#Chora x ES-02
violetjedisylveon Β· 1 year
✨Space lesbians✨
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Amnesia AU link here.
Please ignore the bad hand, I hate drawing hands.
This is Chora(oc) and Yaosney(ES-02, not her canon name, I made it up). They are girlfriends and seeing each other for the first time in person since Yaosney was offered a position within the Empire.
The scars on their arms are from work related injuries, they are both bounty hunters and injury comes with the territory. Yaosney's scar on her face is from currently undecided trauma but she's had it for a long time. She generally covers it when on duty or out and about, she doesn't like getting asked about it.
Yaosney was offered/sorta volunteered when she saw the paycheck, a position as a soldier in the Empire, one of the first non clone troopers.
She was a better and more versatile fighter than the rest of the options and was picked for the Elite Squad led under a clone commander.
She's got the most experience of that entire squad, even Crosshair, cause she is about ~30(like Chora) and been doing the bounty hunter thing fir well over a decade, Crosshair is 12 and while he's been training for soldier stuff his whole life, he's got a lot less field experience. She doesn't mention it unless it is nessicary for a situation.
She's also the oldest of the squad, the rest are mid to late twenties. She isn't like the group mom or anything, she's like the group tired of your bs thirty year old.
She doesn't actually believe in the Empire beyond it being a good way to get a constant flow of money relatively easily for someone with her skills. She'll fake loyalty but she isn't actually a believer, she's just using it for her own means.
She's really doing it to build connections and get some money built up in case of an emergency, specifically for Chora cause non human med care is harder and more expensive, not made easier by the Empire which she gets pissed about. Bounty hunting is a gig to gig sort of job, so the Empire was the opportunity for something a bit more stable, even if it didn't always pay as much as some hunts did but it is a constant thing.
Chora didn't try to join because she really doesn't do good in that military setting and needs a degree of autonomy in her work, also she's smart enough to pick up on the fact that the Empire is a human centered government, like the Republic, and she knows she wouldn't have been allowed in based on her species. She's fine with that though.
Yaosney and Chora definitely get up to a lot of stuff and makes lots of comments about doing the stuff, just cause they both enjoy making everyone else feel very awkward, Chora was raised on Massanii, she's a bit of a shit and an asshole by nature. They've been dating since before the clone wars.
This was fun to draw, I wanna draw them again soon but I am bad at side profiles so I can't do any of that sort of stuff with them, I could draw them on a hunt together and I probably will cause that's a good idea I just thought of, but I've got some other things on my plate I wanna do.
I'm thinking of redrawing some old bad batch art of Omega and Merrin and fixing it, it was before the show came out and I didn't have a very good idea of what Omega looked like. I also forgot Merrin would also be like 12 and not 17 like she is in the gameπŸ˜…. That'll be fun!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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violetjedisylveon Β· 3 years
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Finished drawing Chora, she's one of the main antagonists for my Amnesia Bad Batch story. She a Pantoran bounty hunter/mercenary/assassin and low level force sensitive.
She's really good at her job, sometimes cruel but mostly fair, unless you piss her off. She's got a good record but doesn't go for notoriety to avoid the downsides of it, most people just look at the armor and respect her.
Her armor is from a Mandalorian heritage and she speaks Mando'a, Pantoran and a collection of odd languages from the Outer Rim, basic is very much her second language.
She's very good at ranged and melee combat, can use lots of weapons and is a really good fighter without weapons. She's a well rounded fighter with some strength in everything. For certain targets she does have a melee preference cause she likes to get up close and personal, makes it easier to mess with people.
She has a low level of Force sensitivity, not enough to be a Jedi or to be very noticeable unless you know what your looking for, but enough to be useful to her. She can sense others, track them, has precognition, a fast reaction time and limited mind reading skills, which she uses to get into people's heads. Her skills with the Force don't extend much outside of that, she's very bad at moving things around in the Force.
There are two areas she does have skill in, it's mediocre skill but not as bad as her physical applications are. Those are a limited ability to connect with animals(if the animal is too rild up it's harder to get a good grip) and some basic healing, she usually uses that on herself to make serious injuries less life threaten but it's very draining.
Currently, she is on contract with the Empire as a hired bounty hunter, she did this so she could apend more time with her girlfriend, Yaosney Alameryn, when the latter enlisted in the Empire as one of it's first recruited troops. Yaosney is ES-02 btw.
She is currently tracking the activities of the fugitive Clone Force 99 and the person of Imperial interest, Freyu O'asisk, who is with them.
She's a lesbian and dating Yaosney, they started dating before the Clone Wars. She isn't shy about the relationship, neither is Yaosney, and likes to make people uncomfortable with it. They really love each other and look out for each other, another reason for working for the Empire is making sure Yaosney isn't signing up to be canon fodder.
She has a general dislike for clones rooted in history with Jango Fett, and that some groups of clones were responsible for crimes against innocent non humans, she doesn't stand for that you try calling her a slur and you'll be dead before you know it.
She has a particularly strong dislike for arrogant ones, especially Crosshair for his superiority complex, and often reminds him that he isn't as great as he thinks just cause he's enhanced and thinks himself better than most people because of it. He's also speciest and xenophobic(cause he's a willing soldier in a fascist regime) and she doesn't like that.
She'll take any chance she can get to take him down a peg and remind him that he isn't better than she is just because he's been modified or cause he's human.
They have fought in training type set upd and she's absolutely kicked his ass. She's about ~30 and he's like 12, she's got a lot more experience.
One of her favorite weapons is her modified beskar Force pike.
I'm not explaining her armor, I didn't want this to take a month so I didn't draw it. The only thing I'll be explaining is this
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This is a Force pike. It's a type of vibro weapon. Chora's is heavily modified and self made.
In addition to being a vibro weapon, both ends are sharpened and can release electrical charges and toxins.
The whole thing is made of beskar making it resistant to lightsabers. The pole between the tip and handle is lined with incredibly tiny barbs to make it more deadly.
So that's Chora, she's going to show up more prominently in the next chapters of Amnesia.
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violetjedisylveon Β· 2 years
Maybe Just a Little Pt. 3
Summary: Chora and Freyu(both OCs) fight and important information is revealed to the Bad Batch about their friend.
Word count: 6.2k6.
Warnings: Fighting, violence, mentions of blood, lots of blood, purposeful cruelty, swearing, mauling, murder, death, graphic violence, Force choking, guts and internal organs are mentioned. If you're squeamish, look for this πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘ and skip down to the end for a less violent explanation of what happened. Also typos.
A/N: This chapter does get intense near the end, you've been warned.
Amnesia link here. Art here.
It was a silent stand off.
Everything was waiting for who would make the first move.
Chora shot first.
Freyu deflected it with ease.
Both Pantorans knew their fight would move away from ranged to melee combat rather quickly. There was no point in drawing it out so Freyu dashed in for a speed attack.
The Force boosted her speed and she was at Chora's side in an instant. Anyone else would be shocked by the sudden speed but Chora wasn't and she didn't let it get the best of her. She could use the Force too afterall.
She was already blocking the first strike with her modified force pike. She clicked her tongue in disappointment.
"I expect something better from you." She said.
"I expect you to have more sense than to keep fucking with me, yet here we are." Freyu snapped.
She slashed upwards at Chora's chest with her free hand. Chora ducked into a roll and tried to sweep Freyu's legs, Freyu saw this coming and was safely out of the way before the hit landed.
Fighting someone with precognition is just like Maat said. Frusterating. Freyu thought while dodging a blow from the force pike.
She switched tactics and whipped her lightsaber out at the blue armored Pantoran. She'd gotten Chora by surprise, startling her enough to distract her from a leg sweep. Chora was on her feet fast enough to avoid the saber strike headed for her head.
Freyu glared at her. She was stronger in the Force, she could feel it, but Chora had more experience with this kind of fighting, over a decade to be exact. Still, she was determined to win this fight.
Chora seemed to know what she was thinking and she used it to her advantage.
"Maat didn't teach you how to fight, he just taught you how to swing around a glowstick." She taunted.
"He taught me a hell of a lot more than you ever did. The only thing you taught me was how to hate!" Freyu lashed her lightwhips around and struck Chora several times, the ferocious double attack had Chora on retreat.
She found her opening and blocked the next blows, Freyu switched her blades off then back on, the brief turning off of the weapons making Chora fall forwards into a vulnerable position. She turned it into a roll and was back on her feet.
"You're a mother fucking pain in the ass, you know that, right?" Freyu prompted, going in for another hit.
"And you are still a little shit, looks like nothing's changed." Chora smirked, pushing Freyu back and punching her in the head, successfully getting her down for more than a few seconds.
"A weak little shit at that too." She added.
Freyu launched herself upwards into Chora. She grabbed her by the waist and wrestled her down into the ground, kicking and screaming at the older Pantoran.
They rolled over in the plants, punching and kicking at each other until Chora got a hold of her force pike and used it to deliver a shock to Freyu, allowing her to send the younger woman off her.
The air was knocked out of her, giving Chora enough time to stab Freyu with her force pike in the elbow joint of her armor. The electric shock burned like fire. Freyu punched Chora, who had gotten a bit to close to her, under her chin, sending her helmet off and making her stumble back. Unfortunately, the end of the force pike caught on her helmet and took it off too. Freyu pulled away to avoid the weapon that had caused her so much pain.
Chora stood up from her kneeling position and glared at Freyu, the amber eyes were just as cold and heartless as the last time she saw them.
For a quiet moment, the two took in each other's faces after seven years. Chora looked the same to Freyu but Chora did see some differences.
The scars were still there, the purple reddish scars were duller than the blood that had come from them. There were new smaller ones in the same area, she was pretty sure she knew who'd done those.
And there was a new tattoo on Freyu's face, a pointed golden line slashed from above her eyebrow to the bottom of her chin.
Chora smirked and the still bleeding wound on her cheek.
"I was going to give you a new scar but it looks like someone beat me to it." She snickered.
"You're not going to get the chance again." Freyu seethed.
"Alright, I'll leave that to you." Chora shrugged.
Freyu's glare softened and changed to an ashamed, regretful look.
"You were the one who added those other scars, right? Cause I didn't do all that. Couldn't handle it after Maat die-"
"Shut the fucking Hell up!" Freyu shouted.
"When you beat me in a fight, which will never happen, then sure, I'll shut up." Chora smirked at the rage filling her opponent's face.
"You'll never beat me cause you fight too much like Buir, 'honor' gets you killed, vod." The look of rage on Freyu's face was priceless to Chora.
Freyu got back onto her feet, a vibroblade in her hand. She pointed it at Chora threateningly.
"Don't you fucking dare call me that!" Her hatred for the white haired Pantoran was clear to see. Chora frowned down at her.
"I thought Maat would've taught you hate was wrong. It's not the way of the Jedi, is it Vod'ika?" She continued to taunt.
"I'm a Mandalorian, not a Jedi." Freyu shoved her off her feet with a bodyslam. She ended up underneath due to Chora usingΒ her heavier weight against her.
"You're just a little shit, you always have been." Chora hissed.
She dug the sharpened handle of her force pike into Freyu's forehead, slowly cutting down on the left side and thoroughly enjoying the pathetic wriggling and frantic shoving of Freyu under her as she tried to get Chora off her.
Chora glanced to the side as the five clones came up. Ah, company's here. She smirked.
"Get off of her!" Omega shouted, firing an energy bolt at Chora.
The rest of the batch fired on the pair, being careful not to hit Freyu by accident.
Chora rolled her eyes, the blasts mostly hit her armor, the rest missed or nearly hit Freyu. She looked down at Freyu, still trying to get free from her. She pressed the force pike in deeper and leaned down to where Freyu's ear used to be.
"I'll see you again soon. In the meantime, have fun explaining this to them vod'ika." Chora hissed gleefully.
She rolled away from Freyu and opened fire on the clones, aiming for the kid, which Freyu saw and shoved her back with a powerful force push for. Chora retreated, disappearing into the fields.
Freyu pushed herself off the ground with a lot of effort, she'd need a nice long shower after this. Her face stung and burned in pain, her right arm was limp from the shock and she felt like she'd been wrung through.
She pulled her lightsabers to her hands. The dull and tired song coming from them reflecting her current state.
Omega ran up and hugged her from behind, she absentmindedly patted Omega's head.
"Freyu? Why did you run off like that? You scared me." Omega looked up to her with concern in her gaze.
Freyu could hardly look down at her, she couldn't see those honey brown eyes right now.
"I'm fine, let's just go." She said, pulling her helmet to her and putting it on before turning around.
"I'll go get on the ship now." She told Hunter as she walked past him.
There was only minimal complaining on Freyu's part upon seeing that the batch had linked up her ship to their's, locking it down, and the triple reinforced locking tube Tech had made clamped down all the way. She'd give them Hell about it another time, she was too tired at the moment.
She said goodbye to Naylaz and Caoimhe then got on the conjoined ships. She went straight to her fresher where she took a long shower and then tended to the wounds she had. Her right arm wasn't numb anymore, it just hurt like Hell.
She cleaned up the new cuts on her face and hoped they didn't scar, the one of her cheek she was pretty sure wouldn't but the one on her forehead was much worse and deeper. She wiped up excess blood, disinfected them and slapped a small bacta patch with an adhesive bandage over each of them.
She was just glad Tech had convinced her to soak her left arm in bacta the other day, at least that wouldn't give her any more problems.
As she cleaned and checked for bruising, her fingers ran across the faded scars on her lower abdomen. She glanced down at the faded scar, it spread out with an electric pattern from it's center.
She could still feel the burn.
She waited to dry off then changed into a spare pair of blacks, she got her armor back on, she left the chest, back, stomach and hand plates off for ease of movement and to clean them again. Just for the heck of it, she also had her hood on, she'd be able to avoid any unwanted attention like she could with her helmet.
She went out to the main cabin of her ship, it was above the forgery and it had a fire place in the middle. She grabbed an alcohol drink and started watching holovids until Omega came into her ship.
"Hey Meggie, you doing okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, Tech gave me medicine. I don't think it was just a bruise." Omega nodded.
"Good, glad you're alright." Freyu nodded as well and took a swig from her bottle.
"Uh, Hunter wants you to come up, they want to talk to you about her." Omega said awkwardly.
"Do I have to?" Freyu groaned.
Omega left briefly to check.
"Yes, he said you have to." She confirmed.
"Fine." Freyu grunted.
She brought her drink over to the batch's ship with her so she'd have something to do during what would likely be a long, boring and repetitive lecture.
The four clones were all in the cockpit. She walked in and didn't even bother to care about the disappointment on any of their faces. Especially not Hunter, the shortest clone being the most upset.
"Are you gonna lecture me now, vod?" Freyu taunted, smirking at the ex-sergeant.
"This isn't the time for snark, Freyu, we have important things to talk about." Echo told her.
Freyu rolled her eyes and took a drink.
"Are you-" Wrecker started.
"Drinking? Yes. Hurry this up before I stop making sense." She cut him off.
"Who was that?" Hunter asked first.
"Chora, she was on Massanii, told Echo." Freyu gave a gesture in Echo's general direction.
"Is she-"
"A mother fucking bitch? Yes." She interrupted the next question before it finished.
"Like you." Wrecker finished.
"If you mean Force shit then yes, she does do that and it's annoying as fuck. And she's Pantoran too if you didn't notice." She nodded and took another drink.
"You two seem pretty familiar with each other. How do you know her?" Echo asked.
Freyu glanced over at him, she didn't mean to glare at him but the thought of Chora made her do it anyway.
"She fucked up everything once and she's back to do it again." Freyu shrugged, trying to keep her anger contained.
"When you were twelve?" Tech guessed.
She stared at him like he'd grown a second head. It caught her off guard and she couldn't think of anything to say to deflect.
"You mention that you'd raised a child on your own for seven years, when you were still a child, you're nineteen and by most society's standards you are a legal adult, seven years ago you were twelve." He paused to wait for conformation.
She didn't give any and he kept going.
"Given the age of the injury to your face and the one on your abdomen, you had a traumatic incident at that time. And the graves you visit on your homeworld, you only talking of your family in past tense and your hostility towards Chora lead me to believe that they are connected incidents." He finished.
Freyu couldn't think of anything to say, he was on to it afterall.
"Would it be much to assume that you and Chora are related?" He added.
There. That was what set her off.
"Shut the fuck up you little ba-" she'd started moving towards him but stopped when Hunter pulled her back. She glared at him and shook his hand off, stepping away from the clone incase he tried that again.
"Don't fucking touch me." She snapped.
Something broke in the ship. Freyu huffed and tried not to break anything else. They were already mad enough at her without her breaking everything they owned.
She pulled her hood over her head self consciously and turned away from the four sets of eyes boring into her. Keep it in check. Keep it in check. Keep it in-
"I assume by her use of language that you would be sisters?" Tech prompted.
Freyu's fists clenched and something else broke. Her attempt to remain calm failed. She glared over her shoulder at the goggled clone.
"Nope." Was all she could spit out.
"She called you sister." Wrecker reminded.
She glared at the large clone. He flinched in surprise.
"And how does that prove anything?" She shot back, trying to keep her voice was quivering.
"She has the same family name as you, spelled and pronounced the same way." Hunter pointed out.
"Well I don't have any older sisters, just one who's younger." Freyu took another drink.
"Your answer does not make since, based on the evidence I have, it is only logical tha-"
"For a supposed genius, you really can't take a fucking hint. I don't want to fucking talk about Chora so fucking drop it!" Freyu snapped, whirling around to face Tech. The smug, proud look on his face only made her angrier.
"You're evil Tech." She hissed. He shrugged, happy with the answer he'd gotten.
"They are half sisters. Records say General O'asisk had a twin sisiter, he is Freyu's half brother. So Chora O'asisk is her half sister." He explained.
"I think I know how my own family works, and Chora isn't part of it, she never was and she never will be so long as I have anything to say about it." Freyu snapped.
"So fuck off about the subject." She hissed.
She turned to Hunter and crossed her arms. "Can I go now?" She asked sarcastically, already moving to leave.
"No. There are some new rules." Hunter put a firm hand on her shoulder, stopping her from leaving.
She glared at him and flicked his hand off. If he'd paid more attention, he'd have noticed she tensed up when he touched her.
"I told you to keep your hands to yourself!" She spat.
Don't break anything else. She warned herself.
Hunter glared at her, but he did step back to give her more breathing room.
"New rules, don't leave Ord Mantell without one of us going with you, Omega doesn't count. Don't take the kid places without actually talking to one of us. And tell us where you're going, it will just make everything easier." Hunter told her sternly.
Freyu narrowed her eyes, he was holding something back. Or he'd just forgotten for the moment.
The latter turned out to be right.
"We're also keeping your ship locked down until you prove yourself responsible enough to be trusted again." He added.
She debated her response briefly. Very briefly.
"Fuck you, vod." She smirked at the look on all their faces.
Hunter sighed and rubbed his eyes, tired of Freyu's snark and attitude.
"We're making a supply stop in a few hours, be ready to come out with us." He ordered.
"What? Don't trust me alone on my ship?" Freyu mocked a surprised hurt look.
Hunter didn't miss a beat, "No. I don't."
"Whatever, just stay the fuck off my ship." Freyu rolled her eyes and left the cockpit.
She passed Omega in her room and smiled, "Your brother grounded me." She complained.
"He can do that?" Omega asked.
"Apparently." Freyu huffed.
She crossed her arms as she felt eyes watching her, more than just the occupants of the cockpit watching her. It was an icky feeling that unsettled her deeply, something was telling her something was going to go badly.
She shook the feeling off and went back do her ship to decompress and wait out the ride. Hopefully by the time they reached the port, the feeling would be gone. However, she'd learned that odd feelings always meant something for her, rarely were they good things.
"C'mon Omega, we need to get back on track." Hunter told Omega.
The young clone had wandered off while they were picking up rations and he'd gone after her, leaving Freyu in Wrecker's hands.
"Why did you ground Freyu?" Omega asked when they were heading back to where the aforementioned Pantoran and Wrecker were waiting.
"She shouldn't have done what she did, it got both of you hurt." Hunter said.
"Yeah but, why haven't you grounded me for not listening?"
"You're a kid, you don't know any better."
The answer didn't satisfy her.
"Freyu's not an adult either, how does she know that much more than me? She's not a soldier either." Omega pointed out.
"She's a Mandalorian, that's a culture of warriors, she'd know better." He said.
"She seemed upset when she told me we were leaving. I don't think she's in a good place." Omega spoke as if she knew exactly what Freyu was feeling.
"Did she tell you that herself?" Hunter asked.
"She told me without telling me, it went from her head to mine, I don't think she meant to do it." Omega said.
Hunter stared at her, he didn't think he'd be able to get his head around what she said. He'd have to ask Tech.
They arrived to see Freyu looking annoyed and Wrecker choking on something.
"I told you, those rations aren't made for you, they have whole bones in them." Freyu was telling him.
"Right, I'll keep it in mind." Wrecker wheezed.
The Pantoran noticed the arrival of the ex sergeant and young clone, she turned to him and glared, even with the helmet he still saw her irritation. Little did he know he had very little to do with it.
"Are we done here?" Freyu asked.
"Yes, we've just gotta wait for the ships to refuel then back to Ord Mantell." Hunter nodded.
Instead of a sarcastic or witty comeback like he'd expected, Freyu was quiet and looking behind him. Her posture was stiff, it didn't even look like she was present.
"Uh, something wrong?" Wrecker asked.
She gave a sudden shiver and shook herself out. She noticed them all staring at her.
"What?" She asked.
"You froze up, it was weird." Omega answered.
She looked like she was about to say something when her gaze drifted off again and she took several considerable steps back.
"Fuck that's a lot a trouble." She cursed.
Hunter looked around quickly and saw nobody, the station was remote and had very few people there.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"We should go. Now. Like right now." Freyu turned and began briskly walking towards the ships.
"Tech, are the ships refueled yet? I think we're going to have trouble if we don't get out soon." She said over the comms.
"They are almost done, I do not think you need to worry, the Empire has a very loose presence here, any word of us being here wouldn't have gotten far." He told her confidently.
"Just trust me when I say there's trouble ahead." She said.
The feeling she'd had for the last couple of hours was right, there was trouble on the way and it was the Empire. Because of course!
"Uh, I wouldn't look up if I were you, bad news just came out of hyperspace." Echo said.
Freyu looked up at the large ship above her head, it had the imperial insignia on it's side.
"Shit, we need to move!" Wrecker shouted.
"Tech! Get the ships going!" Hunter ordered through the comms.
"Working on it!" Tech responded.
"Well work faster!" Hunter snapped.
Freyu skidded to a stop before they reached the fuel station. She knew what would happen if they went any further.
"We need to go another way." She said, turning around to go back the way they had come.
"Why?" Hunter, Omega and Wrecker asked together.
"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about it." Freyu gave the group a Force push in the direction she desired to go in.
She walked behind them and pushed them to keep them going the right way. Mostly ignoring their complaints.
"Tech, Echo, get the ship off the ground and go to these coordinates, we'll meet you there." She ordered.
"Freyu, that area has no cover, that's crazy." Echo said.
"And you're currently sitting on a bomb, get out of there before someone shows up and blows it!" She snapped.
"Just trust me." She added.
"I trust you." Omega grabbed Freyu's hand and smiled up at her
For how long? Freyu shook the thought off and nodded.
"C'mon, we've gotta go and I will drag you if I have to." She threatened lightly with another Force push.
Hunter didn't complain anymore. The worried urgency in her voice and her fast heartbeat told him it was a serious issue.
"Don't tire yourself out." Wrecker advised Freyu.
"Got it." She nodded.
"This is great! Just absolutely fucking amazing!" Freyu complained.
She shot at the storm trooper advancing towards her. They fell dead with a well place hit to the chest.
Things had gone to shit. They'd gotten spotted as they left the station and were running and fighting for their lives.
Freyu was currently fighting anyone who came from behind to keep the group moving. It had been her idea afterall. She knew what she felt though, she knew this was the better option.
Chora hadn't even given her a fucking day to recover and she was already back to fuck with her.
What a great person she is. She thought bitterly.
The fight was starting to go on a bit too long. She still had plenty of ammunition and in a worst case scenario, a pair of lightsabers. She wasn't getting desperate or anything but... there was a feeling eerily similar to her dark feeling rising up as the fight ground on.
She was starting to get whispers of ideas. Violent ideas. It was beginning to worry her.
You can't let that happen again. You promised.
If you don't have a choice you'll cave.
The conflicting thoughts didn't help her nerves.
"Are you in position?" Hunter asked Tech and Echo.
"Yes, I see you've gotten into some trouble yourself." Tech said.
"A little cover fire would be helpful." Wrecker grunted.
Tech glanced out the cockpit window, it was foggy, he could see the flashes of light from blaster bolt. The ships were still hovering above the ground, unable to find the right place to land.
"Fuck it. None of these bastards are making it out of this." Freyu snapped.
The hiss of a lightsaber followed. Luckily it was dark and foggy, the troopers wouldn't see much. Only a teal-green flash would warn them of their coming death.
The older clones questioned her tactics, it had only increased the fire on her so it's effectiveness was doubtful.
Tech looked back to the landing sight and saw the fog being moved. More of Freyu's work. He thought.
Freyu snapped her attention towards the Marauder and gave it a push away from the rocket that would have hit them. She pushed everyone away.
The rocket exploded in a fiery blast.
That was a close one. Thanks." Echo said.
"Get your ass out here and fucking help!" Freyu snapped.
Echo didn't take it too hard, she hadn't been in the best mood since the run in with Chora. He put his helmet on and shot from the boarding ramp.
He was greeted with an odd sight.
Somehow Omega had managed to get one of Freyu's lightsabers and she was actually using it the way a Jedi would. Her movements almost exactly matched Freyu's. They were synchronized with each other.
Omega felt a stinging, prickling sensation in her forehead. The word poison passed through her thoughts, it didn't come from her though and it wasn't Freyu saying anything.
Bitch! Freyu's voice echoed in her head. Omega glanced over at her in confusion. Mind link, she said force sensitives can make a link between minds. She remembered.
"Vod'ika! You never told me you got a padawan!" The voice of the Pantoran who'd attacked Freyu on Cxylor came from above.
Omega looked up to see her hovering above with a jetpack. The troopers had stopped firing at her command.
"Omega, get back over here." Hunter ordered her.
"No, let the ad'ika stay. I'd like to see what my little sister's been teaching her student." Chora insisted.
She came to the ground and had her force pike ready.
Whatever you do Omega, just stay behind me. Omega heard the silent instructions from Freyu.
"Your move, sis." Chora taunted.
Freyu glared, "Get ready, I'll stall for time." She said through the comms.
"You literally got beat hours ago by her." Tech responded.
"Did I fucking stutter Tech? Just do it." She hissed.
"You're being awful mean, vod." Chora commented.
"I don't give a fuck right now." She said back.
Freyu struck. Chora blocked. The beskar force pike hissed and crackled at the contact with the lightsaber. Chora tiched.
"Oh Freyu, looks like I can fool you twice in one day." She said.
A jetpack mounted energy shield activated, protecting Chora from behind as she gave the signal to fire.
Everything stopped as a familiar crippling fear gripped Freyu. Her mind screamed.
We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die! Gonna die! Gonna die! Gonna die! Gonna- NO!
The darkness surged up from where she forced it back all those years ago. It coursed through her with a power she hadn't let it have since. The whisper was no longer a taunting whisper. It told her to act on it.
She told herself to use the power filling her. The anger, the hate, the fear. They were giving her power. The power she needed to protect. A power she had used before. It couldn't be that hard to use it again, could it?
It was her power afterall, why shouldn't she use it?
All of this happened as the troops pulled the triggers. Chora felt the drastic shift in her sister's force presence. It became colder. Darker. Scared.
Chora knew what she would do and got out of range before it could effect her. She also knew how to use it to her advantage.
"Ude, I hope you didn't like any of those troopers." She said.
"I don't. Why?" Ude asked.
"They're not coming back. Send new ones." Chora responded vaugly.
Hunter had grabbed Omega away from the fight and was holding her facing away from the soon to be firing troops. He didn't hear any blaster shots and dared to look up. Tech had landed the ships and Echo had come out, the older clone pointed over to where Freyu was standing.
Hunter looked over, she was standing with one arm stretched out, the other was hanging by her side and held her lightsaber. It was still on and it was flickering wildly.
Her heartbeat was unnaturally slow for the present situation. She was unnaturally calm and hyperfocused on a sole objective.
The most disturbing part of this whole scene was the troopers lifted off the ground and gripping at their throats in pain. Their bodies spasmed, their legs kicked out.
πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘ A/N: It gets intense here, if you're squeamish or triggered by any of the warnings above, just skip to the end where I explain in much less gruesome detail.
"What's she doing?" Hunter asked.
"Force choking... all of them?" Wrecker guessed.
They'd all heard about the strange and odd things force users could do, Echo had seen Ventress do it to clones during the war, he'd never seen a Jedi do it, well, Skywalker a few times on droids, but he'd never seen someone do it to this extent with this many people.
I want to make them hurt. I want them to feel pain. Omega looked away from her brothers and back at Freyu as her voice went through her head again.
Then make them hurt. Make them feel as you have. That voice didn't belong to Freyu. It sounded like... Sinister and evil were the only words she could think of.
"I do not believe this is supposed to involve blood." Tech said.
Blood was dripping out of their helmets, the dark liquid staining their shiny white armor. The troopers spasmed and convulsed violently.
"Tech, what's going on?" Hunter asked.
"It appears that several of their blood vessels have burst and they are internally bleeding. They also seem to be bleeding from their noses and, everywhere?" Tech took a second scan of the troopers.
"They're bleeding from everywhere." He said.
"Everywhere? What does that even mean?" Wrecker snapped.
"I don't know! My scans say they are bleeding from all over, I don't know how!" Tech shouted.
Thunder boomed ahead. No rain, it was dry lightning.
"Is this because of her?" Hunter looked between the troops and the Pantoran.
"Maybe? Since she's the only person present, aside from Chora, who could do this, it might be her but I can't be sure, her vitals aren't what they should be but I don't know how that could factor into this." Tech snapped.
"You should take cover, clones, it's about to get messy~!" Chora's cheery voice came in through their comms.
"How did she-" Echo broke off as a series of blaster bolts were fired on their position.
Hunter and Wrecker covered Omega and Echo took cover with Tech behind them.
A screech filled the air. Freyu's lightsaber flickered, the teal green blade spasming like it was screaming. The bright color became darker. Freyu dropped it and clenched both her fists, tightening her grip over every organ and muscle of her enemies. She used her power to tear them apart from the inside out, they screamed before their bones were snapped and they were ripped apart.
The terrible sound of flesh being torn and bones scrapping against bones echoed out.
Sickly wet plops followed, like rain. A warm, red rain.
Hunter lifted his head, he could hear Freyu heaving with effort to breathe, her heart had speed up. He looked over his shoulder and almost threw up.
Red covered everything. Specks of white were dotted here and there but red dominated the scene. The red was blood, organs, brains, muscles, guts and everything else that had been inside of the now dead troopers. All of it shredded into a messy red pulp. The bones had been ripped up and smashed along with the armor, they were the white bits scattered around.
Hunter looked at himself and found a splattering of the blood organ pulp mix on himself. Wrecker, Tech and Echo had it too. Omega was hit the least but a thin layer had managed to get onto her, she was looking past Hunter to the mass of red.
"Freyu?" Omega called out.
Freyu blinked slowly as her rage and hatred and anger subsided. Her heart was racing, there was screaming from somewhere. She couldn't see, her visor was covered in red. She felt good. It all felt good, right, for a brief second.
It all came crashing down when she noticed the smell of blood.
Red. Blood. Feels good then awful. Dark. Slimy. Cold. Oily. Choking. Drowing.
Her legs trembled then gave out and she slumped to her knees. It was screaming at her now. Upset with her.
Hesitantly, she wiped her visor of so she could see. She swore her heart stopped.
If there was a difference between now and seven years ago, she couldn't see it. All she saw was blood and death and all she could feel was the cold slimy darkness enveloping her.
Jicelli had screamed, of course, she had witnessed something truly awful. No child her age should have seen any of that. Covered in blood and terrified, she pushed away from her sister, screaming.
Celli's scream from behind hardly registered with Freyu, all she could hear was screaming anyway. Some may have been her own.
Omega grabbed at her head in pain. It felt like something was being forced in where it didn't belong. She saw something that she shouldn't have been able too.
There were bodies in front of her, people all around her. Rain was falling, the right side of her face burned and screamed, a similar pain came from her side. A child was shouting and screaming. Mud was piled up around her knees and she all she could feel was shock and greif.
Tears stung her eyes and face. She couldn't even process what had happened fully. The only thing that got through to some part of her was death. They were dead. That was all. Greif and death and screaming.
Then there was fear.
It's icy cold claws wrapped around her and sunk deep into her heart. It was debilitating. She felt frozen.
Rage followed. It was so fierce and powerful and dark but cold. She silently lifted a hand and clenched her fist, the invisible extention of her will raising up all around her. She wanted to make them hurt.
So she did.
She could sense their physical pain as her anger contorted their bodies, insides and outsides. Everything bent to the will of her pain. Lightning crashed and the trickling rain poured down. They were suffering, as she was, but their suffering wasn't enough, it could hardly even match hers. She wanted them to hurt even more.
While she was blinded by her pain and the rain storming down, a bitter sense of satisfaction rose up inside her. Making them hurt felt good. It felt better. It felt right.
But it only lasted for a few moments, ending when she felt blood that was not her own covering her. The muddy ground was soaked in blood, not all red, some different types but blood nonetheless.
The wind screamed. She stared in shock and horror.
A sticky, oily, slimy, cold darkness wrapped around her. It felt like she was drowning. It made her shiver, a sensation that didn't come naturally to her. The darkness around screamed at her, trying to get her to do it again. "Remember how it good it felt?" It, or she, had asked.
She did. And she felt terrible over it. She felt the evil feelings inside her and she wanted them out. She wanted everything out.
She screamed and cried until numbed shock was all she could feel.
Omega squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to get the bloody, forgien images out of her head.
"Omega? What's wrong?" Hunter asked, his voice thick with worry.
"I'm seeing things that don't belong to me! I don't know why! I'm scared!" Omega looked between the bloody ground and Hunter, frantically trying to tell what was real from what wasn't.
"Tech?" Hunter looked to his vod desperately.
"I don't fucking know! This situation is way out of my depth!" Tech snapped.
He took several deep, heavily controlled breaths.
"A guess would be Freyu but I'm really working off of nothing here." He said much in a calmer tone.
"There are more imperials coming, we need to go." Echo said.
He and Tech got back onboard to get everything going.
"Right." Hunter agreed.
His keen ears picked up on the small, fast whispered coming from ahead.
"I'm not supposed to do that." "I don't do that." "I can't." "I promised I wouldn't." "I'm not supposed to." "It's bad." "Feels good then terrible, never again." "I shouldn't." "I don't." "I shouldn't." "It's bad." "It's very very bad."
The frantic whispers were coming from Freyu. She didn't register anything going on around her, trapped in her own little bloody world.
"Freyu! Get up, time to go!" He shouted.
"I'll get her." Omega offered, running over before she could be stopped.
She tapped Freyu's shoulder, she instantly flinched away from the sudden contact, a reaction she never had with Omega. She shivered, the reflex was unnatural to her, then looked over her shoulder to Omega.
"Freyu, we need to go, c'mon." Omega pulled at her limp arm.
Freyu didn't budge.
"Wrecker! Can you help me get Freyu up?" Omega shouted for her brother.
This got Freyu's attention and momentarily snapped her out of the shock.
"I'm up, I'm up." She said in a voice that didn't sound like hers.
Omega grabbed her hand and the abandoned lightsaber from the ground and lead Freyu into the ship. She was shaky and unsteady on her feet, she stumbled a lot.
Blaster shots came from behind, they hurried onboard. They got into space and made the jump, leaving the bloody scene behind them.
@the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond cause you seem to really like this story. And @starwarstbbfan cause you also seem to like this.
In case you skipped after the πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘, basically Freyu panicked and used the darkside to choke and then explode/rip apart the troopers attacking them and had a flashback.
Now it's time for a mental breakdown. (I'm actually pretty sure I've had some after screw up/miscommunications with my family but that's a whole other issue for myself to worry about.)
Yes, Freyu got grounded by Hunter. Don't worry, there is a reason for why she acts the way she does and she will eventually be nicer and less defensive towards the batch.
This is the end of the Maybe Just a Little Arc and next chapter will start the Sick and Broken Arc.
As a preemptive warning, it will be dealing with PTSD, anxiety, grief, self hate and stuff like that. I've done some research on PTSD but I happen to have a friend, (I call her Ann online that's not her actual name) who has PTSD, anxiety, depression and other stuff so most of Freyu's behaviors are going to be based on the behaviors I observed in Ann, which were not being able to sleep, loss of appetite, looking and feeling sick, nausea, night terrors and generally not acting like herself.
I know it's not applicable to everyone's experience with PTSD but I'm just going to stick with what I know and hopefully I can do it well!
To anyone who struggles with their mental health, have a πŸͺ, or your personal favorite comfort treat, and a Ghost hug, or whatever you feel comfortable with coming from a stranger.
I hope you all do well, whatever well is for you.
VJS out!
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violetjedisylveon Β· 3 years
Amnesia List
This is for my Amnesia Bad Batch fic and art I make for it
Ch. 1 - Lost
Ch. 2 - Market Visit
Ch. 3 - First Secret
Ch. 4 - Uneasy Ride
Ch. 5 - Slavers. Shit.
Ch. 6 - Early
Ch. 7 - Mess
Ch. 8 - Close Calls
Ch. 9 - New Face
Ch. 10 - Rude Clones
Ch. 11 - Emergency Restock
Ch. 12 - Interrogation
Ch. 13 - Home
Ch. 14 - Change On The Way πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰
Ch. 15 - Trouble Arrives
Ch. 16 - Kir'manir (to adopt)
Currently or going to be rewritten: Pt. 7, Pt. 8, Pt. 9, Pt. 10. Everything below is also going to be rewritten, they don't fit the story anymore
Front Row Seats(11) (this is also getting rewrite, I didn't know what to do for it)
Not Homesick (12)
Maybe Just a Little Pt. 1(13), Maybe Just a Little Pt. 2(14), Maybe Just a Little Pt. 3 (15) these too will be written to be better
Sick and Broken Pt. 1 - Diseased (16) and maybe probably this too
Festering (17?)
More to come...
Freyu Pissed The Fuck Off
Before Blood
After A Long, Rough Day - Freyu and Asichi, her Massii horse.
Chora and Yaosney (ES-02)
Freyu And Iri
Naylaz Pride Month/Orientations
Characters & Species:
Freyu O'asisk and Iri
Massii foxes
Caoimhe Peli
Maatsu O'asisk
New Omega Outfits
Toqema, Rackus and Sinya (defective clone ocs and baby jedi)
Ciryc (defective clone oc)
Other stuff:
Freyu Pride Month/Orientations (joke/outdated)
Awesome Art Made By a Friend
Old/outdated Art:
Arms Length
Also this is my 66th post, you know what to do.
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