cap-ironman · 3 months
Cap-IronMan Rec Week 2024
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We're announcing the return of the annual Cap-IronMan Rec Week!
For those new to Rec Week, here is how it works: each day of Rec Week will have a post asking for fanwork recs based on a different theme. Recs can be for fic, art, or other Steve/Tony (or Steve & Tony) fanworks of any kind. At the end we’ll create a giant masterlist of all the recs that were posted for everyone's reading and viewing enjoyment. 🎉
This year we surveyed the community about themes and received some really great ideas. Thank you for sharing!
Rec Week 2024 Themes and Schedule
Better Together Monday: July 22nd: Tell us all about those fanworks where Tony and Steve are better teammates, are more competent, complete missions more efficiently and are just overall better for working and being together!
Time Travel Tuesday: July 23rd Rec all those great fanworks where Tony or Steve (or Tony and Steve) travel to the past or the future or to an alternate past or future and discover unexpected realities and new truths!
Early Canon Wednesday: July 24th: Bring on all those fanworks set in those heady early days of canon where Steve and Tony have just met and are starting to work together.
DarkFic Thursday: July 25th: All you DarkFic lovers rec us those fanworks that hit that spot, the one where things go bad, or go from bad to worse (and even more worse) and the endings are unexpected.
Family Friday: July 26th: Rave about those fanworks about Steve and Tony being parents to young children, or single parents meeting other single parents, or starting a family or dealing with teenage kids or finding family, whatever family means.
Smut Saturday: July 27th: Give all the recs for those spicy fanworks that make your blood run hot or make your heart thump harder.
Cap-IM Sunday: July 28th: Rec all your favorite works created for one of the Cap-IronMan challenges!
There will be different ways to participate:
You can comment with your recs on the day on the special posts that will go up on our Dreamwidthcommunity. (Anon commenting will allow anyone to participate, even if they don’t have an account.)
Reply to the day’s tumblr post that will go up on our cap-ironman tumblr or the tweet on our cap-ironman twitter or reply to our IG post and add your recs to it.
During rec week you can make a Tumblr-Post and tag it with #capimrecweek within the first five tags on the post. Please include the day’s theme you are reccing for somewhere in the body of the post. On the dedicated day we will reblog posts for the day’s theme on our community tumblr and later include them in the masterlist.
During rec week post rec(s) on Twitter matching the day's theme and mention @ cap-ironman so that we can retweet it.
Share your recs to our cap-ironman discord server in the #stony-rec channel mentioning the day’s theme you are reccing for somewhere in the rec
So it’s time to start getting your recommendations ready to share with the Steve/Tony community and look out for the first post to go up on the 21st. 😘
If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments to the Dreamwidth post right here, send us an ask on Tumblr, reach out on the discord server or email us at [email protected] or DM us on Discord.
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capim-tinybang · 4 months
2024 Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang
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This summer, our Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang returns and in twenty days we'll start accepting submissions!
Artists can then send in traditional art, digital art, photographed craft work, moodboards, manips and fanvids that will inspire creators during the writing phase. We also invite podficcers and fanvidders to let themselves be inspired!
2024 Schedule:
Friday June 21st - Friday, July 12th: Work submission period. All submissions are due before the end of July 12th in the last time zone, and must be submitted to [email protected].
Friday, July 19th: Art posting and writing period begins. The challenge period will run until September.
For examples of previous TRB works, browse through all of the round-ups in our Events Masterlists post, or browse the @capim-tinybang​ blog.
Please read through our TRB Guidelines page for more information and the submission rules.
We look forward to seeing your work!
Your 2024 TRB Mods
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veethesnake · 3 years
Red G-String of Fate
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Spoilers for Ultimates below!
Sort of a fix-it:
Wondering why Janet and Hank didn’t come as planned, Thor left their little gathering and found them right before Hank could do his worst. In the meantime, Tony opened up about his teenage crush... to his teenage crush. And really, what’s a little sexy time with someone who just told you he won’t live long anymore? Steve is doing this for the greater good, really. He definitely doesn’t think Stark is attractive. Or enjoys this. He’s stoically braving his way through this like any soldier would. Yep.
For the @cap-ironman Universe Medley Ulimates month, and also for my Stony Bingo square Canon: Ultimates.
I don’t plan on drawing them again any time soon, so better use this for this square.
I am sorry for the dumb title, really. I couldn’t resist. I own this to sleepy me, who came up with it and did most of the work on this last night, so I owe her that. Right?
It’s based on Tony’s comment about his g-string during the battle with the Hulk. And of course it’s red, to honour that one scene with 616 Tony in his underwear 😌
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elcorhamletlive · 6 years
My HE gift for MusicalLuna :D
fandom: MCU ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Tony Stark, Hurt Steve Rogers, Light Angst, Fluff
The first thing that Tony thinks, when the power of the suit goes down, is that it’s fucking heavy.
It’s not one of his cleverest thoughts. The suit is always heavy – maneuvering it has taken its toll on Tony’s muscles, which sometimes ache for days after a particularly strenuous mission. But the armor seems to weight a hundred ton after the blow from Doom's spider hits Tony right in the chest, in a way that proves his past self was smart for getting rid of the reactor. The blow sends Tony's body straight to the ground, crashing against the asphalt. Tony’s back slams violently, and he feels a sharp pain in his abdomen that tells him the damn spider broke more than just the power source.
Everything goes dark.
Okay. Okay, Tony thinks, shutting his eyes in order to calm himself down, trying not to get distracted by the view of pure darkness. He notices he is shaking, and he needs to stop, because the power going down means his ventilation system was cut, and he only has so much air to figure out what to do.
Tony can vaguely hear sounds coming from outside, but they’re all distant. The armor has a comm system for a reason – the layer of metal is too thick to allow for conversation. Inside of it, right now, the loudest sound Tony hears is his own breathing, sharp intakes of air as he uselessly tries to move his arms. He’s pretty sure they’re not broken, but they’re too weak to lift the metal – and besides, Tony’s brain immediately thinks, this doesn’t fucking matter, what would standing up even do, Jesus fuck, he needs to concentrate here.
Tony’s body jerks when he feels something slam against his chest. Since the Hulk would have thrown him like a rag doll, and Clint and Natasha know hitting the suit would break their fingers, it must be Thor or Steve.
Tony inhales sharply. He can feel blood buzzing in his ears, the pain in his abdomen making him see white spots.
Don’t faint, he tells himself. Don’t you fucking faint. If you faint here, you’re not gonna wake up.
He can feel weight being laid over his chest, like someone is draping themselves over him, and it hits his torso right in the spot, making Tony let out a groan of pain.
“Tony?! Tony, can you hear me?”
The sound is faint, but it doesn’t matter. Tony would recognize that voice in hell.
“Loud and clear, Cap,” Tony says, focusing on calming down his breathing, because he’s making the little air he already has even scarcer by hyperventilating right now. Steve must not hear him, though, because the next thing Tony feels is another strong slam, and he realizes Steve must be trying to ignite the reactor manually. It’s not a bad idea in itself, but it’s pointless, since the blow broke the main connections. Steve might get it to glow again, but as far as getting Tony out of the suit goes, it would be useless.
“Cap,” Tony tries, but his voice is too weak, too soft even for Steve’s superhuman hearing. “Cap, this isn’t gonna work.”
Steve must grab his shoulders, because Tony feels something pulling him up. His heart is pounding, his body shaking as he tries to gather his thoughts in order. Steve doesn’t know how the armor works, Steve is not gonna be able to get him out. He needs to think, needs to find a way.
He opens his eyes on reflex, and it’s so dark. It’s so fucking dark, and for a moment Tony tries to breathe and can’t manage to, doesn’t find air.
No, Tony thinks. No, not yet, it can’t be—
But there is no air, he can’t find it, he feels his lungs inhaling desperately, but there’s nothing coming in.
The suit was made to be removed via voice command. It was not made to be dismantled. Tony engineered it perfectly, because he’s brilliant like that, clever enough to design his own coffin and guarantee no body would ever come out of it.
You’re not a body, some distant part of his brain says, but it’s hard to hear. Not yet.
The slamming happens again, and Tony has lost control of his breath by now. He keeps inhaling and exhaling frantically. He’s probably cut his air supply by at least a third now. Maybe half.
“Tony?! Tony, talk to me,” Steve says, his voice sounding loud but also distant, and a part of Tony’s brain thinks ha, now you want me to talk, Cap, isn’t it funny how these things happen. Steve must say something else, but Tony’s mind is flying now, making calculations. He can feel blood roaring in his ears, his head is getting dizzy, and he’s going to faint, and he fucking can’t, if he faints that’s it, it will be over, and it can’t be over like that, it can’t be possible, but—
But it will be, Tony thinks, eyes darting all over the huge and unforgiving darkness, trying to find even one glimpse of light that’s not there. He distantly feels what he imagines is Steve grabbing the armor, but Steve can’t fix this, he needs help and Tony can’t help, he’s fucking useless, he can’t think of anything except air, air, air.
He’s going to die, he feels it in his bones. He’s going to faint and die because of one of his weapons, like so many others, and—
There’s a loud, cracking noise when the chest plate is ripped off, and Tony barely has the time to process it before an invasion of bright, blinding light in his eyes, and the wind on his face tells him the faceplate is gone.
He’s panting; he keeps breathing desperately, the air coming inside feeling foreign in his lungs. His vision is unfocused. His eyes blink desperately to adapt to the light, and he’s still shaking.
Steve is hovering over him, and Tony must say something, or babble, because he feels the rough texture of Steve’s gloves against his cheeks, and sees his mouth moving. His ears are still buzzing, he can barely decipher what Steve’s saying, catching only half-phrases like, it’s okay, and, breathe.
And breathe is a good idea, it’s—it’s the best idea. Tony closes his eyes, focuses on breathing. He focuses on the leather of Steve’s gloves; he can feel the weight of Steve’s body leaning over him. He ignores the pain in his torso, focuses on Steve’s voice, and he feels his head spinning less over time, his ears able to hear more. Steve repeats the same thing over and over, like a mantra, a prophecy. It’s okay. You’re okay.
Tony believes him.
Tony barely registers it when they get to the quinjet. Steve throws his arm around his shoulders and basically carries him.
Tony vaguely thinks he must be looking like shit, because Steve sits him down in the corner of the Quinjet that’s usually reserved for post-hulking out Bruce. He rests his back against the wall, and feels someone dropping a blanket on his shoulders. When he looks up, he sees Clint already turning back, and he’s thankful that Clint doesn’t say anything than what can be inferred from the blanket.
Tony isn’t sure how long it takes before the door closes, because he mostly focuses on breathing, on stopping the shaking. Hill scans him, says a bunch of stuff he doesn’t hear on the communicator. Clint sticks around, but says nothing.
When the quinjet takes off, Thor stops by and sits in front of him.
“How are you feeling?” he asks bluntly, and Tony is distantly impressed by how the question sounds honest and yet not at all condescending. “You didn’t look well over there.”
“You looked like shit, is what he means,” Clint says, and Tony snorts.
“I’m fine,” he says, and jumps when he hears someone scoffing at his side. “Jesus.” He turns and sees Natasha, sitting right by him, at just enough distance to avoid touching. “How long have you been here?”
“He doesn’t have any major wounds,” she says to Thor. “Hill said it was an anxiety attack.”
“Oh well, that’s not embarrassing at all,” Tony grunts, running his hand over his forehead. Jesus, he’s sweaty.
“Your panic was warranted,” Thor says, brow furrowing. “Had Steven not thought fast, you’d have suffocated.”
“Not helping, Thor,” Natasha interjects. Her shoulder bumps against Tony lightly. It’s comforting and just subtle enough that they can both pretend she’s not doing it on purpose.
“Well, no one suffocated in the end.” Tony recognizes Bruce’s voice coming from the door. He’s wearing his usual post-Hulk clothes, holding a cup of tea in his hands.
“Hey, buddy,” Tony says. “Sorry to steal your spot.”
Bruce’s smile is tired but honest. “Just don’t do it again,” he says, coming closer. He crouches and sits next to Tony, offering him the tea.
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” Tony shakes his head, even as he takes it. “Is this a punishment? Is this a test—thou must drink artisan tea to prove your worthiness of your spot on the team or something?”
“Just drink it, man,” Clint says, rolling his eyes. Tony doesn’t need to look to know Natasha is probably doing the same.
“I’m fine,” Tony insists, even as he complies, taking a sip. It actually doesn’t taste bad, but he makes a face anyway, just because. It does warm him up, and as he looks around the room he can see the half-circle they formed, basically hovering over him in the least subtle way possible. Superheroes aren’t very sneaky.
Tony’s face heats, because he hates being in this position, but there’s warmth in his chest, too. He’s pretty sure they all have other things they could be doing on the way back. That they all choose to be there instead, that’s, well.
It’s nice.
Tony takes another sip in order to not let any reaction show on his face. It’s not a serious thing, it isn’t, they shouldn’t have bothered, but… but they did.
He raises his head to assess the room one more time, going through Thor’s openly worried face, Clint adamantly looking towards the window, Natasha’s face calm even as her shoulder still touches him, and Bruce’s gentle gaze. He feels a rush of warmth and affection that surprises him, followed by a pang of disappointment.
Tony bites the inside of his cheek, because that’s so fucking typical of him – everyone showing him concern but he has to focus on the single absence, the one person who isn’t here.
He tells himself not to say it – it’s stupid, it’s so goddamn stupid, but he wouldn’t be him if he didn’t want more than what he could have: “Where’s Cap?”
“Reporting to Fury,” Natasha says, and against Tony’s will, the hurt in his chest deepens. Of course. A mission report, that could perfectly well be done when they got home, that even Fury wouldn’t have demanded so immediately – that would be Steve’s priority, as opposed to checking on him. That’s. That’s just the way it is.
Tony feels a knot in his throat. God, for a genius, he sure gets hung up on the smallest stupid shit sometimes, like artisan tea or blankets or how transparently Steve doesn’t love him back.
“And people say I’m the workaholic.” Tony does his best to make his voice sound light, and he thinks it works.
Natasha’s shoulder bumps his again, and this time Tony leans back, and she doesn’t move away.
At home, Tony is a lot more calm. He makes a stop at Medical and gets his cuts cleaned and bandaged. There are no major injuries, and, though his torso aches, his ribs apparently resisted this one, so, point for his old-man bones. The doctor makes some annoying questions about anxiety medication and panic attacks, but when she mentions therapy Tony manages to escape with some excuse about having a post-mission meeting. Miraculously, it works, and in a few moments he’s in his penthouse.
The doctor recommended rest, but of course, that’s the last thing Tony wants to do. Instead, he sits down at his desk and checks the armor’s damage. Mark 56 is toast, that’s for sure, but Tony needs to look over the data of when it went down, to get it noted for his next schematics.
He gets totally immersed in it for most of the afternoon. Rhodey and Pepper both call, and Tony sends them texts letting them know he’s fine, with a picture of himself giving a thumbs up. Rhodey texts back a picture of him rolling his eyes so hard only the white part is visible, and Pepper leaves him on read, so, everything is normal.
The other Avengers come by. Bruce and Thor bring him a sandwich and stay for way longer than they should, talking and distracting Tony from his work; Clint and Natasha arrive soon afterwards.
That’s… okay, that’s the new normal, Tony guesses – more than two people interested in his well-being, for unknown reasons. He should be used to it by now, what with the whole team thing, but it’s still weird, to realize everyone around him cares.
Almost everyone.
Tony manages to spend his entire talk with Bruce and Thor never asking about Steve. He almost does the same with Clint and Natasha, almost, but, well, you see, it’s not actually his fault, the blame lies totally with Clint.
“All I’m saying is, if my arrows had a boomerang function, my array of movements would expand, like, by half. Ask Cap, he agrees,” Clint says, and, see? He brings Steve up, so it’s totally reasonable for Tony to continue the conversation.
“Is he here?” Tony asks, in a completely normal speed. Not eager at all. “In the Tower?”
Clint frowns. “Yeah? I don’t think he left since we arrived.”
“Oh.” Tony focuses on the panel in front of him, pretending to be distracted by the numbers and graphics. Somehow he was waiting to hear Steve had been at SHIELD, taking care of boring paperwork stuff; or he was at the battle site, taking care of the wreck they left behind; or, you know, that he was doing anything else that would have given him a genuine reason not to check on Tony other than the fact that maybe he doesn’t want to do that.
Tony takes a deep breath. He tries to not make it too deep, but Natasha must notice it, from the way she tilts her head in his direction. He stares firmly at the screen.
“Anyway, glad you understand, man – I’ll be waiting for them on my floor for the next mission.” Clint snaps his fingers and finger-guns at him, and Tony rolls his eyes, even though he already has a couple ideas on how to install boomerang functions on the damn arrows.
“Whatever, Katniss,” he says, and for a terrifying moment he can feel Natasha’s gaze on him. Tony sends a silent prayer so that she doesn’t try to console him because Jesus fuck, he’s already gone through enough embarrassment for a day. Miraculously, it works, and she and Clint leave a moment afterwards.
Tony spends the rest of the afternoon waiting. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, would deny it to his final breath, but, yeah, that’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s waiting and expecting and, goddamnit, hoping for the moment Steve will show up. Steve, knocking on his door like no one else in the team bothers doing anymore; glancing at him with that classic frown of concern that makes Tony want to punch him and kiss him senseless at the same time; even scolding him for escaping in the middle of his doctor appointment, whatever. Right now, Tony would take any of that, would happily accept any little thing as a small proof Steve cares.
None of this happens.
When the evening comes, Tony has accepted that he’s delusional, and he’s trying to focus on making something useful instead, like starting the schematics for the next Mark. He immerses himself into work, falling into a frantic rhythm. He creates a hundred different prototypes that, later, he knows he will examine with JARVIS and wonder what the hell he was thinking.
The answer, of course, is Steve. Obviously.
After a while, Tony decides to go get some coffee, in the hopes that it will boost his brain. He takes the elevator down to the kitchen. JARVIS informs him that it’s 10 p.m., which means he likely won’t run into any Avenger having dinner.
As expected, the kitchen is empty. Tony sets up the machine to pour coffee, enjoying the pleasant smell that starts drifting, when the door abruptly opens.
Steve walks in looking like he’s just ran a marathon. Which, considering Steve can run the equivalent of five marathons in a couple hours, is a big deal. He’s panting and covered in sweat, and when he starts walking towards the fridge, he doesn’t even notice Tony at first.
To Tony, it’s a strange experience. He watches Steve a lot – has a hard time taking his eyes off him when he’s around, in fact – but it’s rare to get a glimpse of Steve not knowing he’s being watched. Right now, he doesn’t hide how much the exercise has worn him out, and he opens the fridge and drinks half of a water bottle in record time.
“Leave a little to the fish, Cap,” Tony says, because he’s not Natasha, he can’t do this sneaky thing. He’s terrible at it.
Steve jumps a little, his head snapping to look at Tony, eyes widening at the sight of him. Tony takes in his shocked face.
“Yeah, still alive and kicking,” he quips, his tone just the slightest bit sharp, because he can’t help it – Steve was out, having a run, getting his exercise on while Tony, like an idiot, waited and hoped he’d come to check on him. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Steve frowns, but he doesn’t say anything, turning towards the fridge. He drains out the water in fast sips and immediately places the empty bottle back inside.
Tony crosses his arms. “Seriously, Cap? What is this, a college dorm? I was expecting you’d have more manners.”
Steve tenses up, and Tony can see his jaw clenching. Tony expects a reply, but instead Steve just nods. “Right,” he says, opening the fridge again, picking up the bottle and placing it under the water filter.
Tony raises an eyebrow. Something about Steve’s movements is especially tense, and Tony watches as he takes sharp, short breaths, which – well, he shouldn’t need to do, not with those superserum enhanced lungs.
Steve is still not looking at him, and Tony should take the hint and go away, he should, but there’s always a drive inside him to push and push and push when it comes to Steve. Tony is like a child. He will take Steve getting mad at him over Steve ignoring him any day.
“Are you okay there, buddy?” Tony says. He keeps his voice light, flippant, careful to not let any genuine worry bleed into his words. “Must’ve been quite a workout, to get you so beaten down.” He takes a step closer, leaning into Steve’s space.
Steve’s posture stiffens, the line of his neck and shoulders rigid with tension. He doesn’t answer.
“Oh, cool, I’m talking to the wall now. Can’t say I haven’t been there before,” Tony quips, arms crossed. A mix of anxiety and anger boils in his stomach – right, Steve wasn’t worried, but does that mean he can’t talk to Tony now? Really? Is he mad? And if he is mad, can’t he, you know, at least look at Tony to scold him? “Gotta say, that’s a bit low for you, Cap. I’d expect you’d at least do me the courtesy of letting me know why I’ve pissed you off. You usually do that so well.”
Steve lowers his head, staring at the floor. He turns off the water filter just as the bottle is about to overflow. When he speaks, his voice is low and controlled, every word seeming careful in a way Tony has never heard before, coming from him: “I’m not mad at you.”
“Really? Because I gotta say, you make a fine impression. Maybe it’s strength of habit—“
“Just leave it, Tony,” Steve interrupts, head snapping towards him. Those clear, sky blue eyes stare at Tony, unreadable, and it’s pathetic, but just that is enough to make his heart take a leap in his chest.
“Okay,” Tony says, in a tone that makes it clear that it’s as far from okay as possible. He raises both hands in a dramatic gesture of surrender. “Okay, I’ll leave it. Sorry for, I don’t know, existing, or whatever. By the way, I’m doing great, yeah, much better than I was when I almost suffocated to death this morning, thanks for asking, and--.” Tony stops in his tracks, because Steve has clenched his fists, and Tony’s eyes darted towards his hands and just. Stopped there. “What the fuck happened to your fingers?”
Steve reacts immediately, turning his back to Tony. “Nothing.”
“Uh, no, pretty sure 'nothing' doesn’t cause bleeding, and your hands—“ Tony circles Steve, and it must be a ridiculous scene, but he quickly catches sight of Steve’s clenched fists and, yeah, he wasn’t mistaken. “—you’re bleeding. Why are you bleeding?”
“It’s not—“
“Holy shit,” Tony says, his hand snapping and grabbing Steve’s wrist, turning his palm towards him. Steve’s hand is bandaged, but there are clear red stains of blood, spreading from his fingers to his palm. “You opened a cut, or several. You need to change these, right now, just—“ Tony’s eyes dart for a moment to Steve’s other hand, and it’s also bandaged. “What the hell happened to you?”
Steve’s other hand closes in a fist, and Tony tightens his fingers around his wrist.
“Stop that. What are you, a child?” Tony snaps, pulling Steve closer, turning towards the elevator. “Come on, I’m gonna call Bruce…”
“No,” Steve says. “Bruce’s asleep.” He plants himself in the same place, and, of course, Tony couldn’t drag him if he tried. Tony risks a glance at his face, and is surprised at the nervous energy behind that typical steel gaze. “It’s just a cut, I can take care of it.”
Tony raises an eyebrow. “Where did you even get those?” he asks. It’s a weirdly specific placement for wounds, especially with the hard leather gloves Steve usually wears. It’s almost as if he deliberately stuck his hands in a hole filled with spikes—
Oh, no.
Tony swallows, and his face must spell out what he’s thinking, because worry flashes in Steve’s eyes, and he opens his mouth to say something before Tony blurts: “You… When you ripped off the armor...”
Steve goes rigid. His face is impossible to read, but right now Tony doesn’t need to read anything, because the conclusion is too obvious to be anything else.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Tony asks, and he sounds too mad for someone who just found out their teammate mauled his own fingers for him.
“They weren’t deep cuts,” Steve says, and now his face is easy to read, because it’s that same matter-of-factly expression and voice he uses every time in meetings when he points out Tony is wrong. “The doctor took care of it in a minute.”
“Right, that’s why you’re—“
“Like you said,” Steve interrupts, sounding perfectly calm and reasonable, the anxious energy Tony had glimpsed before seemingly gone. “Something must’ve opened while I was training. It happens. I’ll clean it up in my room and the serum will take care of the rest. Tomorrow, it will already be gone.”
Tony feels a spike of anger rising inside him. It doesn’t make much sense, but it’s as if the frustration he’s been building towards Steve the whole day snaps at once – it’s just so goddamn him, that stoic calm voice, that distant look as he prepares to turn away from Tony like he’s been doing all afternoon. Literal blood on his hands because of Tony, for Tony, and he acts like it’s nothing, like it doesn’t mean anything – and maybe to him it doesn’t, maybe this is just another moment of Captain America classic self-sacrificial bullshit, but Tony is stuck on those bandages, on the thought of Steve ripping his own flesh apart just to get Tony to breathe again.
Tony’s chest feels tight, and his heart feels huge, swollen and heavy while he can’t stop staring at Steve’s hands. It’s ridiculous, it’s pathetic, but he’s blinking too fast and his eyes are burning, and the next thing he knows, he’s holding Steve’s wrist again.
“Wait,” Tony says, and his voice sounds too soft, too weak. He wants to take it back immediately, but his mouth rushes ahead, speaking before he can stop it: “Let me do it.”
Steve blinks. “What?”
“Let me,” Tony repeats. He regrets it deeply, so much, he wants to stick the words back into his mouth again, and it must show, in the way his voice wavers. He feels exposed, all of a sudden, as if he’s asking something bigger than what he can actually say. Let me touch you, let me take care of you. “Just… Let me do it.”
read the rest on ao3!
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maniibear · 7 years
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One (1) more day until Avengers Assemble Season 4 - and the reunion party we all deserve. #aas4countdown #platterOfDonuts #teamlove
Fullview is best view.
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cap-ironman · 5 months
2024 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang Announcement
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The Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang is back for another year! Now that creator teams of the 2024 Cap-IM Reverse Bang are starting to post the wonderful Steve/Tony works, it's time for writers and podficcers to start bouncing ideas for the 2024 Big Bang!
The moment's here! It's time for the 2024 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang!
Now - September 11: Writers work on their fic for draft submissions
Wednesday, September 11th: Drafts and summaries are due and writer sign-ups close
Thursday, September 12th: Summaries are publicly posted
Saturday, September 14th: Accompanying fanworkers claim stories by summaries
October: Creators work on their piece of accompanying fanwork, writers finish their fics
Saturday, October 19th: Teams select November posting dates
November 1st: Posting begins!
What's a Big Bang?
A big bang is a collaborative event between writers and artists, meant to encourage the finishing of longer stories (in our event, 20,000 words or more). Writers will create a story, artists and other fanworkers will claim a story based on the summary and create an accompanying work for it.
All stories are welcome!
Whether you're a seasoned writer who has participated in the Cap-IM Big Bang in the past, or an aspiring author hoping to get started on the longfic of their dreams, we want to see your Steve/Tony story! You have plenty of time to start writing, and we and the rest of the community will be here cheering you on.
No need to sign up or pre-commit.
As long as you submit a draft of your story before the end of September 11th, then congratulations—you're part of this year's Big Bang! If by the time the submission deadline comes around you realize you don't have enough of a word count to send in or that the story won't be as long after all—no need to give up on it. At least you have started and even if it's not going into the 2024 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang you still have started a draft that you can finish now, whether for the 2024 round, for yourself—or another event! You can't lose, so try for that story! We'll be excited wherever you send it in.
For more information on how to join this Big Bang, please read through the 2024 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang Event Guidelines.
Questions? Feel free to email us at [email protected] or DM us in Discord!
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capim-tinybang · 2 months
Cap IM Tiny Reverse Bang 2024 Round 1: Nomad | Winghead
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The Cap-IM Tiny Reverse Bang Round 1 will run from July 19th - July 26th.
Creators can make drabbles, ficlets, fic, podfics or fanvids inspired by the current week’s posted fanwork prompt round. So come make some amazing works for the Stevetony fanworks in this round of the TRB!
You can create as many fills as you like.
Artist: fohatic Artist Profile: https://www.tumblr.com/moon-language-0 Rating: General Warnings: None Link to art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56823556
Artist: Lai Artist Profile: https://laidraws.tumblr.com/ Rating: General Warnings: None Link to art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56840329
Feel inspired? Write fic of at least 100 words for any or both fanworks until the very end of Friday (any timezone) and earn a badge for every prompt you write for! Creators can also create podfics or fanvids as fills - there are no minimum requirements for these formats.
Post your work to our Collection For Creators Making Fills.
Please read through our Tiny Reverse Bang Guidelines page for more information and submission guidelines.
Late fills are welcome! Post during our Amnesty Week and you will still earn a badge and be included in the final event masterlist. Take a look at the Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang 2024 Schedule to check the art posting and amnesty week schedule.
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capim-tinybang · 3 months
Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang 2024 is now accepting second art submissions!
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If you've submitted an artwork for Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang already and would like to submit a second one, you can do that now! All submissions are due before the end of July 12th in the last time zone, and must be posted to our AO3 Collection and then submitted to [email protected].
Artists can send in
traditional art
digital art
photographed craft work
If you're looking to submit your first artwork for this event, please read through our TRB Guidelines page first. A schedule for the creation phase will be announced when all submissions are in. We can't wait to see all your submissions!
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cap-ironman · 4 months
Cap-IM Reverse Big Bang 2024: Team Liberty
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Title: President Rogers
Artist: AvengersNewB
Universe: MCU
Rating: Teen for art, mature for 1st fic, explicit for 2nd fic
First Writer: SomeSortofItalianRoast
Title of first fic: Codename: Liberty
Fic Wordcount: 11282
United States President Steve Rogers is a Medal of Honor recipient. Billionaire lobbyist Tony Stark once sold arms to the Taliban (it wasn’t on purpose, Pepper!). It’s a match made… in the Oval Office? President Steve Rogers can’t stand billionaire lobbyist Tony Stark. Bad press between them requires them to work together and pretend to be friends. They slowly realize that they have a lot in common, and end up in a secret relationship, which, of course, gets out.
Second Writer: ashes0909
Title of second fic: Stars, Stripes, and Unconfirmed Sources
Fic Wordcount: 13,600
BREAKING NEWS: Bucky Barnes, Press Secretary: I have answered this question multiple times, Stark and the President met at the Climate Conference over a year ago and became friends thereafter. That’s all there is to say on the matter. Next question.
Link to avengersnewb's art on Tumblr
Link to SomeSortofItalianRoast's fic on AO3
Link to ashes0909's fic on AO3
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cap-ironman · 3 months
Cap-IM Reverse Big Bang 2024: Team Kree (updated)
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Title: caught red-handed
Artist: jetblackfeeling
Rating: Teen for art, Explicit for first fic, teen for second fic
Universe: 616
First Writer: ItsMayBiTheWay
Title of fic: Red Strings of Fate (Tying Me To You)
Fic Wordcount: 5035
It should be uneventful. Steve has done this a million times, one way or another. Being used in public service announcements and publicity for the army came with the shield long before the ice did, and just because they changed mediums and became online in this century has made no difference for Steve. Shaking his head, Steve physically tries to chase the memories of last night away. He puts on his most charming smile- one that Tony always tells him that makes his knees go weak, and takes a deep breath, promising himself that he won’t think about Tony until he ends the live stream. These people are tuning in for a good cause, his whole attention is the least he can give back to them in exchange. Well, things rarely go according to plan, huh?
Second Writer: Neverever
Title of second fic: Situationship
Fic Wordcount: 6,832
Steve isn't surprised that a clip of Tony appearing on his zoom meeting just wearing his thong went viral. He is surprised that his friends all think that it was a really weird way of making their relationship public. The thing is, he and Tony aren't dating and really aren't in any relationship.
Link to jetblackfeeling's art on AO3
Link to ItsMayBiTheWay's fic on AO3
Link to Neverever's fic on AO3
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cap-ironman · 9 months
2023 Cap-Iron Man Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts Creators Reveals & Masterpost
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This year, 39 wonderful works were created for our annual event!
Thank you all very much for participating, whether it was by writing, arting, submitting the prompts for the Community Gifts, cheerleading the creators, beta reading, leaving comments on works or guessing the creators! We hope you had lots of fun.
Here, finally, is the masterlist revealing the creators of each work created for the Cap-IM Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts event! Please remember to mind the tags and warnings for individual works, and leave kudos and comments on those you've enjoyed!
Drumroll please!
★ 10th Time's the Charm by zappedbysnow for Neverever (Avengers-ambiguous fandom, art)
When you've been trying to propose for months and villains keep ruining your moment, you just gotta take the chance at any opportune moment.
★ All We Doby Naivelittleprincess for tinystark616 (MCU, 9556 words)
Tony doesn't mean for anyone to find those recordings. Steve doesn't mean to see them. Between the two of them, there were never the right words spoken, so this just might be a blessing in disguise.
★ annex 11 by soliloquent for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1300 words)
Trapped together during a snowstorm in the middle of a mission, Steve attempts to soothe Tony’s growing anxiety, only to discover that Tony had the solution all along.
★ Arm Candy by KandiSheek for BladeoftheNebula (MCU, 2329 words)
When Tony off-handedly asks Steve to be his arm candy for the night, he's not expecting Steve to actually follow through.
★ Arrangements by Neverever for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2692 words)
Tony has a no-strings attached, no-personal information, all-sex relationship with Steve. But things can change, can't they?
★ Behind the Mask by gottalovev for starvels (Marvel Noir, 8156 words)
The circumstances on how Tony met Captain Steve Rogers on the eve of Operation Rebirth were strange enough, but the captain's secrets have secrets, and it's driving Tony crazy.
★ Can I stay here forever (I need you in my arms) by Mistymoon27 for Nixie_DeAngel (MCU, 1047 words)
Cuddling together under the stars out in the country, either on vacation or stranded on mission.
★ Christmas Stockings by superdecibels for robertdowneyjjr (MCU, Art)
Steve makes stockings for their little family and Tony falls a little more in love with him for it.
★ Conductivity by felisnocturna for Cap-IM Community (1872/616, 4243 words)
The train taking Tony to California breaks down in the seemingly abandoned ghost town of Timely. Or: After Steve's death on the courthouse steps, Tony is about to witness another tragedy. This time, he sees it coming, but even that might not change anything - not least because he is pretty sure that it's all just a hallucination.
★ Father and Sonby Perlmutt for starksnack (MCU, 5205 words)
Peter should have seen it coming. All hell breaks loose when his secret identity as Spider-Man is revealed. His parents take the news about as well as you'd imagine, and it escalates all too quickly. But his family wouldn't be his family if they didn't work through it. Together.
★ The first time I met you (I already had a drawing of you) Laslus for zappedbysnow (MCU, 2397 words)
Kissing Tony was a bit like sparing, pushing and pulling and stumbling against furniture. He had no idea why a billionaire cared enough to be this strong, and it was hard to keep in mind he had to pull back his own strength. or Tony meets a cute artist in at a Gala event, Steve tries to get over Iron Man, and Bucky just enjoys watching his best friend be a little stupid sometimes.
★ For You, I Willby tinystark616 for Becci_chan (MCU, 2350 words)
It's Steve's first Christmas away from Tony after the events of Civil War, and Steve misses him every single day. Little does he know that Tony misses him too.
★ A ghost for Christmas by gottalovev for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 8125 words)
When she died, Peggy left Steve an old house in Connecticut. When he decides to spend Christmas there, Steve finds out that it's already inhabited... by a very handsome and kind of annoying ghost.
★ Hot Rod Red by FrankTheSnek for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 37,070 words)
Steve has been single since the abrupt end of his engagement 5 years ago (despite the efforts of his friends). When he accidentally stumbles across an attractive cam model online, the idea of having a virtual booty call on hand seems appealing. The only problem, Tony is far more charming than Steve would have imagined and there is more to him than a pretty smile and a nice body. Too bad all their interactions are just part of Tony's job… or are they?
★ I have promises to keep by Missy_dee811 for gottalovev (Ultimates, 2290 words)
After a mission goes south, Steve and Tony trek through the woods to a safe house to which Tony has a personal connection.
★ i’m fine all alone (but it’s nice to be here with you) by soliloquent for Thahire (MCU, 9467 words)
Two months after the Battle of Earth, Tony, grappling with post-retirement uncertainty and an identity crisis, invites Steve on a Christmas trip to Jamaica.
★ in the storm, we stay clear by Thahire for KandiSheek (MCU, 4432 words)
Beside him, Tony’s getting comfortable, too, unknotting his tie with one hand, the other tapping away on his phone. The light from his phone illuminates his profile. Steve forces his gaze way when he realizes he’s been staring at Tony’s mouth for a solid five seconds. It’s going to be a long wait.
★ Let's to Sea by Ginevra_Benci for a_freaking_lenon (MCU, 8177 words)
Samuel Wilson, Lieutenant, Royal Navy, is the newest crewman aboard the Starry Shield. The famed pirate hunting vessel, captained by the famed Captain Rogers and locked these several years in eternal pursuit of the legendary Iron Captain, is... not what Sam expects. The legendary Iron Captain, when Sam finally meets him, is even less so.
★ loaf actually by robertdowneyjjr for Naivelittleprincess (MCU, 2165 words)
After his embarrassing attempt at cooking for their team holiday potluck dinner the year before, Steve is afraid to try again. Luckily, he has Tony to help him out this time around.
★ Lost Causes (or How the Avengers Didn’t Ruin Christmas) by Fluffypanda for littleblackbow (Avengers Assemble, 2875 words)
Sam, Scott, Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Hulk go on a quest to save Steve's Christmas present for Tony (which they totally didn't destroy).
★ Love makes fools of us all by BladeoftheNebula for Ginevra_Benci (MCU, 3,682 words)
“I am doing this to protect you. I rather take the ‘long may he reign’ part pretty seriously, unlike you.” Steve plucked at the material again. “And you could’ve told me your father’s jester was nearly half my height.” The bells jingled when he huffed, making Tony’s smile wider. "Where would be the fun in that, my love?” Tony murmured, grinning as he stepped in the great hall, the room falling silent at his presence. Steve would do anything to protect his King - no matter how humiliating.
★ Magical Moments by Becci_chan for soliloquent (MCU, 5081 words)
It hadn’t been Steve’s best idea when he’d asked Tony to go with him to the Christmas market. Steve had only needed someone to keep him company, because sometimes crowded places still made him nervous. And because he liked Tony. A lot.
★ make this gingerbread house a home by starksnack for Reioka (MCU, 5000 words)
Steve is determined to make this Christmas the best one Tony has ever had. With gingerbread cookies, home alone, and maybe a little mistletoe.
★ may the angels bow down for you by soliloquent for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2000 words)
He hides. When the Demon gets loud, when He drinks His poison and tries to hurt him with His palm, or His words, or His power—he hides. Burgundy. Oak. Shattered glass.
★ (my heart is burning) holes in the ground by felisnocturna for Cap-IM Community (Noir, 1317 words)
In the end, it's a scent that leads them back home, like Ariadne's thread in a labyrinth of illusions.
★ a relaxing morning in by starvels for Carsonian (616, 2349 words)
Steve and Tony try to have a relaxing morning in. The universe conspires to bring them to Northern Saskatchewan instead.
★ Reverseverance by Veldeia for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 24,041 words)
Steve wakes up to find out that he's gone through something called a severance procedure, which splits a person's consciousness in half. While he's stuck spending all his time in what's essentially a luxurious prison, his other half, the part of his mind that has all their memories, goes to work in the outside world. Steve may not remember a thing about who he is outside, but he knows one thing for sure: he doesn't want to live like this. Not even with Tony, the fellow inmate who's caught his eye. They have to find a way out. Preferably together.
★ Since We've No Place to Go by Carsonian for superdecibels (MCU, 5,904 words)
Friends with benefits Omega!Tony and Alpha!Steve confront their hidden feelings for each other when they get snowed in together.
★ sixth time is the charm by a_freaking_lenon for Laslus (MCU, 1437 words)
Older Peggy keeps trying to set dates for Steve that keep failing until she sets him with her godson Tony.
★ Softer Landing by Naivelittleprincess for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2410 words)
In which there is a snowstorm, Tony has had a terrible week and Steve might be an idiot.
★ Something On My Mind by Thahire for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2179 words)
During a team game of Never Have I Ever, Tony finds out that Steve has done—some things with men. Things spiral from there.
★ Soothe My Darker Thoughts With Your Warmth by Nixie_DeAngel for picturecat (Marvel 3490, 1329 words)
Some days Steve's go on a darker path than he'd like. Lucky for him, Natasha is there to remind him that sometimes peoples brains are wrong and dumb and she's always right... (at least always right about how she feels about Steve.)
★ Take My Handby littleblackbow for ishipallthings (Avengers Assemble, Art
Steve is assigned to protect Tony Stark, son of Howard Stark, the famous inventor. Proud to a fault, Tony is reluctant to accept his bodyguard, but somehow, there's this one request he just can't deny.
★ temporary configuration of disrupted stars by picturecat for Perlmutt (MCU, 3043 words)
There's a lot for Steve to learn about the 21st century. And himself.
★ Unexpected Thaw by Neverever for Missy_dee811 (Ultimates, 3808 words)
Steve has a rough ride through the multiverse and ends up questioning his relationship with Tony.
★ Walk the Forbidden Road by Reioka for Fluffypanda (MCU, 13,239 words)
Tony is the last person willing to partner with Steve to hunt vampires. Steve should be grateful. And he might be, if Tony wasn't such an asshole.
★ where you already belong by ishipallthings for Mistymoon27 (MCU, 1380 words)
Tony looks down, and blinks in surprise when he sees Steve Rogers’ ever-blue eyes gazing sleepily back at him, his head resting lightly on Tony’s chest. “Well,” he says finally, wincing a little at the dryness in his throat. “I’m not sure I ever figured you for a cuddler, Cap.”
★ Working Late by tinystark616 for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 1632 words)
Some nights, Tony stays up late, building and rebuilding and upgrading his suits, until Steve walks into the workshop, usually already in his pajamas, and wraps his arms around Tony, kissing him until he forgets what he was doing and then dragging him to bed.
★ You Can Take My Breath Away by FrankTheSnek for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 6587 words)
Tony has been impotent since his abduction in Afghanistan. Years have passed and he's grown to accept it, but things start to change when Steve enters his life. It's more than physical need reawakening, and Tony doesn't know how to handle it. He's forgotten what intimacy feels like, and it's a damn scary thing.
Were your guesses right? Are you surprised at something? You can post your reactions in our Cap-IM Discord server here!
And finally, if you participated in the event, feel free to post your work wherever you want now! We will be reblogging every tumblr post tagged with #capimexchange in one of the first five tags.
Thank you for a great event to start 2024 on!
🖤 Navaan, Neverever and starksnack Your 2023 Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts mods
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cap-ironman · 4 months
Cap-IM Reverse Big Bang 2024: Team Kree
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Title: caught red-handed
Artist: jetblackfeeling
Writer: ItsMayBiTheWay
Universe: 616
Rating: Teen for art, Explicit for fic
Work Warnings:
Title of fic: Red Strings of Fate (Tying Me To You)
Fic Wordcount: 5035
It should be uneventful. Steve has done this a million times, one way or another. Being used in public service announcements and publicity for the army came with the shield long before the ice did, and just because they changed mediums and became online in this century has made no difference for Steve. Shaking his head, Steve physically tries to chase the memories of last night away. He puts on his most charming smile- one that Tony always tells him that makes his knees go weak, and takes a deep breath, promising himself that he won’t think about Tony until he ends the live stream. These people are tuning in for a good cause, his whole attention is the least he can give back to them in exchange. Well, things rarely go according to plan, huh?
Link to jetblackfeeling's art on AO3
Link to ItsMayBiTheWay's fic on AO3
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capim-tinybang · 17 days
2024 Cap-IM Tiny Bang Master Round Up
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Thank you to all of our creators for another year of the Tiny Reverse Bang! This year we received 12 amazing artworks and 31 fantastic fills. Congratulations to everyone who joined in — we hope you had fun!
Without further ado, here are all of the wonderful artworks and fics completed this year! Remember to leave comments, kudos, likes and reblogs for our incredible creators as you enjoy their work. You can browse through the full AO3 Collection here.
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NOMAD — Art by fohatic
Elegy (fanfic, MCU, T) by Naivelittleprincess Out Here Waiting For You (fanfic, MCU, T) by KandiSheek Enter the Lair, Stark! (fanfic, MCU, T) by DepressingGreenie Change Your Mind (fanfic, MCU, M) by DepressingGreenie
WINGHEAD — Art by Lai
Chasing Rogers (fanfic, MCU, G) by DepressingGreenie sit down beside me and stay awhile (fanfic, MCU, T) by soliloquent Young Dumb High School Kids (fanfic, MCU, T) by Neverever
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OATH — Art by Fluffypanda
A New World full of Discovery (fanfic, Marvel Comics, G) by DepressingGreenie Dino Tony (fanfic, Marvel 616, G) by Neverever
INVINCIBLE — Art by sayah1112
lost in a haze (fanfic, MCU, G) by Fluffypanda Aim Low (fanfic, MCU, M) by Naivelittleprincess Who Wants to Live Forever (fanfic, MCU, T) by starkparade Treat Your Mouth Like Heaven's Gate (fanfic), MCU, E) by KandiSheek Before Daylight (fanfic, MCU, E) by DepressingGreenie
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SILVER — Art by Naivelittleprincess
Morning Light (fanfic, MCU, E) by starkparade Retirement (fanfic, AA, G) by DepressingGreenie
SERUM — Art by KandiSheek
A Growled Warning (fanfic, MCU, T) by DepressingGreenie
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EXTREMIS — Art by jetblackfeeling
Sunset's Spector (fanfic, 616, G) by DepressingGreenie Dream (fanfic, 616, T) by Neverever
ARMOR — Art by BladeoftheNebula
A Written Connection (fanfic, MCU, G) by DepressingGreenie An Adventure (fanfic, MCU, T) by Neverever
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COMMANDER — Art by The Piper of Hameln
through fire below, and fire above, and fire within (fanfic, MCU, E) by fohatic The Fun Way (fanfic, MCU, E) by starkparade (Not) A Big Surprise (fanfic, MCU, E) by KandiSheek The Attack (fanfic, MCU, E) by DepressingGreenie
GOLD — Art by Fluffypanda
Six Inches Tall (fanfic, AA, G) by DepressingGreenie
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TIMELY — Art by MissionCritical
Brief Interlude (fic, 616, T) by DepressingGreenie
SHELLHEAD — Art by DarthBloodOrange
Surprise (fic, Marvel, T) by Neverever Safety Zone (fanfic, MCU, G) by DepressingGreenie Safe Place to Land (fanfic, MCU, T) by DepressingGreenie Making the Right Call (fanfic, MCU, T) by starkparade
If anything is missing or needs to be corrected, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at our capim_tinybang Tumblr or by emailing [email protected].
Claim your badge! Please email the mods at [email protected] with the subject “TRB Badge [Fanwork Codename]” with your creator username and/or link to your fill. Please note that if during Amnesty Week you posted a fill for Round 1, you'll get the Round 1 badge. If you posted a Round 2 fill, you'll get the Round 2 badge, and so on. :D
Tiny Reverse Bang 2024 is officially over, but if you feel inspired by any of our beautiful artworks here and still want to create something for it, we're keeping the collection open and you're welcome to add your work there.
We want to thank everyone who created art and fills for this event. We hope you enjoyed it!
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cap-ironman · 4 months
Cap-IM Reverse Big Bang 2024: Team Golden
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Title: A Dragon's Pride
Artist: massivespacewren
Writer: Naivelittleprincess
Universe: 616, MCU
Rating: Gen
Work Warnings: Minor Character Death
Fic Wordcount: 14436
Sir Steven has a great task ahead. Bring King Dreykov the heart of the dragon that took Princess Natalia and the knight would be rewarded with the truth. But all his expectations are thrown off the back of his horse when the dragon whisks him away to a distant land, where he just might end up finding what he had been missing for all those years of his lonesome wanderings. A home.
Link to massivespacewren's art
Link to Naivelittleprincess' fic on AO3
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cap-ironman · 11 months
2023 Captain America/Iron Man Reverse Bang Masterlist
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After months filled with creativity being crafted into fanworks, this year's Reverse Bang is finished! Thank you to all of our fantastic participants—congratulations on posting, and we hope you had a great time working together, whether this was your first Cap-IM RBB or not!
Here’s the final list of our 11 fantastic artwork entries and their accompanying works, all created specifically for this event. Enjoy exploring the new Stevetony content, and remember to show your appreciation through kudos, comments and sharing if you haven't already!
Mind the warnings for each individual work on their AO3 page, please.
Masterlist under the cut
Honesty is the best policy by BladeoftheNebula and Hkandi (Gen, MCU, art and 7549 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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Steve's friends are throwing a Valentine's party and want to set Steve up with a date there, as he's one of the few single ones in their circle. Stubborn as he is, he decides to put in some effort himself and puts a tragically honest flier up on campus, not actually believing anyone will reply. Imagine his surprise when someone actually does!
For What Good is a Man by Perlmutt and ATOASTBW (E, MCU, art and 15,921 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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It's Tony 58th birthday, but despite it being his special day, he's filled with uncharacteristic self-doubt. Luckily, he had his friends and family to cheer him up.
In particular, his husband was more than happy to prove his love for him, in more ways than one
just like binary stars by Fluffypanda and ArabellaAM (Gen, MCU, art and 16,105 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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Tony's kingdom has been at war with the northern barbarians since even before he was born. When his men finally capture one of them, Tony's ready for everything: he's ready to learn their language, to get all the information he can about them and to finally win this war.
But falling in love with one of them? That's the one thing he wasn't ready for.
Not Part of the Plan by KappaMairi/Askafroa and AvengersNewB (T, MCU, art and 9001 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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Omega Tony was not planning to go against the plan: to mate with Tiberius Stone, take care of his alpha's needs, to remember at all times that he was just an omega. Tony was not planning to fall in love and yet, somehow, Steve Rogers happened to him.
Only Paintings in the Building by ironycap, BladeoftheNebula and Neverever (T, MCU, art and 5,885 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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His life would be a lot easier if he could just stick to painting other things. Landscapes for example. Landscapes were nice. But then again landscapes didn’t have that glint in their eye, or that body that had been built from hard engineering and years of trying to do good. They didn’t have that inherent charm and good looks that won them Sexiest Man of the Year four times. By comparison, landscapes were a joke. Steve causes himself a whole heap of trouble when he starts to paint pictures of Tony.
Push by ralsbecket (T, MCU, art) ★ Team Masterpost
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remember to remember me by xWinterDreamsx (T, MCU, 5267 words)
“Look at me. Look at me.”
Tony looked. He looked and he felt, for a moment, that this can’t have been the first time he got lost in those blue eyes. It felt familiar, in a way he didn’t understand.
Reaching Out For Your Hope_ART! by KakushiMiko (Not Rated, MCU, Art) ★ Team Masterpost
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Reaching Out For Your Hope by Becci_chan (T, MCU, 10,569 words)
Steve knew Tony could see and sense everything about him, but Steve had no idea what was going on in Tony’s head. He just hoped he got his point across. He wanted to help as well. Maybe they could support each other, have each other’s back in case of a fight.
Safe Haven by zappedbysnow and Gottalovev (M, MCU/Avengers Assemble, art and 20,868 words) ★ Team Masterpost
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It's been three months since the Battle of New York. Four since Steve woke up in the future. Everything is still too fast, too bright, too glib. And then, as if it wasn't enough, Steve is dragged through a portal into an alternate universe. Other Him is happy, though, and that feels like hope.
Soar the skies, scorch the lands, build a halo of stars and lightning- ART! by KakushiMiko (Not Rated, MCU, Art) ★ Team Masterpost
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Soar the skies, scorch the lands, build a halo of stars and lightning by Shipperslist (T, MCU, 14,770 words)
Crown Prince Anthony Stark does not want to be a king, and even less he wants to be Bound to a Guardian in some supposedly magical ritual. Turns out that he likes being the victim even less and…well. The Binding might not be so bad after all.
The Starkphone Sex Tapes by jetblackfeeling/wingheads (E, MCU, art) ★ Team Masterpost
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The Starkphone Sex Tapes by purpleicedteas (E, MCU, 5563 words)
Steve finds porn too unrealistic to watch.
Tony gives him a helping hand. And mouth.
unravel by jetblackfeeling/wingheads (E, 616, art) ★ Team Masterpost
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Spill into my hands by Missy_dee811 (E, 616, 7811 words)
As always, a flirt. “It’s nice to see you, Tony,” he said. Tony smiled. “You, too, Cap,” he said.
(Thor, Steve, and Tony agree to restart the Avengers. All is going well until there's a misunderstanding and Steve has to come to terms with the feelings he has for Tony and what they'll mean for them, and the team, going forward.)
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capim-tinybang · 3 months
Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang 2024 Open for submissions!
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Captain America/Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang is open for submissions! All submissions are due before the end of July 12th in the last time zone, and must be posted to our AO3 Collection and then submitted to [email protected].
Artists can send in
traditional art
digital art
photographed craft work
For examples of previous TRB works, browse through all of the round-ups in our Events Masterlists post, or check our TRB Tumblr.
Please read through our TRB Guidelines page before submitting your artwork. A schedule for the creation phase will be announced when all submissions are in. We can't wait to see all your submissions!
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