#Casey with a rail gun is a need I didn't know I had
If the 2012 boys (the turtles + Casey) had superpowers,
What do you think those powers would be, based on their characters?
This is the best thing ever and I put waaay to much thought into this sooo bare with me.
Leo: Weapon transformation
The ability to turn any part of his body into weapons.
Leo's the "Perfect son, perfect warrior" and thid just feels like the perfect visualisation of it.
Also it's one of my favs.
Raph: Sheild construction
Able to create and generate sheilds and sheild like objects.
Raph is the "angry one" but he's also the protective one, and I like seeing that explored more.
And him having a defensive power is just interesting to me.
Tho he could also use them projectiles if he'd like. They definitely have spikes on the outside.
Donnie: Quintessence
The ability to generate your own energy.
The man can power all his inventions. He can enhance his own physical and mental skills.
While also being able to utilise that energy into projectiles and blasts in battle.
Also it fits in with his whole smart guy thing and the whole if I don't have this power am I really an asset sorta thing.
Because Donnie values his mind so much and also feels inferior when he can't solve everything.
And will get stretched thin if he doesn't take care of himself soo.
Mikey: Aura manipulation
Aura is the energy formed from one's achievement of spiritual power through extreme mental focus and strong emotions.
Those that use this power can increase their natural abilities, attract and repel another person's aura, sense the aura, and project it.
I know the focus part might not fit but to me it represents how others view it.
That you need strong mental focus to manipulate aura.
But for Mikey it's through his emotions, what people say makes him weak but in truth makes him strong.
Mikey touches the hearts of everyone he meets and him being able to know someone on a fundamental level just by seeing their aura.
Fits to me.
Like dimension X Mikey who just understands how shit works without it making sense to others. And being able to use it battle, see people's true intentions and it linking in with him growing up.
Still retaining who he is but growing, learning.
And it being undoubtedly powerful even if it doesn't seem so.
Casey: Magnetic projection
The ability to use the pressure of magnetic fields to propel metal as projectiles.
It uses Casey's ability to think on his feet, use his own smarts and the mad scientist shit I absolutely adore for him.
Because only Casey Jones would go let's fuck with magnetic fields, that'll be fun.
Being able to turn something others would find useless like scrap metal and magnets and being able to turn into a unconventional but fucking awesome shit is so Casey.
That and the idea of Casey being able to create a fucking rail gun is everything and it sold it for me.
I tried to word these best I could if you have any questions go for it 😅.
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