#Corries and Crochet
vodika-vibes · 1 year
Summary: After almost dying at a crime scene, Commander Thorn realizes that things need to change.
Pairing: Commander Thorn x Reader
Word Count: 2173
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Reader gets Blown up, mentions of a crime scene
Mando'a used: verd'ika - lit. little soldier
A/N: I've been meaning to write for Thorn for, like, weeks now. But I finally had an idea.
Divider by saradika
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In an ideal universe, you would never have to work a day in your life. You would be able to stay home, and spend your time writing novels, or painting pictures, or crocheting blankets, and you’d never have to worry about food or power or rent.
However, you don’t live in an ideal universe.
You live here, on Coruscant, which means that five days a week, you have to drag yourself out of bed, shower, brush your teeth, and put on your uniform for another 8 hour day of hell.
Also known as work.
And you, the clever person that you are, decided to major in Forensics. Which meant that not only do you have to drag yourself to work every morning, you also have to see the absolute worst of people every day.
Sometimes when you close your eyes, all you see are blood spatters and burn patterns and bullet trajectories. Those are the good days.
You don’t have many good days.
There is a reason that people in your line of work rarely last more than 10 years. Especially on Coruscant. 
You exhale slowly and press the palms of your hands against your eyes. You’ve been working close to ten hours, less than halfway through a double, that was probably going to turn into a triple, and you’re already so done with the day that you kind of want to cry.
You’re hungry, and tired, and you still have six hours before the next shift is supposed to roll in, and you have to start the DNA analysis from three different cases, and run the fingerprints from last night-
You look up when there’s a knock on the door, “It’s open.”
Your office door slides open, and you tiredly look up at the man who steps into the room, “You look like shit, verd’ika.” Commander Thorn says as he steps into the room, a teasing grin on his lips.
“Please tell me you didn’t just walk your happy ass all the way from the Corrie Bullpen to my office just to insult me?” You ask as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand as you half-heartedly glare at the handsome man who has made it his life's mission to make your life more difficult.
“I would never,” Commander Thorn replies as he presses the button to shut your office door, and lazily drops into a chair across from your desk.
“Oh, please, have a seat.” You say snarkily.
“Thanks, I think I will.” He counters cheerfully, as he slumps even further down the chair with a wide grin.
You close your eyes, and forcefully stamp down on your growing ire, it’s not his fault that you’re exhausted, and it’s not right to take it out on him. Especially since you actually enjoy his company, “Is there something you needed, Commander?”
“How long have we worked together, verd’ika?” He asks, dragging the nickname out obnoxiously. 
“I don’t…2 years, give or take?” You say with a shake of your head.
“Long enough that you should just call me by my name,” He says mildly, and he frowns when you curl in on yourself as though he yelled at you. He sits up and leans forward slightly, his sharp eyes scanning your face for a moment, and his scowl deepens, “How many hours have you been working?”
You glance at your chrono and sigh, “a little more than 10 hours. I’m working a double today…maybe a triple.” You tiredly rub your eyes, “What did you need, Commander Thorn?”
“...we have a case.” He says quietly, a look of guilt crossing his face as you utter an exhausted curse, “No one else is available for field work.”
“It’s fine, this is my job after all. Just let me grab my keys and I’ll meet you there. Send me the location?” You ask, as you get to your feet and grab your jacket off the back of your chair.
Thorn says nothing for a moment, and then he releases a deep sigh, and you hear the sound of some typing, “I’ll see you there. It’s just going to be the two of us, for now.”
“Alright, I’ll see you there.”
30 minutes later, you pull up in front of a run down building. The building itself is taped off, and Thorn is waiting for you with his arms crossed over his chest. You park near his speeder, and slip out of your jeep, having to essentially fall out of your van due to its height.
“Nice of you to join me,” Thorn teases lightly, though there’s tension in his shoulders and his hand rests on his blaster, “So we have a body.”
“It’s almost always a body in this part of Coruscant,” You reply as you pull your kit out of the back of your van, “You suspect foul play?”
“The person who called it in claimed that they witnessed a murder,” Thorn replies as he scans his datapad, “I have some shinies canvassing the area, looking for the witness.”
“Is that why you’re so tense?” You ask.
“You’ve had your hand on your blaster like you’re expecting someone to jump out and start shooting at us.” You explain as you press the button that closes the trunk door.
“Just…a bad feeling, verd’ika.” His voice is tight, “I’m going to be staying close for now.”
You eye him for a moment, and then nod slowly, “If that will make you feel more comfortable.” You finally reply, “Is the body inside?”
“Yeah. The shinies cleared the house before you got here.” Thorn says, “At first blush, it looks like an execution.”
You flash him the smallest of smiles, “If you say so, then that’s probably what happened. But I’ll check anyway.”
“Ah, verd’ika, when you say stuff like that it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Thorn teases flirtatiously, and you know that if he wasn’t wearing his helmet, he’d be smirking at you, in spite of the tension running through his body.
You pull your gloves on and shoot him a look, “You know that you’re probably right. I just need to verify it for legal reasons.” You shake your head and take half a step towards the house, “I assume I’m free to enter?”
“Yep, the scene is yours.”
You nod at him, and grab your camera, and slowly make your way into the house, taking pictures as you go. You snap a series of photos of the victim, a woman, likely in her 70s. True to what Thorn told you, she had two bullet holes in her head.
“If the execution was what killed her,” You say to Thorn, “She wasn’t killed here. There’s not nearly enough blood.”
Thorn is somehow even more tense than he was outside as he makes a note on his datapad, “Anything else?”
“Give me a minute,” You reply, standing and moving around to the other side. You look over the victim, and then tilt your head when you notice something strange. “Huh. What’s this then?” You murmur, more to yourself then Thorn as you reach out and adjust the thick jacket the victim was wearing. Your hand presses against something hard, and metal, and you hear a click that makes your blood freeze, and you slam your hand down on the victim’s chest. 
“I think there’s a bomb.” You say, turning panicked eyes up towards Thorn.
Thorn swears and tosses his datapad out the front door, and crosses the room to kneel across from you. He scans the body, and then swears again, “It is.” He confirms, “It looks like a pressure plate.”
“Sorry.” You whisper, “You should probably-”
“If you think I’m leaving you here, alone, with a bomb then you don’t know me well at all,” His voice is sharp, and for a moment you hate that he’s wearing his helmet, because seeing his face would offer you a little comfort. “Okay. Disarming the bomb isn’t possible, not now that it’s been triggered,” Thorn explains as he stands and walks around the body until he’s behind you.
“So what do we do?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder as he turns a thick table onto it’s side and moves it so it’s nearly pressed against your back.
“You are going to sit there,” Thorn replies, moving so he’s behind the table, and then reaching over the table and grabbing you under the arms, “Verd’ika?”
“This is going to hurt.” Is the only warning he gives, as he tightens his grip and pulls, jerking you away from the bomb, and over the table, and covering you with his own body in one smooth motion that he’s had to have practiced before.
The bomb detonates at the exact same time, and the last thing you remember, clearly, is the pain the Thorn warned you about.
You wake to the sound of a heart monitor beeping annoyingly in your ear. You slowly blink the sleep out of your eyes, and you can taste bacta on your lips. 
You half expect to be in the hospital, but you’re also not really surprised to see that you’re in the Guard’s Medbay. Slowly you try to sit up, only to stop when gentle hands press against your shoulders, laying you back. “You’re not supposed to move, verd’ika.”
“Thorn?” You quickly look him over, he’s wearing casual clothes, rather than his armor, which means you can see the bruises covering his arms, “Are you okay?” You ask.
“Me? Yeah, a couple of bruises. A minor concussion.” Thorn waves away his injuries as unimportant, “How are you feeling? You’ve been in a bacta tank for two days.”
“Pretty good, all things considered.” You lightly take his hand and squeeze it, “I thought that I would be in the hospital?”
“Yeah, well…” There’s something grim on Thorn’s face, “Someone put a hit on you.”
“You’re very good at what you do,” Thorn replies, “We moved you from the hospital when one of the nurses tried to kill you.”
“I don’t…why?”
“You’re very good at what you do, cyar’ika.” Thorn says with a sigh, “You’re being moved into protective custody until we can figure out who’s trying to kill you.” He lightly takes your hand and squeezes your fingers, “I’m afraid you’re not going to have much privacy for a bit.”
You lay in the bed, thinking on his words, “Am I being forced to leave Coruscant?” You ask.
“No. You’re being moved into protective custody under the care of the Coruscant Guard. Well, to be more specific, we’re being moved into protective custody.” Thorn explains.
“Ah, you got stuck with babysitting duty.”
“I volunteered, cyar’ika.” Thorn replies, “You almost died because I didn’t do my due diligence.”
“It’s not your-”
“It is my fault. If I had done my damned job, the bomb would have been disarmed before you even arrived on scene.” Thorn interrupts, “So, I’m afraid you’re going to be stuck with me for a while.”
You sigh quietly, “It’s not that much of a hardship,” You murmur, “When I’m not working, I actually like spending time with you.”
He laughs quietly, and slowly releases your fingers to brush his fingers against your cheek, and you turn your head into his touch. “You know I only bother you as much as I do because I want you to look at me, right?” He asks quietly.
You smile gently, “I’m looking now, Thorn.”
His fingers pause, mid stroke, and his gaze locks with yours, “Yeah. I guess you are. And…do you like what you see?” Thorn asks, something hesitant in his voice.
“Always did.”
“You never said anything.”
“You never come to talk to me alone when we’re not working,” You reply, “Or I would have.”
A look of amusement crosses his face, “I didn’t know that you’re shy.”
“I didn’t either,” You admit with a laugh, “Just about this one thing, I guess.”
You fall into a comfortable silence, with his fingers gentle on your cheek. “Cyar’ika,” He says slowly, “Do you know what that means?”
“Something less insulting than verd’ika, I hope.”
“It means sweetheart.”
“Oh, that’s much nicer than being called Little Soldier.” You joke lightly.
He laughs quietly, and his thumb lightly ghosts across your lips, “Can I kiss you, cyar’ika?”
“I’m in a hospital bed and covered in bacta.” You reply.
“That’s not a no,”
You smile at him, “Yes, Thorn. You can kiss me.”
He flashes an almost blinding grin, and then he leans in and gently presses his lips against yours. His kiss is so breathtakingly gentle that you’re helpless to do anything more than let out a quiet whine into the kiss.
He breaks the kiss, and lays his arms on the bed and then he lays his chin on his folded arms, a grin on his lips, as he looks at you with a lovesick look on his face. And all you can do is blush and try to pull the blanket up over your head.
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sleepystawbie · 3 years
Would it be too much if I crochet a Corrie Guard inspired blanket. Yes? Good. I’m gonna do it anyway.
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one-real-imonkey · 2 years
Fox can’t paint to save his life, his armour art is designed and maintained by his vode.
Unbeknown to the Corries, he can crochet, sort of.
He makes gifts for other corries when he’s totally unable to sleep.
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ericacrochets · 3 years
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Red Rocks Bowl Cozy by Corri Schmidt
Free Crochet Pattern Here (May need to make an account)
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yarnclubknits · 2 years
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Who has ALL the Corrie? WE HAVE ALLLLLL THE CORRIE WORSTED! Rori, Kaity and Lora are amazing. ❤️❤️🌈❤️❤️ At The Yarn Club in Virginia Beach. #corrieworstedlabienaimée @labienaimee #vblovesyarn #crochet #knit #knittersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram (at The Yarn Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfcPn8QJU_K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awesomeelizalove · 7 years
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💜✨bae said I look cute today
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every 5th question like 5, 10, 15 etc.
Ayy cooul, thank you dude!! Under the cut!
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
I’ve never really been one for post-it notes but they’re a useful invention
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Lateness. I can’t stand being late or when other people are late to me unless they have a good reason or communicate it properly, I was brought up in a household where you’d arrive an hour early or not at all
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Yup, really bad *coughs* oral fixation
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Not on TV anymore but I like watching animations on youtube? Idk if that counts. I’ll watch Scooby Doo or something if it’s on already but I don’t really search for cartoons anymore on the tv, dad cancelled that part of the tv licence
25: What is your favorite food?
Eggs! I fuckin love eggs, especially scrambled or softboiled for eggs n soldiers :D
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
2015, I wrote a letter to my best friend in America with my boyfriend at the time and sent it to her and her friend (we were a friendship foursome) literally like a week before our whole friendship collapsed haha
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Curiously Cinnamon cereal or the two egg dishes I mentioned
40: Are you horny?
Right this minute? No, but I’m surprised I’m not bc it’s been too long ygm
45: Ever watch soap operas?
No, never by choice. Mum loves a bit of Corrie but I find it boring
50: Ever used a gun?
Airsoft, yeah, cuz my dad collects military stuff. Glad we’re not in America otherwise they’d be real guns and I’d Old Yeller myself
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I don’t like cooked fruit or pie at all actually :0
60: Wear slippers?
Nahhhh, barefoot or no balls
65: Nike or Adidas?
I used to wear Adidas a bit when I was younger but tbh now I’d say I’m definitely a Nike fanboy. Have you seen some of their new shoes??
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Nope. I don’t tend to see myself with a future spouse, I only ever dated one person who I saw myself with in the future and we’re not together anymore so tbh I don’t care what they do as long as they’re happy and wants kids w me
75: Own a record player?
I wish! Dad used to have one that belonged to his parents but his sister came and took the record rack and player when my granddad passed away :(
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
I’m English, there’s no such thing as cold tea here lmao. (Tho if I’m honest I don’t really like tea at all personally)
85: Are you patient?
Yeah, I’d say so, the only thing that riles me up quickly is lateness without communication and tbh that’s more of a conditioned reaction from my pops
90: Can you knit or crochet?
Nah but I wanna learn, I like sewing so I think it’d be something to do to pass the time with a cool lil result in the end
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Not anymore but I used to when I was younger, I had to go to a lot of different schools bc I was an Angry Child and kept being asked to leave, it wasn’t fun. I’m chill as heck now, I can’t remember the last time I got angry and freaked out over something
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rikrakyarnncrafts · 6 years
Wool of the Andes Worsted Love (& 10-Packs Limited Release)!
I’ve long been a big fan of Wool of the Andes worsted weight yarn! It’s a fantastic basic wool, and you can now grab a 10-pack for a limited time only, either in one of our curated multi-color choices, or in all the same color, perfect for a sweater! I’ve only been working at Knit Picks for a few months, but I was designing knits for many years before I started here, and I’ve used this fantastic basic wool with its enormous variety of color options in multiple design projects over the years.
The first time I used it was for my original stripy Haka hat, way back in 2010, held triple stranded for a super-bulky weight; I later expanded my Haka pattern set to include a cabled version and a matching cabled cowl, all super-bulky, and I knit all the samples in Wool of the Andes held triple stranded. (Sidenote: I love working with triple-stranded yarn to make heavier weights—it’s a great way to use sock yarn if you don’t like fingering weight! Here’s a tutorial for a really easy way to triple strand one strand of yarn, so you only need one ball/skein.)
The other major design project I used Wool of the Andes Worsted in was my third Adventure Knitting collection. These collections are like Choose Your Own Adventure books for knitters, and they have TONS of options; for my third book I wanted to color-code all the stitch patterns, so I went with Wool of the Andes since I knew I’d be able to get all the precise colors I needed!
There were five different categories, each with a color code, one of them using 2-color stitch patterns, and each category was named after a habitat based on the “adventure” story, which meant I needed several distinct shades of blue. The categories were Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Lake, and Ocean, and each category had five different stitch pattern options to choose from, so I knit swatches of each pattern in the color-coded yarns to match the font colors in the book.
I also used a bunch of the leftover yarn to make this sample cowl for the collection. This piece was knit with the Wool of the Andes Worsted held double, for a bulky weight:
And then after it was all over, I had all these pretty swatches just sitting there, so I crocheted a bunch of them together into a patchwork laptop sleeve! Even though the swatches were all varying sizes, the wool yarn is so great at blocking out, it totally smoothed out perfectly after it was all stitched together and washed. I love it so much!
I’ve never made a sweater out of Wool of the Andes, but I know it would be great for one! Browse all 410 pages of Wool of the Andes Worsted sweater projects on ravelry here! Some beauties! You can see just from the first page how great it is for both cables and colorwork. *heart eyes emoji* These below are some Knit Picks patterns: Corrie Sweater by Sue Gleave, Diamond Lattice Pullover by Kephren Pritchett, and Dun Laoghaire Pullover by Triona Murphy:
So yeah, basically Wool of the Andes is great for all the things! Grab yourself a value pack in a single color to make a garment of your own, or a multi-color pack (rainbow is my fave!) if you want to make lots of accessories and other small things like I tend to do!
The post Wool of the Andes Worsted Love (& 10-Packs Limited Release)! appeared first on KnitPicks Staff Knitting Blog.
from KnitPicks Staff Knitting Blog http://bit.ly/2FzrkBR via IFTTT
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dayaneguimaraes · 7 years
Olá pessoas!
Tudo bem com vocês?
Fim de ano tá chegando e já começa a bater aquele desespero, corre corre atrás de presentes de natal para a família não é mesmo? O comércio fica a todo vapor, campanhas e comerciais já podemos ver por toda a parte.
Por esses dias eu li um post no Facebook que dizia assim:
“Para quem vai comprar seus presentes de Natal, vai aqui uma sugestão: comprem os presentes com pequenas empresas e autônomos. Da vizinha que vende por catálogo, de artesãos que fazem bijuteria ou boa arte, da amiga que tem uma loja no bairro, do pasteleiro/doceira que faz doces artesanais, do rapaz que tem uma no mercado… Façamos o dinheiro chegar às pessoas comuns e não às grandes multinacionais. Assim haverá mais gente a ter um melhor natal. Apoiemos a nossa gente! Se acha que é uma boa proposta, copie e cole no seu mural.” (autor desconhecido).
Apesar de não ter postado em meu mural, seria mentira se eu dissesse que minha cabeça não ficou pensando sobre isso por alguns dias. Pra quem me conhece e conhece minha família, sabe que minha mãe e irmã são artesãs (eu também sei fazer algumas coisas, mas não me comparo a elas rs), não só isso por que fazem de um tudo. E desde já te convido a acompanhá-las em suas redes sociais: Instagran e Facebook.
Pois bem o que eu quero dizer com isso e esse texto, muitas famílias vivem e se sustentam através de suas habilidades, de seus dons. E por que não ajudá-los adquirindo produtos que muitas das vezes são únicos por serem feitos exclusivamente pra você, e que nunca ninguém conseguirá fazer outro idêntico? Comprar produtos de revendedores/representantes ao invés de ir a lojas que muitas vezes ou sempre estão cheias nessa época do ano ou nem tem mais o que você queria. Se antecipe e encomende com um desses revendedores, que eu tenho certeza que estarão prontos para te atender!
“Ah Dayane, mas o que esse povo vende que eu posso comprar pra ajudar e me ajudar?” Se liga nas dicas (e no jabá) que vou te mostrar aqui:
• Toalhas de mão, rosto e banho bordadas:
Toalha bordado em ponto cruz. Presenteie quem você ama com toalhas bordadas, se presenteie, decore seus banheiro com toalhas bordadas.❤😍✂ ✔Faça Faça sua encomenda por DIRECT, Whatsapp ou na nossa página no Facebook.
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Sep 13, 2017 at 6:08am PDT
• Jogos de tapete em crochê:
Boa tarde!☺ Inspiração para deixar seu banheiro ainda mais bonito e charmoso. Jogo de banheiro de crochê em barbante. Entre em contato conosco e encomende o seu. Aceitamos cartão de crédito e débito. 💳 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Imagem retirada do Pinterest)
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Jul 10, 2017 at 12:14pm PDT
Bom dia! ☀️ Inspiração de tapete para sua sala! 🛋😍 Entre em contato e faça já o seu pedido! 📲 . . . . . (Retirada do pinterest)
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Jun 14, 2017 at 6:06am PDT
• Guirlanda e enfeites em feltro:
Guirlanda em feltro. #guirlanda #feltro #artesanato #carinho #amor #linha #agulha #feltrosantafe #Manu #baby #cute #princess
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on May 27, 2016 at 9:39am PDT
Um de nossos trabalhos com feltro, chaveiro de corujinha! 🦉😍 Um mimo simples e delicado para presentear alguém querido, ou até mesmo dar de lembrancinhas de aniversário! 🎁 O que você achou conte nos aqui nos comentários! 😉💋
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Jan 5, 2017 at 1:32pm PST
• Panetone e chocolates:
@Regranned from @cacaushow_br – #JaSonhei com o Panettone de laCreme e corri pra Cacau Show! ♥️#cacaushow – #regrann
A post shared by Cacau Show Yasminehelen (@cacaushowyasminehelen) on Nov 23, 2017 at 3:34pm PST
Kit Capricho Cacau Show! Pincéis macios e deliciosos chocolates. ❤🍫🍬🎀 . . . . . . . . #cacaushow #kitcaprichocacaushow #rj #revendedorayasminehelen #revendedoracacaushow #chocolovers #chocolates #pinceis #capricho #chocolatra
A post shared by Cacau Show Yasminehelen (@cacaushowyasminehelen) on Sep 26, 2017 at 4:27pm PDT
• Roupas em crochê:
Casaquinho de lã em crochê para seu Baby. . . . . . . . . Entre em contato conosco e encomenda o seu. 😘
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Aug 24, 2017 at 5:14pm PDT
Olá! Quer ficar na moda nesse verão? 🤔☀️ Nós temos o que você precisa! 🙌🏻 Cropped de crochê é a tendência para o verão de 2017. E você vai ficar de fora dessa?! 😱 Entre em contato conosco e adquira já o seu! 👙☀️ . . . 🔹Confeccionamos diversos modelos, sob medida!🔹 . . . 🚨Ainda nessa semana traremos novidades para vocês, fiquem ligados em nossas redes sociais!🚨
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Dec 12, 2016 at 7:01am PST
• Cadernos e agendas personalizados:
Caderno personalizado com tecido. Faça sua encomenda conosco! . . . . . . . . . . . . #cadernopersonalizado #cadernocompano #personalizado #panoestampado #estampa #mynneartesanatos #maeefilhas #artesanato #arte #linhaeagulha #love #art
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Sep 11, 2017 at 2:52pm PDT
• Panos de pratos com pinturas feitos a mão:
Pano de prato decorado. #panodeprato #artesanato #mynneartesanato #crochet #pintura #love #art
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Aug 5, 2016 at 10:48am PDT
Porta pano de prato #portapanodeprato #artesanato #art #mynneartesanato #love #feltro #feltrocomamor #feltro #carinho
A post shared by Mynne Artesanatos (@mynneartesanatos) on Aug 5, 2016 at 10:57am PDT
• Produtos de beleza, perfumes, bijuterias:
(reprodução de imagens grupo do facebook Loja da Mine, mais informações entrar em contato)
Eu sei que todo mundo tem um conhecido, uma amiga que vende coisinhas pra ter uma renda extra. Procure por eles, não deixe de ajudá-los. Ah, não estou dizendo que não é pra você comprar suas coisas em lojas de departamentos grandes ok? É só pra se no caso acontecer de na última hora você ainda não ter comprado algo, ou até mesmo você comprar coisas desse tipo tente pensar nessas pessoas e adquirir com eles.
O texto desconhecido já dizia tudo: Vamos apoiar a nossa gente!
Espero que vocês tenham gostado das dicas de presentes e tenham refletido um pouco sobre essa ‘ajuda’ que fazemos aos nossos próximos.
Bjs, fiquem com Deus! 😘
E até o próximo!
Tchaau 👋🏻
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[Dicas] Presentes de Natal + Reflexão Olá pessoas! Tudo bem com vocês? Fim de ano tá chegando e já começa a bater aquele desespero, corre corre atrás de presentes de natal para a família não é mesmo?
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cosediisa · 7 years
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Vuoi vedere dal vivo le mie fantastiche creazioni? Per le tue #idee #regalo corri da #eataly, c'è il #mercatinodegliartisti, #cosediisa ti aspetta #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knittersoninstagram #knitsweater #merinowool #fattoamano #menswear #maglione #crochet #crocheteroninstagram
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stampington · 7 years
Glimpse Inside July Issues + Enter Our Giveaway!
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Somerset Studio
Find mixed-media tutorials and inspiration inside each issue of Somerset Studio. Enjoy these popular handcrafting styles by exploring the industry’s most trusted and innovative mixed-media magazine, as you learn from fellow artists working with exotic papers, intriguing art stamps, fine calligraphy, and a variety of mediums.
Inside the July/August 2017 Issue:
Turning old calendars into art
Whimsical, stitched dresses that will leave you feeling nostalgic
See how ordinary shipping tags are the perfect substrate for all your projects
Fun, funky gratitude cards to pack in your Etsy orders
Artist Profile: Nellie Wortman
Easy-to-follow rusting techniques you won’t want to miss
Use up all your paper scraps and make stunning handmade journals
Art Journaling
Dive headfirst into the creative world of Art Journaling. In this 144-page issue, artists share unique and innovative techniques to take the pages of your journal to the next level.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Jenny Petricek shares her orderly journal with book-pages and other ephemera.
Karen Gaunt’s bright, bold usage of color captivates.
Nichole Rae uses a daily event diary to create a stunning art journal.
Gayle Price shares a technique that focuses eye-catching facial features.
Valerie Teele’s gorgeous case of artwork is inventive and a fun idea for collecting travel journals.
Jewelry Affaire
Come join us in celebrating the beauty that can be found in easy-to-make jewelry in this issue of Jewelry Affaire. Learn to make visual stunners that will dress up any outfit. Every issue offers 144 pages of beautiful necklaces, cuffs, earrings, bracelets, and more.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Repurposed antique and vintage jewelry remnants were altered to create Amber Master’s assemblage necklaces that celebrate timeworn beauty.
Brooke Bock used colorful paints and baby wipes to bring her whimsical polymer clay bangles to life.
The seashore inspired Julie Komenda to create nautical knotted necklaces assembled with glass bubble charms, sea glass, and ocean-themed clay beads.
Michelle Mach played with light and dark elements in her inspirational heart-shaped jewelry with touches of embroidery floss and ivory lace.
A charming, one-of-a-kind bumblebee pendant set in a flower-edged antique bezel formed the focal for Gail Schmidt’s enchanting necklace.
Silver-plated hairpins were transformed into glamorous charms in Nan Drye’s eclectic and avant-garde pieces.
Get ready for summer with all the neat party tips and tricks you don’t want to miss inside this issue of Mingle. Brighten your day with the visual feast of imaginative gatherings that unfold within this 144-page magazine, along with the uplifting stories behind uniquely creative get-togethers.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Jenny Keller shares her Back to School Bash as well as her Summer Favorite Things event with her friends.
Megan Scurlock throws a Gilmore Girls-Inspired Bachelorette Weekend complete with a Luke’s Diner setup.
Don’t miss Emily Piepenbrink’s 4th of July-themed bridal shower.
Heather Johnston hosts an adventurous baby shower filled with handmade details.
Not just for the boys! Sara De St Jean gives a sneak peek into her daughter’s science-themed birthday celebration.
Head to the county fair with Jennifer Tetreault!
Somerset Life
Each issue provides an abundance of inspiring ideas to infuse our daily lives with simple pleasures, art, romance, creativity, and beauty. Get ready to infuse beauty into every facet of your life with this 144-page edition of Somerset Life.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
How to create your own beautiful flour sack towels with fabric markers
The Art of Encouragement: Melissa K. Lippert’s Sunshine Box brings joy to the recipient day after day!
A delightful vintage planner storage idea from Cheryl Waters
Take a peek into Lia Griffith’s inspired blog life
The Stampers’ Sampler
Summer has arrived with this issue of The Stampers’ Sampler. As with every issue, there is a special Tempting Template pattern and free artist paper tucked inside to inspire your upcoming card making projects.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
This issue’s Guest Artist, Corrie Herriman, displays her bold and animated style complete with distinctive stamps, vibrant colors, and layered backgrounds.
It’s time to gather your ghoulish greetings and spooky supplies for the return of the Frightful & Delightful challenge.
Our mailbox was overflowing with the most delightful Pitcher Template Results you won’t want to miss!
We can’t wait to reveal our summertime-themed Tempting Template!
Belle Armoire
Whether you’re an art stamper, embroidery artist, custom jewelry designer, fabric painter or knitting and crocheting enthusiast, Belle Armoire provides 144 pages of inspiration for creating fashions that are uniquely you.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Meet textile artist Michelle Hoffee and her work full of handmade eco-printed and dyed art and clothing in this issue’s Designer Collection.
Take a peek into the Spring/Summer 2017 Collection by Melissa Ferreira of Adhesif Clothing.
Learn how designer Katia Occelli incorporates and gains inspiration from nature into her dresses.
Discover Jamie Bourgeois’s series of scarves born out of a curiosity and passion for the exploration of the natural dye process.
Meet Linda Walton and Paula Stuckey of Pretty Little Purses featuring their handmade leather bags.
Where Women Create BUSINESS
Be inspired by the lives and stories of exciting female entrepreneurs inside Where Women Create BUSINESS. This 144-page guide offers an abundance of knowledge and inspiration to women with a passion for success.
Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Children’s book illustrator Cathy Morrison
Claudia Stubin, owner of Farm & Culture, the first kombucha and bone broth bar in Orange County, California
The family behind Sassy Sparrow makes one-of-a-kind, beautiful handbags, scarves, gloves, and more.
Lena Schlabach, CEO of Farmhouse Frocks, seeks to bring forth the elegant farmhouse style in every woman.
Lisa Rieves, owner of The Front Porch of Vinings, offers vintage and antique home furnishings, lighting, and accessories.
  Enter to Win Our Glimpse Inside Giveaway!
We’re giving away brand-new July issues to THREE lucky winners! We’re switching things up this month, so here’s what you need to know to enter: 
Choose any of the following, then comment below to let us know which steps you took. Each step counts as one entry, so the more steps you complete, the higher your chances of winning!
1) Like Us on Facebook.
2) Follow Us on Instagram.
3) Follow Us on Pinterest.
4) Follow Us on Twitter.
5) Share your favorite image from this blog post on Facebook. Be sure to tag @stampington so that we can see it!
6) Pin your favorite image above to Pinterest. Please include the pin’s URL in the comments below.
7) Tweet your favorite image from this blog post on Twitter. Be sure to tag @stampington so that we can see it!
Winners will be randomly selected for our magazine giveaway and contacted via email. Contest is open to U.S. residents only, and ends 07/31/17 at 11:59pm PST.
*$5 off coupon code applies to purchases of any of the following (Summer ’17) issues only: Art Journaling, Where Women Create BUSINESS, Somerset Life, Mingle, Jewelry Affaire, and Belle Armoire. Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. Discount code can be used only one time per customer and expires 07/31/17.
The post Glimpse Inside July Issues + Enter Our Giveaway! appeared first on Somerset Place: The Official Blog of Stampington & Company.
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jsmill · 7 years
Emma Sue Corbitt Vance
Emma Sue Corbitt Vance, age 79, of Murfreesboro, passed away on Thursday, May 18 at Community Care Rutherford County.
Sue was a lifelong resident of Rutherford County. She was the daughter of Robert Eugene Corbitt and Cora Jane Pugh Corbitt. She grew up in the Mill Street area and attended McFadden School, Kittrell School, and Central High School. She was a loving wife to her husband of 62 years James Edward Vance. She was an outstanding mother to her three daughters Emily Vance Tate, Delores Vance Lannom and Vivian Vance Harris. She was employed by Norris Hosiery Mill, White Stag, Richs Products and Park Sherman Industries. She quit working outside her home to start her favorite job of being a grandmother when her first grandchild was born. She kept all seven of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews and others.
She was preceded in death by both parents, sisters Irene Evans and Jean Gilley and her brother Billy Corbitt. She is survived by her sister, Patsy Baxter of Unionville; son-in laws Lamar Tate of Woodbury, Steve Lannom and Bruce Harris of Murfreesboro.
She is survived by grandchildren Corrie Jean Sanders (Steve) of Smyrna, Joshua Tate (Rebekah) of Woodbury, Ruby Suzanne Agee (Joshua) of Murfreesboro, Rachel Taylor (Aubrey) of Auburntown, Molly Tate of Murfreesboro, Spring and Steven Harris of Murfreesboro. She is survived by her great grandchildren Daisy, Corbitt and Lorali Taylor of Auburntown, Maggie and Levi Tate of Woodbury, and AnnLeigh Jean Sanders of Smyrna.
She loved her nieces and nephews as if they were her own. Her interests included family, home, flowers, reading, her stories, crocheting, and playing Bingo. She was a resident of the McFarlin Subdivision in Murfreesboro for 49 years.
Visitation will be 4 to 8 p.m, Sunday, May 21, 2017 at Jennings and Ayers Funeral Home.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m, Monday, May 22, 2017 at Jennings and Ayers Funeral home with Jason Barrett officiating. Steve Brewer and Bill Leckie will be assisting. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens with Mike Brewer, Steve Brewer, Jesse Brewer, Richard Fann, Larry Jakes, Alan Jakes, Larry Hollandsworth, Robert Baxter, Billy Baxter, Frank Maynard, and Michael Jernigan serving as active pallbearers. Grandsons will serve as honorary pallbearers.
Arrangements are under the direction of Jennings and Ayers Funeral Home, 820 South Church St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130, (615) 893-2422.
Please leave online condolences at www.jenningsandayers.com.
Source Article
The post Emma Sue Corbitt Vance appeared first on JSMILL.
Read full post at: http://www.jsmill.com/emma-sue-corbitt-vance/
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ericacrochets · 2 years
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New Sheridan Cup Cozy by Corri Schmidt
Free Crochet Pattern Here (May need to make an account)
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ericacrochets · 4 years
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Striped Bobble “Wally” Hat for Kids by Corrie Crochets
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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ericacrochets · 4 years
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Adult Striped Beanie with Ribbing by Corrie Crochets
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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