#Carme Pla
carmybears · 2 years
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pairing: carmy berzatto X female!reader
summary: meeting Carmy's sister for the first time. tw for panic attacks.
word count: 2.9K
The sound of shattering ceramic in the other room makes your head snap up with a start. Across the couch from you, Sugar’s eyebrows knit together in concern — an expression you can only think of as “older sister face”—as she calls out to her brother.
“Everything ok in there, Carm?”
“Guess we know why he’s a chef and not a dish washer,” Pete chuckles, giving her a good natured pat on the knee in reassurance.
When you don’t hear a sound in the other room, you feel a lump begin to grow in your throat. 
“I should go check on-“ Sugar starts.
“No, no I got it,” you volunteer, recalling Carmy’s previous statements to you about this sister’s sixth sense for knowing when he’s in trouble (and scolding him for being a “soft shitty bitch” whenever he refuses her help).
“I was gonna refill my drink here in a minute anyway. Can I get you some more wine?” You ask, but don’t wait for an answer as you hurry to your feet and out of the room, leaving the wine glasses forgotten on the table.
This was your first time meeting Carmy’s sister.
In the months since you started dating, you had already become well acquainted with his work family, but you knew that Carmy had some hesitations about introducing you to his real family. In the wake of Mikey’s death, he had been putting effort into mending his relationship with his sister, although progress didn’t necessarily come easy. Regardless, someone (probably Richie) let it slip to Sugar that “some girl” had been coming around the restaurant, “making Carmen all smiley.” Before you knew it, Carmy was begrudgingly extending his sister’s invitation to come around for dinner at her house.
The night of the dinner, Carmy drove you out to Sugar’s and you fretted the whole way there about how you looked, what small talk you would make, whether she’d like the bottle of wine you’d brought. But every time Carmy heard the insecurity creeping into your voice, he reached over and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, thumb running softly over your knuckles.
When you arrived, you were greeted by Sugar and Pete, already standing on the front doorstep, ready to pull you into a warm hug.
“It’s so good to meet you!” Sugar tells you with a squeeze. “God, look at you. You’re out of his league.”
She turns and says this with a wink to her brother before pulling him into an embrace as well.
Pete claps you on the shoulder warmly. “Good to have you here - it’s always nice to get another outsiders perspective on these two.”
Dinner itself is phenomenal—you learn that Sugar makes an eggplant parmesan that is to die for and you can’t help but wonder whether aptitude in the kitchen is genetic. Although, you do feel a bit like you’re on display for the first few hours of the evening because every time Carmy even so much as looks at you, Sugar’s eyes widen in delight like a kid on Christmas morning. Eventually Carmy nudges her arm and shakes his head at her, mumbling something about not wanting to scare you off.
At the end of the meal, you stand with your plate in hand, more than happy to help clean up after the amazing meal Sugar had prepared for you.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Sugar fusses, reaching out to take the plate.
“No, no I insist. Dinner was so great, it’s the least I can do.”
“How about I get the dishes,” Carmy offers, turning to his sister. “You can go tell embarrassing stories about me in the other room or something. I don’t need to be there when you pull out my sixth grade yearbook picture.”
Sugar looks like she wants to continue to debate the matter but decides against it, settling for topping off your wine glass and motioning to the living room around the corner.
You stack your dishes beside the sink and give Carmy’s arm a quick squeeze. "God, I bet you were such an awkward sixth grader.”
His lips pull into a brief smile and he lets out a knowing chuckle.
“Believe me, I was.” He plants a quick peck on your cheek. “I’ll be out there in a few.”
When you enter the kitchen, Carmy’s back is to you as he stands at the sink and you see shards of ceramic – one of Sugar’s dinner plates—scattered on the floor surrounding his feet. Only when you step in closer do you notice the white knuckle grip that Carmy has on the countertop and the way he’s leaning against the granite for stability.
“Carmy?” your voice is panicked as you rush over to his side, sidestepping the worst of the broken dishware on the floor.
When you reach him, all of the color has drained from Carmy’s face and he’s got a fist pressed tightly to his chest as he sucks in frantic, shallow breaths. He blinks heavily, eyes squeezing together as if in pain, and you register something like fear in his eyes when he reopens them.
Your heart catches in your throat as you reach out to him, extending a shaking hand to cover his fist, now clawing at the fabric of his shirt.
“Carmy, Carm –“ You try to keep your voice a soothing tone as you press your fingertips lightly at his jaw. “Carmen.”
His gaze shifts and he starts, seemingly just now aware of your presence. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out.
“Carmy, honey, you’re having a panic attack,” you tell him. “Let’s sit you down, alright?”
At first, you start to steer him toward the kitchen table before he hesitates, keeping his feet planted firmly where he stands. When you look up, you realize why – the table is in full view of the living room, directly in the line of sight of Sugar and Pete.
“Ok, c’mere,” you coax him in the opposite direction, finding an open space away from the broken plate where Carmy can slide to the floor, back pressed up against the cabinets as you settle onto the ground in front of him, gripping his hand firmly in yours.
“If you breathe, you’re gonna feel a lot better. Can you take a deep breath for me?”
He gulps in a shaking breath, which he immediately exhales. Not great, but it’s a start.
“Ok, that’s good,” you nod, rubbing your hand in circles on his back. “This time, I want you to do that for two seconds. I’ll do it with you, ok.”
You breathe in audibly through your nose, counting out the seconds on your fingers as Carmy does the same.
“That’s better, let’s do it again.”
Again, Carmy breathes and you squeeze his hand reassuringly.
“You’re doing great, baby. Now lemme see you hold that breath for two seconds and then exhale out real slow.”
You continue to guide him in his breathing, counting out loud as he gradually builds up to taking longer, deeper breaths. Some of the color seems to have come back into his face, and you can feel his pulse thumping in his wrist, still rapid, but not alarmingly so.
When you stop counting aloud, Carmy continues taking the long breaths on his own, tilting his head back to rest against the cabinet with his eyes closed. You readjust your position on the floor so that you’re sitting beside him, bodies pressed together hip to shoulder as you continue rubbing small circles on his back.
A shadow crosses the doorway, and you see Sugar enter the kitchen, a look of alarm crossing her face.
Your eyes widen and you shake your head, willing her not to make a sound. It’s ok, you mouth to her.
The look of concern never leaves her face, but she nods trustingly and retreats back to the living room.
A few minutes later, you feel Carmy squeeze your hand tightly and you turn to look at him. His eyes are red and look more sullen than usual, but otherwise he looks fine.
“Thank you,” he rasps, not quite meeting your eye as he rakes a hand nervously through his hair and shifts his weight as he begins to stand. “I’m just gonna, uh, splash some water on my face. I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be here,” you promise.
Carmy disappears down the hall and you hear the click of a door and the faucet running a second later. In his absence, you find a broom and dustpan, cleaning up the broken plate the best you can before Carmy returns.
He says nothing when he comes back, just eyes the now clean floor and nods curtly. The pinched expression on his face tells you that he’s just barely holding something back, so you keep your questions to yourself and allow him to twine your fingers together before leading you back to the living room.
“Uh oh, there are the lovebirds,” Pete chimes when you return. “I was getting scared that you two might be up to trouble.”
Sugar’s face contorts from exasperation to defeat, but you see Carmy smile out of the corner of your eye, acting as if nothing had just happened in the kitchen as he addresses his brother in law.
“Not too much trouble, unless you’re asking the plates. Let me know how much I owe you for that, by the way.”
Pete shakes his head. “You don’t wanna know dude. That shit’s Crate & Barrel – costs an arm and a leg.”
Thankfully, the rest of the evening passes without incident, and you almost forget about the scene in the kitchen. Almost.
You and Carmy had brought along a box of Marcus’s latest donut creations for dessert, which the four of you happily dive into, swiping crumbs from your plate when you’re done. Sugar and Carmy take turns telling stories about each other, and Pete even brings up a few stories from his childhood, prompting you to take mental bets with yourself about his upbringing (your money is on him being an only child from an upper middle class family in Nebraska; only a flyover state could produce such a degree of loud, overconfident politeness in a man like Pete).
It’s only when you catch Carmy yawning out of the corner of your eye that you all take note of the late hour and begin the process of saying goodbye. You shrug in to your coat and Sugar loads up your arms with leftovers from dinner, all the while begging Carmy to leave the final two donuts at the house for her and Pete.
In a whirlwind, you are pulled into a warm hug and a kiss is pressed into your cheek as you stand on the doorstep with Carmy. As the two of you start down the front steps toward the car, you hear Sugar’s voice behind you.
“Carmy? Can I see you a sec?”
You sense Carmy’s hesitation but he lingers back as you proceed to the car, depositing the leftover food safely in the backseat. When you turn back, the Berzattos are standing close together, voices low and heads tilted toward each other in conversation. The warm glow of the porchlight catches in a few strands of their hair, illuminating them both in an angelic glow as Sugar pulls Carmy into a final hug and says her goodbyes.
Carmy ambles over to the car, and in the dim moonlight, you notice how weary his face looks now that he’s no longer putting on a polite charade for his sister and brother-in-law.
“Baby, how about you let me drive,” you suggest, running a hand down the rough woolen sleeve of his plaid jacket. “No offense, but you look like you got hit by a bus.”
Carmy looks at you a moment and a wry smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “That’s how I usually look.”
“Well, then it looks like you got hit by a bigger bus than usual.”
He lets out a dry laugh and hands the keys over to you.
You crank the heat in his car the moment you start the vehicle, needing a dry blast of heat to cut through the damp chill of early fall in Chicago. With mirrors and seats adjusted, you pull away from the curb and Carmy directs you out of Sugar’s neighborhood, the headlights of the vehicle cutting through the darkness of Sugar’s suburban streets.
“I think that went really well,” Carmy remarks after directing you to make a left turn onto a more familiar street. “Sugar loves you.”
“I’m sure she doesn’t love me,” you chuckle, bringing the car to a stop at a red light.
“She told me so,” he insists. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already requested to follow you on Instagram and is plotting to invite you to book club with her college friends.”
“Book club? Do they read anything interesting?”
The light turns green and you make the turn onto the highway, accelerating steadily as you merge with traffic. For a few miles, you and Carmy sit together in silence. You swallow the lump that has been gradually forming in your throat since dessert and your palms grow slick as you wonder how best to speak to Carmy about what happened tonight. You suppose you could just let it be for now, although you have a sneaking suspicion, knowing Carmy, that he won’t bring it up unprompted.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the city lights sliding over Carmy’s features as you speed back toward home – red and green lights casting long shadows over his cheekbones, fanned out under his eyelashes.
Your chest constricts as you make the decision to dive in.
“So do you get panic attacks a lot?”
There is a beat of silence before he exhales heavily. “How do you define a lot?”
You give him a stern look over the center console before fixing your eyes back on the road, his hands fidgeting in your peripheral vision.
“I started getting them a lot around the time I came back here,” He admitted slowly. “I suppose I probably used to have a version of them back in New York, y’know, with the whole vomit before work thing. But really, it’s been since Mikey.”
You nod silently, flicking the blinker with your left hand as you change lanes, knowing that your exit is coming up.
“This is the first time I’ve had one since meeting you, though. The last time, Syd had just started at The Beef and I just ran out on her, hauled ass to get to the Al Anon meeting across town. I dunno how to explain it, but I just had to get out of the Restaurant, away from Mikey. It had started to feel to real, y’know? Like he was alive again.”
He lets out a long breath, scratching at the crown of his head as he tended to do whenever he was getting stressed or uncomfortable.
“That’s how it felt tonight too –With you meeting Sugar and all. I was standin’ there doing the dishes and thinking God, this is going great and the thought occurred to me that I couldn’t wait for you to meet Mikey.”
Carmy’s still fidgeting, fingers drumming against his thigh, toying with a loose thread on his jacket. You reach out to him and lay your hand over his, squeezing lightly.
He squeezes back and whispers, so quietly that you almost don’t hear it. “He would’ve loved you.”
Your throat feels tight and you’re surprised to feel the prickle of tears stinging your eyes as you listen to his confession.
“I wish I could have met him, Carmy. I really do.”
You take your exit off the highway and zigzag your way down the surrounding streets until you come to Carmy’s apartment, fortunate enough to find parking on your first pass down the street. As soon as you open the car doors, the damp chill of the autumn air raises goosebumps up and down your arms with a shiver.
You’ve barely stepped onto the sidewalk when Carmy tugs you into a tight hug, arms wrapped tightly around your torso as he presses his lips to your forehead. You squeeze your arms around him as you bury your face into the curve of his shoulder and feel him let out a long breath. You stand there for nearly a full minute, wrapped up in each other, unmoving until Carmy finally steps away.
“Do you wanna stay here tonight?” he asks, motioning his head in the direction of his building.
“Do you want me to stay?” you ask, a bit surprised. Up to this point of your relationship, Carmy had always had a habit of retreating back after sharing such vulnerable pieces of himself – his relationship with his brother, his anxieties about the restaurant. You’d always respected his space, understanding that he’d come back around when he wasn’t feeling so raw. Honestly, you had already expected that tonight you’d be catching the L home and wouldn’t hear from him until tomorrow, so it came as a surprise when he nodded yes, blue eyes pleading with you in ways that words couldn’t.
“Of course I’ll stay,” you promised him. And as you walked arm in arm into the building, you hoped he knew that you would always stay if he needed you to.
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vkssalasblancases · 10 months
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Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Salas Blancas en Penedès - Garraf
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Ofrecemos servicios en: Albinyana, Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre, Cabrera d'Anoia, Calaf, Calafell, Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles, Capellades, Carme, Castellet i la Gornal, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca, Copons, Cubelles, Cunit, El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell, Els Hostalets de Pierola, Els Prats de Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida, Igualada, Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada, La Llacuna, La Pobla de Claramunt, La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç, Masquefa, Mediona, Montmaneu, Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella, Orpí, Pacs del Penedès, Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Cugat, Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca, Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix, Vallbona d'Anoia, Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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vkschimeneases · 10 months
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VKS Chimeneas Penedès-Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Instalación y Mantenimiento de Chimeneas y Estufas en Penedès-Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: 
Albinyana,  Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre,  Cabrera d'Anoia,  Calaf, Calafell,  Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles,  Capellades,  Carme, Castellet i la Gornal,  Castellfollit de Riubregós,  Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca,  Copons, Cubelles, Cunit,  El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell,  Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Els Prats del Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida,  Igualada,  Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada,  La Llacuna,  La Pobla de Claramunt,  La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç,  Masquefa, Mediona,  Montmaneu,  Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella,  Orpí, Pacs del Penedès,  Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber,  Pujalt,  Rubió, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons,  Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca,  Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles,  Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès,  Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos,  Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix,  Vallbona d'Anoia,  Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès,  Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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vksprotecciondatoses · 10 months
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VKS Protección Datos Penedès - Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Protección de Datos en Penedès - Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: Albinyana, Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre, Cabrera d'Anoia, Calaf, Calafell, Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles, Capellades, Carme, Castellet i la Gornal, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca, Copons, Cubelles, Cunit, El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell, Els Hostalets de Pierola, Els Prats de Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida, Igualada, Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada, La Llacuna, La Pobla de Claramunt, La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç, Masquefa, Mediona, Montmaneu, Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella, Orpí, Pacs del Penedès, Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Cugat, Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca, Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix, Vallbona d'Anoia, Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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VKL Psicosocial Empresas Penedès-Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales adaptados para sus necesidades en Psicosocial Empresas en Penedès-Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: 
Albinyana,  Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre,  Cabrera d'Anoia,  Calaf, Calafell,  Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles,  Capellades,  Carme, Castellet i la Gornal,  Castellfollit de Riubregós,  Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca,  Copons, Cubelles, Cunit,  El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell,  Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Els Prats del Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida,  Igualada,  Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada,  La Llacuna,  La Pobla de Claramunt,  La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç,  Masquefa, Mediona,  Montmaneu,  Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella,  Orpí, Pacs del Penedès,  Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber,  Pujalt,  Rubió, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons,  Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca,  Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles,  Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès,  Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos,  Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix,  Vallbona d'Anoia,  Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès,  Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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vklplanesigualdades · 10 months
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VKL Planes igualdad Penedès - Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales adaptados para sus necesidades en Planes de Igualdad Laboral en Penedès - Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: Albinyana, Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre, Cabrera d'Anoia, Calaf, Calafell, Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles, Capellades, Carme, Castellet i la Gornal, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca, Copons, Cubelles, Cunit, El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell, Els Hostalets de Pierola, Els Prats de Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida, Igualada, Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada, La Llacuna, La Pobla de Claramunt, La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç, Masquefa, Mediona, Montmaneu, Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella, Orpí, Pacs del Penedès, Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Cugat, Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca, Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix, Vallbona d'Anoia, Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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vklprevencionriesgoses · 10 months
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VKL Prevención Riesgos Penedès-Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores especialistas adaptados para sus necesidades en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en Penedès-Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: 
Albinyana,  Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre,  Cabrera d'Anoia,  Calaf, Calafell,  Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles,  Capellades,  Carme, Castellet i la Gornal,  Castellfollit de Riubregós,  Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca,  Copons, Cubelles, Cunit,  El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell,  Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Els Prats del Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida,  Igualada,  Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada,  La Llacuna,  La Pobla de Claramunt,  La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç,  Masquefa, Mediona,  Montmaneu,  Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella,  Orpí, Pacs del Penedès,  Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber,  Pujalt,  Rubió, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons,  Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca,  Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles,  Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès,  Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos,  Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix,  Vallbona d'Anoia,  Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès,  Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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VKS Detectives Privados Penedès-Garraf
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Detectives Privados en Penedès-Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: 
Albinyana,  Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre,  Cabrera d'Anoia,  Calaf, Calafell,  Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles,  Capellades,  Carme, Castellet i la Gornal,  Castellfollit de Riubregós,  Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca,  Copons, Cubelles, Cunit,  El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell,  Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Els Prats del Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida,  Igualada,  Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada,  La Llacuna,  La Pobla de Claramunt,  La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç,  Masquefa, Mediona,  Montmaneu,  Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella,  Orpí, Pacs del Penedès,  Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber,  Pujalt,  Rubió, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons,  Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca,  Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles,  Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès,  Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos,  Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix,  Vallbona d'Anoia,  Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès,  Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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VKL Compraventa Empresas Penedès - Garraf
Somos un cluster de Consultorías. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Compra Venta de Empresas en Penedès - Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: Albinyana, Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre, Cabrera d'Anoia, Calaf, Calafell, Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles, Capellades, Carme, Castellet i la Gornal, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca, Copons, Cubelles, Cunit, El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell, Els Hostalets de Pierola, Els Prats de Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida, Igualada, Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada, La Llacuna, La Pobla de Claramunt, La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç, Masquefa, Mediona, Montmaneu, Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella, Orpí, Pacs del Penedès, Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Cugat, Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca, Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix, Vallbona d'Anoia, Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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vkslimpiezascampanases · 10 months
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VKS Limpiezas Campanas Penedès-Garraf
Somos un cluster de Empresas de Limpieza. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales expertos adaptados para sus necesidades en Limpieza, Desengrase y Desinfección de Campanas Extractoras de Cocinas Industriales en Penedès-Garraf
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en: 
Albinyana,  Argençola, Avinyonet del Penedès, Banyeres del Penedès, Bellprat, Bellvei, Bonastre,  Cabrera d'Anoia,  Calaf, Calafell,  Calonge de Segarra, Canyelles,  Capellades,  Carme, Castellet i la Gornal,  Castellfollit de Riubregós,  Castellolí, Castellví de la Marca,  Copons, Cubelles, Cunit,  El Bruc, el Montmell, el Pla del Penedès, el Vendrell,  Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Els Prats del Rei, Font-rubí, Gelida,  Igualada,  Jorba, l' Arboç, la Bisbal del Penedès, la Granada,  La Llacuna,  La Pobla de Claramunt,  La Torre de Claramunt, les Cabanyes, Llorenç del Penedès, Masllorenç,  Masquefa, Mediona,  Montmaneu,  Òdena, Olèrdola, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olivella,  Orpí, Pacs del Penedès,  Piera, Pontons, Puigdàlber,  Pujalt,  Rubió, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Jaume dels Domenys, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons,  Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sarroca,  Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles,  Sant Pere Sallavinera, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès,  Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Margarida i els Monjos,  Santa Maria de Miralles, Santa Oliva, Sitges, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix,  Vallbona d'Anoia,  Veciana, Vilafranca del Penedès,  Vilanova del Camí, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Vilobí del Penedès.
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