#Code Lyoko AU
cloudy-whales · 6 months
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AU where Aelita is the transfer student delinquent who gets corrupted by XANA while William was the one trapped in Lyoko that the warriors are trying to help escape.
Ulrich is the one that has to say William is his cousin, to the less than convinced crowd
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miraclesinbin · 3 months
Daughter of Rubicon (A Code Lyoko x Rain World Story)
You are destined to destroy the threat
You are destined to free your kind
A hefty price must be paid
But knowing you, you will do anything to ensure the threat is dead
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The Angel (Pink Slugcat with Wings) - Aelita Schaeffer
The Swordsmanship (Brown Slugcat with sword on his back) - Ulrich Stern
The Peculiar (Yellow Slugcat with Purple markings) - Odd Dellarobia
The Triumphant (Black Slugcat with wristbands) - Yumi Ishiyama
The Forsaken (The exploding Slugcat in the background) - Jeremy Belpois
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ani-action · 3 months
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Canon Aelita somehow ending up in the Switched Hearts AU and meeting Jason/Xana
Switched hearts is by @miraclesinbin
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codelyokopainau · 2 months
Switched Hearts XANA will never plan murder
Also Switched Hearts XANA:
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I'm really interested in hearing more about 'New Kid' and 'Odd is Alone' AUs from your Odd-shots.
The concepts sounds really fun
Thanks for the ask! o7
Recapping the AUs I'll talk about below:
New Kid - "William falls for Odd in S2" AU
Odd is Alone - "Canon!Odd gets thrown into the William/Odd roleswap world" AU
Let's talk about New Kid first:
New Order gets turned on its head just a bit. William is the new kid and he's going through the motions of learning just about everything that Kadic has to offer.
He's not gonna figure out everything from day 1, though Yumi is pretty chill with him from the get-go. She's the one who tries to show him around before classes get going. Then there's Odd butting his nose in, curious about the new student in town.
William gets a brief time to spend with both Odd and Yumi. Then things shift when it's time for the class trip for Mrs Hertz project.
Odd pities Ulrich floundering in his "will they won't they" relationship with Yumi. That and he pretty much knows that Ulrich will likely brood if he catches William and Yumi together.
So he nips that right in the bud and pairs up with William, Kiwi secret be damned. This leaves Yumi and Ulrich to pair up, while Aelita and Jeremie are set to pair as well.
At first Odd is just a neat friend. William is awed in how much Odd goes against the rules too given he's instantly exposed to Kiwi. Kiwi's pretty much an open secret to the student body, so Odd's not too worried showing him to William.
Odd's chatter makes the assignment go by pretty quickly. William didn't mind hearing more about the school at all, nor did he mind the constant topic shifts. Honestly, it was nice just to relax for once after all this change.
At one point, it isn't just Odd's chatter filling the air. William joins in as well, talking about his previous expulsion, how Delmas was pretty forgiving in letting him attend a new school, etc.
Things have a way of diverging from here. In one timeline, Odd has to take off to help find Aelita. Ulrich and Yumi get trapped and nearly boiled alive. William's interest flounders given Odd up and leaves without warning while he was talking.
Another timeline plays out given a return to the past. William's heart soars at the time spent with Odd. He wants to get to know him more. He thinks he's in love all over again.
Meanwhile Odd's just trying to settle back into this rewind. It doesn't really register how much he's bonded with William given the RTTP shot him back mid-conversation.
Thus post-New Order the hijinks will begin to ensue. William's case is interesting because I treat this affection towards Odd initially as puppy love. Throughout S2 he'll get to know Odd better than just from the first day and will constantly insist that it has to be love.
I imagine that A Bad Turn is where Odd's part of the crush starts to kick in. Although William getting out of "puppy love" stage -> actual potential relationship type of love would likely be around Ultimatum given the whole conflict in that episode.
In the meantime, it's mainly William being a dork trying to profess his love. Odd's oblivious here and just thinks William is being a good friend. It doesn't really register that the time spent together allowed the boy to crush on him so fast haha
Ulrich and Yumi are reading the room differently. Yumi understands that William is crushing on Odd, but given she's also heard about why William got expelled from his last school she worries that him getting involved with Odd would lead to a ton of issues (especially when it comes to XANA).
Meanwhile Ulrich isn't getting the memo much either, he accidentally comes to the conclusion that the boy is crushing on Yumi. It takes til Marabounta to clear this up by William having to flat out spell it out for Ulrich. After that Ulrich is still incredibly snarky but doesn't get on William's case. In fact, he teases the other about Odd's obliviousness.
Aelita and Jeremie are the only sane people here lmao, at first Jeremie was in a similar boat with Yumi re: William (i.e. nothing but trouble, could be bad for the group) but Aelita convinces him to give it a chance and see if it even works out compared to flat out disagreeing with it.
"New Kid" probably wraps up in Revelation rather than The Key.
Alright as for the "Odd is Alone" AU:
This guy I have planned out wayyy too much compared to some of the other Odd-shots. I think Cherrybird and Trio are AI AUs are the only ones that have a ton to them that can compare to this one besides like Drain/Adaptation which are akin to true one-shots.
This story takes the concept of "Triple Trouble" and just fucking books it into the complete other direction haha
Also headcanon's galore re: Odd's family. This fic in particular (and technically Cherrybird too) consider Odd's family as rich folk. They're happy with their jobs given they can provide for their kids, but sometimes their too in love with it. Practically to the point where they neglect their kids.
Hence Odd getting raised mostly by his sisters rather than parents, etc etc
So "Odd is Alone" runs with the idea that Odd is peeved for more reasons than just feeling useless on Lyoko. His parents forget his birthday, sending their well wishes way too late.
This rubs off on his Lyoko performance and well, this just makes him feel worse. The kill counts are joked about and Odd doesn't want to bring up why he felt terrible heading into Lyoko, so he instead blames his lack of power.
Next day things still aren't going his way and then Jeremie obviously comes in with the solution of a new power.
Off to their last sector, the Mountain Sector, Odd and Aelita await the all clear by Jeremie. Once it's explained a bit more to Odd he cheerfully tells Aelita he'll see her around. Then he activates Teleportation and it all falls apart from here.
Odd opens his eyes and he can instantly tell something's wrong. The place he envisioned himself landing at has completely shifted. It was supposed to be a rocky mesa with a simple tree.
It should not have been a large plateau instead decorated in specks of sand and snow. The tree that he saw before his teleport had grown tremendously, its roots ripping through the ground enough to truly highlight just how much the ground had changed.
...and yeah, if I keep going I'd just flat out try to drabble this haha
Just imagine a sector that is all four in one. That's only one of the major shifts in this AU because reasons I don't want to reveal yet if I ever do write about this properly.
"Odd is Alone" kicks off from there. There's some instant conflict that he gets exposed to between his copycat self, the crazy ability his other self exhibits to create and control new monsters at whim, and of course his friends are not exactly his friends right now. Although some things seem to stay the same, given he does save Aelita from the Scyphozoa as per usual. Then Ulrich devirtualizes him and it sinks in that this is very much not the world he lived in.
Odd integrates himself in this new world given he can't help his curiosity one bit. He looks at a life where he arrived way later at Kadic than what he did in his world.
He gets to interact with a William who joined the group from the get-go, a more closed off Ulrich (him and William don't hit off their friendship compared to canon Odd and Ulrich... plus, the love triangle did its damage), a very paranoid Jim, dealing with this version's Sam, etc.
Yumi is also interesting here given Cruel Dilemma didn't happen. Although with what occurs in this version's Just in Time... well... there's certainly some shifts.
I mentioned this the first time I chatted about this AU but the other Odd got to keep Kiwi on Kadic grounds without him being illegal. His parents are much more involved in his life after Louise sold out just what he planned to do earlier (hence why he didn't go to Kadic that day). William's parents didn't really accept his rebellious nature and sent him off to Kadic from the get-go on the day Odd should've attended.
Oh and don't get me started on how the polymorphic Odd clone is. Triple Trouble forma de three Odds existing at the same time in one world haha
It's funny at first but then it gets a bit depressing when the world is very much against that given the conflict to send Odd back to his world is a) his body is disappearing and b) getting devirtualized rewrote his programs to try to match his other self. He uh, lost Teleportation for Future Flash all over again. Whoops!
Rest goes from there if I keep going I'll just spill the entire plot at this point lmao
Thanks for the ask and uh sorry for the very long post (it was even longer than this before I trimmed down how much I talked about Odd is Alone ;-;)
Also thanks for reading everyone o7
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obsessedwithtodoroki · 6 months
Code Lyoko Fantasy Au: Aelita (16)
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The Princess of the Kingdom of Lyoko.
Her father was killed trying to protect her from XANA, and she was captured and locked in a tower deep within Lyoko that was once her mother’s lab. During her time in isolation, she developed her skills in alchemy and magic despite being locked away.
She finally brought a communication orb to life to talk to someone in the outside world!
She was able to get into contact with an elf named Jermey. She pleaded to help her, as during her time locked away she figured out a way to kill XANA and end the war.
Once she is saved by the growing group that Jermey made, they attempt to breach into deeper enemy lines. She and her friends fight the army and are so close, only for them to be injured and pinned down. She apologizes to the others for dragging them into this.
XANA began a monologue and during that time, Aelita felt a familiar presence, her father, in spirit, came and gave her the boost she needed to finally end the tyrannical dictator!
Her home was free and friends were safe.
She didn't want to stay at the castle and wanted to keep exploring and see the world she was denied for years.
One adventure ended, but a new, and hopefully calmer one, had begun.
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chronosofchaos · 2 months
The Legion of Lyoko: Jeremy Belpois (Detailed Sheet)
Feat the tackiest priest known to man /j /pos - @erkolblinguispretre
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erkolblinguispretre · 3 months
I started the chapter 65 The Boy in the Computer by @the-writing-artist and couldn't finish 'cause I HAD to draw this lmfaooo:
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Idiot flustered Yumi made me quackle way to hard XD
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m0em0ee · 1 year
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Code July day 4: AUs
I was debating even finishing this drawing since I had 0 clue what to even make lmfao but then I got the idea of the lyoko warriors as Pokemon trainers so here's a half-assed sketch of that:D🙌🏼
It could've totally come out better if I wasn't thinking of scrapping it the whole time lol but I kept going and I felt it was decent enough to post😭
who knows I might clean it up and render it properly someday and actually draw the pokemon as well cuz I was planning on drawing a bunch around them(I even made notes on which Pokemon everyone had) so yaaa *pees cutely*
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coding-the-lyoko · 2 years
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Here’s Aelita’s design for the timeskip thingamajig! 
 I like to think after canon she goes into music as a career :]
That said, I think if that ends up not working out, she’ll go into teaching, perhaps elementary school. She wants to make sure children can have the childhood she never had, or the one she had forgotten mostly about. 
- On one hand, she wears the cuffs simply because they’re pretty, but on the other hand it’s a bit nostalgic to her; the elf ears remind her a bit of Lyoko, and her father. 
- She’s still in contact with the Subdigitals, and has performed opening numbers for them a few more times since the first time. She gets along well with the members, honestly! 
- She still has rather severe nightmares on occasion, though they’ve gotten more and more infrequent. When she wakes up from them, she sometimes ends up calling someone in the middle of the night, typically Odd or Yumi, though sometimes Jeremie as well. 
- She releases music independently, and Odd sometimes draws song covers for her when he has time/energy to. Both, especially Aelita, have been growing a small fanbase from this (and ofc Aelita performing for Subdigitals opening acts) 
- Her and the others, though they haven’t been able to meet up in person all together in a while, often video call! Aelita finds it pretty funny, in all honesty, as it reminds her a bit of how it was like before she was virtualized, but without the present threat of XANA or the confusion of her memories. That said, she still much prefers to meet in person. 
- At this point, Odd’s family genuinely thinks she’s actually one of Odd and his sisters’ cousins that they somehow forgot about. Oops? 
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cloudy-whales · 5 months
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When Jeremie meets Aelita (role reverse AU)
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miraclesinbin · 2 months
AU-gust Special 4
AU: Daughter of Rubicon
Simple one of angel today (The previous specials are posted on my Code Lyoko only blog)
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ani-action · 6 months
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My lyoko designs ref sheet
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codelyokopainau · 2 months
Chaos child
Art by @vexfulfolly
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I'm back on my bullshit again (writing CL AUs)
Here's a tidbit for one of the Whumptober days. I think I overwrote this for one of the prompts lmfao
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obsessedwithtodoroki · 6 months
Code Lyoko Fantasy AU: Yumi (18)
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Her parents fought all the time, day in and out, it was up to her to pick up the pieces by taking care of the house and her little brother. She had to grow up fast because of her unstable home, and because of that she never made friends. Girls her age always whispered they didn’t like her because she wasn’t sociable. Yumi was okay with that, she didn’t care. She just wanted to protect her brother and shield him as much as she could from their fighting parents.
Then some raiders from the Dark Army came, they destroyed and robbed many, some were killed, and young boys were taken. Hiroki included.
She fought her parents and ran away, they didn’t want to try and get him back, it was a losing battle they said, so she ran to get him back. Along the journey, she meets a group that is also on traveling, they say they think they have a way to end the war. With the promise to help her get her brother back, she joins them in their travels. She ends up falling in love with the Swordsmen of the group.
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