#Chuck Shurley fluff
rowyn-writes · 1 year
Cinnamon and Sugar
Chapter Five
Warnings: Self hate, mentions of abusive ex, mentions of a minor character death, fluff
Characters: Reader, Dean, Michael, Jo
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
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You had been living with Dean for five weeks now, and everything felt surprisingly normal. You both woke up early in the morning for work, so you got to have breakfast together. You liked having someone to talk to before going to work.
It was five in the morning as you and Dean shuffled around the kitchen in a comfortable silence. You had made some eggs and bacon for the both of you while Dean got ready for work. Since Dean passed the coffee shop to get to work, he would drop you off, and in return, you made him coffee to get him ready for the day. 
"Mornin' sweetheart." Dean grumbles as he comes out of his room, yawning. His hair was still tousled from sleep. You chuckle softly at the sight.
"Morning, Dean. Forget to brush your hair?" You snorted. Dean laughs as he smooths down his hair.
"Maybe I was trying out a new style, Y/n, ever think of that?" He sniffed, pretending to be mad.
"Aw, c'mon now, you never change up your routine, so I find that highly unlikely. And besides, you can't be mad at me forever, I made you breakfast." You set his plate down on the table, pouring a glass of orange juice for him.
"I got damn lucky to have you as a roommate." He sighed happily as he ruffles your hair before sitting down at the table, tucking into his breakfast.
"I could say the same." You smile as you eat with him. Storm was still asleep on the window seal. Despite Dean buying a cat bed for him to get into his good graces, the cat refused to actually sleep in the bed. He just sniffed at it before going back to what he was doing.
Once you and Dean were finished with breakfast, he took the plates and put them in the dishwasher, starting a load. You went and grabbed your apron for work before heading out the door with Dean, sliding into his beautiful Impala. "I hope you know that if I actually still drove, I'd totally wanna take Baby for a joyride." You joked.
Dean laughs softly, his eyes crinkling up at the edges. "You're more than welcome to drive her anytime you need, sweetheart. I won't stop you."
"Oh, um, nah." You shook your head gently. "I don't really drive anymore. I um, I got into a really bad car crash about a year ago and I don't really drive anymore because of it." It was the first time you had really talked about the car crash with anyone other than Jo or Jack.
"I'm sorry to hear about that sweetheart. Was everyone alright?" He frowns, looking over at you.
"Oh, um, yeah, I just had a broken arm. . . The other driver was okay too." 
Dean could tell that you wanted to drop the subject. "So, I was thinking, you don't work tomorrow, right? And you're done with exams?"
"Yeah, why?" You tilt your head curiously.
"Well," Dean said as he pulled into the parking lot of Chuck's. "I was thinking that tonight we go to my favorite bar and have some drinks, my treat. They're having karaoke tonight too, and I think it would be a lot of fun."
You mulled it over for a moment. You didn't drink much, but you thought this would be a good chance to get to know Dean a little better and let loose some. "I think that'd be a lot of fun, actually." You give him a gentle smile. 
"Perfect, I get off work tonight at 5. I'll pick you up and take you home on my lunch break, I don't want you walking home alone or anything." Dean gives you a boyish grin, the one that you had come to adore. 
"Thanks, Dean, you have no idea how much I appreciate your kindness." And it was true. Dean was kind to you when it felt like you hit rock bottom. Being evicted from you apartment was rough, and you never expected him to offer his home up to you. Even though you hadn't known Dean long, you trusted him, and it seems that he trusted you. You hated to think about where you'd be without him right now.
"Don't mention it, sweetheart. I'm just glad I could help you out. I've been where you've been before. My life has never been put together in the slightest, and there was a time when I had no place to go. I really could have used some help, and I want to be that person for you." He said softly, looking over at you.
"Well, I know I'm not much, but I'm here, and I can be the support you need. We can help each other." You offer him a gentle smile.
"I like the sound of that, Y/n, thank you." You lean over and give him a quick hug. 
"I'll see you on your lunch break, then. Let me go make your coffee really quick." You went in and unlocked the doors, making Dean a brown sugar latte and grabbed him a scone before bringing it out to him. "Have a good day at work." I reach through the window and ruffle his hair before heading back inside to tackle the day.
Jo was the next person scheduled to come in, and you hoped it was one of those rare days that she was actually on time. You had talked to her many times before about her punctuality, but it never seemed to stick with her. She was your best friend, and you didn't want to have to reprimand her, but it seemed that it was going to have to come to that. Thankfully, she was on time today, and you didn't have to say anything to her.
"Thank god my car started." She said as she walked in, clocking in on the computer. "I was scared she wasn't gonna crank. I really need a new car."
"Well, you're here, that's all that matters. Today's a Wednesday, so I'm expecting it to be a good day for us. This is usually our dead day, so I think it should be okay with just the two of us until eleven when Maddison comes in."
The day went off without a hitch, the customers were nice, it was a slow day, and everything seemed peaceful. That is, until the end of your shift. Dean was on his lunch break and he was waiting for you to clock out so he could take you home. He didn't mind hanging out in the coffee shop, as he found it rather peaceful. The front door dinged, signaling that there was a customer inside. "Hey, welcome to Chuck's! We'll be right w-" You broke off as you stared up at the man in front of you. Michael. You could feel your heart pounding out your chest as he glared down at you. You hadn't seen him in nearly two months, what made him want to come confront you now?
"We need to talk." He said gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest. He was 6'3 and he towered over you. It was something that had always intimidated you, especially when you were together.
"We have nothing to talk about. You need to leave." You tried to make your voice sound strong and determined, but it came out as just a small squeak. You hated the affect he had on you. For years he made you feel small, and even after the break up, he could still make you feel that way.
"Oh we have plenty to talk about, Y/n. Like how one day you just changed the locks to the apartment and had all of my stuff sitting out in the hall?"
"And you're just now wanting to talk about this, huh? You had nearly two months to reach out to me and to talk about this, but you picked now as the prime opportunity? When I'm at work?"
"Oh please," He scoffed. "You can hardly call this a job. Besides, I've been busy with other things." Dean's head perked up at the sound of arguing. He looked over at you and Michael. He could clearly tell you were in distress.
"Michael, just fucking leave. You're not welcomed here. Our relationship is over and there's absolutely nothing for us to talk about. You cheated, you were abusive, you were a shitty ass boyfriend. What else do you want me to say? I've listed a billion reasons as to why we broke up and you still can't accept that."
"Don't speak to me like that." He grabbed your wrist. "I guess I better teach you some manners." You try to pull away from his grasp. Before you could even shout for help, a fist connected with Michael's jaw. 
Dean looked pissed as he grabbed Michael by the shirt, slamming him against the wall. "What kind of pathetic coward lays hands on a woman?" He growled as he punched him again. "Come near Y/n ever again, and I swear to God himself, there will not be anything stopping me from beating you within an inch of your sad life. Got it?!"
You had never seen Dean so angry before, let alone get physical with someone. "And what's it to you, huh?! Why the hell do you care for some whore so much? Oh, I get it, you're fucking her, huh?" Michael laughed, throwing his head back.
Dean said nothing in return as he punched him once more before throwing him out to door. "Don't ever come near her again." Dean snarled before going to check on you. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he? I swear to God-"
"Dean. . ." You hugged him tightly. "I'm okay, he didn't hurt me. . . Thank you for sticking up for me." You whisper, tears in your eyes. Maddison and Jo watched as Dean wrapped his arms around you protectively. 
"No one's going to hurt my best girl on my watch, I promise you that." He said lowly, gently rubbing your back. "I'm guessing he's your ex boyfriend?"
"Yeah, he is. . . I thought I was finally free of him, but he keeps popping back up like an infectious disease." You were holding back tears, not wanting to cry in front of Dean.
"C'mon sweetheart, let's get out of here." He wrapped his arm around you and led you out to his car. "Do you need me to stay with you? I can tell Bobby something came up." 
You shook your head gently. "No, that's okay. . . I don't want to impose. I'll be okay until you get off work tonight. . . Honestly, I don't even what to think about what just happened. And it doesn't even surprise me that he came here. I guess I was just hoping he'd forget about me." You ramble on, looking at your hands.
"You wouldn't be imposing, sugar." He said, his voice soft and gentle. "If you need me, I'm here, okay? There's not much goin' on at the shop today, so Bobby can afford to be on his own for the rest of the day."
You felt tears brim your eyes as you kept looking at your hands, refusing to look Dean in the eye. "I-I could use some company. . . If t-that's okay." You whispered quietly. Dean tilts your head up gently with his finger so you would look at him.
"I'll stay with you as long as you need, darlin'." He then surprised you by kissing your head. He was so caring and gentle with you, which was something you weren't used to. He drove back to the house, letting you pick the music for the drive. Once you got back, he called Bobby and explained the situation before following you inside. He grabbed some blankets and popped some popcorn. "So, what movie should we watch? Comedy, rom-com, action?" 
"You really don't have to do this for me, Dean. . ." You felt like a burden. You made Dean call out of work just so he could sit here and watch a movie with you. You were an awful friend and roommate.
"You're right, I don't have to, but I want to. . . You're my best friend, Y/n, I want to make sure that you're okay. You've had a stressful day, and you need to unwind a bit. Plus, work was slow, wasn't much for me to do. I'd much rather sit here with my favorite girl and cheer her up." He sits down beside you, draping his arm on the back of the couch. 
You leaned into his side, resting your head on his shoulder as you let the tears flow. "I-I just want to be rid of him. He never let's me have any peace."
"Shh," Dean whispered softly, running his fingers through your hair. "I'm here sweetheart. . . He won't hurt you as long as I'm around, okay?" He kissed your head again, making you feel comfort. Storm jumped up on the couch, settling himself in your lap, purring softly. "See, darlin'? Even Storm's here to help you." That made the tears stream down your face harder. It felt like you couldn't breathe. Everything that you had held in from the break up came bursting out all at once, despite your attempts at pushing it down. Dean held you in his arms as you cried. "Breathe, Y/n, I need you to breathe for me, okay?" He murmured gently. You tried to breathe, but it just came out as choked sobs. Your body was shaking as you cried. Dean let you know that he was here, and that you were safe. You knew he was right. Being in his arms was the safest place for you. You knew that Dean would never hurt you, and that he would do everything in his power to protect you. 
Once you had calmed down, you found your voice. "Thank you for being here." Your voice was raw and hoarse from crying. Dean didn't mention it, he just smiled softly, kissing your temple.
"Of course, sweetheart. What are friends for?" He continued to run his fingers through your hair, as he could tell that's what was keeping you grounded. "We don't have to go out tonight, we can go some other time, I'm sure that you're tired after the day you've had."
You thought it over for a moment. "Actually, I think I still want to go out tonight. . . I just need to feel normal, and show that what he did doesn't get to me." You state confidently.
Dean grins at your confidence. "That's my girl." He let you get ready for your night out with him. You picked a pair faded ripped jeans from your draw, a black blouse, and a black leather jacket. You combed through your hair, trying to find a style you liked, eventually settling on having it braided. You came out of your room with a smile. Dean let out a low whistle as he saw you.
"You clean up nicely, darlin'." He grins. He was wearing a green flannel over a black shirt that fit him nicely and a pair of faded blue jeans. You couldn't help but smile at the compliment. 
"Thanks, De. Shall we get going?" You grab you wallet as Dean grabs his keys.
"Let's go." He smiles, resting a hand on the small of your back as he leads you out the door. You were very aware of his hand against your back. But you shouldn't be thinking about that. Dean was your friend and roommate. You couldn't risk anything. You slid into the Impala as Dean going into the drivers seat. You grinned as the car roared to life. The car was absolutely gorgeous, and you'd love to have an old car like this. That is, if you still drove. Past pains rear its ugly head into your thoughts, making you think of things you wish you could forget. You push it aside. Tonight was about having fun with your best friend.
You showed the bouncer your ID and you were let into the bar with Dean. It was packed since it was karaoke night. You and Dean slid up to the bar, you ordered your favorite drink and Dean got a whiskey and coke. "So, ya thinking about gettin' up there and singing?" Dean smirked as he looked to you.
"Me? Nah, I can't really sing." You shrugged.
"One, that's bullshit. I hear you singing in the shower all the time and you sound amazing. And two, no one who sings karaoke can sing. I'll do it with you if you sing." He offered you up a smile. You could never resist that boyish smile he had.
"I hate you, I hope you know that." Despite your words, you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face.
"Say what you want sweetheart. But hey, you get to pick the song and I can't complain."
"Oh really?" You smirked. "So if I picked a Taylor Swift song, you wouldn't say anything?"
"Hey, I can get down with TSwizzle, okay?" Dean held up his hands in defense. You couldn't help the laughter that racked through your body. 
"You did not just say TSwizzle-" You continued to laugh, Dean joining in.
"All I'm sayin' is that you can pick whatever song you like."
You went up to the karaoke machine, scrolling through until you found the perfect duet for you two. I Remember Everything by Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves. "We're up next." You grin as you pull Dean towards the stage. Dean followed you up on stage, grabbing the mic. "Ready?" Dean nods as the song starts. Despite having never heard the song, he did it justice. You never knew Dean could sing. When you sang your parts together, Dean smiled over at you, his eyes gleaming. Once the song was over, he helped you down from the stage.
"Y/n, you were amazing! I knew you had a good voice, but damn, that was beautiful." He praised you, gently patting your shoulder.
"Me? Dean, I had no idea you could sing like that. You were fantastic!" You gently punch his shoulder.
Dean chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck as the tip of his ears turn pink. "Thank you, sweetheart, I appreciate it." He grinned.
"Aaand I think that some of the girls over there found your singing attractive." You chuckled as you looked over to a group of girls that were eyeballing Dean. "You should go talk to them!" You encouraged.
"Nah," He shook his head. "This night is about you and me, and celebrating our friendship." He gave you a smile. You couldn't help the small butterflies you felt in your stomach. Instead of going off with a girl, he wanted to spend time with you. But at the same time, you felt bad, because you felt like you were keeping him from having a fun time.
You felt like screaming at yourself, because you always did this. Every time there was something good going in your life, you found a way to get in your head and overthink things. You wished you could turn those voices in your head off. Sometimes those voices got particularly loud, especially in times like these. You tried to push them away and have a good time with Dean, but you couldn't help it.
"You okay, Y/n? You got really quiet all of a sudden." Dean said softly. Damnit, he knew you too well.
"Oh, yeah, it's um, it's just been a long day, y'know?" You cleared your throat, looking up at him.
"We can head home if you'd like?" He suggested, tilting his head to the side.
"No no, I'd hate to be a bother. You look like you're having so much fun, and I don't want to ruin that." You spoke softly.
"Sweetheart, if you're tired or you just don't feel up to being here anymore, you can tell me. I won't be upset. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or feel like you have to stay for my sake. Besides, I don't care where we are, as long as we're together, I'm happy to spend time with you."
You gave him a soft smile. "I just don't think I'm in the right headspace right now." You sighed. "It's just been a long day with a lot going on. . . I promise to make it up to you."
"Don't worry about it, Y/n, we can just spend some time together and watch a movie if you'd like?"
"I'd really like that, De. . . Thank you." You whispered gently. Dean ruffled your hair and went to pay for the tab. You rode home in a comfortable silence as Dean hummed along to the radio. You were stuck in your own head again, per usual. You were leaned against the window, feeling the cool glass on your cheek.
"Are you sure everything's alright, sweetheart?" He asked, looking over to you. "You've been awfully quiet."
"I dunno, I'm just really struggling mentally today. After everything that happened this afternoon, I just feel so. . . empty?"
"I get it darlin'. What do you need? Do you need some time by yourself, or do you wanna curl up on the couch with me and watch some Dr. Sexy MD?" He questioned, his voice gentle.
"I think that spending some time with you could help. . ." You couldn't help but smile. You felt safe with Dean, and even though you were having a tough time, you knew that everything was going to be okay as long as you were with him.
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starchildren220 · 5 months
Body Double
my ao3
my wattpad
Chuck and his artist girlfriend do a body double date
warnings- short :'(
You woke up to your bed empty just as it was last night, you frown and get up from the bed. You stretched and checked the clock, '8:32' you sigh and head down the stairs to see chuck sleeping on his desk. You laughed as you noticed his drool and his glasses crooked on his face.
You grabbed a blanket from the couch and laid it across his shoulders looking at the screen you chuckled lightly at the inconvenience his sleep would cause for him; the whole page was the letter 'z' over and over again. 'He must've fell asleep on it' you thought.
You walked to the kitchen to make Chuck his coffee and you decided you wanted pancakes. Grabbing the just ass water batter and start cooking.
While waiting on the last pancake to finish, you jumped at the feeling of hands placing themselves on your waist. "Didn't mean to scare ya'" Chuck had a deep voice, but an even deeper morning voice. You smile and lean back into him. His chin was resting on your shoulder. "Did you make any f'me?"
"You think I can eat all this? Also, there's some coffee ready for you." He kissed your shoulder. "My savior." He let go to grab a mug to fill with coffee. You used your spatula to put the last pancake on the plate before bringing it over to the table.
Chuck sat down across from you sipping his steaming coffee. You ate most of the pancakes, but Chuck had a couple too. You spent breakfast in silence before you decided to start the painting you were commissioned for. Bringing out your paints you set up your station next to Chucks desk.
Chuck sat at his desk too and presses play on your record player, some light music filled the room and you just started painting. It was a couple of hours before your hands started to cramp up, placing your brush down you massage the muscles in your hands.
The noised coming from Chucks keyboard were slightly louder than the music. But it was quite soothing to you. Standing up you stretched out your muscles before walking over to the couch. You fall onto the couch letting your back get a break. You closed your eyes to feel the hum of the room, your muscles relaxing.
Without warning something falls on your chest, opening your eyes its Chuck. You laughed, he looked adorable his chin resting on your chest, his body between your legs, and his tired, hooded eyes looking into yours with a smile on his face. You smile and wrap your arms around him.
"Takin' a break?" He hums to answer your question. You could feel the vibrations on your chest. Chuckling tightened your grip around him before loosening your arms again. You slid one of yours hands up his back and you thread your fingers through his curly hair massaging his scalp.
His eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed into you, you admired his soft features and watch him fall asleep. Soon your eyes felt heavy, and you drifted off into a comforting nap.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 10 months
Just Like This
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Summary: Working a second job in a bar to help pay for Sammy’s education, Dean finds a kindred spirit in bar manager Y/N. When a drunk Douchebag gets too handsy with her, Dean quickly jumps to her defence but faces harsh consequences.
Pairing: Bartender!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Rating: Teen
Bingo Square: Getting Fired for @j3bingo
Warnings: tw: sexual assault (groping), fluff, angst, fighting, minor violence, Chuck is a complete and utter asshole in this, getting fired, quitting in solidarity, first kiss, friends to lovers
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Okay, it feels like an age since I’ve written anything that’s just pure floof. I hope you enjoy this fluffy, protective, besotted Dean fic. Please be kind. I’ve had my angst hat on for a long time, and though this was really refreshing, it’s also a little daunting!
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
Consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite, or leave a comment. It really does fuel a creative’s muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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It wasn’t the best job in the world, but as part-time work went, Dean knew it could be a hell of a lot worse than this. He worked with his dad in the garage during the day and worked four nights a week and two shifts at the weekend in Shurley’s Sports Bar. His wages and tips went to his dad to help pay for Sammy’s education. Sure, the kid had a full ride to Stanford; however, he still needed to pay for accommodation after freshman year and the thousands of books he needed for his coursework. And at least this way, his dad didn’t put himself in an early grave by working all the hours God gave him. Lord knows he’d done enough of that when they were kids.
Shurley’s was a decent bar. It had a prime location between the University of Kansas campus and downtown, so it always has a steady stream of customers. It quietened during the summer when the students went home or on their travels, but the locals still made trade steady enough. The owner, Chuck, was a bit of a dick, but he barely showed his face around the place, and the other staff were decent, making it a great place to work.
“Hey, Dean,” Y/N said as she came out of the back office. Y/N was the bar manager and a great girl. They had a lot in common; both lost their mothers when they were young and looked after their younger siblings while their fathers worked three jobs to try and make ends meet. Y/N’d had to drop out of college when her father took unexpectedly sick, having to take care of him and her little sister. Now that her father had passed and her sister had a full ride to another prestigious college, Harvard, Y/N lived in the tiny apartment above the bakery where she worked four days a week and in the bar four nights a week and every Saturday night. The rest of the time, she studied part-time to finish her college education and sent every spare cent she had to her sister in Boston.
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled at her. She was pretty, too, and Dean wasn’t afraid to admit that he had a massive crush on her. Not that anything would ever happen because she was her, and he was… well, he wasn’t good enough for a girl like that. “How are ya, sweetheart?”
“I’m good, Dean. How are you? Oh! Did you manage to get Sam’s apartment sorted?” Y/N asked, and he smiled that she’d remember such a thing.
“Yeah, it’s all good now. We managed to get the rest of the deposit together,” Dean said. “Thanks for the extra shifts, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it,” Y/N smiled. “I still can’t believe landlords can actually do that,” Y/N shook her head as she headed behind the bar and started filling the refrigerators with bottles of beer and wine to prepare for the busy Friday night shift.
“Yeah, us either. But it’s done, and he has somewhere to live,” Dean said as he put the last menus and condiment buckets on the tables. “What needs to be done next, boss?” he asked, smirking when Y/N chuckled. She hated being called that, but he seemed to be the only one she didn’t scold for it.
“I could use a hand changing over the barrels if you’ve got time?” she said, breaking up the cardboard that the bottles had been housed in.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Dean headed into the storeroom and started shifting the beer barrels behind the bar as Y/N continued putting bottles in the fridges and replacing the almost empty spirit bottles with full ones to accommodate the busiest night of the year: Friday night football and Freshers Week.
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The bar was packed with customers, the warm, sunny weather drawing even more of them in than usual, and of course, Chuck had decided tonight was a good night to show face and ‘help’, putting the staff on edge. Dean had gone with the head down and get on with it attitude, glad it was three deep at the bar so he had an excuse not to have to entertain Chuck for very long.
Y/N had been running around after Chuck all night, finding this paperwork and that invoice and the employee payroll for the past six weeks. Eventually, when he couldn’t possibly ask for anything more, she’d escaped the office, having brazenly told her boss that she was needed front of house to help serve customers.
“I swear,” she’d said as she tied her little black server’s apron around her waist, “It’s like he fucking knew tonight would be the busiest night but still came to check months old paperwork! God, that man is insufferable!”
It wasn’t often that Y/N showed her annoyance, and Dean couldn’t help but think it was cute. Though, admittedly, that could be his crush talking, her furrowed brow and tiny pout were adorable.
“What can I do to help?” he asked as she took her place behind the bar.
“I should be asking you that question!” she giggled. “What do you need me to do?”
“We could do with someone collecting and cleaning the empty glasses, if you wouldn’t mind?” he responded, smiling as she picked up a basket, cleaning spray, and a cloth before he’d finished his sentence.
“You got it,” she winked and headed onto the floor to clear and wipe the tables down. And that, Dean thought, is what makes a good boss. Someone who works with the team to achieve the same goal. Someone who isn’t afraid of stepping in to help by doing the most mundane tasks that are below their pay grade.
Y/N was a breath of fresh air for him in so many ways. She was bubbly and caring, and no matter what was thrown her way, she responded with an air of calmness and dignity that he admired.
“Hey, man. What can I get ya?” Dean asked the next patron, finally taking his eyes off the girl slowly taking over his every thought.
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“Be careful,” Dean said as Y/N headed back onto the floor to clear more glasses and tables. “It’s getting rowdy out there. You know what those college boys can be like.”
“Thanks, Dean,” she smiled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He knew she would be. He’d seen her handling every kind of drunk customer. Still, he’d watch her closely because he was more worried than usual. The crowd tonight seemed even more enthused thanks to the local sports team playing. It still surprised him how often the female staff got touched inappropriately and had the most vulgar things said to them by too drunk and far too confident men. More than once Dean had had to step in and stop something from going too far, and he’d do it as many times as he needed to for Y/N or any of the other female staff.
Y/N managed to get around most of the bar unscathed, but there was a particularly boisterous table of men who only frequented the bar when the Chiefs played. Dean had been watching them all night because they seemed to have forgotten their age and tried to out-drink their much younger counterparts. They’d already run their mouths off to the bar staff, and now one of them in particular had their beady eye on Y/N as she moved from table to table, collecting empty glasses and bottles.
Swapping her tray out for an empty one, Y/N made her way over to their table, and the second she got close enough, the balding guy with the beady eye was quick to rear his hand back and smack her ass. Dean’s hackles rose, and he was on high alert as he watched her give the douchebag a piece of her mind. But he didn’t stop. Douchebag wrapped his arms around her waist and tried pulling her onto his lap. All the while, his douchebag little friends laughed and cheered him on like he’d won a fucking prize.
Dean saw red as he ran around the bar and strode purposely over to the group of middle-aged men amid a mid-life crisis and pulled Y/N from his hold, dragging her behind him to protect her.
“The lady told you to leave her alone. I suggest you do that,” Dean fumed, only getting angrier at Douchebag’s smirk.
“Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we have a jealous boyfriend trying to protect his girl! You know, if she were my girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her out the house wearing something so…” he paused as he leered up and down Y/N’s body, “revealing.”
“Listen, asshole, you don’t want to piss me off right now. Why don’t you and your buddies call it a night and go home? You’ve clearly had too much to drink, and we don’t take kindly to people assaulting our staff here,” Dean’s jaw was clenched, but he’d somehow managed to keep his voice steady.
“Sorry, man,” Douchebag smirked as he stood. “Just can’t help myself when I see a pretty girl showing off half her body like a Goddamn little tease. She’s asking for it, really.”
That was the last straw, and as Douchebag made one final (and unfortunately successful) attempt to get his hands on Y/N, Dean pulled his fist back and punched him square on the nose. The resounding crack as Dean broke the guy’s nose was satisfying, as were the synchronised grimacing ‘oohs’ that the audience this little corner of the bar had attracted.
“You broke my nose, asshole!” Douchebag spluttered. “I’m reporting you for assault!”
“You do that,” Y/N said, “and I’ll have you arrested, too. This whole bar and the CCTV saw you grope me twice and clearly saw me trying to get you off me! What he did,” she pointed at Dean, “was save me from being sexually assaulted!”
“Come on, man,” one of Douchebag’s friends said, patting him on the back. “Let’s get you to the hospital. It’s not worth it.”
“Damn straight it’s not!” Dean yelled. “Any way you spin this, he doesn’t win, so get the hell out and don’t come back!”
Tail between their legs, Douchebag and his friends left the bar. The second the door shut behind them, Dean was next to Y/N, checking her for injuries.
“I’m fine, Dean,” she insisted, but her eyes told a different story. The encounter had shaken her up, and Dean wanted to fix it, needed to fix it.
“No, sweetheart, you’re not. You’re–” Dean began but was interrupted by the shrill voice of Chuck.
“Winchester, my office, now! You too, Y/N.”
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Seeing Y/N sitting beside him on the other side of the desk was strange. This was where she did all the paperwork, payroll, ordering, and invoicing, so to see Chuck on her chair was disconcerting. And not good.
“I don’t know what was going on out there–” Chuck began, and Dean scoffed in disbelief.
“You’re bar manager was sexually assaulted by a customer. That’s what happened!” Dean sat forward on his chair, raising his voice. He only calmed when Y/N placed her hand on his forearm.
Chuck pursed his lips at his outburst and continued speaking as if Dean hadn’t interrupted.
“I don’t know what happened, but whatever it was, sexual assault or not,” Chuck looked pointedly at Y/N before he continued. “It’s no excuse for my staff to behave violently.”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Dean fumed. “That… scumbag… touched her ass and her breasts and tried to force her into his lap! You see those bruises, right?” he asked as he pointed to the dark purple fingerprint marks on her arms.
“Inappropriate comments, slurs, even touching, is to be expected when you work in a bar–” Chuck was interrupted again, this time by Y/N.
“There are no touching policies in every strip club in the country for a reason, Chuck! You cannot expect it to be any different in a fratboy sports bar! No one should go to work expecting that being sexually assaulted is okay!”
“For God’s sake, Y/N! So what a guy touched your ass and tits! You should be flattered!”
“It was sexual assault, Chuck! That guy,” Y/N pointed behind her in the general direction of the bar, “touched me without permission, and I could have him charged! You too with how you’re behaving!”
“Oh, stop being so dramatic! I feel sorry for your boyfriend if this is how prudish you are!”
“Hey, that is–” Dean interjected, but Chuck kept talking.
“Dean, you’re fired. I cannot, and will not, allow a violent brute to work in my bar.”
“You can’t do that!” Y/N protested.
“Watch it, or you’ll be gone, too!” Chuck threatened, but Dean knew it was an empty one with her. He needed her too much. The bar would burn to the ground without her in charge.
“No need. I quit. Effective immediately. I cannot, and will not,” Y/N glared at Chuck as she repeated his words to him, “work in a place where I’m expected to be sexually harassed and assaulted and ignore it. I cannot, and will not, work for a man who fires a good person for helping someone in need.”
Standing, Y/N took off her apron and name tag and threw them on the desk. She unhooked the keys from her belt and pulled the cash box towards her, opening it and pulling out two brown envelopes, handing one to Dean and putting the other in her pocket. Once she’d locked the cash box, she tossed her keys down on the cheap metal desk with a satisfying clang.
“Really? You’re going to quit over him?” Chuck scoffed.
“Yes. Dean is worth a thousand shitty bar jobs like this one, and I’d choose him over any of them in a heartbeat,” Y/N said with her head held high. “I hope you know you’ve just lost your two best workers on the busiest night of the year. Come on, Dean. Let’s get out of this shithole.”
Dean didn’t protest. He stood up, smirked at Chuck because he just couldn’t help himself, and followed Y/N out of the bar and onto the street.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t need to do that. I’m a big boy, and I can look after myself,” Dean said after walking in silence for a few minutes.
“I know you can, and yes, I did. That was unfair and undeserved. Especially because it was my fault,” Y/N responded.
“Hey, don’t ever… it wasn’t your fault. Things like that are never the woman’s fault, you know that, right?” Dean couldn’t believe she’d ever think something like that would be her own doing.
“I know, but if I’d listened to you and let Marcus clear tables instead of me, none of this would’ve happened.”
“No. I won’t hear it. You didn’t ask to be groped by a balding douchebag going through a mid-life crisis, sweetheart. Don’t ever apologise for someone else’s wrongdoing,” he reassured her.
“So, what do we do now? We both kinda needed that job,” Y/N chuckled, but it held no humour.
“Well, I might know a guy who owns a wine bar downtown. A classy establishment, so the tips are better. And we’d be treated right,” Dean said, thinking of the bar Cas had tried to get him to work in for months.
“You have a buddy with a bar, and you chose to stay working in that shithole?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “Why? What would possess you to stay there? Willingly?”
“It wasn’t all bad,” Dean smirked. This wasn’t where he envisioned this conversation going–if it ever happened at all, that is–but the perfect opportunity had presented itself and he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t take it. “I got to see you almost every day.”
“Come on! You did not stay there for me!” Y/N scoffed, and Dean shrugged his shoulders, his lips tugging upwards in a shy smile.
“I did, actually. Can’t think of anyone better to spend so much time with.”
“Dean Winchester,” she grinned. “Are you flirting with me?” The teasing tone in her words was one he’d never heard before, and he liked it.
“Do you want me to be flirting with you?” he’d asked, needing to hear her say it before he did something stupid because he’d misread the signals.
“Yeah… I think I do,” Y/N giggled, stepping closer to him, bumping their arms together as they stepped in sync down the sidewalk.
“Yeah?” he asked, checking again because, quite frankly, she was her and he was him.
Dean stopped walking and gently grabbed her forearm to stop her from walking ahead. Feeling brave, Dean placed his hands on her cheeks and dipped his head, slowly lowering his lips to hers. Every inch closer he got, he switched his gaze between her lips and her eyes, making sure this was what she wanted.
When there was no hesitation and nowhere else to go, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers. They were as soft as they always looked, softer even, and tasted as sweet as he’d imagined they would.
Y/N pressed herself closer to him with a low hum and slid her arms up his chest, resting one hand on his pec and the other curling around his neck. Dean licked her bottom lip, encouraging her to open her mouth and let him deepen their kiss.
He failed to hold back a groan when his tongue met hers, the feeling so much better than anything his mind could’ve conjured up. Dean couldn’t remember how long he’d wanted this, and now that it was happening, he knew he’d do whatever he could to keep her in his arms, just like this.
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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A Longing For Home | @shatteredafteryou
Rating: Mature Word Count: 83,745 Main Tags/Warnings: AU, single parent!Dean, Angst, Happy Ending, Internalized Homophobia, Religious Guilt, Grief, Implied/Referenced Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Summary: Running late one morning, Dean Winchester bumps into the last person he expected to see: his childhood friend Castiel. Fifteen years after their fallout, things get complicated as they try to rebuild their friendship. Will Dean who is adapting to being a single father and Castiel who still struggles with his religious upbringing, be able to reconcile so many years later? There are some things better left in the past and yet, when they get dredged back up neither of them can stay away.
Fate is a Tricky Thing | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 109,281 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergence, Different First Meeting, Fallen Angel Castiel, Bisexual Disaster Dean, Slow Burn, Falling in Love, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Top Dean/Bottom Castiel, John Winchester A+ Parenting Summary: Dean can't allow himself the luxury of getting attached. So when he spends the best night of his life with a man who calls himself Emmanuel, he knows right away that nothing more will ever come of it. It doesn't even matter that Dean's unable to really forget the guy many weeks and months later, that is just the life. But then Sam ends up cursed on a hunt and after a long and ultimately futile search they find themselves with only one option left to save him: the healing abilities of an angel. Namely, the Fallen One. Castiel. Dean's never heard of the guy before, but if he's really capable of curing his brother, so be it. He is in for a rather big surprise, though, when he suddenly sees himself confronted with a very familiar face and soon enough his life is turned upside down in a fairly inconvenient manner. + (In which Dean realizes he slept with an angel of the freaking Lord, has a major freak-out about it, and then, to his own chagrin, can't stop thinking about doing it all over again as he and his cursed brother end up cohabiting with the angel in question.) (Great.)
On The Edge Of A Blade | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 182,838 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Alternate Universe - Hockey, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Slow Burn, Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Blood and Gore, Miscommunication, Hurt/Comfort, Depressed Dean Winchester, Explicit Sexual Content, Dean Winchester Has Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: It's the start of a new season. Castiel Shurley has been traded to the Islanders from the Rangers because Original Six teams are very picky about which players on their rosters are allowed to be gay, and assistant captains who are also autistic are too much of a liability. Dean Winchester has been named team captain against his will. He's still closeted despite starting his twelfth season in the NHL. Those are only two of the reasons that the pressure may actually kill him this time. One career Islander, one new addition to the roster, both veterans of professional hockey who instantly connect on (and off) the ice and are pushed even closer together by supportive friends, time spent both together and apart, various flavors of dysfunctional family dynamics... and, of course, the drive this year like every year to take home the Stanley Cup.
Computer Safety Verse | @debatchery
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 232,180 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, CIA!Cas, nerd!Dean, story in two parts Summary: NBC’s Chuck AU. Starring Dean as a computer nerd who becomes an asset against his will and Cas as a CIA operative assigned to protect him.
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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squeakyhalfling · 27 days
John Winchester and Chuck Shurley Are Getting Married
Author: squeakyhalfling
Artist: Glory_Jean
Rating: T
Tags: Cringe, Weddings, Wedding Fluff, john winchester is a long time resident of hell, Not Canon Compliant, Everyone Is Alive, rule of crack is in effect, Crack, Crack Relationships
John Winchester and Chuck Shurley are Getting Married, and it's going to be awful.
Dean and Castiel are attending the wedding of the two worst dads you know, and they are not looking forward to it. At least they have each other - although even that is new, and Dean's not used to it. With this many angels and hunters in the same place (including some familiar faces), things are bound to go terribly. Will the wedding be sabotaged? Will a war break out between angels and demons (again)? Does Dean even care?
Put on your sparkly angel halo or demon horn headband and take your seats for an (unfortunately) unforgettable ceremony.
This is my fic for @crack-in-the-chassis 2024! The idea came to me on a crackship roulette wheel, and it was truly harrowing (and fun) to write. I'm so blessed to have @glory-jean as a partner on this one. Their creations are stunning (and so much nicer than the costume store versions that appear in the fic), and the wedding invitation is perfection.
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Word Count: 2942
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. May have future SMUT 18+!
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
----------------------------------------- Chapter  28 - Kripke's Hallow
Castiel placed his hand on her shoulder and flew them to Kripke’s Hallow in Ohio. They were standing outside of a two-story house. The lawn looked unkept, as did the porch. That uneasy feeling returned to her in a strong wave that made her take a few steps back. He looked over at her, slightly puzzled, as she focused on the house.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, confused.
She took a deep breath, “I will be,” she replied, feeling determined.
Maria gathered her courage and confidence as she walked up the pathway, then the few steps up, onto the porch, before she rang the doorbell. She could feel someone was inside. It definitely didn’t feel human. Her heart had sped up a bit, but her expression had softened. She waited patiently as she heard footsteps in the house coming closer to the door. Castiel was standing beside her. He could have flown them right into his living room but had decided this way was better for them both. He had no clue what was about to be revealed.
The door opened to reveal a man in a pair of shorts that looked more like boxers and a white t-shirt that looked as though he’d been wearing it for a week. His hair was a bit messy, and he looked like he was in his forties, somewhat scruffy. She glanced past him for a moment, seeing the state of his home, which looked like a mess, like he didn’t do much cleaning, then she looked back at him.
“May I come in?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.
“Who are you?” he asked, glancing briefly at Castiel before looking back at her.
“I’ll explain everything. May I come in?” she asked again, her tone still relaxed.
She’d decided she wouldn’t go there looking for a fight. That she would talk to this prophet, kindly learn the truth of things. He didn’t move, looking between them for a moment. They weren’t supposed to be there; well, Castiel wasn’t supposed to be there, and he had no idea who this woman in front of him was. The man finally nodded a little and moved to the side so they could enter.
The two entered his living room, and Maria sat on the couch. The place was a mess, but she didn’t comment on it. The man soon joined them, leaning against his desk where his computer sat, across the room from them. Castiel stood to the right of the couch, curious about how the interaction would go.
“You asked me who I was. My name is Maria Winter. I heard you were a prophet but that the things you had written weren’t coming true. I wanted to meet you,” she explained calmly to the man, who she still didn’t know his name.
The name didn’t ring any bells for him, and he crossed his arms, “How do you know about all that?” he asked.
“Castiel shared it with me. So, I asked him to bring me here, to meet you. What’s your name?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.
This woman was puzzling him. She was clearly not human, although he couldn’t tell what she was either, “Chuck, Shurley. Do you know why my visions aren’t coming true?” he asked, deciding he’d attempt to get information out of her.
Maria straightened up a bit as she watched him, “Yes. I also know that you aren’t just a prophet,” she replied, seeing his glow, even if it was barely there. 
Chuck kept his expression flat, not wanting to give her anything, “Oh, what gives you that idea? I also want to know the reason my visions aren’t coming true,” he told her, attempting to figure her out without asking.
Castiel stayed quiet, just watching them. The more she spoke, the more curious he became about the situation. She tilted her head a bit at Chuck, choosing curiosity over demanding the information out of him, “Your glow, even if it has been dimmed, quite a bit. Although… I haven’t figured out why you would choose to do that. I have my own reasons for keeping mine dim, even concealed. What’s yours?” she asked, that same curiosity in her tone.
She’d dodged his request again, and it was beginning to annoy him, although he refused to show it. Chuck inhaled deeply through his nose, “I have my reasons. What are you?” he asked, wanting answers and getting frustrated that she wasn’t giving him any.
“There isn’t a name for what I am. Let’s just leave it at that. I’m also not here to hurt you. I’m merely looking for answers, that’s all,” she replied, “With what I’ve learned about your “visions” and you being a prophet, why is God attempting to manipulate the Winchester brothers?” she asked. Her tone was calm, but she watched him. The little movements. The way his hands twitched ever so slightly, then his jaw tensing for a split second.
“I don’t know what you mean. I get sent visions, I write them out, that’s it,” Chuck replied, keeping a reasonably stoic expression, but now he had something. She was connected to the Winchester family. The fact that she hadn’t been in a single one of his visions bothered him a great deal, though.
Again, she tilted her head a bit, narrowing her eyes, wondering why he wasn’t being fully honest with her, “You don’t trust me, or you don’t like me. Is that why you are lying?” she asked, rather bluntly.
He chuckled at that, looking at the floor for a moment, but he still didn’t move from where he was leaning, “I think you know things you don’t want to tell me. So, why should I trust or like you?” he asked, looking back at her.
She sighed, “I guess I’ll be the one to do the trusting first then. I’m neither an angel, archangel, or Nephilim, but something stronger than them all. I was brought into existence in secret,” she began, keeping her breathing calm, focusing on the peace within her, “I want to keep the Winchester’s safe, keep the world safe. I want Angels to remember why they were created. I want God to remember why he created all of this,” she told him softly, gesturing around her, but meaning the entire world.
Chuck was taken aback by her honesty. It was not what he expected her to say, but he kept his expression without emotion. He wondered just how long he could keep his secret from her. Castiel was surprised at her revelation, though, glancing between the two.
“Was she in your visions?” Castiel asked Chuck, concerned. Something like this should have been, at least, that was what he believed, and this was causing him to question his faith more.
“No. I’ve never had any visions of her,” Chuck answered, not liking where things were heading. He could feel the angel’s faith wavering, but he could also feel something coming from her, permeating his home. He sighed and looked down at the floor, “Zamariel…” he stated so quietly that they almost didn’t hear him.
Castiel looked at him. That was a name all angels knew, although he thought she was dead, having disappeared eons ago, “What does she have to do with all of this, Chuck?” Castiel almost demanded from him, taking a couple of steps toward him.
Maria felt the coming presence of an archangel, so she stood quickly, setting her hand on Castiel’s chest, looking up into his eyes, “Castiel, this isn’t the way.”
He looked down at her. Her eyes, expression, and tone were soft, and her touch gave him an odd sense of peace and relaxation. Castiel nodded, taking a couple of steps back. He noticed her smile softly before she turned back to Chuck.
“We aren’t a threat, not to you. To your plan perhaps, but not to you,” Maria began, then smirked a little, shaking her head a bit, “Prophets aren’t protected by angels or archangels, neither are Nephilim. So, God, why are you attempting to manipulate the Winchesters as well as the angels to bring about the apocalypse deliberately?” she asked calmly but bluntly.
Chuck was oddly proud of her for figuring it out. His angels hadn’t even figured it out, which made him laugh a little, “What can I say? They’re my favorite show,” he replied casually.
She tilted her head again, studying him, then sighed as she walked closer, only a few feet away from him now, “What happened to the hands-off approach?” she asked.
It was his turn to tilt his head a bit, “And here I thought you were smart,” he almost laughed.
Maria rolled her eyes, “I’m going to ask nicely. Please leave them, my family, alone.”
He smirked, “I may not be able to see them or you, but that isn’t going to stop me from watching what I can as well as adding some excitement to their lives,” he replied, in a smug sort of way.
Maria took a deep breath, calming herself. She wasn’t about to go the violent route. It would only perpetuate things that she didn’t want, and she knew it would bring more violence than it would stop. She again studied him for a moment, “Then, I’d like to leave you with something, before I go. Is that okay?” she asked calmly.
Chuck thought about that for a moment, feeling far too confident for his own good, “Sure, why not. You won’t stop me,” he replied, just as smugly as before.
She again smirked happily, setting her hand on his chest, a white/blue light emanating from her hand and into his chest, “Then I leave you with the emotions of what it means to lose loved ones, the comfort of the arms of the one you love as they hold you close, and the peace that having a family brings,” she told him softly.
A bright white light began appearing outside the windows of his home. She turned toward them, not moving her other hand from Chuck’s chest, and held up her other hand. “No,” she said quietly, calmly. 
The light instantly disappeared. It had been an archangel. She didn’t kill it; she just stopped it from interfering. Her gaze returned to Chuck as she moved her hand away, “Food for thought, that’s all.”
Maria walked back over to Castiel and set her hand on his shoulder. She could feel the angel’s emotions and felt for him. In a moment, his entire belief structure had completely crumbled. She sighed as she flew them back to the bunker, landing in the war room.
“You’re welcome to any of the rooms that aren’t occupied, Castiel. You can also use your powers here. I no longer have any reason not to trust you. All I ask is that you do not go on the warpath. Violence will only beget more violence,” she told him softly.
He could only nod slightly, staring at the floor, “I’ll be back.”
With that, Castiel was gone. She sighed, wishing there was a way she could help him, but he’d have to come to terms with everything on his own. Dean went over to her and wrapped his arms around her, breathing deeply, relieved she was okay. She returned the gesture, soothing him with her presence. She even felt his heart rate calm down, making her smile slightly.
“There are things I need to tell all of you,” she told Dean quietly after a moment.
He kissed the top of her head, holding the side of her face before he took her hand. They sat down at one of the library tables where the others had been attempting to wait patiently. Maria explained what had happened at Chuck/God’s house, not leaving out any details. They all mostly just looked at her, flabbergasted at her revelations. Sam was the one who was the most upset. He had a higher opinion of God than the others, and just like Castiel, his belief structure was shattered. Sam grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass, needing more than what a beer could provide at that point. 
“So, God’s basically a douch,” Dean stated.
“Sounds like it,” Jess replied, sighing. One thing bothering Sam and Jess was the whole wedding thing. The vows came from the bible, the whole union under God thing. They had begun wondering what the point of it all was, at least in that regard. They weren’t questioning how they felt toward each other, just the God part of it.
Maria sighed and looked down at the table, “It would seem so. I mean, we’ve faced a lot of things, but… God? I don’t know how to stop him or keep you all safe,” she told them, somewhat quietly.
Dean rubbed her back gently, attempting to comfort her. The thought of his life having been written in a book for just anyone to read bothered him. Then, to find out God himself was attempting to manipulate him and his brother by killing those they cared about to push them to bring about the apocalypse had him speechless.
“For now, I suggest we all just stay in the bunker. We’ve been safe here so far. We can send other hunters to take care of whatever comes up. At least for now,” Mary told them after having thought through what Maria had shared.
They would spend the night looking through books to find anything that could help them, some of them anyway. Sam took to the gym, getting his frustrations out there. Maria went to her room, looking through her book. The others grabbed beers while they thumbed through books in the library. 
Castiel showed back up about two hours later, drunk and stumbling. Maria felt his presence in the war room, so she headed out to see what was going on. She’d made it so that he could come and go as he pleased. When she noticed him stumbling, she went to his side and helped him stay on his feet.
“Hey, Castiel,” she said softly, “How much have you had to drink?” she asked, glancing up at him.
“I found a liquor store… and drank it,” he replied, in that same gruff, monotone, although now there was sadness.
Dean had stood up to help but stopped momentarily, watching her. She never ceased to amaze him. Her heart was so kind, and she cared so much about others, even a wayward angel. A small smile crossed his lips before he went to the other side of the angel, helping to hold him up. When his eyes met hers, he smiled softly at her.
“Come on, let’s get you to a bed,” Dean told Castiel, “That way, you can sleep it off if angels sleep.”
Maria chuckled a little before the two helped Castiel down the hall and to one of the rooms. They gently helped him sit on the edge of the bed. She sighed as she looked down at him, then knelt before him.
“Castiel, can I give you something,” she asked him softly, tilting her head slightly.
He looked at her, perplexed through a drunken gaze, then nodded. She smiled a bit and placed her hand on his chest, over his heart. The blue/white light glowed between her hand and his chest. She shared with him the peace her family brought her and that he could be a part of it. That he could have that peace, even without his faith. 
“Try to get some rest, Castiel,” she told him, her tone still soft as the light diminished. She stood up.
He still watched her, puzzled and intrigued by her and her kindness, nodding again. Dean was mesmerized by her, smiling. The two of them slipped out of the room, Dean closing the door to leave Castiel to rest. They rejoined the others in the library. Maria’s mind was still working, piecing together the information that continued to dance around, the pieces slowly fitting together, creating a new picture for her.
God was clearly having some issues; Maria had figured out that much at least, and it was with more than just his “visions” not coming true. It was like he’d forgotten why he created everything or like he was bored with the monotony of how things on Earth were going. She still couldn’t figure out why God/Chuck would want to deliberately bring about the apocalypse, though, to set Lucifer free of the cage that had been holding him for so long. Let alone why he wanted to manipulate Dean and Sam to be the ones to do it. She knew it was time to ask Zamariel some very pointed questions and hoped she’d get direct answers this time.
Sam eventually rejoined them after he showered. Maria noticed how he still looked a little lost. She knew that feeling well, and it made her sigh a bit. Jess attempted to comfort him by just being close to him. Maria felt Dean’s hand rest on the small of her back, and she turned to him, tilting her head just a bit. He had that stoic look again, but she could see what he was hiding behind it: his worry and fear, not just when it came to her but for his whole family. She also didn’t know that he was still mulling over what his father had told him; no regrets. Maria gave him a soft smile, trying to reassure him before they returned to their books. She recited that one line from the book in her mind, needing to see Zamariel.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 29
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 20 days
Principal Problems
Principal Problems https://ift.tt/me9DCQg by bleuzombie Castiel is surprised at the state of his children, Claire, Emma, and Jack, when they arrive home from their first day at a new school. Castiel listens as his children explain the harassment they endured from Principal Adler. Although they have struck rules about not fighting in their family, Castiel tells his children to inform their father, Dean, to meet him at the school when he gets home. Cas will either be discussing the situation with Principal Adler in the office or kicking his ass in the parking lot. Words: 5875, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Zachariah (Supernatural), Naomi (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), God | Chuck Shurley, Amara (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Punk, Punk Castiel (Supernatural), Punk Dean Winchester, Protective Castiel (Supernatural), bad teachers, Child Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Autistic Jack Kline, Autistic Meltdown, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Parents of Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Castiel and Dean Winchester are Jack Kline's Parents, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Claire Novak's Parents, Parents Castiel and Dean Winchester via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/LWa8ybV September 03, 2024 at 01:32AM
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senashenta · 1 month
Horror High: Chapter Six
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Title: Horror High
Pairing: Destiel
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Sex, Violence
Summary: John Winchester plants his eldest son at Caspar High in Jacksonville because weird things have been happening there: people disappearing. People reappearing only dead and drained of all their bodily fluids. Cocoons. It’s up to Dean to figure out what’s stalking Caspar’s halls and deal with it accordingly; but then he meets the New Kid—newer than him, even, the New-New Kid—Castiel Novak, and all his plans get severely derailed. Now Dean has to juggle the supernatural case—a really hungry jorogumo—and also the fact that he’s very quickly falling in love, something that is absolutely forbidden by his dad.
Meanwhile Castiel, shoved into the third new school in a year because his adoptive father—Chuck Shurley’s—job has them moving around a lot, struggles to fit in at Caspar High, not only because he’s the New Kid but because he’s the weird New Kid. Dean seems like a saving grace, a harbor in a storm, someone who doesn’t judge him—that is until Cas finds out about Dean’s night job. Cas’s life just got a whole lot stranger—but that doesn’t stop him from falling for Dean, regardless.
Notes: I am getting some feedback that Chuck is OOC and I am AWARE he is OOC, I was going for a Chuck that is somewhere between prophet!Chuck and initial nice!God!Chuck because Cas needed a father that wasn’t a) a hopeless mess of a drunk or b) a megalomaniacal child having a constant temper tantrum. :D
Pretty much just fluff and smut in this chapter, not much else. New chapter next Thursday or Friday, depending on my schedule! Can also be read over on AO3!
HORROR HIGH Chapter Six By Senashenta
The next day after school, instead of Dean walking Cas home, Cas walked with him back to the motel. They needed to upload the cocoon photos they had taken the day before to Sam’s laptop, and this way they could spend a little more time together before Cas had to head home. He called his father to let him know he was at ‘Dean’s place’ and would be home in time for dinner.
He and Dean, admittedly, made out a little before Sam got home from school, but no one was surprised by that fact. This time the door was properly locked behind them, so Sam had to knock, which meant he at least didn’t walk in on them like last time. It could have been worse.
Once Sam was there (and Cas and Dean had fixed their clothes), they wasted no time in uploading the photos, and then all settled in for a research session while Sam went over the pictures with a fine-toothed comb.
Eventually, Sam was laying on one of the beds, going through a pile of old books, while Cas and Dean sat at the kitchenette table, Cas also going through books and Dean reading articles on Sam’s laptop. Cas had left his own laptop at home, mostly because he didn’t want to chance taking it to school with him and having it broken—or stolen.
An hour and a half in, Dean disappeared from the room and came back with his arms full of cans of soda, bags of chips and chocolate bars—he had raided the vending machines in the motel lobby. They all helped themselves and continued to work, munching away quietly.
When it got close to time for him to be leaving, though, Cas’s attention began to pull away from the book currently in front of him and toward Dean because—
“Hey, Dean?” His voice came out hesitant, but Dean didn’t notice, too focused on the article he was reading on Sam’s laptop.
“My Father is going to be out of town this weekend. He has a seminar in Maine. Do you want to come over after school tomorrow?”
“Oh, sure.” Still distracted.
Over on the bed Sam faceplanted into his book and muttered, “oh my God,” under his breath.
Cas tried again, this time reaching to take hold of Dean’s arm. When Dean finally looked up, he cleared his throat and offered, “do you want to come over for the night?”
This time Dean got it. Realization dawned in his eyes, and he coughed, looked down, then looked back up and adjusted himself in his seat. “Yeah, definitely.” He managed, voice just a touch strained.
“Gross.” Sam protested.
“Watch it, brat.” Dean warned, ignoring the flush of red that was tinting the tips of his ears.
Cas squeezed his arm with a little smile and then returned to his own research. “We can order pizza.”
“Yeah ‘cause pizza’s what I’m gonna be worried about.” Dean muttered, making both Cas and Sam snort.
It was only a short time later that Cas had to excuse himself. It was a long walk home and he had promised his father he would be there in time for dinner. So, he packed up his things and headed for the door—only for Dean to stop him on the threshold and pull him into a kiss.
Sam grumbled, but Cas smiled against Dean’s lips and angled his head for another one—longer and deeper—before stepping back and giving the older teen a smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dean.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” There was just a touch of nervousness in Dean’s voice.
Cas found it downright adorable.
-- --
[Cherry, I think. Why?]
Cas was fully aware that Dean had a thing for pie, and that night, while sitting in his room working on his homework, he had texted Sam to ask what his brother’s favorite kind of pie was. Sam seemed baffled by the question. Cas just responded:
[I want to make a pie for him. For tomorrow night.]
There was a long pause before Sam replied to that, seeming to understand now:
[OH. I get it. In that case, definitely cherry, but with chili peppers.]
Cas made a little confused noise to himself: [Chili peppers?] He questioned. He didn’t know much about cooking or baking, but that sounded… odd. Still, he trusted Sam, so he just waited for the younger boy’s answer:
[Yeah, like the Red Hot Cherry Peppers? It’s a hot-and-sweet thing they do with desserts sometimes. Dean loves it.]
Cas supposed that made sense. He knew people put strange food combinations together all the time, even if he didn’t understand it himself:
[Okay. Thank you, Sam.]
Now, Cas was of course not particularly known for the culinary skills. He had told that to Dean before on more than one occasion, and it was true, that was why he packed the same sandwiches for them every day for lunch at school. But he really wanted to at least try to do this for his boyfriend, so he grabbed his wallet, shoved it in his pocket, and headed downstairs.
“Where are you going? It’s getting late.” Chuck called from the living room when he saw Cas pulling on his shoes.
“To the grocery store.” Cas replied, “I’m going to bake a pie.”
Chuck nearly spit his coffee. He winced visibly (Cas couldn’t blame him), but in the end didn’t protest, instead just offering, “okay, good luck with that!”
-- --
After he got back from the store, Cas spent a good portion of the night attempting to bake a pie with minimal success (he set the smoke alarm off three times), and, after his final product was set to cool on the counter, locked up in his room doing research. The kind of research that he definitely didn’t want his father walking in on. The kind of research where he huddled in his bed with his laptop volume way down and his earphones in anyway, just in case.
Because. He had never done this before, and if things went the way he thought they were going to the next night, he wanted to know what he was in for. As much as he had tried to tell his father that he’d already learned everything from health class, that had been a blatant lie—because school health class only covered straight intercourse, and that was not what this was going to be. Like at all.
He had a general idea what was involved in sex between two men but didn’t know the details—or hadn’t. Now he did, and he understood why his father had shoved a tube of lubricant at him a couple days before. It made logical sense. It didn’t make it any less mortifying.
But even though all his research was, yes, mortifying, and at times confusing, it didn’t make him want it any less, especially since it would be with Dean. There was something about the thought of being that close with Dean—physically, emotionally—that made his stomach squirmy in a pleasant sort of way. Made him smile to himself, even though he was the only one in the room.
Assuming Dean wanted to, of course, which, judging from what had gone on between them so far, seemed a given, but he couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, could he? Cas would just have to wait and see.
Sufficed to say that he didn’t get much sleep that night, and stumbled through his morning routine when his alarm jerked him awake at seven. He had fallen asleep with his laptop in his bed, his earphones still in from his forbidden and embarrassing Internet searches.
At least with little sleep there had been little time for nightmares, though he had still dreamt something vague about absorbing utter darkness into himself and then melting away into nothingness in a river. It had actually been one of his less distressing dreams, all things considered.
When he managed to get showered and dressed and make it downstairs, his father took one look at him and shoved a cup of coffee in his direction. He didn’t comment on the ‘pie’ on the counter. Cas downed the coffee like he’d been lost in the desert, and it was the first liquid he’d seen in a month.
By the time he had to actually leave for school he was feeling mildly more awake, and Chuck wished him a good day of classes and said goodbye, told him to behave and asked him to please not burn the house down—he would be leaving town while Cas was still in class.
The walk to school was long and arduous, and when he arrived at Caspar, Cas still felt partly asleep, but managed to locate Dean where he was waiting for him outside the building, regardless. He all but collapsed into the older boy’s chest, his head coming down against Dean’s shoulder. He yawned hugely.
“You look rough.” Dean observed even as he wrapped Cas up in his arms and tilted his head to kiss by his temple lightly. “Long night?”
“So long.” Cas agreed, stifling another yawn into Dean’s shoulder. He pushed back enough to look up at Dean, “I’ll be fine, I just have to wake up.”
Dean hesitated, then, “you sure you want me to come over tonight?”
But Cas shook his head immediately. He leaned in for a kiss. “I’m sure. Definitely.” Especially after all his preparation the night before. Between that and his father being out of town, it would be a waste. “I just need some caffeine.” Then, after a pause, “some more caffeine. I already had coffee.”
“Mm, I can taste it.” Dean smiled at him and kissed him gently again. “As long as you’re sure, Cas.”
Cas hummed and just leaned back against Dean again. “I’m sure, Dean.”
“Okay. Good. Because I already gave Sammy the whole lecture on Motel Safety since he’s going to be on his own overnight.”
A soft chuckle. “I’m sure he loved that.”
“Loved is a strong word.”
Another quiet laugh. Cas brought one hand up to pat against Dean’s chest, amused. For the first time in days, he wasn’t hearing the whispers that were surely going on around them. “Sam will be fine. He’s capable.”
“He’s thirteen.”
“And he was raised by you and your Dad, right? So, he’ll be okay.”
“I guess.” Dean allowed.
It was hard for him to think of Sam as anything other than a little kid, because he had practically raised him himself. Their dad had been there, sure, off-and-on, but he had been absent as much as he had been around, Dean had been the constant in Sam’s life. But realistically, Cas was right: Sam was growing up. He wouldn’t die just from spending one night in the motel by himself. Dean just didn’t like to admit it.
“If he rats me out to Dad about all this, I swear I’ll kill him myself.”
Cas gave a little snort and brought one hand up to run his fingers through Dean’s hair, gentle reassurance even as he continued to rest his head on the older teen’s shoulder. “You will not.” He accused softly, breath warm at the crook of Dean’s neck, “you live for Sam.”
But Dean shook his head and tightened his arms around Cas slightly. “Not anymore.”
Cas’s fingers paused in Dean’s hair, then curled, tugging gently just once. He swallowed. “Dean, I—”
And then the first bell rang.
Cas jolted a little—and then sighed and pulled away from Dean, giving him a small smile. “You’re coming home with me straight after school?”
Dean reluctantly let him go, arms falling back to his sides, though he leaned close for one more kiss. “Yeah.”
Cas returned the kiss but didn’t deepen it, instead easing back to head inside. “See you at lunch, Dean.”
Then he ducked away and hurried into the building, leaving Dean to follow at a much more reluctant pace.
-- --
Lunch was spent quietly that day, the two of them just eating and sitting together, mostly in silence. Cas couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that Dean was coming home with him—really coming home with him. And as much as he wanted it, there was a little ball of nervousness in his stomach, too. He wasn’t entirely sure why.
Dean seemed to be contemplating something himself, but whatever it was he didn’t share—and Cas didn’t ask. He never pushed Dean too hard. He knew Dean had his secrets, and sometimes it was better to let him keep them. Everyone was entitled to their own private thoughts, after all.
After school, Cas got out to the front of the building first, which was of course the typical way things went, and spent a few minutes fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt while he waited for Dean, perking when the other boy emerged from the school and headed over to where he was sitting.
“Up you come,” Dean reached down to take his hand and haul him to his feet, and Cas allowed it with a laugh. “How was your afternoon?”
“It was good. No cocoons in gym. Charlie says hi.”
“I don’t even know Charlie.”
“But she knows you.” Cas brushed off the back of his jeans with his free hand, his other hand still holding onto Dean’s. He picked up his backpack and slung it over one shoulder, then tugged at Dean’s hand gently. “Let’s go.”
“How are you feeling?” Dean asked as they stepped off school property and turned right. “You don’t look as rough as you did this morning.”
“Mm,” Cas agreed, adjusting his backpack, and then looking sideways at Dean, “I feel better. Just had trouble waking up this morning. Long night on the laptop.”
Dean smirked a little. “I never would have figured you as one for porn, Cas.”
Cas flushed red. “Dean!”
Dean laughed and squeezed his hand. “I’m kidding!” And then, “homework, right? Sam sometimes spends all night working on homework too. Then he drinks way too much coffee for a kid his age. What class?”
“Uh,” Cas was still bright red, but to his credit he shrugged and lied, “ancient civ. I had and essay due today and I’d, um, really procrastinated over it. I had to cram most of it in last night.”
“You are very distracting, Dean.”
A grin and Dean leaned over to kiss by his ear. “You’re still blushing. It’s adorable. I’m sorry.”
Cas grumbled under his breath but didn’t have anything to say in response to that. He just turned his eyes to the ground, watching his feet as he walked and willing the blushing to go away. That was embarrassing.
“You mad at me?”
“…no. Of course not. Just… embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. It’s cute.”
“Saying that will not make the blushing stop, Dean.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
When they got to Cas’s house, the door was predictably locked, and Cas dug his key out to let them in. Once inside with the door closed behind them, they paused in the entryway to take their shoes off—his father may not have been home, but No Shoes In The House was still the rule—and Cas set his backpack on the little bench by the door. He would take it upstairs later. Maybe.
Then he turned to look at Dean, hesitated, and finally informed him, “I made you a pie. For tonight. To go with the pizza.”
Dean started to perk—and then stopped. “Wait, you made a pie?”
Cas nodded.
This was worrying for a few reasons, but mostly because they had established early on that Cas could not cook. He had once said he could burn water. Dean hesitated, probably too long, and then finally said; “sure, let’s have a look at it!” With as much false hope and enthusiasm as a person could possibly convey. Cas didn’t buy it for a second, but also didn’t fault him for it, either.
So, they made their way to the kitchen, where… something, certainly not a pie, was waiting on the middle island, practically radiating malevolence. It was lopsided for sure, but one half was burnt black while the other half was somehow still practically raw. Frankly, Dean wondered if he should be Hunting it or something. He was pretty sure if you poked it, the thing would utter the word “eeeeevil.”
Cas just looked down on it and deadpanned, “nothing went according to plan, Dean. I suspect I am not good at baking pies.” Then he looked back up at Dean and added, “you don’t have to eat it. I just wanted you to know I tried.”
Oh good. Dean nodded and questioned with morbid curiosity, “what flavor is it?”
“Cherry,” Okay, a respectable flavor at leas— “with chili peppers.”
Dean balked. “I’m sorry, come again?”
“You know, like the Red Hot Cherry Peppers.” Cas explained, as if the words coming out of his mouth made perfect sense, “Sam said cherry was your favorite, and that cherry goes with spice like the Red Hot Cherry Peppers and—and you are looking at me like I’m saying something stupid. I’m saying something stupid, aren’t I?”
Sam. Of course. Dean palmed over his face and muttered “that little shit” before returning his attention to Cas, reaching to pull him closer and leaning in to kiss him gently. “Cas, my brother was screwing with you. And me. This is one hundred percent a prank. No one eats cherry pie with chilis. And it’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they’re a band. Like music, not like pie.”
Cas frowned. “Apparently Sam can also be a jerk sometimes.��
Dean actually laughed at that, grinning at his boyfriend before going in for another kiss. “That’s what brothers are for.”
Cas hummed against his lips and decided, “next time I’ll just buy a pie.”
Another grin. “That sounds like a good plan. Also, I’m going to make you an essential music playlist, your lack of music knowledge is just sad.”
“If you must.”
“Oh, I must.”
-- --
They ordered pizza for dinner (pepperoni, sausage, bacon and extra cheese—no vegetables for Dean, it seemed, but that was fine with Cas, he actually found it amusing) and took it to the living room, taking over the coffee table with the box and a couple of cans of soda, and then flicking through Netflix, discussing what to watch for several long minutes until Dean decided on a movie Cas probably had no interest in. The younger teen didn’t mind, though, he was more interested in Dean anyway.
So, they ate their pizza sitting side by side in front of the television, Dean explaining the movie to Cas along the way because the other boy was (predictably) lost right from the start.
Once they were done eating, they sprawled out over the rest of the couch, Cas leaning into one corner and Dean stretched out on his back, his head in Cas’s lap and a little, content smile on his face while Cas stroked his fingers through Dean’s hair, just toying with the soft strands gently.
Neither of them was really watching the movie anymore. Dean’s eyes were closed over and Cas was looking down at him, not at the TV, but the film continued to play in the background, regardless.
“Hey, Dean?” Cas asked finally, tugging gently at a strand of his hair.
Dean hummed out a happy noise. “Yeah?”
“You should be kissing me.”
“Oh, thank God,” Green eyes blinked open again and Dean began to sit up, “I was going crazy trying not to touch you over here!”
Over here was literally in his lap, but Cas got the idea anyway, especially when Dean made a point of immediately dragging him over and maneuvering Cas into his lap so that Cas was straddling him, then pulling him into a kiss.
The next while was spent continuing to ignore the movie entirely, making out heavily, hands wandering, hips grinding and little, nonsensical murmurs between kisses until Dean began trailing them down Cas’s jawline and neck, biting gently, and Cas muttered breathlessly, “my Father says I have to watch out for you. You’re just another horny teenage boy, essentially.”
Dean grinned against the crook of his neck. “And what do you think?”
“I think… I think we’re both teenage boys.” Cas swallowed and licked his lips, then sat back a little and lifted a hand to tug at Dean’s shirt lightly; “and I think we should go upstairs.”
Dean paused at that before leaning in to kiss Cas again, just gently this time. “You sure about that, Cas?”
Sliding his hand up to grip in Dean’s hair, Cas bit his lip and rocked his hips firmly into the older boy’s, making it more than obvious how hard he was, as if it hadn’t been already. He nodded, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m sure.”
“Oh shit—” Dean swore, his own hips bucking upward in response, and panted softly, drawing Cas into another series of kisses, hot, deep, and hungry, “you’re incredible, do you know that?”
Cas laughed breathlessly and teased, “you’re just saying that because you want to get in my pants. As they say.”
But Dean shook his head. He bumped their foreheads together again and gave him another kiss, this time just brief and warm. “No. You’re incredible.”
Surprise. A blink. Cas tilted his head curiously, “but why? I’m not…” Trailing off, he glanced down, eyes shifting back-and-forth as he considered his words; “…special. I’ve never been special.”
“You are special, though.” Dean sighed, tightening his arms around Cas to pull the other boy even closer, and tilted his head to press soft kisses along his jaw back to his ear; “so don’t be stupid, you know I adore you.”
“I—” Cas leaned into the kisses, blue eyes closing over. “Same. But about you.”
Dean smiled against his skin. “Mm, I know.” Nipping by his jaw lightly, he sat back to give Cas another proper kiss. “Still want to go upstairs?”
“Definitely.” No hesitation. Cas smiled and began disentangling himself from the other boy so he could climb out of his lap and stand, “I did research. I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Dean followed him up, brushing at his clothes once he was standing—but then stopped. “Wait, research?”
“Well yeah.” Cas shrugged, flushing just a little as he reached for Dean’s hand and then headed for the stairs, “it’s what I was actually doing last night, not homework. I’ve never done this before, so I thought I should know what I’m in for.”
“Oh.” Dean managed weakly. “So, you’ve really never…?”
A pause in Cas’s steps. He glanced back over his shoulder. “No.”
“Not even with girls?” He had known that he was Cas’s first boyfriend, but still.
“No… why? Does that matter?”
Dean’s face was getting progressively redder and redder. Cas just tugged at his hand to get him walking again. “Uh, what kind of research did you do?” He asked finally, voice just a touch higher than normal.
Another shrug as they climbed the stairs. “Just all kinds of things. Articles and videos and stuff. Most of it made sense. There was one video with a babysitter and a pizza man that was really… baffling, though.” (Most of the videos hadn’t been in any way logical, if he was being honest with himself.)
That made Dean laugh again, though. “I think I’ve seen that one.” He joked weakly—and then tugged Cas to a stop just outside his bedroom door. “Cas, I—” He swallowed thickly and shook his head. “Are you—I mean, I know you said you were sure, but are you sure-sure?I don’t—it’s just—shit, man, I want this so bad, but if you’ve never…” Green eyes met Cas’s searchingly, “I just really don’t want to screw this up, that’s all.”
Cas just looked at him, ignoring the faint redness in his own face. “Are you nervous because I’m a virgin?” Dean sputtered an affirmative, and Cas gave a little half-smile, “but you’ve never slept with another boy either, right?” Another somewhat squawked agreeing noise; “so aren’t we in the same boat?” He squeezed Dean’s hand gently and offered; “besides, you… you won’t mess it up. I don’t think you could. And even if you did, how would I know? Anyway… I want it to be you, for my first time. Okay?”
Dean looked at him in astonishment. “Why—why do you want it to be me?”
“Because I—” This time Cas hesitated, but only briefly before turning around to face Dean properly. He sighed and lifted both hands to rest against Dean’s chest, feeling how hard his heart was beating under his palms. “Because you care. Because you can be so gentle when you want to be. You always are with me, anyway.” Glancing down, he shrugged one shoulder and added, “because I’m very seriously falling in love with you.”
And oh. Dean’s eyes widened and he paused to gather his suddenly swirling thoughts, swallowing and licking his lips before wrapping his arms around Cas and pulling him closer, tilting his head to press a kiss against his forehead. “You know how I feel about you, Cas. You’re the most important person in my life, along with Dad and Sam, and I…” He trailed off then, ducking to nuzzle into Cas’s neck warmly. “Cas, I…”
Cas brought one hand up to run his fingers through Dean’s hair and smiled fondly. “I understand.” Then, a little worried that he might have pushed Dean too far already, he murmured, “do you not want to have sex tonight, Dean? We could just finish the movie and cuddle. Make out some more. That would be nice, too.”
But as much as Dean was worried about screwing things up, he still really did want to go through with this—he did suffer terribly from being a Teenage Boy, it was true—and he laughed against Cas’s neck at the very idea of waltzing back downstairs and just going back to the movie like nothing had happened.
“Not a chance.” He grinned and reached to open the door to Cas’s bedroom, bumping it open and backing into the room, tugging Cas with him. Cas went along willingly, closing the door behind them—and then Dean crowded him back into the closed door, pressing close and drawing him into a series of heated, wanting kisses.
Cas uttered a muffled pleased noise, hands coming up to hold at either side of Dean’s neck. He returned Dean’s kisses in kind, holding him close even as Dean’s hands rubbed at his hips before sliding up his sides, under his shirt and the older boy slid a knee between his legs to grind against him.
“Oh, God,” Cas broke off with a gasp to let his head fall back against the door and Dean dove in to trail messy kisses along the curve of his throat, his hands still under Cas’s shirt and rubbing hotly along his skin. “Dean…”
“Mmh.” Was Dean’s response. He slid his hands around to Cas’s back, still under his shirt, and pulled him away from the door and over toward the bed, kissing along his neck the entire time.
Once they were across the room they basically tumbled into the bed, Dean settling over Cas easily, comfortably, and Cas reaching up to pull the older boy down for more kisses even as Dean pulled at Cas’s shirt, pushing it up as far as he could without the younger teen’s cooperation. Then he just made a soft frustrated noise against Cas’s lips, almost pouting.
Cas laughed breathlessly and pushed Dean back a bit, then pulled his shirt off and tossed it away. That was followed by bringing his hands up to grab at the front of Dean’s shirt. “Yours, too.”
“Yeah,” Dean agreed, sitting back and pulling off the long-sleeved flannel shirt he was wearing, discarding it before grabbing at the back of his t-shirt and pulling it over his head. It was pitched somewhere on the floor, too.
Cas just looked up at his boyfriend for a moment, swallowing thickly. Dean was already reaching to undo Cas’s jeans, and suddenly this was very real. Cas took a shaky breath but lifted his hips up when Dean started tugging his jeans down, allowing them to be pulled away and discarded easily.
Something in his voice made Dean freeze, halfway to having his own jeans undone. “Cas?” He let go of his zipper and carefully lowered himself down, this time next to Cas, pressed into his side, leaning to kiss him gently. “Is this still okay?”
“I—” It wasn’t that he was having second thoughts, he still wanted this, he just… “I think I just—realized. That this is actually happening.” Then a short pause and he looked sideways at Dean to tell him, “sorry, it’s kind of a lot.”
Dean gave a relieved sigh and relaxed, tipping his head to kiss by Cas’s jaw. “You still want to?”
“Mm.” Cas hummed at the kiss and closed his eyes for just a moment before opening them again, giving Dean a smile. “I really do.”
“You sure?”
“Just checking.” Dean defended and then added softly, “I really don’t want to screw this up, Cas. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“And I appreciate that, but still.” Cas lifted a hand up to card his fingers through Dean’s hair, tugging gently, and ordered, “take your pants off, Dean.”
A grin from the older boy. “I can do that.”
Dean climbed out of the bed long enough to shuck out of his jeans and boxers before clambering back onto the mattress, easing up against Cas’s side again. Cas swallowed a little again—and leaned in for a kiss, even as he reached with one hand to palm at Dean’s cock. Dean groaned against his mouth, muffled against his lips, and rocked his hips into Cas’s hand lightly.
But that wasn’t what the goal was, here, no matter how much they both enjoyed it. And it seemed unfair that Dean was stripped completely bare while Cas was still wearing his boxers… so Cas let go of Dean’s dick, placated him with another little kiss, then quickly stripped his own boxers off and pitched them out of the way.
Dean propped himself up on one arm to lean over Cas and ducked in for another kiss. “God, you’re gorgeous.” His free hand was wandering now, sliding hotly across Cas’s skin, along his chest and down to his abdomen—then lower.
Cas just whined at the compliment and arched into Dean’s touches, bringing one hand up to grab at the side of Dean’s neck and pull him closer again. “Dean.”
“I’m allowed to think you’re beautiful,” He was told firmly, Dean ducking to kiss down his neck to his chest, nipping there lightly, licking over one nipple. His hand closed around Cas’s cock and Cas bucked into it with a gasp. “Do you have condoms, Cas? Please tell me you have condoms.”
Blue eyes opened and he looked at Dean, gave him a little smile. “Yes.” Batting Dean’s hand away from his cock gently, he scooted over to reach into the bedside table drawer, pulling out the box of condoms and the tube of lubricant that his father had given him earlier. Then he returned to his place, tugging Dean down on top of himself again and holding the box of condoms up. “My… Father.” He explained embarrassedly, “insisted on giving them to me.”
Dean blinked, taking the box from Cas’s hand—then just grinned down at him. “What, really? I bet that was embarrassing.”
“You have no idea. He tried to give me the Sex Talk. Or at least the Cliff Notes version. When he told me he was going to be away for the weekend. He… assumed. This would happen.” One of Cas’s hands rubbed up and down Dean’s side restlessly. He shrugged. “I guess he was right. He also gave me this,” He held the lube for Dean to see. “Which we are definitely going to need.”
Another blink from Dean and he looked at the lubricant almost blankly. “Uh.”
“It’s different with guys, Dean.” Cas muttered, “you can’t just—I won’t get naturally wet, I—you have to prepare me, or you actually could hurt me.”
“Define ‘prepare’.” Dean said it as a statement, but it was actually a question.
Cas made a soft sound, half frustration and half embarrassment. His eyes skittered away to focus on the stars on the ceiling. “You won’t, um, fit. Unless you stretch me out first. That’s what the lubricant is for. If you don’t do that I—I mean. It’d hurt. A lot. I’d probably bleed. And that’s obviously not what I want from this…” Trailing off a little, he looked back at Dean again. “I’m sorry, we should have had this conversation earlier. It’s probably a turn-off.”
Dean was quiet for a moment, then dropped the box of condoms down on the bed beside them and took the lube from Cas’s hand, adding that to the little pile. “Cas,” He said firmly, “first of all, we’ve already established that the last thing I want to do is hurt you in any way. So, this little talk is necessary. And second?” He grinned and leaned down for a kiss; “we’re currently naked in bed together for the first—and hopefully not last—time. There’s very little that could be a turn-off right now.”
Blue eyes blinked up at Dean in surprise. “Really?”
Another kiss. “Really.” And then a grin and, “you weren’t kidding when you said you did research.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Cas agreed. One hand reached to grab the lube again and he inspected it for a breath before he held it up for Dean to take. “So…?”
Dean chuckled and plucked the lubricant from his fingers. He kissed Cas again—then once more for good measure—before easing back and sitting up. He shuffled his way down the bed a little, then patted at one of Cas’s legs. “I think… if you have your knees up and apart, it’ll work the best.” He let Cas adjust himself accordingly before asking, “how many fingers?”
Cas bit his lip, feeling more than a little exposed at the moment. “Um, start with one. Obviously.” He said, hips shifting awkwardly and only half-hard now, “but the general consensus seems to be at least three. But. In stages.”
“Three.” Dean’s eyes flickered from his hand to between Cas’s legs and he swallowed slightly. “Okay.”
“Just… go slow and use lots of lube. I think.”
It started out awkward, with Dean using probably too much lube and then oh so carefully easing one finger into Cas’s body, slow and steady, then starting to carefully push it in and out of him. Cas swallowed thickly and flung an arm over his eyes, mostly to hide the flaming blush that had overtaken his entire face. Dean kept asking if he was okay and he kept assuring the other boy that he was, of course, it just felt weird.
Adding the second finger changed things. Suddenly there was a stretch and a burn—but a pleasant stretch and burn, one that flared up his spine and made his cock twitch and start to fill out properly again. Cas bit his lip to stifle a little groan—and Dean caught on that immediately, a pleased smirk stretching across his face. He started moving his fingers a little faster and a little deeper.
And then he accidentally brushed against Cas’s prostate for the first time, just slightly.
Cas jolted, and yelped out a shocked cry, his arm flying away from his face and down to grab at the bedcovers.
Dean looked up, eyebrows lifting, and grinned.
“Shut up.” Cas gasped out, even though Dean hadn’t actually said anything. “Don’t stop.”
Of course Dean kept going. Over the course of the next few minutes, he managed to work up to three fingers and reduce Cas to a panting, writhing mess and it was so. Goddamn. Satisfying. He was hard again, now, too, just from watching Cas, his own cock throbbing against his stomach. And he had a pretty good idea of where that spot was inside the other boy, now, he could reliably hit it most times he tried, even if he wasn’t completely sure what it was called.
Finally, Cas arched his back and waved one hand down toward Dean, pulling at the blankets with the other. “D-Dean—that’s enough—oh, God—you’ve got to stop or I’ll—please—!”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Dean pulled his hand back and hurriedly grabbed for the box of condoms, pulling one out and ripping it open, rolling it over his aching dick. Then he settled himself between Cas’s legs—and paused, leaning down to bump their foreheads together. “Last chance to back out.”
But Cas just shook his head and tipped his chin to kiss Dean almost desperately. “No way.”
Dean gave a breathless laugh—and then pushed himself into Cas’s now-pliant body.
Both of them just kind of… stopped, once Dean was fully seated, each taking a deep, shuddering breath because—oh God, it felt so damned good. Then they were moving again, Cas to wrap his legs around Dean’s hips and Dean to start thrusting into the younger boy, hard and deep.
Dean buried his face in the crook of Cas’s neck, panting, and Cas did much the same, pressing messy kisses along Dean’s shoulder in between gasps and moans, his arms around his boyfriend, fingers digging little furrows into the back of Dean’s shoulders.
And Dean was good at this, Cas decided distantly as pleasure thrummed through him, flared up his spine and tingled in his limbs, made his vision go starry—meanwhile Dean was thinking much the same; Cas was fantastic, felt perfect against him, around him, with him.
It didn’t really last long, though, especially with Dean’s pace and Cas’s inexperience. Soon enough, Cas was grabbing harder at Dean’s back, throwing his head back against the pillows and crying out loudly as he came—and Dean followed soon after, his hips jerking out of rhythm a few times before he shoved deep and tensed, coming hard with a low grunt.
Then Dean slumped down over him, and Cas lowered his legs back to the mattress, loosening his grip on the older boy with a breathless little laugh.
“We’re laughing?” Dean asked, just as breathless, muffled into Cas’s shoulder.
“We’re laughing.” Cas confirmed and slid one hand up to thread his fingers through Dean’s sweat damp hair. “I just… wow. That’s all.”
Dean grinned against Cas’s skin and tipped his head to kiss at the crook of his neck. “Yeah.” He agreed, “that sums it up nicely.”
-- --
In the morning, Dean woke up to the sun streaming through the window, soft sheets, a comfortable pillow and the smell of perking coffee. Good perking coffee. Not the shitty motel stuff. It was like waking up in Heaven.
Then came the gentle touches against his back, fingers tracing the edges of his muscles and scars, a palm sliding warmly against his skin. A smile tugged at Dean’s lips, and he murmured something unintelligible before cracking his eyes open finally and rolling over onto his other side to face Cas, Cas’s hand dragging the entire way.
The other boy had his other arm tucked under the pillow, his head resting there, and his eyes were the bluest of blue in the early sunlight. Cas smiled at him with just the faintest edge of shyness—but when Dean leaned forward for a kiss, he returned it unabashedly.
“Cas, you…” The words were whispered like a secret between them, even though there was no one else in the room—or even in the house; “last night was incredible, I’ve never… I mean. I’ve been with people before. Girls. But you were… you are…” Shaking his head, Dean glanced down, almost embarrassed, “you’re amazing.”
“So are you.” Cas’s lips quirked and he admitted, “I saw stars.”
Dean laughed at that, “were you looking at the ceiling?” He teased.
But Cas shook his head, even as Dean was angling for another kiss. “No, it was all you. And before you ask? I don’t regret a thing.”
“You really are beautiful, you know.” Dean murmured against his lips, making Cas laugh softly and kiss him again. “What? I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” Cas brought his wandering hand up to cup Dean’s jaw. “But look who’s talking.”
Dean hummed and turned his head to kiss against Cas’s palm. “I guess you can have your opinions.”
“And you yours.” Cas agreed, then smiled again, this time almost shy once more; “I didn’t have nightmares last night, with you here. I…” Glancing down, he murmured softly, “you’re my dreamcatcher, I guess.”
Dean regarded him fondly and tipped his head to kiss against Cas’s forehead. “I’m glad.”
“Stay over every night?” Cas asked, only half-joking.
“I wish.” Dean leaned back and stretched until his back popped, making a satisfied noise afterward. “I haven’t slept that good in ages, either.”
Cas’s little smile widened, and he watched Dean quietly for a moment before reaching out to touch one of Dean’s scars, a small one by his clavicle. “What’s this from?” He asked softly.
“Got shot.” Dean shrugged, “about a year ago. It doesn’t hurt anymore or anything.”
“Who shot you?”
“Someone bad. Doesn’t really matter. I survived, that’s the important thing.”
Cas considered that for a moment before deciding to just accept it for what it was. Dean obviously didn’t really want to talk about it. So, he just changed the topic: “I woke up before you, so I made coffee. Do you want some?”
Dean perked considerably at that. “Oooooh yes, black as a moonless night!”
Cas snorted a laugh and shoved at Dean’s shoulder but climbed out of bed regardless. He was already dressed-ish from his foray down to the kitchen to get the coffee going, just a pair of boxers and—
“Hey, is that my shirt?” Dean pushed up on his elbows, regarding Cas with surprise.
The younger boy shrugged with one shoulder. He looked down at the AC/DC shirt he was wearing blandly. “I couldn’t find mine in the mess we made last night, so I borrowed it. You can have it back later. Why is your shirt about batteries, anyway?”
“Batteries?!” Dean sputtered, but before he could get any farther than that, Cas had already disappeared out the door, heading downstairs for coffee. He padded around barefoot, pouring two mugs of the stuff (an expensive brand his Father insisted on keeping in the house) and then doctoring his own with cream and sugar, though he left Dean’s black as requested.
Then he turned the coffee pot off and carefully made his way back up to the bedroom, where Dean had finished having his fit over the shirt, and bumped the door closed with his hip when he entered, crossing over and handing Dean his mug before gingerly climbing back into the bed with his own.
Dean obviously thoroughly enjoyed his first sip, which made Cas smile around the lip of his mug. “I’m glad you like it.”
“You have no idea the kind of crap I’m forced to drink on the road, Cas. No idea.” The older boy took another drink, humming out a happy noise, then paused, green eyes flicking up to Cas again, “so. You did the… research, right?” He asked, “that… spot. Inside you. That made you… jerk and moan the way you did…”
“My prostate,” Cas murmured around the lip of his mug, “or at least I’m pretty sure, anyway.”
“What does it… feel like?”
Oh, God, how was he even supposed to explain this? Cas swallowed slightly and busied himself taking another couple drinks from his coffee, hedging for time. “It feels…” He trailed off before trying again; “it’s like electric pleasure, shooting up my spine. Like you’re touching some livewire inside me and—God, Dean, it feels—” Breaking off, he shook his head and managed, “it’s so hard to explain. I’ve never felt anything like it. It feels so good. So good it almost hurts.”
Dean was watching him, obviously fascinated, but a little surprised as well. “That good? Really?”
“Yes, I…” Cas nodded, eyes on his coffee now, “when I was looking things up online, it all said it would feel good, but I was not prepared for... I mean. Just. Wow. And you are really good at finding it.”
Dean gave him a little, self-satisfied smirk. “Natural talent?” He suggested.
Cas laughed softly, sipping at his coffee for another moment before asking, “hey, Dean?”
“Yeah, Cas?”
He hummed softly and lifted his gaze to look at Dean intently. “I think we should have sex again.” He informed his boyfriend, before continuing; “for science. To make sure it’s still as good as it was last night.”
Dean nearly choked on his coffee, sputtering a little. “Yeah,” He croaked finally, “we could do that, definitely.”
Cas muffled another small laugh and offered, “I think it turns out I’m ‘just another horny teenage boy’, too, especially now that I know what it’s like. I feel like my Father would be disappointed in me.”
But Dean was already setting his half-empty mug of coffee on the side table and reaching to take Cas’s cup from his hands to set it out of the way as well. “Pretty sure he’s aware you’re a teenage boy,” He informed Cas. “Now, c’mere.”
Dean didn’t get back to Sam and the motel until after dinner time. Sam would probably never let him live it down.
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ladyknightskye · 1 year
Lucifer of the Opera
Rated: Teen and Up
Word count: 13,400
Warnings: No Archive warnings apply.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Apocalypse, Phantom of the Opera references, Humor, Fluff, Light Angst, Background Angels, Good Parent God | Chuck Shurley, Crossdressing
Author's note: My submission for @spnsabrielbang 's 2023 round!
Art by Mellow-memuries!
Art by Sagee-stuffs!
Annoyed with his brother, Gabriel asks God to help him weave a prank for his older brother. Lucifer must act out the story of The Phantom of the Opera in order to escape his prison in the basement of a theater.
But when Sam and Dean show up - and Dean is caught up in the spell on Lucifer - Gabriel ends up enlisting Sam's help in trying to mitigate the disaster looming on the horizon.
Read the fic on AO3~
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boykingofhellsam · 1 year
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Title: Fallen Apples by Cursedobjects
Summary: Sam was warned about Lucien Nicholas Shurley, the secondborn son of Chuck Shurley. But something tells him Lucien is not the evil devil worshipper everyone thinks he is.
Or priest in training Sam Winchester starts to fall for rebellious troublemaker Lucien Shurley.
Relationships: M/M, Explicit, Sam Winchester/Lucifer
Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Priest Sam Winchester, Priest Castiel, Human Lucifer, Gay Lucifer, Closeted Sam Winchester, Internalised Homophobia, Horny Lucifer, Bad Flirting, Bottom Lucifer, Top Sam Winchester, Virgin Sam Winchester, Loss of Virginity, Bad Parent God | Chuck Shurley, Angst, Chuck Shurley is Not God, Lucifer Has Daddy Issues, Inappropriate Erections, Inappropriate Behaviour, Temptation, Porn with Plot, Fluff, Idiots In Love, Denial Of Feelings, Eventual Smut, Confessional, Church Sex, Confessional Sex, Slow Burn, Im Going to Hell.
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Meet the 2023 Hoziernatural Participants (post 5 of 6)!
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of her work: Size Matters (2,622 words) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Retired Castiel, Retired Hunter Dean Winchester, Fluff and Humor, Unamusing Vegetable Jokes, Asexuality
Role(s): Artist, Mod Here’s an example of their work: Fairy Tales Are Full of Sh*t (art) Rating: SFW Relationships: Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, Claire Novak & Gabriel Some Relevant Tags: Fairy tales
Role(s): Artist He’s new to the fandom, so give him a big welcome!!!
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of her work: Nightshade (5,652 words) Rating: Mature Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Canon Divergence, Weechesters, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, End Game Wincest 
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of their work: at the end of the day (3,115 words) Rating: Teen and Up Relationships: Lucifer & Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley & Lucifer, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, John Winchester & Sam Winchester, Lucifer/Sam Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Episode: s11e22 We Happy Few, Missing Scene, Lucifer Possessing Castiel, Daddy Issues, Light s5 Lucifer Characterization, Trauma From Lucifer’s Cage
Role(s): Beta Reader Here’s a rec for one of their favorite works: And This, Your Living Kiss (56,972 words) by opal_bullets Rating: Mature Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Some relevant tags: Poetry, Writer Dean, Professor Castiel, AU - College/University, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Angst with a Happy Ending
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anniemurphy · 2 years
God's Own Brokeback Country Mountain (6521 words) by alexisclairerose, ackleholic Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Winchesters (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Castiel/Mick Davies, Cesar Cuevas/Jesse Cuevas Characters: Cassie Robinson, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Charlie Bradbury, Mick Davies, Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Rowena MacLeod, Daniel Elkins, Rufus Turner, God | Chuck Shurley, Bela Talbot, Samuel Campbell, Cesar Cuevas, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Dr. Zimpano (the winchesters) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS Crisis, Alternate Universe - 1970s, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Vietnam War, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period Typical Attitudes, Period Typical Bigotry, Bad Parent John Winchester, Fluff, Angst, First Kiss, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, alternative universe, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, More tags will be added as the story goes on., Minor Character Death Summary: Spring, 1979. Texas. Dean Winchester, ex-Vietnam war veteran and ranch hand at his uncle's ranch, The arrival of Doctor Castiel Novak, who assists Dean with the ranch work, may set Dean on a new path. The two develop a sexual and emotional relationship, and a whirlwind romance ensues.
shamelessly tagging: @mattmaesonnatural @fellshish @valleydean @chrrispine @jewishdeanwinchester
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destielsuperfan · 1 year
For the Love of Jack
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Rating - General Audiences
Pairings - Castiel/Dean Winchester
Tags - Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Father Figures, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Baby Jack Kline, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Single Parent Castiel, Young Sam Winchester, Teacher Castiel, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Human Gabriel, Domestic Fluff, Happy Ending, God | Chuck Shurley is Castiel's Parent, Short & Sweet, Feel-good, very little angst
Summary - Castiel is a "functioning-single father" who is trying his best to raise his energetic and happy toddler, Jack. Dean is the anxious yet macho big brother returning home to escape the past behind him. These two meet and though it seems they come from different backgrounds, they grow close. Watch as these two grow in their relationship and close past ones all while trying to raise a toddler.
Authors Note - Hey everyone! When reading this the tags are pretty self explanatory so expect a very easy and feel-good read. I wanted to write something with a happy ending for these two and I’m proud of how I characterized both Cas and Dean. I wrote the story in Cas’ POV and I know that may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it was more of a challenge for myself to further his own characterization outside of the cannon verse and I think it came across nicely. This story is also my first completed story ever and I consider it my little baby lol! Enjoy reading it!
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ao3feed-clairenovak · 9 months
Dont cage me up!
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DOwRu3b by KutxinhaDC Summary: This fic came out of an idea I had at work. Since I work with cages that can fit a person inside but are too small for anything else and are made of metal and have wheels, I suddenly thought this would be a practical way to move displayed Omegas around quickly. If you’re not into imprisoned Omegas or traditional views, feel free to skip it. If you want to give it a go, thank you so much, and enjoy. Also, it gets a bit long because my brain doesn't know when to stop. Feel free to stop if you got bored lol. PS: I'll be posting once or twice a week. Words: 4849, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural), God | Chuck Shurley, Balthazar (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Claire Novak Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Ash Additional Tags: cas/dean, Castiel/Dean - Freeform, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Castiel, Omega Dean, a/b/o dynamics, Omega Ash, Gabriel - Freeform, balthazar - Freeform, chuck - Freeform, Michael - Freeform, Lucifer - Freeform, Raphael - Freeform, mild violence, Non-Consensual, Minor Character Death, Blood, Some Fluff, some smut, slow burn minor poisoning. There’s probably more but I can’t remember read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DOwRu3b
0 notes
blackwingsbluejeans · 11 months
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Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Apocalypse World Charlie/Stevie, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Rowena MacLeod, Minor Donatello, Apocalypse world Bobby, God | Chuck Shurley, Eileen Leahy, Brief Michael (Supernatural), Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Donna Hanscum, Apocalypse World Charlie, Stevie, Patience Turner, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Jr. (Supernatural: Carry On), Original Character Bobbi, Billie Additional Tags: Canon Divergent, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Dean Winchester Has a Wing Kink, Adoption, Plot Twists, Inappropriate Use of Grace, Angelic Grace as Lube (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Wears Panties, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Dean Winchester Needs to Use Actual Words, Happy Ending, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Switching, blink and you'll miss it though - Freeform, Anal Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Blowjobs, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Bottoming from the Top, Canon-Typical Violence, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Didn't Know They Were Dating, Sam Winchester Knows, Dean has a lot of kinks, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Sam sees too much, Marriage, Grace as an aphrodisiac, Homophobic Language, POV Dean Winchester, Dean/Cas Big Bang 2023 (Supernatural), DCBB 2023 Summary:
After Chuck is defeated, Jack forces Dean and Cas to finally admit their feelings to each other and gives Cas his wings back in the process. They end up getting their happily ever after while Sam settles down with Eileen. Ten years they spend together as a couple, hunting when they need to, but mostly living the domesticated life Dean always wanted and Castiel always wanted him to have. Unfortunately, it all comes crashing down one day when Castiel goes on a hunt and doesn’t make it home. Dean will do whatever it takes to get the love of his life back and ends up getting more than he bargained for when he finds him again.
 This fic is canon compliant through Season 14 and starts off during the Ouroboros episode S14E14, from there it becomes Canon divergent with some of the rest of Season 14 and Season 15 being the same, but slightly different. S15E20 doesn’t exist and there is an alternate storyline 10 years into the future.
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