#Come to think of it.. I'm screwed when my parents eventually die and I'm forced to fend for myself... what do I even do other than��draw gud
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moopbox · 1 month ago
do u ever feel alive but not...
like ur body is alright n stuff but ur mind...isn't... I don't FEEL alive... its like I'm distant from me... I'm not here... I can feel my limbs I can feel the blood going through me I can feel everything that I've ever hurt.. I can breathe...I can see.. i can write these words down....but I'm just not. just not here my head is fuzzy,parts of me hurt..idk..
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#moop talks#vent#Vent tw#I don't even know at this point#This isn't poetry or anything it's just what I feel rn.. I don't like that#I never really few alive anymore.. I keep going because death = bad and scary and my parents won't like me dead#It all boils down to being about surviving the day... nothing else... I feel good I feel bad.. but nothing changes#I don't want to live i don't want to die... I just sometimes wish I just wasn't there#Then nobody would love me and nobody would know me and nobody would need me and I wouldn't disappoint anyone#I'm just some meat puppet to a weird chemical reaction and I'm forced to know about that.. I'm forced to watch myself age and get sick..#I'll eventually rot and die.. not contributing anything in a way that matters... I'm repulsed by sex.. so likely no offspring#And IF I EVEN did have kids they'd inherent my families eyesight and diabetes risc and possibly anxiety and whatever my dad and grandma hav#Come to think of it.. I'm screwed when my parents eventually die and I'm forced to fend for myself... what do I even do other than“draw gud#AND I DONT EVEN DRAW GOOD ENOUGH TO GET ANYWHERE WORTHWHILE#I shouldn't even feel like this... I have parents.. I have a roof above my head.. I have the stuff needed to live ok.. Im not even 16 yet .#People out there are dieing and fuckin MOOPSIE over here is sulking about “feeling bad :( ”#I wish I could get therapy tbh... but I don’t think I'd be able to convince my parents without saying too much#I wish I could just be normal and feel ok and survive till adulthood than have sex and offspring than die feeling ok
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years ago
Duke Reviews: Happy Death Day 2U
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We're Continuing Our First Annual October Monsterween...
Last Week, We Talked About The First Happy Death Day Movie Now We Move Onto The Sequel, Happy Death Day 2U...
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Taking Place After The First Film's Ending, This Film Sees Tree Gelbman Being Transported To Another Dimension, Where She Must Relive A Different Version Of The Same Day Repeatedly With A New Killer On The Loose While She Attempts To Go Home, Will She Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Happy Death Day 2U...
The Film Starts With Ryan (Carter's Roommate) Inside Of His Car Being Woken Up By Someone's La Bamba Car Horn As He Walks To The Campus To The Building Where His Room Is But Unfortunately He Can't Stay As Carter Is Making Out With Tree (Basically The Last Scene Of The Last Movie)...
Getting A Phone Call From One Of His Friends, Samar, He Tells Ryan To Come To Their Lab Now As Him And His Other Partner, Dre (Short For Andrea) Have Made A Discovery And That Is That Their Invention Known As The Sisyphus Quantum Cooling Reactor (Or Sissy For Short) Automatically Went Off At 12:01 AM Yesterday And They Have No Idea What Set It Off...
But As The 3 Try To Figure Out How It Happened, The Dean Of The College Marches In To That Their Project Is Suspended Due To The Rolling Blackouts And Broken Circuits And Bulbs That Have Been Throughout The Campus Also Because It Hasn't Been Making The Only Thing That The Dean Is Apparently Interested In...
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After The Dean Storms Off, Ryan Gets A Picture On His Phone Of Him On The Couch, Looking Over To Where The Picture Was Taken, He Finds Nobody So He Decides To Go Outside In The Hopes Of Finding Whoever Did It But Instead Ryan Gets Another Message And Follows That To The Chem Lab...
There, Ryan Finds Nobody, But When He Checks The Supply Closet, He Discovers..
(Start At 0:59, End At 1:15)
Waking Up In The Same Morning Like Tree, Ryan Wakes Up In His Car And Does The Same Stuff He Did As Before Only When He Reaches His And Carter's Room, He Tells Carter That He's Feeling A Sense Of Deja Vu And That The Day Reset When A Guy In A Baby Mask Killed Him....
Despite Knowing It To Be Impossible As Lori Is Dead And That Toomes Is Dead (But I Know That Fact To Be Impossible As Tree Killed Toomes In The Perfect Timeline But When She Ate The Cupcake The Day Reset Hence Toomes Can't Be Dead) Tree Tells Ryan Her Story Through A Recap Of The First Film...
Grabbing A Bat, Tree Tells Ryan To Show Her Where He Saw The Killer To Which He Takes Her To The Scene Only To Find Nothing, But When Ryan Hears A Noise, He Ends Up Whacking Samar In The Head When He Thinks That He's The Killer When He Sees A Baby Mask On Him...
Saying That He Found The Mask In The Hallway, Samar And Dre Leave When The Dean Of The College Marches In To Tell Ryan Again That The Project Is Terminated, Asking To See This Project, Ryan Shows Tree And Carter Sissy...
Telling Them That It Was Made To Prove That Time Can Be Slowed Down On A Molecular Level, Ryan Shows Tree And Carter The Data And Tells Them That It Went Off Yesterday At 12:01 AM, Which Makes Tree Realize That Ryan Started The Time Loop...
Despite Knowing That's Not What Sissy Was Made To Do Samar And Dre See This As A Discovery Of What It Actually Can Do And That Maybe It Was An Unintended Reaction, With Tree Telling Them That They Need To Figure Out How To Close The Loop, Ryan Tells Her That They Have No Idea How As It Fired On It's Own...
Interrupted By Danielle, She Asks Tree Where She Was During Their Meeting As Since Lori's Death Their Sorority On Red Alert And Danielle Worries About How They'll Attract People With An Attempted Murder On Their Hands, After Meeting Samar, Danielle Walks Off...
With Ryan Not Wanting To Die, Carter Suggests The Perfect Place To Hide Which Is The College's Sports Arena...
(Sarcastically) Yeah, Good Choice, Carter, Perfect Place To Hide...NOT!
While At The Game, Tree Spots Tim, Who Took Her Advice Of Finding Himself A Piece Of Man Ass (Even Though It Happened In The Same Timeline Where Toomes Died) She Also Recieves A Picture Of Her And Her Mom On Her Cellphone Which Makes Her Wonder If All The Events Of The Last Movie Were For Nothing
But With Carter Telling Her That Even If It Was, It Wouldn't Mean Less, The 2 Of Them Kiss As Alarms Start Going Off...
With The Arena Being Evacuated, Ryan Is Confronted By The Killer Forcing Him To Run..
(Start At 0:43, End At 2:29)
Saved By Tree, They Decide To Unmask The Guy To Which They Discover That It's...Old Man Smithers, The Creepy Janitor! No, Just Kidding It's Actually Another Version Of Ryan...
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I Know It's Weird, But Turns Out This Ryan Was Trying To Close The Loop But Somehow He Got Knocked Into This Dimension And That The Longer Him And Their Dimension's Ryan Exist In This Dimension The More Danger They'll Be In So. He Tells Tree And Carter That They Have To Kill Their Ryan...
But Not Wanting To Die, Their Ryan Ends Up Placing It In His Hands To Solve The Problem, So, He Activates Sissy To Try To Get Rid Of The Other Ryan, But Samar And Dre Enter Only To Be Followed By The Dean And 2 Security Guards, They Try To Stop Ryan But The Machine Activates With The Flower Duet Playing In The Background As We Fade To Black...
The Next Day, Tree Wakes Up In Carter's Room To Discover That She's Back In Her Time Loop...
(Start At 0:33, End At 2:51)
Arriving At The Sorority, Tree Notices That Something's Missing Which Leads Her To Realize That Danielle Didn't Confront Her About Who She Slept With But Moving Onto Lori, Tree Confronts Her About The Cupcake But She Tells Tree That There Isn't One As She Goes Off To Her Job As A Nurse...
This Gets Tree To Realize That Something's Not Right As She Takes Ryan And Carter To The Cafeteria To Explain Everything That Happened Up To Now. With Tree Wondering If There's 2 Of Her, Ryan Tells Her That That's Highly Unlikely As She's Probably Stuck In A Quantum Cyclic Dimesion, With Tree Here And The Tree Of This Dimension Trapped In Another Dimension Somewhere In The Multiverse...
Having No Idea What The Multiverse Is, Ryan Explains It To Tree...
And To Explain It To My Viewers, Here Is Family Guy's Own Little Genius, Stewie...
(Start At 0:15, End At 0:38)
Thank You, Stewie...
With Danielle Approaching, Tree Gets Ready To Face Her Wrath Only To Discover That Not Only Is She Somewhat Of A Nice Person Here But She's Carter's Girlfriend In This Universe...
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Having Enough From Danielle, Tree Answers A Phone Call From Her Father To Remind Her About Their Birthday Lunch To Which She Tells Him That She'll Be There In A Little Bit After Which She Takes Off But Not Before Telling Ryan To Be At The Lab At 3:00 So They Can Fix This...
Going To The Luncheon With Her Father, He Tells The Waiter That Before They Order They're Waiting For One More Person, A Person That Will Change Tree's Perception On Everything....Her Mom....
Yep, Tree's Mom Is Alive In This Universe...
Happy About This Discovery, Tree Decides To Tell Ryan To Shut Off The Machine. With Carter Wondering Why The Change, All Tree Tells Him Is That Everything Is Different Here Before She Asks Carter About His Relationship With Danielle But He Figured That She Already Knew As They Live In The Same House...
Eventually Dropping The Subject, Tree's Sees This World As The Best Version Of Her Life As Her Mom's Alive And Lori Isn't Out To Kill Tree But After Seeing Gregory Benson Talking With His Wife, Tree Decides That She Needs Time To Herself To Figure Out What To Do...
Returning To The Sorority, Tree Looks At Her Phone All Day Only To See That None Of The Memories On It Are Hers, With Danielle Eventually Entering She Wonders What Time Tree Is Coming To The Party (Like In The Last Movie) But As Danielle Talks To Her, Tree Notices On Tv The News Report That Toomes Is In The Hospital, Meaning In This Universe He's Still Around...
Telling The Secretary To Call The Police, Tree Grabs An Axe So She Can Fight Toomes, She Discovers That Only The Police Officer Is There. Arresting Tree, The Officer Tells Her That Toomes Went Down To The OR With A Nurse But As The Officer Takes Tree Away, He Gets Killed By The Killer...
Making A Run For The Elevator, Tree Is Saved By Lori, Who Tells Her The Same Story That The Officer Did Meaning The Killer Is Not Toomes (Or Her For That Matter)
With The Power Out, Lori Bars The Elevator Open So Her And Tree Can Get Out, But As They Walk Through A Floor That's Under Construction, Lori Is Killed By The Killer Which Forces Tree To Run To The Stairs So She Go Up To The Rooftop Only To Fall Off Of It Like Wile E. Coyote...
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With The Day Reset, Tree Gets Pants On So She Can Tell Ryan To Meet Her In The Lab In An Hour...
With An Hour Passing, Tree Tells Ryan That She Needs To Stay In This Dimension And Asks Him To Close The Loop, But Ryan Tells Tree That This Will Be A Trial And Error Situation Where They Have To Rule Out Every Variable In Order To Find The Correct Algorithm
But Samar Points Out That Even If They Do This, They'll Have No Record Of Their Progress Especially If They Have No Memory Of It Once The Loop Is Reset, With Tree Believing That She's Screwed, Carter Gets An Idea That Since Everything But Tree's Memory Resets, She May Have To Become A Living Record...
But Knowing That She's Not A Scientist, Tree Tells Them That It's A Bad Idea Especially If There's A Killer Who'll Be After Her Until The Loop Is Closed, This Leads Samar To Come Up With The Suggestion That Tree Just Kills Herself Before The Killer Does...
Tree Doesn't Like That Idea At First But Seeing That There's No Option, She Decides To Go With It...
And So, We See Everyone Working On Closing The Loop While Tree Spends Time With Her Parents And Spys On Danielle And Carter And Lori And Gregory While Also Resetting The Day By Electrocuting Herself, Poisoning Herself With Draino, Jumping Out Of An Airplane Without A Parachute, Getting Mulched In A Tree Mulcher (That Has A Back To The Future Reference) And Jumping Off Of The Belltower...
But All Throughout Those Kills She Has Stomach Pains And Faints Again, Landing Her In The Hospital Where Tree Meets This Universe's Gregory Benson, Who Has No Idea Who Tree Is But Is There To Tell Tree The Same Thing He Told Her The Last Time He Took Her X-Rays In The First Film...
Asking What Time It Is, Gregory Tells Tree That It's 9:30 To Which Tree Warns Him That Lori Is About To Die And He Needs To Stop Her From Going Down To The OR, Which It Appears Gregory Does As He Exits, But When Tree Gets Up, She Finds Lori's Dead Body On The Floor As Toomes, Dressed As The Killer Attacks Her...
(Start At 2:16, End At 2:40)
With The Day Reset, Tree Goes To The Lab To Give Carter, Ryan And His Friends All The Failed Algorithms, To Which They Realize That There's Only One Left And It Works...
But With One Varient Closing The Loop And The Other Sending Tree Home And Closes That Loop, Which Means It's Decision Time And Tree Decides To Stay In That Dimension...
But As They Turn On The Machine It Shuts Off Because There's A Virus In The System And It'll Take Six Or Seven Hours To Fix The System, Telling Ryan That She's Living On Borrowed Time, Tree Walks Off...
Following Her, Carter Asks If Tree Is Sure About This Decision To Which She Tells Him That She Is, Despite The Fact That Lori Will Probably Die Tonight If Does Close The Loop Realizing This, Tree Tells Carter That She Can't Be Responsible For Everyone...
Telling Her That She's Sounding Selfish, Tree Tells Carter That To Not Make Her Choose Between Him And Her Mom Which Leads Tree To Tell Carter That In The Other Universe They Were Together...
Asking Tree What If She's Wrong? And That She's Meant To Go Back To The Other Universe Tree Tells Carter That She Can't Because She Doesn't Want To Lose Her This Leads Carter To Tell Her That She Already Did And That None Of This Is Real If She's Living Another Person's Life That Doesn't Belong To Her...
But She Has The Opportunity To Do Something Most People Only Dream About And That's Having The Chance To Say Goodbye. But Before Carter Can Say Anymore, Danielle Approaches Which Causes Tree To Leave...
Going To The Restaurant To See Her Parents, Tree Starts Feeling Chest Pains Again Which Causes Them To Worry About Her But Asking Them To Take Her Away From Campus, Saying That She'll Explain Later, They Do Just That...
Passing By A Power Plant In Their Car, Tree's Mom Talks With Her About Cinnamon Rolls At A Place Called Morrow Bay To Which Tree Doesn't Remember It As It's Wasn't Her That Did That...
Stopping At A Hotel For The Night, Tree Talks With Her Mom About If She Ever Wondered What Her Life Would Be Like She Couldn't Be With The One She Loves And If Being With That Person Meant Losing Someone Else To The Point That You Could Never See That Person Again.
To Which Tree's Mom Answers That That's Life, Sometimes The Past Pulls Us In One Direction And Sometimes The Future Calls Us Somewhere New. Wondering How She Knew That Her Dad Was The One, Tree's Mom Tells Tree That She Didn't She Just Took A Leap Of Faith...
Seeing The News Report From The Hospital, Tree Discovers That Not Just The Police Officer And Lori Are Dead But Carter Too, Tree Tries Calling Ryan To Tell Him To Stop Sissy But Unable To Reach Him, Tree Takes Off In Her Parents Car So She Can Go To The Power Plant To Kill Herself And Reset Time...
(Start At 0:53, End At 1:46)
With Time Reset, Tree Tells Carter That That Is The Last Time She's Dying For Him...
Later At The Lab, Everything Is Fixed For Tree To Go Home, But Before She Does She Decides To Do Some Things 1. Fix Everything With Lori And Telling Her To Break Up With Gregory, Saying That He's Not Worth It...
2. Talk With Danielle, However As Tree Goes To Do That She Finds Pleasuredome Nick In Her Bedroom Meaning That Danielle Is Not Little Miss Nice Girl As Everyone Believes And She's Cheating On Carter...
And Finally 3. Say Goodbye To Her Mom, With Tree Saying Everything She Has Always Wanted To Say To Her Mom, It Turns This Scene Into A Tender Moment And Honestly It Makes Me Cry...
Returning To The Lab, Ryan Turns On Sissy To Send Tree Home But They're Stopped By The Dean Who Pulls The Plug On Sissy And Wheels It Out Saying It Will Be In His Office Under Lock And Key...
With Carter Suggesting That Tree Just Reset The Day, Tree Tells Him That She's Getting Weaker To The Point That If She Resets The Day Again, She Won't Come Back, This Leaves Them With Only One Option And That's To Steal Sissy From The Dean's Office With Both Samar And Dre Believing That It's A Bad Idea, Both Carter And Ryan Tell Them That It's Their Fault All Of This Is Happening And It's Their Responsibility As Scientists To Fix It...
Coming Up With A Plan To Get Sissy Back In The Cafeteria, All They Need Now Is A Distraction To Distract The Dean, Luckily, Opportunity Calls Carter In The Form Of Danielle...
(Start At 0:06, End At 3:14)
Returning To The Lab With Less Than 3 Hours To Send Tree Back, It's Going To Be Incredibly Close, But Not Wanting To Leave Without Saving Lori, Tree Takes Off To Go Save Her...
Arriving At The Hospital, Tree Saves Lori From Toomes, Who She Shoots Before Her And Lori Run Into The Killer In The Hallway Where It's Revealed That It's Gregory...
(Start At 0:06, End At 3:33)
(Tree) Have A Little Bit Of Magnet Power, Morhertrucker!
With Gregory's Wife Alive For A Possible Sequel, Carter Saves Lori So Tree Can Get A Little Closure Before She's Taken Off To The OR...
But As All Of That Went On, The Dean Discovered That Ryan And Everyone Took Sissy From His Office And Is Trying To Break Down The Lab Door With 2 Security Guards...
But Even When The Dean Breaks In, He Doesn't Stop The Machine As Tree Says Goodbye To Carter Before The Machine Is Activated And Tree Is Sent Home, Ending Our Movie...
But It Doesn't End There As Tree And Her Friends Are Taken In By DARPA, Who Have Sissy In Their Possession But Have No Clue How To Run The Damn Thing To Which Tree Offers To Help However, There's One Left That They Need To Do Find A Test Subject And Luckily, Tree Knows Just Who To Get...
Looks Like Danielle Is Going To Go Through Hell In The Sequel (If There Is One) But That's Happy Death Day 2U And I Like It...
While Not As Good As The Original Film, I Did Enjoy The Story, Jessica Rothe's Performance And I Also Liked How They Answered Some Of The Questions From The Last Film In This Film But Sometimes It Gets Confusing (Despite Having A Special Feature On The Blu-Ray That Explains Everything) To The Point That Some Of The Information Gets Hard To Follow But Despite That I Deeply Enjoyed It And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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the-cryptographer · 8 years ago
Screw it, I'm asking Malik Ishtar for the meme thing! (Only if you want to, of course...)
How I feel about this character:
My secret favourite!!! I think I tend to likecharacters that are all about BIG UGLY EMOTIONS, and Malik is a lot of those,lol. For me, he’s an effective villain – both really terrible and really understandably so. I think the way he gets so energetic about pursuing the God Cards and the Pharaoh, and then gets in over his head and has to abandon ship on his own revenge, and then continues to see through his role as tombkeeper because he’s just so worn out from trying to fight it – aaaaagh! It’s so upsettingly believable.
In terms of characterisation, he’s floating around brilliant but lazy territory for me. He’s intelligent, but also an idiot, andalso all he really wants to do is ride around on his bike and sleep alone inhis room and live comfortably. He’s capable, but not very ambitious. Not much of a visionary, lol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ryou. Yuugi. Shizuka.
…well that was a very short list for me. I can also enjoy theifshipping to a certain degree, although I’m not really very interestedin it as a postcanon or endgame ship. And the potential for Malik’s torture ofMai to be sexualised is something I think is both interesting and not that farfrom its canon presentation – so I guess that may count as shipping them insome kind of messed up way. And I guess I also I find myself conceptuallyinterested in Ishtar sibling incest, but I haven’t run into any that treats thesubject matter with the kind of tone I’d like.
More on the ships though: Malik doesn’t directly interact with Yuugi or Ryou much in canon, but both ships seem to have the ability to be about softness and healing to me. Since Ryou and Malik have both experiences a violent and upsetting possession of sorts, them coming to move past that together has the potential to be pretty sweet. And since Malik has a kind of troubled relationship with ‘the Pharaoh’, and how he feels his life has been shaped by these ancient politics, I think Yuugi’s kind of in a unique place to be able to understand both the past and Atem’s journey and his ownplace in the present to be able to help Malik contextualise that in a waythat’s meaningful to him.
And Malik & Shizuka is a nice ship if what you’re going for is exploring Shizuka’s massivedisillusionment. Leaving aside the way that a nice trip to visit yourestranged brother suddenly turned upsettingly full of ugly complicated feelings and murder, I think Malik tends towards a frankness that doesn’t sit well with Shizuka's ideals. This is a fun ship~
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Ishtar Siblings!!! Malik’s relationship with Rishid is at once so lovely and so heartbreakingly upsetting. I think they struggle to find the balance between how they see each other as siblings and how they see each other in this hierarchy of master and subordinate – the way they come through for each other at the end of the story is just so touching. And Malik and Isis aren’t as close, but I like that their conflicting values, and understanding of their responsibilities, don’t compromise their love and the desire to protect one another. Ishtar Siblings!!!
I also like Malik & Yuugi & Ryou as a BrOTP. And I have a strange interest in Malik & Jou broing out or coming to realise they can’t bro out because he murdered you and tortured your best lady friend postcanon.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I’m not really sure what constitutes an unpopular opinion regarding Malik, but I have several that might count.
(1) The Millennium Rod only exacerbated problems hewas already having due to the effects of trauma and a shaky headspace. YamiMalik is the product of Dissociative Identity Disorder in relationship to Borderline Personality Disorder, and exists in a reactionary way to Malik rather than being a distinct person.
(2)  He’s about as culturally Egyptian as your standard Amish person can be considered culturally American. (Or, idk, I think the Hutterites are a more apt comparison in a number of ways, if I’m sticking to offshoots of Christianity. More research on different religions is needed but, in terms of daily living, you can take all sorts of cues about the tombkeepers from different isolationist religious “cults”.)
(3) He’s a deadly serious character really –cerebral and ponderous. His sense of humour is along the lines of dry andsarcastic, rather than laugh-out-loud.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I think it would have made sense to mention them in relationship to what Seto was doing in Egypt at the very least. Seto was rooting around in Ancient Egyptian ruins that the tombkeepers had the right too, yeah? I feel like it might’ve been an interesting political/business deal he struck with the Ishtars. Maybe Isis needed money to help in the process of reintegrating the tombkeepers into above-ground society? I don’t know, but I feel like there’s a story there~
Also, it might be obvious from some of these other headcanons, but I wish the conclusion to Malik’s story had been more on the side of ‘the hate you’re feeling is valid if completely toxic’, which is why I like the idea of Yami Malik running amok in his head postcanon, even though I think the manga leaned heavily towards a canon interpretation where he was freed of Him.
my OTP:
Malik/Ryou edges out Malik/Yuugi by a little, but not by much.
my happy ending for them:
Not part of this meme, but you made me realise I wanted to write it all down~
Given my incredibly depressing diagnosis for Malik, I think managing his life will always be somewhat of a struggle. Yami Malik is probably here to stay. Malik will likely always have outbursts, and always have a cruel and violent streak. At his worst, the most I can say is that he and the people around him will be aware of the warning signs and be able to restrain him ahead of time instead of having to do so in the middle of an episode. At his best, I think Yami Malik might appear once every month or two, and just kind of storm around the house/apartment being sullen. I don’t think Yami Malik has the same kind of emotional range or needs as one would expect a completehuman to have – so he doesn’t need much more than to be acknowledged by the others and then left to his own devices. I don’t think he likes being touched, but he may someday accept a hug from Ryou or Yuugi or Isis and take a small comfort in the fact that he isn’t hated. Rishid is a lost cause, and will have to stay away during those times, because Yami Malik will without question react violently to him. I think, in a way, a direct reflection of Malik’s own desires– for his hatred and pain to be acknowledge and accepted by those around him, by all except Rishid, who Malik would most keenly like to be less hateful person for. Malik does not want Rishid to see Yami Malik, and so Yami Malik pushes Rishid away with a lot of force… potentially lethal force.
In terms of the more mundane things, I imagine Malik goes through a period where he wants to travel everywhere and see everything to kind of make up for the fact that he was confined to a dark hall his entire childhood. I think he’ll travel Africa and Europe and see more of Japan at thevery least, but who knows where his travels might take him~ But eventually Iimagine him settling down somewhere, since I don’t think his affinity fortravel is about travelling as much as its about taking in the world’s breadth.As long as he can enjoy bike rides and the wind and open sky and the company of those he likes, I think he’s fine being anywhere. He and Rishid are veryride-or-die so they’ll definitely stick together, I think. Him and Isis is moreiffy, but I’d like to see Isis and him also remain close and live close together.
In terms of a job, he’s really not into forty hour work weeks, lol. He wasn’t raised under the expectation he’d be part of a contemporary work force. And he’d additionally have trouble balancing that amount of stress with his mental healths. He’d take odd jobs here and there, or work part time in something pretty low pressure. Depending on how lucrative the limited amount of work he does is, he may or may not need to rely on his siblings or lover for support. In terms of what he does…? Tinker around a souvenir shop maybe? Or he runs errands for or does translations for the museum, through his connection with Isis?
And I don’t think he’d want kids, or make a verygood parent for that matter. He’s satisfied with being the weird uncle to his nieces and nephews.
my cross over ship:
I don’t have one, sorry~
a headcanon fact:
Hasn’t everything I’ve said thus far been me taking my own headcanons way too seriously?
Coptic, Arabic, French, Japanese. Rishid is the same, except he’s not as fluent in the last two, and also not as well studied in Ancient Egyptian scriptures. Isis is the only one of the Ishtar siblings that speaks English.
Oh, jeez, he is pretty much universally hated by his tombkeeper peers. Even when he was little he was a divisive character with how harsh and cruel he can be at times. And then he was shadily involved in the bloody murder of his father. When he left to form the Rare Hunters with Rishid, he bitterly alienated most of his extended tombkeeper family, but some of them followed him to join his crime syndicate. And then those who had followed him took poorly to the way Malik abandoned the Rare Hunters, and followed Isis back home with his tail between his legs. Literally everybody he grew up with except his siblings hates him and Malik spends the time from Battle City to the Ceremonial Duel hiding out in his room having Rishid bring him his meals because the tomb keepers are done with him and he’s done with them. And he’s technically their ‘leader’, but Isis made a bid for being de facto leader when he skipped out years earlier and, disappointed but resigned, she continues to carry the position when Malik’s returned. “She’s a great leader (even though she’s a woman),” everyone says. They all love her, lol.Rishid is more polarising, since he’s generally so mild and polite. Some of the tombkeepers see what he did as betrayal, but a lot of them view him with a sort of condescending pity and kindness - poor boy, led astray by his association with Master Malik. This makes Malik even more angry. ‘We are brothers and equals!!’ he yells. Even though he isn’t completely free of blame when it comes to treating Rishid as lesser.
Also, it’s totally canon that somewhere along the line he makes some big fuss and his criminal record from being involved with the Rare Hunters gets dragged out of the closet, and the Egyptian Government tells him to gtfo of our country… right?
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