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So my husband told me the other day that I couldn’t be mossifying because I don’t stay hydrated enough and I’m salty about that so rather than hydrate I want to know if there’s any kind of moss that doesn’t require a lot of moisture, or even thrives without it?
Oh no, I've got good news though!! You absolutely can be mossifying on low hydration, there's a whole range of mosses that do well in arid climates :) They're very important to help protect from soil erosion and can also prevent invasive grasses from spreading.
Here are a few:
Syntrichia laevipila does really well with low moisture, notably having a growth structure that allows it to reproduce asexually. This is a particular advantage in dry places because while mosses that reproduce sexually require water for sperm cells to be released to begin the cycle, mosses like Syntrichia laevipila do not and can repopulate themselves from tiny fragments with little hydration.

Then there's silver moss (Bryum argenteum), which is a super common moss that resists just about everything, including full desiccation. Silver moss can live well on low hydration and is frequently found in urban areas as well, growing on walls and in sidewalk crevices. It can also spread by shedding fragments when people or animals step on it and then regenerating in a new location

Ceratodon purpureus, also called redshank or fire moss, loves dry, sandy soil. It has also adapted well to urban areas due to its high pollution tolerance. Fire moss can be found just about anywhere in the world, including in the Antarctic! (fun moss fact: mosses that are drought tolerant are often freeze resistant as well)

Also, most mosses--even those that require lots of moisture--are able to go dormant to wait out a dry spell, and then rehydrate and come back to life once conditions are good again!
#ask#asks for me!!!#moss#mosscore#fire moss#silver moss#Syntrichia laevipila#Ceratodon purpureus#Bryum argentum#nature#naturecore#forest#forestcore#arid#plants#plantcore#cottagecore#moisture#hydration
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tickets for london/scotland/ireland are booked! I will probably be on my own for a portion of the trip bc my friend is getting her groove back with a man in each country and I am just tagging along to look at buildings and moss and cows :)
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Bryum argenteum (Silvery Bryum)
#moss#mosses#petting moss#petting#bryophytes#bryophyte#biology#science#bryology#botony#plantcore#moss aesthetic#silvery bryum
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See this moss? Look closer.
Do you see little silver flecks in the moss? If so, that's a pretty sure sign that you're looking at Bryum Argenteum, a little miracle of nature. We just ignore it as common sidewalk moss, but you probably didn't realize just how common.
It can fairly lay claim to the title of Toughest Plant on Earth.
Bryum Argenteum has a cosmopolitan range and is not only found on every continent, it's one of the very few plants that will grow even the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a snow-free area where it has not rained for nearly two million years. Bryum Argenteum has lived there for twice as long as that. This pretty little species of moss giggles at glaciers; pulverize it and it'll regenerate as long as a single living cell remains. It is being studied to understand how plants can survive extremely cold and dry conditions such as those on Mars.
So the next time you look down at the humble moss growing in the cracks in the sidewalk, have a little respect. This little miracle of nature will still be here long after humanity is gone.

I thought you might like these moss-filled pawprints in concrete which I saw earlier. :-)

#gardening#gardenblr#gardeners on tumblr#moss#bryum argenteum#deep time#a little perspective please#exobiology#mars#space exploration
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Bryum! -- I've had this sketched out for a while, and I only now realized it reminds me of an ID photo lol
#furry#art#furry art#digital art#digital drawing#digital artist#oc#furryart#fursona#anthro#dragonborn#dragon#anthro dragon
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Last set of signs from Gioji Temple! I found a super neat site called Koke Log while doing research on the plants for this post.
1 壱両 アリドオシ [蟻通] アカネ科の常緑小低木 [和名由来] 針がアリを刺し通すほど鋭いことから。 [歴史・文化] センリョウ、マンリョウと一緒に植えて、[千両万両有り通し]と縁起をかつぐ俗信がある。 拾両 ヤブコウジ [藪柑子] ヤブコウジ科の常緑小低木 [和名由来] やぶの中に生え、葉の形や果実がコウジに似ているため。 [歴史・文化] 武家の元服の髪そぎのときに、山菅に添えられた。 百両 カラタチバナ [唐橘] ヤブコウジ科の常緑小低木 [和名由来] ヤマタチバナ (ヤブコウジの古名) に対してつけられた名。 [歴史・文化] 園芸品種が多い、実の色は赤白黄茶桃色など 千両 センリョウ [千両] センリョウ科の常緑小低木 [和名由来] マンリョウ科のカラタチバナが百両とあるのに対して、それよりも美しいという意味で千両とつけられた。 [歴史・文化] センリョウはわが国原産。 万両 マンリョウ [万両] ヤブコウジ科の常緑小低木 [和名由来] センリョウ科のセンリョウ (千両) ゆりも実が美しいため。 [歴史・文化] 江戸時代の頃から園芸品種となる。
2 [Left to right] こけのいろいろ ヒノキゴケ ホソバシラガゴケ オオシラガゴケ ギンゴケ シノブゴケ [No caption] タマゴケ フデゴケ ヤマトフデゴケ ハイゴケ コウヤノマンネングサ [No caption] カモジゴケ スナゴケ ナガエノスナゴケ カサゴケ ミズゴケ
3. 4. 5 スギゴケ ヒノキゴケ (シッポゴケ) 祇王寺の苔
Vocab 壱 (いち) one [in documents] 両 (りょう) old type of coin 蟻通 (ありどおし) Damnacanthus indicus アカネ科 (あかねか) Rubiaceae 常緑 (じょうりょく) evergreen 低木 (ていぼく) shrubbery 千両 (センリョウ) sarcandra glabra/bone-knitted lotus 万両 (まんりょう) ardisia crenata/coralberry 縁起を担ぐ (えんぎをかつぐ) to be superstitious, believe in omens 俗信 (ぞくしん) folk belief 拾 (じゅう) ten [in documents] 藪柑子 (やぶこうじ) ardisia japonica/spearflower ヤブコウジ科 Myrsinaceae やぶ thicket, bush, grove コウジ malt (grows on rice, beans, etc) 元服 (げんぷく) coming-of-age ceremony (Nara-Muromachi periods) 削ぐ (そぐ) to shave (off) 山菅 (やますげ) mountain sedge 添える (そえる) to garnish, accompany 唐橘 (からたちばな) trifoliate orange/hardy orange 園芸品種 (えんげいひんしゅ) cultivar センリョウ科 Chloranthaceae ヒノキゴケ Pyrrhobryum dozyanum ホソバシラガゴケ Leucobryum juniperoideum オオシラガゴケ Leucobryum scabru ギンゴケ Bryum argeteneum シノブゴケ Thuidicaceae (the family was about as specific as I could find) タマゴケ Bartramia pomiformus フデゴケ Campylopus umbellatus ヤマトフデゴケ Campylopus japonica ハイゴケ Hypnum plumaeform Wilson コウヤノマンネングサ Climacium japonicum カモジゴケ Dicranum scoparium スナゴケ Racomitrium canescens ナガエノスナゴケ Racomitrium fasciculare var. atroviride カサゴケ Rhodobryum roseum ミズゴケ Sphagnum (genus) スギゴケ Polytrichum juniperinum 苔 (こけ) moss
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Bryum, Son of Oakmoss and Cladonia, has now been given art!
He is Driftwood/Jungle/Driftwood, pure g2
He is still only 500g
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One of the few plants that can survive there is Bryum Argenteum, aka common sidewalk moss.

The aeolian processes of katabatic winds in Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys shape boulders into surreal formations
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Apparently yesterday was National Moss Day. I discovered this when I accidentally joined a guided walk with the British Bryological Society people.
They were very nice and I ended up sketching one of their samples they brought which is apparently of Bryum capillare.
Anyway I've ordered a field guide now and hope to spend a bit more time staring very closely at trees in the future.
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Antarctic moss proves cold weather isnt just for penguins
Antarctic moss proves cold weather isn’t just for penguins https://ift.tt/LciIb3E Mosses, which often go unnoticed in gardens and forests, have demonstrated an outstanding ability to adapt to extreme environments. Among them, Antarctic mosses are particularly interesting due to their resilience in one of the most challenging climates on Earth. Despite the freezing temperatures, prolonged drought, and intense ultraviolet radiation, these plants not only survive but also exhibit active growth during a brief summer season. Now, new research published in AoB PLANTS, shows that some Antarctic mosses adapt to these conditions by increasing the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and the accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids. In this new study, the research team from Niigata University in Japan, focused on Bryum pseudotriquetrum, one of the more common mosses found in Antarctica. By employing transcriptome analyses, they explored how this species adapts to its challenging surroundings, particularly in comparison to controlled artificial conditions at 15°C. The research generated 88,205 contigs through de novo assembly, which represent the diverse array of genes expressed by this moss species. The analysis unveiled that under natural Antarctic field conditions 1,377 genes were upregulated, while 435 were downregulated when compared to those grown in more temperate, artificially controlled settings. But what does this mean for the moss’s survival? The upregulated genes included several related to lipid metabolism and the formation of oil bodies, two critical components that play a vital role in plants’ ability to cope with stress. Lipid metabolism is crucial for plants, especially in extreme environments where maintaining cellular integrity is essential. The study found that the expression levels of these lipid-related genes increased significantly in response to various artificial stress treatments, including low temperatures, salt exposure, and osmotic stress. This suggests that Bryum pseudotriquetrum has evolved mechanisms to change its lipid profiles in response to environmental challenges. Interestingly, the researchers observed that mosses grown in Antarctic conditions contained elevated levels of fatty acids, particularly α-linolenic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid and a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids play a key role in maintaining membrane fluidity, and thus support cellular function in cold environments where membranes might otherwise become rigid. In the present study, RNA-seq analysis was carried out in the common moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum and genes related to lipid metabolism and oil body formation were found to be highly expressed in field samples. In plant cells, lipid accumulation and changes in fatty acid composition are important mechanisms for acquiring environmental stress tolerance. Thus, these genes may be involved in multiple stress tolerance in Bryum pseudotriquetrum growing in Antarctica. This study marks a significant advance in our understanding of how some plants respond to the extreme conditions of their native habitats. By providing the first gene expression profiles for mosses grown directly under Antarctic field conditions, it highlights the role of lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition in stress tolerance. The results also highlight the importance of in situ studies for understanding the mechanisms of plant resilience in stressed environments. READ THE ARTICLE Otani N., Kitamura H., Kudoh S., Imura S. and Nakano M. (2024) “Transcriptome analysis of the common moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum grown under Antarctic field condition” AoB PLANTS. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plae043 Cover image by HermannSchachner – Own work, CC0, Link The post Antarctic moss proves cold weather isn’t just for penguins appeared first on Botany One. via Botany One https://botany.one/ October 23, 2024 at 03:30PM
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what's ur favorite moss species ?!!
Ohh, this is a tough question!
Ptychostomum capillare (formerly Bryum capillare) is up there because it's just THE ONE that comes to mind when I think of the moss here! Like, they are kind of the "common" one but exactly for that they go so strong!! Love them!!
And I have to say I am partial to the Bryaceae family in general 💚
#ask#moss answers#moss text#mossythornia#I have to keep it short bc of rl constraints but#AAAAAAAAAAA#thanks for the questiooon!!!#fellow moss named user <3<3<3#tbh I was just 'oh what was the name of that Antartic moss too?' and risked falling into a rabbit hole#so let's just name this one#but aaaaa#I need to go out and look at any kind of moss now!!!!#it is raining so much they are so green and happy!#ahglaghlagjhauig#I feel like I am partial to whatever vegetation grows where I live XD#or whatever species I have studied last#but I mean...#can u blame me?#nature is amazing U___U
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#2063 - Ptychostomum capillare - Capillary Thread-Moss
Formerly Bryum capillare. A cosmopolitan species that is now found in tropical and temperate habitats worldwide, including growing under artificial lights in Wisconsin's Crystal Cave. In Australia it's common in woodlands, wet sclerophyll forest, rainforest, coastal vegetation and beside waterways.
When mosses growing in an abandoned mine in Spain were studied, it was found to be an effective bioacculmulator of copper, apparently sequestering the metal in the leaf waxes.
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Now that I am back in the herbarium after a Series of Events, here is a running list of mosses I have collected & identified for the herbarium. My job is mostly curating old collections but I’m getting better at IDs!
Tortula brevipies
Tortula ruralis
Fontinalis hypnoides
Tortella tortuosa
Bryum gemmiparum
Encalypta procera
Didymodon tripharius
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First time making a ring, decided it might be fun

This is a small piece of a branch i found decaying and infested with termites. It was covered in epiphytes that i relocated

namely the resurrection fern (pleopeltis polypodioides)

different types of foliose lichen

and the occasional strand of silver thread moss (bryum argenteum) and dried spanish "moss" (tillandsia usneoides)

this was the original log

over time i whittled it away to find an abandoned termite homing by the rotted wood, separating all the identifiable flora from the main mass
i intend to use everything in my projects, but i thought it would be cool to have a plant i could wear around. i chose the resurrection fern due to its resilience and lack of water needs. i found a small one from the main cluster and carefully cut off a small section (the roots aren't needed for anything but anchoring, but i still don't want to send the lil guy into shock accidentally)
after using a chuck like a diy lathe, my third piece of the branch didn't break, so i took it how it was, slapped a bit of oil on it, and glued the guy in place :3
epiphytes are so cool.,.
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Lil Bryum Sketch Page!
Wanted to draw this oversized lizard and so I did. I am really happy I have a proper dragon oc I can just draw whenever. Sometimes you just wanna draw scales.
#furry#art#furry art#digital art#digital drawing#digital artist#oc#furryart#fursona#anthro#dragon#dragonborn
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Lichen Nest (Gala '24) - XYX g2 -500g
Oakmoss and Cladonia's 3rd nest
Pure g2 hatchlings
Driftwood/Emerald-Jungle/Driftwood XYX
Parents have vague "lore" of being pine forest guardians
Will come pre-named with moss/lichen names
Find them here
Grimmia -- Obelisk F --- SOLD
Funaria -- Skydancer F --- Available
Bryum -- Obelisk M --- SOLD
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