#Buson does not announce things like his birthdays both because his identity's supposed to be secret and he's not looking forward to
runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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I've been letting Lillie and Buson age in Faraway Place but I just realized if I let little Trip grow older too, so he'll soon be another ten year old Trip... but he'd be an odd AU of himself because he'd stay as expressive and open, if still rather shy and more of a loner, as his younger self aaaand probably end up as naive and well-meaning as the average Ulternian. He needs one streetwise friend (Gold or Shamus) at all times, probably.
This would be a Trip who grew up in a very laid-back tropical island with virtually no crime and not even a single evil organization. It's a good thing they go back right to the time they were pulled from either way...
The pattern of his kariyushi is based on one from the Okinawa Pokemon Center! I referenced it from the Kariyushi Wear Pikachu plushie, fff.
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