#Cassie Petrey
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Que dois-je publier sur les réseaux sociaux et à quelle fréquence dois-je publier sont deux des questions les plus fréquentes posées par les lecteurs d’Hypebot et les étudiants de Berklee de Cassie Petrey , PDG et cofondatrice de la célèbre société de médias sociaux et de gestion d’artistes Crowd Surf. Utilisez ces éléments comme guide et mélangez-les selon votre niveau de confort (tout comme…
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An IUD implanted against her will. An IUD implanted AGAINST HER WILL. Take a second to grasp how sick, abusive, and life-altering that is. Jamie Spears needs to pay for his crimes. Jail. Now.
#i hope jamie spears rots in prison for life#An IUD implanted against her will. An IUD implanted AGAINST HER WILL. Take a second to grasp how sick#abusive#and life-altering that is. Jamie Spears needs to pay for his crimes. Jail. Now.#Say their names#they are responsible:#Jamie Spears#Lou Taylor#Larry Rudolph#Reva Goetz#Brenda Penny#Jamie Lynn Spears#Cassie Petrey#Vivian Thoreen#Jeryll Cohen#Geraldine Wyle#Timothy Benson#Jodi Montgomery#Sam Ingham III#That Robin chick#Fck them to hell#They’re all going to burn#It’s on sight
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Justice and freedom for Britney! End conservator abuse now!
#free britney#freebritney#conservatory#conservatorship#free Britney now#support Britney#supportbritney#britney icons#framing britney#britneyjean#britney spears#britneyspears#britney jean#jamie spears#jamiespears#lou m Taylor#loumtaylor#Cassie petrey#lynne spears#free britney movement#los angeles#California#justice for britney#justiceforbritney#end conservatorship abuse#abuse#instagram#leave britney alone#britney spears news#news
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As soon as Brit was free her fans had nothing better to do than try to come for Xtina despite Xtina's loyalty.
Apparently the thing is they're falling for the gag - the same smear that tried to take Xtina down during the Bionic era (still incredibly underrated album I'm still listening to it so much) is being rehashed.
See, Britney fans know how to do research until it's about anything other than Britney.
Apparently Gaga's manager is in on this smear and was the one during the Bionic era to keep Gaga's head above. Now it is happening again. Hopefully not successful, but they're working overtime on Twitter trying to make Xtina look bitchy.
Here's a breakdown:
It was Xtina's return to the Latin Grammy's after 20yrs as she is releasing a full album in Spanish (featuring singles Pas Mis Muchachas and Somos Nada). She was taking some questions before her performance and then her publicist was tapped by what i would assume was some kind of even manager because Xtina was due for her performance. AS THAT HAPPENED a reporter (?) asked if Xtina had been in contact with Brit or something to that effect and the publicist cut in to take Xtina away so all Xtina said was "I can't but I'm happy for her".
Mind you all the way back in JUNE Xtina had written a long twitter post about the conservatorship in defense of Britney.
Yet WHOEVER is running Britneys IG (Cassie Petrey likely) still thought it appropriate to pull a clip from the LatinGrammys interview out of context and make Xtina out to be a bitch who wasn't speaking up for her. What?! Then praised Gaga for speaking up (who only just did once Brit was free and hadn't said shit DURING the conservatorship as Xtina had)
Britney could have reached out to Xtina in private but no she blasted her on Instagram. For what?
Well the gossip is that Gaga's manager, bobby campbell, is buddy buddy with Sam Asghari who is of course Britney's fiance now and reportedly been in talks with taking on Britney. Also talks that Britney isn't the one running her own IG.
Bobby is the same manager that smeared Xtina during Bionic era to prop up Gaga - who obviously can't hold a flame to a legend such as Xtina. I used to like gaga until i found out this trash. Gaga is talented and studied which makes this back handed bs that much more disgusting. Perez even admitted he was used in the scheme during the Bionic era to smear Xtina.
Xtina has always been about standing with the gals. Lady Marmalade, Can't Hold Us Down, Pas Mis Muchachas. She's been one to call out men for their trash takes like when Carson Daly pulled his shit back in the day and calling out Eminem too.
People have always taken Xtina's confidence to be an insult but guess what: it's only offensive to you if you lack your own confidence.
And the kicker? How Britney's own fiance entirely dodged a question about her freedom when he was at his own gig (skip to :50)
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INDUSTRY INFILTRATION: 7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Music Business
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/afdc38b499b45713e702ebb2045814d2/tumblr_inline_pfoghtqe9F1s9on4d_540.jpg)
Cassie Petrey and Jade Driver are co-founders of Crowd Surf, a marketing, publicity and artist management company, based out of Los Angeles, Nashville, and New York City. Always seeking innovative ways to create organic, meaningful connections between artists and their fans, Crowd Surf was formed in 2007 and provides services to some of the biggest names in music and entertainment including Britney Spears, Guns N’ Roses, and the Backstreet Boys. In addition to running a successful business, Cassie and Jade recently launched their podcast "How I Got Backstage" to guide listeners on how they can create their dream jobs in the music industry.
Today, they are here to share the seven things they wish someone told them before they started their business.
1. Potential clients will always want “the bro” deal. Even if you’re not friends and you’re actually a woman. It’s ok to not be a “bro” and say no.
Calfreezy Come On Bro GIF from Calfreezy GIFs
2. Karma is real. Don’t ever worry about revenge when somebody does you wrong. The universe takes care of all of these things without you lifting one single finger.
3. Great work and product are more important than some random person you meet at a networking event. If you have to choose between a party and working on making your product amazing, pick the product.
4. Don’t take anything too seriously. We’re not working on an operating table, but sometimes the stress can make you feel that way.
5. There will always be somebody that owes you money. A lot of people and companies don’t pay their bills on time. Or at all. Anticipate it and prepare accordingly.
Spanky Bored GIF from Spanky GIFs
6. Have a hobby. That doesn’t involve music or a computer. It’s important.
7. Sometimes you’re going to be better at giving advice than taking your own advice. Find somebody like you, and give each other advice since you can’t take your own.
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Én olyan embereket követek (rég) a túlspartról akiknek helyén van a szívük és az eszük is, mindig van valami ami mellett kiállnak, és általában azonnal ugranak a lesújtó hírekre, és a botrányokra is. Sok milliós követőtáborral rendelkeznek, nem Zs kategóriás hírességek. Éppen most is hangolódnak szegények a nagyon nehéz kongresszusi választásokra, és Ukrajna is érdekli őket. :) Én várom.
Britney Spears esetében sehol senki! Csak a trash influencerek, és Paris Hilton sajnálkozik nála. Nem kedvelik! Nem csak én! Ebben nem vagyok egyedül! Azt hinnéd, hogy legalább az ismertebb emberek 1 mondat erejéig együttéreznek vele, de nem, sehol senkit nem látok.
Nagyon nehéz elhinni hogy valóban terhes volt, és nem szórakozott. Hogy ez az ötlet esetleg nem egy Covid teszt alapján született, mint egy ostoba vicc. Az elmúlt években azért én rengeteg ismerősömet láttam várandósnak, de ennyire azért nem hülyültek be mint ő, és senki nem akart lopni belőlünk! Frissen készült képekhez miért írta azt, hogy régiek? Jah, mert talán nem is volt terhes!
Tegyük fel, hogy most mégsem hazudott az a nő, de a rengeteg botrány, a megszállott rajongói, az elmart családja, és az elborult instatevékenysége után, már nem akarnak foglalkozni vele... Még akkor sem, ha elvetélt! Ennyire nem kedvelik már! - Ez durva.
Ráadásul ma már a 30-asok is lassan béranyát választanak maguknak. Egy 40 éves, bipoláris², borderlineos, erősen hiperaktív, dúsgazdag nő esetében nevetséges, hogy ez az ötlet nem merült fel! Sőt, az ő helyében talán ez lett volna a legkorrektebb, és legFelelősebb döntés!
Szerintem fel sem fogta azt, hogy a terhesség egy emberi lény születését is foglalja magában, és nem csak egy hormonális zakkant állapot.
És durva, hogy a szemébe kell bele mutatni a "család"‐ot, vagy azt, hogy nem a 2000-es években élünk már! Sértegetni kell, hogy felfogja én sem kedvelem! És ezt kell ismételnem ezerszer, csak hagyjon már minket békén! El telik egy hét, vagy kettő, és újrakezdi! Nem egy játék vagyok!
A pszichológusok, pszichiáterek kánonban vannak kiakadva rá, és a csapatára, mert szerintük a mostani élete is ugyanolyan elcseszett, és néhány év múlva ebből is dokumentumfilm készül! Nekik a hozzászólásaik sokszor aranyat érnek, mégsem megy át! Sőt, sokszor törlik is őket a moderátorok.
A ős rajongói a marketingesét lincselik most is, mert szerintük az egyik legundorítóbb szennyest teregető férfi ezen a világon, aki a mai napig naponta küldi az infókat, és az e-maileket a bulvárnak. Trash celeb szinten tartják azt a nőt, és felkapottnak. = Még mindig kihasználják, és lehúzzák anyagilag! = Nem változott semmi!
A feministák is mérgesek, mert minden olyat megcsinál, ami ellen ők kvázi fáradhatatlanul küzdenek. És tényleg sok esetben igazuk van. Ők inkább egy tönkretett nőt látnak a Britney Spears-ben, egy agyatlan Playboy cicát, és elrettentő példát. Nekik is rendszeresen törlik a kommentjeiket. Sőt, őket talán a legjobban.
Feketéket, latínókat pedig nem nagyon találsz nála. Állítólag pont a tipikus, ótvar, mélységesen gonosz fehér amerikai nőt látják benne. "Murica"
A demokrata oldalon lévő aktivisták anno Trumpot, a Britney Spears-hez hasonlították, és akkor képzelheted mennyire kedvelik.
Az internet becsapós.
Annak a nőnek a rajongói mentálisan a legrosszabb szinten vannak, sokuk Qanon-os, vírustagadó, oltásellenes, aluliskolázott, déli, ki tudja milyen életproblémákkal, keservekkel, traumákkal. = Örül a többi sztár, hogy nem náluk vannak! <- Esküszöm, egyszer pont ezt írta Taylor Swift egyik bizalmi barátnője is valahova!
A videóknál a megtekintési szám pedig nem azt jelenti, hogy kedvelnek, szeretnek az emberek, ügyesnek tartanak, elismernek, egyet is értenek veled. Lehet, hogy 1 milliónak a fele csak röhög. A TikTokon tömegével készülnek a bizarr paródiák és gúnyok róla! Milyen kellemetlen lehet a fiainak a szitu?
Amúgy Cassie Petrey-nek hívják az egyik social media felelősét, és ha rákerestek, érthető miért tűnik rednecknek (is) az egész. Kitudja, milyen falusi idiótákkal dolgoztat?! Sokszor az értékes, és érdemi kommenteket törlik, és nulla normális segítséget nem nyújtanak annak a nőnek. Hagyják hogy őrületbe menjen az egész, fullba tolja a kretént! Ízlésficamos, giccs képeket keresnek neki, 1 mondatos bugyuta idézeteket. Az asszisztens rész pedig a családi konfliktusok megoldása helyett utaztatja. Az érdemi, és drága terápiás segítségek helyett pedig terelik a figyelmét. - Szánalmasak.
És mivel NEM az életem része, nincsen SEMMI köze hozzám (utálom), teljesen jogosan nem akarok foglalkozni vele, vagy segíteni neki. Egyszerűen csak arra vágyom, hogy kopjon le rólam! Annyi közünk van a Flórával az életéhez, az őrült világához, a vetéléséhez, mint amennyire neki bármelyikünkhöz. Semmi!
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National Enquirer, February 22 -- part 5 of 6
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Page 21 continued: Post Malone curses the day he made an appearance on Ghost Adventures because he says he's been plagued by the world's most haunted object ever since -- while he was a guest on the show in 2018 he touched a Dybbuk box which is known as the un-Holy Grail of spooky artifacts and even inspired the movie The Possession and Post says he immediately suffered a ghastly run of bad luck like he got into a car accident, he almost had a plane wreck and his house got broken into
* Ozzy Osbourne and family may be inviting audiences back into their home with a reboot of their reality show 15 years after the MTV series ended -- Sharon Osbourne says they've gone back and forth on it and you never say never -- viewers would see a different side of Ozzy now that he has Parkinson's disease
Page 22: Which Perv Ran the Sleaziest Mile-High Club? Tacky tale of the tape between Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Nygard's private planes
Page 28: Cover Story -- a furious Michelle Obama has reached her breaking point and given husband Barack Obama an ultimatum: clean up your act or face a $175 million divorce
Page 32: Health Watch
Page 34: More than three years after Canadian billionaires Honey and Barry Sherman were found dead, their son Jonathon has retained a retired Toronto police inspector to solve their mysterious murders -- Jonathon has also hit back at recent reports he was asked to repay his father tens of millions of dollars just weeks before the beloved philanthropists were found strangled to death in their Toronto mansion -- he maintains his innocence and thinks someone was hired to carry out the crimes -- adding to the drama his three siblings reportedly don't agree Jonathon should have reached out for help
Page 36: Will Smith is threatening to walk away from the long-delayed sequel to Aladdin to focus on his family and the troubled production may vanish altogether -- the follow-up to 2019's $1 billion box office blockbuster has been in development for a year with no start date in sight and the star who was tapped to once again play the wish-granting Genie is done waiting and Will doesn't want to turn his life upside down to schedule an Aladdin sequel amid all the family problems he's had -- neither Will nor director Guy Ritchie have long-term contracts with Disney so they're both free to talk and word is they both already have one foot out the door
Page 38: John Legend is mourning the loss of his grandmother Marjorie Maxine Stephens who died at the age of 91 -- John said she was active and full of curiosity and energy until her final days and the two shared many milestones
* Britney Spears has made some bizarre Instagram posts such as claiming to have heard of a new Planet 9 on the news and burning down her home gym, but they're all her own handiwork -- Britney's social media manager says she doesn't filter Britney's work and her risque dance moves, flesh-baring outfits and panda eyes are all her own choice -- Cassie Petrey shot down any conspiracy theories there are coded messages in Britney's posts, saying she is not asking for help or leaving secret messages on her social media
#tabloid#grain of salt#tabloid toc#tabloidtoc#post malone#ghost adventures#dybbuk box#ozzy osbourne#sharon osbourne#the osbournes#jeffrey epstein#peter nygard#michelle obama#barack obama#the obamas#barack and michelle#michelle and barack#honey and barry sherman#will smith#aladdin#john legend#britney spears#cassie petrey
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Britney Spears' social media manager debunks fan theory of cryptic messages
Britney Spears’ social media manager debunks fan theory of cryptic messages
Britney Spears’ social media manager Cassie Petrey has debunked a fan theory that the singer is sending cryptic messages through her Instagram posts Continue reading
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Say their names, they are responsible: Jamie Spears Lou Taylor Larry Rudolph Reva Goetz Brenda Penny Jamie Lynn Spears Cassie Petrey Vivian Thoreen Jeryll Cohen Geraldine Wyle Timothy Benson Jodi Montgomery Sam Ingham III That Robin chick among others #FreeBritney
#Say their names#they are responsible:#Jamie Spears#Lou Taylor#Larry Rudolph#Reva Goetz#Brenda Penny#Jamie Lynn Spears#Cassie Petrey#Vivian Thoreen#Jeryll Cohen#Geraldine Wyle#Timothy Benson#Jodi Montgomery#Sam Ingham III#That Robin chick#FreeBritney#They are going to hell#mass murder#Abuse#gaslighting#i hope jamie spears rots in prison for life#Under the jail#Outraged#Disgusting#rot in piss#rot in hell#they are going to burn#they’re all going to burn#i hate him with a burning passion
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9 Ways Brands Can Find the Right Social Platform
With so many different social platforms, and often not enough time in a day to have a strong presence on every one of them, how do you identify which venues are the most appropriate for your audience and branding needs?
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. Look at Your Competition
Which platforms have competitors established themselves on? What are they doing on each platform? Can you compete? Can you do something better? And most importantly, which platforms are your competitors not on? By doing a thorough analysis of the companies you’re competing with, you’ll get inspiration to improve your social presence and get insight as to where to establish yourself. – Brett Farmiloe, Markitors – Digital Marketing Company
2. Talk to Your Customers
The golden rule of social media is to meet your customers where they are. Talk to past, current and potential customers to see how they use social media, and then build a customer persona. We have found our customer persona uses Twitter to make purchasing decisions, while our employee persona uses Facebook more when accessing potential employers. This allows us to easily adjust content for the audience. – Christopher Swenor, East Coast Product
3. Use Embedded Social Buttons
We ask our customers where they like to visit and get information. Also, we have social buttons embedded on our site, and can track who clicks on which button. Then we compile that information and understand where they are going and why. That becomes our focus. – Andrew O’Connor, American Addiction Centers
4. Understand Your Demographics
Do your research on the demographics of your business. If your business targets more of the mature, older crowd then Facebook would be the best platform, compared to the younger with Twitter or Snapchat. Twitter would be a quick-and-easy platform to keep your consumers up to date quickly, as well as an easier way to answer questions or concerns in real time. – Stanley Meytin, True Film Production
5. Use Social Media Listening Tools
Use social media listening tools like Social Mention to track where people are posting about your brand and your competitors. With that information, you can fairly easily work out which social media networks are worth a significant time investment. – Vik Patel, Future Hosting
6. Outsource a Social Media Manager To Do It All
Instead of worrying about how to divide your time between social media outlets, hire a professional to do it for you. A social media manager will be able to assess your presence on all current platforms, and from there identify which venues are most appropriate. They can also devote their time to focus specifically on building your brand via social, instead of you having to do it yourself. – Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff.com
7. Use Site Ads to Test Engagement
There is quite a bit of information and research about what social platforms work well with different business verticals floating around the internet. However, if you are still not sure, most major social platforms offer advertising, which is a great way to get your content out in front of lots of people quickly to test the engagement or conversions, to see if it is worth investing more time and money. – Justin Faerman, Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
8. Find Out Where the Top Influencers in Your Industry Are
Different social media platforms serve different purposes and attract different audiences. If you really cannot figure out where to most effectively invest your time, consider where the people you and your desired audience respect most are highly active. You want to contribute meaningfully to the online conversation in your industry, so go where the most vibrant one is taking place. – Ryan Wilson, FiveFifty
9. Use the Platform You Enjoy the Most
You’re always going to be better at networking on the platform you enjoy using the most, so you should figure out a business strategy to capitalize on utilizing that platform. Set aside 20 minutes a day to utilize that platform strictly for business needs. When you dedicate time to do this, you often come up with creative ideas to use that platform to grow your business. – Cassie Petrey, Crowd Surf
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/9-ways-brands-can-find-the-right-social-platform/ via IFTTT
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9 Ways Brands Can Find the Right Social Platform
With so many different social platforms, and often not enough time in a day to have a strong presence on every one of them, how do you identify which venues are the most appropriate for your audience and branding needs?
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. Look at Your Competition
Which platforms have competitors established themselves on? What are they doing on each platform? Can you compete? Can you do something better? And most importantly, which platforms are your competitors not on? By doing a thorough analysis of the companies you’re competing with, you’ll get inspiration to improve your social presence and get insight as to where to establish yourself. – Brett Farmiloe, Markitors – Digital Marketing Company
2. Talk to Your Customers
The golden rule of social media is to meet your customers where they are. Talk to past, current and potential customers to see how they use social media, and then build a customer persona. We have found our customer persona uses Twitter to make purchasing decisions, while our employee persona uses Facebook more when accessing potential employers. This allows us to easily adjust content for the audience. – Christopher Swenor, East Coast Product
3. Use Embedded Social Buttons
We ask our customers where they like to visit and get information. Also, we have social buttons embedded on our site, and can track who clicks on which button. Then we compile that information and understand where they are going and why. That becomes our focus. – Andrew O’Connor, American Addiction Centers
4. Understand Your Demographics
Do your research on the demographics of your business. If your business targets more of the mature, older crowd then Facebook would be the best platform, compared to the younger with Twitter or Snapchat. Twitter would be a quick-and-easy platform to keep your consumers up to date quickly, as well as an easier way to answer questions or concerns in real time. – Stanley Meytin, True Film Production
5. Use Social Media Listening Tools
Use social media listening tools like Social Mention to track where people are posting about your brand and your competitors. With that information, you can fairly easily work out which social media networks are worth a significant time investment. – Vik Patel, Future Hosting
6. Outsource a Social Media Manager To Do It All
Instead of worrying about how to divide your time between social media outlets, hire a professional to do it for you. A social media manager will be able to assess your presence on all current platforms, and from there identify which venues are most appropriate. They can also devote their time to focus specifically on building your brand via social, instead of you having to do it yourself. – Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff.com
7. Use Site Ads to Test Engagement
There is quite a bit of information and research about what social platforms work well with different business verticals floating around the internet. However, if you are still not sure, most major social platforms offer advertising, which is a great way to get your content out in front of lots of people quickly to test the engagement or conversions, to see if it is worth investing more time and money. – Justin Faerman, Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
8. Find Out Where the Top Influencers in Your Industry Are
Different social media platforms serve different purposes and attract different audiences. If you really cannot figure out where to most effectively invest your time, consider where the people you and your desired audience respect most are highly active. You want to contribute meaningfully to the online conversation in your industry, so go where the most vibrant one is taking place. – Ryan Wilson, FiveFifty
9. Use the Platform You Enjoy the Most
You’re always going to be better at networking on the platform you enjoy using the most, so you should figure out a business strategy to capitalize on utilizing that platform. Set aside 20 minutes a day to utilize that platform strictly for business needs. When you dedicate time to do this, you often come up with creative ideas to use that platform to grow your business. – Cassie Petrey, Crowd Surf
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9 Ways Brands Can Find the Right Social Platform
With so many different social platforms, and often not enough time in a day to have a strong presence on every one of them, how do you identify which venues are the most appropriate for your audience and branding needs?
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. Look at Your Competition
Which platforms have competitors established themselves on? What are they doing on each platform? Can you compete? Can you do something better? And most importantly, which platforms are your competitors not on? By doing a thorough analysis of the companies you’re competing with, you’ll get inspiration to improve your social presence and get insight as to where to establish yourself. – Brett Farmiloe, Markitors – Digital Marketing Company
2. Talk to Your Customers
The golden rule of social media is to meet your customers where they are. Talk to past, current and potential customers to see how they use social media, and then build a customer persona. We have found our customer persona uses Twitter to make purchasing decisions, while our employee persona uses Facebook more when accessing potential employers. This allows us to easily adjust content for the audience. – Christopher Swenor, East Coast Product
3. Use Embedded Social Buttons
We ask our customers where they like to visit and get information. Also, we have social buttons embedded on our site, and can track who clicks on which button. Then we compile that information and understand where they are going and why. That becomes our focus. – Andrew O’Connor, American Addiction Centers
4. Understand Your Demographics
Do your research on the demographics of your business. If your business targets more of the mature, older crowd then Facebook would be the best platform, compared to the younger with Twitter or Snapchat. Twitter would be a quick-and-easy platform to keep your consumers up to date quickly, as well as an easier way to answer questions or concerns in real time. – Stanley Meytin, True Film Production
5. Use Social Media Listening Tools
Use social media listening tools like Social Mention to track where people are posting about your brand and your competitors. With that information, you can fairly easily work out which social media networks are worth a significant time investment. – Vik Patel, Future Hosting
6. Outsource a Social Media Manager To Do It All
Instead of worrying about how to divide your time between social media outlets, hire a professional to do it for you. A social media manager will be able to assess your presence on all current platforms, and from there identify which venues are most appropriate. They can also devote their time to focus specifically on building your brand via social, instead of you having to do it yourself. – Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff.com
7. Use Site Ads to Test Engagement
There is quite a bit of information and research about what social platforms work well with different business verticals floating around the internet. However, if you are still not sure, most major social platforms offer advertising, which is a great way to get your content out in front of lots of people quickly to test the engagement or conversions, to see if it is worth investing more time and money. – Justin Faerman, Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
8. Find Out Where the Top Influencers in Your Industry Are
Different social media platforms serve different purposes and attract different audiences. If you really cannot figure out where to most effectively invest your time, consider where the people you and your desired audience respect most are highly active. You want to contribute meaningfully to the online conversation in your industry, so go where the most vibrant one is taking place. – Ryan Wilson, FiveFifty
9. Use the Platform You Enjoy the Most
You’re always going to be better at networking on the platform you enjoy using the most, so you should figure out a business strategy to capitalize on utilizing that platform. Set aside 20 minutes a day to utilize that platform strictly for business needs. When you dedicate time to do this, you often come up with creative ideas to use that platform to grow your business. – Cassie Petrey, Crowd Surf
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