#But I've been here since like. Late 2016. Which I know is not that oldest of fans but keep in mind I was like. 12. At the time
anothermonikan · 2 years
The Yellow Guy age debate isn't a 'New fans vs Old fans' thing it's a perspective of the new show vs interpretation of the YouTube series thing
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artharakka · 1 year
33, 40, 45 for the oc ask meme?
Woah I finally have a proper day off without having anything scheduled! So some more oc ask doodles it is because I still have a bunch of these in my askbox ✨🧡
33. Your shyest OC?
Rhiam. Though often during any kind of intense moments like in fights Rhiam gets into some kind of flow state where they just act on intuition (because they don't have time to overthink).
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45. A character you no longer use?
Oh so many! But at the same time I don't know? Because I tend to have some active stories and characters I rotate in my mind and some stories are kind of abandoned (for now), but time to time I pick some old characters from them and reuse them in some new setting. Here's one that I haven't been tempted to recycle though:
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I don't even remember did I name her anything besides Queen. She was a cold monarch in the first version of my oldest proper story and one of the story's main antagonists. She was replaced with other kind of antagonists over time as the story developed. She wasn't very deeply developed since I was like... 14? when I made the story. She was obsessed with keeping the power in her hands which drove her to severe paranoia that made her blame the story's protagonist's love interest of stealing the magical crown jewel and the protagonist was to find the real culprit. Her son Lumi, on the other hand, who was just a side character in the original story, became a more important character in the later versions of the story. He was also forgotten for a time but lately I resurrected a version of him to my space ttrpg that I've sometimes posted on my Patreon. So, some version of this queen also still lives as Lumi's mother.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters?
So many to so many! Majority of my ocs I've created or introduced to shared projects of me, @iijadraws & @artist-rat so creating ocs and stories is mostly a communal activity with friends for me 🧡 There are the protagonists of our graphic novel (currently on back burner), Kasimira, Sonja, and Idla, that are very dear as we started the project in 2016 when we were getting to know each other. Currently I'm cherishing Rhiam's ttrpg campaign Heartland which artist-rat is DMing as during it we have been getting back to hanging out just the three of us after life got in the way (there were happy things as well, but time consuming). But there are two characters that came to mind first when thinking about fond memories:
Pujo ("Mugwort") and Paju ("Willow") are twin characters of me and @artist-rat (Paju is mine, Pujo Rat's). We created them when we weren't in that good place (at least I was in the pits of depression and burnout). And also after we hadn't seen each other in half a year after I was studying in Canada. They are not us, but there's also something that makes them the most "us" characters we have. They have had rough times and a bit broken family, but they are always there for each other. I projected my depression heavily on Paju, and kind of started to resent them because I started to resent myself. But my friends loved Paju (and me) despite their flaws and depression and so I also started to gain my own self esteem ❤. For us they embody the kind of comfort there is in a not-that-grand commuter town apartment that has been made in to a home despite the bland facade. Or going to get takeout late in the evening, but it's still warm and light because of the northern summer's barely setting sun. They started as Skyrim characters, but have since been adapted to many settings. A couple of years ago I started to draw small slice of life comics about them, but I got busy with graduating etc. I've been thinging of starting that kind of a project about them again though.
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tc-doherty · 2 months
Author Questionnaire
tagged by @the-letterbox-archives again, thanks :3
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
I started it January 1st, 2022.
What led you to create it?
My original writing blog was a side blog. I wanted to revive it but I also really wanted to be able to interact with things as a separate entity from my main blog, so I remade it here. I don't know precisely when my old side blog was made since I've deleted it, but probably 2015 or so.
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I just love being surrounded by creative people, it's fun to always see somebody talking about something they're working on!
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
If you don't know already, I love to talk. People can message me or reblog or comment on literally anything. I love to talk shop, I love to answer questions, I love to help people brainstorm, I love to talk about pretty much anything with people.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I could always stand to see more positive jokes and memes and less negative ones, but otherwise it's pretty good.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Ones that I'm actively working on publishing or will soon be publishing: Dragon's Daughter, Celestials, Second Chances Ones that I am currently writing or planning about in an intentional way: Untitled 3, Northbound, Miracles, Magic Black as Knight
How long have you been working on them?
Second Chances is the oldest of those overall, which goes back to 2007 or 2008, at least. (only Silverwood is older since it goes back to around 2003) The Ghost was originally written in November of 2013 Dragon's Daughter was originally written in December of 2015 Northbound shows November of 2018, but it was based on something that I had written earlier and I don't know the exact date. I would be willing to bet 2016 though. Different parts of it come from different places so some of the characters go back to circa 2005, 2007, and 2008. Miracles is from August of 2019. Magic Black as Knight is from April 2022. Untitled 3 I finished writing this month although the initial idea is from 2019
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
In order of the above: lots of mixed sources, a dream, my roommate telling me I should do it, a dream+old RPs, thinking the vibes would be fun, a dream, a completely mediocre anime that I watched
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Anytime I'm not actively focused on something else, I'm thinking about a story. It might not be one of those listed about, but it is a story of mine. So, quite a bit.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Hot take, I do not hate it when people ask me what I write about. I actually like that. Depending on my mood I might jokingly say something like homosexuality or magic and friendship. If I'm more serious I'll say that I write about figuring yourself out and finding the place you belong. Or if they're asking about something specific I will just tell them what that story is about.
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
I was just categorizing them for fun so take your pick:
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Who’s the most unhinged?
Quite a few of them are, but it's not incorrect to say Myca and Madena.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
None of them are particularly difficult to write. But I have the most fun with characters who can't or won't give a straight answer, for whatever reason.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Nope. Why would I?
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I approach things from a psychology and sociology based process. I try to allow the characters to have room to breathe and exist as part of their settings, so I can figure out what they are most likely to do. I might joke about them "writing themselves" but it's only because I'm trying to follow what the most likely path is for them to take. In general, no, I'm still in charge and I'm still making the decisions.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Of course, I love talking about my characters! Any way is acceptable.
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I mostly just follow my friends and people who interact with me a lot. I don't follow very many people actually, only 37. It's generally people I know in real life, people online I've known or been mutuals with for a long time, some artists whose art I like, and then some writers that I talk to or somewhat frequently interact with.
What makes you decide against following?
I mean I won't follow you if you post a lot a shit I don't agree with. But also I have physical limitations so if you post a lot, I probably won't follow you, or might stop following you just because it's too difficult for me to keep up with my friends through a slog of posts. I also can get annoyed at people who constantly reblog their own stuff – nothing wrong with reblogging things and promoting yourself but there are limits. That sort of fits back into the above though it's just if there's too many posts that are getting in the way, I will stop following you.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I'll talk with anybody, and I tend to respond to comments that people leave me whether they're my mutual are not! I mean maybe not if it's something generic like "nice" or whatever, but if somebody says something to me then I will probably respond to it.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
To be honest I mostly have brain space for the characters of my IRL friends and also one or two people that I've known for over a decade. But I guess I am technically mutuals with all of those people so…yes?
Tagging: @did-i-do-this-write @outpost51 @thegoddesswater @unclear-contributions and anyone else who wants to :>
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humanistauno · 5 years
A Journal by: Melody Leagogo
Earth’s Rumble
On December 15, 2019 that was Sunday, I slept comfortably and pretty-well that I was not able to recognize the day of our Sabbath and devotion. I woke up as the morning sunray touches my lips, tardily crawling and wriggling like a worm. I accelerate slowly to switch my hips, indolently awake after the heavy sleep. I just told myself that this Christmas break, I should withdraw sleep because if there are classes I always woke up early. I fixed my bed and went into the kitchen to have my breakfast. It was just a normal day for me, no other plans aside from doing my daily routine and household chores then after, I will grab my contraption and start scrolling my social media accounts, watching videos, and doing some leisure. As the afternoon shadow stretched long and thin, I feel drowsy and decided to take some sleep but before that I played a game in my cellphone. I did not expected that this, this boredom feeling will turn into a trauma and replaced a feeling of huge nervousness and worry. Around 2:11 in the afternoon, the Mindanao Island shake again. A magnitude of 6.9 strike the Mindanao again for the third time and the strongest among the major earthquake that happened so far that hit the Land of Promise. I hurriedly jump from the bed and grab my six years old niece together with my father to go out. I was very nervous but my father told us do not panic, do not rattle and be aware. Prayers filled my mouth and I looked into my niece whose wrapping her arms around mine that seems very nervous as well. I opened my Facebook and saw the different updates about the recent calamity where Davao del sur is its center, the damages, and the ruined infrastructure caused by the disaster. The whole Mindanao was mourning and I remained astonished as I never assumed that this day will give a great impact to the Mindanao’s. I ended the day in fear that it might happen again and a prayer that it will not happen again.
Christmas Eve
Every year we are tend to celebrate Christmas with our family and gathered into my aunt’s house in General Santos city. It is our tradition as a family to celebrate Christmas together there and prepare foods for the Noche Buena. Today, December 24, 2019 before the Christmas day, I woke up with excitement because finally I will be able to escape the boredom that ruled the house for the past days but most importantly, I will be able to see my aunties, uncles, cousins and the quality time we will be spending to each other. We prepared and packed our things for the few days of staying there and then, leave the house. We rode on a bus to reach our destination and as we arrived at my aunt's house, the smells of delicious Noche Buena welcomed us. Caldereta, Barbeque, Grilled tuna, Seafood, Sweets and Desserts, fruits, and the every year's center attraction on the table of Filipinos, Lechon. I was glad that there is such event on our life that make us gathered together and capture each moment that our family will cherish. As everyone bide one's time for midnight, my uncles were already drunken laughter, spill the beans of liquor with matching karaoke. My aunties who became story tellers, exchanging one's ideas and hearty laughter. Their clamor and chatter makes harmony in mine that the connection between us is still there. During the Christmas Eve, my sister Cathy, contacted our oldest sister in the family via video call because she was not around with us. Actually, she was not around for 15 years and 15 years of celebrating Christmas without her. I am just 2 years old when she left to catch her luck and currently she's living in Cavite and have her own family now. We greeted each other a Merry Christmas, some chitchats and goodbye for each has stuffs to do. It's now 12 midnight, my uncle light the fire crackers, greeting each other a "Merry Christmas".
We Christians celebrate Christmas as a commemoration on Jesus birth and often giving and receiving presents and cards as one of the symbol. Today, December 25, 2019, I started a Christmas day with a midnight mass at the chapel together with my mother in Calumpang, Gensan as a thanks giving for all the gift and blessings we received this year. After attending the mas, we went home and I took some sleep because it's already morning since yesterday of going around. Today, my aunt from Ilo-ilo city together with her son will be arriving soon to have their vacation and will be spending time for us in this season of holiday. I am eager to see them because the last time we saw each other was in the year 2016. It was around 12 noon when they arrived at my aunt's house in Gensan. We greeted each other and welcome them a hug. There were many pasalubong they've brought for us including clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics, and of course the delicacies of Ilo-ilo is imperishable. There are Bischocho, Piyaya, and Pinasugbo. Aside from giving us all this stuffs, I also received a cash from them. I can say that December is truly a season of giving and the only season for me to collect more money. Our dinner was burst into laughter because my cousin with a mental disorder or what we called being hyper was stealing our foods because he was fond of eating and make funny acts. I hope that this is not the last time that we will be seeing each other again. I am looking forward for many years of spending Christmas with the family.
After staying in my aunt's house in General Santos City to celebrate Christmas, now it’s a time for us to go back home. Last night was another memory to be keep on my album of happy moments and love. It’s already December 26, 2019, time flies really. First of all, I woke excited because this day, I'll be witnessing the annular solar eclipse where Sol and Luna will be meeting each other again. According to the news and information I've read from social media, around noon, the moon will engulf the sun enable to form a ring of fire and will visible in some parts of Mindanao. We are hoping to witness the said phenomenon but unfortunately Sol and Luna was ashamed of showing its stunning union that they were hiding on the clouds. I feel blue because of missing such phenomenon but that was not a big deal. On the other hand, this afternoon, we went into nearby purok not so far from our house because this day was the death anniversary of my uncle, the late husband of my aunt from Ilo-ilo city. My uncle from Cagayan de Oro will be also arriving this day. They decided to stay in Antong instead of directing to Gensan because my aunt will be also going here. As we arrived to my late uncle's house, my uncle and his family was waiting for us. We greeted each other a hug because we've been seeing each other once a year and I cannot deny that I've misses them a lot as the two celestial beings met earlier it happened also on us. Actually, I don't have that strong relationship with my cousins or closeness with them because they are living in Cagayan de Oro and I am staying here but both company was trying to socialize and talk to each other to build connection and friendship. We had boodle fight for dinner and some enjoyable moment as we commemorate the memories of our late member of the family..
A family is like branches on a tree that grow in a different directions yet the roots remained as one. Today, December 27, 2019 is our 4th Plaga family reunion. It is once a year occasion that held every December of the month. I started the day grateful because again, our family was a given a chance to reunite and know each other better. Our first reunion happened in Gensan, then Mlang North Cotabato, last year was in Manili Lutayan, and today here in Lamba Banga. As we arrived, they welcomed us with a warm hug and we bless to the elders as a sign of respect. We started a program with a Bible service coming from our relative who is a pastor and shared the value of family. The elders start to bring back the history and ancestors of our race. Each family introduce their children so that the other family will know each other and the connection between us. After the chatters, the story telling, and socializing, we had our lunch. After filling our stomachs, they started to raffle our names who were listed earlier to some prizes awaited. Luckily, my name was not called. I told ‘ya I am not with this kind of gimmick. However, it was fun, expecting that your name will be the next one to be called. Not one of the winners of raffle but a winner in our parlor games. Together with my cousins, we played the game pass the message in the form of face movement and fortunately, we won the said game with a prize of 500 pesos. Our reunited was great and fun, I know a lot of the relatives and start to build friendship with them. I hope that this is not the last and hoping for many years of spending time and moments with them as for the next generation to continue our identity and legacy.
A Decade Has Pass
The year 2019 was not too bad for me. We are just creatures engulfed by imperfections and flaws. Challenges and tests were given and it is normal for us to feel crestfallen, to feel sorrow, and to feel anger. As I leave one year behind and roll into the next one, I am looking forward for the new year of bringing blessings, good health, and prosperity. New Year of hoping for a successful and fulfilling life I desire and deserve. Each fresh new start offers an oozing opportunity and beginning which is probably the reason I look into New Year’s Eve so much. As I end the last page of this chapter, I am with my parents on our own humble home beneath swaying palms. As we celebrate the New Year, we prepared minimal for the Medya Noche because we’re just three left here to face the new chapter. I and my mother cooked a minimal amount of Mango Graham, Lumpiang Shanghai and Grilled Tilapia for some reason, there is served on our daily table where we can eat together. Around 10 pm, me and my mother attended a midnight mass for the last day of the year to thanks God for the year of bitter-sweet and prayed to God that this coming year will shower us blessings, opportunities, and new discoveries. As I stand at the edge of the decade, waiting for 12 am for the 2020 to wave, there were different sounds that believed to drive away all the negativity and bad spirits, so as a tradition each one of us made noise and watched as the fireworks display. No matter what goals and changes I have for this coming year or how many New Year’s resolution I planned to move, in the start of a new year is a moment to acknowledge.
Community Engagement
Today, January 2, 2020, it is great to start a year with discoveries at the same time with adventure. We were tasked to go in a community we thought who are in needs as part of our subject Community Engagement and as a Humanities Student who are in lined with this area of specialization. Our group agreed to meet in front of SPDA at 8 am but unfortunately out of the 10 members only four of us were able to come. It is OK for me because of some instances that we cannot handle and commitments. At around 11 am, we decided to light up the fuel onward. We rode on a tricycle motioning the distance of Brgy. Assumption. We were lost bird in a desert misguided by the location of that hidden vicinity. We have no little knowledge on how far that place is nor where is the exact location because the one who’s suggest the place was not around why the driver occupied our being clueless. He charged us fare that is not accurate to the distance of our trip but we didn’t argue anymore. He dropped us in the low part area because he said that the tricycle has no resistance to climb up the mountainous area so we started walking and seeking for the whereabouts of our destination. Luckily, the people there was approachable and not rude. Some people we’ve asked warned us that the Brgy. Hall is far to walked but we decided to pursue it to exercise our muscles and enjoy the surroundings. We walked for about 4 kilometers fortunately, the road was cemented before reaching the Barangay hall and then we signed our permission letter to run the evaluation smooth. According to the people there, there 7 sitios and we are not sure where to go. The air brought us to Sitio Datal Fitak, the fifth sitio and more elevated and a kilometer away from the Brgy. Office. The people there are B'laans and the way they live is very simple. As we start our evaluation, we were surprised by their kindness and genuinely. The warm welcome and smile to us relieved our tired. Every time we asked them to conduct a survey, they let us in their humble home and treat us politely. It was 3 in the afternoon when we finished our sample target population and we went home. I wish I can go back to that place again where the smiles of the children are genuine and sincere.
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