cittadeinumeri · 1 year
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[ this is going to be very oddly specific but celebII is literally a celebi but also exactly when you can spawn flies in the binding of isaac and you're spawning too many and instead of flying around you they just start vibrating one over the other and you dont understand if its just one or a thousand over the same 3 pixels. ]
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cavewolf · 2 years
entire game on time travel. doesn't elaborate on looker or annabel or ingo or dawn/lucas or giovanni or
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kakanno · 2 years
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oysterie · 2 years
oh my god HI i cant believe i found another siphonophore fan, they are the best ocean creatures ever
yesss they are so so awesome <3 I have to admit I forgot abt them until recently but I was in love w giant siphonophores as a kid :]
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empress-hancock · 8 months
It’s February which means Pokemon’s anniversary is coming up which means they’re going to put out a video of what we have to look forward to this year and two years ago a brand new title came out and the year before that we got the remake of Diamond and Pearl which means that this year we’re probably going to hear about a remake of Black and White which are my favorite games and I am excited
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likeadog · 2 years
welcome to sistervirtue dot tumblr dot com. those of you who have read my url...seen my icon...may be wondering: who is this woman? who is Sister Virtue?
as the @original-character-championship bracket begins, I would like to take the time to introduce you to her. go on. take a seat.
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[art credit: @/omusubigender, @/citrus-sours, @/kkbardd, @/pcktknife, @/celebiis, @/citrus-sours]
Sister Virtue is a not-quite woman not-quite of the cloth with a bit of a scowl and an unholy attitude problem. Formerly a cherub known as Theophania serving in the appellate choirs of heaven, she judged human souls and debated the dogma of heaven day in and day out.
Although a perfect machine of heaven, Theophania was not heartless. Through her friendship with the Archangel Gabriel, whom represents human souls and their interests in the courts of heaven, she learned about those she judged.
And I am going to let you in on a secret. Angels and demons are both creatures of passion, just their passion turns in different ways. Demons experience passion for the self. Angels turn their passion towards God. And for Theophania, her passion turned in a different way-- towards those silly little animals whom she watched day in and day out. (Even you!)
So when Gabriel came lamenting of the Seraphim's decision to bring forth the end of humanity, she may have done something a bit drastic. Drastic like stealing the Eye of God, an important artifact containing the summation of all knowledge, and then slamming it into her own skull in order to hold it hostage and kick up enough of a fuss that the angels acquiesced and agreed to come to some sort of truce. The ultimate blasphemy.
She would be felled. If she cared so much about those silly, stupid animals, she could spend the rest of eternity proving they were worth it. Shoved into a body made of flesh and her powers largely sealed behind seven penances, Sister Virtue is tasked with protecting humanity from all threats divine or diabolic. She cannot die; [officially banned to prevent any loopholes or complicated litigation later] but she can give up... but doing so would mean damning all of humanity in the entire process.
After crash-landing into a convent and taking the administrative lead of the attached school (now known as Eschaton Academy) Sister Virtue is establishing a network of those both blessed and possessed to aid her in the arduous process of keeping people safe, all while trying to figure out what it means to be human herself.
So Why should you vote for her?
Let's face it, we're not in high school any more.
Coming of age stories for teens are fun, but sometimes... you don't really start coming of age until your 20's, 30's, 40's... Virtue, 37 human years old, is here to show the journey of growing into your skin even if that comes after high school.
2. She's hot as hell.
A nun in her work uniform, Sister Virtue at heart is a truckin', smokin', wrestlin' uncle of a woman, and her casual attitude and casual attire reflect this. And let's face it. A woman who hates wearing shirts and has a happy trail is a god-sent gift for all of us.
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[art credit @ koiiluvz]
3. She's just a bit weird.
She named her car (a self-"upgraded" hearse) the Popemobile. She smokes cigarettes because she likes the taste. She doesn't mind nudity, but gets shy eating in public because digestion is just a little too intimate for an angel. She loves paperwork. Sometimes she regurgitates the angel equivalent of a hairball.
4. Don't know about all this original universe lore? She's got a D&D Iteration.
You can find her character sheet here-- She;s a tanky fallen aasimar paladin with 3 different ways to intimidate. Because you don't even need a gun with an attitude like hers.
5. She'd vote for you
At the end of the day, Sister Virtue is someone who runs on love. Love for all of humanity. Including you. Even if you don't believe in Virtue, virtue believes in you, and you should believe in you too.
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Check out my eschaton academy tag. Or pop into my inbox or dms.
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(she even has emotes. art credit @/pcktknife, @/citrus-sours, and @/GR4FF1T1 [on toyhouse] )
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siphonophores · 1 year
celebiis -> icycomet
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miscellaneoussmp · 6 months
okay so I guess the mystery dungeon tldr is that Fit was a person in a world full of Pokémon. In a post-apocalyptic hellscape. A skitty named Madagio came up with an idea, and together the two of them managed to convince Celebii to send them back in time, to avert the apocolypse. However, an evil group led by Cucurucho (a ursaring) followed them, and attacked in the time stream. Fit was blown off course, and to save him he was transformed into a Pokémon. He wakes up badly injured and half drowned on a beach, with absolutely no memory of anything but his name. My problem is working out what Pokémon he becomes. I've got like... cranidos. Rhydon. But none feel quite right? I'd rather stick to gen4 or below, but ugh. Nothing quite gels? And given hes from the future I'm okay with later pokemon for him - could be a fun hint towards the time travel thing - but I don't know them good. And what pokemon someone is is very different from what they have, you know?
Theres a whole fun thing where they think the Feds are the good guys at first, mostly, because Madagio is obviously causing problems and hasn't told anyone why, and Fit has no memories, and the cops from the future are very polite about it all. I say fun. Its horrifying once they realise Fit is Fit.
(Others I have worked out - Pac is a shinx, Mike a shiny Sableye, Felps is an Abra, Cellbit is a Cubone, Bagi is a Nidoran, Tubbo is a Porygon, Philza is a Scyther, BBH is Darkrai [a Darkrai he has an evil twin for plot reasons] who runs the daycare - thank you to Des and bp who helped me with them, Fit is just being a problem)
This is so interesting!!!!!
Madagio as a Skitty made me giggle just a bit ngl, but it is fitting!
May I suggest Fit as a Feraligatr? Or if you want to go with Fit as a later gen pokemon, possibly Fit a Krokorok/Krookodile? Unless there's any plot problems with my suggestions!
Also!!! Your picks for everyone else are very fitting, I think! Bad as a Darkrai running the daycare is peak Bbh-core imo. (<- it also made me giggle).
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So normally I would not laugh at something like this, but people are big mad. Though if you don't want to read the article I'll lay out what's going on. People on Twitter, IE: Twitter freaks. Mostly probably "Antis" and Minors or just can never be happy LGBT activists, are mad about this photo someone made.
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Now. The reason I headed this off with laughter is actually two fold.
This game is made by a company in China. THE CHINESE hate the LBGT with a passion. And they are not shy about admitting that. Sure propaganda might say otherwise but that's all they tend to put out is propaganda. (The rest is western bait).
The same people mad about this are the same ones that get mad that there are not more platonic relationships between men and women. But the moment their "Waifu" isn't a lesbian woman and is instead FRIENDS with a woman, it's, "HOW DARE SHE NOT BE A LESBIAN!". Actually just sad.
So yeah. I'm laughing at everyone mad at this art work. Because I'm tired of a culture that makes EVERYTHING gay all the time. "Two guys are friends? OH NO! THEY AREN'T FRIENDS! ACTUALLY THEY ARE GAY CODED!"
Fuck off. I grew up in the 90's on Brotherhood and Sisterhood stuff. I saw movies like the Pokémon Celebii movie where this scene happened:
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This isn't gay coded. This is two guys who got along and became great friends. A lot like brothers if you will. However, if this movie came out now, the Twitter Freaks and Antis would be raging about how they are canon gay. And any movie after that could potentially erase that "Image" would have gotten the Pokémon company death threats. Imagine being so unhinged and so up in your own feelings that you send DEATH THREATS to a person because your favorite character ISN'T the sexuality you thought they were.
Which to be frank, is a YOU problem. If you can't like a character, or keep liking a character because of their sexuality, I'm sorry to tell you this but that kind of makes YOU the bigot. Not MOST other people. It's why I wince at shallow "LGBT Inclusion". Because it's done not as a character that was just "Supposed to be that way". It's cheap, shallow and the only thing it does is activate the "Woke" crowd to talk about how inclusive it is to sell more copies because they know most of the "I DEMAND REPRESENTATION" people will literally write article after article about how "Inclusive" it is. And all they have to do is put on GAY KISS into the franchise and you just bust your load.
Honestly it's pathetic if you think about it. And kinda of sad as well. Gay representation was in movies for years. But now all of it feels either forced or shallow. OR BOTH. And most of you need to get your heads out of your asses about this "coded" bullsh*t. Two people can exist and NOT be dating. A girl and REALLY get along with another girl and not be gay for one another. Get your heads out of your asses and stop harassing REAL LIFE PEOPLE because your fictional waifu isn't gay enough in every representation of them.
Besides the fact that given she's a character coming out of China, I can almost promise that she is NOT a lesbian. And frankly speaking? You give a middle finger to everyone living under the tyranny of the CCP when you pretend that a game is being "Representative" when the country as a whole is far from that. I wonder how many LGBT people are in China right now living in fear for THEIR LIVES and having to stay in the closet lest they be jailed, or worse.
Stop being stupid. And cope harder.
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tagged in by @twizzta 2 list 5 songsthat i like rn!🧪
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sorority girls - mommy long legs
howlingjigoku - midori
bloodstains - agent orange
chainsaw massacre - koffin kats
tagging @roentgen @yurimage @streetfighteriii @celebiis @indextual + anybody else 🌈
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appendingfic · 2 years
Cannot wait to reveal that Celebii’s characterization is basically Doctor Who
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cittadeinumeri · 1 year
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[ also its absurd but the hardest glitches to turn into, well. fucked up glitches. are the ones that look like actual things.
like i cant just draw the skeleton of an aerodactyl and call it a day i NEED it to be fucked up i NEED the glitched mew to be weird i WANT the faceless pokèmon of sumo to be even weirder!!!!!!!!! ]
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Pokemon Crack
As the gang continues down the route to the next town, they stop by a shrine near a forest area with a massive crowd.
Lan: Huh, what's up with all of the people?
Mega: Maybe they're all here on a hike.
Lan: A hike?
Mega: Yeah, it's very nature-al for people to go on hikes.
Lan groans while Roll nervously laughs and Remix brusts out laughing.
Nearby tourist: We're here on no mere hike kiddos. This forest is said to be favorite by the guardian Celebii itself.
Mayl: Oh, I've heard about Celebii. It's said to be a protect to all forests.
Tourist: That's right, lass. It's even said the Celebii can travel through time.
Patch perks his head.
Patch: We should take this tour.
Lan: You like this folklore stuff?
Patch: Well, yeah, it's pretty neat
Mayl: I think it'll be a good idea. We're not in a hurry to get to the next town
Lan: Yeah, I guess you're right. Alright, let's do it
Patch: Yes! (If I can find Celebi...wait for me Dad, Mom...I'm coming home!)
Lan: Wow, he's really excited
Mayl: Don't make fun, I think it's kinda cute of him
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askthetraveller · 3 years
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“River, like the ever flowing streams of time, and Apollo, like the great stars that shine above.”
“If you say so, angel, hmhm.“
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femalehorizons · 2 years
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empress-hancock · 7 months
Pokemon Day livestream in 4!!!
All I need is B&W remake or Legends Celebii or something to be announced! Just one of those and I’ll be satisfied!!
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