#Buffalo Jeand
rickyhorrorolson · 7 years
Caught in the Middle (4/?)
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Stan was waiting for Bill to finish his shower, it was date night and regardless of the information Richie had dropped on him the other day, they were going to have a good time. However while waiting Stan got a bit antsy he started poking around instead of sitting comfortably on the couch flipping through tv channels that could barely hold his attention. He started to minorly adjust little things like the throw on the back of the couch and the pillows placed strategically in the corners.
Eventually he made his way down the hall and into Bills bedroom, his eyes gravitated to te small sqaure pillow half slouched out of place, no second thoughts as he fluffed and replaced the pillow. His eyes were on the walls again, taking in the shelves of knick knacks and book, some appearing to be for drawing. He was staring down a paper boat with S.S. Georgie written along the top of the body. He smiled to himself recalling Bills story about everytime his families in town his little brother hopes it rains so they can go out and watch the paper boat sail. He was too trained on that when he closed a dresser drawer and a file fell. Emptying half another one and threatening another 2.
His eyes snapped to the floor papers finishing their dance across waxed hardwood floors. "Shit." He hissed out making quick of scooping them all up his heart jumping with the spike of anxiety praying he can distinguish what files go where before Bills out.
He felt clammy when he realized the file he was holding was on the one and only Henry Bowers, he took a deep breath peeking at the other three still sitting on the spotless dresser. Lo and behold he was met with the names of Patrick Hockstetter, Victor 'Vic' Criss, and Reginald 'Belch' Huggins. How much nformation did Bill have on these idiots? He didn't have enough time to find out right now he couldn't have had much longer before Bill made his grand entrance.
Curiousity was digging at him as he lightly skimmed pages and shoved them into place. Some papers dated to Richie and Stans run in with them in middle school. No time to dig, was all he could repeat to himself.
Stan had just finished readjusting the files,setting them properly on the dresser when Bill had come in the room, only a towel to keeping his modesty intact. He felt even more flustered as Bill made his way over to where he stood. "How nuh-nice to find you here." Atleast Bill didn't sound upset even though Stan felt like he was over stepping a boundary. He didn't move until he felt soft lips drop a kiss on his neck. "You're more than wel-welcome to stay while I change." Stan loved that half teasing voice.
In a swift motion Stan had turned in the trap of Bills toned arms. "You're not getting lucky tonight. Get dressed, I'll be out in the living room." Stan managed to distract him with a kiss opening up his escape from the cozy room.
Bill trailed out of his room shortly after, dressed casually in jeand and a flannel layered over a t-shirt. Stan couldn't help but trail his eyes up his boyfriend. Yeah he looked good in suits but seeing him in street wear always unleashed butterflies in his tummy. Bill had a smug smile when their eyes met,his hand reaching out once he got close enough, fingers dancing alone Stans smooth jaw, leading him into a gently kiss. "You ready?" Stan just nodded, letting Bills hand slide from his jaw to his lower back, letting himself be guided out the door.
Stan was looking at is and Bills hands intertwined over the center console as Bill was driving. He spared Bill a glance, almost breathless at the glow casted upon him in the setting sun. "Why do you have such heftly files on Bowers gang?" He cursed the shake of his voice, making how unsure of himself he was known.
The surprise that crossed Bills face was mostly hidden by sunglasses. He gave a small squeez to Stans hand, running his thumb over the soft skin above his thumb. "Eddie and Mike were worried to begin with once news traveled that they were back in town. Then after Richies little confession, Eddie contacted Bev for me for any information she had on file. We'd all preferto be prepared if the stalking has to do with them."
Stan nodded, "Okay. Thanks for telling me." Questions took a back seat in his mind as Bill pulled their hands up to his lips, kissing Stans knuckles. He could tuck them away for later. They could have a nice date night and not worry about anything. They would enjoy alone time with the peace of mind of having both Eddie and Mike at his apartment with Richie.
Back at the aparement Eddie had made himself comfortable in Stans room, creeping about online fore any more information he can find on the hivemind that called themselves Bowers gang. Trying to figure out more than just what went on in the malls of Derry's public middle school and highschool. Something that could have cause Richie to so aggresivley avoid any chance of coming in contact with Patrick Hockstetter.
Mike had made them dinner, introducing Richie to the wonders of vegan food with his personal favorite of buffalo cauliflower tacos. He wont be admiting to anyone how flustered he felt at every bit of praise that fell from Richie as he graciously at the meal placed infront of him. Eddie almost fondly rolled his eyes at the two dancing around each other, taking his dinner with a quick thank you as he escaped back to Stans room.
Hours later Eddie had given up out of frustration, no one he had contacted had been helpful, all saying the same things that were in Bevs files he had past on to Bill early that morning. Eddie had grabbed his dishes and headed out of the room, full intentions on cleaning up. Given what Stan had told him about the mess Ricie tends to produce, he expected for his work to be cut out for him. But he was met with a spotless everything and Richie very much asleep atop Mike. Both made themselves comfortable on the couch, Richies light snores barely audible above the movie they had fallen asleep during.
Eddie debated on taking a peek in Richies room to the sound of The Breakfast Club humming over the tv speakers. He huffed out a breath as he decided to risk it, once again sneaking past the sleeping pair and back down the hall. When the door popped open he was pleasantly surprised. The room wasn't a mess, it was scattered and very much fit Richies abit scatter brained personality. He managed his escape with Richies year books for all four years of highschool. Getting cozy once again in Stans room to do a little more personaly digging.
On the otherside of town Stan and Bill had made their way out of the cinema still snickering at the so bad it's funny orror flick that had just witnessed. Bills hands were on Stans hips, letting himself be led out of the crowded lobby, full of angry people and into the cool night air.
Stan relished in the intimacy of Bill kissing his neck so openly, melting into warm toned arms tha thad made their way around his waist as those slips traveled up to his ear. "Care to fuh-finish off this night with pizza and a guh-good movie?"
"Sounds like a dream, babe." with that Bill began to pull him away to the warmth of his car. Stan watched on with hooded eyes as Bill did the simple task of ordering a pizza for them. Bill took one glance at Stan once he was done, flushing ever so slightly.
"You're so cute. It's buh-borderline unfair, Stuh-Stanley." He accepted Stans kiss, relinquishing all control. Liking Stan in charge more than he's currently willing to admit.
"I'd argure that you're the cute one, William." Stan smiled as Bill laughed, taking a moment to steal one last kiss before heading on their way to pick up their dinner.
Both boys, now full of Pizza were cuddled up on the couch, being over critical of the logic in a rom com they had found on tv. Stan was situated between Bills legs, face smushed against Bills chest. Bills fingers were making their way through perfect curls, watching them bounce back into place effortlessly more than he was watching the movie if he was honest.
It wasn't long before the movie was shut off prematurely, garbage was finally tossed and both boys sleepily made their way back to Bills bedroom. They didn't have to share words as Bill handed Stan pajamas for the night and went to the bathroom to change himself, taking the time to relieve himself. He hadn't wanted Stan to get off of him even though he had to go the second they got comfortable.
By time Bill returned Stan had already gotten cozy in his bed. The fuzzy pants may fight him with staying up and the shirt is big enough to constantly try and expose one of his shoulders to the cold. But he was cozy and the warm blanket were encouraging him more as he waiting for Bill to join him.
The second Bill had gotten comfortable he was met with an armful of the one and only Stan Uris. Warm breath already fanning over his chest, the rhythmic pattern of soft noises that left Stan lulled Bill to sleep effortlessly.
Later that night when Stans eyes peel open agaisnt his will he's annoyed. He really has to pee but he really doesn't want to leave the warmth he had burrowed in. It takes way too much contemplation before but he fianlly pulls himselfs from Bills arms  and blindly made his way to the bathroom. He opted to leave the pants folded atop the closes hamper, no longer willing to pull them up every two seconds.
Just as he was about to crawl back into bed, the soft sheets and Bills peaceful face calling his name, but his curiouslty peaked once again when  his eyes caught sight of the folders still on the dresser. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek or actually skim through them would it? He spent more time that he'd like to admit doing just that. Skimming over things he had already known. He was constantly glancing back at Bill to check if he was still asleep, not witnessing his odd disappointment. Nothing deviated too far from the information he already had found himself. But he knew what was in the files now and it wouldn't drive im crazy. At least that's what he told himself as he curled up with Bill once again.
Eddie made more headway than Stan that night. He made himself a note to ask Richie about what it was like having braces junior and senior year when any feeling of betrayl passed over.
However what was more important to thetask at hand was the disturbing message he had found in the very back of his sophomore year, yearbook. Adding upto Bowers gang being seniors if they put their heads together to form one brain to finish highschool. Patrick had left him a not and it made Eddie feel ill.
"You were so good this year, my sweet toy. Sad to see it go.Possibly our paths will cross again and we could have one more night.Just like you're protecting Flamer again. Never forget out time together Bucky Beaver."
His hand writing was so neat and his signature was so practiced it only left a deeper uneasy feeling in Eddies gut. What had he done when Richie was only 15.
Eddie was pacing the room while he texted Bill to be over as soon as possible in the morning.
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