#Casual Gisborne dating
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@twistedwit: what if we got out of town, just the two of us?
The words reach his ears like a dull thrum working its way through heavy fog, fingers curling against the counter where they rest, and knuckles blanching white as eyelids flutter against flushed cheeks in momentary confusion. It takes a second or two for the implication to sink in and for a moment Killian almost scoffs, barely containing the noise behind clenched teeth. The detective has become someone akin to a confidante, someone that (dare the gang leader say it) one could dare to trust. The feeling is fleeting, locked away behind a tightly empty chest that the Irishman can only imagine once held something akin to his heart.
Teeth rake over a chapped bottom lip, weight shifting as he leans back on his heels, blue eyes suddenly steadily focused on the floor below rough hewn boots. It would be easy to distract the older man - throw out a bit of a Gaelic curse, wave his gun in the air, maybe smash something just for the sheer bloody dramatics of it - but instead Killian lets out a low laugh, unsure whether it is meant to convey derision or a soft acquiesce. Maybe the copper has decided to finally do away with him, to lure him into prison as easily and readily as the younger man himself had fallen into his bed - but before his thoughts can accept such things, before the frustrated anger that tickles the back of his mind can turn rational logic into an emotional cascade of violence - Killian’s eyes flicker towards the fridge, where he knows an unopen carton of chocolate milk will be waiting inside. The thought had been stupid, a drink tossed carelessly out into the ether when the older man pried for his interests, meant to mock rather than admit the truth of i t- but still the bloody git had shown up with it, a silent offering awaiting his notice that nearly knocked the shallow breath from the Irishman’s lungs.
One eyebrow quirks upwards as he gives a lazy grin, turning round to where the other man silently stares at him. Maybe he’s waiting for a sudden act, waiting for the expression of rage and despair that so often covers stubbled jaw to show itself - but Killian only lets his smile widen slightly, a little laugh running through his head at the minor notion that maybe Guy thinks he’s finally lost it. Maybe the bloke’s even thinking he’s about to get shot again.... but the gang leader’s gun lays precariously on another table, momentarily forgotten. Strange that something so integral to another’s life can be casually placed aside, torn from the place it occupies at the small of its owner’s back - no doubt an indication of no longer being needed, of giving up its job of safety to someone else that might have the right of it.
But that’s something Killian Jones won’t think about - not tonight, not yet.
“Like a vacation?” His brow once again quirks upwards, maybe a bit further than the question warrants - but the meaning is two fold, meant to convey interest while also edging for the older detective to laugh. Blue eyes roll skyward as he pretends to think, pretends as if he doesn’t already have the answer crawling up the back of his throat and threatening to burst forth unbidden from his lips. Gaze stays trained on the other’s face, blue meeting blue as he allows himself the momentary belief - the momentary wish - that maybe Guy Gisborne can actually deliver him from the hell that he’s stuck in. It would be bloody fucking stupid however, to let such a thing show - so lean shoulders shrug at the idea as he drops to the couch next to his - what is he? fuck. - copper... friend.. thing Oh aye, way to go Killian, That covers it.
A shoulder brushes against the detective’s own, denim clad thigh resting against the other man’s leg - a careful touch, enough to be there .. but not too much. Killian tears his eyes away from the blood stain that still rests on one knee, ignoring the distaste that rises like bile. He doesn’t notice things, doesn’t think of things, until he finds himself once again in the older man’s world - fidgety and restless with am ever growing desire to belong that no amount of alcohol or bullets will erase. Teeth chew at the edge of his lip as he debates his next move, a clearing of his throat the only noise that comes forth until the faint taste of blood fills his mouth. That he is familiar with - the situation he finds himself in now, however ... he is definitely not.
“Are you asking me out, copper?” Lips slide into a grin now, easier than before and with a glint of amusement behind usually veiled eyes. Expression steels to one of seriousness as fingers grasp Guy’s chin, hesitant in mock aggression lest the other man feel threatened. This is no place for that, not yet - so Killian moves slowly, deliberate in his intent. Gaze meets the detective’s own, stare for stare and the Irishman waits for a moment, head cocking to the side. “Two rules - “ Fingers don’t loosen their hold as his other hand rises, one digit expertly rising up. “One - we’re not eating Chinese food, yeah?... “ Brows narrow slightly as if daring the other to argue, even as he trusts that Guy will see it for what it is - a joke. “And two -” Another finger rises, bending to brush the slightest touch against the other man’s bottom lip, in a move that leaves no doubt to the tease behind it. “Despite whatever it is me handsome self may or may not have done with you last night - “ Bottom lip is caught between his teeth as he finally lets guy of the detective’s jaw, shifting as if getting ready to stand up. “I don’t put out on me first date.” Lips purse as if suddenly struck by a thought and the Irishman shrugs, on eye giving a wink. “Aye.. unless it involves a bloody damn good cheeseburger and one hell of a party.”
#twistedwit#v. grace under pressure#first note: tumblr has forgotten this verse tag#other side note: i think this is the longest thing i've written you since 2014#wait ...no. probably longer than that#probably the longest thing i've written you /ever/#i'm sorry its so long#you never have to reply#and you definitely never have to worry about length#i love you !!#i dont know what happened#i decided to write until i stopped and not think about it and i literally just word vomited at you but#*slides in a la risky business*#WE'RE BACK BABY
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