#Cervus corsicanus
crepuscularray · 9 months
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Deercember Day Twenty-Nine: Barbary Stag | Lights
The Barbary stag (Cervus elaphus barbarus), also known as the Atlas deer or African elk, is a subspecies of the red deer that is native to North Africa. It is the only deer known to be native to Africa, aside from Megaceroides algericus, which went extinct approximately 6,000 years ago. Recent genetic studies indicate that the North African red deer population is practically indistinguishable from the Sardinian and Corsican populations, generally referred to as the Corsican red deer. This strongly argues for an ancient introduction of red deer from North Africa to these Mediterranean islands by humans. Further analysis suggests that the Barbary stag, including the Corsican red deer, belongs to a separate species, and should be grouped under the name Cervus corsicanus. The Barbary stag is smaller than the typical red deer. Its body is dark brown with some white spots on its flanks and back, and the antlers lack the bez (second) tine. It thrives in dense, humid forested areas of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco; it had initially been hunted to extinction in the latter, but specimens from the Tunisian population were reintroduced in the 1990s. One population can be found in Tazekka National Park in the Middle Atlas Mountains. Predators of the Barbary stag include, or included, the Barbary lion, the Atlas bear, the Barbary leopard, and the African wolf, but these have become either endangered or extinct in the regions where the Barbary stag occurs. More information here.
References: Deer, Background.
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corse2b · 3 years
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Cervione village. Haute-Corse .
A cinquante kilomètres au sud de Bastia, Cervioni (Cervione) est un petit village accrochée en amphithéâtre sur les dernières pentes du Monte Castellu qui culmine à 1109 mètres. Le village doit son nom à une précence ancienne de grands cerfs (latin : cervus corsicanus). Celui-ci est situé entre 350 et 400 mètres d'altitude, mais la commune s'étend jusqu'a la plage de Prunete, cinq kilomètres en contrebas. Cervioni réunit donc les plaisirs de la plage et de la montagne, mais c'est aussi un lieu chargé d'histoire car il a été le siège des évèques d'Aleria et sous le règne de Théodore 1er, la capitale de la corse.
Source: corse2b. mai 2021.
Cervione village. Upper Corsica.
Fifty kilometers south of Bastia, Cervioni (Cervione) is a small village hanging like an amphitheater on the last slopes of Monte Castellu which culminates at 1109 meters. The village owes its name to an ancient presence of large deer (Latin: cervus corsicanus). It is located between 350 and 400 meters above sea level, but the town extends to the beach of Prunete, five kilometers below. Cervioni therefore combines the pleasures of the beach and the mountains, but it is also a place steeped in history because it was the seat of the bishops of Aleria and under the reign of Theodore I, the capital of Corsica.
Source: corsican2b. May 2021.
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zadigo · 2 years
Il Cervo sardo è salvo, per ora. | Gruppo d'Intervento Giuridico (GrIG)
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zadigo · 2 years
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