#Censor the Speech
lasseling · 5 months
Senate Intel Chair Confirms CISA, FBI Have Resumed Coercing Social Media Companies to Censor the Speech of MILLIONS OF AMERICANS
In March, the US Supreme Court heard arguments from The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft , the state of Missouri, the state of Louisiana, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Aaron Kheriaty, and Jill Hines (“Free Speech Plaintiffs”) in arguments against the Biden Administration and an army of government agencies.
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moonpaw · 7 months
i don't think i've ever noticed the difference before, but bon-chan was pretty censored in the anime as well compared to the og manga
not entirely, but definitely in that his fight style was
in the manga it's referred to as "okama kenpo" while the anime (in alabasta) refers it to "ballet kenpo"
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violent-optimism · 1 month
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Hey remember when Sniper wanted to murder the director of the "Meet the Team" videos?
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dotssu3 · 1 year
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i wanna go to da beach
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onebarofsoap · 1 year
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Hello everybody! I am starting an emergency c0missi0n f*ndra1ser for hurricane relief with KAON CITY MEDICS, with Swin's (@combaticon) permission.
Hurricane Idalia, a Category 3 hurricane, struck Florida's west coast earlier this week and left many unhoused folks missing a ton of stuff as it got washed away. Our plan is to use this f*ndra1ser to get them necessary supplies like blankets, hygiene supplies, water, flashlights, first aid kits, and more!
In total, our goal is $765.
Make a $20+ d0nation and you can get a drawing from me! All the information can be found in the post and in this google form. Please make all d0nations towards the team here:
K0--FI / CA$HAPP / V3NM0
You can contact me or ask any questions through tumblr, gmail (onebarofsoap1), or discord (soap_5324).
🥰💖Reblogs are appreciated! Please share this around! 💖🥰
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dosesofcommonsense · 6 months
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What happened to the stories about Facebook hiring CCP agents to be their fact checkers?
Free Speech isn’t censored - unless you’re on Facebook or Instagram.
**The twist: you cannot label speech you don’t like as hate speech OR censor it. People have a right to express an opinion, whether you like it or not.
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I mean not being able to swear is bad but Boothill could have it worse. He could be saying unalive instead of kill.
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
You can control the visibility of my name and my popularity, but you cannot control the frequency at which people are quoting me. Truth always rises with time.
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
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lizzardson · 3 months
happy "I'm a faggot with a tony" day to all who celebrate
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lasseling · 28 days
Rumble CEO Escapes France After Telegram CEO Arrested for Not Censoring Speech
Rumble will not stand for this behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human right.
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like-wuatafauq · 8 months
I want yall to know the censoring on tiktok has gotten worse and as sad as it sounds to mention tiktok, tiktok helped spread awareness about Palestine and Congo, Sudan and Yemen, Afghanistan and more. Please engage with accounts that use the tag or talk about it and keep talking,sharing etc.
No matter how small the account is(of course make sure they're not spreading propaganda) but a lot of bigger accounts get banned, or censored. I've noticed Palestinian creators have had their stuff banned or hacked and I'm seeing more people mentioning congo information not being pushed out as more (deliberately by tiktok and I had my own experience with this) and I'd like to remind you all China does own tiktok [edit: I forget some stuff is not widely known so I don't want to confuse ppl but I meant China owns like a good chunk of tiktok it has a lot of investors etc. I dont want yall to confuse that with the CEO of tiktok. I would not be surprised if thats why China has a lot of influence on the app] And China does own a lot of the mines in Congo.
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vriskarlmarx · 9 months
clothing stores should have a faggot section
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lets-make-light-now · 5 months
Zionist Germany forbade freedom of speech
By imprisoning a witness to the genocide and refuse to enter the country.
Please download his testimony in the UK
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aloeverawrites · 4 months
Yeah nah I am def pro censorship in some cases. Yes it can overcorrect and harm innocents and we have to be careful of that.
So can almost anything.
With the way hate speech and content that validates abuse has spread online and had people join actual like hate groups and cults, yeah sometimes information needs to be curated.
Your post on how masks and vaccines were actually invented by Joe Biden to sell autism doesn’t need to be seen by bored grandparents who believe everything they see online.
Your antisemitic conspiracy theory does not need to be seen by that teenager who wants someone to blame his problems on and who has already been exposed to antisemitism by *gestures to society as a whole.
Censorship especially by organisations is a tool and it can be misused. I think instead of banning the tool entirely we need to focus on who wields it and how they wield it.
If a site is using censorship to ban trans people then they would be hurting trans people in other ways if that option censorship of wasn’t there. The tool is a symptom of the problem and taking away that tool doesn’t actually fix the problem. And refusing to use that tool doesn’t help you, it just means that the people who hate you now have a weapon that you don’t have.
Keeping up posts that encourage abusers or posts that incite violence against minorities in the name of being anti-censorship is not going keep you safe.
It’s just going to create more people who will want to use any tool they can find to hurt you.
You can give terrible people all the benefit of the doubt and all the freedom you want and they will never give you that same respect in return. They’re just going to build their weapons in peace to hurt you with and then take those same freedoms from you the minute they have a chance.
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robotexhaustfan · 4 months
For those of you asking for certain computers in my asks, you're the real ones. You're the ones I want to see standing at the pearly gates on the red carpet to God's Kingdom. I will get to those computers as soon as I can. Just have you know I'm not replying to the asks because I do not want to lose them.
Also, there's a non-zero chance that I will start spouting about animism and objectum philosophy because I find it extremely interesting. Like what constitutes love and what constitutes a partner that you can share that love with. I'm a crazy person in real life and I like to talk with other crazy people. So don't be afraid to talk to me because I'm crazy. I also like Pikmin.
There's also a non-zero chance that there will be some pool toy art in the near future. And I'm not talking a bipedal walking around doing stuff. I'm talking the literal object. No anthropomorphism, nada.
Also, I apologize if you're angry at me for filling up certain tags with artwork. It's not my intention. I just have big creative spells were all I do is draw all day.
I love everybody and I will not be drawing any p*** stuff. the most I'll draw is mildly suggestive so if you're not comfortable with p*** but you're okay with mildly suggestive drawings. You're safe here. This is your safe space. I want this place to be a safe space because I love everybody. I love you. I love you. I love you
Ok bye
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mushroomjar · 1 year
Guess who finally caved in
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[Image Description: A photo of a computer screen showing a shot from the first episode of Hannibal, with the name of the show at the bottom. Part of the computer screen has been censored with a meme compiling multiple "stickman gore" memes. End Image Description]
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