#Chthonic Hermes while growing up in camp half blood it's really cool okay
ladynicte · 2 years
Nico who actually stays at Camp and grows up in the Hermes Cabin.
He's quick like them, good at gambling, good at making up stories, good at tricking others, even good at stealing, but they can still tell he's different, they figure if he truly were a son of Hermes he would have been claimed by now, maybe
Then they see him in actual combat, how the temperature grows cold around him, how he's so quick it's almost like he's disappearing and re appearing into the sites he's running towards, how the shades cling to him.
They see him almost instinctually knowing when one of their friends is about to die, they see him always being there.
Like he's catching them.
That does give people like Annabeth an idea of who's son he could actually be, but that's supposed to be impossible right, there's not meant to be any more children of the big three, much less of a God like Hades.
And the Hermes Cabin does genuinely like him, and as much as they fight, and can't stand each other sometimes, they all do like each other.
Nico has been living there for so long he wouldn't really wanna leave it either, so eventually they all decide his father must be Hermes for sure, but not Hermes as they know him.
And so, Nico becomes known as the only son of Chthonic Hermes.
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