#Coeur de Pirate gif hunt
roublardise · 2 years
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J'ai étiqueté 10 168 billets en 2022
Seulement 19% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#spn - 6 075 billets
#spn art - 844 billets
#sapphicnatural - 812 billets
#dean winchester - 663 billets
#castiel - 290 billets
#art - 251 billets
#cats - 245 billets
#spn amv - 229 billets
#cxgf - 182 billets
#ivi - 154 billets
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#reputation by taylor swift obvsly / chromatica by lady gaga / en cas de tempête ce jardin sera fermé by coeur de pirate / mozart l'opéra roc
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Dean Winchester - Killing Boys
“Since he died..” Dean starts hesitantly, “I’ve been having nightmares, as you heard. But also these.. these kinds of flashes and memories coming back. Stuff I had no idea about but stuff which fucked me up, you know?” The words are still getting stuck in his throat and he has to force them out to keep going. “It’s not just some daddy issues about growing up hunting and seeking revenge, and learning how to build a gun before you know how to count. There’s.. more. And Sam can’t get it. And it’s okay, I’m not gonna tell him - who knows if he’ll even believe me. But there’s a distance between us now. I want a distance to be there. Because I can’t keep up, I can’t breathe if he’s too close to me.” “So you’re hunting… him ?” “Yeh.” “To breathe?” “To be free.”
extract from my fic You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect
95 notes - publié le 24 janvier 2022
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click for quality!
true form Anna/Ruby anyone? for @spnprideweek - day 4 - wlw/joy
she tells me: our deadbeat fathers - gods or lucifers when they thread their so-called destiny made us creatures of greed and feathers - not worth mortality
she learned poetry from trees and beating hearts a fruit from a soil which would nurture nothing in Heaven alas, she sighs, a few allegories never killed anyone let alone an angel
it's a tragedy alike those of the Greeks we only move and forget, never forgive and repeat one can not be alive in the infinite
I tell her: devoted hustlers - gods or reapers crushed me into black ashes one could only hold through a stolen skin, a slough that would never stick
those roots that you crave, they threw me away with their trash from a soul to empty bones to cut on a rack seeds for an Eden of apathy labeled some demon witch something - never someone
it's a romance, don't your Greeks have these? we may live and forget, I won't pack any regret I've only been alive with you to cherish
I plead: can't you see? we're creatures of lust and fire! free from faithless submission!
what could Thanatos give that we can't create in the space between the stars and the salt of the seas flowing into your grace I found humanity and we got enough love to spend eternity
95 notes - publié le 26 juin 2022
do you guys know about dean and castiel like they're for real best friends and they're in love-
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114 notes - publié le 2 décembre 2022
why would anyone think cas is the only man dean is attracted to have you watched the show.
122 notes - publié le 5 mars 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
you don't understand the roadhouse episode is about dean starting to flirt with jo but it's not really succeeding not bc of being turned down but BC he's not feeling it, he can't keep faking. literally starts and can't go through. he's tired. and yeh it could be simple legit "he's not feeling it bc he's grieving" BUT THEN you have Ash.
it's an episode about dean not wanting, turning down, a woman. all while actually flirting with a man. his dad is dead and his posture is falling down. he's going for it he digs the haircut. they drink from the same bottle.
it's about dean rejecting jo and his comphet and embracing openly/in front of sam his homosexuality in this essay i will-
184 notes - publié le 14 janvier 2022
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