#CK Negativity
It funny how I saw on TikTok how terry is beyond redemption because he is insane and his backstory doesn’t matter but they be saying John kreese deserve redemption because he cares about Johnny and his backstory was so sad and he saved Terry so terry owes him for everything and terry a horrible friend to John he deserves so much better
Like I just I just idk are they forgetting that the first thing terry probably you know let me changed that definitely done when he took over the company was buy John cobra Kai and if I am not mistaken didn’t he also put him back on his feet in 85 sent him to his favorite tropical place Tahiti and got revenge for him on Daniel and didn’t John also trigger terry ptsd,
let see didn’t kreese also bring terry back into the karate rivalry even tho he was living a happy life I mean it wasn’t exactly happy but he was fine with it and he looked amazing in khaki btw with his hair down and if I’m definitely not mistaken kreese left him for 35 fucking years!
He didn’t even apologize for leaving Terry not one bit
I love cobra husbands with my whole heart but god damn if anyone anyone deserves better in that relationship it’s Terry it is definitely terry and you know what I hate most of all is that the fandoms on TikTok says that Terry deserved to get left in 85 like wtf I’m sorry but I know definitely know he spiraled that night in 85 when kreese left him god the poor guy probably felt like he was in that cage again
Then I see the Daniel hate and I’m like even more wtf but that a rant for another time
@kimbergoldess I’m sad now
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eemcintyre · 3 months
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Oh my fucking word
Tell me the creators of this show fucking hate Mr. Miyagi and Daniel and everything their style of karate stands for w/o telling me they hate Mr. Miyagi and Daniel and everything their style of karate stands for
Also why in the name of fuck does Daniel, of all people, have to “look at himself in the mirror” when we have frickin everything about Johnny still?? Be so serious. Be so for real right now.
This show was written by high school bullies who completely missed the point of the original films
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just-v · 2 months
The thing about nobody going after Tory is another case of “because the writers said so.”
That’s it.
Realistically, Robby and Amanda would have 100% gone after her. The reason they didn’t is just because the writer’s wanted to move the story along.
I think there’s plenty of out-of-character things that go on in CK, but I think this is the thing that bothers me the most
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rosie-tyler · 16 days
The world if Cobra Kai was written by the Cobra Kai cast
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sp1tbunni · 2 months
I wanna know what type of crack the writers were smoking cuz who idea was it to make Mr.Miyagi have a backstory where he's a fucking criminal?! Cuz that doesnt make no fucking sense at all regarding his damn character, like tf were they thinking.
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terrence-silver · 8 months
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Love the inconsistency of Chozen miraculously being healed from what's effectively having his torso nearly split in half with a sword and yet Tory's hand is still bandaged from slamming her fist into a rock slab.
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ifchickenscouldfly13 · 2 months
I’ve been wanting to talk about this for such a long time and now with the bullshit Miyagi plot line I think the time has truly come. I find it truly mind boggling that the creators act like super fans but don’t even have a cultural understanding of Mr. Miyagi as a character. I mainly say this because of the “Easter Eggs” section on the season 1-2 DVD, the lack of knowledge has always pissed me off.
Like…What? I’m sorry…..those are offerings!!!
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A quick ass google search could have told you that.
The late great Fumio Demura at a similar shrine:
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Like, how could you miss the significance of that? That’s crazy to me. Especially considering that RMK literally wrote the originals with such care and love for the culture. I don’t know, man, just one of those things I’m constantly reminded of.
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sawthefaeriequeen · 2 months
Mr. Miyagi going on a drunken binge because of PTSD memories and then Daniel finding this out, and putting him to bed, and quietly bowing to him was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen on film, but sure, tell me Mr. Miyagi wasn’t flawed and has to be “tarnished.”
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msfbgraves · 2 months
Keeping in mind the danger of flogging a dead horse:
Cobra Kai has shown its true colours: it's a deeply conservative show about a piece of shit white guy who suffers no consequences for any of his assholery; like him it's lowkey racist, deeply sexist with utterly mediocre writing. There are so many shows like that it's not worth getting upset about. But usually, at least they're upfront about it. They're going to performatively humiliate Daniel to show him his proper place as Other (when has American media done anything else to any of Ralph's characters?), and are probably ending with Daniel handing Johnny the trophy with the words "You're alright, Lawrence." Balance restored.
Going off about that now feels as redundant as raging against Stephen Moffat, who also never hid what he was. I owe CK the madness that is part III of The Karate Kid and a wider exploration of Ralph Macchio's hidden gems. I simply can't stop thinking: did they have to? Did they have to take one of the few things that actually float my boat and turn it into something American incels can jerk off to? I kept saying that Cobra Kai was a show fighting to be good but it isn't. Not anymore. It's revealed itself to be a vehicle to dismantle everything The Karate Kid stood for and fuck them for that, honestly. Everything in this world already is for boomers. Daniel LaRusso and Mr Miyagi were not all American heroes. They were more universal. The Republicanism of Cobra Kai is off putting: it feels like being stuck in one room with the American deligation of the Model United Nations - loud, arrogant, completely convinced of their brilliance yet so shallow that the only thing they could ask members of their host country was "hey dude, where can I buy weed around here?" The type of person you'd collectively pretend not to know English for. Had it been that from the first season onward I would have not wasted my time. Now I am having to debate suffering through the Johnny Lawrence is a Badass show to see two of my favourite characters, knowing full well that the only thing they're going to do is mistreat my blorbo, or not watch it and enjoy my fandom in peace.
Fuck this American propaganda. I want some random African or South American dojo to win the Sekai Taikai.
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puella-peanut · 2 months
Season 5, episode 1!
"This is a father-son bonding thing. There's something to take care of first."
I'd actually forgotten how much I fucking hated the atrocious "Miguel Goes To Mexico To Find His Father Subplot" (which deserves its own post but won't be getting it because it's such fucking rage inducing shit) but ESPECIALLY the fact that:
Johnny TRICKS HIS OWN SON with a FATHER-SON bonding trip. 
Johnny TRICKS HIS OWN SON after lying to him about going on a trip to mend their relationship after being a deadbeat loser for 16+ years TO RESCUE MIGUEL.
Johnny lies to Robby with the promise of relationship repair WHILE KNOWING HE IS REALLY HERE TO RESCUE MIGUEL.
Johnny lies to Robby and doesn't tell him how DANGEROUS the situation is. 
Johnny lies to Robby and puts him in danger in a FOREIGN COUNTRY. AN UNDERAGE TEENAGER who hardly even knows WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. 
Johnny lies to Robby because he told him first that this trip was for father-son bonding, then he reinstated that at least once while they were on their way to Mexico, and then he says he's sorry when Robby gets upset and says he shouldn't have come and then Johnny "apologizes" and says: "I thought this trip would help you and Miguel."
Johnny ONCE AGAIN puts Miguel over his own BIOLOGICAL SON IN EVERY SINGLE WAY. HE DIDN'T CARE about bonding with Robby. That was just a front for Miguel, because Miguel is always going to be more important than Robby in every single way. 
And this, ALL THIS, is all after the incredibly forced scene where Robby apologizes to his loser, deadbeat dad about how he now understands how hard it is to be a parent/mentor whatthefuckever because he failed with Kenny, and presto!! 16+ years of deadbeat loser dad parenting in every single fucking way are magically erased in a Hallmark hug WHICH IS BAD ENOUGH. But then!!! First episode of season 5 has Johnny IMMEDIATELY LYING TO ROBBY who VERY RECENTLY put aside all those years of Johnny being a non-existent dad to him, acted like a mature, compassionate adult, and ASKED JOHNNY TO STEP UP and BE A DAD. 
Does this show WANT me to hate Johnny Lawrence? Because it's doing a damn good job of getting me real fucking close! 
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thecranekick · 1 month
hey so maybe i have a horrible memory and there’s a perfectly good reason for this that i can’t remember. but now that i think about it why did they have chozen take johnny around to look at rentals as if he’s chozen’s child that has never been on his own before and can’t handle normal human interaction. why would johnny not have gone with carmen, miguel, and robby to look at houses considering they’re presumably the ones that are going to live there and raise a newborn there?????? why do they all (and the writers in general) treat johnny like he’s completely incapable of doing anything ever???????
like i get that if the whole show was 100% realistic we wouldn’t really have a show (because let’s be honest, 90% of this show would just Never Happen), and i get the ‘comedic’ value of those scenes i guess, but come onnnnnn pleaaaaaase
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silverusso · 2 months
I love how we’re all burnt out over how much CK sucks lmfao
fr💀 like is there any hype for part 2? is anyone really invested anymore? it could just be that i'm out of the loop cause i generally don't bother to check the ck tag.. but idk it feels dead
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miyagi-hokarate · 1 month
both ck the show writers and parts of the fandom seem to collectively forget about kyler harming sam, or think it was deserved because rich girl and karma for letting aisha be bullied. part of me wouldn't have been surprised if they'd went as far as to say that in-show to 'resolve' the deal about what he did but far too easier to ignore it smh!
I'm fortunate to say that I'm part of the fandom that hadn't implied or outright claimed Sam could in anyway deserve getting assaulted by Kyler, jeez!!! That being said, you are completely right about how it seems Cobra Kai had forgotten the wrongdoings Kyler had committed against Sam; it's not a competition, but I'm not impressed how Miguel (and Eli + Demetri) are given the narrative space to forgive and recognize Kyler for growing and moving on (or whatever his final appearance was...)... while Sam doesn't get the catharsis of justice or acknowledgement from the asshole that got away with inappropriately touching and spreading rumors??
Now realistically, that doesn't always happen — it's disappointing, but it's true. Sam having an awful experience with a boy that used her in high school and having to move on in life isn't an uncommon tragedy for teenage girls. However, I question why Miguel, Eli, and Demetri are given the priority in the narrative to get a satisfying conclusion with their former high school bully instead.
I'm not going to get into the sexism of Cobra Kai and the prioritization of the male character stories over female, but this is one of the many ways this exists in Cobra Kai.
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terrence-silver · 2 months
I'm admittedly very tired of this whole 'You're my weakness', 'No, you're MY weakness' 'No, I'm not!' storyline they chose for Terry Silver, John Kreese and Johnny Lawrence respectively seeing how it is one that's going on for the second season now. I literally don't see it going anywhere but in circles ad nauseum. It's pointless.
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Maybe I’m crazy for this hot take, but Daniel’s storyline was and should’ve been done. Not completely obviously, but like, he faced all his fears. He’s quite literally been tortured enough.
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sawthefaeriequeen · 2 months
You know they wouldn't have the balls to pull this shit if Pat Morita was still with us.
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