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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#Breaking: #Serb militants in northern #attack #NATO forces and wound eleven of them.
This is the worst that’s been seen in 🇽🇰 for many years. Serb militants in northern 🇽🇰 attack Nato forces and wound eleven of them. The cycle of escalation must be broken quickly! pic.twitter.com/JltZXL4k6Y — Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) May 29, 2023 Source: Twitter
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ruskonaukrajine · 3 years ago
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mentalnahigijena · 3 years ago
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"Zbog neuvođenja sankcija Rusiji, nema mjesta u Evropskoj uniji za Srbiju" Bivši visoki predstavnik u Bosni i Hercegovini i švedski političar i diplomata Carl Bildt ponovo je udario na Srbiju! On je javno zatražio da Srbija ne bude primljena u Evropsku uniju. Komentarišući zvanični stav Srbije, da poštuje teritorijalni integritet Ukrajine, ali da neće uvoditi sankcije Rusiji, Bildt je na svom zvaničnom Twitter nalogu napao Srbiju. "Ovim stavom Srbija se de fakto diskvalifikovala iz procesa pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Ne bi trebalo biti mjesta za nove EU članove koji ne dijele naše osnovne vrijednosti i interese", kategoričan je Bildt. On je ovo napisao reagujući na objavu novinara Michaela Martensa koji je prenio stav Srbije. With this stance de facto disqualified itself from the accession process. There should be no room for new members not sharing our fundamental values and interests. https://t.co/vw5r5st6Nm — Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) February 27, 2022 "Poslije višednevnog oklijevanja, Srbija je zauzela stav o ukrajisnko-ruskom sukobu. Osnovna poruka: Nema sankcija Rusiji. Srbija će biti sigurno utočište za Putina i njegovu kriminalnu elitu. Ruskom agresoru je dozvoljeno da nastavi poslovanje preko svog srpskog saveznika. Više uskoro", napisao je ovaj novinar.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years ago
ایئر انڈیا کی پرواز 126 مسافروں کے ساتھ کابل سے روانہ ہوئی۔
ایئر انڈیا کی پرواز 126 مسافروں کے ساتھ کابل سے روانہ ہوئی۔
کابل فضائی حدود میں عسکری سرگرمیوں میں اضافے کے ساتھ ، سویلین پروازیں چلانا مشکل ہے۔
ذرائع نے بتایا ہے کہ 129 مسافروں نے AI-244 میں چیک کیا ، ایئر انڈیا کا آخری کمرشل جو آج افغانستان سے جھڑپوں کا شکار دارالحکومت کابل سے روانہ ہوا۔ توقع ہے کہ وہ آج رات نئی دہلی پہنچیں گے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ایئرلائن کی ہفتہ میں تین بار کابل جانے والی پرواز غیر یقینی ہ�� ، اس وجہ سے کہ طالبان دہشت گردوں کا اس ملک پر مکمل قبضہ ہے۔
ذرائع نے بتایا کہ کابل کے لیے چارٹر پرواز منسوخ کر دی گئی۔ کابل فضائی حدود میں عسکری سرگرمیوں میں اضافے کے ساتھ ، سویلین پروازیں چلانا مشکل ہو گیا ہے۔
کابل کے لیے امارات کی پرواز کو بطور گھومنے پر مجبور کیا گیا ہے؟ واضح طور پر فوج صرف اس کے انخلا کے استعمال کے لیے ہوائی اڈے پر قبضہ کرتی ہے۔ دبئی کی واپسی کی پرواز میں یقینا many بہت سے لوگ بک ہوئے تھے۔ pic.twitter.com/e0KyAY7mKO۔
– کارل بلڈٹ (carlbildt) 15 اگست ، 2021۔
طالبان دہشت گرد آج افغانستان کے دارالحکومت کابل میں داخل ہوئے جب امریکہ نے سفارتکاروں کو ہیلی کاپٹر کے ذریعے باہر نکالا اور ایک حکومتی وزیر نے کہا کہ اقتدار عبوری انتظامیہ کے حوالے کر دیا جائے گا۔ وزارت داخلہ کے ایک سینئر عہدیدار نے رائٹرز کو بتایا کہ باغی “ہر طرف سے” شہر میں داخل ہو رہے ہیں لیکن مزید تفصیلات نہیں بتائیں۔
دہشت گرد گروپ کے ترجمان نے کہا کہ وہ کابل کے پرامن ہتھیار ڈالنے کے لیے حکومت کے ساتھ بات چیت کر رہا ہے۔
روئٹرز کے مطابق ، بیان میں کہا گیا ہے ، “طالبان جنگجو کابل کے تمام داخلی راستوں پر اس وقت تک موجود رہیں گے جب تک اقتدار کی پرامن اور تسلی بخش منتقلی پر اتفاق نہیں ہو جاتا۔” دارالحکومت میں داخل ہونے سے طالبان کی طرف سے بجلی کی پیش قدمی ہوتی ہے جنہیں 20 سال قبل 11 ستمبر کے حملوں کے بعد امریکہ نے کابل سے بے دخل کیا تھا۔
امریکہ کی زیرقیادت افواج نے گزشتہ مہینے کے دوران افغانستان کے فوجی دفاع کے خاتمے کے بعد اپنے باقی فوجیوں کا بڑا حصہ واپس لینے کے بعد سے ہی طالبان کو بالا دستی حاصل ہوئی ہے۔
. Source link
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smartseo4you · 4 years ago
Rusia. Al doilea weekend de proteste pentru susținerea opozantului Aleksei Navalnîi, în marile orașe. UPDATE: Poliția a reținut deja peste 450 de persoane în Siberia și peste 300 la Moscova, între care și soția lui Navalnîi.
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/rusia-al-doilea-weekend-de-proteste-pentru-sustinerea-opozantului-aleksei-navalnii-in-marile-orase-update-politia-a-retinut-deja-peste-450-de-persoane-in-siberia-si-peste-300-la-moscova-intre-car/
Rusia. Al doilea weekend de proteste pentru susținerea opozantului Aleksei Navalnîi, în marile orașe. UPDATE: Poliția a reținut deja peste 450 de persoane în Siberia și peste 300 la Moscova, între care și soția lui Navalnîi.
Șeful diplomației UE, Josep Borrell, critică „utilizarea disproporționată a forței” împotriva protestatarilor și jurnaliștilor.
Update ora 17:30: Presa internațională scrie că numărul total al protestatarilor arestați a urcat la patru mii. Cei mai mulți, peste o mie, la Moscova.
Update ora 15:50: BBC și Reuters anunță că sunt cel puțin trei mii de manifestanți reținuți.
Update ora 15:10: Peste două mii de persoane au fost reținute în toată țara, dintre care peste 500 la Moscova și 250 la Sankt Petersburg.
Update ora 13:45 Au început protestele și în Moscova, unde polițiștii au reținut deja 300 de persoane, între care și soiția lui Aleksei Navalnîi, Iulia, potrivit Reuters.
Pandemonium in Russia’s second-largest city today, where police split the protest crowd in two and are deploying force to disperse it. pic.twitter.com/YPnyMuey8D
— Matthew Luxmoore (@mjluxmoore) January 31, 2021
La Vladivostok, poliția a restricționat mai multe zone ale orașului și i-a forțat pe manifestanți să protesteze în apropierea apelor înghețate ale Golfului Amur, la temperaturi de -13 grade Celsius. Numai aici au fost reținuți peste 100 de oameni.
Zeci de persoane s-au adunat și în Yakutsk, în estul Siberiei, unde se înregistrează -44 de grade Celsius. Tot în aceeași regiune, în Novosibirsk, mii de oameni au mărșăluit și au cerut eliberarea lui Navalnîi; 50 au fost și reținuți.
În Tomsk, ultimul oraș vizitat de Navalnîi înainte de a fi transferat la un spital din Germania, după ce a fost otrăvit cu Novichok, simpatizanții s-au reunit în fața unei arene pentru evenimente și au scandat ”Lăsați-l să plece!”. În capitala Moscova și Sankt Petersburg, oamenii se adună în locurile de protest.
St Petersburg. And that’s what I call am fairly massive deployment of some semi-military unit. pic.twitter.com/JCngMYXD5t
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) January 31, 2021
La protestele de săptămâna trecută, care au avut loc în aproape o sută de orașe, au fost reținute în jur de 4.000 de persoane, între care și soția lui Aleksei, Iulia Navalnîi. La mijlocul săptămânii, oamenii legii au percheziționat birourile organizației conduse de Aleksei, dar și proprietățile deținute de apropiații acestuia. Oleg, fratele său, a fost plasat în arest la domiciliu până pe 23 martie.
Aleksei Navalnîi a fost arestat imediat ce s-a întors în Rusia, pe 17 ianuarie, sub acuzația că a încălcat prevederile unei eliberări condiționat. Opozantul a realizat un film în care vorbește despre ”averea secretă a președintelui Vladimir Putin” și și-a îndemnat susținătorii să-l vizioneze. Postat online, acesta a adunat peste 100 de milioane de vizionări.
Surse alternative: Reuters, AP.
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news247worldpressposts · 3 years ago
#Breaking: Video A massive #attack against a shopping center in #Kyiv Today. Pure destruction seems to be the objective
#Breaking: Video A massive #attack against a shopping center in #Kyiv Today. Pure destruction seems to be the objective
https://twitter.com/carlbildt/status/1505931532988465160?s=20&t=gAzSU3gsAsyfirKQDdnL_A Source: Twitter
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newbeltane · 5 years ago
Berlin is getting ready to celebrate that it’s 30 years since the fall of the infamous wall that divided a city, a country and a continent. pic.twitter.com/Zmh1GOFn7F
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) November 2, 2019
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stkguncel · 6 years ago
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RT @r4biaplatform: European Council on Foreign Relations co-chair @carlbildt identifies getting rid of the Islamic veil with "progress" "There is progress in our world. This was Sarajevo a century or so ago." https://t.co/LlZviRNiQz
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pappas-pengar · 8 years ago
What happened in Sweden last night?
As a Swede, I am delighted about how our media has addressed this Horrible Crisis, made up by mr Trump.  Here are some examples (Im awfully sorry most of them are in Swedish though)
From SVT, the state owned TV cannel that is legally bound to produce a non-biased media picture and view all news from different perspectives. They have a public service mission
Where they list all the statements that Trump might be referring to (that FOX news video), examining them and discussing what parts are legit, and what parts are lies, or angled facts.
Where the police being interviewed in that they, quote “Feel tricked”*, and they do not stand behind the video. They also state that the question used in the video is not the question they answered in the same sequence. “The interview was about something totally different”*.
The official Swedish twitter account, taken over by a new Swede each week beautifully handled by librarian Emma Johansson (link to a spread from SVT about all the tweets).
Also, check out the accounts of even more official political accounts.
Former Prime Minister Carl Bildt, a badass who accidentally posted a picture of his balls once (not significant, but the more you know)
The Embassy of Sweden posted this tweet:
If you want to know what has really happened here this week, let me tell you what I’ve done the last few days:
I went to school, got free school lunch, had a test, and prepared for a school concert.
I went to the dentist for my regular checkup, for free. 
I got money for attending high school, based on attendance.
Watching #Melfest, and seeing Clara Henry give all young girls an empowering message in front of a third of the population. (give or take)
I was doin’ some rehab for my knee at the gym, with a free membership and since it’s vital for my knee, health state stuff covers that.
I had a great time here in our socialist paradise. Hbu?
I also have to say that there is no Utopia in the whole wide world. We have flaws just as any other country.
*With reservation that my translation suck, I am only a teenager after all.
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news247worldpressposts · 3 years ago
#Breaking: Here an official video of airborne forces heading to airfield and then to #Kazakhstan
#Breaking: Here an official video of airborne forces heading to airfield and then to #Kazakhstan
https://twitter.com/carlbildt/status/1479047172855418881?s=20 Source: Twitter
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karmel80 · 4 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/karmel80
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simmix1 · 3 years ago
RT @carlbildt: I think 🇪🇺 countries should expel each and everyone associated with 🇷🇺 security or intelligence services at their embassies in our countries. In this situation they represent an acute danger to our citizens. Only core diplomatic staff should remain.
— Sigmundur Halldorsson (@simmix1) Feb 24, 2022
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inkymp · 5 years ago
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wololonowurgay · 6 years ago
RT @carlbildt: The rule of the law applies to everyone equally and is exercised by an independent judiciary. That’s the way it is in the US, and that’s certainly the way it is in Sweden. Political interference in the process is distinctly off limits! Clear? https://t.co/8iTc9Y0df3
The rule of the law applies to everyone equally and is exercised by an independent judiciary. That’s the way it is in the US, and that’s certainly the way it is in Sweden. Political interference in the process is distinctly off limits! Clear? https://t.co/8iTc9Y0df3
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) July 26, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/lengisimo July 26, 2019 at 12:03PM via IFTTT
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clemensv · 6 years ago
If it was Angela Merkel who decided on her position in this so called family photo I can well see her reasons for it. pic.twitter.com/cFdPd01ZXl
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) June 28, 2019
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fullspectrum-cbd-oil · 6 years ago
Sanders Claims He Opposed Authoritarian Socialists in Venezuela, Soviet Union ― His Own Words Prove Otherwise
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) claimed he spent his “whole life” opposing “authoritarian” socialism in places like the Soviet Union and Venezuela, but his own words prove otherwise.
During a Sunday morning interview on “State of the Union,” Sanders told host Dana Bash that his brand of “democratic socialism” isn’t the same socialism that has been widely condemned by President Donald Trump for creating the atrocities witnessed in Venezuela.
Instead, Sanders claimed he has spent his “whole life” opposing that type of socialism.
Watch Sanders’ interview:
var _bp = _bp||[]; _bp.push({ "div": "Brid_1194669_1", "obj": {"id":"12036","video":"420331","width":"662","height":"372"} });
“I think it’s important for the American people to understand what my definition is of Democratic Socialism. It’s certainly not how Donald Trump defines it. I have spent my whole life fighting for democracy, fighting against authoritarianism, whether it was in the Soviet Union, Venezuela or anyplace else.”
Although Sanders claimed that he “spent [his] whole life” fighting against the authoritarian, socialist regimes in Venezuela and the Soviet Union, there are several examples where Sanders did the opposite.
As IJR previously reported, Sanders backed several Marxist candidates in the early 1980s from the Socialist Workers Party. The candidates he “proudly endorsed and supported” openly supported the Soviet Union and China, to the point that the FBI opened an investigation into the ties between the party and Soviet spies.
In the late 1980s, Sanders was filmed praising the Soviet Union for their socialist programs that went “go far beyond what we do in this country.” As IJR previously reported, Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt flattened Sanders for trying to claim that the Soviet Union was worth admiring.
See his past comments below:
Bernie Sanders was lucky to be able to get to the Soviet Union in 1988 and praise all its stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures. pic.twitter.com/bENmwVKi0g
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) February 25, 2019
As far as Venezuela is concerned, Sanders wrote an op-ed raving about Venezuela in 2011. He claimed that Venezuelans were better at embodying the “American dream” than Americans were.
“These days,” Sanders wrote, “the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today.”
He later tried to distance himself from the comments praising Venezuela. While he may no longer openly support Venezuela, he also hasn’t done much “fighting against authoritarianism” in Venezuela, either. In fact, he wouldn’t even call former Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator when asked about the atrocities taking place.
Although it has been several decades since Sanders was praising the Soviet Union, it’s hard to say he spent his “whole life” fighting authoritarian socialism.
from IJR http://bit.ly/2MD6dn5 via IFTTT
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