#But that wouldn't matter 'cause I'd me omnipotent
sweetie-bri · 1 year
I was wondering if you had full on godly powers would everyone have to bow down to you or would you be kinder then the myths that we have today?
I think about this so much! Just let me go on a small tangent I pinkie swear that I won't be rude to any theists! I've always wondered why the gods in serious religions make people with inequality and the like, it doesn't make sense to me. The way I've rationalized it is that the many complications of the world are just ways to keep the deity/deities entertained, they maybe put all these pieces into play and intentionally fog their omniscience to watch the domino rally of the actions they put in place unfurl. As a mere mortal girly I wouldn't care about that. My primary concern is being adored by any means necessary! I'd just make utopia, and make people live in constant euphoria. Ensuring there was always stuff to do because I'm a GODDESS so nobody gets bored, then people will willingly worship me 'cause I'm doing a good job!
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hey, i'm glad for you telling me the truth, if you lied to me i'd actually be pretty hurt! 🥺
and i'm sorry if you have like, a genuine fear of me, but i do find this kind of funny. again, sorry if that's a bit insensitive, but still you don't have really anythin' to worry about. there's a pretty big difference between someone that actively causes or wants to cause unnecessary harm to others, and you, who mostly just makes genuine mistakes and is very willing to apologize for em'. i see no reason to have ill will against innocent or well meaning people.
although, i do admit, i'm glad i don't have to interact with you or any of the other lovely people i've met over the internet in real life. not because i don't like or feel positive feelings towards you guys, i really do! y'all are seriously the highlights of my day. i'm just not the most...emotionally or mentally coherent person in real life. i wouldn't make for a very good friend as i do over the internet. i could try, but in the end it would be a lot, and i mean a lot, of work for me, and even with all the effort i could put in it probably would feel very ineffective to you guys.
i also understand being really afraid of offending people with your words, but you kind of have to try to let those thoughts go, and i know that's easier said than done because i am far from neurotypical, but i'm saying to try to calm the overthinking because the truth of the matter is you're going to offend someone eventually in your life. you're not omnipotent, you don't know everything that is offensive and inoffensive. so just, relax and accept yourself as a flawed being. that way when you do fuck up you wont spiral into despair.
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