#Corona tracking app
bigfrozenfan-fanfics · 5 months
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Chapter 79 - Corona
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: around every 2-3 weeks
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks (try to use headphones). It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting and music.
Not much seemed to have changed; Fabian thought to himself as he walked through the narrow streets of Corona, glancing up at the castle repeatedly. At least some of the high towers with the onion domes were always visible from almost anywhere in the city, making it easier to find the way there. The sun was high and the domes shone in their bright green colour. Some of the castle's side extensions looked so impossibly cramped that you couldn't help but wonder what the rooms behind them looked like. Did anyone live there at all or were they just rooms for storing precious things, with a small window for a view of the city below and to let in some light?
          Fabian had never been to the castle himself, not even on the days of civic occasions, for regular audiences with their Majesties or simply for court hearings and other official occasions. However, today would be the very first time this would change for him and he was already quite excited and curious at the thought of it. He walked on slowly and curiously, taking in the impressions of the city and refreshing his memories.
          Here in Corona, no two houses were the same and almost without exception they were all lovingly decorated, had specially shaped windows and front doors and some roofs were covered with tiles while others were elaborately decorated with several layers of thatch and often a small turret in between. In the lower part of the town, where he was currently standing, the buildings were mostly lower, usually with shops of various kinds inside and offering at most one storey above. Further up the hill and on the right-hand side of the island, there were buildings with up to three levels and wider streets, as far as he could remember.
          The further Fabian progressed into the town, the busier it became and he often struggled to find his way among all the people. Many of them were carrying their shopping home or were at work in front of the shops, florists lined the paths and offered all kinds of flowers, plants and herbs on artistically crafted carts or in front of the shop windows. Fabian couldn't help but inhale the beguiling scent. The noise level also increased the further he progressed. Laughing children ran towards him, mothers often followed with loud admonishing voices and raised index fingers and, last but not least, the unmistakable music of flutes, lutes, violins and drums once again cast a spell over him.
          An old memory suddenly appeared before his inner eye and he saw himself as a child standing with his father in the large market square, with the round fountain in the centre, cheering and clapping to the musicians, even dancing with the other children. That must be where the music was coming from and he followed the sounds in a sudden rush. Above him, garlands of flowers hung down over the street and colourful pennants with Corona's emblem, the sun. He knew this song and would not miss out on the coming experience for the world.
          Fabian remembered and now knew exactly where he was going and where to turn. Then he had reached the place where the musicians were playing, but it was not the market square with the fountain on it, but the semi-circular square in front of the church, on which the oversized sun symbol was emblazoned with white cobblestones.
          It was almost like back then and he watched with great joy as many people danced and jumped to the sounds of the music in a circle around the sun symbol, while the spectators all around clapped their hands rhythmically. It was a moment of pure joy and Fabian couldn't help but clap along loudly, smiling ear to ear. The next moment, for some unknown reason, he had caught the attention of two young female dancers and, laughing, they pulled him into the circle of dancers. It was a good thing that he had observed their dance steps carefully and, in the end, his training as a fencer probably helped him too; he thought as he joined the circle and danced along. The rhythm pulled him with it and at some point all the dancers raised their hands in the air and clapped to the increasing speed of the music.
          Fabian felt free and at home, clapping and jumping around the circle with people he didn't even know and didn't want to stop, it was so much fun. Then the dance got even faster. The dancers ran and jumped through the circle of the sun below them and pulled him along with them, laughing. He couldn't help it and tried to keep up as best he could. The clapping above their heads grew louder and louder. Fabian spun around on his own axis and left no doubt about his joy. The joyful faces that gazed back at him as he spun around even intensified the great feeling inside him. The dance finally ended with loud applause and cheers and many of the dancers even hugged each other afterwards.
          When Fabian finally caught his breath, he wondered and hoped at the same time that this hadn't been a dance competition. He laughed out loud at himself as he walked on, but this time to the fountain he remembered. Exhausted, he sat down on the edge, dipped his hands in the cool water and slapped his sweaty face. He still had a broad smile on his lips, which some of the bystanders also returned.
          Fabian wondered what would have become of him if he hadn't had to flee back then, if this unspeakable incident with his father's death had never happened. Of course, he wouldn't be alive today anyway, but would he have joined in the dance just now or at least clapped enthusiastically to him? Fabian's expression had changed back at these thoughts and instead showed thoughtfulness. His gaze wandered around and finally caught on a nearby mural. It showed a happy-looking young woman with an equally young man beside her, and standing behind them were King Frederic and Queen Ariana with their hands on their shoulders.
          Was this the missing member of the royal family? Fabian remembered a day that was repeated every year and on which the king and his wife had ordered thousands of lanterns to be released into the sky at night. If Fabian was not mistaken, this was supposed to be a sign for their daughter so that she could find her way home again one day. So that there on the wall had to be the missing Rapunzel and apparently she had found her way back to her parents after all. Fabian nodded to himself. If he was lucky, he would be facing her in the castle today.
          His stomach grumbled and reminded him at that moment that he hadn't eaten very much during the days on the ship. Moreover, it was no comparison to the food here in Corona. He somehow missed that flavour and even Arendelle couldn't offer him that, the two kingdoms were too different when it came to culinary delights. He looked around and tried to remember the way to a good tavern. But his steps surprisingly led him straight to the Brotherhood's fencing school
          Why the heck did I end up here of all places; he asked himself and looked around in alarm. Being discovered and recognised now would not be very helpful, quite the opposite. He walked quickly into the next best alleyway and a good distance further on. However, this path led away from his destination, the royal palace. Fabian was about to turn back or look for another route when a very familiar scent wafted around his nose. He followed it and finally stood in front of what he had been looking for — the tavern. Without much hesitation, he entered and sat down at a free table. Now, at lunchtime, the place should be more crowded, but he had ended up in the east of the city, away from the busy parts of Corona.
          Fabian shrugged his shoulders, took the menu that the landlord offered him as he walked past and took the opportunity to order a drink whose flavour he could barely remember — a cold beer. Then he read through the menu and came across a dish that made his mouth water. He ordered sausages with sauerkraut and a portion of grilled pork. While he waited, he looked around. It was a little dark in here but not uncomfortable. Only a few guests were present and he avoided eye contact with them.
          Shortly afterwards, the landlord had two plates in his hands, one of which he placed next to Fabian and the other next to a guest at the next table. The aroma wafting towards Fabian was spicy and he guessed it was the chilli dish that was on the menu with a little warning. Well, let's see how that turns out, he grinned to himself.
          As he savoured the first few bites of his delicious meal, he heard a startled gasp next to him. Fabian had been right in his assumption, because the other guest was waving air into his wide-open mouth with both hands, panting loudly and his face was bright red. His ears seemed to be burning up and the next moment he drained his tankard of beer in one go. Then, waving desperately at the innkeeper, he croaked for another glass of beer.
          “Perhaps you'd better eat dry bread to counteract the spiciness,” Fabian half whispered, “and don't drink anything liquid. That just makes it worse, you know?” Then he had to laugh out loud at the astonished face this guest made, quickly changing his order and asking for half a loaf of bread instead.
          One table over, another guest's head whipped round and searched the room for the source of the laughter, as Fabian noticed out of the corner of his eye, but thought nothing of it and continued to eat in peace.
          “You! I know you!” suddenly said a dark, powerful voice in front of his table.
          Fabian looked up in astonishment and found himself face to face with the person whose attention he had just caught.
          “Oh yeah?” Fabian replied after swallowing his bite.
          Both stared at each other inquiringly and thoughtfully for a moment and while an evil grin stole into the face opposite him, which was adorned with an old, long scar, it slowly dawned on Fabian and he realised with horror who was standing in front of him. He knew him only too well from his nightmares! This guy was none other than his father's murderer, whose face Fabian was able to mark with a swipe of his sword tip at the very last moment before he escaped with his mate. Fabian was unable to run after them at the time due to his leg injury, but this memory, which had tormented him for decades, now returned in one fell swoop with elemental force.
          Fabian slowly stood up and the next moment the other man had a long dagger in his hand, grinning slyly. At the last moment, Fabian was able to dodge the thrust, grabbed the mug of beer in the process and slammed the glass with full force against his opponent's temple. He collapsed with a disappointed, loud cry and in the next moment Fabian was already standing over him and kicked him with the tip of his boot, right in the attacker's face.
          He was about to grab the dagger to finish the job once and for all, but his opponent was still quick and alert enough to kick his weapon under the table out of Fabian's reach and scramble up.
          A fierce fistfight broke out between the two in the moments that followed. Fabian landed a targeted and brutal blow on his nose, which cracked loudly. Next, he felt the kick of one of his opponent's boots in his privates as he fell over backwards and the fountain of blood from his broken nose sprayed into his face. Fabian groaned, the other guest fled in a hurry and the landlord shouted at both of them.
          However, neither of them had realised that three royal guardsmen had been at the back of the room and were now pressing the brawlers to the floor with all the force they could muster. They had appeared out of nowhere and both of them were both extremely surprised and deeply disappointed. Both could not finish the job and now found themselves in the custody of the royal guard.
          When Fabian and the other man were finally interrogated in the castle, which was not entirely without blows to the face, the young captain of the guard joined them. He held a wanted poster in his hand, which he now held under Fabian's nose with sparkling eyes.
          “We've finally caught you! After so many years,” he said proudly to Fabian. “You'll be put in our deepest dungeon for life! This is the last daylight you'll see,” he added gloatingly. Then he turned to the other prisoner, “And as for you, you'll end up in a cell and be interrogated until you can credibly tell us what it was all about down in the tavern and why he smashed his beer glass in your face and then kicked you! There must be a good reason for that and don't you dare lie to us, because we'll soon find out the truth.”
At the same time, a lone rider arrived at the palace gates and caused a bit of a commotion among the guards who were on patrol there.
          As the tall rider dismounted from his young stallion, a guard from the royal house came running towards him.
          “Good evening, commander. We didn't expect to see you again so soon. Was your mission successful?”
          “Yes, there will be no further difficulties with the merchant guild, provided they keep their word to regulate the prices of goods in the city in future. However … was there anything urgent at the palace during my absence? Does Her Majesty require my presence in the throne room immediately?”
          “No, we have received no such message from Her Majesty, but …,” the guard appeared somewhat nervous and was noticeably hesitant to continue with his report.
          “What is it, lieutenant? Judging by your face, there was an incident while I was away, right? I can smell something like that.”
          “Indeed, commander. Something has happened in fact. The recently appointed Captain Ernst has thrown us into quite a turmoil. Two hours ago, some of our men arrested two people who were fighting in a tavern.”
          “So what? What's so special about that? When people fight in the Snuggly Duckling Pub, it's not a surprise, it's perfectly normal.” He shook his head reprovingly. “Ernst should know well enough by now that such cases are all too common in this establishment,” the veteran adjutant added coldly.
          “You're certainly right, sir, except that this incident didn't happen there, but in the middle of our city centre. The main problem with this matter is that one of these two men appears to be a former refugee of our kingdom. Captain Ernst has therefore assigned two guards to search the archives for wanted letters from the last 20 years, and indeed he can be found in the files; such a person was probably involved in a deadly duel back then. But as if that wasn't enough, the accused claims to be an ambassador from Arendelle - he even wants an audience with Queen Rapunzel!”
          The old man turned pale. “Where are Captain Ernst and this supposed Arendellean diplomat now? Take me to them immediately.”
          “In the interrogation room, please follow me.”
Fabian received a slap in the face from the young captain because he could only answer the same thing over and over again.
          But before the captain could continue, another commanding voice sounded behind him, “That's enough, you hothead!”
          He was undoubtedly referring to the young captain and pushed him aside.
          Fabian couldn't believe who he suddenly had before him, but didn't let on.
          “I know this man and would put my hand in the fire for him at any time. If there's anything he's guilty of, I'll find out personally. The accusation on the wanted poster is long gone, because the perpetrator was caught years ago and died in the process. Have you forgotten, Captain, or didn't you check the records personally? Furthermore, a foreign ambassador is protected by royal decree, he can't be arrested nor be processed by any means. Now, by my position at the Royal Council, I demand you to set free this man at once!” Then he looked disparagingly at the other prisoner. “You can lock this one up for interrogation later. One more thing, Ernst, you and I will have a serious conversation about this incident and the lack of your performance in this situation.”
          The men of the guard saluted him and followed his instructions without a word, only the young captain hung his head in disappointment, nodded and pushed the prisoner very roughly in front of him.
          Fabian and he looked after them and then Fabian's shackles were released with the words, “What are you doing here after all this time in Corona, fencing boy?”
          Fabian raised his eyebrows because he hadn't heard that nickname for a long time.
          “I'm on a very important mission on the direct orders of the Queen of Arendelle, horse tamer,” he replied with a grin, using an equally elegant nickname and pulling a sealed letter out of his boot, which he waved in front of his old childhood friend's face.
          “So that's where you've been all these years, I see. I wouldn't have thought of that, I thought you were dead instead. Apparently you made yourself there though, if you have contact with the queen there.”
          Fabian nodded, stood up and gave his old friend a pat on the shoulder, “I wouldn't have believed I'd ever come here again either.” Fabian told him what the job was about and how it came about. “But tell me, how is it that you can deal with the captain of the guard like that?”
          “Oh, that's a long story. Just this much, I held that position myself for years until it became too strenuous for me at my age. Now I've been promoted to royal adjutant, I'm subject to the direct orders of Their Majesties and my word is just as good on their behalf as if they were giving the orders themselves. But wash your face first. You can't go under the eyes of the Queen like this. Follow me.”
          They continued talking in the castle staff washroom while Fabian wiped the blood from his face.
          “Didn't you once have a wild horse called Maximus? What happened to him?”
          “Unfortunately, my faithful friend is no longer alive, but he has a very lively colt and has passed on his best qualities to him. He's still too young for the hard training, but I love this horse. I call him Magnus now.”
          “I'm sorry, I didn't know that.”
          “How could you, you've been away for how long now, fencing boy? Thirty years or more?”
          Fabian nodded.
          “We should keep in touch in the future. What's it like in Arendelle? I heard from rumors. It's supposed to be very nice there in summer. Maybe I'll come and visit you with my daughter one day,” he said as they left the room.
          “You have a daughter?” Fabian blurted out, visibly surprised.
          “Adopted daughter, and now grown up, to be precise. Her name is Cassandra.”
          “I can see that a lot has happened in my absence. You need to tell me everything in peace and quiet, and yes, I would really love a visit from both of you. Arendelle is indeed very beautiful, especially the high mountains there. But the old and beautiful memories of Corona have almost overwhelmed me today. I miss my home so much, to be honest.”
          “Maybe we can go to the castle gardens later or somewhere else for a beer or two. Then we can catch up on some news, can't we?”
          “I'd love to, my friend. I have something very important to tell you about the other prisoner in particular. But before that, I would like an audience with the queen, if possible. I'm a bit nervous about my history, though.”
          “You don't need to worry about that any more. Not even about the Brotherhood, who withdrew their accusation after a witness who knew your father well and knew you were his son turned up. He witnessed the fight and exonerated you by credibly confirming that you acted in pure self-defence. The death of one of the attackers caused by you was in the heat of the moment and was therefore not a deliberate murder, he said. It's just a pity that you fled afterwards to an unknown destination and we couldn't tell you about it now that I know.”
          Fabian sighed audibly and his relief was clear to see. The former captain patted him on the shoulder encouragingly. “Follow me to the throne room, I'll announce you with Queen Rapunzel and you can now meet her without any worries.”
          He was back a short time later. “She's expecting you now, Fabian.” This was the first time he had addressed him by his real name, but he was deep in thought and didn't even notice.
          Instead, he asked, “What's she like? Down in the city, I saw a mural of her when she was young, with her parents and—”
          “—her husband and saviour, Eugene Fitzherbert,” his friend added with a smile. Well, she had an eventful past and has matured a lot since she reappeared in Corona as the daughter of the old regents, which was on the morning of the annual Lantern Night. She also had quite a turbulent time afterwards as a newly minted princess, but now she has two children, a son and a daughter, who have even been to Arendellle for the young queen's coronation.” He interrupted briefly, “Well, you'll meet her yourself in a moment and I'll see you afterwards. Good luck with your mission.”
          Fabian entered the enormous hall and walked slowly and with dignified steps towards one of the two thrones, the other was empty. In the background, he could see several men of the bodyguard in splendid uniforms. He bowed deeply to the queen and inclined his head before speaking, “Your Majesty, as your adjutant has no doubt already explained, I am Master Fabian from Arendelle on behalf of Queen Anna.”
          “Welcome to Corona, Master Fabian. Rise to your feet. How can I help you?”
Far north of Arendelle, in the Northuldra region…
          A small sailing ship with a small crew and Yelana on board dropped anchor off the southern sandy beach. Also on board were the Arendelle's master builders, who had the royal commission to inspect the Norting building and meet with the descendants of the builders to rebuild it in Arendelle.
          A small dinghy ferried the group of three across and Yelana led them past the four monoliths, illuminated by the afternoon sun, and into the camp. Neither of the two men, who were loaded down with measuring equipment, had ever been to this area before, but of course they knew all the stories about it. They stopped briefly at the tall stones with the symbols of the four elements and looked up in awe. The uncovered fifth monolith, whose actual mass was deep underground and only showed its smooth upper side, also attracted their attention. In the meantime, a wooden fence had been erected around it so that nobody, especially children, would accidentally fall into the pit and nobody would think of entering it.
          There was something striking about the fifth monolith that the two men didn't quite understand: in contrast to the snow-covered surroundings, its surface was clear and dry. It seemed to radiate warmth that immediately melted away the fresh snow. Yelana explained its meaning, making the connection to the nature spirits clear and thus also to Elsa, the fifth spirit.
          “We've heard a lot about it, including the four nature spirits. Is there any chance that we will see them? We've already seen the water horse Nokk when Arendelle was rescued, but not the fire and wind spirits, let alone one of the earth giants,” asked one of them on the way to the camp, looking around with interest.
          “There's no guarantee of that,” she replied, “certainly not for the earth giants, but maybe Bruni, the fire spirit, who often helps us with the firelight in winter, will turn up.”
          “What do they actually look like, these earth giants, how big are they?” asked the other.
          Yelana had to laugh, “Terrifyingly big and so heavy that you can hear their footsteps and feel them in the ground before you even see them.”
          A little later, they reached the first huts. Yelana was greeted and surrounded, beaming with joy. She explained the purpose of their being here, introduced them to the master builders of Arendelle and asked that the two old Northuldra master builders come to the norting house later for a chat.
          “Yelana, will you stay with us? Since you and Honeymaren left, our people have been without leadership,” said one of the Northuldra and others echoed his sentiment.
          Yelana pondered, for this was indeed a valid question.
          “Let me think about it in peace. I'll let you know later at dinner.” Then she continued on her way to the secluded meeting place.
          The two master builders were very impressed by the construction and the almost magical sight. They talked and gesticulated, then one of them took out his sketchbook and began to draw, while the other made comments and pointed out certain details. Yelana found herself somewhat superfluous, they were already so engrossed in their work, but as soon as her own masters arrived she would leave and go back to camp.
          She pondered the question from earlier. Actually, there was nothing wrong with her staying here for a few months. She would help with the planning of the new building in an advisory capacity, but construction couldn't begin until spring anyway, if not later. The new royal council also had to be formed first, so she had no official duties in Arendelle at the moment. Besides, winter had only just begun and would last for several months. The two Arendellians could sail back on their own and she didn't need many personal items that weren't already in her travelling bag. She got everything she needed from her people.
          She was leading the master builders inside the building when the two elderly Northuldra men appeared. She introduced them all and then said goodbye, telling them that dinner would be served soon and that she would organise a hut for them to sleep in in the meantime. Everything was now underway and her plan for Arendelle seemed to be taking shape. Yelana was satisfied.
          In the camp, she called some people to her and announced that she had decided to stay here for a few months. Everything else would follow. She also learnt on this occasion that the reindeer had recently moved to lichen meadows. Yelana suggested that perhaps they should also explore the eastern region for new grazing grounds, after all, they were no longer trapped under a magical bell of fog.
          Everyone was happy to hear the good news and agreed to her suggestion. Finally, Yelana took possession of her old kota again and threw her personal belongings inside before sitting down by one of the cooking fires and relaxed.
Anna became increasingly anxious and could hardly concentrate on her daily duties after she and her sister returned from Vesterland. There was still no news from the dispatch rider who had been tasked with finding out Kristoff's whereabouts. Kristoff had never behaved like this before and that could only mean one thing - that something must have happened to him.
          Elsa couldn't comfort her any more than Olaf could, and even Olina's chocolate couldn't cheer Anna up. Hadn't someone once claimed that chocolate would make you happy? Anna was far from it and paced up and down her study, restless and brooding.
          She reviewed the last three days. First, as Mari had promised, four supply wagons arrived with provisions for humans and animals. After everything had been distributed, the sisters sat together in the evening and read Lord Peterssen's diary. It was a fascinating read, but they left most of it aside and focussed mainly on preparing for the conversation with King Jonas. They saved the rest of the diary for later, as time was pressing.
          Peterssen's handwriting was pleasant, accurate and detailed, which said a lot about his character. His records went back to King Runeard's time, including mention of Vesterland and his plans to involve that kingdom in the financing of his dam project. But the Southern Isles and the royal house of Westergaard were also mentioned. There he wrote about facts and rumours of the time, as well as the king's marriage plans for his sons. Hans had not yet been born at the time, but some of his older brothers were already married or engaged to princesses from other kingdoms.
          Peterssen drew conclusions about the kingdom's expansion plans in preparation for possible trade relations and to inform his king in good time of possible dangers and political entanglements. Anna and Elsa also learnt about Rudi Westergaard and consulted another book from the library, which contained information on other kingdoms. They looked at each other in amazement. Apparently this Rudi was the only one besides Hans who had not yet married. He was also not considered to be particularly intelligent and King Jonas certainly didn't want someone like that on his daughter's side.
          The next day, they travelled with Mari to Vesterland. The talks with her father went quite well with the help of this information and the descriptions of their personal experiences with the Westergaard royal house, and King Jonas promised to give them serious thought. He had also promised to come to Arendelle's winter ball with Mari. All in all, the sisters were quite pleased with themselves and Mari thanked them warmly with a big hug.
          That had been yesterday and now Anna had time to think about other things again and couldn't help but be very worried about her Kristoff.
          There was a knock and she rushed to the door to open it. Surprisingly, Kai was standing in front of her and she could only stare at him for seconds in surprise. He looked rested and smiled at her, completely relaxed. Kai must have only returned from Snoob in the last few minutes, Anna surmised. Then she simply took him into her arms in an unkempt manner, casting a worried glance left and right into the corridor. But there was no sign of Kristoff.
          Kai stiffened at this extremely unusual greeting from his queen and cleared his throat.
          “Your Majesty, … er … is something wrong?”
          Anna let go of him and shook her head. Then she invited him in and closed the door behind him.
          Once they were both seated, she said, “I'm so glad you're back, Kai. To be honest, I've missed you. But please don't think wrongly about it now, because you really deserved your holiday with your family. But tell me, do you know where Kristoff is? He didn't come with you, did he? Did something happen to him in Snoob?” Anna looked at him worriedly.
          Kai shook his head in amazement. “Isn't he here already? I thought that after he travelled on to the royal naval base on the advice of the Baron of Snoob, he should have been back by now. A messenger from Arendelle was in Snoob yesterday morning and also enquired after him. He followed his travel route.”
          Anna replied in the negative and shared her concerns with Kai.
          “It will be all right, Your Maj … er, Anna. What could happen to him there, or on the way there. He was probably just delayed and is already travelling back with the messenger. Do not worry.”
          Anna nodded, “I'm sure you're right, but still, it's so unlike him to keep me in the dark all this time.” She paused for a moment and realised that it was actually a bit rude to Kai to just ask him about Kristoff. “What do you have to tell? I'm curious, how are Karl and his wife — what's her name?”
          “Hanna,” he replied, “they're both doing really well.”
          “Oh yes … her name almost sounds like mine, how could I have forgotten that,” she said with a soft giggle, “and what else have you been up to?”
          Kai talked about long conversations, the pleasant atmosphere in Snoob, even while Kristoff was still there, before he left after the talks with the Baron, long walks and the refreshing of old memories in his homeland. In the end, he told Anna about the outcome of the talks with the baron about the candidates for the new royal council.
          “That sounds very promising, Kai. Thank you for your efforts and I'm also pleased that you had such a pleasant time with the family. You look refreshed.”
          “Thank you, Anna, it was—,” he began, as someone knocked energetically.
          “Come in,” Anna said and stood up expectantly.
          It was the messenger, who bowed low as he entered, but left the door open. Anna began to hope and expected to see Kristoff at any moment, but then why had the messenger knocked and not him and left the door open? Except … Anna turned pale.
          “Your Majesty, I have just returned and can bring you the following report. Your fiancé, Kristoff Bjorgmann, arrived safely at the naval base, but he left the peninsula on a ship. After that, his trail was lost and I could not be informed of his destination due to a lack of written instructions from you. Unfortunately, despite my assurances, I was refused this information. I'm sorry.”
          Anna could say no more than, “I see…”
          Then he bowed again and left the study. This time, however, he closed the door behind him.
          “What the …,” she began, but then changed her mind because of Kai's presence, who had also got up and was now looking at her very sadly.
          “Would you please leave me alone, Kai? I need to think. Oh, and please send Elsa to me when you see her, but there's no hurry.”
          “Very well,” he said and left her study with an understanding nod.
Three days later …
The first ship to moor in Arendelle's harbour was the ARN Voyager. Elsa and Anna made their way to the harbour to meet Master Fabian in person. Both were quite curious to see if he had been successful and what else he had to report about Corona. After all, it had been a while since they had been in contact with this kingdom.
          Fabian's news was extremely positive and Voyager's cargo hold was filled to the brim. Reason to celebrate. They invited him to the castle for dinner and a cosy evening in the fireside lounge. He obviously had a lot to tell them and they were both eager to learn more.
          “You look different somehow, Fabian,” Anna realised. “I can't put my finger on it, but the way you talked about your old home, the almost rapturous descriptions—,” she left the sentence open.
          Fabian exchanged glances with both sisters, who were sitting cosily on the sofa in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. He had made himself comfortable on an upholstered chair near the fire so that he could look them both in the eye as he spoke.
          “Well, it's true, the visit to Corona has changed me in some ways after such a long absence and … well …,” he paused a little before continuing, “I miss my old home very much and since an old matter was finally resolved there, I'm seriously considering whether I should return.”
          The sisters were silent for a few moments and just looked at him.
          “We would miss you dearly, Fabian,” Elsa finally said, “but I can understand your feelings.”
          Anna nodded, “That's true. But tell me, what old thing were you talking about? I mean … I don't want to be too nosy and you don't need to tell us about it … um.”
          Elsa giggled, “You bet you're nosy, Anna!”
          “Sorry,” Anna grinned back.
          Fabian waved her off, “No problem. I'm so relieved about it myself and to be honest, it was me who was mistaken.”
          Then he began to tell his long story and the sisters, who hadn't known nothing about it before, hung on his every word. It ended up being a long and satisfying evening full of surprises for everyone.
The following morning, another ship arrived in the harbour. An elegant schooner brig headed for the berth right next to the Voyager, which would be completely unloaded today. Nobody knew this ship and it looked as if it had just come from the shipyard, with brightly shining sails, a long, waving banner with the crocus symbol on it and a hull that had certainly not often seen the seas. Curious onlookers formed on the quay wall, some pointing their fingers as they chatted with their companions and some even waved to the deck crew. Eyes were squinted to recognise the ship's name. ARN Draba was an unusual name for many and undoubtedly the newest ship in the Arendelles Royal Fleet.
          Commands rang out on deck and the sailors hurried to carry out the orders. Slowly the Draba glided closer and when she was moored, a blond mop of hair appeared at the railing with the antlers of a reindeer beside him. Next, a wagon was hoisted over it and the gangway lowered.
          Only minutes later, Anna had also been informed of the arrival by Kai in her study. She was almost on her way to the dining room to have breakfast with Elsa, but stopped in the middle of the room. While Kai left again, she was confusingly torn between two completely contradictory feelings. On the one hand it was a great relief that Kristoff was still alive and would probably be knocking on the door any minute now, and on the other, anger that he had let her down so badly and caused her so much worry without a single bit of news.
          She clenched her fists and slowly the second feeling took over. Anger was building up inside her. Should Kristoff come to her himself, she would not run into him this time. Anna was eager to hear his excuses and at the same time extremely curious as to where he had actually been all this time. Had he simply come on board for the ship's maiden voyage? Had he not given a single moment's thought to the consequences of his actions?
          It was another half an hour before there was finally a knock. Anna, who was now sitting back in her armchair with an annoyed expression, recognised him by the way he knocked and instead of simply saying 'Come in' she walked slowly to the door and finally yanked it wide open. It was indeed Kristoff and his broad grin vanished instantly when he saw Anna's annoyed face. He carefully entered without taking his eyes off her.
          Anna slammed the door behind him so loudly that he was startled and visibly flinched. Anna slowly stepped towards him, pleased with his reaction and the look on his face, until he had to back away a little and slumped into the armchair in front of the table.
Nobody slammed any doors in Arendelle Castle, especially not at this time of day! Elsa flinched just as she was about to shove a spoonful of boiled egg into her mouth and the yolk dripped down onto the table.
          The sound seemed to have come from above. Elsa stood up to clearly reprimand the person responsible, left the dining room and walked along the corridor towards the stairs, where she could see a few running feet scurrying up.
          What was going on today, she asked herself with furrowed eyebrows and followed those feet upstairs. Once there, she couldn't believe her eyes because she saw several girls from the castle staff listening at the door and whispering to each other. But it wasn't just any door, it was the door to the royal study!
          Elsa quietly stood behind the group, crossed her arms in front of her and then asked loudly, “What's going on here?”
          Everyone in front of her flinched violently and turned to look at her with wide eyes.
          “You're listening at the Queen's door? Are you completely nuts? Where are your manners! Troll yourselves and get to work, but fast! … shoo, shoo …” Elsa made a gesture with both hands as if she wanted to chase a pigeon away from the windowsill. “And not a word to anyone, understand?” she called after them.
          The girls fled with bright red faces and Elsa had to shake her head in disbelief. She was already putting one hand on the door handle when an angry tirade rang out from behind it — from Anna! Elsa immediately hesitated and couldn't help but listen at the door herself.
          She couldn't hear much through the thick door, only that Kristoff was in the room and had to listen to a first-class lecture. Were they having their very first marital quarrel? Not that Elsa had ever witnessed one herself, but she had heard about it. She didn't want to be in Kristoff's shoes right now. But she had never experienced Anna like she was now. She screamed at him and was beside herself with rage, that much was clear.
          Should she just burst in and try to save what could still be saved, or should she let things take their course? It was a difficult decision and she first had to think about what would happen. But no, as queen, Anna was not allowed to overreact like that and she could only feel sorry for Kristoff.
          Elsa knocked loudly three times and it became quiet inside. Only then did she open the door and quietly pushed it shut again behind her. Her eyes flitted back and forth between the two of them. Anna was standing in the middle of the room with a bright red face, her expression furious. Kristoff, on the other hand, sat facing Anna in the armchair in front of the table and hung his head. Elsa crossed her arms.
          “I don't want to disturb your full-blown marital quarrel, but never before has anyone in the castle slammed a door so hard that you can hear it all the way down to the lowest floor. I've just had to shoo five of the new maids away from your study because they were eavesdropping, Anna. Eavesdropping! Honestly, what's got into you?”
          Her sister rolled her eyes and pointed at Kristoff with an outstretched arm without looking at him. Her eyes were fixed on Elsa instead. “Because of him!”
          “Anna, you can't be in your right mind to behave so childishly. Have you forgotten that you are the Queen of Arendelle?” Elsa had become a little louder, but didn't want to start an argument with her sister. She was old enough to realise her own mistakes. “Well … I realise what this is about, but you can't treat your husband like this just because he didn't send you a message and came back later than expected, can you?”
          “Well, then let him tell you where he was.”
          “Kristoff?” Elsa looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
          He sighed, “In Weselton, with the Duke's nephew.”
          Elsa's jaw dropped and Anna just said tersely, “See?”
          “Uhh … I hope you haven't arranged any new trade treaty with the Duke, Kristoff, have you?”
          “Not that, but … well, let's put it this way … I promised to put in a good word for them for helping me, er, Arendelle.”
          “Wait a minute … I …,” Elsa was speechless. Then she grabbed a chair from the wall, placed it in front of Kristoff and sat down. “You should sit down as well, Anna. Let's talk about this bit by bit, calmly … all right?” She looked at her sister encouragingly and she finally complied with her request.
          ”All right, let's take it in turn and start from the beginning, Kristoff. Just tell us everything.” Elsa spoke in a reassuring tone and looked at Anna admonishingly.
          While Anna sighed and nodded, Kristoff began to talk about his idea, his desire to help in the current kingdom emergency, his experiences at the naval base, the sea voyage and everything that happened there. He also said that it was ultimately not his fault that the return journey was delayed, but because of the captain's decision. Next he came to the experiences on Weselton and ended with the two people who were mainly responsible for the help and, above all, why they did it.
          ”So, … Leopold and Lutz, I remember them well,” said Elsa, “don't you too, Anna?” She nodded with a somewhat confused expression on her face. “You see, if you'd only let Kristoff explain, it wouldn't have come to the situation we had earlier. I guess we're even with those two now.”
          “But still, Elsa, a little message to me and I wouldn't have been so worried.”
          “Well, if you were so worried about Kristoff, then there must be love behind it, so please make up with each other, all right? But please promise me that you won't slam any more doors like that, and you, Kristoff, should perhaps think a little more about Anna on your next excursion.”
          “As for that, I did think about her a lot and brought something special,” Kristoff replied and stood up.
          He walked round the table towards Anna and reached into a small shoulder bag, which the sisters only just noticed.
          “I'm really sorry, darling. It won't happen again, I promise. Look what I've carved for you on the Draba. It was only finished today.” Kneeling down, he handed Anna the love spoon. “Strictly speaking, we're already married, but I wanted to make up for this gift before the official wedding anyway. After all, I had plenty of time to do it on the ship.”
          Instead of saying anything, Anna knelt down to him with a smile and simply hugged him tightly. Then she said, “Thank you, honey. It turned out really nice and this traditional gesture is really sweet of you. I forgive you.”
          They both stood up and kissed.
          “Oh, and I have a further little present for you that I saw in a shop in Weselton. It looked familiar to me somehow, but I don't know where it came from. But I thought it was cute and immediately thought of you.”
          When Kristoff pulled out the little felt bird and held it out to Anna, she wasn't the only one with wide eyes.
          “It looks almost exactly like—“
          “Sir JørgenBjørgen!” Elsa added in surprise and immediately joined the two of them to compare the stuffed bird with hers. Kristoff looked back and forth between the two, somewhat perplexed.
          “You already know the puffin and have even given it a pet name?”
          “Elsa has one that she inherited from Papa. It's a long story,” explained Anna.
          “It looks a bit different and without the same beady eye. That's nice. Now you've got one too, Anna. I wonder what name you'll give him.”
          “Hmm…” She looked at Kristoff, pondering. “I think I already know … now that you've told us about the tour with the duke's nephew and that he supposedly has two talking magpies. I'll call him Sir Rupert, then I'll always know where he's from.”
          Everyone laughed and Elsa said, “Good choice, sis.”
Remark: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know, except you are already tagged :-)
Tagging: @true--north @annaofthenorthernlights @dronning-formynder05
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delilahcarreno · 4 months
for: @benj-hyun
where: oasis, country night
The clock hadn't struck midnight just yet, but Delilah was just about ready to turn back into a pumpkin.
She'd done more than her part as supportive friend, she thought. Stood in the ridiculously long line to get in, paid for several drinks, made sure to find Bo and congratulate him on the turnout...
("It's truly impressive," she'd noted from their view on the second level, sipping on a Corona and observing the crowd of mostly twenty-something's below as they moved along to a Beyonce track. She had no desire to join them, but she could still appreciate that the night had turned out successful for him.)
Though even without having participated, her feet were killing her in the cowboy boots she'd purchased for the night, the most effort she'd put into an otherwise plain outfit. They're why she found herself sat along the wall of the designated smoking area, cigarette dangling from one hand while the other typed in the club's address into the Uber app.
She looked up on instinct just as he passed. It took a second to recognize him beneath the hat and sunglasses, but he was still so unmistakably Ben that she couldn't help but smile.
"Howdy, partner." She greeted through a breath of smoke. "Don't you look just right at home?"
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paradoxcase · 9 months
Chapter 11 of Nona the Ninth
Day Three has dawned, and it looks like Corona will appear in this one
Chapter 11 has a Fifth skull. Why? I have no idea
Nook app is back to crashing every time I take a screenshot of it, lovely
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I don't think there was a part of the story where either of them was holding someone underwater? There was that one part of the pool scene where I think it was meant to make you think that Gideon might try to drown Harrow, but she didn't do that at all
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This sounds maybe more like Harrow's pool scene memories?
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The pool scene dream is not sexy, but acting it out with Camilla is?
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So possibly she's interpreting "sexy" to mean aesthetically attractive, and you know, that's totally fair, I did that as a teenager too, but Nona doesn't have any presupposition that only people can be sexy so she just calls it as she sees it. It's still interesting from that perspective that she doesn't find the pool scene sexy since presumably Harrow and Gideon do find each other aesthetically attractive
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That's pancakes, apparently. I guess pancakes are maybe the only food that Nona actually likes?
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Pyrrha was so worried that Camilla was going to go to the park and do something dumb, and made Palamedes promise not to go to the park and not to let Camilla go, and then she went herself
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What exactly is Nona's experience of what marriage means and how people who are married ought to act towards each other? Does Nona actually know any married people? If we count Gideon and Harrow's experience, I think their sum total experience of married couples might actually be just Harrow's parents, Ortus's parents, and Magnus and Abigail
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I'm guessing this means that Pyrrha killed the people in the cages so they wouldn't have to burn to death
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I took a break, and I think I've lost track of what people have told me of the politics here, whether BOE/Merv Wing or locals are the ones burning the "necromancers" to death? Either way, I guess Hot Sauce is involved with those people, which isn't really surprising
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I guess Pyrrha/Wake was inevitable, wasn't it?
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Palamedes also gets to be heterosexual. As a treat
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Camilla seems to have been weirded out by Nona calling her sexy, honestly I think that's fair
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At first I though, oh, no, someone has found out about them and they're about to be carted off to the park or something, but then I remembered that it said that Corona takes Nona to school today, so possibly this just Ctesiphon Wing paying them a visit and this is just their way to saying hello
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datenarche · 10 months
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uftghjbhjbh · 1 year
No matter how deadly the corona virus is, the business cannot stop. Here are a few features which will help you to make your event stand out. Event App/Website- The event platform should have a multi-feature event app builder tool offering an end-to-end support for creating a fully functional, customizable, dynamic and engaging Event App from scratch. Such a platform can help you create your event in a few minutes. Event Ticketing – To get your ROI you need a flat-rate Event Ticketing or event registration platform. This mobile event app must assure 100% secure ticketing where you can create your own ticket labels, provide promo codes, offer discounts, assign tickets to attendees and a lot more. Event Networking – Whether it's a virtual event or a hybrid event or an in-person event, an Event Matchmaking App is necessary to take attendee engagement to the next level. Enable your attendees to stay connected before, during and after the event with the help of event matchmaking Live polls and Q&A – Whether it's a virtual event or a hybrid event or an in-person event, an Mobile Event App is necessary to take attendee engagement to the next level. Enable your attendees to stay connected before, during and after the event with the help of event matchmaking Reporting and analytics in a Conference App – Analyzing an event is a necessity if you want to ace the skill of an event host. The end-to-end event management platform provides you with real-time data where you can keep a track of all event related activities. Event analytics is a core feature inside any event platform.
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Thoughtful Thursdays: Artificial Intelligence in Times of Pandemic
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The world was taken by storm when covid 19 hit and started to “nurture” in December 2019. Not long after, the disease was spread to every city and every lane, leaving its strong, sharp effects on the healthcare industry. Early and quick detection of COVID-19 is a challenging task for the medical community, but it is also crucial in stopping the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Prior attestation of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields of science has encouraged researchers to come up with stable and efficient solutions and further address this problem. 
Artificial intelligence played a vital and independent role in countering corona while helping gain knowledge about necessary information such as vaccine distribution, hospital management, drug discovery, financial aid circulation, clinical data insights, and covid diagnosis.
AI can help in mitigating the impact of the lockdown and in actively responding to this crisis. A very important method to evaluate the effect is rapid and random widespread testing to understand the pattern and identify hotspot zones to quarantine affected people. Apps like Arogya Setu were introduced, which show much of the user’s risk factor depending on their movement and proximity to infected or at-risk people, based on location-based mobile data using Bluetooth for generating alerts. The app alerts are accompanied by instructions on how to self-isolate and what to do in case someone develops symptoms that they need help & support. Similarly, DRDO’s AI brains launched SAMPARC App, which had created a technology-focused solution to track patients who are under quarantine.
Also Read: AI: An Essential component For Security And Surveillance
The pandemic generated tons of data every day. Patient data, CT scans, MIT reports, chest X-rays, blood results, genetic data, and more. Human experts can barely scratch the surface of this data. Though fortunately enough, AI algorithms can process these insights at scale and analyze patterns to speed up diagnosis and give tips on vaccine development and treatment. Pharmaceutical firms, medical institutions, hospitals, and healthcare technology providers who adopt AI tools will boost both profits and market share.
The gold standard for diagnostic tests for COVID-19 is RT-PCR. However, RT-PCR does produce false negatives making it not the most trusted method to verify the disease. A study concluded that chests are far more sensitive to CT scans than to RT-PCR tests (98 vs. 71%, respectively). Using AI, we can train algorithms to produce and analyze chest computed tomography (CT) scans with vascular thickening, spider web, bilateral and GGO, and more complex patterns.
To add even further to this, we can make these algorithms with crazy high-end dimensional features even radiologists can’t handle, such as wavelet and texture information allowing pneumonia caused by covid to be distinguished early on and be given the right cure. Researchers have succeeded in developing a machine model that can diagnose corona from chest X-rays 10 times faster than human radiologists and up to 6% more accurately.
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Kamal Kishor Singh is a technology enthusiast based in Muscat, Oman. He’s currently working as a Projects Delivery Manager for a major digital technology company in the Middle East. 
With 18 years of experience in AI/ML based data analytics and automation, Kamal has developed several first-in-the-region digital products for government, banking, and telecom clients. 
He has a keen interest in mentoring fresh talent and developing the tech start-up ecosystem in India and the Middle East.
Kamal has a bachelor’s degree in technology from NIT Allahabad and an MBA from IIM Calcutta. 
Connect with Kamal on his LinkedIn
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owebesttechnology · 2 years
Top Android Frameworks For Mobile App Development
For the average person, when it comes to app development, the concept is that a team of mobile app developers work long hours, on a tight budget, and in a limited time frame. The entire operation appears to be quite time-consuming. However, with the advancement of technology and the advent of frameworks, app creation has become quite simple.
You no longer need a professional app developer to create an app. Simply select the framework on which you want to build the app, and you're good to go. However, the most pressing question that emerges is which framework to use. When it comes to Android app development, you have a multitude of frameworks at your disposal.
Best Android Frameworks for Mobile Application Development
There are millions of Android apps accessible on the Google Play Store, with the majority of them based on the most recent frameworks. So, if you want to create your own Android app, you can absolutely pick some of these:
1. PhoneGap. This framework enables you to quickly create any hybrid application built with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript by reusing any existing web development skills. You can quickly design experiences for several platforms using a single codebase, allowing you to reach your whole audience regardless of device. With this Android app development framework, you can simply create Google Play Store-ready apps while avoiding the need to maintain native SDKs.
The most notable characteristic of this framework is the ease with which you may create an app without even utilising the command line. You can immediately view the modifications that you have made. You can create your own app without having to maintain multiple native SDKs. It has a large plugin library. It also has a large and helpful developer community.
2. Corona SDK It is a cross-platform framework that can be used to create apps and games for mobile devices as well as desktop computers. This simply implies that you can quickly design your own project and then publish it to a variety of devices such as Android phones and tablets, Apple iPhone and iPad, Amazon Fire, and many others.
This Android app development framework significantly accelerates the development process. You can also easily update the code, make changes, and instantly see different results in the instant-update Simulator.
After you've finished developing your Android app, you can easily build and deploy it, and all of the code will immediately update. Because of its intrinsic flexibility to work at several core levels, the applications are automatically assembled at build time and optimised for stability and performance.
There are several plugins available to you. It is a Lua-based framework that is intended to be both quick and lightweight. Using Corona, it is simple to call any specific native library or API. Using a single code base, you may create applications for numerous platforms.
3. Xamarin Inc. You can easily construct any native app for platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows, as you can with many other frameworks. It actually works on a shared C# codebase, which makes the entire code platform-agnostic. For the most recent OS versions, there is a window for migrating new apps with same-day support, which helps developers save time.
Hire Android developer to test the functionality of your app with this framework, which can be readily done in the cloud, as well as to track your app on a frequent basis. The top Android development business always keeps track of the app on a regular basis, and this structure is best suited for particular apps.
4. JQuery Mobile It is an HTML5-based user interface Android app development framework designed to construct responsive websites and apps that can run on all types of smartphones, desktop computers, and tablets. It enables Android app developers to quickly create a single high-branded responsive mobile app that works seamlessly across a variety of popular smartphones, desktop platforms, and tablets.
This framework is built on the jQuery and jQuery UI foundations, and it includes Ajax navigation, page transitions, various widgets, and touch events. Its lightweight code is developed with a specific progressive enhancement that is paired with an easily configurable and themeable design.
Conclusion With the arrival of several Android development frameworks, creating an Android app has become a simple task. You may easily employ an Android developer who is familiar with these frameworks to create your app. You can also engage the best Android development company that has experience with these many frameworks. You can easily select any of the frameworks described above for Android app development.
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technicalvictor · 2 years
Anywhere, Anytime Learning With Kitmek
Learning is a crucial yet necessary thing without which life does not go on the right track. Furthermore, the kids throw many tantrums while you pressurise them to sit still at a place and study. They will tend to move here and there, hampering their concentration. However, to deal with all these issues, the modern education system has brought the concept of Anywhere, Anytime Learning. Education with technology is new and ensures that your kid has all the facilities needed.
Furthermore, the advanced mode of education will open up a new door to a fantastic world where kids can enjoy the learning process. Conventional schooling is not the only way to teach your kids different subjects. Homeschooling is growing gradually in different countries of the world. Are you ready to learn about attractive online studying options? Here are the incredible facilities to get an education, irrespective of the place or time.
Learning Reaches Beyond Boundaries
The best part of “Anytime Anywhere Learning” is time savings. Virtual learning can project a new world of fantasy to the little ones. The system involves a teacher and a student with a shared network. Therefore, the teacher can impart education online through an active internet connection. A smart device like a laptop, smartphone, or PC is the medium to receive an education. This implies that the future of education is changing, and we need to adopt modern means to educate our children.
Preschool learning at home is one of the latest techniques to give your kid insights into different subjects in more detail. So, begin giving lessons to your child without waiting for any formal school to join. The digital school room is the learning platform for the new generation of kids. Therefore, learning is possible without being bound to a specific schedule or place. The children can take the opportunity as another game and indulge in remarkable activities. However, traditional classroom education is getting digital now, and most schools and colleges are also adopting technology. So, online education is an immersive learning idea where the students can enjoy the process without getting bored.
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Kitmek The Learning App
Online Learning Is So Cool
During the corona days, keeping educational institutions open was impossible. But to save the education sector, the experts decided to teach digitally. This made the Anywhere Anytime Learning option famous among almost all the countries of the world. The future of education is going in a new direction with this incredible facility. Most schools allow devices like tablets and smartphones and arrange for specific software to teach online.
Moreover, they also conduct different tests by digital means. They can also use the same device at home to complete homework. Furthermore, the videos from teachers help them revise the topics better as they can listen to the explanations when they feel like it. Such a process is undoubtedly useful for educating your child in the best way possible.
The fusion of education with technology lets students concentrate more on their studies instead of avoiding them. Furthermore, the teachers can also give various practical activities to make them.
learn the concept from the core. Anytime Anywhere studies also facilitate students’ interaction with their teachers outside the classroom. This is undoubtedly an added advantage and proves to be highly beneficial. When studies can be done online, why stick to the old system? The immersive learning technique will keep your kid engaged without making them lose focus. Please be assured that Anytime Anywhere learning will promote improved learning strategies through virtual means.
Facilities Of Virtual Learning System
Through virtual learning, students can get several advantages. Some of them are;-
· Independent learning system
· A collaborative approach to make the students interact with many other students from various countries and states
· No limitation on teaching time
· Accessing the homework from any place through an online site
· Digital presentation of different videos and stories to justify a topic
· Solutions of test papers and healthy discussions by the teachers
· Various learning sources and study materials are available 24/7
The only issue in digital education is the increased instance of cyberbullying. However, through digital education, teachers can teach about cybercrimes to the students so that they get cautious about any unfavourable activities on any digital platform.
The guardians can now start preschool learning at home by registering for Kitmek. This organisation is the first online school that incorporates all the advanced means to educate children. Passing through different levels here will ensure admission to the next standard. As more schools prefer to hold classes online, this digital learning platform will surely make your kid learn every concept more fruitfully.
Install now : http://bit.ly/3Y17e8f?r=qr
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bigfrozenfan-fanfics · 5 months
About tough decisions to use the right music track to a specific scene
Not all readers of "The Broken Bridge" listen to the hand-selected music tracks for my scenes(*), but I want to go into a little more detail in this particular post so you can see how much effort can go into just one scene.
As you may know, HeinrichVSA, my beta reader and friend, and I work closely together to select certain music tracks. I write and he finds the music tracks that I end up choosing to use. It's not always easy, because on the one hand the length has to fit the scene and on the other hand it has to support the mood as perfectly as possible. I listen to the music while I read the scene at the same time, checking whether the dynamics match certain actions precisely and then I determine the sentence in the story where exactly the music should start. A perfect result would be if the track stops exactly at the end of the scene and the dynamics in it can emphasise certain actions. This doesn't always work, but sometimes it is desirable for the music to cover several scenes.
I can't use many titles simply because they involve singing or speaking, or because there is clapping from the audience at the end. This distracts from reading. So far I've only used two songs with vocals in "The Broken Bridge", but only as bonus tracks at the end of the chapters. With the exception of titles where the vocals are untranslatable and part of the music (Sámi Joik, for example). Watch a film and see how the score is used in certain scenes to heighten the drama, then you'll understand what I mean.
In the last chapter, "Corona", I wanted you not only to read about Fabian's joy at being back home and reliving a childhood memory, but to literally feel his emotions. Everyone knows the scene in Tangled where Rapunzel dances with joy in the square in front of the church and draws other people around her into it. In my opinion, it's one of the best scenes in the film and I love this song.
My only problem with it was how to integrate the relatively short song into the already written scene in such a way that it both emphasises Fabian's thoughts and feelings on the way through the town and ends exactly when the dance is over. The increasing speed of the dance also had to fit in as closely as possible with what had already been written. So I started looking for alternatives over the next few days after finishing the chapter. Some YouTubers extended the song, but either it lost its original dynamics, or you could hear too clearly where the song was edited or it was simply extended in the wrong place. There were also two very well-made remakes from fans to choose from, but either just as short as the original (2 min 20) or unfortunately with adverts at the end. In the end, I decided in favour of an extremely well-made extended version that met all my criteria.
(*) Many Frozen fans on Tumblr don't read fanfics on a computer, but on their smartphone. Tumblr unfortunately has the stupid habit of simply stopping embedded songs in posts when you read with the app. This doesn't happen if you read my chapters in the blog on a laptop, for example.
Here are the songs from Tangled Fans that I sorted out, but which are still great:
Heinrich's 1st choice, the Tavern Edition:
My find, as a violin duet, unfortunately with adverts for more of their videos at the end:
My previous favourite to use song in the chapter, 16 seconds longer than the original, but still extended in the wrong place:
And an alternative track that would have worked in theory, but was unfortunately too long and had applause at the end:
The remaining alternatives with edited originals are only given here as links:
youtube.com/watch?v=d6o9u0a3GJ8 (Kingdom dance (extended, doubled and tripled chorus)) youtube.com/watch?v=81GocqvwTMg (Kingdom Dance crossover with "How To Train Your Dragon" at the end) Someone even came up with the idea of editing this track for a real dance with a length of 4:02, but the dynamics are totally lost in the process: youtube.com/watch?v=cGnhmA3BNbI
The following were also up for selection:
youtube.com/watch?v=VI-JynUarrs (Rapunzel's Exordium by Frostudio Chambersonic) youtube.com/watch?v=sMCwW0TcBYk (Reels, irish dance music, good but far too long) youtube.com/watch?v=u9veEEnax-k (Reels traditional, by Katie Grennan, same as above) youtube.com/watch?v=tIQjHeMYBfg (Slip Jigs, by Katie Grennan, too long, wrong instruments for the scene) and a few others This one is funny for the dance performance starting at 4:19 (Apollo's Fire - O'Carolan Dance scene), but too long as well, laughing in the audience plus applause and too slow over all: youtube.com/watch?v=1OD4jAOp5So youtube.com/watch?v=givlwY9d9UQ (animated movie excerpt, but sadly with spoken words in it)
Last find for the Tangled fans here, a video with animated Corona scenes for relaxing Tangled music to study & relax, with a length of nearly one hour!
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hammerlifestyle · 2 years
Smartwatches vs Smartphones
Smartwatches have faced a lot of criticism over the time and most of them have the point that they seem to be your regular smartphone, just with a smaller screen. While that might seem feasible at first, the more we look into a smartwatch’s practical usage, the more we realize why having a smartwatch is very different than having a smartphone.
 What are the advantages of smartwatches over Smartphones?
 1.    Fewer Distractions
The concept of a smartwatch revolves around the fact that smartphones are a huge distraction to all ages, and this is frowned upon in the workspace. With colors and layouts designed to keep one interested for longer periods, the numerous apps that one downloads for leisure are either minimized and restricted by the smartwatch or not there at all, just notifications of the app where you might have important messages that you want to see at all times.
2.    Easy and quick access
Since you have the device on your wrist, you don’t have to reach into your pocket or search in your bag just to check something. You can conveniently access apps, emails, social media accounts, and contacts just by looking at your wrist.
3.    Keep it safe effortlessly
Obviously, the chance of losing or dropping the device is significantly smaller since it’s tied to your wrist. Moreover, thanks to their size they are much easier to carry around and store.
4.    Health Monitoring
A smartphone never provides fitness trackers, with the lack of space for them, thanks to the big batteries necessary to make sure that one does not spend more time on charging than usage.
One of the reasons behind the growing demand for smartwatches following the corona outbreak is that they are the most accurate generally available health and body monitoring devices out there. As people’s health concerns grew, so did the need of smartwatches. They help you track your steps, distance traveled, calories burned, sleep patterns, workouts, and heart rate.
Our new launches Hammer Pulse Ace, and Hammer Pulse Ace Pro offer accurate and necessary health trackers such as body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, pedometer, and much more!
5.    Better Battery Life
As mentioned earlier, while smartphones need big and heavy batteries with equally longer charging time and faster drainage of the charge, a smartwatch needs a smaller battery that lasts for days on a single few hours' charge. This ensures that one does not need to charge the smartwatch so often that they cannot enjoy its benefits in their busy lifestyles. Hammer, for example, provides smartwatches with a battery life that lasts up to a week, making them the best smartwatch with long-lasting battery life.
6.    Seamless Connectivity among devices
A smartwatch can connect to your phone whether it is Android or IOS and control all the devices connected to it without the need of lifting the device. Be it controlling music, making, receiving or rejecting calls, or checking notifications, a good smartwatch allows the owner to manage it all through the small screen on one’s wrist. Hammer provides a 5.0 Bluetooth connectivity that allows a seamless connection along with its combination of microphone and speaker so that you can manage calls directly from the smartwatch.
Our watches HAMMER PULSE ACE and HAMMER PULSE ACE PRO are providing a power pack performance and features at affordable prices, even our PULSE Ace pro provides wireless charging feature.
These are some of the many differences that set smartwatches apart from smartphones and the rest of smart devices. Smartwatches are an investment that just keeps growing over time, and might as well be considered a necessity to some.
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nikoalasblog · 2 years
public health
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What is public health all about? Public health refers to the science of preventing illnesses, improving health, fostering physical and mental well-being, controlling infectious diseases, and establishing health services for individuals. An awareness of the significance of community action in the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of diseases has emerged from regular human interactions (Bryant & Rhodes 2022). Protecting the health of entire populations is the main focus of public health. These populations can range in size from a single neighbourhood to a whole nation or continent (CDC Foundation 2022). Speaking of which, we all know about the global pandemic caused by the Corona Virus since January 2020 till today which has mutated into multiple variants like Delta, Alpha, Omicron and more. I still remember when the first MCO was implemented in March 2020 and it was truly a depressing period of time for everyone especially businesses and the economy (I literally spent half of MCO playing Sims 4 and making Dalgona coffee). Also a little rant, my mum made me wash groceries and SCRUB eggs with soap because she was scared the virus attached itself to it or something. Ok, rant over. Anyway, I think everyone is thinking the same thing... when is this ever going to end for good?
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Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia?
Let's talk about public health in Malaysia, there's an app that we all know called Mysejahtera. It is basically a contact tracing app developed for the Covid-19 pandemic. It consists of four main features. The app's primary goal is to let users calculate their risk of getting Covid-19. The software requests basic information from users about their symptoms, travel history, and recent contact with confirmed cases. After that, it divides them into risk groups and tells them what to do next. Those under surveillance would have to stay in their homes for 14 days and respond to the survey daily. Contact tracing is the second primary feature of the app. Before entering a building, users scan a QR code, and the system logs their previous 14-day visits. They can add dependents who don't own smartphones to their app so that they can also be accounted for. Only when a patient tests positive does the Ministry of Health release this information. If not, the data is archived after 30 days and deleted after 90. The software assigns unique QR codes that indicate a person's risk level and track where citizens have been. This depends on how many vulnerable individuals they have in their homes and whether they live close to a Covid-19 hotspot. The third feature is when registering for the MySejahtera app, citizens are required to provide comprehensive demographic data, including age, gender, and ethnicity. Future analysis and medical research can use this (Poon 2020). Last but not least, the app allows you to book appointments for vaccination as well as provide a certificate of vaccination after completion. Therefore, I do think that social media is useful in spreading information about Covid-19 in Malaysia mostly because of this app (of course other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram & Facebook also provide useful information about Covid-19 rates, symptoms etc.). Though nowadays people don’t usually use the app anymore since the pandemic has kinda died down.
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What about public mental health?
I'm not sure if you guys have heard of this Instagram account @buthonestly.co but they are a group of individuals based in Malaysia & Singapore who came up with a card game to facilitate conversations for people to open up and talk about their feelings. Their mission states that they wish to encourage vulnerability, and honesty with oneself and others and to discuss hard topics that people find difficult to talk about. I think this is a brilliant idea and thought it would be nice to share with you guys so do go check them out!
That's all for this week's post! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Byebye, see you next week.
Bryant, JH & Rhodes, P 2022, 'Public health', Encyclopedia Britannica, viewed 16 November 2022, <https://www.britannica.com/topic/public-health/Modern-organizational-and-administrative-patterns>.
CDC Foundation 2022, Our Story, CDC Foundation, viewed 16 November 2022, <https://www.cdcfoundation.org/our-story>.
Poon, YX 2020, 'Five features of Malaysia's contact tracing tech', GovInsider, viewed 17 November 2022, <https://govinsider.asia/digital-economy/ministry-of-health-kkm-mahesh-appannan-five-features-of-malaysias-contact-tracing-tech/>.
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teamplayertracker · 2 years
Reasons to use an attendance management app within your organization
The working norms, organizational culture, and working hours of employees have undergone drastic changes due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Even in the post-Covid-19 era, employees demand to work from the comfort of their homes. Before the outbreak of corona virus or the existence of the work-from-home culture, organizations relied on biometric systems, contemporary access cards, punch cards, spreadsheets, and so on. 
However, the process of punching in physically by visiting the office has been swapped with a simple online login. Several offices and businesses are encountering challenges when it comes to the management of remote employees. To achieve its long-term and short-term goals, an organization should be able to cope with attendance-based problems, eliminate the burden of administrative tasks, and maintain accurate employee attendance records. Here, the role of an attendance management app comes into the picture.
 Advanced employee management software comes with features such as geofencing and geo-tagging. Rest assured as you can manage several office locations and remote employees at the same time with the help of a single software. To ensure your employees are using their caliber in the best way possible or to avoid overexploitation of your employee's working capacity, it’s important to switch to an employee’s tracking app.
 Such apps help you to delegate authority and responsibility among your employees equally. When the tasks are assigned as per the knowledge and skills possessed by employees, you can achieve your organization’s goals more easily and in real time. The best way to attain your goals is to keep an eye on the number of hours worked by your employees and the methods and resources used by your employees to carry out the work. 
It helps to ensure the organization’s working culture is in the optimal state and the tasks are being carried out effortlessly. It helps to avoid time, resources, and money down the line. When choosing an employee tracking app, it’s important to select an app that comes with an easy-to-learn, simple, and easy-to-understand user interface. It can make the life of employers and employees easy. 
Why should you switch to a sales employee tracking app?
The functions of sales employees are challenging as these employees are required to visit unknown locations and work remotely most of the time. When business software is integrated with this application, a small-sized business, as well as large sized business, can track the whereabouts of its employees.  Keep an eye on the working hours of your employees in different locations. Besides, you will also be able to record your employee’s attendance- the number of days they were absent, the hours and days they’ve worked, and the nature of tasks they’re carrying out every day. To eradicate geographical barriers, these apps also feature an online chat module that makes conversations easy and quick. You’ll no longer have to talk for hours on phone calls. Use a chat module today to initiate business discussions and exchange work-related media and information. For example, you can exchange essential documents such as expense reports, purchase orders, attendance sheets, and so on. Use a GPS tracking app today.
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uftghjbhjbh · 2 years
No matter how deadly the corona virus is, the business cannot stop. Here are a few features which will help you to make your event stand out. Event App/Website- The event platform should have a multi-feature event app builder tool offering an end-to-end support for creating a fully functional, customizable, dynamic and engaging Event App from scratch. Such a platform can help you create your event in a few minutes. Event Ticketing – To get your ROI you need a flat-rate event ticketing or event registration platform. This Conference App must assure 100% secure ticketing where you can create your own ticket labels, provide promo codes, offer discounts, assign tickets to attendees and a lot more. Event Networking – Whether it's a virtual event or a hybrid event or an in-person event, an Event Matchmaking App is necessary to take attendee engagement to the next level. Enable your attendees to stay connected before, during and after the event with the help of event matchmaking Live polls and Q&A – Whether it's a virtual event or a hybrid event or an in-person event, an Mobile Event App is necessary to take attendee engagement to the next level. Enable your attendees to stay connected before, during and after the event with the help of event matchmaking Reporting and analytics – Analyzing an event is a necessity if you want to ace the skill of an event host. The end-to-end event management platform provides you with real-time data where you can keep a track of all event related activities. Event analytics is a core feature inside any event platform.
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newsaryavart · 4 years
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कॉन्टैक्ट-ट्रेसिंग ऐप्स से लाखों यूजर्स की प्रिवेसी खतरे में, जानें क्या है मामला नई दिल्ली राज्य सरकारों, नगर निगम कॉर्पोरेशन के साथ-साथ देशभर की पुलिस ने कोरोना वायरस से जुड़े 40 ऐप्स लॉन्च किए हैं। इन ऐप्स को कॉन्टैक्ट ट्रेसिंग, क्वारंटाइन ट्रैकिंग, स्वास्थ्य जानकारी मुहैया कराने और ई-पास जेनरेट करने के लिए लॉन्च किया गया है। हालांकि, देशभर में …
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technicalvictor · 2 years
Education Meets Metaverse
Technology is the primary element of today’s generation. Without these high-tech advancements, several things may not have been possible. Everything is tech-driven today, from the alarm clock and the laptop you work on to the smartphone. However, have you ever thought of the evolution of education due to such changes in our surroundings? Furthermore, Gen-Z kids are smarter than the older generations and tend to act innovative in multiple areas. Fun learning is a new concept in their world. So, several modern ways and tools are developing to provide them with the best quality education incorporating all the latest means. One of the recent developments in this area is the introduction of the gamified learning platform. On this platform, education will meet Metaverse, opening a new era of education for young learners. Here is the concept in more detail.
Metaverse: The New World Of E-learning
The E-Learning programs will now get a new pitch with the fusion of Metaverse. Since the 1990s, the concept of digital learning has become a prosperous medium of teaching. However, the industry witnessed the biggest boom after the corona crisis worldwide. As the demand for video-based learning grew profusely, teachers invented new ways to make learning fun. Gamification in learning proved to be an excellent method to involve the kids more in education. Furthermore, the results are significant as the little ones spend more time analyzing new things while being creative.
The unrivalled platform of fun learning is full of various exciting activities. Industry specialists are adopting the 3D concept to make the visuals more prominent to young learners. As a result, boring classroom education is gradually taking a back seat with the emergence of Metaverse in the education sector. With the third stage of mobile computing, VR displays are making it possible to enter the fantasy world of Metaverse. The kids can hear incredible sounds through high-tech headsets. Thus, the gamification learning platform ensures that the students learn fast and understands every concept from the heart.
Development of skills will occur only when they enjoy the activities. The fusion with the Metaverse scenario is a profound capacity-building technique making the kids social and interactive. Finally, the guardians will also have a controlled environment to keep track of your child’s progress. The 3D interaction makes the learners visualise every response and prepares them for a new journey. Therefore, they can easily digest every topic in elaborate detail with the gamified learning platform structures.
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  Kitmek The Learning App
How Metaverse Triggers The Interest?
Bookish knowledge and textual education can make the student confined to a limit. However, opening up a new area to explore various concepts and theories is possible with the present gamification in learning modules. Along with the urban living styles, the Metaverse environment will ensure that the kids learn of many other things also connecting to rural life. They can gain knowledge about firefighting skills, farming techniques, handling various jobs smartly, processing instruction, etc. The simulation of many everyday skills will support a child’s overall well-being and development. In other words, Metaverse successfully arouses interest among the kids and compels them to use their brains to accomplish different tasks most efficiently.
The competitive learning environment of the best educational/learning app will involve the following;
Routine operations
Critical Methodologies and processes
Events with high consequences
Abnormal situation handling
Emergency responses
Dealing with stressful conditions
Important life skills
Spatial training and combatting capabilities
Health consciousness
Therefore, the kid will learn to deal with any adverse or favourable situation with the same effort. Moreover, they can know the use of hands and legs to fight against odd scenarios, which may be impossible to practice in the real world.
Capacity Building In Different Manners
Real World skill development with the fusion of Hybrid environments
Connecting and Interacting through the Virtual Campus
Human Skills Development for any unfavourable situation
Accessibility with Disabled people and prompt responses
Storytelling and Virtualization for exploring a new world
Capturing various information from different sources
Enhancing the learning performances through gamification learning platform features.
Come To Kitmek
The in-built features of Kitmek focus on the learning abilities of an individual student and open up apt avenues for effective education. The specialists have developed the best educational/learning app platform by considering the Metaverse fusion benefits and presenting a new era of education. Thus, come to this unique digital platform to ensure a glorious future for your cutie pie.
Install Now : http://bit.ly/3Y17e8f?r=qr
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