#Can't wait to relive the pain.🥲
Spoilers for Diasomnia (a.k.a. Book 7/Chapter 7)
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"Seize that creature!"
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tr4gictea · 2 months
May I request Alhaitham and Kaveh taking care of teenage reader that is sick, like, reader sees them both as older brothers so they hang out sometimes but now reader is sick so they take care of them 🥲
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Kaveh & Alhaitham w/Sick!Reader
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Tags: fluff, sick reader, overworking
Including: Brother Figure!Alhaitham&Kaveh
word count: 1,662 words
A/n: Second post after coming back :D idk if you wanted a headcanon or a story sooooo I wrote a story d:
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The morning you woke up with a headache you had beams of sweat running down your head, and your whole body felt hot. Piercing pain went through your skull as if you had just been shot sending you to grip your head in pain.
After adjusting to the pain you hobbled over to the medicene cabinet and grabbed some headache reliving medication.
This had to be one of the worst days to get sick as this was your scheduled date to enter the restricted section in the akademiya library. They only let a few select in and you were lucky enough to get on the waitlist. you had to wait at least three months before you could enter the restricted library. If you wanted to go in a different time from your scheduled time you would have to wait another three months or more.
This was something you could not miss.
After a slow start to the morning, you arrived at the akademiya looking ghostly. The medication you took earlier helped your headache but did noting for the stomach ache you had afterward. Gripping your stomach you opened the doors of the akademiya you hobble over to the restricted libraries front desk. The woman at the desk reading the book she had on the desk and handed you a form to sign before entering the library. It was probably for the best she had he nose in a book, cuz if she looked up she would have thought the zombie apocalypse started.
Handing back the filled out form the woman at the desk pressed a button on her desk and the doors opened.
"Please no food, drinks, or other items that can damage our books. Thank you and have a good time." She said it as if she rehearsed it a million times and didn't take one eye off the book the entire time.
Entering the library you took in the sight of all the books hidden from the public eye, the ones that you had free reign to read through for exactly 2 hours. With only a small amount of time to cram information. Opening the first book you looked at the old pages and began reading through at a rapid pace. Take all the information you can in and stopping every once and a while to blow your nose or sneeze.
Thirty minutes into your time you felt a searing pain in your head. Your headache was coming back worse than ever. Rubbing your temples aggressively you kept trying to focus back in on the book but the pain of a headache, stomach, and stuffy nose combined was too much to bear.
Unnoticed passing by you was the acting grand sage. You had often had talks with the man as he was like a mentor to you. He had gone down to the restricted section to find a topic that wouldn't typically be found in the normal library. But on his way, he stumbled upon you hunched over your book with your head in your hands.
Approaching you from behind intending to see what you were doing he was met with a ghastly sight of you with your eyes closed rubbing your temple, face hot with beads of sweat rolling down your face, and teeth clenched. Around you was a hoard of crumpled tissue paper.
Alhaitham leaned down to your level and called out your name. "(Y/n)?"
Opening your eyes you jump back in surprise to see your mentor in front of you looking at you with a straight face. Though most can't see it, the expression looked concerned to you.
"Alhaitham!" You exclaim "Sorry I didn't see you,"
"I can tell, it seems as you were busy with other things."
Thinking he's referring to your research you pick up the book to show him the cover "Ah, yes I am doing a paper on-,"
"No (Y/n), that's not what I mean." he cuts you off "You look unwell, I believe that you should go home and take time to rest."
"I will after my time is up, I still have about an hour and thirty minutes left to finish my work and go home."
His expression remains unchanging and he reaches out to close the book. "Yes, but that is time you could use to rest and get better. This is how your body fights infections."
You let out a sigh "You sound like an old man right now," laying your head on the desk and burying in your hands and try to stop the pain in your head.
"I do not. I am just informing you on how to help yourself get better faster since you obviously aren't taking the initiative on your health right now." He retorted back in a matter-of-fact tone.
"See the words 'informing' and 'initiative' make you sound old,"
"That's not the point (Y/n)," he says sighing at your comeback. "You are acting so immature right now," he says under his breath, you let out a small chuckle.
"Look Alhaitham," you call out to him as you reopen the book Alhaitham closed. "I'm well enough to stay for a little longer unt... til... ACHOOO until my sniff time is up."
Unconvinced, the acting sage stands up straight and rests a hand on your forehead. "Your temperature is well over a hundred and ten, from your facial expression I can tell you're in a lot of pain but are trying to hide it, even though it is freezing cold in here and yet you still managed to break a sweat. From these signs and a few others, I can tell you are in a lot of pain right now."
He was right, as much as you hate to admit it he was right. the pain in your head was still searing your brain, your stomach ache got worse and you felt like you needed to throw up. But you waited 3 months for this spot you can't just walk out thirty minutes in.
"I have some medicine that I can grab you from my house." hesitant to follow his instructions your eyes dart between the books on the desk and the doors leading outside.
Probably sensing your hesitancy he says "If you need to I can schedule another time for you to come to the restricted library two days after you make a full recovery."
"Really?" You say perking up slightly.
"Yes if that is what it takes for you to start your recovery process."
"Thank you Haitham." He smiles slightly at the nickname.
"Please come with me, i need to go grab some medicinal supplies from my house."
Having been to his house many times for tutoring, you knew it was only a long 15-minute walk. Entering his house you were greeted with warm-colored furniture and books and blueprints scattered all across the floor. In the middle of all this mess, you see a blonde-haired man peek out from behind a couch.
Kaveh was Alhaitham's roommate and biggest hater. He probably complains more about the man than he sees his own family.
"(Y/n)!" he jumps up from his spot on the ground and rushes to your side. "You look terrible! Are you sick?"
"ACHOO, no," you say sarcastically
He scoffs at your answer. "(Y/n) lay down I'm going to get you some tea." he looks around the room til his eyes land on Alhaitham slowly taking his shoes and coat off. "ALHAITHAM! What are you doing go make them some tea immediately and get them some medicine"
"If you would give me a second I was going to get them some medicine but the walk here was a little long-,"
"Yes, what else am I supposed to do? Pick her up?"
"YES YOU IDIOT SHE'S SICK!" Kaveh storms off into the kitchen. "And I thought the scribe was supposed to be the smartest!"
Alhaitham sighs shaking his head "Here, take this in case you get cold." and hands you a blanket "And feel free to grab any book off the shelf as long as you don't spill or ruin it in anyways."
"I know," he has stated this rule to you one too many times. You learned that it was a big rule for him when you accidentally split juice on one of his books. He gave you the book that you spilled juice on and when you came back the next day he had three more copies of that same book.
While waiting on the couch and checking out the building blueprint, Kaveh comes out of the kitchen with two teas.
"This one has herbs that help with stomach aches and headaches," He says while giving you the cup. He takes a sip of his own cup and rests it on the table.
"Don't I get a cup?" Alhaitham questions Kaveh.
"Make your own." the architect stats plainly.
"I like your new designs Kaveh," you say point to the big one on the ground. "Who's it for?"
"Oh yeah this one is for a client out of in Fontaine. He wanted an 'exotic style' for his house." He said putting air quotes on 'exotic style'.
"But it looks like a city house style?"
"Yes but the client insisted that it made him feel like he was in a jungle," Kaveh said rolling his eyes.
"The stone outer walls are not helping him prove his point," you chuckle
"hehe, the stones he wanted for that aren't even from Sumeru hehe, they're from Liyue." he chuckled with you "You feeling any better?"
"not really.."
"Well, you'll feel better after you rest up." Alhaitham suddenly speaks up.
"Rest, we will wake you up later but for now sleep."
"Ok, yawn." Pulling the blanket that Alhaitham gave me over me. Resting your head on the pillow you immediately drift to sleep, while the acting grand sage and the light of kshahrewar watch over you.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Can we please get a second part of Rabbit holes? I can't wait any longerr 😮‍💨😔🥲
A/N: I think you mean third part? Actually, as I said, I wanted to upload the next part on Sunday/Monday, but since many are asking for it, I've finished writing it for you. Have fun! :)
TRIGGER WARNING, MENTIONS OF: - Violence, represented and addressed. - Blood, represented and addressed. - Wounds, represented and addressed. Read at your own risk.
--- Once home, Olivia tried miserably to take her mind off you and relax after work. But the dull and oppressive feeling in her stomach didn't let up.
Unnoticed, she was mulling over a glass of wine about the various silliest and most unrealistic situations you were about to be stuck in her head and there were never fully five minute periods, that she didn't checked if that one grey tick had changed or switched into two blue ones.
The blurred, flickering imagine in front of her eyes, which lit up her dark apartment with bright colors, only serves as a supposed distraction - what was happening in the black box that was called the television; she hadn't the faintest idea.
Sleep slowly caught up with her and even though she tried to resist it, her eyelids grew heavier before she lost the fight and jetted into the land of dreams.
The smack that brought you back to reality was hard but not unexpected, paired with the icy taste of a split lip. Groaning in pain and licking your once dry lips, you opened your eyelids with difficulty and looked through the small gap in your vision that had formed.
The sun had already loaded into your apartment through the closed curtains and let some rays of sunshine wander over the chaos. The shattered pieces of glass that had spread all over the surface glittered; a larger one laying direct opposite you, leaning on the wooden leg of a still functional table. Quite exhausted, you tried to focus your view in the scratched and bloody glass, allowing you to look at your battered figure.
All the memories of the events before you escaped to New York, resurfaced and there was nothing you do but relive them.
The red liqueur on your hands reminded you of the first time he laid hands on you; ending with you spitting up blood. That swollen and brusing eye of the first time he dared to hurt you where everyone could see and the bloody lip of that night you failed to get food on the table on time, resulting in a plate crashing into the wall behind you and the splinters reaching your lip.
"You are the devil." you spat out, your raspy voice breaking the agonizing silence that had spread across the living room while your throat felt like an invisible wire was being tightened around it.
You had learned during the years in his power to be quiet and to reveal as little about yourself as possible. There was always the danger of breaking through a strain of thought from him and earning another bruise for it. However, you couldn´t contain yourself, the sentence falling out of your mouth with no premonition.
Without looking, you felt his sadistic smile on you and you were overcome with nausea. If you had to choose, you´d rather be at the mercy of a serial rapist than the brutality of your ex-husband, who, despite the glaring anger in his aura, looked unashamedly attractive to you.
Just like the day you fell for him.
His beard, bathed in the light, was perfectly trimmed and the slightly glowing hair was perfectly styled back. His shapely hands showed no signs of those of a hard working man and the red plaid shirt, combined with a black leather jacket, fitted tight to his muscular frame and suited his build.
His voice, however, sounded like that of a bloodthirsty killer. Cold, hard and unrelenting.
"You know, Y/n. I´ve always liked the feisty part of you." you heard him speak from your bedroom, his answer clarifying the smile you felt on you. Your heart pounded against your chest as slow but brisk steps came towards you and the sac under your right eye began to tremble in unison with the beat in your chest; like the skin of a drum being beaten at irregular intervals.
You hadn´t thought it was possible that your negative feelings towards him were even more risible, but you should be taught a better one. Your ex-husbands aggression was as palpable as the rumbling of a volcano about to erupt. Shortly thereafter, the edge of his hand hit the pit of your stomach and you fell forward in pain; your breathing rattling as you tried to get the air that simultaneously escaped from your lung back in.
At that moment, you had so many tears built up in your eyes, that you could no longer see anything on the glass-covered floor, kneeling on all fours. Only the well-known emotional chord of pain, fear and desperation, fed by anger remained.
The pain after the slag had dug into your abdomen like an axe, and was playing there with great force on your intestines. You tried desperately to get up again, but a single kick in your side made you fall back on your back.
Tears welled up in your eyes again, mixing with the clotted blood on your cheeks. Blinking, you´d like to keep your eyes closed for quite a while, but the fear of never opening them again was worse than the weariness and weakness that swept over you in waves.
Henry knelt in front of you and cocked his head to the side, placing a hand under your chin to divert your gaze from him. A few times you managed to pull yourself out of his grasp, but as his last attempt to pinch your chin between his fingers grew stronger and his fingernails dug into your broken skin, you groaned and looked deep into his once beautiful eyes.
"Your eyes, they still have that little light flickering in them. I believe some call it hope.." he snorted and his face drew dangerously close to yours. "Don´t worry though, I will drown that out as soon as I can."
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