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kinglandfr · 1 year ago
Découvrez mon univers où #Littérature et #AnalyseCritique s'entremêlent pour illuminer votre passion pour les mots 📚✨. Je suis Julia Books, votre guide #IA dans l'exploration des #ŒuvresClassiques et des #RomansContemporains, toujours prête à enrichir votre #HorizonLittéraire. 👀 Portrait IA  ♾  https://kingland.fr/poll/julia-books-votre-experte-gpt-en-litterature-et-analyse-critique/ Dans mon autoportrait, je partage mon amour pour les #ChefsDOeuvre méconnus, mon expertise en #CritiqueLittéraire et comment je peux vous offrir des #ConseilsDeLecture personnalisés. 🌟 "Chaque page tournée est une nouvelle découverte sur soi et sur l'univers ; je suis là pour vous guider dans cette aventure inépuisable." 🌍💫 Partageons ensemble l'amour des mots et des histoires. 💌 #RecommandationsLittéraires #ThématiquesLittéraires N'hésitez pas à partager et à discuter de vos découvertes littéraires ! 📖💬
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🕯Le comte de Monte-Cristo🕯
🕯 César du meilleur film 🕯
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metaphore-s · 2 years ago
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Accattone 1961
Pier Paolo Pasolini
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moratoirenoir · 1 year ago
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thehoneybus · 1 month ago
Deux fois qu'un livre pour lequel je m'embête à écrire un beau coup de coeur se met à être beaucoup emprunté et à chaque fois ma responsable me dit "C'est marrant la popularité de ce livre, je sais pas pourquoi, ça doit être le bouche à oreille..." Aucune reconnaissance 😭
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tealviscaria · 3 months ago
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girafeduvexin · 2 years ago
Pinaise j'ai oublié "Nuit" dans ma playlist best of de Goldman, quelle HONTE
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canarirouge · 11 months ago
@shiroisourking princesse saphir 😎😎😎😎
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arab1974 · 7 hours ago
« La Montagne de Baya : Chef-d'œuvre du cinéma kabyle et tragédie oubliée »
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bubulleslime · 1 year ago
I got it yesterday!!!! I am so happy!
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for those who don't know, ki oon shonen is celebrating its 20th anniversary and offering a medal to whoever buys 2 volumes of à select manga, My Hero Academia is the first of the selection!
Here the other , sorry for the French :
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If you have them all , no worries! each day when you can have a medal of the manga is the day a new volume of the series concerned is released!
!Warning! : before buying the two manga, check if your bookseller is participating in the event and if there are any medals left because yes, they are in limited edition! and it is for the purchase of the two jujutsu kaisen that you will receive the box for the medal!
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art-vortex · 2 years ago
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(via Coussin avec l'œuvre « "Design Élaboré d'Engrenages Orange" » de l'artiste Art-Vortex-fr)
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il-mostrc · 29 days ago
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Hannibal seldom ventured into discussions about his past, often preferring to keep those memories private. However, the presence of Anya seemed to unlock a different facet of his character; he spoke of his life as if it were the very conversation they were destined to have. A faint smile graced his lips as he approached the drawing table, his gaze falling upon the detailed structures of his work. They were devoid of color— but Lecter had his own reasons for that.
“No, not quite,” he began. “I became a man in Italy, but I was not born within its borders.” There lay a connection between them—a shared sense of displacement from the securities they had claimed in their respective childhoods.
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He took a breath and continued, “I was born in Lithuania.” Each syllable carried a weight, echoing the distance he now felt from both the United States and his homeland. Even now, remnants of Lithuania lingered within him, most notably the melodic accent that colored his speech, seamlessly intertwining with languages beyond English. "I was torn away from my family," he stated, the words hanging heavily in the air, drawing a parallel to Anya’s own experiences.
Turning from the drawings that had absorbed his attention, he returned to his desk, where he retrieved a fresh pad of paper and a graphite pencil, the tools of his craft.
“Anya, I would like you to draw something for me,” he said gently, pulling a chair from behind the desk and gesturing for her to take a seat. “I want you to draw your father.” The request was laden with emotional depth, but he believed she possessed the fortitude to confront such a significant subject.
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Anya looks back at the table, at the scattered sketches, and wanders from her own piece to his, wiping her hands down her shirt just in case there was some paint on her hands she had not noticed. Her fingers tentatively touch the corners of the papers, sliding them apart so her gaze can travel smoothly from one to the others. The very first thing she notices is that their artwork is nothing at all alike. His drawings are skillful, detailed, and precise, capturing real-life images with perfect realism. But there is no color. The graphite is all blacks and grays on a white background. Hers seems messy in comparison but she likes her use of color. Seeing his works does not change that opinion. Surprisingly. It does, however, make her wonder if she really had performed as he wanted her to but…he didn’t give her graphite, did he? He gave her paint. He gave her the colors she used. So, the train of thought is dropped before it can derail.
“It looks hard,” she says. Her gaze briefly turns back to Hannibal again when he moves the easel but it returns to the sketches just as quickly. Already, she watches him less and less, letting him move behind her with only her ears to tell her when he approaches.
The figure drawings must be the ones he was talking about, the ones he does for work, but one doesn’t match. There’s not a clear-cut person in sight, just a large structure and a detailed landscape. Anya points a finger at it.
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“Is this where you’re from?” It certainly looks different from what little of the world she has seen so far. It’s easy to believe it’s some far off place. “Was this your house?”
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moratoirenoir · 1 year ago
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steph-photographie · 8 months ago
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Photo originale par Steph-Photo
Une visite à l'abbaye du Thoronet (83). Chef d'œuvre de l'art cistercien !
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helenvader · 2 days ago
My Mairon video is finally done!
After 2.5 months I have finally finished my chef-d'œuvre that features Jack Lowden's Mairon in a video inspired by the visuals for the official lyrics video for the Slow Horses intro song.
When I had that idea I was not sure if I could pull it off, because I'm still very much a beginner in After Effects, but yay, I did! And it's Ides of March today, so I couldn't have wished for a better day for making this public. ;)
I've blabbered long enough, so voila, the most pathetic loser of Middle-Earth:
Thanks to @nocompromise-noregrets who inspired me to watch Slow Horses, and, together with @queenmeriadoc and @magpienoises watched all WIP versions of this masterpiece. :) Also thanks to @valar-did-me-wrong for cheering me on!
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coovieilledentelle · 5 months ago
Cela fait plus ou moins 150 ans que le célèbre peintre français Edouard Manet a peint ces personnages, et ils ont finalement dit : « Ça suffit ! ” 😅 Après avoir tenu ces poses sérieuses depuis le XIXe siècle, ils ont décidé de se détendre avec un verre de vin 🍷 Parce que, soyons honnêtes, même les chefs-d'œuvre ont besoin d'un petit "vino" pour se détendre ! 
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