Morrow FIRST SHOW on 101 WCBS-FM New York | June 5 1982
Bruce Morrow FIRST SHOW on 101 WCBS-FM New York | June 5 1982
   WCBS-FM 101 New York – Bruce Morrow FIRST SHOW – June 5 1982 This aircheck features Bruce Morrow’ s very first show on WCBS-FM. Morrow would eventually spend over 20 years on CBS-FM. Bruce is joined on this aircheck by his friend, and former WABC jock, Les Marshak. Bruce started in New York radio in 1959 at WINS, but Cousin Brucie became synonymous with rock and roll during his 13…
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