#Charley and Eight is girls I just love it when she's a bitch to him
crystalromana · 10 months
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creed-of-cats · 4 years
Zagreus: Part 3 Notes
-what the FUCK is that bell
-ok I'm definitely starting gallifrey soon
-how does charlie know about regeneration and the different faces????
-i feel like the authors realizing what a mess this is is being channeled through he characters rn
-eight is in the very unfamiliar situation of being locked in a dungeon and being tortured. Wow. Has never happened to him before, i’m sure lol
-Tardis 👏🏼 appreciation 👏🏼 time 👏🏼 cause nobody reSPECTS HER IN THIS HOUSE
-Romana is a Mean Girl
-eight is getting very sassy, he must be very stressed
-is this...the timeless child...but Rassilion just isn't mentioning the "oh yeah and the doctor happened to be yeeted out of here"
-"You are my weapon, my creature" uhhhh yeah, another thing to add to the "Big finish did this first"
-christ, the one thing the doctor wants is to not be a pawn of the timelords and it just keeps happening and every time they come out of it they're even more traumatized and shattered, and fuck I'm sad
-i’m sorry fake seven dying made me snort
-oh gosh Eight sounds so wrecked when he says he's zagreus this time :(
-"Did you miss me? Did your little human heart ache every moment I was gone? Did you have bad thoughts about me in the small dark hours before the dawn?" Uh ok this is the first time I've been completely on board with eight as zagreus and holy shit its good
-"I am what the monsters have nightmares about"- immediately switches to desperate Eight. Love the implication here. Doctor's Self loathing is still going strong woo
-"But I love you" dundudndudnxjndus
-ok im a little annoyed shes making it about herself when its clearly because the doctor is so much torment he doesn't want to live, i’m not even sure he's aware about any of that.
-though everything else?? The acting?? "I'm the bravest person here." The doctor's pained repetition of "kill me" while everything around him gets more intense? The sound of the blade going through his chest??? Charley straight up sobbing?? I’m going feral oh my god it's good
-this feels very meta
-the one "yEs" from rassilion pffffft
-ok eight is being a butt and charley is being melodramatic
-leela is wonderful and I want more of her.
-uhh be careful with what you wish for, Doctor
-at moments like these I remember that Charley is 18
-this feels like the doctor desperately trying to ground himself after everything, and Jesus if the tardis fading away in scherzo after Eight saying it'll be him and her through this universe doesn't make you sad :(
-Time to :) re-listen to :) Scherzo :) with full context :) I love pain :)
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im-abanana · 7 years
-The Demon and The Angel- ch.3
I was inspired, I dunno, don’t even mind me and my author block. Here’s another Fluff/Domestic Bendy x Alice One-Shot.
Summary: If you’re a dancer, pulling a muscle can be the worst thing ever.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12736851/chapters/29507064
“What? Com’on! It was just an innocent accident Joey, for God’s sake!” Charley kept saying for an entire hour in front of his angry boss, the cartoon’s deep and irritated voice echoing in the empty corridors as his old fellows Barley and Edgar nodded silently without saying a word, to prove their leader’s point. “We didn’t mean to push Bendy against the corner of that chair, but he started the fight! It happens, the fault isn’t ours this time.”. “It’s not true, you did that on purpose! Liars! Mobsters!” Bendy yelled back with a cracked and pissed voice, holding his aching spine with both hands and dropping heavily on his sofa, a sad and desperate pout painted on his round face. “My poor back… assholes.” he concluded, groaning. “Wanker.” the three antagonists replied spitefully, frowning deeply and cracking their knuckles, aggressive. “You want some more, sissy?”. “Stop it, I’ve had enough!” Joey snapped all of the sudden and punched the study table to shut them up, evidently tired of all that screaming and bickering between those four, taking his final decision and huffing. His creations jumped in fear and closed their mouths as they heard the unexpected thud, sitting down and listening to their dad’s scold closely. “Alright guys, first of all I don't care who started the fight, or why it happened in the first place. You all are guilty, and this means that you all are grounded for two weeks.”. At that exact moment, hearing the previous noise and the complaints that followed Joey’s last phrase, the wooden door behind the group’s shoulders swung open and a very confused Alice peeked through it. “What’s happening here? Henry just told me that- oh.” she mumbled and then smirked, spotting The Butcher Gang standing next to Bendy, the little demon pathetically laid on the reddish couch with a contorted expression. “Henry wasn’t lying then, it’s true. You idiots seriously injured each other before an important performance that, I’d like to point that out, takes place in three days. My sincerest compliments, boys.”. “Great, gang: first the demon bitch, now the wingless cunt. Where’s the pussy wolf, uh?” Barley rolled his pitch black orbs and crossed his muscular arms to his hairy chest, clearly not happy to see the fallen angel or pay attention to her sarcastic comments. “Don’t you have anything else to do, Angel? Like, I dunno, go fuck yourself for example?”. “Says the one who’s in trouble. And not really, I’d rather stay here and quietly enjoy the little show you put up for me, especially the part when Joey shames you all.” the beautiful singer of the band lifted an eyebrow with a satisfied motion, calmly sitting down next to her dancing partner and making herself comfortable. “Oh, please Joey, don’t stop reminding them how stupid and irresponsible they are just because I’m here. Don’t mind me, I beg you.”.
“Alice, not you too, please. This is not a joke, and I need your help.” their annoyed creator sank his head between his fingers, groaning out his frustration and explaining his worst worries to the tall girl, to his only beloved daughter, who was definitely the most mature of the toons: “Bendy probably twisted a muscle in his back, and if he can’t dance or even stand in three days max, we’ll be ruined. We should give the money for the tickets back and apologize to the parents, and I don’t want to do that; I know it’s late and you’re tired, I know that you two don’t get along so well, but I’m kindly asking you to prepare him some herb tea and send him to bed. I’ll deal with those three in the meantime.” the man angrily declared, shooting an icy glare to The Butcher Gang. “I hope you understand.”. “I do understand, don’t worry. I can’t say I’m happy about this job, but I’ll do it anyway.” Alice immediately obeyed to her boss’ orders, sighed out and took Bendy in her thin but strong arms, ignoring his enraged protests and trying not to drop him as the demon squirmed wildly. Oh, she wished she could indeed drop and trample over him… “Goodnight, Joey. Fuck you, Charley, Barley and Edgar. See you all tomorrow morning at dawn.” she said before walking outside the busy room and closing the door behind her, heading for Bendy’s private room. “Ehy, hands off, Angel Cake! Let me go! I’m not a kid anymore, and I can walk by myself.” the short devil screamed and kicked the air like a mad horse, offended and in a bad mood because of the stinging pain. “I don’t want some stupid tea, and I won’t go to bed just because you’re ordering me to do so.”. “Honestly Bendy, I couldn’t care less about what you want or not. You don’t want my herb tea? I’ll simply shove it down your fucking throat when it’s still boiling, at least you’ll shut up and won't wake the others that way.” the fallen angel shrugged it off and placed the dancer on his own bed, making sure not to hurt him more despite the intimidating threats. “And if you don’t want to sleep, I’ll just hit your skull with my horns and knock you out for the next… let’s say twenty-four/forty-eight hours. How does it sound, my dear?”. “… on second thought babe, tea and nap sound nice. But I prefer lemon tea.”. “That can be arranged.” Alice happily agreed to those terms with a sly grin, satisfied and proud of herself, as she opened the thick door before her.
“Ehy toots, back off this second!” Bendy cried out in pure terror as his elegant jacket was quickly removed and tossed away by force, detail that made him feel terribly exposed as his naked chest brushed against the greenish blankets that covered the comfortable mattress. He tried to jump off the bed and run away despite the ache, but found that option unattainable when Alice gently sat down on his spine, her greater weight blocking the thin cartoon. “No! Don’t touch my back, you’re gonna make it worse!”. “Trust me Bendy, I know what I’m doing. I might not be a dancer like you or a doctor, but I sprained a lot of back muscles as we moved into the new studio.” Alice patiently explained and pinned the boy down without any effort, her smaller thumbs energetically pressing against his dark skin and working around and on the knot, trying to loose it and ease the pain at the same time. She also kept a close eye on the water on the stove as she eased his pain: the most incredible thing about their rooms was that they looked like small houses, provided with a bathroom, a small kitchen and even a sort of living room. Being a star surely had its advantages. “And I never complained about it, not even once. I guess I’m stronger.”. Feeling the young woman’s fingertips massaging the sore spot with such care and self-assurance forced the small demon to let out a quiet and relaxed moan, and his blurred mind barely registered what the black haired girl just said. The tension and irritation disappeared all of the sudden, and every single fiber of his previously tense body fell limp under her lovely touch. The boy asked in hilarious submission: “W-what do you mean with that, toots? Joey and Henry did all the work when we moved here… right?”. “Wrong. Do you really think they could transport and place all the boxes, stuff and furniture around all by themselves? No, not at all. Without me and Boris the process would have been much more complicated and long. We worked as a team, as the family that we are.” the horned angel explained in composed silence, putting more strength in her precise and careful movements and pressing deeper, earning another content yelp from her calm partner. That sound made her smile a little, but the slight frown carved on her slim visage showed how concentrated she internally was: Alice knew that a single imprecise touch could damage the musculature even more, so attention and composure were the key words. “You and The Butcher Gang are the lazy ones here, that’s for sure. You don’t like working or helping the creators and the crew, I get that, but at least try not to cause any trouble or get into those violent fights ever again. Now you have a sprained muscle, and that’s bad enough for a dancer, but next time you could find yourself with a broken bone or worse, a concussion.” the stunning cartoon sadly sighed out and deeply stared into his guilty eyes, severe, sweet but assertive, almost like a maternal figure. “Don’t make things more difficult for Joey and me. It’s tough enough as it is, we don’t need other problems because of your egoism.”. The last and cold sentence hit and slaughtered Bendy’s soul to its very core, forcing the demon to look away and rest his face against the soft pillows, in pure defeat and inner humiliation. “Who am I kidding? It’s true, everything she said is true.”, deep inside the star of the show knew there was a ring of truth in those words, and that hurt. It hurt like Hell. “Alice is right. We always say that we’re independent adults, but at the end we behave like brats.”.
A respectful silence filled the room as a thousand thoughts and faults invaded the devil’s mind, the only sound the fallen angel could clearly hear was the wall clock ticking, gradual and inexorable. “Are you ok, Bendy?” Alice questioned when she counted at least five hundred ticks, tilting her neck and watching her co-worker with puzzled eyes; that kind of behavior wasn’t like him, she knew that cartoon too well to fall for it. “You’re oddly silent tonight.”. The black demon snapped out of that state of trance and shook his big head with vigor, struggling to hide his worries and speak up: “I’m just… thinking.”. “About what?”. “About stuff.”. “Could you be a little more specific, pray tell?” the raven-haired girl groaned a bit and crossed her arms, interrupting the relaxing massage and waiting for him to open up and confess what was evidently torturing his conscience. “There’s something wrong with you, you wouldn’t just shut up for entire minutes. Not that I’m complaining, but you know… I’m here to listen.”. “Oh, for Satan’s sake Alice, stop it! Leave me alone!” Bendy literally boomed at that point, feeling enraged and defensive, a visible grey blush covering his cheeks as the inky blood pumped in his veins. “Why do you care so much?”. Blinking a couple of times in confusion and disorientation, Alice replied to that nasty question with spontaneity and slight rage, standing up and yelling her answer right in his face: “Because I care about you!”. Boom, crash and burn. “Well, I do not… I…” the little demon opened his mouth and pointed an accusing finger at Alice, ready to shout back without even thinking, to insult the singer or at least preserve his dignity, but he immediately perceived his own artificial heart sink deeply in the middle of his chest and his throat dry up, like a river during a hot summer day. But worst, he felt shit about himself; everytime something went horribly wrong, someone scolded him for something he did, or even when he fucked things up, Bendy always found a way to blame someone else for his mistakes. The Butcher Gang? No, the pride was probably his worst enemy. “I’m sorry, Alice. I was unfair to you while you only wanted to help me.” Bendy whispered sadly as he realized how much of a dick he had been, staring at his knees and nervously playing with his moving and pointy tail, avoiding eye contact. “I’ll try to do better.”. “No, don’t try to do better.” the fallen angel wisely declared and forcefully grabbed both sides of his round head, turning it and literally forcing her amazed co-worker to stare into her serious pitch black irises. “You have to do better. You can do better than this, than fighting all day and cause trouble. You’re the protagonist, our leader, and we all look up to you.” she forced a tiny smile and gently caressed his left cheek as her delicate traits appeared sweeter, more sympathetic. “We all count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.”. We count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.
“Well… it’s pretty late, here’s the lemon tea you requested, big baby. Drink it before it gets too cold.” Alice smirked smugly and offered a white, piping cup to the demon, helping him up and covering his tired form with scented sheets and thick blankets, making sure he was warm and comfortable enough for the entire night. “Try to get some rest and don’t move around too much, your muscles need a break. A long break.” the fallen angel laughed mercilessly and ignored his still reflecting expression, scratching her nape and stirring as she was done preparing her injured partner’s refined bed. “If you need something or if you’re simply bored, just punch the wall beside you or talk to yourself for a while. Your voice is so damn annoying that I will surely hear it from my room.”. Despite her sincere words were still echoing in the short demon’s mind, and they’d probably keep doing it during the whole night, he managed to take the joke and grin. “Very funny, toots! You know, you surprise me, teasing your own boss, who’s even suffering, is a risky move indeed.” Bendy snickered back in front of the young woman’s audacity, admiring the brazen singer as he was admiring the most beautiful and breathtaking masterpiece inside an art museum. “Sometimes I forget who’s the devil and who’s the angel, here.”. “Look again, Bendy. Maybe I’m both, and maybe I’m not as generous or kind as I look.” Alice promptly stood up and winked endearingly, pointing at her curved horns and shiny halo with a tapered finger. “Don’t ever forget it.”. “Oh, I wouldn’t, toots.” Bendy shrugged it off, playful and grateful. “I wouldn’t.”.
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ofmalfi-blog · 7 years
#1 - Rach
Monday, May 15th, 2017 / 1:45am
Rach may well be one of the closest girlfriends i’ve made even considering the insanely short amount of time that I’ve been a part of the Dids group (a whopping eight months if my memory is to be relied on), we weren’t close until my breakup with my boyfriend Charley. Aforementioned Charley was, to my life, what that massive fucking asteroid was to dinosaurs. I was a shell of a person when he dumped me, but somewhere along the line, I found myself turning to Rach who was going through her own boy troubles.
Rach got me through my worst times, she still does but to a lesser extent nowadays. We spoke for hours on the phone, I told her about everything that had happened to me in the months that we hadn’t been that close, and in return she told me about her own lesser moments, her eating disorder; the boy she thought had fallen for her despite telling her from the beginning that he wanted to see other girls. Nearly detrimental to our relationship and my precarious position in the group also happened to be boys.
Prior to my high-intensity, however short-lived relationship with Charley, I was recovering from being fucked over by another guy. My great solution to that heartache was fucking a boy in the Dids group. Turns out that Max (Dids group boy) was speaking to a central girl in the Dids group (Bev), and had been for months, but he didn’t think to mention that until after I’d endured some of the worse sex of my 17 years. This stayed a secret for a few months, surely people had their suspicions since they’d known that I stayed over, but I’ve always found that denial gets people off your back when they realise you won’t speak. Then everything went to shit, Max got drunk at a lads night and told the guys he’d fucked me, and I got drunk at a girls night a month later and told everybody who didn’t already know. Within the couple of days before this girls night, Bev (who had since moved on to a new boy) found out about it as well. She also found out that her ‘good friend’ fucked him as well, I was the only one who she gave shit about it too. 
The real stinger is that when texting Bev the next day to say I hadn’t known about her speaking to Max, and that I wouldn’t have done it otherwise, and telling her that Max was a great guy and he never meant to hurt her, she was sending Max screenshots and Max was telling her about how shitty a person I supposedly was. Max claims the reason he doesn’t like me now is because I told Bev about the second girl he’d fucked, I think we all know that’s complete bullshit, he cares that Bev now know’s he’s a guy who’d stoop low enough to fuck trampy ol’ me.
The point of this tale being that Bev doesn’t like me, and where before she’d just generally not been that perceptive to me joining the group, she now had good reason to alienate me. As I’ve mentioned, Bev is part of this central girls group the ‘Rich Girls’ as they’re fondly known, as is Rach. Bev talked shit about me and then me and Rach had a completely unrelated night in together, one drunk tweet later, and there was full blown beef with the Rich Girls and me. It’s funny because the majority of the Rich Girls don’t actually dislike me, I just happen to be a social pariah. 
Rach then lost her virginity to a guy she met on Tinder (not on my recommendation). She told me and our close friend Tara, who had also lost her virginity to a guy she met on Tinder, and at that ‘girls night in’ they decided to tell Bev about it, because they were close with her. The first question that Bev asked them: “Did Lana tell you to tell me?”, Lana being me. Well no Bev, you fucking bitch, I told them not to tell you because you’re so fucking judgemental that there are people in fucking Alaska who could probably sense your judgement, and as a girl whose been subject to it before, I know a lot better.
As distasteful as the word ‘frenemy’ is, it’s Bev in a nutshell. You know that she was saying to girls how I talk to much about boys? And in the same breath texted me asking about why I hadn’t told her about a boy I was dating. Fucking bitch.
So Rach, as lovely and wonderful a friend as she is, must now be permanently held at an arms legnth, all because I fucked Max and she fucked God Knows Who from Tinder, and heaven forbid the Rich Girls find out that we’re still as close as Oprah and Gayle. I still text her and tell her about my pulls, she still tells me when she goes on dates and has terrible sex, but the three hour phonecalls? Sleepovers? Nope.
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