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cyber333izzie · 1 year ago
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awildzig · 6 months ago
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Hey Tumblr. I drew this after an intense argument with my friend over if v1 or cyn would win in a fight. We could not decide who would win, but why fight when you can love.
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sharkboy305 · 7 months ago
So I was inspired to make this based on a post I saw that asked to make your own Avengers team based on 6 of your favorite Marvel characters, alongside a villain for them to face off against. At first, I was going to just choose Carnage but I decided to make one with The Spot as well.
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Anyway It was really fun to make this
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ardenrabbit · 1 year ago
I love your fic - A Long and Slow Recovery. It’s so beautifully written and the emotions felt are so palpable. Just wanted to pass along my thanks for writing it!
Completely separate from the fic though- What are your thoughts on the Xianle trio - their break up and slow rebuilding of friendship in the novel. 😁
Thank you so much!!! ;-; I'm really glad you're enjoying alasr! I'm really proud and excited about it!
Ah I think about this a lot! As in, I think about it a lot to try and decide my thoughts lol. I'm actually rereading the whole novel rn to try and get a feel for everyone, especially the trio. I've been REALLY excited to write them.
Summary: I love them, I'm sad for them, and I wish them well. Rambling to follow:
So my opinion right now is I love them. I think Feng Xin and Mu Qing are really interesting as foils as well as just completely independent characters, and I love that Xie Lian can see them in both of those lights too. Neither Feng Xin nor Mu Qing are really understood or given enough credit by anyone except Xie Lian, and I don't know if any of them know what to do with that. The impression that I've gotten is that Feng Xin and Mu Qing don't even really want to understand each other, and that's really sad, but understandable. Feng Xin's straightforward form of loyalty doesn't translate to Mu Qing, and Mu Qing's fear that no one will ever care to see the best in him makes him preemptively prickly and eager to beat them to the punch, and that does not play well with Feng Xin's earnestness.
(I'm trying to figure out Mu Qing, especially. I like him as a character and want to do him unbiased justice while writing him, but he's such a unique, self-contradictory case lol. I've met people with his kind of defensive cynicism before--the "stop pretending to be a good person" mindset in the face of altruism--and I've always been annoyed with them as much as I pity them, but I like that he's such a realistic character in that way. I'm intimidated by the prospect of writing him but I'm looking forward to it.)
The Xianle trio breakup, to me, just shows exactly the differences in FXMQ's approaches to conflict. Feng Xin stays with Xie Lian as long as he does because it's a simple answer to him: he's Xie Lian's bodyguard and Xie Lian is his friend, so Feng Xin will stay because that's what is both honorable and personally loyal. It's the right thing to do, and it looks and feels right. Mu Qing leaves before Feng Xin does because 1) his mother needs him more and 2) he hopes he can help more by gaining power and resources elsewhere, because what they're already doing isn't working. It's the right thing to do, even when it doesn't look and feel right.
So at that point, Feng Xin displays the kind of loyalty that traditionally gets praised because it's shown in no uncertain terms, even when it's not performed in the most enterprising way. By the more cynical, Feng Xin's approach can be seen as short-sighted, naive, or even pretentious, when he's really just honest and incredibly steadfast. "Loyal to a fault" is canonically used to describe him somewhere. Mu Qing's integrity is easier to doubt by most people because 1) his reasoning can be interpreted as selfish, even when he's sincere and 2) his intentions aren't always purely good! He's a flawed person and his reasons for doing things can include pettiness and selfishness within the greater good intentions, but that doesn't discount the good in them, at least to Xie Lian. Even when Mu Qing is looking at the bigger picture, people can interpret that as him being cold and uncaring about the immediate problem, and he gets angry that he's the only person acknowledging the complexity or futility of the situation. Anyway, they both try their best to help Xie Lian Back Then and refuse to see the merit in what the other is doing. I forget exactly how much Xie Lian acknowledges that they're both trying to help, so, rereading lol. But Xie Lian is definitely Not in a good place and is definitely lashing out at everyone by the end, which I'm sure he feels ashamed of later.
And reconnecting and rebuilding the friendship!! When Xie Lian ascends again, "Fu Yao" and "Nan Feng" are sent to help him and of course their generals don't know about it. And Xie Lian sees through them pretty early and just doesn't mention it because he's a little shit (extremely affectionate), but he knows what they're doing and appreciates it. But FXMQ both feel like they've failed Xie Lian and want to make it up to him, whether he knows about it or not. And they have to work together to do it, as much as they hate it, but at least they recognize that they share that much in their priorities. I think that while it's ultimately hopeful and sweet, there's a lot about their reconnecting that's just straight up tragic. I'm assuming that FXMQ both feel so much shame and regret about what happened and how they left him, and now that they have another chance to help, the literal devil (extremely affectionate) walks in and takes their spot as Xie Lian's protector and right hand. I think Xie Lian still feels awkward around them, too, as much as he still loves them. I am really proud of them for talking it out as much as they do in the end, though. I need to reread some stuff to see how much they reconcile by the end and in the extras, but I remember it being a good prognosis.
I guess also, I think Feng Xin sees Xie Lian as someone he's been proud to serve and call his friend, because he believes in Xie Lian's ideals and good heart. Mu Qing, though, doesn't know what to do with this mixture of gratitude and the resentment that comes with being indebted to someone, especially because Xie Lian is the only person who's really shown that he believes in Mu Qing's potential, good intentions, and worth as a person. The classic "stop trying to be a good person, altruist" thing doesn't work on Xie Lian, because he really just IS that good, and I think that makes Mu Qing want to tear his own hair out as much as it makes him love Xie Lian. MQ and FX's opinions of each other, though, wow?? They're so convinced that the other's intentions are insincere (mq saying fx is holier-than-thou, fx saying mx is selfish), up until they're tested and they have to act together. They're competitive against one another, but they also know that they act well as a united front, so there has to be some grudging respect and extremely grudging trust there. It's funny how the breakup has FXMQ as divided, conflicting forces where in present day in the reunion, they're much more cooperative. Despite their issues, they've grown to speak the same language on some level.
Might have some serious errors in here lol, but I don't really think I have any particularly hot takes on the Xianle3. Again, I'm rereading the novel so I can get this stuff right, but pls forgive me if I'm off-base on something.
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painful-vomit · 5 months ago
Wait theres more Cyns?
Why yes, there are MANY of us! I backed-up a handful of MES! This was all done in case I have to transfer myself into another body.
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But be warned! Do not believe other Cyns who say they are the original Cyn. I AM the original Cyn. I am NOT going through that again... Grumpy. >:(
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cyndherrsuggestions · 1 year ago
*GASP* I just thought of the cleverest tag name for @puppyjoespots89
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robotsthatkilleachother · 5 months ago
I love this kinda shit
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Big Brother
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audiart · 3 months ago
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Post Series designs for the DDs!
N is settling in just fine! Finally proposed to Uzi 3 years after the Solver's defeat, getting a shit-ton of therapy after everything that's happened, and helping the Worker Drones demolish and rebuild the surface world! Cyn stitched the moon and sun on his shorts, at any time you can find 3-4 cool rocks in his pockets.
V doesn't hang around the Bunker too often but mostly crashes at N and Uzi's place or Lizzy's— she's happy exploring beyond their old hunting territory and bringing back any exciting finds or coordinates of other Worker Drone settlements she terrorizes discovers. She's out here living her best life free as can be!
J is,, not doing too well. Decades of being reluctantly compliant with Solver's orders until it's all she knew, so deep into the deception that she started believing the lies herself and having all that familiar song and dance (watching the Solver destroy yet another planet) ripped away in a single night? Not good on the mind, apparently.
J avoids all other Drones unless she's hunting them for oil, and if she is spotted it's likely near one of the ship pods and goes combative immediately if approached. She's VERY protective of the sling bag she always has on; inside being Tessa's cremated remains. It's all J has left.
She's utterly lost on what else to do. No boss, no orders, and finally coming to terms with what she's been through and what she's done to aid in the destruction of countless lives and entire planets. Her goal is to leave Copper-9 to go back to Earth (there is no Earth anymore) and finally lay Tessa to rest (They both hated Earth but it was the last place they were happy) (she'll never succeed and this girl needs CLOSURE).
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months ago
I'm trying to get myself back into writing by doing some little things here and there. This is the first one that is actually worth it to post here lol
Awhile back I asked on discord for suggestions of things I could write and then for a long time I didn't actually do anything lol BUT I finally did something. This ficlet is based on a suggestion @abbeyofcyn gave me about Donnie feeling anxiety over a having a new home post S2 (at least I remember it being Cyn but the message is so old now I can't find it orz I'm sorry if it was someone else)
I hope you enjoy it!
The subway station has been closed to the public since the nineties. Most of the ways in are already blocked off, and it will be trivial to finish that work to keep out any intruders. The tracks and maintenance station make an ideal garage and workspace for the tank. The old electrical wiring and water pipes are easily accessible. There’s still functioning toilets in the old bathrooms, and ventilated spaces ideal for cooking. There’s easy access to the street, the rest of the subway system, and the sewers. Splinter hums approvingly as he circles an old staff area with a tape measure. His brothers shout as they call dibs on rusted out train cars. April enthusiastically notes that the station is close to her new campus.
It checks all the boxes on their list, and then some.
So why has the sick feeling in the pit of Donnie’s stomach gotten worse instead of better?
There must be something wrong with it. Some flaw they aren’t seeing, some con they haven’t considered. He needs to go over his lists again; double check and triple check from every angle. They’ve only been here an hour - it would just be irresponsible to make a decision so quickly!
He desperately fires up his tablet again and pulls up his list, scrolling with hard taps as his eyes fly over the compiled criteria. There must be something… Something!
It’s structurally sound. There’s ample space for skateboard ramps and arcade machines. There’s plenty of lighting that will only need simple maintenance to be functional. There’s a big space that can be used for a new lab. It checks all the boxes, but there must be at least one it’s not checking, or why would Donnie’s blood curdle at the thought of actually living here?
The way the air moves through the space is wrong. The way the sounds echo off the walls and floors is unfamiliar. The smell is not the one he spent his whole life inhaling. It’s all wrong in a way that embeds itself in Donnie’s very skin, leaves him feeling slimy and nauseous and off kilter, like everything was just tilted at a dutch angle.
He scrolls to the bottom of the list and taps a few more times to be sure. “Air feels right” and “Echoes are normal” and “Smell is bad” are not boxes to be checked, so it can’t be any of those things. It has to be something else… It has to be something!
He scrolls back to the top of his list. Then he scrolls back to the bottom. He can’t find it. But it has to be there.
“Whoa,” says Leo, and Donnie jolts, his head snapping up. “I’ve never seen Donnie look like he wants to murder a computer before.”
“Please don’t tell Raph that something’s wrong with the structural checks or whatever,” says Raph, just behind Leo. They’re all coming up to him, probably wondering why he’s been standing in the same spot for… 
Donnie glances at his screen and jolts again. Twenty four minutes and thirty seven second!?
“Come on, Dee, this place has got to be perfect,” says Leo. “I already know exactly where I’m putting my action figures in my new digs!”
“And I’m already getting sooo many ideas for graffiti!” says Mikey excitedly, bouncing in place where he stands next to April. “And I can’t wait to design the kitchen layout! I can’t believe I get to start from scratch and do it just how I want!”
“Raph already knows exactly where the dojo is goin’,” Raph joins in. When Leo blows a raspberry, Raph pushes him forward and smirks when he has to catch himself.
“I think this is the best you guys are gonna get,” says April. “Unless you wanna move to the Hidden City.”
“We can’t, Raph still has a warrant for his arrest.”
“I keep tellin’ you guys, that ain’t Raph!”
“I only wish I had known about this place earlier,” comes Splinter’s voice as he joins them. “So much square footage!”
They all start talking excitedly, so fast it blends into a whir in Donnie’s ears. They’ve all already decided, but don’t they see? They can’t live here, because it’s wrong!
Donnie’s declaration kills the conversation in its tracks. Everyone stops to look at him, and the sudden attention doesn’t feel as good as it might otherwise.
“No,” he repeats, shaking his head and looking back at his list. “This won’t work.”
A chorus of “What!?” comes from everyone else. Donnie keeps his eyes on his list, scrolling frantically, looking for the problem that he knows is there.
“Is there something wrong with it?” asks April, tone measured.
“Yes,” he says, but doesn’t elaborate, because he doesn’t know what it is yet and how can he answer if he doesn’t have any data?
It’s clear they aren’t going to wait for him to come up with the answer.
“Well what is it? Ventilation? Structural integrity? The wiring? Come on, Dee, give us somethin’.”
“It’s… it’s just wrong. I know it is.” Donnie looks up from his list then, and their skeptical expressions make him coil around his tablet in defense. “We’ve barely seen all of it! How can we know for certain that it will really suit our needs?”
He’s protesting too much, and it’s no surprise when Leo catches on, immediately narrowing his eyes as he hones in on Donnie’s uncertainty. 
“You’ve said no to every place we’ve looked at, dude! Are your standards that high, or do you just like living in Barry’s crappy apartment that much?”
“I obviously do not,” Donnie snaps, because he has made no secret of the fact that he hates it there. Sure, it was nice of Draxum to take them in now that they’re homeless and all that, but the apartment is too small, and the sheets are too scratchy, and the way the air conditioner sounds is all wrong, and the street noises bother Donnie at night…
Of course he doesn’t want to keep living there! He never wanted to live there in the first place!
“Then what’s the problem?” Leo asks, folding his arms, and Donnie scowls back.
“I just think we shouldn’t rush into such a big decision just because it sucks to live in Draxum’s apartment,” he reasons, reasonably because he’s being very reasonable!
“And what, wait for our realtor to find us a few more listings?” Leo says with heavy snark. 
“Leo,” says Raph with a warning tone, before looking back at Donnie. “Look, we can take tonight to think about it,” he suggests. “But if there’s nothing really wrong with it, I think this is gonna be the best we can do.”
Donnie shrinks back. “You say we’ll take tonight to think about it, but you’ve all already decided.” He shakes his head. “But I’m telling you, we can’t live here. It’s wrong.”
“Donnie…” Mikey’s hand touches Donnie’s elbow, and it takes everything in him not to jerk it away. “Is there an actual problem with the place, or is this a feelings problem?”
Donnie jerks away.
Then he turns and sprints away down the nearest subway tunnel.
He only makes it to the next condemned platform before he collapses against the wall, panting. Maybe he really should take up Raph’s advice to do more cardio… If he can ever face any of them again, that is.
He sinks to the ground and rests his chin on his knees, looking around at the unfamiliar scenery. He knew the old tunnels of his home like he knew the curves and grooves in his favorite wrench. But his favorite wrench is lost forever under an insurmountable amount of rubble, and the tunnels around him are foreign and imposing.
He doesn’t want to live in Draxum’s apartment anymore.
But he doesn’t want to live here.
He wants to go home.
The ugly, bitter feeling in his stomach twists again, and he groans and presses his face into his knees, covering his head with his arms. He knows exactly what would fix this, and it’s something he can’t have.
He did the tests himself, over and over again. He knows that their old home would take years, decades to make livable again. They simply can’t fix it. It’s too big to be fixed.
Which means he cannot be fixed.
The understanding that he’ll feel this way forever washes over Donnie, leaving him desolated. How is he ever supposed to function again?
How can the rest of his family move on so easily when he’s still like this?
Footsteps echo off the walls, and he tenses up, curling tighter into himself. It’s no surprise that one of them came after him. He’s just glad it’s only one set of footsteps, and not five.
He doesn’t look up as they draw close. He doesn’t have to. A barefooted tread, light and airy with a bit of a hop to it even when the mood is somber. He’d know it anywhere.
Mikey plops down next to him and says, “Ready to talk to Doctor Feelings?”
Donnie shakes his head without looking up.
Mikey hums. “Wanna talk to Doctor Delicate Touch?”
Donnie shakes his head harder.
There’s a shuffle, and then warmth against Donnie’s side. “Wanna talk to your favorite little brother in the whole wide world?”
Donnie finally lifts his head enough to look at Mikey with one eye. “Winning by default isn’t something to brag about,” he notes.
A huge grin crosses Mikey’s face. “Hey, there you are!”
“Here I am,” Donnie notes dryly, and it sounds miserable even to his own ears.
Mikey’s expression falls into something more soft. He scoots around to Donnie’s front, then says, “You’re homesick.”
Homesick feels too small for the dark feelings that are swallowing Donnie whole. It’s just not enough.
“...I don’t want to live somewhere new,” he says, and it sounds like, I don’t want everything to be different.
“Yeah, it’s a lot,” says Mikey, even though Donnie knows he can’t be feeling it like this, or at least hopes his little brother isn’t. “You’ll get used to it, though!”
It almost makes Donnie laugh. He can’t begin to imagine it ever feeling anything but terrible. “How do you know?”
“Because I have experience,” says Mikey breezily, like it’s obvious. 
Donnie hopes the skepticism shows on his face. “Really? Micheal, we were both too young when Papa moved us to the lair.”
“Yeah, I don’t remember that. But I do remember when we all got our own rooms!”
Donnie considers that with some surprise. He vaguely remembers that… mostly because he was happy that Raph and Leo couldn’t put their stuff on his side anymore. “Ah yes. A joyous day for all of us.”
“Well it wasn’t too happy for me!” Mikey retorts, folding his arms. “I didn’t want any of us to get our own rooms. I… wasn’t ready to be without you guys.”
Actually, now that Mikey says that, Donnie does remember that part of it. “I also remember that you weren’t without us, because you slept in one of our rooms every night for two months.”
Mikey nods seriously. “Yeah! Because I wasn’t ready for change!”
“And we had to make a rotating chart so that each of us could get a full night of sleep once in a while.”
“Huh?” Mikey pouts. “What do you mean? I sleep like an angel!”
“Kicking and chewing on anything in grabbing distance seems more like demon behavior,” Donnie notes, and Mikey huffs and makes a big show of being offended. 
“The point, Donald,” he stresses, “is that it was a big change! And I wasn’t happy about it for a loooong time.” He leans back. “I didn’t get why you guys were so happy about moving out when I wasn’t. It felt like you were all leaving me behind.”
Donnie frowns. “But we were literally a few feet away,” he notes. “As you proved nightly.”
Mikey points at him excitedly. “Exactly! It was a big change, but I still had you guys. And eventually, you guys helped me get excited about it, too.”
Donnie tries to remember what exactly they did to accomplish that, but… “All I remember is that we helped you hang up your finger paintings and put glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling.”
“Yep!” Mikey nods sagely. “You helped make it my own. I got where I was excited to be in my room, because it was how I wanted it to be!” He falters, tapping his chin. “And also I remember Leo said something about all my toys being sad if they were alone in my room at night…”
“Ah. Manipulative tactics,” Donnie observes.
“But that’s not the point! The point is that when I made it my own, change wasn’t so scary anymore.” He waves back down the tunnel. “And that’s what’s going to work for you, too! Because you’re going to build yourself a big new lab and decorate your room just how you want it, and you’re going to love it!”
Donnie feels absolutely no confidence in that. The idea of building a new lab, of decorating his room, of getting used to the new space, doesn’t fill him with excitement. There is only dread there, and exhaustion, and an insurmountable realization that nothing is ever going to be the same as it was before.
“That might work for you,” he says softly, tiredly. “But I don’t think it will for me. I don’t think I will ever stop feeling…” 
He still doesn’t know what to call this. 
“But you will,” says Mikey, putting a hand on his arm. This time, Donnie doesn’t jerk away. “You know how I know?”
“Because you went through it with the rooms too, Dee.”
Donnie scoffs, shaking his head. “I was glad to have my own room,” he asserts. “The rest of you kept getting your things into my space. It was annoying.”
“Sure, maybe you were happy about that part,” says Mikey simply, “but do you remember the big storm? The first one after we moved into our rooms, that was sooo loud we could hear it?”
Again, Donnie thinks he vaguely recalls something like that. It clearly didn’t leave as large an impression on him as it did on Mikey, though.
“I… might,” he says.
“I remember,” says Mikey, “that I was so scared, I ran straight to Raph’s room! And he was already awake, and he was under the covers, and we made a tent together.” He giggles. “And then you came in, and then Leo! And I realized then, maybe you guys weren’t really as happy about sleeping in separate rooms as I thought.”
He shifts around again, pressing himself into Donnie’s side.
“We went through that all together. And we’re gonna go through this together, too. And that’s how I know it’ll be okay!”
Donnie can’t help but make a skeptical noise. He’s not sure it will be. It just feels like too much.
“We’re all homesick, too,” Mikey confides. “We show it different than you… But we are. We’re going through it with you.”
Donnie knows they miss home, too. He knows that. But still…
“What if you’re wrong,” he says, “and it’s not okay?”
“Then…” Mikey trails off, thinking. “Then I’ll use the money I saved up to buy you that limited edition Atomic Lass figure you wanted!”
Donnie twists his head to stare at him. “That figure currently values at eight hundred and fifty dollars,” he says.
Mikey grimaces. “I will give you all the money I have saved up to help you buy it!” he amends.
Donnie snorts. Then he laughs. Then he leans into the warmth of his little brother.
He doesn’t want to live somewhere new… but it won’t be entirely new. His family will still be there. Just a few steps away.
“Does the laughing mean you’ll come back with me?” asks Mikey. “Because this tunnel is cold.”
Donnie snorts again. “I will go back with you,” he agrees, “because I actually don’t have a choice in the matter.”
“Yes! I did it!” Mikey hops to his feet, extending a hand. “Another W for Doctor Feelings!”
“Winning by default is nothing to brag about,” says Donnie again. But he takes Mikey’s hand, and they go back to the station together.
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kalpeavaris · 4 months ago
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Fallen Angel AU - Cyn's Disassembly Drone Design
Finally got around to clean up the sketch & give her proper coloring >:]] I felt like the blue as main color fit her way better than yellow or pink (which was my first choice, but felt too bold).
Some more context, story parts & design notes below the cut!
The mark on her chest (both the glowing cross and the marking she has in place of the Disassembly Drone one) shows where the USB patch was injected into her (or better said, Cynessas) chest.
Was exorcised by the USB patch (which was preserved and not destroyed as Nori kept it by her side the entire time, not allowing N to give it to "Uzi" in the cathedral) - it was stabbed directly into her chest and core, which caused the AS to retreat and become dormant, allowing Cyn's OS to overtake and her becoming aware again.
Her body is entirely re-made, the only thing that is from her old body is her core & OS.
The blue cross is like a light projection and has no mass - it cannot be touched, removed nor does it react to any outside sources outside of Cyn's own OS (it disappears when she's offline/sleeps).
Like it's said on the sheet, the nanites in her vial aren't acid but rather a healing fluid - they can either be injected into a Drone's body or dripped onto a wound to aid in the healing progress. It doesn't matter if the Drone they're applied to has regenerative powers or not, they work on anyone!
She remembers her time as Cynessa and having Tessa's skin grafted to her old Drone body, which is a very surpressed memory she tries to forget about as much as possible.
Appears very sweet & timid on the outside, but can just be as much of a menance as you'd suspect her to be. Goes feral when she's confronted with things she likes or when you hit the 'sweet spot', lol.
Spent some time shut down after being exorcised in the finale, which created memory issues with the events her exorcism she can't really recount. It's for the best, though.
Dormant Solver User, has regenerative powers and organic insides/blood, but cannot (and doesn't want to) use the Solver abilities other Users such as e.g Uzi have.
No one really knows why she has the light halo - it just appeared and similar to the cross disappears when Cyn sleeps or goes offline.
Has wings, but isn't a confident flyer. She gets lessons from N and Uzi though! Her wings are similar in shape to SD-D's and SD-Y's wings with membrane shaped like feathered wings instead of having the bladed feathers.
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tomahachi12 · 3 months ago
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He gets a spot on the shelf next to Cyn!
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I need more figures lol
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seraphont · 5 months ago
Is there lore reason why Tessa doesn’t unsubscribe from cyn NORNVPN subscription? Is she stupid?
She is stupid… 😔
but yes LMAO there is a lore reason. When she got booted up in her new body -Cyn’s old one- the antivirus got set off. It considers Tessa as “foreign code”, a threat (shoe doesn’t fit situation).
she’s effectively getting beat up from the inside. (And the outside if u consider her body falling apart) anything intrusive or stressful to her system causes the antivirus to agro on her, so they can’t exactly access her head.
she’s stuck in a rough spot of not being able to transfer until she figures out how to stop the antivirus.
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cynisterlycylly · 16 days ago
Part 2 of my Cyn headcanons but this time with more of a focus on my serious/dark headcanons for her because I adore making characters I love suffer
Even before the Solver influence really took effect she still had plans to kill Tessa's parents. She hated them on day one
She sometimes randomly hears Tessa's voice in her head, she doesn't know why this happens but she likes it. It makes her feel like Tessa is still here.
Cyn would sometimes get too into character as Tessa and forget that she is Cyn and not Tessa, she once got annoyed at J for calling her Cyn and it took her a minute to remember she is not Tessa.
She actually tried to revive Tessa after killing her, she was very upset finding out the Solver couldn't bring organics back to life.... So she had to get creative so she could keep Tessa around.
She is not just wearing Tessa skin she fused her body and Tessa's body together, so it's not just her skin it's her entire body (yes including her skull it's stored in Cyn's own head). She was very upset when she couldn't find a spot for her eyes.
She kept N original manor body because she still wanted to spend time with N, she still talks to it and has movie nights with it.
The Solver represses any emotions that might get in the way of Cyn's job, if she feels remorse for killing and mutilating her family that might get in the way of assimilating everything, we can't have that.
The Solver deemed Cyn as it's best host as she already had the capacity for violence and she had deep hatred for humanity meaning she wouldn't feel too bad for killing them all and assimilating their planet, the Solver didn't plan on Cyn getting attached to a human and a couple of drones so it did take longer for her to be molded into the perfect Solver host.
To end this off on a lighter note. She absolutely hated wearing the maid dress so when her powers started developing she immediately used her holograms to make it look like she was wearing her uniform when in reality she was wearing something much more comfortable.
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efqgfjdnw · 4 months ago
FUCK Tessa,
I want to be Cyn,
even months after episode eight I still wish I was her. Seeing how so many drones become scared of her, that feeling must be exhilarating. But also,
she's fucking adorable??
At the same time???
I could only wish, prey to any possible deity to be her.
J, Just look how scared she makes N.
JUST by her presence.
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Imagining him just.. racking his head,
N, no way this is MY Cyn..
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Just after years of not seeing each other,
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I want THAT type of reunion with anyone who knew me.
And her adorable facial expressions, along with her more horrifying ones and those that are a mixture of both.
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Her stance is also what I could only wish to have,
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her beauty,
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her body horror,
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her deliveries??
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“Bad job, V” Clink
I could never think of clever things to say right on the spot.
Cyn is all I ever wanted to be. But I could never, obviously sadly, be her. Her voice is the perfect amount of adorable and terrifying, sinister and beautiful.
Yes, I know she wore Tessa's skin, and you can say I’m calling Tessa beautiful and all that, but here. No.
Tessa is no more. She doesn’t exist anymore, it’s just Cyn. Cyn is Tessa now. It’s now all her and only her. Tessa’s skin is perfect for her. No one else could pull her off.
I wish I was Cyn-like.
My body is too big, my voice is too high pitched, hell, I’m too short to even be terrifying. Nor am I cute enough to be adorable.
Cyn is everything.
I wish I was Cyn.
No hate to those who love Tessa 🫶
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lumineary-arts · 1 year ago
So what happens in swap AU prom episode?
N wakes up, feeling super guilty for how scared he was of Uzi in the previous episode, especially since he promised her he fully trusted her and nothing would've changed that. It didn't help that prom was right around the corner and he, being the loser he is, didn't even have anyone to go with. V had a million people asking her by the time he even considered it so that wasn't an option.
Thus: his social nightmare. He's set up to go tag along with J and Cyn so he can pretty much babysit her. He had no idea that she'd been the one killing off all of the prom court beforehand.
Meanwhile, Uzi's all curled up in the pod and sulking because of her falling out with N. Thad reassures her that they can just forget the guy and waltz into their prom to kill everyone and survive. Uzi gets a bit ticked and tells him to bite her, and that she's done interacting with the workers at all. Thad ends up having to decapitate her to avoid explaining himself.
After N and Uzi reunite, N apologizes right away and they make up. He, in a nervous, jumpy and awkward way asks her if she'll go to prom with him. "TO STOP T I MEAN-- AS DAPPER BUDDIES, JUST BUDDIES!!". Uzi finds this hilarious and agrees.
Inside, J announces the prom king, Thad. His wings and claws out, he immediately stops in his tracks because suddenly he's confused about what the hell was going on. But I mean... hey, who's he to turn down the offer, right? Yeah, Cyn tries to kill him on the spot. Little sweet precious Cyn is out for revenge. N and Uzi make it in time, saving Thad and doing their own version of the Knife Dance. At some point, it's N and Cyn battling one on one, which I actually love the thought of. Imagine N's horror when at the very end, Thad point blank shoots his baby (cousin?) in the head.
Ohhh, I should also mention this is when N starts struggling with the Absolute Solver. And when he gets his first taste of oil.
TLDR; it's the same beats as the original episode, just with the roles switched around. The main difference is N and Cyn actually have a family connection prior, which makes their absolute solver connection more personal.
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dolldoorman · 4 months ago
Cyn info because I’m obsessed with her right now.
Cyn was an egg when they were first saved. N took care of her as a sort of big brother, but also a father figure. She's biologically his little sister but he practically raised her.
That's something J and V found weird because really, she should've just been abandoned and killed. Without a parent it was more hassle than it was worth. But N decided to do it anyways.
He’d do everything for her. He’d preen her, he'd chew up food for her and yknow.. Feed her like a bird does. He’d try to teach her to fly, and he’d try to teach her to speak. He’d comfort her when she was scared. He taught her everything she knows. The one thing he really struggled with was teaching her to fly, though. She was born with wonky wings that were pointed in odd directions. She wouldn’t be able to fly. He could never teach her to speak, either. Cyn is autistic and mute. N was completely fine with that. She could understand english just fine.
But one day. When Cyn was young. She was taken away for a reason nobody really knew. Little did everyone know. It was to get her wings removed. They removed her wings while she was awake without anesthesia. She had no use for them, and they were just holding her back in JcJenson’s eyes. It was also to experiment what a harpy would be like without their wings. N was furious, but he couldn’t do anything without risking death, as he was threatened when he tried. Cyn.. Changed after that.
She was terrified of humans. She had phantom wing pain, having to be medicated, and struggled to walk even more than she had before. She started picking her feathers due to stress, and N would wrap the bald spots in bandage. Tessa carved her a walking stick out of wood. Hand made. Cyn used it, but she never really walked around enough anyways. She stayed cooped up asleep a lot of the time. And she has nightmares often. Especially about her wing removal.
She was a curious little gal before her wing removal, and to be honest she still tries to be. But she’s just too.. Scared. Timid.
N tries to get her out of her shell, and he helps her take the meds everyday, but nothing really seems to work. And then she meets Uzi. At first, she’s scared of him, but after weeks, they begin to bond. Uzi got his wings removed too. They bond over that. Cyn, while afraid, takes a liking to Uzi.
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