#Casper you didn't just said that are you crazy can you please not kill us like this
masonjarsmoments · 4 months
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My friend Holger Rune
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Can I have a one-shot with a y!listener and Charlie
Mine mine mine.
Casper gripped their switch blade while Charlie tried to speak to a customer. The fucking bitch was flirting with THEIR man! The blonde looked back at them and loudly said in the shop.
"Ma'am either order a pizza or please leave. I'm happily taken." Annoyance was clear in his voice and face. But the woman just continued to try and convince him to go out with her. Casper was imagining the ways to kill this fucking tramp.
It seems Pete saw what they were holding in their pocket because he hurried to intervene. He saw what the two meant to each other and knows that Casper is willing to do anything for Charlie to feel comfortable or safe.
"Oi, get the fuck outta my shop or I'm throwin' your ass out." Barking out the older man crossed his arms giving the lady a stern glare. He usually always says the costumer was right but Pete knows when to put his foot down. He fucking better grab that fucking bitch or else Casper was going to cut up her face.
"Fine! But sweet baby boy come find me if you change your mind! Or if that crazy bastard over there dumps you!" Sweetly saying the lady gives Charlie a card. Casper shoots up from out of their seat and Pete pushes the lady out quickly. Stalking to their partner Casper rips up the card cursing out the ladies existence.
"I should have fucking grabbed her!" Jaw clenched hard they bit their lip to calm down, but a hand touched their face. It was Charlie who looked worried for them, looking at the blood spilling from their lip.
"Cas, don't do that your gonna hurt yourself babe!" The blonde's eyebrows crease with worry. Causing Casper to stop and smile at him all lovingly. Charlie was too nice to people like that because he didn't want to cause a problem.
"I'm fine, love. You know I've done worst." Both knew what the crazy one out of the two meant. Casper had always done something worst when it came to them getting angry. Hearing this Pete told Charlie to just go home, since he had to deal with a harassment from a customer and he didn't get involved quicker.
When getting to Casper's house Charlie went to bed first after eating a good meal with Casper. Said partner grabbed black clothing and tools to help them hunt someone. It's been a while since they've done this so maybe it'll be fine if they lash out once.
The lady, Iris, was walking down an alley way trying to get to her apartment. Something behind her fell, it sounded like a metal can turning around she glared at the can rolling. In return she rolled her eyes and continued, nothing happens in these alley ways so why is she feeling the sense she's being watched?
"Boo." Turning quickly she saw a bat a inch away from her face. The next second she was knocked out, black spots filled her vision as she saw the person from he pizza join crouching before her. Their eyes looked wild and she started to cry, she really shouldn't have tried to push that blonde at the counter.
"Don't worry, I'll be quick if I'm not angry when I gut you." Giggling manically Casper gripped her hair and began to go to their car. Throwing the door open they chucked her in it and tied her tightly before driving to the location they used for things like this. Hopefully this'll be over before Charlie wakes up in the morning, if not they'll just say there was a flower they had to pluck for him.
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