#Calum smutty
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sinning5sos · 2 years ago
I wanna do a blurb night so please please send me blurb ideas or requests!!
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souperbloom · 1 year ago
hey, i had an idea for a fic where reader is part of the band and is dating ashton. she originally wrote 'english love affair' and it gets chosen on the dice while on tour, and ash gets jealous about her performing it coz she wrote it about someone else so he gets moody - mostly angsty, but kinda smutty towards the end?
the face i made when i first read this, omg. friend, you are a GENUIS. YES.
enjoy, you little genius. <3
my english love affair [A.I.]
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🎲 boyfriend!ash x bandmate!reader
after rolling the dice and performing a song about a girl you used to see, Ashton gets jealous over the fact that he’s not the one you’re singing about.
a/n: the boys have nicknamed you ‘peanut’. no reason, just thought it was cute and have been dying to use it :3
CONTENT WARNINGS: angst, tension, angry Ash, ref. to past hookups, strong language, ref. to weed, teasing (sexually & literally).
"Thank you, London! Goodnight!"
You watch with wide eyes as your frontman, Luke, blows kisses into the arena, at fans that had been reaching out to the stage since the moment the curtain fell.
A rush of adrenaline washes over you, faced with yet another insanely energetic crowd that had poured nothing less than their hearts out to you.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," You mouth out to them, your hands clasped over your chest in pure adoration.
Above all the screaming, a thunderous drum rollout plays you off; the familiar, rhythmic tapping sounding off like sirens in your head.
It extends for a few minutes longer than normal, as your bandmates throw gifts into the crowd.
You can’t help but look behind you at the drum kit, something you always find yourself doing no matter when or why. For your lover is the one behind those tubs; the one providing you with one of the most wicked bow outs of the century.
Your eyes quickly find the flurry of sweaty curls and drumsticks, anticipating his cymbal crashes as you’d learned them like the back of your hand.
As he destroys the final beats, his eyes glance up to you; a frantic, rage-fueled expression adorning his face with the final cracks at his cymbals.
The crowd grows louder, catching your attention— you take your eyes off of him for a moment, as the rest of the boys start to huddle around you.
"You fuckin’ killed it tonight, Peanut." A broad hand grips your shoulder, Michael ducking down to whisper in your ear beyond your ear piece.
"You too, Mikey."
Another hand wraps your back, Luke coming up to your side to give you a gentle squeeze.
As moments pass by, you and the rest of your bandmates get in order for the final bow. With Michael on your right and Luke on your left, you lean forward to watch Calum join the line.
Your brows then furrow when you notice a certain somebody taking a few extra minutes to toss his drumsticks into the crowd.
"What’s up with him?" Luke leans into the side of your face, gesturing towards your boyfriend with his eyes.
All you could do is shrug, before plastering a smile on your face and speaking through your teeth.
"Who the fuck knows."
Ashton seemed off, to say the least. You weren’t quite sure where his head was at since the second Luke sent that damn dice into the crowd. But the most you could do in this moment was grin, filled with overwhelming happiness at the reception of this incredible crowd.
"He’s coming," Luke mumbles, before switching whatever monotone face he had on into a smile.
You watch as Ashton joins the line, trying to sneak a glance at him over Luke and Calum’s bodies.
But he doesn’t even look up. His lips were painted into a straight line as Calum bends down to initiate your bow out.
You thought to yourself, as your bodies bent down to face the floor:
Whatever the fuck’s gotten into him better have a damn good explanation.
After the final bow to close another sold out show, you and the rest of the boys had made your way offstage.
Being the only girl in the band had its perks— you got your very own dressing room 90% of the time, one decked out with all of your favorite fixings and beverages.
But the best perk of all, was that the afterparties always happened in the boys’ room.
"What a fuckin’ show!" Calum pumps his fist triumphantly, as he is the first to lead you all into the room. He jumps up, smacking the top of the doorframe with his palms and letting out a hoot.
The rest of you funnel in, filled to the brim with adrenaline and post-show excitement.
"God, I know— The energy… fuckin’ electric, man…" Michael still seems in awe of it all, with unkempt pink locks that had been disturbed by him tossing off snapback.
"I feel like I could run a goddamn mile," Luke blurts, jogging in place.
You and Ashton are the last two to enter the room, Ashton still having barely spoken a word to you, or anyone else, since in your fifteen minutes of being off stage.
"You guys want anything to drink?" Calum asks, while Michael and Luke make their way to the couch.
"I’ll take a coke," you shrug, trying to ignore the elephant in the room that just so happens to be your brooding boyfriend.
"Really, Peanut? After a show like that, you’re settling for a can of coke? How about we put some Jack in that bitch and call it even?" Michael looks at you with teasing eyes as you wait for Ashton to find his seat.
Post-show parties and conversations were a ritual for you as a band— each of you needing your own times in the spotlight to debrief, and let off steam.
These gatherings you shared were like a perfectly thought-out routine. Mike and Luke sit down on their couch, Cal grabs the refreshments, and you make your way to your assigned seat on Ashton’s lap. Sometimes, Ashton would roll up a spliff for the four of you to share, especially if the show was one like tonight’s.
But Ashton lingering on his phone in the doorframe was never part of this routine. You didn’t like it one bit.
Michael, Calum, and Luke begin to talk amongst themselves, leaving you standing and watching your beau with worried eyes. His knuckles were practically going white as he anxiously ticked, mindlessly clawing at the pocket of his dress pants.
A snapping sound grabs your attention from across the room.
"Hey, lovebirds— the fuck’s up with you guys?" Luke quizzes, his brow quirked as Calum hands him a can of spiked seltzer.
You shake your head, "Fuck if I know."
Your words make Ashton’s head snap up from his phone; sending a bothered glance in your direction. But you just ignore it. You didn’t want to risk ruining a perfect night over some trivial bullshit.
"Well? Gonna’ take a seat, Ash? That chair’s got you and Y/N’s names all over it."
You stifle a giggle at Michael’s reference to you and Ashton’s routine, your eyes bouncing back and forth between your pink haired friend and your unamused boyfriend.
"C’mon baby, sit down," you coo, walking over to the brown leather arm chair that has been deemed your throne, "Let off some steam."
Ashton lets out a huff, causing the general chatter of the room to grow quiet. The rest of you watch in solace as Ashton shoves his phone in pocket, and walks towards you.
He brushes past your shoulder coldly, before sitting down with a loud sigh.
"Dude. What’s going on with you?— Lighten the hell up."
Calum’s jab only earns a nasty look from Ashton, but you just remain still, standing above him while he leans back comfortably in his arm chair.
There’s an awkward silence surrounding you all, before Ashton’s fingers start rhythmically tapping on his thigh.
"Well? I’m sitting," he says dryly, the first words he’d spoken in a while, "Happy now?"
Luke and Michael toss each other a look, before Calum walks over to you with your drink.
"I’d be happier if you put a smile on that face," Calum says, leaning down to be parallel with Ashton’s steely expression. You try your hardest to remain stern, putting your poker face on lockdown.
As much as you hated to see your boyfriend so solemn and serious, you found it a bit amusing.
Ashton was one of the least serious people you had ever come across, which is one of the reasons why you worked so well as a couple.
He’d tell jokes, you’d laugh, then fire one right back at him. It was just one of those indescribable instances that made the two of you perfect for each other.
But seeing him so stone-cold, so inexpressible, you were sure it was some sort of joke.
You test your luck, shuffling between his legs and fluttering down into his lap. Usually, his hands would instantly grab ahold of your waist, before chatting up a storm. But instead of that, his hands completely dodged your body, folding them into his lap with his elbow resting on your thigh.
"Should I play music? Not gonna lie, I fuckin’ hate the vibes in this room right now…" Michael breaks the tense, ongoing silence.
"Oooh, can you play some Zeppelin?" Luke requests.
"Queue up some ‘Sabbath while you’re at it," says Calum.
As the other boys bicker about what songs to play, you’re left staring down at your lover. His blank expression had yet to dwindle, and you were certain that if you had stood in front of him, he’d be able to shoot daggers into your back with his stare alone.
"What’s the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue?" You ask the question quietly, ducking down into his ear. Your hand travels up to toy with the baby curls that sat at the nape of his neck, which he normally goes crazy for.
But even with you asking, he didn’t move a muscle.
"Okay," you shrug, helpless, "fine. Don’t say anything then."
A pinprick tugs at your heartstrings upon Ashton’s refusal to speak. But you try to push that worrisome feeling down with the rest of your intrusive thoughts, hoping to focus solely on having a good time.
Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin starts to roll through the speakers behind the ambiance of conversation, with Calum and Luke now aiming the discussion towards the show.
"Can we just talk about how Luke’s fly was down the entire time? Like, from curtain fall—"
"Fuck you mate," Luke defends, the heated little argument grabbing your attention, "I swear I pulled it up! Must’ve fallen down— ‘er something…"
"It’s true, I saw him do it," You interject, raising your drink in the air.
"Okay, but how did it manage to fall down by the second song of the set? That’s gotta be a record or something… is anybody keeping track?"
Michael practically spits out his drink at Calum’s observation.
"Oh, ha ha, veeery funny. Let’s all laugh at the amount of times Luke has gone out on stage with his fly down… I swear, it’s like Peanut is the only one who actually gives a shit about me." Luke leans back into the couch, looking down at his fly before taking a sip of his own drink.
"Speakin’ of Peanut… dude, what the actual fuck was that?!" Michael shoots up from his seat excitedly, his eyes going glossy at you.
"What was what?" you ask.
"English Love Affair? You haven’t performed it in a while. Not like the way you did tonight, at least. How’d it fuckin’ feel?"
"Singin’ about your mistress in her hometown must’ve been a real culture shock, huh." Calum mumbles.
You can’t help but laugh, "It wasn’t that extraordinary… But, I’ll admit, it’s a damn good song. I did write it for that reason—"
"Don’t be so humble, Y/N." Luke jokes.
As you and the rest of the band go back and forth, you notice Ashton’s leg out of the corner of your eye. It had started feverishly bobbing up and down, with him still not speaking a word throughout this entire conversation.
"The crowd was eating it up, too— you were like a fuckin’ machine out there."
Your cheeks flush pink at Michael’s compliment, "You don’t mean that."
"Oh, but I do. God, I can’t even describe it… When you sing that song it’s like you get possessed ‘er some shit."
Calum snorts, "Yeah, possessed by some good pussy."
That comment seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, for Ashton is suddenly shooting upward in his seat, sending you flying with him.
Your head whips to face him, his cheeks glowing red hot. He only utters four words, before guiding you off of his lap and standing up himself.
"I need a fuckin’ smoke."
The lot of you watch in shock as Ashton angrily barrels out of the room, slamming open the door and making it hit the wall with a loud crash. You all jump, before passing each other confused, worried glances.
"What— what the fuck was that?"
You let out an angry huff, pinching the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Luke only chuckles, before tossing his hands in the air.
"Well, Y/N— looks like it’s time for you to do your thing. Go tame that raging bull."
Your eyes land at least once on all of the boys, each of them giving you a ‘you probably should go out there and get him’ type of look.
"Why does it always have to be me?" You sigh, but Michael sucks his teeth.
"I think you already know the answer to that one, Peanut."
After the boys had shooed you out of the dressing room, you set off down the halls to look for Ashton. You checked every corner, every bathroom, every area with a chair to sit and ponder in; but the angry mess of a dirty blonde mullet and dress pants was nowhere to be found.
You contemplated giving up after circling the same hallway for a third time, your legs feeling like wet noodles as you trudged along the dimly lit corridors—
But you then felt your shoulders relax when you noticed a rock propping open the outside door.
"Ashton?" You call out, pushing the steel-clad door just enough for you to pop your head outside.
And sure enough, there he was.
"Ash," you say again, a bit louder this time, stepping over the rock timidly and snaking your way through the gap.
He was leaned against a lamppost that lit up the parking lot, with tense shoulders and his brow furrowed. He stared off into the abyss, taking a pull from his joint.
You felt as though you were walking on eggshells, trying your hardest not to go into panic mode and start screaming your own head off.
Or, apologizing profusely for something that you may or may not have done.
"Baby?" you try your hand at sweetly grabbing his attention, one last time.
"Are you alright?"
"I’m fine."
He ashes his joint, before taking another pull, the veins in his neck practically popping through his skin. You take a step closer, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Are you sure?"
He blows out smoke through the side of his lips, "Yes."
"Don’t lie to me. You’ve been acting like such a brat all night," You warn him, finding the stern, coldness in your voice, similar to the one he’s been firing off at you and the guys since he stepped off stage.
There’s a brief moment of tension in the air, lingering lowly above your head. You hold your breath for a moment, before Ashton is tapping his joint with his eyes glued to his shoes.
He hadn’t looked up at you. At least, not yet.
"If you don’t want me acting like a brat, then don’t call me a fucking liar." He mumbles to the ground, an angry baritone rumbling through his voice.
"I didn’t call you a liar. I just said, don’t lie…" you drop your hands to your side, taking another step towards him.
"…Now tell me what’s wrong with you before I smack that joint right out of your fuckin’ hand."
Your threat brings Ashton to lock eyes with you. You’re finally able to get a good look at the angry crimson hue that surrounded him; with shaky pupils and a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.
"You really wanna know what’s wrong with me, Peanut?" He mocks the endearing nickname like poison rolling off of his tongue.
"Well, I—" You stutter, taken aback by his serious tone. He then chuckles dryly, lifting the joint and resting his hand on his chin.
"You really have no idea, do you?"
"Obviously not, asshole." You hated to sound so brash, but you were still residually upset by his ignorance.
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts. Only to say the stupidest thing you had ever heard in your life.
"You think I enjoyed watching you parade around onstage tonight— all smiley and giggly— singing about some girl you fucked one time? A time so memorable that you went off and wrote a goddamn rock ballad about?!"
Your eyes widen in dismay.
The rumors were true, you thought, Ashton had finally lost it.
"Oh my god— you’re joking… You’re joking, aren’t you?" Your face melts into pure, sadistic amusement. But Ashton’s face hadn’t faltered.
"Do I look like I’m joking?" He ask the question seriously.
"You cannot be serious, Ash. You’re telling me that you’ve been moping around all night because of a fucking song I wrote eight years ago?! Meanwhile you were the one who suggested putting it on the fuckin’ dice!"
He finally finishes his joint, flicking the roach to the ground and stomping it out with the toe of his boot.
"If I had known you’d perform it like she was actually there on that stage fucking you, I probably wouldn’t have suggested it at all."
A shaky chuckle flies past your lips. "God, you are such a baby! I cannot believe that you’d stomp around and make such a fuss over this! You’re really serious right now, Ash? Like, really?"
"As serious as a goddamn heart attack, Y/N."
The only emotion you could process at the moment was anger. You were completely baffled by his behavior, unable to muster up even a sentence that would aid in your argument.
"…What’s mine is mine, baby. It’s as simple as that. Can’t blame me for gettin’ a little jealous sometimes." His tone of voice had softened, significantly.
Knowing him well enough by now, after almost four years together, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to hold a grudge.
And, of course, you were right. As always.
"Ash, it’s been eight years. You’re gonna have to get over it eventually."
"Well— what if I don’t want to get over it?" He blurts, still stern.
Before you reply, you step even closer to him. Close enough to feel the sizzling hot anger radiating off of the both of your bodies and creating a spark between them.
You hated when he was angry. He hated when you were angry.
But something about that anger made your stomach twist in knots. In the best possible way.
You decided to test your luck. To push his buttons. Get under his skin, a bit.
"Then I’d say you’re being a brat. A whiny, fucking brat."
Ashton chuckles, rather dryly, before lifting himself from his slouched position resting on the lamppost. He towers over you, straightening his posture to show off his much larger frame.
"Takes one to know one, sweetheart."
You could sense the obvious switch in dynamic of this situation. Now clouded with sexual frustration, as opposed to just the regular kind of frustration.
You cross your arms over your chest, swallowing back the newly formed lump in your throat. "You don’t scare me, y’know."
All he does is shrug.
"Don’t think I need to scare ya’ to make you scream. Thought we’ve been over this."
That comment only riled you up more, but you tried to hide it beneath a playful glare, "Is that a threat, Ashton?"
"No no no, baby— not at all…"
He shakes his head, slight sarcasm falling over his tone before he’s snaking his arms around your waist, digging the tips of his fingers into your back.
"…It’s a fuckin’ promise."
The speed in which his lips found yours seemed almost impossible. From the way he had gone from blatantly ignoring your existence, to feeling you up like you were the last thing he’d ever touch.
"You’re mine. Y’know that, right?" He presses you against his torso, clasping his broad hands at the small of your back.
"Mmmmhmm," You sigh into his kiss, as he roughly sinks his teeth into your bottom lip.
He then takes one of your thighs in a handful, lifting it up to rest it gently on his hip.
In the midst of the commotion, you realize that you were still dressed completely in your stage clothes. Clad in an oversized, striped sweater that was stolen right from Michael’s closet, and a short black tennis skirt.
You were fully aware of just how short your skirt was. And to be totally honest with yourself, you loved wearing it.
You loved the way it floated around you as you danced, the way it complimented your platform boots and knee high socks…
But you also loved the absolute chokehold it had on your boyfriend.
You catch your breath as Ashton pulls away from your heated kiss; only for a moment. To admire you, as his hand slowly snakes its’ way up your skirt to grip your bare asscheek.
"This ass," he grunts, digging his fingers into your flesh, "is mine."
"Mhm." You nod again. Affirmative. Your bottom lip was still trapped between your teeth with helpless, puppy dog eyes.
"This face?" He removes his other hand from your back to cup your cheek, "This gorgeous gorgeous face? Is mine. All fuckin’ mine. Ya’ hear me?"
You nod at him, trying to ignore his hand creeping towards the hemline of your panties.
"Need ‘ya to use those words, beautiful. Like the ones you used to write your song, yeah?"
One thing about Ashton was that he never failed to piss you off— but he was also damn good at turning you on.
"…Wanna hear one last bit of your poetry before the only word you’re able to say is my fuckin’ name."
"Ash—" You go to speak, but your mouth clamps shut as he traces your inner thigh with his fingertips.
"Go ahead, Y/N, tell me. Tell me who’s really ‘all you ever think about.’"
His head dips down to your neck to leave a trail of wet kisses, all the way to the base of your collarbone. Your hand finds his hair, tugging at the roots gently with each gentle kiss.
"You. You’re all I ever think about… All I’ve ever wanted—"
Your breath hitches as his teeth bite into your skin, his hand finding its way back to the outside of your thigh to anchor your body against him.
"—All I’ve ever needed."
In a swift motion, Ashton is dropping your leg from his hip, bringing you to teeter on your shaky legs and look at him with desperate eyes.
His head pops up from your neck, pupils wavering and twinkling with lust.
And suddenly, your mind is clouded. All of the things you’ve ever needed in a person was right at your fingertips. Any syllable of a song lyric, any chorus of every single song you’ve ever written.
It was him.
"You wanna’ write songs about getting fucked ‘till you can’t speak, sweetheart?"
At this point, you were too needy to care about whatever words flew past your lips. "Yes, Ashton. Please—"
His eyes darken, a sultry smile climbing across his cheeks for the first time all night.
"Allow me to provide you with some inspiration, then."
In a second, he’s lifting you up by the back of your legs, tossing your body effortlessly over his shoulder. You let out a laugh, slapping his back, his arms, anything you could get your hands on.
"Hey! What the fuck—"
Your ass is fully exposed to the parking lot around you, as Ashton begins to walk. You couldn’t see much, but the most you knew was the direction of your shared tour bus.
He leans his head over to you, whispering a little something in your ear that sent chills down your spine.
"You wanna make music with me, baby? I’ll give you somethin’ to fuckin’ write about…"
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 8 months ago
Short Smutty Fics Masterlist
Beg (ao3) - FayeHunter michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: The first thing Michael hears when he opens the hotel door is a broken off desperate moan.
Or Michael and his boyfriend have a little fun
Daddy’s little slut (ao3) - Sara_Hood calum/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: Calum has been a bad boy that needs punishment
Eager to Please (ao3) - howtotrainyourpup ot4, luke/ashton E, 5k
Summary: Ashton is Luke’s baby. His cupcake, his little lion. There is nothing in the world that Luke wouldn’t do for Ashton, he prided himself on being the best Daddy he could be when he was needed, and the best boyfriend he could be the rest of the time. Their relationship, while unconventional, is happy and safe and full of trust both spoken and unspoken. Calum and Michael understand, they’ve made a safe zone for the boys that could never be recreated and is worth more than gold.
or, Ashton slips and helps out all his boys instead of only Luke just this once? i don’t know
Fucking You Like I Should (ao3) - ComplexityIsTheOnlyWayToHaveSimplicity michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Calum’s feeling a little naughty but with Michael stuck in a meeting what’s the poor baby to do? If he has a little fun Michael can’t be mad at that. Calum won’t complain when Michael join’s the fun either.
good girls (ao3) - no_clue_who michael/calum, michael/calum, luke E, 8k
Summary: Calum is failing her classes, Michael is her girlfriend and they wanna fuck Luke.
Heart Attack (ao3) - no_clue_who luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: Luke was a mess. He was a mess who was trying to do something nice for Ashton. Ashton had been planning incredible dates since they had started dating, taking him out and making him feel so loved and he wanted to do the same.
So that's why he impulsively bought the corset and lace shirt a week ago. And the matching lingerie. And the stockings.
Ok so maybe he went a bit overboard with the outfit, but he wants to look good for Ashton.
or how to seduce your boyfriend
How did we end up here (ao3) - BrokenTailLights luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Where Luke hates guests, but maybe he can tolerate them if 'guests' include curly-haired, muscular teenage boys with cute giggles
i eat boys like you for breakfast (ao3) - tutorgirl luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Luke wasn’t thinking about breakfast so much anymore, except for Ashton eating her out.
i’ll do anything you say if you say it with your hands (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Luke never thought coming out was worth the risk until he met Ashton.
I’m Sweating Bullets Like a Modern Romeo (ao3) - shitmichael michael/calum E, 6k
Summary: “You’re getting punished tonight,” was all he said in a casual voice before leading them out of the hotel lobby.
In The Heat Where You Lay (ao3) - merlypops michael/ashton E, 2k
Summary: It’s Mashton’s anniversary, Michael is sleepy, and Ashton just wants to give him his present.
it’s obvious i just can’t get enough of you (ao3) - nationalnobody calum/ashton E, 4k
Summary: It’s 6PM and Calum is angry. Calum isn’t an angry guy but there is only so much Michael Clifford Bullshit ™ that one human being can physically take. Being the super cool-headed and level guy he is, he heads to the gym to wind down and relax. Everything is going peachy until a fucking sex deity with curly hair has to bend over across the room and destroy any shred of cool in his body.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn’t home and then he gets caught wearing them..
lay your hands on me (ao3) - cliffakitten luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke always liked them because they made him feel pretty, like he had always wanted to be but now he feels something else. Something he never thought he would ever get to feel until right now, right now when Ashton snaps the elastic of the panties against his skin. Luke feels slutty.
And he loves it.
Mikey’s kink (ao3) - Directioner_Jcats_5sosfam michael/luke E, 4k
Summary: Basically, Michaels want’s to try a few kinks, and Luke want to help.
Pup (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton, michael/luke N/R, 4k
Summary: Calum and Luke are cuddled up together on the couch, while Ashton watches from the side. He's pissed. Whether its at Luke or Calum, he doesn't know, but he just wants it to end. Mikey manages to keep him calm until Luke is stupid enough to say the word. When the word slips from Luke's lips, Ashton's anger slides out of control.
Rollercoaster Ride (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance ot4 E, 3k
Summary: Michael came up with the craziest idea to end their tour; an idea, which he knew Luke would love. Calum had already agreed but there was one problem, Ashton was still reluctant. All he had to do was to convince the stubborn drummer, something he knew he would manage to do easily, and they would end up having the greatest end-of-tour party.
sucker for the way that you move, babe (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke looks after Ashton better than anyone ever has and they can't get enough of each other.
We Couldn't Freeze This Moment (ao3) - antisocialhood luke/ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: Ashton's relationship with Luke was a simplistic amount of domestic fluff and vanilla sex.
White Noise (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 7k
Summary: Luke and Ashton have massive crushes on each other, Ashton throws a party, and all of Luke’s dreams come true. (Maybe they’re a tiny bit in love too. Maybe.)
5 notes · View notes
hemmingslftv · 3 years ago
wrong name
Word count: 3k
Warning: explicit sex, dom/sub dynamic, basically pure smut (18+)
Requested: no but requests are open! 
A/N: I don’t even remember where this idea came from but it had been on my drafts for a while so I decided to post it because why not. English is not my first language so there may be some stuff written wrong. Feedback is appreciated!
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Calum’s hands caressed the side of your hips and got eagerly down your shirt. He pulled it up and you extended your arms making it easier for him to get it off you. As soon as he did he bent to kiss your neck making you moan softly as he hit a sweet spot. Calum smiled proudly to himself that he had made you moan for the first time.
You couldn’t believe this was finally happening. It was your fifth date with Calum and although you both had decided to take it slow, not wanting to ruin your friendship of many years, you couldn’t wait anymore and you asked him to take you to his house as soon as dinner was over. Calum couldn’t deny that request, having you on his bed was everything he had been able to think about for the last few weeks.
His hands trailed their way down your stomach and a small sound of surprise left your lips as he took both your skirt and underwear off you in one movement and without any warning. His fingers caroused the inside of your thighs slowly, making your hips buckle up.
“You look even prettier naked than I had imagined” he stated before leaning down to kiss between your breasts. He noticed your breath accelerating and he took it as a sign to keep going. One of his hands traveled back to your left breast as his mouth played with your right one. Your moans were getting louder and you started to feel light-headed. You knew you shouldn’t be feeling as much pleasure as you were but the anticipation that had been building up for the past month had you almost reaching your high just at the thought of the next steps. 
“Are you enjoying this, babe?” Calum whispered to your ear after bitting your earlobe gently making you shiver. You nodded. “I want words, sweetheart” he said in a more authoritarian tone that made your walls clench.
“Yes, Luke” you moaned. You opened your eyes and covered your mouth with your hands as soon as you realized what you had just said. Calum took his hands off you and leaned back on his knees. “I’m so sorry” was the only thing you could say as you sat up.
“Did you just say Luke? You are thinking about someone else the first time we’re having sex?” Calum said, not being able to hide the fact that you had hurt his feelings.
“No, I swear I’m not” you tried to explain seeing the expression of disappointment on his face. “I wasn’t even thinking and I guess I’m used to saying that”
“You’re used to moaning “Luke”?” Calum asked raising his voice a little.
“I guess so. He’s the only person I’ve ever had sex with. But it was just that, sex, no feelings involved. And we stopped as soon as you and I got closer, I figured he had probably told you. I’m so sorry Calum I swear this won’t happen ever again, I don’t know why I said that” you could tell Calum’s expression was changing. His jaw unclenched as he understood what was going on and you could see his eyes filled with lust again making you relax.
“So Luke has enjoyed all of this before me?” Calum said as he looked at your now completely naked body from top to bottom piercingly, making you feel intimidated. “Answer me, sweet girl” he demanded. You could tell his tone was serious but playful at the same time and you leaned back on the mattress as he placed himself on top of you, with each of his hands at one side of your head. You swallowed hard before answering.
“How many times?”
“I don’t know, more than 10?″ you answered hesitantly.
“You don’t even know how many times he’s been inside of you? You’re making me very jealous here, you know that right?” you shook your head no since that had never been your intention.
“I didn’t mean to” you managed to say as his face got closer and closer to yours.
“Well, I think you know pretty well what you’re doing to me” he smiled at you, tracing your lips with his right index finger. “Get it wet for me, darling?” he asked making you groan. You opened your mouth and sucked on his finger until he took it out. “Such a good girl for me” he said making you shiver. He started to play with your right nipple with that finger as he continued. “I didn’t think we would but now that you’ve upset me, we’re gonna need a safe word, y/n. That word is gonna be red” he said as he looked at your red lingerie he had just thrown to the floor. “So if at any time you feel uncomfortable or want to stop you say red and I’ll stop, okay?” he asked with his normal tone to make sure you understood this was important.
“I understand Calum” you said, impatient for him to touch you more.
“And if you ever want to call me anything else than my name again during sex, you can call me daddy, babygirl” you closed your thighs looking for some friction as those words left his mouth but you also couldn’t help but giggle softly. “Are you making fun of me?”
“No, I would never. It’s just that I didn’t expect this” you tried to explain but Calum wasn’t even listening to you anymore. He closed the space between you two with a sloppy kiss. You had never shared a kiss like that before and it turned you on more than you’d like to admit. Calum then continued to press open mouth kisses all over your cheeks, lips, and jaw, taking special care of that sweet spot he had found before. He placed both his hands on your breast playing with your nipples. You moved one of your hands down to your slit to try and release some of the pressure.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Calum asked as he took your hand intertwining his fingers with yours. “Only I can touch you”. He took your other hand and put both your arms above your head, holding your wrists with his left hand. He thought about tying them but he didn’t, afraid it would be too much for you, he didn’t want to scare you away. You moaned at his words.
“Touch me then” you demanded.
“You can’t use that tone on me, baby. Be polite”
“Can you please touch me, Calum?” he was dying for you to call him daddy but again, he decided not to insist for now.
“Of course I can, princess” he said as his right hand left your breast and separated your thighs. His fingers teased your entrance making you whine with desperation. His thumb started to rub circles over your clit and a loud moan escaped your lips. Without making you wait anymore he introduced two fingers on you slowly, watching you as your back curled from the pleasure. He was definitely enjoying the sight. 
“Oh my god, Calum” you managed to say as you moved your hips trying to fit as much of his fingers in as you could. His fingers started pulling in and out of you at a steady pace, too slow for your liking. “Can you go faster, please?” you pleaded. Calum smirked and added one more finger as he fastened the pace. You could feel the knot in your stomach getting bigger and bigger. You closed your eyes and groaned. Calum noticed you were curling your toes and figured you were very close so he pulled away.
“What the fuck?” you screamed.
“Shh, pretty girl. I told you you can’t talk to me like that. You’ve made me upset so now I have to punish you. We’re gonna engage in some cum play. You’re not allowed to come until I tell you to, okay?”
“What?” you asked confused, the frustration you were feeling from your denied orgasm blocking you from understanding him.
“You’ll see” was the only thing he said. “Don’t move your arms” he instructed as he let go of your wrists. He placed himself between your legs, grabbing your thighs and you shivered as you felt his breath hit your pussy. A soft moan left your lips while his tongue traced your inner lips and he licked your clit gently. Suddenly his moves turned quick and rough and you were almost over the edge again. You grabbed his hair without even realizing it.
“What did I say?” Calum said making your pussy vibrate.
“Sorry” you replied moving your hands quickly back to where Calum wanted them. He played with your clit softly as he fucked you with his tongue and right when he felt you clench, almost reaching your orgasm again, he pulled away. You couldn’t help but scream at the sudden loss of contact just when you needed it the most. The scream was so loud that it scared Calum.
“Red?” he asked quickly, wanting to make sure he wasn’t screwing things up and you were enjoying this as much as he was.
“No, not red, definitely not red” Calum giggled at your reaction. 
“Okay, pretty girl, can you put this on me?” he asked as he handed you a condom. You took it eagerly and moved so you were on your knees. Calum had already taken off his pants and you removed his boxers. You didn’t know what had gotten into you but at that moment you felt like you were mentally in another place, like you weren’t present in that room but you were loving the feeling. You ripped the condom wrapper with your teeth and leaned down to put it on Calum’s member. You looked up at him to see that he was biting his lower lip at the view. “So pretty for me” he hummed. You licked the tip of his member knowing he wouldn’t expect it and watched him as he tilted his head back making a deep noise that made you wetter than you already were. You softly rolled the condom down his penis. “Thank you” Calum said when you were done. Suddenly he held you up so that he could kiss you and once he was done he turned you around, your ass facing his member. 
A second later he thrust into you so hard that his balls crashing against your clit hurt more than the penetration itself. He held your hands on your back making you lean on your chest and face. He kept his movements fast, resting every couple of minutes. You had been on the edge for a while now, trying to contain yourself.
“Calum” you whined.
“Can I come?” you asked figuring that if you asked he’d let you. 
“Oh, no, sweetheart, not yet”
“I don’t think I know how to stop it”
“Yes you do, you just have to concentrate” Calum said as he felt your walls clenching around him, more and more each time. He pulled out giving you a break. You groaned and your whole body fell onto the mattress as he let go of your arms. “You’re being such a good girl for me, y/n” Calum spoke as he shifted your position so that your back was facing the bed now. “Are you gonna let me fuck that little pussy of yours until I destroy it, babygirl?” he asked running his fingers up and down your thigs. Your mind was spinning from the overstimulation and how much his words turned you on but you could barely make a “hmmm” noise in response and Calum could tell you were already pretty tired. “No baby, I need words” he said kissing you so that you’d be more alert. You forced yourself to speak.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, please” you begged opening your eyes.
“Yes, please...” Calum teased as he lined his tip with your entrance.
“Yes, please, daddy” you pleaded and you could feel his member twitch at your words. 
“Fuck, baby” he moaned. He thrust into you slowly this time, so slow that it hurt making you whine and tears started to build in your eyes. He kept that pace for a few minutes until you were almost crying from the need of reaching your release. “Daddy...”
“Just ask and you’ll be served”
“Fuck me hard” you said struggling to get the words out of your mouth, you had never felt so vulnerable and dominated before but you were enjoying it. And so he did. Calum thrust into you with a newfound pace, not too fast but not too slow. You thought that was it, your moans started to get louder as you felt the knot so close to exploding, but then he pulled out. Your eyes filled with tears from the frustration once again but before you could even complain he was thrusting into you again. Unfortunately for you, that wouldn’t be the last time he’d do it. He kept you from orgasming 3 more times. Tears run down your cheeks at that point but groans and moans louder than ever came out of your throat too. You had never felt so many intense emotions at the same time. 
“You can come for me now” Calum said grabbing your jaw to make you look at him. Now that you had finally been given permission you didn’t even know if you had the ability to orgasm anymore. “Concentrate, sweet girl. I know it may seem like you can’t, but I know you can” you breathed out and shook your head trying to stay present. “I’m going to help you by counting down from 5, okay? And then you’ll come” you nodded but you really weren’t sure it was going to happen.
“5″ Calum kissed one of your cheeks. “4″ he kissed the other. “3″ he kissed your lips, your moans getting louder with every thrust. “2″ he rubbed your clit. “And 1″ he said placing his right hand on your neck making a soft pressure as his left hand kept working on your clit. “Come for me now, princess” he whispered in your ear and you felt the huge pressure on your lower abdomen finally releasing.
You kept screaming Calum’s name on repeat as you felt the biggest rush of adrenaline taking over your body and especially your brain. Your back arched and your whole body shook. With a few more thrusts Calum came undone and he laid over you. You could feel his pressure but you couldn’t even open your eyes. Your breath was still more accelerated than you ever remembered it to be. 
As soon as Calum regained his normal breath, he removed himself from top of you and looked down at you. Tears kept escaping your eyes. He threw the condom away and removed a couple of strands of hair off your face. He knew you were there but your mind wasn’t. 
“y/n” he spoke softly, trying to get a reaction from you. When he saw you didn’t answer he decided to lay next to you, so that you could feel the warmth of his body. You still didn’t speak but you shifted so that you were more comfortable, resting your head on his chest. He admired how beautiful you looked all fucked out in his arms, almost like you belonged to him. After Calum had given you a few minutes, he tried to make you speak again.
“Love, I need to know that you’re fine, talk to me?” he asked, getting concerned when you still didn’t reply. His heart started to race, it was normal to be in the subspace after what you had just done but you should be back by now. “Hey” he shook your shoulders lightly. “y/n, you okay?” he asked again. “I’m gonna go get you a wet towel”.
When he came back with the towel and placed it on your forehead, you took a deep breath and opened your eyes slowly. Calum was looking at you with a concerned look that relaxed as he saw your eyes open. He run his fingers up and down your arms as he looked at you with the most loving eyes you had ever seen.
“There’s my girl” he smiled and you smiled back.
“I’m here daddy” you replied feeling like you were regaining your ability to think.
Calum frowned as he said “no, no daddy now, okay? I’m me, it’s Calum” you shook your head again, trying to organize your thoughts. 
“Calum, that was fucking intense” you said after a few seconds making him giggle.
“Was that the first time you had done that kind of dynamic?” Calum asked laying back next to you and wrapping you with his legs and arms, your head resting on one of his arms and looking at him. You nodded. “I shouldn’t have pushed you so far, I’m so sorry, I got lost in the moment”
“No, it’s fine. It was incredible and probably the best orgasm I’ve ever had” you said.
“But still, it was too much for your body, you shouldn’t have been gone for so long after, I’m sorry” he repeated. “I won’t push it that much next time” he kissed your lips softly.
“I’m sorry about the Luke thing” 
“Don’t worry about it, I made you pay for it” he winked at you making you giggle. “No but really, it’s fine, I get it”:
“I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff” you said after a few seconds making Calum blush.
“I... I guess I am” he said making you laugh.
“We’ll talk more about it in the morning” you suggested “I’m curious now, that was really good”.
“I’m glad you liked it, I wasn’t planning on letting you know about my kinks so early on but I couldn’t control myself” he explained. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired” you said, jawning right after. “Do you mind if I sleep here?” you asked him. 
“Not at all” he said bringing you even closer if that was even possible and covering you both with his sheets. You fell asleep even before he could kiss you goodnight (he did anyway) and he fell asleep at the sight of your peaceful face resting on his arm, feeling so in love with you he couldn’t even begin to explain it. 
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oh-katsuki · 3 years ago
sorry but that concert shot me right back into a very specific music phase I went through. I’m a fan again I’m gonna reread the fanfics that were the blueprint for me today. my beginning. my origin story. we’re revisiting the pilot episode, folks.
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fuckingplaidpants · 5 years ago
Lemme Show You - M.C
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- Michael teaches is roommate how to masturbate
Notes: smut, soft and fluffy, fingering
The awkward topic of masturbation had been brought up - well for Eve it was awkward.
The tiny shy girl at 21 years of age had never touched herself. She'd had sex only twice and twice was enough to turn her off it. The 2 different asshole of boyfriends used her for her cute petite body rather than actually liking her and having feelings for her.
Eve has roomed with her best friend michael for 3 years now and they were never afraid to talk about anything. Michael was the only person she truely felt comfortable with and could trust.
However, masturbation and sex was never something Eve brought up in conversation, especially if it was about herself.
She was embarrassed to even think she was scared of having any kind of sexual interaction, even with herself. She thought at 21 she would have 'grown up' and found the joy and pleasure within sexual intimacy.
But every time it crosses her mind she cringes at the horrible sex experiences she endured. She also partially blames the fact her mother was never very open with her and never told her all the wonders about puberty or periods or anything to do with her own womanly parts. Eve had to discover it all for her herself.
And now currently, as she sat cross legged in the middle of Michael's bed with flushed red cheeks and clammy hands as he decided to ask the questions he was always curious about but never asked as he didn't want to intrude Eve's privacy.
She hesitantly told him she had lost her virginity which lead her to say that she didn't like it and only did It one time after that and never again.
Michael was shocked at this but what shocked him even more was when she whispered out that she'd never masturbated and didn't know how to. She barely knew the anatomy of the vagina in the first place.
The poor girl was truely missing out on what a wonderful and completely healthy thing masturbation is.
"Lemme teach you then." He nonchalantly suggests as he hangs up his clothes in the wardrobe.
Eve chokes on her own saliva, very taken back at Mike's offer.
"W-what." She nervously laughs and swallows quickly.
Yes she was timid with this kind of stuff but in the back of her mind, she always wondered how it would feel if it was done properly and what an orgasm actually felt like.
"I'm serious," he turns around from hanging his clothes up with no immature smirk or grin on his face. He was dead serious. "I will gladly help you out. Masturbation is so normal and it doesn't have to be weird. I won't think of you any differently." He maturely says.
"I-I uh Michael I dunno I mean- I maybe-"
Michael abandons his task, taking his full attention to Eve as he sits on the edge of his bed.
"My mums a gynaecologist, I've stumbled across her study books before and I happen to know a few things," He smiles softly trying to ease Eve's obvious nerves. "It's up to you. I don't want to pressure you into is but I'm telling you now, you're missing out."
"W-what would you uh d-do?" She whispers, toying with the delicate ring on her finger
"I'll show you nice and slowly. I'll be so gentle and I will stop at anytime you want me to." He strokes a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "What do you say?"
She knows deep down she wants it. She's curious and what better opportunity to do it with the person she trusts the most.
"Y-yeah ok." She squeaks.
"Yeah?" His face lights up slightly. "Well come down here, I want you to be able to watch what I'm doing." He takes her trembling hand and leads her to his full length mirror.
"M'gonna watch?" She gulps, not used to this at all.
"Mhm. Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror like that before?" Michael asks as he places a towel down on the carpet
She shakes her head no. She was not aware of what she looked like down there.
He reassures her that that's totally ok, sitting her down on the towel so she was looking at herself in the mirror.
"You're so pretty," he takes a seat behind her, pulling her back so she sat between his open legs.
"Thank you." She blushes profusely as Michael gets her to lean back into his chest.
To get her comfortable with his touch, he runs his finger tips down her neck and lets them go down her arms. Goosebumps arise on the surface and he makes sure to ask if she ok with this in which she sighs with a nod.
His lips press to her shoulder, heating up the area as he lets his hands travel over her clothed torso, feeling her curves.
Having never been touched so sensually, she was squirming within minutes with parted lips and breaths becoming deeper. Especially as his lips gently kiss the side of her neck.
He hooks his fingers under her tank top, pulling it up.
"I'm not wearing a bra is that ok?" She panics slightly.
"Of course, I'm not here to judge you." His lips brush the shell of her ear.
Her arms rise in the air as he pulls the fabric over her head, letting her perky breasts free from the years of confinement. Years of being deprived of the attention they deserved.
She watches Michael's face in the mirror, hoping for some kind of approval. He honestly cannot take his eyes off them. He simply cannot believe she's been hiding such cute tits away.
He lets his hands start on her shoulders, running slowly down over her collarbones and further down her chest. They brush over her nipples making her gasp softly as they harden.
She watches his hands knead them firmly and absolutely is mesmerised but the sight. Her hips begin to slowly rock as she begins to feel something she's only felt a few times but never really understood why.
"Can I?" He questions as he tugs in the hem of her skirt.
"Y-yes." She breathes, becoming needy and doesn't know why or how to react.
He rolls it up, displaying her underwear. "M'gonna touch you, ok?" He says, letting his chin rest upon her shoulder so that he could watch down at his hand slide over her clothed heat.
She gasps again at the sudden feeling that was hard to describe. His finger tips glide over her underwear, drawing light circles over where her clit was.
"Oh my god." She breaths, quite shocked. "That feels really good right there."
He chuckles lightly at how sensitive she is to be having her breathless with just lightly touching over her underwear. He knows he has to be very gentle.
"Yeah? I'm going to slide them off now" He watches her, watching him work his hands in the mirror.
She lifts her bum for him to remove her underwear and skirt, tugging them off her feet and placing them to the side.
She closes her legs and timidly glances up to Michael in the mirror.
"It's ok, I'm not here to judge you or hurt you." He strokes her hair making her relax back into his chest.
He softly parts her silky smooth thighs to reveal her pretty pink pussy, wet and untouched.
"Please be careful Michael." She whimpers.
"I'm going to be so gentle ok? You tell me if you want me to stop. Here, put your hand on top of mine so you can stop me at any point." He places her small hand over his.
It runs down the in side of her thigh, reaching the outer lips of her pussy, carefully spreading them open.
Michael takes a deep breath, regathering his thoughts as he sees how wet she was. The poor girl had probably never experienced anything like it.
She notices it in the mirror and Michael can tell she's concerned and self conscious about how she looks down there so he decides it's best to explain a few things before continuing to make sure she knows that everything it's normal and fine.
"It doesn't look like the diagrams in school." She embarrassedly whispers.
"I heard that no girls does." He giggles softly. "They all look totally different. Every girls does and that's ok."
"Really?" She continues to inspect herself through the mirror.
"Mhm," He nods reassuringly.
A hand rests on her thigh as the one with her hand on top slides to the beginning of her slit where her clit can be seen all nice and swollen. Michael knows she's ready for him.
"This right here," His index finger pulls up her clit as she intently watches. "Is your clitoris, or the clit. It's only purpose is to make you feel good." He tells her.
He lets the pad of his finger tip, gently skim over her sensitive bud making her moan for the first time.
"Then further down," His fingers glide through her wetness. "This is the entrance." He slowly eases the tip of his index finger in.
She nods, her bare chest rising and falling as she anticipates the pleasure to come.
She's fully comfortable now, removing her hand from his, fully trusting him to do what he wants.
He drags her arousal up and circles it around her clit but never directly on. He knows this will be to sensitive for her.
She moans so sweetly as she watches his hand work it's magic on her. She's in awe of how amazing michael can make her feel.
"Feels s'good huh?" He whispers with his warm breath hitting her neck.
"Ye- oh my god," she moans, her head tipping back briefly as a strong wave of pleasure rushes through her.
Michael continues to rub loose circles over her clit, satisfied she's enjoying it. His other hand moves off her thigh so a finger presses at her entrance. Although she'd lost her virginity, that was 2 years ago and considering she is a tiny girl, he knew she'd be tight.
Her hooded eyes stare as his finger slowly easing in to her hole. There was no horrendous pain like she had experienced a few times before. His finger just slipped in so easily.
"Fuck." She whines, loving the sight of his finger sinking into her.
"Does it feels ok darling?" He cautiously asked, not wanting anything to hurt her.
"Yes Mikey!" She breaths, barely able to talk.
"I'm gonna slip another on in, kay?" He kisses her neck and she tilts it so he has better access.
He pushes in a second finger, sinking in right to his knuckles as Eve squeezes Mikes thigh beside her. Not because it was painful, but because the new found pleasure of being stretched out by her best friends fingers was so good.
Her pussy moulds tightly around his fingers, leaving no room for a third finger. At least not 0n this first occasion.
He draws his fingers out, before sliding back in to create a slow rhythm to start with.
"Michaellll," His name tumbled from her lips and he nearly groaned at the delightful sound.
He always though his best friend was stunning, but this took things to another level for him. Seeing how she trusted him to do this and how beautiful her body is made his head spin.
His finger still rub her pink clit and in combination with his fingers fucking her, it creates the strongest sensation Eve has felt yet.
She didn't know what an orgasm felt like but by the way the euphoria was increasing by the second she had an idea of what was about to happen.
Her chest rises and fall rapidly and her back begins to arch off his chest. Even her hips involuntarily rock into his two finger, pumping steadily in and out of her.
"Look how pretty you look," Michael mumbles in her ear and she re opens her eyes to watch her own body in the mirror. "Are you watching my fingers sweetheart?"
Of course she was, in fact she couldn't take her eyes off them and the way they effortlessly worked her.
He curled his fingers that little bit extra making Eve let out the loudest moan yet and her little hand wrap around his wrist, rubbing it up and down almost as if it was her way to encourage him.
He feels her begin to clench around his fingers and by her not taking a breath from her whines and moans, she was about to cum.
"You getting close? You about to cum over my fingers baby?" He lowly whispers.
She can't answer him, no words could be formed from her mouth but she knew this must be what an orgasm is and that she was about to cum.
She whines out for the last time as Michael tips her easily over the edge. She's breathlessly panting, her legs trembling and the ecstasy washes strongly over her little body. She's sensitive immediately, making her thighs close together as Michael finger slowly work her down.
Her body goes limp against his chest, his own heart beating just as fast as hers. She whines with her eyes flutter closed as she comes down from her high.
He slides his fingers away from her, cleaning them off on the towel laid underneath them. He rubs his hands gently over her shoulders, letting her take the time she needs to regain composure after her first orgasm that definitely did hit her hard.
He strokes her hair back off her sweaty forehead and tucks it behind her ear. Michael's almost nervous to speak. He said he wasn't going to let it be weird - and by all means it isn't, but he just can help but feel somewhat guilty that he enjoyed it and that he may possibly just discovered he has feeling for her.
"Are you ok?" He swallows lightly and breaks the silence
"Yeah Mikey, I am." She opens her eyes and softly smiles at him though the mirror with pink cheeks.
"Well, what do you think?" He chuckles.
"I really have been missing out haven't I. I've never felt anything like it. Thank you," She shyly giggles. "But now I'm all," she parts her legs slightly to peer in between them though the mirror, "sticky."
"Yes, you did make quite the mess love." He chuckles, helping her to her feet before putting and arm around her back and under her knees to pick her up bridal style.
"Michael!" She squeals and uses a hand to hold her breasts and one to grip his shoulder, scared she may fall.
He looks down at her body in his arms, shaking his head with a smile as he walks to the bathroom. "Can't believe you've hidden this all away. You're so beautiful Eve."
She takes her index finger shyly between her lips, looking back up to him with glossy eyes full of adoration.
Michael places Eve up on the bathroom sink, going to turn around to run her a bath but not before she pulls him back by the wrist.
They both lock eyes, intently gazing into each others for a moment as Michael moves in between her legs. Her arms sling around his neck, pulling his lips to hers. He has a large hand resting on her hip and his other cupping her jaw. He slips his tongue pass her plump lips and she hums into the kiss.
They break away, resting their foreheads together and giggling softly.
"What are we doing?" Eve chuckles.
"M'not sure but I think I could get used to it." Michael giddily grins.
"Me too. I actually think I might need some more lessons too."
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calumance · 5 years ago
I have a request. Something along the lines of like “hey you’re my hot neighbor and I hate to bother but my sink is leaking and I’d normally ask my boyfriend but we actually just broke up please help me” w/ cal or anyone rlly
OOF, YES. I LOVE THIS. Here you go my little berry. Hope you like it!!
Word Count: 1k
Requests always open!
           As I get out of the car, I drop my keys. As I leaned down to grab my keys, I drop my coffee cup. I stand up straight and blow a lock of hair out of my face before chasing after the cup that is quickly rolling away. This is just what I need after the absolute shit show work was today. Once I caught the cup, I locked the doors on my car and started to head inside. It was weird walking into the house and having no one to greet. It’s been a week and a half since I caught him in bed with his assistant. My blood boiled at the thought, so I ran my hands through my hair and figured a cold shower sounded amazing.
           Just as I predicted, the shower was amazing. My stomach sounded its mating call and I pulled on a pair of pajamas and started running a brush through my hair before walking into the kitchen to make some dinner. I grabbed a pan from the cabinet and put it under the faucet to get some water to boil. As I pushed the handle to turn on the faucet, water sprayed straight out, spraying me directly in the face. Instinctually, I turned the water off and threw the an into the sink, completely and utterly over this fucking day. Just by looking at it, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it. I’ve never been good at fixing things like this, I always had him do it. I placed my hands on the edge of the counter and sighed, “Fuck, man.”
           Suddenly, and idea popped into my head. When I first moved in, the guy in the house over came over to introduce himself. I remember him being insanely attractive, we got in a fight that night since I couldn’t control the drool. After grabbing a towel and drying my face, I walked over to the window that when I look through it, I can see his house. The light was on, so maybe he was home. I chewed on my bottom lip for a second, maybe he could help me fix it.
           The curtain over the window fell shut as I walked over to the front door and put on the first pair of shoes I could find. My feet made quick work to his front door and I knocked a few times, turning away from the door. There were some clicking noises from the other side that caused me to turn around. He opened the door and a lump formed in my throat. He was wearing a white tank top, the front wet with sweat. Sweat droplets trickling down his temple. He legs covered by some basketball shorts, and some sneakers on his feet. He tossed a towel around in his hands before wiping his forehead. I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Hi, uh, you’re Calum, right?” He smirked and nodded. “Great, I, uh, live next door and my faucet just betrayed me and sprayed the fuck out of me.” He laughed and looked at his hands for a second. “I would normally ask my boyfriend to fix it, but turns out he likes to share our bed with his assistant, too.” Calum raised his eyebrows and I bit my bottom lip, “Sorry, too much information. Anyway, do you mind coming over and helping me out just for a second?”
           “Sure, let me change really fast.” I nodded and rocked back and forth on my feet. He let out a chuckle. “You can come in, if you want.” Reluctantly, I took a step inside his door, sidestepping so he could close his front door. He smiled as he walked away and down the hallway. Once he was completely out of sight, I covered my face with my hands. He just had to answer the door looking like that. After I dropped my hands from my face, I let out a breath and shook my hands, realizing how flustered I felt.
           When he came back out he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt, making it a little easier to talk to him. He grabbed his keys, dropping them into his pocket and opened the door, motioning for me to lead the way. We were silent as we walked towards my house, but I broke the silence once I opened the door. “Sorry about the mess, still cleaning up his shit.”
           He closed the door behind him and waved his hand, “Not a problem. Is your kitchen through there?” He asked pointing in the correct direction of my kitchen. I rubbed my arm up and down and nodded. He nodded back and made his way into the kitchen. As he lifted his arms to check the faucet, I watched his back muscles which were just barely visible through his black shirt. “I think I know what’s wrong with it.” He wiped his hands on his pants as he turned towards me. “Do you have any tools here?”
           My mind racked through all of the things that could possibly be laying around this house. “Maybe out in the garage. Let me go look.”
           “I’ll come with you.” He smiled causing the lump in my throat to return.
           Once inside the garage, I turned on the light and Calum immediately found the tool box he left here. Calum started rifling through until he grabbed the thing he desired and then walked back inside. I followed him around my house like a lost puppy, my arms crossed over my chest, afraid of I-don’t-know-what. Calum used the selected tool to tighten a few things on the faucet and then tested it, the water pouring down like it’s supposed to. “Oh my god, thank you. How can I repay you?” I asked, thankful I could now eat.
           He turned to me, a smug smile stretched across his lips. He held out the tool and I grabbed it from him, both of our hands on it while he spoke. “Don’t worry about it. Just pop on over whenever you need anything.” He let go of the tool and winked before walking past me and out the front door.
           The door shut, and a shiver ran down my spine and shooting into my stomach. I let out a staggered breath and mumbled “holy shit,” to myself.
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cals-eyebrows · 6 years ago
Prompt: kinky cal 😩😩 yes pleasee
Note: FUCKKKK anon!!!! you made me BLUSH!!!! I’m not good at this and maybe this isn’t kinky enough but here it is!!!
(This is smutty smut smut, you’ve been warned.)
You and Calum had been dating for awhile. It was a lot of fun, and you were slowly getting integrated into his friend group, and just last weekend you had finally met Mali-koa, his sister. Everyone in your life and his life were so sweet and supportive with your new relationship.
You were still getting used to each other, but it was all positive experiences. You thought it was cute how Calum had a strict bedtime routine: brushed his teeth, let Duke out, and then held Duke for at least 5 minutes, wishing him sweet dreams before putting him in his kennel for the night. Every single night. 
And Calum was learning about how you loved to listen to music as loudly as you could while you showered and the way you ate your food in a clockwise pattern.
This also meant you two were still exploring physically, too. This was an exciting time for you! You (and Calum, for that matter) took care to learn what the other person liked. Calum, despite his goofy exterior, you realized, liked to be a little rougher and often grabbed your neck while he pushed inside you.
You never would have guessed. 
*- * -*
You were sleeping when you felt Cal’s arm came from behind you, wrapping around your waist while he spooned you. You felt his hips push into your bum slightly, knowing he had just come from being out with the boys. You knew he was probably a little tipsy, and therefore, horny. You were a pretty light sleeper and the thunderstorms outside had been keeping you from falling into a deep sleep. 
“Hey, bubba,” You whisper, and in response, Calum leaned over to kiss your ear. You turned over so you were laying down facing each other. 
Cal still doesn’t say anything, just connects your lips in the dark. You find yourself getting lost in his kissing, and his wandering hands. 
You make out for awhile when Calum mumbles: “Can I turn the lamp on? I gotta see you, baby.”
“Okay,” You answer and soon, some of the room comes to life with light. It’s only your small bedside lamp, so half of your handsome boyfriend’s face is shadows. 
You continue to kiss, while Cal’s hand continuing wandering. You help him remove your ratty, overly large PJ shirt, a vintage Led Zeppelin t-shirt. With your skin exposed with just your panties on, this ignites a sense of urgency in Calum’s movements. He’s grabbing your boob and pinching your nipple, which leads you to moan.
His hand moves lower from your waist, brushing the sensitive skin that you’re dying for him to fully indulge. Calum using his  skillful pointer finger to move your tiny, sensitive bud in circles, causing your hips to buck up toward his hand, wanting more friction. 
You’re about to reach down to unzip Calum’s jeans (his shirt has been lost while you itch to get closer and closer), when he breaks away from you. “Wait, baby. I have an idea and it’s totally okay if you’re not into it.”
You take a second to mull this over, looking at Calum’s face. His cheeks are flushed and his lips look a bit pink from all the kissing. He looks beautiful. You’d do anything for him.
“Okay, what is it?” You ask, simply wanting Calum to be inside you and –
“What if we… film it?” 
You feel your eyebrows furrow together a bit without realizing you were doing it. Well, in theory, you had thought about doing this but now it seemed so nerve-wracking. What if Calum watched it over and thought you were shit? 
It was really stupid, but all of your unrealistic insecurities were bubbling to the surface. Calum noticed your hesitation but he cupped your face in his gentle hands. “Honey, it’s okay, we don’t have to. We can just keep going and I know it’s going to feel incredible.”
You find yourself shaking your head, feeling randomly brave, “No, it’s okay, Cal. Yeah, let’s do it. I’m game.”
Cal’s face breaks out in a huge grin and he’s leaping off the bed, looking comical with the tent pitched in his jeans, you think: That can’t be comfortable.
He leans over to grab his phone off the nightstand, and opens up his camera app, switching it to Video Mode. He then sets it up on your dresser, which sits parallel to the bed and is pretty good height. Calum spends some time setting up the phone just perfectly, setting up a book nearby to lean it on.
Finally, he deems it situated. “Okay,” he basically jumps back on the bed. “it’s recording. God, you’re gonna look so fucking sexy for me, baby.”
You smile into your kiss, trying to ignore your nerves. 
You spend the next few minutes kissing before Calum puts two fingers inside of you, stretching you slightly. “that’s my good girl,” He sighs, never leaving your lips.
You moan from the sensation, loving how he feels. 
Soon, he’s hovering over you and situating himself in-between your legs, his tip teasing your entrance. You rest your legs over his shoulders while he pushes into you, you both moaning, loving this position. Calum fills you, then almost completely pulls out, and then pushing back into you. The large movement creates such a sensation that has you seeing stars. 
Calum has one arm holding himself up over you, the other playing with your sensitive bud. The feelings of being filled and the tingling from your clit has you overwhelmed, and you can feel your orgasm building. You let your moans flow freely, Calum following your lead. 
Finally, your orgasm hits and your grip on your boyfriend looses a bit. Calum’s thrusts are getting sloppier and sloppier, so you know he’ll hit his end soon too. He does, and holds you close while you feel pump into the condom inside of you. 
He holds you for a minute, and kisses your forehead. He pulls out, and throws the condom out before looking at you sprawled out on the bed. He grins, “now let’s watch that shit back!”
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years ago
Okay but what abt poly abo w Cal and Ash and being in heat and absolutely thriving off of the constant attention you get for your alphas bc like. Tag team that shit u feel? Ash needs a breath so cal steps in and ash goes and gets food. Or like, just going out anywhere with TWO alphas is so crazy bc you want to do ur own thing and have to remind them "I'm a grown omega" and they're both :( "but we wanna,,," "no sirs. I'm a big girl" "okay yes BUT" "if u guys want sex tonite u will let me do this"
OKAY but a threesome with alpha!cal and alpha!ash
OH my god all of your omega friends would be so jealous of you bc two alphas doting on you? twice the love and attention and dick? and what they don’t know is for you to get to that brunch unsupervised you had to promise two backrubs, a bj, and 3 pics of you in that set Calum likes so much because you’re a little hungover and they’re worried about you with that headache and you’re fine, you swear you’re fine, but they’re very pouty when they can’t be with you and also you have to be very careful that their ruts don’t try to sync up with your heats bc they’d just fight over you and throw you around a little too much and it’s a bad idea for all of you
but like going into heat? you’d have Cal and Ash walking around the house in a daze a whole day before because they can smell how close you’re getting to your heat and they’re just following you around through the rooms of the house while you try to get things in order before your brain goes to mush just in case when it hits you unexpectedly - once you were alone in the living room when it hit and in the minutes before they’d gotten to you you had started grinding on a throw pillow and hot as it had been they couldn’t have you get like that again. in the heat (lol) of it? They’d take such good care of you, usually both in bed at once because their little omega keeps begging for more. you can’t take them both at once and they know, because you keep trying, every time and they have to grab your hair and run their fingers over your twin bites and ask who’s the alpha, here? and when you go all pliant like “you, you, alpha, m’sorry, I’ll be good” then one of them knots you from behind while the other presses his fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet
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caelesjjk · 5 years ago
Blurb week
Would anyone wanna send me some domestic!sos blurb requests? I’m in a writing funk and I think maybe if I write something else for a bit I’ll be able to finish fic I’ve been working on. So send me things and I’ll write them this week!
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cal-puddies · 6 years ago
Could you do one where Cal brings you lunch at work and sneaks you off for a quickie?
You squeal as Cal’s large hands wrap around your waist from behind.
“Baby, it’s just me.” He coos.
“Oh god Cal.” You sigh, turning and wrapping your arms around his neck. “What are you doing here?”
“Missed you. So I wanted to get you lunch, hoping I could get you off campus for a bit?” He says, pecking your lips.
“Yeah… let me look at my schedule real quick.” You pull away and look at your computer. “I’ve got about an hour.” You admit.
“K… I’ve got a plan.” He grabs your hand and pulls you to his Range Rover. He drives by most of the food places, and parks in a secluded area. “Um, will you take your panties off and get in the back seat?” He asks.
“S’cuse me?” You ask, looking around.
“Baby… I’m aching, have been since you got out of bed this morning. Just wanna… push in.” He explains, leaning across the console, kissing on your neck. “Know you’re excited, thinking about it.” He whispers in your ear. His hand slips under the hem of your dress and his fingers brush against your panties.
You bite your lip, but you push your hips up and slide your panties down before climbing in the back. Calum takes no time following you. He’s on his knees between yours, slicking his tongue through your folds to get you worked up.
When he finally gets up and gets his pants down and sinks in, you both moan out. Your legs wrap around his hips and Cal builds his rhythm, pressing his lips against your body over your dress. His hands grip and grope every inch of you.
He spills his cum into you, and his head rests against your chest as you hold tight to him with your legs. You’re fingers gently scratch at his scalp.
“Fuck baby.” He looks up at you and pulls your head for a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Thank you baby. But you really do owe me lunch now.” You smirk.
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 8 months ago
Kinky/Smutty Fic Titles Masterlist
Beg (ao3) - FayeHunter michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: The first thing Michael hears when he opens the hotel door is a broken off desperate moan.
Or Michael and his boyfriend have a little fun
Be good for your daddies, boys. (5sos foursome) (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 N/R, 3k
Summary: 5sos have a foursome after realising how much they turn each other on.
Daddy’s little slut (ao3) - Sara_Hood calum/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: Calum has been a bad boy that needs punishment
Dicks, Desks, & Lace Panties (ao3) - screamssetonfire michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: assistant!Luke likes to wear lace panties and show them off to his boss, ceo!Michael.
Do You Wanna Fuck? (Yes I Wanna Do These Nasty Things With You) (ao3) - Migs ot4 E, 2k
Summary: Calum was in a search of spatula but all he has found was Luke playing with himself.
Eager to Please (ao3) - howtotrainyourpup ot4, luke/ashton E, 5k
Summary: Ashton is Luke’s baby. His cupcake, his little lion. There is nothing in the world that Luke wouldn’t do for Ashton, he prided himself on being the best Daddy he could be when he was needed, and the best boyfriend he could be the rest of the time. Their relationship, while unconventional, is happy and safe and full of trust both spoken and unspoken. Calum and Michael understand, they’ve made a safe zone for the boys that could never be recreated and is worth more than gold.
or, Ashton slips and helps out all his boys instead of only Luke just this once? i don’t know
Fucking You Like I Should (ao3) - ComplexityIsTheOnlyWayToHaveSimplicity michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Calum’s feeling a little naughty but with Michael stuck in a meeting what’s the poor baby to do? If he has a little fun Michael can’t be mad at that. Calum won’t complain when Michael join’s the fun either.
good pup (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton E, 1k
Summary: calum doesn’t speak when hes in his headspace, so to show him what he wants, he leans forward to nuzzle his nose against ashtons crotch. ashton definitely knows what calum wants now.
I Love The Way You Talk On Top Of Me (ao3) - mukeftlashton Michael/Luke E, 3k
Summary: “You look stunning, princess. Absolutely beautiful,” Michael whispers against his lips, his fingers tracing over the lace trim, causing Luke to shiver. He brings them lower, brushing over the black garters before he pulls on one, letting it snap back against Luke’s pale thigh, causing the blonde boy to let out a low moan.
It’s Luke’s birthday, and all he wants is a pair of lace panties.
Kinky (ao3) - wastedheartmuke michael/luke M, 43k
Summary: While moving into their new apartment, Luke finds a list of kinks Michael wants to try.
Seems like vanilla sex isn’t enough for his boyfriend, but is Luke willing to try some kinky things?
Kitten (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: Ashton’s allergic to cats, so he decides to make Luke his substitue.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn’t home and then he gets caught wearing them..
lay your hands on me (ao3) - cliffakitten luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke always liked them because they made him feel pretty, like he had always wanted to be but now he feels something else. Something he never thought he would ever get to feel until right now, right now when Ashton snaps the elastic of the panties against his skin. Luke feels slutty.
And he loves it.
Mikey’s kink (ao3) - Directioner_Jcats_5sosfam michael/luke E, 4k
Summary: Basically, Michaels want’s to try a few kinks, and Luke want to help.
Oh You Know That Tonight I’m Fucking You (You’re So Damn Pretty) (ao3) - Migs luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: The one where Luke says “Daddy can you pass the salt?” and Ashton and Luke’s dad both reach for it.
Ride (On You Baby) (ao3) - bylime michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: It’s a hotel night and Ashton has big plans for Michael and him.
rock out with your cock out (ao3) - reject_mikeyy ot4 M, 1k
Summary: the boys get assigned to do a project together, although not very much work occurs
she’s daddy’s favorite (ao3) - mashton luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: “Have you been good today, princess?”
taste you on my tongue (ao3) - booksteaandcake michael/luke, michael/luke/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: Mr Irwin has an unusual punishment for Michael’s bullying behaviour towards Luke…
Yes Daddy (ao3) - cinnamonhood ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Luke and Calum are caught breaking the rules and are punished by their daddies.
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bensbuttercup · 6 years ago
1.5 K Smutty Sunday Celebration!
HEY EVERYONE! I just want to thank you guys for 1.5 K so for that I’m going to do a bit of a blurb night. I’ll be taking NSFW OR SFW requests tonight! I’ll try and bust a few out so send me your thoughts!
Honestly I’m really feeling writing 
~Baseball Shawn 
~Werewolf Shawn or Haz 
I’ll write for my usual's too!
~Shawn Mendes
~Harrison Osterfield
~Tom Holland 
~Calum Hood (A NEW ONE?)
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Tagging a few mutals who might be interested 
@the-claire-bitch-project @bisexualparkers @fourtristattoos @shavvnmendcs @hollandlovely @onmyshawn @christmas-marvel
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itisannak · 3 years ago
Dr. Angel Face Prequel Part 7: Birthday Boy (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: Calum has a wishlist for his birthday. And Dr. Angel Face plans on crossing every item off. (Words: 7.2k) (Smutish / Use of Toys / Sexual Innuendos) (Main Stories: Part 1: Fetish, Part 2: Heat, Part 3: Heat Extended, Part 5: Dr. Angel Face, Alternative AU: Dr. Angel Face Alternative, Prequels 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 8 , 9 , 10) Author Note: I am still alive, still writing y'all. I have a few stories ready, but I hate editing, so I have been avoiding it. And I have a few counselees, so I have been kinda busy with sessions lately. Hope you enjoy the story.
"Your birthday is coming up..." I point out, opening the lid to my takeaway salad and leaving my phone on the table. "I know. And our anniversary as well." He replies, grabbing one of the burritos from the bag. "We have like a month and then some for our anniversary. But your birthday is like 10 days from now..." I reply and he shrugs. "How are we going to celebrate it?" I ask and he sighs. "I don't know. I don't have any plans, I just want some rest." He replies, taking a bite from his food. "You don't seem excited. Is everything ok?" I ask, reaching to place my hand on top of his. "Everything is fine, I promise. I am just tired. The tour, now recording with the Chainsmokers, the upcoming promo for the song. It is just a lot. I want something chill this year." He explains and I nod my head. "If this is what you want, then it is what we are going to do..." "Wanna know what I really want to do?" He asks. "Of course." "I want to go to bed the night before my birthday, with you between my arms. I want us to wake up together, have breakfast in bed, fuck after that. Then go for a swim in the pool with Duke, soak in some sun. Then get ready for dinner at a fancy place, go all out during it, meet the guys for a drink after that, then go to bed with you again, after some drunk sex. This is all I want for my birthday." He replies and I hum, biting the inside of my cheeks. "What type of breakfast?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Pancakes. This is the only question you have after everything I said?" He asks me and I nod my head, reaching in the paper bag for my burrito. "I can make some arrangements for that." I wink at him, pushing the empty bowl aside. "What about our anniversary? How do you want to spend it?" He asks me. "Aren't you going to be tired to celebrate it?" "Nope. So, what do you want to do?" "I have no clue, actually. Is it weird that it doesn't feel like we have been together for nearly a year?" I ask and he chuckles, nodding his head. "Sometimes it feels like I have known you my whole life. Others, it feels like I have just met you." He adds. "After everything, I didn't think we would actually make it." I admit. He fake-gasps, holding his chest. "Thank you for having so much trust in us..." "I mean, 2 tours, then spending Christmas apart, all the times I ditched you for surgery, all the shifts that lasted more than normal. I told you, I have been through some pretty bad breakups, for half of what we have been through. Excuse me for having low expectations." "Baby, your exes were dumb as rocks for letting you slip away." He reaches for my hand, bringing it to his lips and planting a kiss on my knuckles. "That right there, this is the reason I love you. You are way too lenient with me..." "I am not lenient... I am just appreciative. I have pure gold in my hands." He goes back to eating his food, leaving me with a smile on my face. If he wasn't eating, I would be kissing him right now.
"What time do you have to go to the hospital?" "At 6. I will be done at 2 and then I am heading home." "You don't want to spend the night with me?" He pouts and I roll my eyes at him. "I want to, more than anything. But I have to stay at my house every once in a while." "No, you don't." "This feels like déjà vu. We have had that discussion in the past. And I do have to stay at my place sometimes." "I promise to let you sleep in." "Like you did today?" "Oh, come on. It is not my fault I tripped on Duke as I was getting dressed to leave for the studio." "All that matters is that I woke up. Baby, you will see me during the weekend. I need to bring over new clothes, either way." "You are breaking my heart." "I know a great cardiologist."
"What do I even get you for your birthday?" I ask Calum, after spitting out my toothpaste. "Nothing." He replies, passing me the mouth wash. "There must be something you want. I want to get you something." "You don't have to." "I said I want to, I didn't say I have to. Now, I squeezed my mind dry, but nothing seems good for you. So, pretty please, save your hot girlfriend some drama and please tell her what is it that you want for your birthday..." I bat my eyelashes at him and he sighs. He takes a minute to think about it, just as I rinse my mouth with the mouth wash. "A week off..." He finally says. I furrow my eyebrows at him, trying to decipher what he said. "You want a week off? From me?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "Of course not. Quite the opposite. I want you to take a week off and come to New York with me." "What? When?" "I want you to join me on the Who Do You Love promotion in New York, the second week of March. This is the only thing I want." He replies, resting with his back against the sink. "Are you sure I will be welcome there?" I ask him and he nods. "The boys love you. Especially Ash, he is going to lose it when I tell him you are coming. Alex and Drew won't have an issue, I am sure." "I am not worried about them. I am worried about your management. We barely were able to keep us a secret when I visited you on tour, and your management seemed to have an issue with that. Are you sure they will be fine with me joining?" "Leave management to me. Just tell me if you want to come, and of course, if you will be able to come." He pulls me closer, resting his hands on my hips. "I am sure I have vacation days available, but I will have to check with my chief and get back to you." "Sure." He mumbles, planting a kiss on my forehead. "But you have to tell me what I can get you for your birthday... The New York trip barely feels like a gift." I point out and he smirks at me. "I am sure we will be able to come up with something..." He leaves a kiss on the tip of my nose. "I mean something I can buy, Cal..." "I was thinking something more on the handmade side. Something that will have your touch." He moves his lips to my lips. "Your taste..." He then moves them to my chin. "Your scent..." Now his lips are on my neck. "I am serious, Cal..." I moan, earning a chuckle from him. "I am too. Very serious, (Y/N)." He picks me up, hooking his arms under my thighs. "Cal..." I protest as he carries me out to his bed, but he seems determined. "Shush. Don't make me spank you... So soon after the last time..." He places me on top of the bed gently. I bite my bottom lip, bringing the memory to my head. "Would that be too bad?" I ask, feeling my cheeks heat up. "It would. I have other plans for the night." He murmurs, tracing his hand over the contour of my body. "What kind of plans?" I ask, shivering as his fingers peek underneath my top. "Patience is a virtue, Angel Face..." He smirks before he composes himself and stands up. "Don't move from here." He commands, pulling himself away from me.
"Dr. Karev, can I get a minute?" I knock on the chief's door, which is already wide open. "Come on in, Dr. (Y/L/N)." He raises his gaze from the file he has been studying, gesturing for me to take a seat. "I would like to ask for a week off." "A week off?" Alex asks surprised; in the 7 years I have been at this hospital, I have only been absent for 2 weeks in total. "Yes. I want the second week of March off. I have many vacation days saved and I have agreed with Dr. Shepherd for who is going to cover my service while I am off. Of course, I will be available to consult via call if needed." I explain, making him look at me with knitted eyebrows. "Ok then. Since you made arrangements, I can make it happen. Is that all?" He asks. "I also need the day-off on the 25th of this month. I will make sure I cover my hours, but I really need the day off on the 25th." "Why the 25th specifically?" He asks and I bite the inside of my cheek. "It is my boyfriend's birthday. The only thing he wants is a full day with me. I promise to make up the hours, I will even work double shifts." I promise, making Dr. Karev soften at me. "You worked the holiday shifts, didn't you?" He asks me and I nod. "The 25th is your day-off then. Don't ask me for more anytime soon." He becomes a bit sterner and I compose myself, nodding my head. "Thank you, Chief. I promise I won't ask for more." I smile at him, getting up from my seat.
Now that I secured my day off, all I need to do is find the perfect gift for Calum.
"Who do I have to thank for letting you spend nearly 36 hours with me?" Calum asks as I finish bringing down the lemon sauce for my chicken bites. "Alex Karev, I guess." I smile as he leaves a kiss on the side of my neck as his arms wrap around my waist protectively. "I will make sure to send him the biggest wine basket I can find." He moves his hands, resting them now inside the pockets of my sweats. "Briber..." "Hey, if it means I get to see you for more than 8 hours each time, I will buy him a new hospital." He comments and I burst out laughing. "Baby, you can't afford it. It cost nearly 200 million dollars after the plane crash." I reply and he scoffs. "Yeah, it wouldn't be smart to do that, then. Anyway, I am just glad you are here, that we are having this delicious meal you are making for dinner, that I will get to go to bed and wake up with you in the morning. And that I am spending every minute of my birthday with you." "Well, I am very happy it makes you happy." I giggle, taking the pan off the stove. "It will make me happier if you let me take you upstairs." He mumbles, pressing his body on mine. "I am cooking..." I remind him. "Are you gonna say no to the birthday boy?" He gasps surprised. "Not your birthday yet, love." "In Aussie it is." "We are not in Australia though, are we?" I ask him and he groans. "Come on... I have been thinking about you all day. I got myself excited..." He whines and I shrug. "I am cooking." "Let it get cooked and come upstairs with me." "I cannot do that." "I have a crockpot. You can toss the chicken in there and the meat is going to become so tender, it will melt in our mouths." "It is chicken breast bites, and they are cooked in a pan, in their own juices with a bit of wine and lemon juice. Putting them in the crockpot is going to melt them into goo. I think you are going to have to be able to be patient until we finish eating to go upstairs." I reply, turning my head to plant a kiss on his jaw. "You're a mean one." He groans, resting his chin on top of my head. "Maybe you should entertain yourself by setting the table. And opening that bottle of good wine you have..." I suggest, earning a hum from him. "Are you planning on getting me tipsy and taking advantage of me?" He asks me teasingly. "Soda it is then." I purse my lips, wiggling my eyebrows at him. Calum rolls his eyes before he pecks on the top of my head. "I will go set us up on the coffee table. And I'll put on a movie." He sighs and I smile at him. "Food will be ready in 15."
"If you keep cooking like that, I am going to become round as a meatball." Calum clings his glass on mine. "I will start cooking horribly then..." I tease him, sipping on my wine. I am on my second glass, so my cheeks have been becoming hotter by the minute. "Or you could help me burn the calories... Just an idea..." He cocks his head to the side. "Why do you have to be such a cringy 15-year old?" I ask him with a giggle. "Because you make me feel 15 again..." He winks at me, making me shake my head. "Fuck it, Hood. You have your way with words..." "Worked like a charm, didn't it?" "You are lucky I want to let you see the day you become 23..." I crawl closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He lifts my chin up, making me look at him before he leans down to kiss me. He tastes like wine and his stubble scratches my face, but I love this sensation and his taste. Especially after his rough fingers move to touch my cheeks. I find myself moving to straddle him, craving to get closer to him, leaving no gap between us. My hands move to the back of his head, pulling at the freshly bleached locks; this new look makes him absolutely delicious, even though the bleach made his hair a bit coarser. Calum pulls away from the kiss, moving his lips to toy around the sweetspot on my neck. "I crave you." He utters, lowering to my collar bone. I moan, both because of his admission and because his lips on my skin are heavenly. "Not more than I do..." I admit, tracing my nail in loose circles at the base of his neck. "We should do something about that..." He suggests, resting his hands on my lower back. I nod my head, leaning down to capture his lips with mine. "I don't want to move upstairs yet... This is very cozy." Calum mumbles, stroking his hand over my spine. "Maybe we should start here." I offer, just as he finds the hem of my top. "Start?" He asks, peaking his tongue from between his lips. "The night is still young... Unlike you..." I tease him, making him laugh loud, throwing his head back. His chest is vibrating as he laughs, his face scrunching as he snorts softly. I press my lips together as I appreciate how cute he is at this specific moment. I curl up to his chest, resting my head on the curve between his shoulder and neck. "If you say that now, what are you going to say when I turn 50?" He asks me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his hands on the small of my back. I bring my eyes to meet his, feeling my heart flutter at the thought of being with him after all these years. "I am going to say the same thing. The exact same thing." I smile, making him hum in approval. "I like the thought you are going to be my girl when I turn 50." "More like you old hag by then. I will be 54 when you turn 50." "Oh, such a shocking difference. I am going to be a gross old man by then." "I know a great plastic surgeon. I will make sure you never turn gross. Even though I highly doubt you would either way. Your mom has some strong genes. You will stay young forever." I brush my hand over his plump cheek, making him lean onto my palm and plant a kiss on the inside of it.
We both stay silent, looking at each other with the softest looks on our faces. The movie plays in the background but I have completely blocked everything else but my breathing syncing with Calum's. "You know how I feel right now?" He asks me, relaxing back on against the couch behind us. "If you feel like I feel, I will say smitten." I reply and he tilts his head to the side. "Happy. I feel utterly and completely happy. I don't want this moment to ever change. I want to spend every birthday with you straddling my lap while we talk about whatever. I don't mind anything else, this is how I want my birthday to be from now on." "Like that in general or with me specifically?" I ask and he smiles at me. "With you. Specifically." He says confidently, earning a purr from my lips.
Getting out of bed without waking Calum up was easier than I thought it would be. It was hard moving fast to turn off the alarm, the loud sound nearly waking Calum up. But that made him let go of me and shift to his other side, which allowed me an easy escape. Calum had asked for pancakes for his birthday breakfast, so I looked online how to make birthday cake frosting to decorate his plate and start his day in a fun way. I plan on giving him every item on his Birthday Wishlist, so I am prepared to be spent by the time we call it a day.
I balance the tray in my hands and walk towards the bedroom, trying to avoid tripping over Duke who has been begging for a bite ever since I started cooking. As expected, Calum is still asleep, having turned back to face my side of the bed, and now hugging my pillow. I make sure Duke cannot reach the tray as I leave it on the bedside table to poke Calum awake. He stirs a bit and groans but still doesn't open his eyes. "Birthday boy... Wake up. I have a surprise for you." I sing, leaning down to kiss his shoulder cap. "No matter what it is, it can wait 5 more minutes." "I assure you it cannot." I reply, lighting up the candle with his lighter. Calum whines, but lets go of my pillow and sits up, rubbing his eyes to adjust to the morning light. I take my most Marilyn mood, picking up the tray before I sing him the birthday song. He keeps giggling as I do, which makes me want to start giggling as well. Still, I manage to sing the song before inviting Calum to blow the candle. "Make a wish." I cheer, causing Calum to pause for a few seconds before he blows out the lone candle on top of the stack of pancakes. "Happy birthday, bub." I cheer, making Calum lean back and smile and he shakes his head. "Alright... This is nice. Did you wake up early to make all that?" He asks me, picking up the tray. "No, they suddenly fell from the sky..." I sass and he chuckles. "I sense a little bit of irony, but I am going to skip it because this looks absolutely amazing. Thank you, my love." He reaches for my hand as I take a seat on the bed. "You are welcome." I lean in, pecking his lips softly. Calum smiles against my lips, before he pulls away, picking the candle off the pancakes and leaving it by the side of the plate. He picks up the fork and knife, cutting a piece of the pancakes and passing it to me. "You should have the first piece yourself." I state and he grimaces at me, still keeping it in front of me. "I make the rules today. And the rules say you get the first piece. Come on, eat up." I take the bite, making Calum wink at me before cutting a piece for himself. I pick up my coffee, sipping on it as I watch him gobble down his pancakes. "This might be the best birthday breakfast pancakes I have had this far." "Have you ever had birthday breakfast pancakes?" "Of course, I have had. And yours are the best this far." "You only say that because you love me." I reply as he passes me one more bite. "I mean, it is a factor. But those are truly good. I can't believe you woke up early to make me breakfast." "I mean, it is part of your birthday wishlist... I couldn't have done it differently." I reply and he shrugs. "Morning sex was also on my list..." He cocks an eyebrow at me. "Mm... Well, I don't remember noting that on my list so..." I shrug my shoulders. Calum leaves the tray on the bedside table and grabs me by my ankle, pulling me at the end of the bed before he hovers over me, bringing his fingers to graze the skin under the hem of my top. "It can be added now..." "I have to go put on a bikini. I remember you wanted to spend the morning by the pool." "You don't need a bikini for that. Your birthday suit will be more than enough." He replies, making me chuckle at the way he looks at me. "Skinny dipping in broad daylight?" I ask and he hums. "Who's gonna see us?" He asks back, letting his fingers trace down to the waist of my shorts. "Your neighbors..." I remind him and he scoffs. "Who cares about them... Why are they looking in my yard?" He clearly jokes. "Well, I am not going to feel comfortable, so... It is either in a bikini or not at all." I reply and he rolls his eyes at me before he leans down to kiss me. "Fine... You are a tough negotiator." He strokes his thumb over my cheek. "It is one of the things you love about me." I reply, smirking at him in triumph.
Calum had to stay inside while he talked on the phone with some uncle of his, but he gave me the pass to go outside and lounge in the sun without him. There is something magical about the way the sun feels on my skin on the days I don't have to go to work. I love my job and there is nothing in the world I would trade it for, but I need my days off to blow off some steam. Duke lays at my feet, slumbering under the warm sun, which sort of makes me jealous. "I didn't leave you alone for long, did I?" Calum asks, making his way towards me. I raise my gaze at him, placing my hand on my forehead as a shade so I can look at him despite the light hitting my face directly. "You did, but I can find it in my heart to forgive you." I reply as he sits on the edge of my sun chair. "You are so generous. Haven't you taken a dip yet?" He asks me and I shake my head at him. "I thought I should wait for the birthday boy." I reply and he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Well, I am here." He mumbles, scooping me up and carrying me over his shoulder to the edge of the pool. "What are you doing? Calum, no." I try to get him to let me on my feet, but soon after we are both underwater.
"You are such a brat." I scold him, rubbing my eyes as I cough out some water that has gotten in my mouth as he jumped in the water. "Who's the brat is a lengthy topic and I don't think it is time to analyze it." He replies, resting his hands on my hips. "I was actually enjoying the sun, you know..." I grumble and he shakes his head at me. "And now you are enjoying the sun while in the pool, combining refreshment with sunshine. Are you going to be grumpy for long?" He asks. I splash him, making him gasp. "Oh, now you are going to get it..." He splashes me back. I swim away, trying to open the distance between us and make bigger waves. We both giggle as we splash each other, making a mess on the pool's edge from all the water. "Come here." He sighs happily, resting with his back against the edge of the pool. "Don't splash me." I warn him, causing him to laugh softly before holding his hands up. I reach him, resting my hands on his hips. He holds me close, pecking the top of my head. "Your hair taste like chlorine..." He teases me, curling the string of my bikini around his finger. "Whose fault is that?" I ask, letting my head fall on his chest. "I love the way the sun hits your skin this morning. You look like heaven on earth..." He mumbles, taking a deep breath. "I love how calm you look right now... It suits you." "Does it? I thought I always look calm." He asks me, stroking his thumb over my bare skin. "You look the most calm I have ever seen you. Even the crinkles around your eyes are softer today." "Oh, wow... That makes me sound old." He comments and I giggle. "I love those crinkles. They are there because you smile a lot. And I love that." I explain, grazing my fingers over the highs of his cheeks. "I don't remember when was the last time that I told you, but I love you. I adore your very being. I love you." He whispers by my ear, making my skin erupt in goosebumps. "I like hearing it as many times as I can in a day." I reply, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips.
"Can you hand me your phone?" I ask Calum, who has been sitting on the couch, waiting for me to finish getting ready. He turns around to look at me with a weirded-out expression before he scans my figure from head to toe. "What do you want my phone for?" He asks, knitting his eyebrows together. "I just need it. I promise I am not gonna snoop. Do you have something to hide, love?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him. He sighs and unlocks his phone, handing it to me. "You are lucky you look hot tonight." "Just tonight?" I ask and he chuckles. "Always, but especially tonight." He replies, licking his lips as I roll my eyes. I scan the QR code off my phone, getting directed to the app link. I press install and wait, raising my gaze to find Calum looking at me impatiently. "What?" I ask him, making him blink at me fast. "Are you done with my phone?" He asks me. I check the installation progress, seeing the bar almost full. "Mm, not quite yet. I need it for a couple more minutes... If that's ok with you..." I reply, cocking my head to the side to look at him. "And if I am not?" He asks me. "I promise, you really want to be ok with me using your phone for a little longer..." "And why is that?" He asks me again, intrigued by my answer. He walks closer to me, trying to peek at his screen, but I manage to keep it from him. "Uh, uh... A little patience, please. Curiosity killed the cat..." I smirk, looking at the phone as the app opens. All I need to do is pair the app to the toy, which is really the fastest and easiest thing to do. "All set. Now, I have to run upstairs to get something I need." I point to the stairs, making Calum sigh and nod. "Reservation is at 8.30... Can we be there by then?" He asks me and I nod my head. "I promise, baby. Be right back." I bite my lip before I leap up to the bedroom.
Within a minute, I am back downstairs, with the little box in hand. "Ready for the surprise?" I ask, handing him his phone. "I am kinda nervous..." He admits, unlocking his phone. I watch his face go from confused to surprised and then excited. "What is this?" He asks me, but I can tell he already knows the answer. "It is all set for use. So, if you put your finger there, and move it across the screen..." I instruct, moving my finger in a wave, sending vibrations to the toy inside me. I gasp, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as Calum moves the cursor to the highest. "Wait... Stop, there is more." I whimper, gripping onto his arm. "What more is there?" He asks, still toying with the cursor. I hand him the box with his toy, leaning against the couch as the vibrations stop. "What is that now?" He inspects the ring, arching his brow. "This is a vibrating cock ring. You put it on, and I get to control it through an app." I reply, picking up the sturdy ring. Calum stares at me intensely as I move closer running the ring across his bulge. "I have never tried anything like that..." He clears his throat as I bring my lips to his jaw. "Neither have I... But that is the fun part. We get to play the exploration game together." I reply, undoing his belt. He moans in agreement, moving his hand fast to undo his pants. "I am not even hungry anymore..." He groans as my hand moves inside his briefs. "Oh, no... We are going to the restaurant. There is nothing that makes me more excited than the thought I will be watching you trying to control your expression in public." I reply, stroking his cock as my lips tease his jaw. "If you think you are not going to pay for this, you are so mistaken..." He hisses. "This is exactly what I am betting on..." I slip the ring along his length, making sure it sits on the base of his cock as it should. I grab my phone and open the app, looking around for the setting I want to use on him. He fixes his pants but suddenly stops, groaning as the vibrations begin. "Would you look at that... It works..." I tease him, biting the tip of my tongue as I watch him trying to get used to the sensation. "Please, we have to go." He gasps, pressing his hand against his face. "Of course." I let him suffer just a little longer before I turn off the vibrations and allow him to tense down. "Oh, you are going to pay for this." He utters, walking next to me and placing his arm around my waist.
"I think your dress is a bit too revealing for this place." Calum whispers in my ear as we walk towards our table. "And there is a problem with that?" I ask him, making him shake his head while his lips curl in a slight smirk. "Not at all. Is it new?" He asks and I hum. "Not really. It was an impulsive buy. But it is the first time I am wearing it." I reply and he gasps. "I like it. I like it very much." He replies, pressing his lips on my forehead. We take a seat at our table by the window, seeing the boulevard, showered by the night light. "A waiter will be with you soon." The hostess says, handing us two menu cards before she walks away. "I feel like everyone is looking at you." Calum states, looking around. "I know I am gorgeous, but I think this is just overreacting." I chuckle, eyeing the menu. "I like knowing that you are only mine." He smirks, picking up the card. "What time are we heading to the bar to meet the others?" He asks me, unlocking his phone to take a look at the time. "Ash said to go pick him up from his house. His car broke down this morning." I reply, using the excuse we made up for this case. "It did? And he can't take a taxi?" He asks, knitting his eyebrows together. "Is it too much trouble picking him up? I can text him to find another solution if it is." I ask and he shakes his head at me. "It is fine. You two seem to get along very well." He comments, arching his eyebrow at me. "Aren't we supposed to? Calum, are you jealous?" I ask, gasping as I let the words out. "Of course not. I know Ashton could never betray me like that. And I know you would never hurt me. It was just a realization." He assures me, reaching for my hand. "It is nice that you know me and trust me." I reply, smirking softly at him. "So, what are you getting?" He asks me. "Something light. I am planning on dancing tonight." I explain and he looks at me intrigued. "I thought we were going for just a drink." He points out. I shrug my shoulders, pointing at my outfit. "Have you seen how I look tonight? I am definitely dancing, even if they kick me out of the bar." I state and he laughs, throwing his head back. "Save a dance for me then." He winks and I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "Ow, you are dancing with me. All night." I state and he holds his hands up in defeat. "Should we take a Chef's Tasting Menu, and ask for a wine pairing?" He asks and I nod. "You are the birthday boy, you choose." I assure him, unlocking my phone to check for any updates. "Bottle or glass?" He asks. "I suggest glass. We have to drive, and then more drinks at the bar. Well, you have to drive." My eyes go to the menu, checking what the Chef's Tasting Menu consists of. I gasp at the price, making Calum look at me worriedly. "What is it?" "The tasting menu with the wine pairing is 330 per person." I whisper, finding the price a little outrageous. "We are getting the premium pairing. And the wagyu beef." He states and I look at him with my eyes wide. "That is 515, per person." I note and he hums. "Plus dessert." He adds. I am convinced at this point he is doing this just to shock me. "You are out of your mind." I shake my head and he chuckles. "I am the birthday boy." "I wonder how you are not broke yet." "Too much money, I guess. We have the new album to thank for that." He replies. Before I could make my comment, the waiter arrives, bowing his head towards us. It is almost comical, but I manage to hold back.
"Good evening. Have you settled on what you would like?" The man asks us. Calum nods and sits up a little. "We would like the Chef's Tasting Menu, with a Premium wine Pairing. Mine with wagyu." He explains, handing him the card. "Mine with the wild salmon." I reply, handing in my card too. "Very well. I will be back with your amuse-bouche soon." The waiter says, walking away from our table. "I hope not too soon." Calum mumbles, picking up his phone. Within seconds, the first set of vibrations goes off in my core, making my breath hitch and my eyes go wide. I grip onto the table for life, trying not to draw attention to us. "What are you doing?" I whisper at Calum who acts as if this is totally normal. "Playing with my birthday gift." He replies, moving his thumb to send stronger vibrations through my body. "This isn't fair." I whine and he scoffs. "Many things aren't, princess."
"We haven't talked about what we are going to do on our anniversary." Calum states, steering the wheel to take the exit that will take us closer to Ashton's house. "I am not sure I can take another day off. We will have to settle for something simple." I reply and he hums. "I will see what I can come up with." He mutters and I look at him with a bit of confusion. "Shouldn't I be included in the decision?" I ask and he huffs, pressing his tongue against his cheek. "Was I included in the decision to throw me a surprise party tonight?" He asks. My eyes go wide and I look at him with my mouth agape; I thought I had done a decent job keeping the secret. "What party?" I ask, trying to spot my voice from breaking. "Next time, don't tell Luke about it. He is horrible at keeping secrets." He states and I scoff, folding my arms before my chest. "I am going to murder him. Jesus, that dude." I groan, earning a laugh from Calum. "First of all, your tits look really great right now. And second, Luke is a puppy, he got too excited and it slipped. Don't hold it against him." Calum brings his hand on my thigh, stroking his thumb over my exposed skin. "Just try to fake being surprised when we get in. Ashton worked really hard for the party." I plead and he hums, thinking about it for a moment, just to tease me. "I am doing it just for you." He finally says, even though I know how wouldn't deny me.
"Try to play it surprised." I turn to Calum, fixing the collar of his shirt before pressing my finger on the doorbell. "I will do my best." He whispers in my ear, leaving a peck on my neck. His lips tickle my skin, making me move my head with a giggle. Ashton opens the door, smiling at us. "Hi. Kaitlin is not ready yet. Come on in. Let's have a drink before we go." Ashton motions us in. He walks ahead, followed by me and Calum, who leans in my ear to whisper. "Don't tell him I said that, but he is a horrible actor." Calum comments and I roll my eyes. The guests are gathered in the living room, and up until we see them, they are remarkably quiet. "Surprise!" They scream in unison. There are a few party horns going off, but most guests just cheer. Calum starts laughing, I guess from awkwardness, hiding his face in his hands. "This is amazing, thank you." Calum turns to Ashton, hugging him. "No, no. It's all your girlfriend's idea." Ashton pats his back. Calum turns to me, smiling knowingly before his arms wrap around my body. "Thank you for this." He whispers, moving a piece of hair away from my face. "You are very welcome. Go greet around, I will get you a drink." I offer, gesturing to all the people waiting to wish him. "Vodka grapefruit, please." He requests, leaving a kiss on my lips.
I head towards the kitchen, where I know Ashton has set the drinks table, finding Kaitlin there, prepping the cake. "Oh my God, you look gorgeous." She cheers, walking towards me to hug me. "You look amazing. Thank you for helping with this." I hug her back, just as the music starts again. "Of course. Did Calum suspect anything?" She asks, pushing the last candle on the cake. "Can you keep a secret?" I ask, grabbing a cup. "I mean..." She gestures at everything, making me laugh at the nearly comedic expression. "Right. Well, Luke gave it away, but Calum was like, very considerate of all the effort put in here, so, this stays between the 4 of us." I reply, and she sighs. "Jesus, Luke does it again." She complains playfully, shaking her head as I pour vodka into Calum's cup. "It is still going to be an amazing party, so nothing is ruined, don't worry." I wiggle my eyebrows, fixing Calum's drink before doing mine. "I am surprised you two even came over. I would bet money that he would have taken you home by now..." She mumbles and I chuckle. "He tried to, but I was hellbent." I tease her and she scoffs. "Come on, let's get the cake out." She gestures for me to follow her to the main event.
The music makes the whole house thump, inviting everyone to dance along to the beat. With the corner of my eye, I catch Calum, laughing at something a friend said, while his gaze is planted on me, dancing along with KayKay. He raises his cup at me, silently asking me if I need a drink. I raise my cup back, showing him I am all set. I adore that we can communicate without words. And more so, I adore that he cares for me from afar.
Calum excuses himself from his company before making a beeline towards me. His hand rests on my lower back, right on the spot where my bare back meets the rough fabric of my sequined dress. "Mind if I steal her away for a while?" Calum asks KayKay, who chuckles. "I am the one who has stolen her away. Suit yourself." KayKay winks at us, raising her cup before walking away from us. "I cannot take my eyes off you." Calum whispers, planting his lips on the base of my neck. "All two of me?" I tease, pressing my ass on his cock. "I am not drunk. I barely had one drink all night." He replies, hands moving down on my hips. "I am just messing with you, bub. Having fun?" I ask, turning my head to look at him. "I am... But I can always have more..." He nibbles on my earlobe, holding me to his body tightly. "Here?" I ask and he hums. "Well, not in front of everyone. I was thinking of taking you upstairs, away from curious eyes." "We are at Ashton's place..." I remind him. "I am aware." He mumbles. "Come on... There is a really nice bathroom upstairs waiting to be explored." He brings his hand out for me to take, looking at me with his bedroom eyes. I bite my bottom lip while looking around. Definitely, we are going to be seen by attendees. But fuck it, he has planted the idea in my brain and I cannot shake it off until I feel him inside me. I stride alongside him, trying not to pay attention to the curious looks we are getting from his friends. "Oh, they are surely thinking we are going upstairs to fuck." I mutter, making Calum chuckle. "Are they not right to be thinking that?" He asks, taking my hand in his.
"Is this the nice bathroom you wanted to show me?" I ask Calum, looking around the little rathole at the end of the hall. "The worse the bathroom, the lower the chances of getting caught." He smirks, shutting the door behind us. "Next time will be at a port-a-potty?" I ask as he wraps his arms around me. "Next time will be at a resting stop bathroom." He teases me and I scoff. I slap his arm softly, laughing at his little stupid joke. "You are an idiot." I shake my head at him, resting my hands on the sides of his neck. "You are in love with an idiot." He claims and I sigh. "Madly in love with an idiot, which makes me an even bigger idiot." I admit as he leans in to kiss me. "You in that dress should be illegal." He comments, biting my bottom lip at the end of the kiss. He pulls at it softly, helping me up on the sink. "Pity you cannot take it off me just yet." I fake a pout as he fixes himself between my thighs. "Well, I cannot take it off completely, just yet." He replies, bringing a finger under the strap of my dress. He toys with it for a few seconds before he pushes it off my shoulder, revealing my breast to him. "Maybe you should take the cock ring off. You have been wearing it for too many hours." I suggest as his hands lower to the splits in my dress. "I took it off at the restaurant." He smirks and I gasp. "That is cheating..." I groan and he shrugs. "Just a tiny bit. But I bet you are still wearing your toy, like the good girl you are." He teases me, lowering his voice to that dark and twisted tone that brings chills along my spine. "You can check it out yourself if you'd like." I stutter and he hums. His hand travels under my dress, pulling my panties down before he focuses on my core. "My pretty little slut, still wearing her toy. You make my heart ache at how submissive you are." He comments, pulling the toy out of me, causing me to yelp and pulse around nothing.
My Masterlist / Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Part 4 (coming soon) / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 
Chronological Masterlist  /  The “Less than 100 Notes Fics” Masterlist  /  My Ko-Fi
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glitter505 · 7 years ago
I’m in the mood for writing smut, pls send me requests!!!
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anne-not-neville-blog · 7 years ago
your first time
luke: Alright, it’s four pm and you’re running so late, but he’s everywhere. All over you, and yeah, maybe now was not the time, and yeah, he was your brothers best friend, and yeah, you’ll probably regret it tomorrow, but god if you weren’t ready. Ready to lose something sacred to Luke, Luke who you’ve known forever, Luke who once choked on cotton candy and broke his right arm tripping on a stick. Luke who shouldn’t be touching you like this. Luke, who shouldn’t be undressing you. Luke who you always thought of as a brother. But it’s too late and you don’t even care. 
calum: You didn’t necessarily want your first time to be special, or with someone you love. That’s the dream right? You didn’t want rose petals, or wine, or french cheese. God, you just didn’t want it to be in a public restroom with a boy you met five minutes ago.  But you’re really drunk, and he’s really hot, and it’s just there’s this itch and you just want it, god did you want it. You’re kissing and everything’s just so much, and you’re on fire. You’re kissing and touching and there’s skin everywhere, and you’re lost to the pleasure and the dizzying sensation and it’s all so much. 
ashton: Okay, so maybe you didn’t love Ashton. You didn’t even really like him, after all you only ever really fought. Which isn’t even your fault, though. Because you’ve been working at Frozen Joe’s Fro Yo for six months and he’s been here for what, twelve days? And no, he did not know how to do your job better than you, he was just an asshole with a six pack and stubble and he was warm and you were trapped in a freezer. And yeah, having sex for the first time in a freezer with a boy you can’t stand probably wasn’t the best plan of action. But, you’ve never really been that sensible. 
michael: You’ve been dating Michael for almost a year now and everything about him was sweet, and loving, and gentle, and all yours. But this, right now, this wasn’t sweet, or gentle, it was primal. It was pure lust and you didn’t even care, didn’t care that this was your first time because this was Michael, your Michael and you’ve never been more sure. Not when you’ve always been so hesitant, and unsure, this was the one thing you knew. Irrevocably, you wanted it. 
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