#But with the commission's Fifth Fleet
sbnkalny · 11 months
He was the Commission's fifth fleet, right? the old man said He was going to be leaving this year
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
The First Rate - Ship of the Line
The concept of a classification system for British naval vessels dates back to the accession of James I of England, in the wake of which the fleet was officially divided into "large", "medium" and "smaller" ships. A 1618 Commission of Inquiry added the designation "Ships Royal" for the largest and most prestigious ships in the fleet, each capable of carrying at least 400 men.
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HMS Britannia 120-guns (1820). Leaving a Mediterranean Harbour, by Robert Strickland Thomas (1787–1853)
The first Ships Royal - Elizabeth Jonas, Triumph, White Bear, Merhonour, Ark Royal and Victory - were all converted galleons, including three very old ships that had fought the Spanish Armada in 1588. Their condition was generally poor, with Elizabeth Jonas and Triumph already completely unserviceable and White Bear so unseaworthy that she was sold for scrapping in 1627.
Early first rates had only 60 guns, but by the mid-1660s they generally had between 90 and 100 guns. By the early years of the 18th century it had become accepted that 100 guns was the standard criterion for a First Rate in wartime (while 90 guns, later 98 guns, became the standard equipment for a Second Rate in wartime). (Towards the end of the century, ships were built with more than 100 guns, and they too were classified as First Rate.
Second rate ships with 84 to 98 guns and larger third rate ships with 70 to 80 guns. Smaller third-rank ships of about 60 to 64 guns and fourth-rank ships of about 50 guns were once considered suitable but were gradually phased out. The fifth and sixth class ships were frigates that could usually manoeuvre independently of the battle line.
The English first rate of the 1750s onwards was by far the finest and largest the Royal Navy could field. Because of their size, these 100-gun ships had 800-850 men on board to operate the guns and keep these big ladies running. And speaking of size, we arrive at an approximate length of 64m and a displacement of 2000 tons. They served as flagships in every squadron they sailed in and therefore usually had an admiral and his staff to carry. To build such a lady in 1760 cost around £67,000, which by today's standards is about £95 million.
This cost, however, included the supplies needed and the sheer quantity of them made them a rarity in the navies, which is why many did not have so many in service. In the 18th century, for example, the Royal Navy had only 5 in service, which later increased to 11. But they were designed for longevity, so they were often in service for more than 50-70 years and were often adapted and refitted. The famous HMS Victory was over 40 when she sailed into the Battle of Trafalgar and was rebuilt twice.
She is also the only one who has survived to this day. Others even built in the 19th century, some with around 120 guns, were scrapped after serving as floating navy academies or prisons.
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theofficersacademy · 2 months
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TOA ZINE: "Another Chapter" Now Accepting Submissions!
Hello TOA! Reflecting on these past five years, we've come quite a ways as a community, haven't we? Many of you have been here long enough to remember the [last zine] we created together. Others, meanwhile, may be newer to TOA, but are no less part of the family.
Think of this, perhaps, as kind of a yearbook as we celebrate The Officer’s Academy’s fifth anniversary! What fun memories have you made with your muses over the past five years? What unlikely friends have your muses made? What kind of trouble did they get into? TOA is a place where muses from all different continents can come together and interact, and we would like to shine a spotlight on this particular aspect.
Here are some details on the zine:
This zine will feature both art and writing! We are accepting old pieces you have already created as well as any new ones you’d like to make. This includes any drabbles you may have written for class mastery and snippets from threads.
The zine is planned to be A5 in size: this is roughly 5.83 x 8.27 in, 148 x 210 mm, or 1748 x 2480 px. Art must be in portrait orientation, but we may consider landscape if it fits within the spread. If you are submitting older art, we will do our best to have it fit within the page’s borders, but keep our dimensions in mind as resizing images can affect image quality. Written pieces have a 3000 word cap. Autographs should not take up more than half of the page: 4 x 3.5 in, 101.6 x 88.9 mm, and 1200 x 1050 px would be the maximum size for both length and width. Autographs can be hand-written by you as the muse or you can type a message with a hand-written font and submit it as a transparent image.
Art featuring in the previous TOA Memories zine is ineligible for submission.
We plan to split the zine into different sections with their own topics, and they are as follow:
-Portrait Day & Characters in Officers Academy uniforms -Mission Boards -Daily Life in the Officers Academy (includes class-changing) -Lore Events (ie. Lock & Key, Labyrinth, Unlocked, Unscripted, etc.) -Non-Lore Events (ie. Midsommar, Floralia, BOEL, Fleeting Snow, etc.) -The Ethereal Ball -Autographs
All contributors will be credited with their in-group name and their social media handle if they choose to share one. Both past and present TOA members can contribute content related to their muses. Content for dropped muses can only be submitted if said muse remains unclaimed and available.
Submissions must be entirely your own work, OR, if commissioned, must be submitted alongside the express permission of the creator. This requires the original creator of the commission to DM Mod Key or Mod N stating express permission. Commissioned works will only be considered if they were created by members of TOA, current or past.
We will not be capping the type nor amount of submissions you can make, but we will be curating these submissions and picking which ones enter the zine. This means that if, say, you decided to submit 20 pieces for whatever reason, not every piece you submit will be necessarily be in the zine, but we encourage you to submit whatever you are willing to share!
The zine will be free to download. This is not for profit, just for fun!
The submission phase will be open until October 8th at 11:59PM EST. Please let us know about any questions you may have!
If you are interested in contributing, you may submit your piece(s) [ here ] or via Discord (dm Mods N or Key!). Please take note of the submission guidelines.
Thank you!
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girlkisserr · 11 months
frosting infodump go (im lacking art ideas rn)
he was originally brought on with the Research Commission with the rest of the fifth fleet as a hunter since he was actually a pretty good hunter, and pretty much does normal hunter things like investigating stuff and taking down large monsters so the research can actually like happen
yea that was at least until he got his leg broken or something by a diablos and almost died immediately afterwards. its not to say he never sustained other injuries but a lot of them were somehow fortunately enough to not be super horrible even if some were still pretty major. (rib cracks fucking suck btw, he wouldnt want those again. dont get your chest crushed by an anjanath everyone)
since he couldnt walk he had to return back and have someone else handle it in his stead and spent the next while healing through that. rolled a nat1 on post traumatic arthritis and chronic pain upon ye! fuck your knee in particular idk. it sucked. he was annoyed and a little disappointed since it meant he might not be able to hunt anymore as he was still kind of still freshly healed at that point he gave it a bit more time. as he got better he started working lighter jobs again, mostly deliveries and nothing too labor intensive but eventually he got used to it even if he was still kind of annoyed he leg ouchie
he went out hunting anyway. he took the jobs again after being bored and yes he suffered the consequences always actually. (moving around is good but hes definitely pushed it way too much) and got forced into even less activity afterward because. knee hurt curse. something something emotional grief and accepting it eventually with some help he helped with forcing zorah magdaros out into the ocean (mostly manning a ballista) and then the months of whatever the hell happens between that and high rank in game idk
he got a cane, somewhere within that time frame after someone suggested it. nothing super fancy since he didnt really know what he'd want on it anyway. he also kind of psuedo retired as a hunter in favour of idk. becoming a quest handler instead, dipping a bit more into the research part or something and got assigned to another hunter (Odessa, who's owned by my friend @/thehappiestgolucky) and thry get to experience. the horrors. such as baby god (xeno jiiva)
he was both her quest handler and hunting partner in some form but he did a lot more monster tracking than actual fighting, also cooking for the road. his book is essentially just a giant hunter's journal with whatever information about monsters he gets and notes it down. at some point they all move to Seliana and he begins his winter hating arc
the cold made it a lot harder to ever do actual hunts and he'd retreat back to camp a lot more, heat packs were the most friend ever and for a solid while he actually made the mistake of staying in a little too long instead of trying to move around (but with the advice of that he felt a lot better) snow and ice however. mean to him. they got him an ice pick for his cane so he doesnt fall over
he does actually have at least one other cane with a wider base for more support, since all the locales reasonably are a little mean to him. forest is fine but mostly lays in tripping over a tree root or something. wildspire just tires him the hell out (and the sun means the metal part of his cane heats up and he Has absolutely accidentally touched it before) since the sand isnt the best place to walk
coral highlands is. its a lot of highland so hes been a lot more careful regarding it and rotton vale, while he didn't really want to go down there again. bones are tripping hazards and bones are spiky and sharp and theres also effluvium which honestly could not be good for any hunter to breathe in like that flatout. you are going to fuck up your lungs.
other random things. hes just kind of shy about his appearance in a way. even if most of the other hunters dont *seem* to judge him (they signed up for danger they know this is a possibility) the occasional pity glance or remarks are just. thanks! i guess! though it doesnt bother him as much anymore it does still a little bit. overall hes also kind of shy in the way of being seen like anywhere without most of his outfit on (the hot springs) not in a gender dysphoric kind of way, if anything he passes just fine but also theres the weird little fear of judgement
for the most part he had his own room living in Astera, not super fancy but it was cozy enough. in Seliana his lodging is bigger but still sort of a one floor cabin with everything he'd need. he doesn't use his cane while indoors but he likes having it within reach. also travelling. the line from rise where sometimes hunters go "oh sweet a chair/bench" is exactly what he mutters to himself every single time he finds somewhere to sit. most of it as a kind of joke but he needs it
he retired from the commission completely at some point at the age of roughly 18-19 and moved out to Kamura, bringing most of his old hunter gear and journals with him. and then. the horrors (the rampage)
the fact that he ends up meeting Odessa again anyway is kind of hilarious though
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sonorous-eisfyl · 5 months
((@storiedocs says henlo!))
Send 🗣️ and my muse will tell yours about a character from their canon and/or backstory!
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"My friends? Well... there's Odessa! She's probably one of the oldest friends that I've known throughout my life"
He holds a hand up to his chin in thought, figuring out where to possibly start. They did have a lot of history, after all.
"I met her when I was in the Research Commission's Fifth Fleet, allllll the way back when I was.... maybe about 14? The commission let me dip into handler duties and they assigned me to her since her handler got into an.... accident."
"We were roughly the same age! And I.. don't really remember how, but we got along pretty fast!" He laughs to himself fondly, nodding.
"I've basically seen her go through it all- helping redirect Zorah Magdaros, slaying Nergigante, Xeno 'jiiva, Velkhana, Shara Ishvalda... even Alatreon and by some miracle- a Fatalis! I... ha, I honestly don't know how she's done it. I'm... I'm honestly just glad she's still alive, after all of that."
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pukei-pukei · 11 months
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MH OC Questionnaire Day 1- Introduction
Mack is a historically young Grandmaster Hunter of the Guild. They've spent their entire adult life as a hunter; before the age most hunters even picked up a weapon, they'd grabbed the Guild's attention by taking a spare glaive and making a wild attempt to hunt a Yian Garuga- and succeeding. They've only gone up from there, climbing the Guild ranks until they received an invite to join the prestigious Research Commission as part of the Fifth Fleet.
Though they're still incredibly passionate about their work, they've grown jaded over the years of hunting. The downside of being exceptionally skilled is being assigned on "exceptional" missions, and not the type that get you a toast in the Gathering Hub and a place in the history books; no, these are the quests where any record it ever happened ends up sealed—or burned.
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Taking a shot at this excellent Monster Hunter character development questionnaire! I don't enjoy posting work for these creative challenges every single day, so I'll be working through it at my own pace.
Took this first day as an opportunity to make a new reference (and slight redesign) of my beloved World hunter, since they're the star of this questionnaire.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Austria: F-35 to replace the Eurofighters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/10/2022 - 22:09em Military
Austria is considering the fifth-generation F-35 Lightning II stealth game as a potential replacement for its Eurofighter Typhoon fleet after 2030.
The information was revealed on October 7 by the American website specialized in defense Jane's. With a defense budget of €16 billion (US$ 15.5 billion) by 2027, Jane's reveals that the arms management of the Austrian Ministry of Defense (MoD) was tasked with collecting information, allowing a value assessment of a possible acquisition of the fifth generation "stealth fighter" in the next decade.
The Eurofighter flight hour cost is expensive. In addition, the lack of coordination between customer countries, as well as in the method of assembling the devices (their elements are built by each of the parts) poses problems, especially in the supply of spare parts. Having become complicated for a dignified modernization, the T1 standard is simply no longer popular. And to make matters more difficult, the Austrians do not find a buyer country.
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In addition, the current 15 Typhoons jets are insufficient to ensure 24/7 air policing. Only a few hours a day (6 to 8) are possible, when the availability of the fleet allows it.
The Armaments Directorate of the Austrian Ministry of Defense has been working on the future aircraft for several years. But this time, a commission was created to study the possibilities offered by Lockheed Martin's F-35. This is just a first step. If the latter is validated, the country will carry out a new evaluation with a possible request for an official offer.
The new Austrian federal government has set the goal to allow the armed forces to effectively and efficiently perform their constitutional tasks of maintaining neutrality and ensuring security in airspace.
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It would be the latest European country to choose the American plane manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Last week, the Czech Republic began negotiations for the possible purchase of 24 F-35 stealthmen. Before that, Greece sent an official request to the United States for the purchase of 20 F-35 fighters last July. Spain is considering the acquisition of the F-35, as well as Portugal.
Austria is very interested in a future collaboration with its neighboring Italy, which is producing it, Switzerland, which has just ordered it, and the Czech Republic and Germany, which are heading towards the American plane. The possibilities of training, sharing experiences and maintenance are therefore numerous. There is no doubt that all these options will weigh a lot on the final decision.
In addition, the company said it could deliver the first F-35 fighters to Germany in 2026. Berlin will also acquire the F-35 multifunction fighters, as announced by the German Ministry of Defense last March. In 2030, the F-35s will replace the Tornado fighter fighters, supplied to the Air Force (Luftwaffe) since 1980.
But with regard to Austria, time will reveal whether Jane's report is a concrete hypothesis.
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Meanwhile, last February, at the Singapore Airshow, the American defense giant revealed its production goal of the F-35 for 2022, Shepardmedia reported. Lockheed Martin said it expects to produce between 148 and 153 F-35 fighters this year, an increase over the 142 aircraft produced in 2021.
At the end of June, the American defense contractor had declared that she expected an increase in orders in Europe for her fifth-generation fighter.
Lockheed Martin predicted in June 2022 that more than 550 F-35 fighters will be operating in Europe by 2035, above 128 in June 2022.
Tags: Military AviationEurofighter TyphoonF-35 Lightning IIAustrian Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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shadowsong26fic · 2 years
Coming Attractions!
Once again, I don’t have a whole lot of updates, alas. But this year is already looking more active, writing-wise, than last year, so I have high hopes!
Plug for my writing discord if you’d like to hang out--it’s pretty quiet, especially lately, but is more or less intended to be a more interactive extension of this blog.
Also, we’ll go ahead and do an open question night! Anything I’ve posted about here or on AO3 is fair game. My askbox is always open, but tonight I’m around and keeping at least a vague eye on it. I do take prompts, but I do not promise to fulfil them in a timely manner, lol.
Probably won’t be out this month, especially since I really need to kick into gear on my BB project, but I have not abandoned it--I’ve put too much into this to abandon it, lol.
Based on feedback from my last question post, I am going to do something where Padme’s ship never landed on Tatooine (they got their repairs elsewhere, I guess) and Anakin and Ahsoka meet and have an Adventure during the Clone War. Specifics to be determined, but it’ll be a fun ride, I’m sure. XD
OTP Meme:
I am very proud of myself for getting all five done last month! And I know...more or less what I’m doing for four of the five for this month (figuring out the Specifics for one of those four, and as yet Undecided for the fifth). I’m really glad I decided to do this, it’s definitely getting me to get stuff out.
The Other Battlestar:
Still needs a better title; but I really do think I’ll get started posting this month (I know I keep saying that but shhh). Not a formal teaser, but because there are some Key OCs in order to make the plot work, so a little bit of info on them!
Vance Kimble - around fifty; actor; went to college with Wallace Gray; will take Baltar’s Politics storylines (which, within the bounds of how far I want to go here, means Caprica’s representative on the Quorum and eventually VP; but if I do change my mind and go past the Pegasus arc, he’ll also team up with Zarek to run for President)
Atia Reyes-Baltar - will take Baltar’s Science storylines (because there is no way to build someone who can do Both the way he does); also at least part of the reason he doesn’t end up on Boomer’s Raptor (because he’s looking for her, he takes a different route when he flees his house)
Daphne Reed - Senior Medical Officer on Pegasus. ...yep, not much else to say about her that doesn’t Give Things Away, lol.
Cornelius Felden - highest-ranking Marine officer on Pegasus (tentatively a Captain since who the fuck knows how Marine officer ranks work we have never seen a Marine commissioned officer); originally from Aerilon.
Simon O’Neill - no, not that one. Or that one. ...no, not that one, either. sorry I couldn’t resist Officially a pediatrician; part of the civilian fleet that Pegasus strips; gets drafted for his medical degree. ((also is there. like. a Convention for tagging Cylon OCs? Especially ones that use their model’s Shared Name?))
There’s an additional selectee for Daphne’s department but Simon is the important one; Ileana Fortuna (an old OC of mine, one of Zarek’s aides) may also make an appearance here and there but will probably not be Significant.
...I think that covers pretty much everything I have in the Immediate pipeline; but there are other things percolating on a more long-range timescale (actually doing a SW/BSG crossover; some of my other SW-alone projects, expanding on a couple of the AUs I’m building for the OTP meme fills, etc.) So...there it is! Relatively short update, like I said, lol.
Also, not writing, but I dug up some old BSG fanmixes I made my first time around in the fandom, and made some Comments about them on my personal blog, if you’re curious: Season 3 mix; Cylon ship mix; Baltar/Six mix.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Destruction of Novocherkassk Confirms Ukraine Has Longer Range Storm Shadow Missiles - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/destruction-of-novocherkassk-confirms-ukraine-has-longer-range-storm-shadow-missiles-technology-org/
Destruction of Novocherkassk Confirms Ukraine Has Longer Range Storm Shadow Missiles - Technology Org
The Russian landing ship Novocherkassk was reported as damaged as early as 25th of March, 2022. It was not known whether it was damaged seriously nor can it be repaired. However, Ukrainian officials said that it is likely operational and being used to transport Iranian Shahed-136 drones, used to attack Ukrainian cities. Now Novocherkassk was completely destroyed during the Ukrainian attack on the naval base in the city of Feodosia in Russian-occupied Crimea.
Russian landing ship Novocherkassk when it was still operational and not partially submerged. Image credit: Artem Topchiy via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Russian landing ship Novocherkassk was destroyed on the 26th of December 2023. People of the occupied Feodosia reported a loud explosion and many have seen an unbelievably bright ball of fire, which replaces the silhouette of Novocherkassk.
There is no doubt that there was something on that ship – maybe ammunition, maybe missiles, or maybe drones, like the Ukrainians have predicted. It is also clear that it was not destroyed during the 25th of March attacks, because back then it was in Briansk.
Soon satellite images confirmed that Novocherkassk, a 112.5 metre long landing ship once inserted in the list of ships that could participate in an amphibious assault of Ukraine, is gone. It is completely destroyed, with parts of it submerged. A large shard of its body was found in Feodosia far from the port where it was docked.
👀 The moment of the explosion of ammunition (possibly Shaheds) on the Novocherkassk ship in Feodosia 🔥 pic.twitter.com/q3Nq6O90Kz
— MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) December 26, 2023
But what did Ukraine use to destroy the Novocherkassk? Well, it is universally agreed that this attack was carried out by plane-launched cruise missiles Storm Shadow / SCALP-EG. Russia even reported to have destroyed two Su-24 jets that could have participated in the attack, but Ukraine denied it. However, BILD reports that according to a retired officer of the German Army Erhard Bühler, the employment of the Storm Shadow for this task is surprising.
You see, Feodosia is on the far Southern corner of the occupied Crimean peninsula. And, it was reported that Ukraine received Storm Shadow cruise missiles with a reduced range of around 250 km.
According to Erhard Bühler, this cannot be true – Ukraine must have received Storm Shadow missiles with a range of 560 km. Russia must understand that as well – such a deep strike will severely limit the freedom of movement of the Black Sea fleet. There are no safe ports for Russians in Ukraine.
👀 High-quality satellite images of the port in Feodosia, where you can see “Novocherkassk” before it completely sank ❗ pic.twitter.com/1RUOBH8niI
— MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) December 27, 2023
Even though Novocherkassk was an amphibious landing ship, Erhard Bühler believes it was used to carry ammunition. It blew up so spectacularly that it is clear that it wasn’t just a missile strike on an empty ship. By some estimations, Russia already lost one-fifth of its Black Sea navy since the beginning of its invasion of Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, was informed about the destruction of Novocherkassk. No one can tell what his reaction was. Although this ship was commissioned in 1987, it was still in use and the loss of it is a big hit to the Russian forces in Ukraine.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Wikipedia, Tsn.ua.
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ifindoubttakeabite · 1 year
Welcome to my RP Sideblog for The Handler (I headcanon her name as Phoebe) from Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter World Iceborne! I follow back from @merchub.
About the Handler
NAME: Phoebe (this is a headcanon– The Handler has no canonical name!)
AGE: 19
ORIENTATION: asexual lesbian
OCCUPATION: Handler. Takes care of her assigned hunter’s paperwork. Also researches the land and local life. Wants to document everything edible in the New World.
PERSONALITY: bubbly, cheerful, curious (to a fault), reckless, inquisitive. Cares very much about the safety of others, but her passion and enthusiasm in the field often gets her into sticky situations.
SKILLS: cooking, baking, biology, monster knowledge
MOTIVATION: to follow in the footsteps of her grandpa, who was a hunter in the First Fleet of hunters in the New World, as in, the first group of Hunters who found it and documented the ecosystem. Her goal is to document everything edible in the New World and catalogue its monsters along with her A-Lister, the monster hunter.
APPEARANCE: A 19 year old with fair skin, a curvy body, and brown hair tied up in a bun. She wears gear typical of the Fifth Fleet’s commission members.
INVENTORY: Ink quill, massive book of research notes attached to her side via a belt (far from insignificant is the amount of content about food in there), goggles she made herself, a hunting horn to defend herself. She also has a set of gear for colder areas such as the Hoarfrost Reach, as opposed to her standard gear, which is for temperate or warm climates.
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sbnkalny · 5 months
unempath: God, the yells
unempath: Sudenly a gothic old man yells at cloud Card has started approving of it more
gokugetemattitude: The commission's fifth fleet, right? the old man yells at Cloud card has started approving of it more
unempath: The Commission's fifth fleet, it's time
unempath: We should start Focusing the Commission's fifth fleet, right? that fleet has plagued the seekers who were confused.....??,##^^{]??£
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Danish Beer Flagon, before 1801
On the front side there is a prominent decorated brass plaque engraved:
THE HOLSTEIN FLAGON, Taken by the grace of God and the courage of Admiral Nelson from the Danish Fleet at the Great Battle of Copenhagen, April 2nd. 1801.
Then above this plaque there is a second smaller silver plaque engraved:
Presented to Lt. William Field on his leaving command of the NASSAU November 1814.
This Flagon was taken from the Danish 64 gun Man-o-War Holsteeen or Holstein (launched 1772) after capture during this great Naval engagement, Nelson's second huge victory, known as the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801. The Danish ship HOLSTEIN after capture was commissioned into the British Navy as H.M.S. NASSAU. It was the fifth Ship in the British Navy, at the time, to be named NASSAU. In 1806 she was part of a flotilla that captured the Prussian Ship "Jonge Bartels","Vissary", "Nicholi" and "Martha".
In 1808 together with H.M.S. Stately they captured the Danish Ships "Prins Christian Frederic", "Industrie" and "Haabet Anker" and in 1809 she captured the French Privateer "Jean Bart". In 1810 the NASSAU was converted to a Prison Ship under the command of Lieutenant William Field. She was sold out of service in 1814.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 2.14
748 – Abbasid Revolution: The Hashimi rebels under Abu Muslim Khorasani take Merv, capital of the Umayyad province Khorasan, marking the consolidation of the Abbasid revolt. 842 – Charles the Bald and Louis the German swear the Oaths of Strasbourg in the French and German languages. 1014 – Pope Benedict VIII crowns Henry of Bavaria, King of Germany and of Italy, as Holy Roman Emperor. 1130 – The troubled 1130 papal election exposes a rift within the College of Cardinals. 1349 – Several hundred Jews are burned to death by mobs while the remaining Jews are forcibly removed from Strasbourg. 1530 – Spanish conquistadores, led by Nuño de Guzmán, overthrow and execute Tangaxuan II, the last independent monarch of the Tarascan state in present-day central Mexico. 1556 – Having been declared a heretic and laicized by Pope Paul IV on 4 December 1555, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer is publicly defrocked at Christ Church Cathedral. 1556 – Coronation of Akbar as ruler of the Mughal Empire. 1613 – Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Frederick V of the Palatinate at Whitehall Palace, London. 1655 – The Mapuches launch coordinated attacks against the Spanish in Chile beginning the Mapuche uprising of 1655. 1778 – The United States flag is formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte renders a nine gun salute to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones. 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Kettle Creek is fought in Georgia. 1779 – James Cook is killed by Native Hawaiians near Kealakekua on the Island of Hawaii. 1797 – French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Cape St. Vincent: John Jervis, (later 1st Earl of St Vincent) and Horatio Nelson (later 1st Viscount Nelson) lead the British Royal Navy to victory over a Spanish fleet in action near Gibraltar. 1804 – Karađorđe leads the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire. 1831 – Ras Marye of Yejju marches into Tigray and defeats and kills Dejazmach Sabagadis in the Battle of Debre Abbay. 1835 – The original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in the Latter Day Saint movement, is formed in Kirtland, Ohio. 1849 – In New York City, James Knox Polk becomes the first serving President of the United States to have his photograph taken. 1852 – Great Ormond St Hospital for Sick Children, the first hospital in England to provide in-patient beds specifically for children, is founded in London. 1855 – Texas is linked by telegraph to the rest of the United States, with the completion of a connection between New Orleans and Marshall, Texas. 1859 – Oregon is admitted as the 33rd U.S. state. 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell applies for a patent for the telephone, as does Elisha Gray. 1879 – The War of the Pacific breaks out when the Chilean Army occupies the Bolivian port city of Antofagasta. 1899 – Voting machines are approved by the U.S. Congress for use in federal elections. 1900 – The British Army begins the Battle of the Tugela Heights in an effort to lift the Siege of Ladysmith. 1903 – The United States Department of Commerce and Labor is established (later split into the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor). 1912 – Arizona is admitted as the 48th and the last contiguous U.S. state. 1912 – The U.S. Navy commissions its first class of diesel-powered submarines. 1918 – Russia adopts the Gregorian calendar. 1919 – The Polish–Soviet War begins. 1920 – The League of Women Voters is founded in Chicago. 1924 – The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company changes its name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). 1929 – Saint Valentine's Day Massacre: Seven people, six of them gangster rivals of Al Capone's gang, are murdered in Chicago. 1942 – World War II: Battle of Pasir Panjang contributes to the fall of Singapore. 1943 – World War II: Rostov-on-Don, Russia is liberated. 1943 – World War II: Tunisia Campaign: General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim's Fifth Panzer Army launches a counter-attack against Allied positions in Tunisia. 1944 – World War II: In the action of 14 February 1944, a Royal Navy submarine sinks a German-controlled Italian Regia Marina submarine in the Strait of Malacca. 1945 – World War II: On the first day of the bombing of Dresden, the British Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces begin fire-bombing Dresden. 1945 – World War II: Navigational error leads to the mistaken bombing of Prague, Czechoslovakia by a United States Army Air Forces squadron of B-17s assisting in the Soviet Red Army's Vistula–Oder Offensive. 1945 – World War II: Mostar is liberated by Yugoslav partisans 1945 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy, officially beginning U.S.-Saudi diplomatic relations. 1946 – The Bank of England is nationalized. 1949 – The Knesset (parliament of Israel) convenes for the first time. 1949 – The Asbestos Strike begins in Canada. The strike marks the beginning of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec. 1961 – Discovery of the chemical elements: Element 103, Lawrencium, is first synthesized at the University of California. 1966 – Australian currency is decimalized. 1979 – In Kabul, Setami Milli militants kidnap the American ambassador to Afghanistan, Adolph Dubs who is later killed during a gunfight between his kidnappers and police. 1983 – United American Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee collapses. Its president, Jake Butcher, is later convicted of fraud. 1989 – Union Carbide agrees to pay $470 million to the Indian government for damages it caused in the 1984 Bhopal disaster. 1989 – Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini issues a fatwa encouraging Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses. 1990 – Ninety-two people are killed when Indian Airlines Flight 605 crashes in Bangalore, India. 1990 – The Voyager 1 spacecraft takes the photograph of planet Earth that later becomes famous as Pale Blue Dot. 1998 – An oil tanker train collides with a freight train in Yaoundé, Cameroon, spilling fuel oil. One person scavenging the oil created a massive explosion which killed 120. 2000 – The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker enters orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid. 2003 – Iraq disarmament crisis: UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Hans Blix reports to the United Nations Security Council that disarmament inspectors have found no weapons of mass destruction in Ba'athist Iraq. 2004 – In a suburb of Moscow, Russia, the roof of the Transvaal water park collapses, killing more than 28 people, and wounding 193 others. 2005 – In Beirut, 23 people, including former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, are killed when the equivalent of around 1,000 kg of TNT is detonated while Hariri's motorcade drives through the city. 2005 – Seven people are killed and 151 wounded in a series of bombings by suspected al-Qaeda-linked militants that hit Makati, Davao City, and General Santos City, all in the Philippines. 2005 – YouTube is launched by a group of college students, eventually becoming the largest video sharing website in the world and a main source for viral videos. 2008 – Northern Illinois University shooting: A gunman opens fire in a lecture hall of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb County, Illinois, resulting in six fatalities (including the gunman) and 21 injuries. 2011 – As a part of Arab Spring, the Bahraini uprising begins with a 'Day of Rage'. 2018 – Jacob Zuma resigns as President of South Africa. 2018 – A shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida is one of the deadliest school massacres with 17 fatalities and 17 injuries. 2019 – Pulwama attack takes place in Lethpora in Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir, India in which 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel and a suicide bomber were killed and 35 were injured.
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kathuman · 4 years
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This massive commission is finally done!! It took forever, haha. I’m thankful I was able to finish it in time for Christmas though!
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sonorous-eisfyl · 5 months
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// @a-musing-mixologist | cont.
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"Are-- are you alright?"
---- A soft voice laced with worry would be heard to accompany the blurry figure of the other human standing by him. Frosting moves back a little as the older hunter sits up, grasping his glaive with a concerned expression. He had watched this man get decked by a Barroth and ran over to help within a minute. Thankfully, it was easy enough to get that monster away from its victim with a mass of rocks to its face from the slinger. And while he was a little worried it might return, a flash pod should be enough of a distraction if it happened
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"O-oh! I'm, um, Frosting- hunter from the commission's Fifth Fleet-- but... introductions can be done later, h..how are you feeling?"
He was... a child? Or at least, a teen at roughly 15-16 or so from observation. His hair was pretty fluffy looking, a soft white with a purple gradient at its tip. Perhaps that was how he got his name, even if it was possibly a little bit of an odd one. Frosting originally had been collecting some of the local flora out of curiosity, before he saw Reverto getting attacked.
"You got... hit pretty badly, but it shouldn't be anything severe! I.. I don't think so, at least..."
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Hello hi I've come to tell about a discduo au
I'm unsure if you'll enjoy this but! Hit game series monster hunter deserves some love in the form of an au (the au itself is a mix of stuff from monster hunter stories such as the monsties, alongside taking a lot of elements and the monsters in monster hunter world cause i love that game)
Anyways, Tommy is new hunter in the fifth fleet for the research commission in the new world, with his handler being Wilbur. They bond and stuff, there's also the commander (or mayhaps admiral unsure yet) who's Techno, who's a seasoned hunter himself but took a step back to instead lead newer hunters. He was part of the first fleet.
Something's been fucking up the ecosystem, by drawing in elder dragons, and of course Techno assigns Tommy and Wilbur to look into that, and at some point joins them in looking after it proves to be elder dragons. What is that something? Of course, a Rider by the name of Dream, who wears a mask to hide his true face (which is rumoured to be heavily scarred by his experience taming an extremely fearsome elder dragon: velkhana). He's drawing in elder dragons in order to feed a new monster: xeno'jiva. Fucker needs a lot of life energy, and how better to do that than feed off the natural cycle of the new world and elder dragon migration?
Anyways, they eventually beat xeno'jiva and stuff, and everything seems to be looking up. Then, monsters start showing up dead, apexes in ecosystems being killed, often by freezing from the inside out. A few weeks later, there's a velkhana sighting and soon after an anjanath found dead, frozen inside out, like all the others.
Dream's also behind this, wanting to take out the research commission's work and maybe make it harder for them by uh.. killing the ecosystems. Over the course of the xeno'jiva problem, he'd grown a large interest in Tommy, this time seconding his taking out the research commission by wanting to draw Tommy in with a large threat only the most talented rising hunter could.
Stuff happens and eventually it's dealt with, and stuff.
I've got some other ideas, such as Dream being another hunter from the first fleet who worked with Techno, but disagreed with the need for helping regulate ecosystems in the new world to keep them from imbalancing (which would cause issues in the migration cycles of elder dragons ofc) and then went to the extreme of 'how about instead we just let them all die' and then to 'i'll destroy the ecosystem myself' after basically losing Techno to that disagreement, as well as George and Sapnap (sapnap is a cook and george is part of the botanical research team), because ofc they're all like 'wtf we're trying to preserve ecosystems and monsters ofc this is important' and Dream just Doesn't Get It.
But with Tommy? He can see exactly where that fire comes from, where the drive to balance and preserve and protect comes from, and it fascinates him to no end just how much of a spitfire kid he is and yet he's so kind and caring for everything around him, plant and animal, small monster and elder dragon.
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