ultram0th · 1 year
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Request: Love this one! I’d love to be turned into a huge guy like that. 😍😍😍🍆🍆 [Link]
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Your life magically changed one day at the gym. You were working out after a particularly hectic day at the office, blowing off some steam at the weight pile and enjoying the sights of the muscled up studs as they waddled around.
Your attention quickly snapped away from your workout when you instantly went hard, your five inch cock rocketing to life. At first, you blushed at how tented out your shorts were, but then your eyes widened when you witnessed your cock throb and lengthen.
Every time your member throbbed, it pulled further away and thickened until your normal five incher had morphed into a nine inch beast that was nearly as thick as your wrist.
Before you could react, your entire body seemingly exploded with size. Your shoulders broadened as your back muscles thickened to larger proportions. Your arms followed suit, beefing up with serious size, turning your biceps from little mounds to the size of bowling balls that clashed with your inflated lats. Your pecs puffed up and protruded off your chest at a crazy degree, stretching your tank top to the limit. You were forced to readjust your stance as your thighs steadily grew rounder and larger, forcing you to stand almost bowlegged. The sheer size of your thighs forced your lengthened cock and orange-sized balls out in front as they pressed noticeably against your shorts. The thin material of your shorts seemingly vacuumed around your package of your ass ballooned to the size of basketballs.
As a final touch, you felt your skin start to prickle as manly hair sprouted out, covering your inflated muscles, especially your massive chest.
"Holy shit," you mumbled to yourself, bristling at your deeper voice. You examined your hulking form in the mirror, figuring that you must've packed on at least one-hundred pounds of beefy muscle.
Without a second thought, you flexed a massive bicep, marveling at its size. The action left your hairy pit exposed and the stench of manly musk permeated the air, causing your throbbing cock to twitch with want.
"Damn, wait 'til the guys at the office see..." you trailed off and your eyes widened as a fog settled inside your head. A brief flicker of panic rippled through your new bodybuilder form as you struggled to remember your office job... or really much of anything. You even looked towards one of the placards on the gym wall and scrunched up your brow in confusion as you tried hard to read what it said. Your slow brain struggled to focus on anything besides muscles and cock.
The panic quickly left when one of the other guys at the gym walked up and clapped a hand onto your broadened shoulder. "Lookin' big, Dude," he gushed.
Without a moment's hesitation, you threw both of your massive arms above your head and performed a double biceps pose. "Wanna feel, Little Man?" you asked the much smaller guy, leaning in closer.
The other guy hungrily ran his hands over your bulging muscles in awe.
The whole time, your cock throbbed as he worshipped you, and you gradually fell into your new life as a dumb, perpetually horny musclestud.
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ultram0th · 6 months
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@writer-ofstuff Thank you so much! ❤
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“Of all the places to search for a trickster,” Derek annoyedly huffed, “we have to scope out some crappy reunion?”
His boyfriend, Stiles, shrugged his thin shoulders. “I guess even tricksters had to go to school, too.”
The alpha werewolf rolled his eyes as he stomped up the steps to the gymnasium where music blasted out of. Wanting to go incognito, Derek had begrudgingly dressed up in a suit so that he could look like he was attending his own high school reunion, despite the fact that he loathed the thought of ever stepping foot into a school at all. Meanwhile, Stiles was all smiles, dressed up too and ready to look like it was date night.
The two walked inside and were instantly greeted by someone standing by a table. “Welcome to the tenth year reunion!” he warmly smiled at the two before scrunching up his face in confusion. “Oh, I don’t think I recognize you, sorry!”
Stiles paled as he tried to come up with a lie, and Derek could hear his heart speed up. 
The werewolf looked down at the table in front of them, seeing the array of name tags on it. He spotted one and snatched it up, peeling the back off of it.
“You don’t recognize… Gilbert?” he asked, slapping the name tag onto Stiles’s chest, trying to hold back a chuckle.
Stiles just narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend.
The guy behind the table perked up. “Oh Gilbert!” he beamed. “Wow, you look great…” He trailed off, his gaze fixating on Derek for a moment before perking up. “And oh, I didn’t know that you were coming too. Let me make you a name tag.”
Before Derek could ask, the guy scribbled down a name on a blank sticker and placed it on the front of Derek’s suit.
“Welcome, Chad,” the guy smirked at the werewolf before turning his attention to the other couples who entered.
Derek and Stiles walked away from the table and towards the gymnasium entrance.
“Damn it,” Stiles frowned. “Why do I have to be ‘Gilbert’, and you get a manly name like ‘Chad’? Let’s switch!” He tried to grab the name tag off of Derek’s suit, but he couldn’t get it to peel off. “It’s really stuck on there…”
"Damn it,” Derek muttered, annoyed that his suit was probably destroyed thanks to some crappy sticker. However, something else caught his attention and he cleared his throat. “Um, hey Stiles, does my voice sound… deeper?”
Perhaps it was due to the blaring music over the speakers, but Derek could’ve sworn that his voice had more baritone to it. Due to his status as an alpha, his voice was regularly deep and commanding, but now it had a certain quality to it that made it sound like it had a much more masculine bass.
“I don’t think so?” Stiles wondered, having trouble hearing clearly with his human ears. “Should we leave?” He briefly worried that his boyfriend wasn’t feeling well.
Derek shook his head. “No, let’s split up and search for this trickster,” he said in his deeper voice. “Call me if you see anything… Gilbert.” He smirked at the way Stiles frowned.
“Yeah, yeah, Chad.” Stiles disappeared in the crowd of people dancing and drinking in the packed gymnasium.
As Derek walked Stiles walk away, his eyes couldn’t resist honing in on his boyfriend’s firm butt. The way the cheeks shifted as he walked away caused a stirring deep in Derek’s loins, and the werewolf blushed as he grew hard in the middle of the crowd of people. Luckily, his tight pants kept his boner shielded, so Derek stayed determine to hunt down this trickster and kick him out of his territory.
Derek shoved his way through the crowd of people, sniffing at the air as he tried to catch a scent.
“Move!” he growled at one guy as he shoved his way past, no longer able to doubt that his voice was indeed deeper. It had much more bass than it should’ve, making him sound almost like a stereotype of a superhero.
He rubbed at his throat, as if he could fix his voice, but his eyes widened at what he felt.
Derek had shaved before leaving his place, all to play the part. Therefore, his throat and lower jaw shouldn’t have been covered in thick stubble. Even more was that Derek couldn’t help but gasp when his fingers ran over his jaw. It felt wider than it should’ve been, like it had even squared off a bit too.
“What the hell…?” Derek trailed off, trying to wrap his head around what was going on.
He continued to push his way through the thick crowd of people, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. As he moved, Derek felt as if his clothes were getting tighter by the second. He knew that thought was ridiculous, so he tried his best to ignore it. However, with every step he took, his pants constricted his legs, and his shirt was unbearably tight. His arms felt as if they were being squeezed by his sleeves, and he feared that if he took a deep breath, his shirt would rip to shreds.
The top few buttons of his shirt gave way, flying off.
Derek looked down in confusion, his eyes widening when he saw that his chest somehow jutted further away from his torso than it should’ve. As impossible as it seemed, it was as if Derek’s pecs had somehow inflated, increasing their rigid roundness; and he could make out two bumps where his nubby nipples pressed noticeably against his straining shirt which struggled to remain intact.
“What the fuck?” Derek wondered aloud, noting that his voice was definitely deeper now.
The werewolf shoved his way past the crowd of people, having to adjust his stance due to the increased weight at his chest. He was forced to draw his shoulders back, which only shoved his inflated pecs out into the air even more. And the more he moved, the more he noted how his thighs seemed to roll over one another in a manner they never had before. 
Derek stumbled a little, feeling like his gait was entirely thrown off. The room spun for a brief second, and when he regained his composure, he couldn’t help but feel like something was really off.
He was on the taller side of the spectrum; but when he’d first entered the gymnasium, he’d been able to see the tops of the other patrons’ heads, but now he felt as if he completely towered over them. The coolness he felt over his ankles alerted him to the fact that his previously fitted pants now felt more like tight capris, and his shirt had become untucked. The bottom of his skintight shirt now stopped above his belly button, looking like it was a cut-off.
Derek quickened his pace and bolted into the bathroom, which was thankfully vacant. After locking the door being him, he looked into the mirror and couldn’t hold back the loud gasp at his altered reflection.
Derek was huge! He must’ve grown at least a foot taller, based on how short his clothes looked. And speaking of his clothes, they barely fit over his inflated muscles. It looked as if he’d gained well over fifty pounds of pure muscle. His arms bulged in a way they never had before, splitting his sleeves at the seam as they flexed with power. His already broad shoulders were much, much wider than they should’ve been, looking like the werewolf would have to go through any standard-sized door sideways now. His pecs were enormous, looking like large slabs of meat that jutted off his chest. They tore his shirt apart, his nubby nipples exposed out in the open for all to see. His legs had even gained some serious size, his thighs pressed tightly together as his quads inflated. His butt even looked bigger too— not like a power bottom’s, but more so like he didn’t neglect Leg Day.
And Derek couldn’t help but stare at his altered face in awe, noting how much wider and bigger his jaw looked. It was comically squared off, and covered in thick, manly stubble. A dimple had even appeared on his chin, and Derek ran a disbelieving hand over his jaw in wonder.
“What the fuck’s happening to me?” he asked, noting his deep baritone.
Derek felt his larger chest itch and as he scratched it, the werewolf felt little hairs start to sprout over his skin. He watched in the mirror in wonder as his chest hair grew in, thickening as it covered his larger pecs and chiseled abs.
And despite the panic he felt over what was happening to him, Derek was extremely horny.
The longer he stared at his warped reflection, the more turned on he felt. Despite himself, Derek couldn’t resist bending over and forming a most muscular pose that he’d seen bodybuilders do during competitions. His massive muscles flexing in unison caused audible rips to echo out in the small bathroom, and what was left of his shirt split down the middle, exposing his inflated, hairy chest. He could feel his cock harden in his tight pants, snaking down one pant leg, looking much longer and thicker than it should’ve been.
A knock at the locked bathroom door jolted Derek out of his daze.
“Derek!” Sitles called out, sounding concerned. “I saw you run in here. Are you okay?”
Out of instinct, Derek immediately rushed over to the door and unlocked it just so he could yank the small human inside, before slamming the door and re-locking it.
After regaining his bearings, Stiles looked up in awe at his warped boyfriend. “Chad?” he asked in disbelief before flinching. He cleared his throat and tried again. “De— Chad? What the hell? Why can’t I call you ‘Chad’? I mean, your name is Chad. What…?” His face grew red as he tried to call Derek by his name, seemingly unable to do so.
The way his boyfriend looked flustered made Derek’s heart race in his beefy chest, and he cleared his own throat.
“Um,” he bellowed out in his masculine bass, “my name is D— er, Chad.” His eyes widened as he stared back into the mirror, honing in on the name tag affixed to his destroyed suit.
Derek envisioned himself going through Beacon Hills, his massive muscles and over-exaggerated masculinity on display for all to see. He looked like a caricature of some kind of superhero, with a large jaw and hairy muscles— and he was so incredibly turned on.
His gigantic, lengthened cock sprung out of his tight pants, hardening to its new length of eleven inches, looking as thick as a beer can, with balls the size of oranges. It rose in front of the stunned werewolf, throbbing with intense want, a horny cloud shrouding over his panicked brain, making it impossible to think of anything else but his cute boyfriend.
“It must be the trickster!” Stiles gasped loudly as he put the pieces together. He grabbed onto Derek’s large arm and tried to lead him towards the door so that they could leave this cursed reunion and figure out a way to fix him. “C’mon Chad!”
Derek/Chad didn’t budge, only one thing on his mind. Instead, he reached out with a muscled arm, easily picking up Stiles and tossing him over a broadened shoulder.
“Calm down, Little Man,” Chad bellowed in his deep voice, puffing his hairy chest muscles out with power, “just let Daddy here take care of things.” With his hard cock bobbing in front of him and his bare, hairy muscles on full display, Chad exited the bathroom with his boyfriend in his clutches.
As the two exited the gymnasium, Chad noticed the guy at the table in front flash him a thumb’s up. For a brief second, he thought it was odd, but he quickly ignored it and focused his mind on fucking his boyfriend senseless tonight.
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ultram0th · 11 months
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 30: Daddy
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Derek didn’t like being called “Daddy”.
The werewolf bristled whenever his boyfriend, Stiles, would call him it during sex, but would try to brush it off. It wasn’t because of anything too bad, really. Derek just associated the name with being old. When he’d admitted his dislike of the word to Stiles, Stiles understood, but there was a clear disappointment on his face. 
At first, Stiles accepted it and opted to call Derek “Daddy” in his head, yet after one day of looking through one of Peter’s magic books he got a mischievous idea…
Derek came home from work, his muscles feeling slightly achy from a long day at the auto shop. A dazed smile was on his face as he smelt whatever delicious thing Stiles was cooking in the kitchen, mingled with some random incense that was burning throughout the house.
“Hey Stiles,” Derek said as he walked into the kitchen, hugging his boyfriend from behind.
Stiles smiled back, “Oh hey there,” he greeted back, a playful tone evident in his voice. “Did you have a good day at work… Daddy?”
Instead of cringing like usual, Derek was surprised when he felt his cock immediately rocket to life. His seven inches went full mast the mere second he’d heard Stiles call him “Daddy”, even feeling goosebumps erupt all over his body as he shuddered with unfamiliar pleasure. 
“Um, y-yeah,” Derek stammered, his cock throbbing with intense need. He was confused over how turned on he was, but that curiosity rapidly disappeared and his face broke out into a playful smirk. Of course Stiles called him “Daddy”, as he frequently did in the bedroom.
Derek tightened his grip on his boyfriend and playfully rutted his hard cock against his butt.
Stiles pushed back into it. “Oh,” he grinned, “I guess you’re feeling a little frisky, huh… Daddy?”
Derek tensed up as his cock throbbed even more, twitching and leaking precum into his boxers. He felt so tortuously horny, licking his beard-framed lips with want…
Derek cocked his eyebrow and reached upwards with one hand, running it over his previously smooth face. The lower half of his face was covered with a thick, black beard that felt so large that it would’ve taken a few months to grow. It wasn’t Santa big, yet it was big enough to where it went past the typical gymbro beard and bordered Daddy-territory.
“Hey, Stiles, do I…?” Derek’s voice trailed off as he was about to ask Stiles if he looked different, feeling silly all of a sudden.
Of course Derek had a beard. He’d begun growing one the year he and Stiles had started dating, loving the way his beard tickled his boyfriend’s neck as he’d hungrily suck on it. Plus, he loved the way Stiles would shudder as his beard rubbed the inside of his thighs as he sucked him off, making sure he was a good daddy by taking care of his boy’s needs.
Stiles turned around and looked up at Derek with wide, admiring eyes. “What?” he asked.
Derek blushed a little and scratched at his beard. “Nothin’” he shrugged, “just having a weird day, I guess.”
Stiles mock frowned and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Well, why don’t you change out of your work clothes, and I’ll finish getting dinner ready… Daddy.”
Derek bit down on his lip as his cock surged once more, feeling as if he was about to explode right there. “Y-yeah,” he panted, jerking back at the sound of his voice. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Be right back.”
As he walked upstairs to their bedroom, Derek could’ve sworn that his voice sounded deeper. It wasn’t exaggeratedly deeper, but the baritone resonated a lot more and there was a more mature quality to it, almost manlier.
The werewolf kept puzzling over it as he entered his and Stiles’s bedroom and began to take off his grease-stained work clothes. As he shucked his pants, his hard cock bobbed wildly in front of him, and he was on the fence between taking care of it real quick and rushing downstairs to ask Stiles to handle it.
Snickering, he opted for the latter and made a move towards the door, clad only in boxers, when he stopped in front of the mirror and gasped loudly.
Derek leaned in even closer to his altered reflection in disbelief, marveling at the array of grays that peppered his hair and beard. As he ran a shaky hand through his salt-and-pepper colored hair, Derek finally noticed the new lines that were near his eyes, indicating the slight beginnings of crows feet.
His heart raced in his chest as he looked like he was much older than he should’ve been, however, his cock throbbed once more and his fear evaporated into thin air.
“What a day,” Derek sighed, rubbing his mature face with his hands. Of course he looked a bit older for his age. He was a total daddy after all, and having a boyish face wouldn’t play into that role. 
Shaking his head at his dazed feeling, Derek went back downstairs, his tented boxers out in front of himself.
When he entered the kitchen, Stiles’s grin grew even wider as he looked his boyfriend up and down. “If you need some help with that, you gotta give me a second because this is boiling,” he said, gesturing at the pot on the stove. “But it shouldn’t take too long… Daddy.”
Derek grunted as his cock spasmed again, a large wet mark starting to form on the front of his tented boxers from his precum drooling out his hard member. He put on a coy smile of his own, crossing his arms in front of his hairy chest. “Well, you better make it quick, ‘cause Daddy’s getting impatient,” he grunted.
Again, Derek felt like something was off as he looked down at his hairy chest. The older hunk could’ve sworn that his chest was naturally smooth and typically devoid of any hair, but that thought was quickly proven wrong as he stared down at his hairy pecs and stomach. In fact, his whole body seemed to be covered in coarse, black hair. It covered his strong arms, thick legs, and even disappeared into his tented out boxers. 
Derek snorted at himself. Of course he was hairy, and he’d always melted at the sensation of Stiles running his fingers through his thick chest hair. He just chalked up his foggy brain to his insane horniness that he felt, his cock aching for his boyfriend to touch.
Derek squirmed in place, his cock twitching madly as Stiles finished up at the stove. Once the burner was turned off, Derek couldn’t contain himself anymore and eagerly rushed forward, easily tossing the smaller guy over his shoulder as he stomped towards the couch.
Stiles laughed. “Damn, I guess you’re really frisky,” he giggled, “…Daddy.”
“Hnng,” Derek bellowed as his cock leaked even more precum, his thudding footsteps sounding heavier and much louder than normal.
For the millionth time that hour, Derek scrunched up his face in confusion as he lumbered towards the couch. The way his thighs rolled over each other as he waddled felt wrong to him. Whereas Stiles felt lighter in his hold for some reason, Derek felt as if his own chest was much heavier than it should’ve been. He glanced downward at his hairy pecs, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull at the way his bulbous pecs jutted out in front of him, having ballooned to such a large size. They blocked the view of anything south, forcing Derek to stare at his hairy mounds and the tips of his nubby nipples. He blushed as he felt a foreign jiggling at his gut, and upon glancing at his blurry reflection in the TV, he could make out a large, hairy musclegut that his large pectorals rested upon. His boxers had magically disappeared, and the werewolf nearly sputtered at his massive ten inch monster cock that bobbed in front of him. Even his hairy butt had bubbled out, jutting out from his broadened back at a large angle. To finalize his growth, Derek’s arms had doubled in muscle, explaining away at how Stiles felt lighter.
It was hard to deny it now, as Derek stared at his altered reflection. The large muscled up, hairy older man who stared back at him from the TV’s glare. He finally pieced together what was happening: Derek was turning into a total daddy.
And he loved it.
As shocked as he was, Derek’s panic was quickly replaced with lust as he flexed his free arm with power, loving how big and manly it looked. He knew deep down that Stiles had somehow played a hand in this, and he loved him even more for it. Mental images of the two of them out in public, Derek completely dwarfing his smaller boyfriend who called him “Daddy” for all to hear filled him a giddy excitement, and he couldn’t wait to have Stiles run his fingers through his chest hair.
Derek tossed Stiles down onto the couch and loomed over him, smirking hungrily down at him. He couldn’t resist leaning forward and flexing his beefy, hairy muscles. “Who’s your daddy?” he bellowed in his deeper voice.
Stiles could only grin back up at him in anticipation before lowly whispering, “You… Daddy.”
“Uuughh!” Derek grunted as he came, loving how his bulky muscles bounced as his cock erupted, shooting his fat load up onto his hairy pecs. He knew deep down that he’d just cemented his transformation into a muscle daddy, but the second he looked down at his boyfriend, his enlarged cock shot straight back to life, and he pounced, forcing Stiles to take care of his daddy all night long.
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ultram0th · 1 year
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 05: Cursed Tape
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“Der!” Stiles voice rang out, dripping with jubilation. “Come see what I just scored!”
Derek grunted as he got out of his chair, feeling tired from his long day at the auto shop. Still, he shuffled down the hall, clad in only his white tank top and sweatpants, freezing when he saw Stiles beaming ear to ear and holding a large cardboard box.
Before he could even ask, Stiles rushed out, “I got a mystery box at the thrift store! Can you believe it?! How cool is that?”
“Mystery box?” Derek grunted, crossing his arms in front of himself as he cocked his eyebrow. “And how much did that cost?”
Stiles shrugged as he carried the box to the living room. “…um, about eighty dollars, give or take…”
Derek’s eyes widened and his jaw clenched.
Stiles obliviously set the large box down onto the floor before eagerly tearing into it, his large eyes alight with wonder over the “treasures” he’d scored for one-hundred thirty dollars. The big box was stuffed full of various items: scraps of fabric, old porcelain figurines, and some VHS tapes.
“We don’t even own a VCR,” Derek grunted, unamused. 
Among the pile that his husband was creating, Derek spotted an odd looking VHS tape. There was a gaudy neon background that looked like it was ripped straight of the 80s, with little captions indicating that it was a workout video of some kind. However, the weird part was that there was a blank outline of a person on the front instead of some obscure fitness guru. The title of the odd tape read out: Sweatin’ it to the 80’s! Starring _____!
“What the hell?” Derek scoffed as he picked up the tape to examine it some more— the second his fingers grazed the cover of the tape, Derek felt what seemed like a jolt of electricity ripple throughout him.
The werewolf jerked back, confused over what had just happened, yet he quickly realized that he was still holding onto the tape. Derek tried to relax his grip to let go of it, but his hand refused to listen, instead clutching onto the tape with all of its strength.
“Stupid tape…” he grumbled to himself, stopping once he saw something else start to happen.
Steadily, his white tank top began to change hue, turning from bleached white to a neon blue. As the straps thinned out, the collar dropped down low to his midsection, exposing his pecs to look more like a stringer. 
The changes didn’t stop there.
Stunned silent, Derek’s jaw dropped as he witnessed his toned pectorals shudder before pushing out as they gradually inflated. The previously proportional mounds plumped up and rounded, becoming an impressive set of muscletits that jutted off Derek’s chest noticeably. His altered tank did nothing at all to try to conceal them, the enlarged nipples poking out of the sides and demanding attention. His arms packed on more muscle, becoming large and bulging, especially his biceps which rivaled melons. Derek looked down, yet his massive pecs blocked his view of his sweatpants as they tightened against his legs, suctioning to his form to become a skintight pair of spandex that showed off every ridge of his carefully crafted musculature— that was prompt ruined as his legs grew in size, becoming larger. His butt ballooned out as it beefed up and pushed itself outwards. Derek’s eyes widened as he felt a sensation like he was getting harder. When he reached down and patted at his bulge, he almost gasped at the girth package that filled his hands. His cock and balls had inflated to the point where it looked like the larger stud was smuggling a softball in the front of his spandex pants.
When he was done changing, Derek had to have packed on at least fifty pounds of muscle, making him look like some over-the-top workout guru who belonged on the front of those cheesy exercise tapes.
Derek’s face stretched out to form a large grin, despite the panic that he was feeling. The living room shifted and Derek felt as if he were falling, the walls of the room stretching upwards. Derek’s sight rapidly shifted upwards, forcing him to stare straight up at the ceiling. He tried to look away or call out to Stiles for help, but he couldn’t move. All the shocked werewolf could do was smile and show off his hairy muscletits on the cover of Sweatin’ it to the 80’s! Starring Derek Hale!
Blissfully unaware of his husband’s transformation, Stiles finally finished rummaging through the mystery box. “See?” he smiled, standing upright. “There’s tons of cool stuff in here… Derek?”
Stiles looked around for Derek, pausing when his eyes landed on an obscure VHS tape that was on the floor. He walked over and picked it up, his eyebrows rising at the image of a muscled up Derek on the cover, smiling widely. His eyes looked panicked though.
“Derek!” Stiles gasped, clutching the tape close to him. “Don’t worry! I’ll figure something out!” He sprinted out of the house and to his Jeep…
About an hour later, Stiles returned home and set up the VCR in the living room. Once it was connected, he popped the cursed VHS in and pressed Play.
Synthpop blasted over the speakers, and bright neon colors flashed on the screen before a shocked Derek appeared on screen. He was still in his muscled up body, appearing to jog in place.
“Stiles?!” Derek called out on the TV, able to see his husband on the other side. He tried to stop himself from jogging, blushing at how the motion made his inflated pecs bounce up and down. “What the hell happened— Time to get that heart rate up!” His eyes widened at his last statement, having said it was such pep that he sounded like a cheerleader.
Stiles threw his hands up in exasperation.
“How am I supposed to know?” he cried. “How the hell did you get into the TV?”
Derek rolled his eyes as he stopped and started to do lunges. “It’s that damn mystery box of yours!” he accused. “I touched some weird tape and this happened!” He nodded down at his inflated form, wincing as he couldn’t stop working out.
He paused his lunges and started to bounce his pecs up and down.
“And one, and two…” He blushed, but he couldn’t stop the muscled mounds from lifting and slamming back down. Still, he was smiling widely and speaking with immense enthusiasm. “You gotta do lots of reps if you wanna get pecs as big as these!”
Derek couldn’t stop himself from working out and showing off his out of proportion body. The whole time he kept smiling, despite his eyes looking wide and disbelieving.
Stiles, unsure of what to do, figured that perhaps the best course of action was to let the video finish. Plus, he had to admit that Derek looked pretty hot with big, hairy pecs. “Um, maybe… maybe we should just let this play out?” he suggested.
Derek screamed on the inside, but could only place his hands on his hips. “Now that we’re all warmed up,” he beamed, “I’m gonna show y’all some glute blasters!”
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