#Briana will tell me who else I'm missing
beautifulviolent · 5 years
I Need to Make Tags: A Rare RP To-Do List
Kate & Sariyah ( this is heaven in hiding )
Castor & Sariyah ( I’ll never leave you alone )
Blake & Ellie ( taking on the world together )
Parker & Ronnie ( you're by my side until my dying days )
Zander & Jasper ( we’re in this together )
Felix & Willow ( you keep me safe )
Felix & Jasper ( captivated by you baby )
Kate & Simon ( wasn't in love then and I'm still not now )
Zander & Kaylee ( sparks fly whenever you smile )
Nova & Carmen ( bring on all the pretenders )
Kate & Carmen ( long live the walls we crashed through )
Matteo & Milo ( we've made quite a mess )
Talia & Gemma ( I’ll look after you )
Amaia & Tyson ( I guess I’m going down like this )
OT3 tag for Gemmax + Spence ( I’d fall anywhere with you: The OT3)
Amaia & Spence ( won't let no one break your heart )
Zander & Spence ( hearts so pure in this broken place )
Talia & Willow ( I will shield you from the waves )
Talia & Jasper ( we make the rules )
New Male OC for Tyson friendship
New Field Agent OC
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Filip “Chibs” Telford x Reader
Anon asked: Hiya, love your writing!! I’d like to request a chibs Imagine about a him falling for a female mechanic at TM. Thank you 😊
Word Count: 3.6k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Driving the car crane, carrying a blue sedan that you were trying to seize for three days, but the owner was such a dickhead till he finally pissed you off and you had to point him with a gun. Tig told you to do it, even if you've never fired one. His face was worth the risk of being reprimanded by Hale. Danny claps at you, when getting off of the crane, you point your new acquisition with both hands and a huge smile on the corner of your lips.
“Tada!” You say with a melodic voice, jumping one time.
“Good job, rookie”. He says urging you to high-five, giving you the ‘seized’ sticker. 
Very proud of your work, you take it to stick it on the front glass, crossing your arms after it to admire your piece of art.
“Ok, let's pull down this big guy”. Danny palms your back, ready to drop the tow and park the car with the rest.
“Ya’, man, who's that lass?” Chibs steps slow down, some meters away from you, hitting Tig's chest with his palm, actually hurting him.
“What the fuck?!” He yells rubbing himself over the kutt.
“She's (Y/N), the new Teller-Morrow mechanic”. Happy comes from nowhere, scaring both men, with no gesture in his face. “She's like a Pop Tart. Sweet and crunchy”.
“Did you already fuck her?” Tig sighs staring at him.
“Then, how 'you know she's crunchy?”
“She broke Juice's nose yesterday”.
The men break in laughter, now understanding why his face looks like shit.
“Wha' happened?” Chibs tries to talk, starting to cough because of the loud laughs.
“She just got scared, 'cause he was behind her in silence”. Happy turns at them, narrowing on of his shoulder, making a move with his head to follow him.
The SOA president has been out of Charming for two weeks, taking care of the gun's business at southern Cali. For you, he was just traveling. The guys talked about him a lot in his absence of the club and you were pretty excited to meet him. At least, he's also your boss. So, when Tig shouts your new nickname making you turn, you go immediately with the same smile on your face.
“What's'ap, boss?” You say placing your hands behind your back, covered by the green jumpsuit of the workshop.
“The president”. He says pushing the man into you, with a singsong voice, making the scottish clicks his tongue.
“Just Chibs”. He adds, offering you a hand in somewhat formal greeting.
“Finally!” You say excited narrowing it, actually feeling a little nervous. “I'm (Y/N), but they call me ‘rookie’”.
“Yeah, like a prospect for the club”. You explain then, getting back your hand with the own other.
“And she likes whisky”. Happy puts a forearm on one of the president's shoulder, taking off the toothbrush of his lips. 
“Really? Ya' wan' one? So ya' can tell me where did ya' come from”. The man offers then, turning an arm to the club entrance, and you obviously can't say ‘no’ even if it's ten am and you just finished the first coffee of the day. You nod in silence. 
Tig and Happy continue their way to the workshop, whilst you're walking by the scottish side with the nerves running through your whole anatomy. Everybody knows the Sons of Anarchy, everybody knows what they do even if they didn't see it. You know you don't have to be afraid, nor scared, but you can't help feeling it anyway. In a gentle gesture, the president holds the door for you, smiling slightly coming in. The club is empty, not even music is being played and it's kinda strange. Maybe they prepared before this meeting, so no one could bother you. 
Even if you have been working for the last two weeks, if Filip decides to fire you 'cause you're not what he was looking for Teller-Morrow, he can do it without needing the support of anyone. You like your job and they pay you quite well, having a very flexible schedule, and treating you like another one of the family. So losing it, it's not an option.
You can see the man turning around towards the bar, grabbing two glasses to serve a whisky from an old bottle. You can recognize it. An special edition of Blue Label of Johnnie Walker. You have never tasted before, but you heard about it. Honey and vanilla are the first nuances you can taste having a sip. Chibs is staring at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an opinion. Snapping 
“It's sweet, but bitter because of the citrics”.
“Dammet', lass!” He yells excited, hitting the bar, provoking you a chill. “Its true ya' like wheske'”.
“Yea', I... do”. You nod with pursed lips, seeing him walk towards the sofa.
Sitting there, you doubt for a second carrying a chair next to him and leaving your drink on the table, looking around for a second expecting what he wants to know.
“So tel'me. Where 'ya from, where ya' worken'... All thes' thengs'”. Chibs finally says, placing his whisky above the table, leaning towards you with his forearm supported on his lap.
“I'm from Los Angeles, my father had a workshop too, so it's family business”. You explain yourself, not sure what more you can say about your life. “When he died thr—”.
“'Am sorre'bout that”. The president holds your right hand for a while, narrowing it.
“Yea', life's things, I guess”. His touch is firm, looking at both hands sideway, before continue. “Well, ah... It was three years ago. He left me the workshop, but I was alone and I couldn't do it without help, so I had to sell it. I was working with my uncle, till I decided to move on. And... a friend told me about yours and I said... Why not? So, here I am”.
“Hm...” Chibs nods thoughtful resting his back on the sofa, moving his gaze from one side to another in nowhere.
“Listen, ah... I know it took me three days to seize that sedan, and I have no excuses, but I really like this job. I mean, work here”. You look desperate licking your lips and gesticulating more than necessary, not trying to give pity, but asking for another chance.
“Relax, rooke', I'm not gonna keck'yar ass”. His loud laughter, shaking his chin, infects you chuckling. Not sure if because you want, or because you're doing it to please him. “The bike in the backyard, is yars'?”
“It was my father's. He used to run Cali with it, till he couldn't do it anymore. But it's not working. I have to fix it”.
“You wan'me to help ye'?”
The question takes you by surprise, twisting your neck as a dog would do when he's confused. Until now, you have been doing it by yourself, even though you can take her to a workshop and not worry about it. But someone offering himself to help you it's something new. Not actually ‘someone’, but the Sons of Anarchy president. And your boss.
“Yes, yes... I mean, sure. If you have time”.
“Aye! 'Course, lass. Wha' ya' have is a fuckin' gem! Wha'bout tonigh'?”
You don't say anything, but it sounds like a date. And it doesn't surprised you by the way he had to greeting you, when you two met minutes ago. His fingers were a little shaky and you can swear that even his hand was somewhat sweaty. Finally, you nod before he could start to think that you're kinda dumb, having a sip of your whiskey.
“Ya ken'? I had one simila' when I was younga'”. He comments, seeming like the man wants to continue your talk, but doesn't knows how to do it. “I toured Scotlan' whet'et'”.
“I've never been there, but I saw it in photographs. It's an amazing country”. 
“Aye! Et'e—
Some yells outside call your attention, and you recognize the voice by heart, 'cause you have been hearing it for the last three days. Rolling your eyes and getting up, down by the scottish's gaze following you, you walk towards the workshop with a serious gesture on your face and your arms crossed above your chest. The sedan' owner is there, with Hale by his side. You're fucked. 
“She was! She was!” The blonde man is pointing at you accusatory, seeing how the sheriff rubs his eyes. “That bitch pointed me with a gun!”
“Did you?” Hale asks you with a hand resting in the butt of his own gun, hanging from his belt, and the other hanging by a side of his body.
“No, sir. I did—”.
“You, fucking liar!” The man practically jumps to you, being blocked by the SOA president, hitting him straight to his face.
Everything goes so fast that you can't even react. But the scottish is putting you behind his body, after punch the sedan' owner, with a hand thrown back slightly touching your abdomen. Hale is handcuffing him, growling and cursing at you lying on the ground by the sheriff.
“If you say anything else, I'm gonna accuse you of obstruction, do you hear me?” The cop says putting him down, starting to walk next to the car so his co-worker can sit him inside the car. “Do you want to file a complaint?”
This time is coming back towards you, with a sigh on his lips rolling his eyes. You shake your head, hiding out from Chib's back, frowning at the blonde man.
“Don' worry, sir, it's ok”. You say then.
“Tel'im fi' me that he won't get his car back”.
And without saying anything else, he turns at you placing an arm on your shoulders to urge you start to walking back to the workshop.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
When your turn is already finish, you drive back home the enough time to have a shower and changing your clothes for something more comfy taking into account the plan you are going to have. You're also trying to not think that it's a date, even if it was like it sounded. And you can't help but feeling nervous parking by a side of the yard, frowning missed when you notice the fact that there's only a bike. So, your suspicions get confirmed. Actually it's not something that bothers you, after all you've heard about him. Loyalty, strength, sincerity, self-confidence, kind and polite. And an accent pretty funny. So, why not? 
“Wha' ya' thenken'?” Chibs comes from nowhere, scaring you and making you scream. 
The man starts to laugh loud, while your face becomes rude with pursed lips and a hand on your chest trying to calm your heart beat.
“Jesus Christ...”
“Dammet, rooke', it's true ya're ease' to scare!” You sigh rolling your eyes because of his words. “Com'ere, I've alrede' brought yar' bike”.
“DaMmEt, RoOkE”. You joke on him with a high-pitched tone, whilst he's laughing louder.
“Ya' amaze me, lassie. Dinnae' know you talk scottesh'”.
“What the...?” You find yourself laughing too in a relaxed way after a long time, shaking your head with a sigh, going to the workshop illuminated by some lights.
Turning over your steps you notice that the place is practically empty, guessing that Juice took off all the cars by Chibs' petition, playing fool when you find with your gaze two cardboard boxes from your favorite burger joint. Hiding your curiosity and moving your feet next to the old Harley Davidson, you let your fingers travel over the metallic handlebar. Memories crowd your head, one on top of the other, until you collapse. You still haven't driven it, because your father kept it for almost eight years on his garage, till he left. And it doesn't need a lot of fixes, but you haven't been able to get started before. You couldn't, 'cause it's the only thing you have of him.
“When was the... fers' time ya' ride't?”
Turning to the man, finding him supporting his back against the wall with a big cup of coke in his left hand, sipping from the straw. You shrugs your shoulders, taking the other drink to imitate him with your gaze on the matt black motorbike.
“I didn', yet. Alone, I mean... But by my father's back”. You say almost in a whisper. “I was five years old. We toured Cali coast”.
“Cali coast amaze me, et's a good ferst' ride”. He says then, after some seconds in silence. “Ded'ya by night?”
“Dawn, actually”. You answer with a goofy smile on your lips and your eyes on the drink between your hands, playing with the straw. “I... remember that... my father came to my room, to wake me up saying ‘let's go, bunny, adventure time’! He was very excited”.
It's the first time in years that you're talking about him and Chibs looks pretty curious about it, but you're trying not to break your voice. Smiling sideways, you stare at the scottish man, shrugging your shoulders again, not knowing how continue.
“Why ‘bunny’?”
“I like velocity”.
“Oh, realle'? Wha' bike ded'ya have before et'?”
Your cheeks turning red and your lips pursuing second by second, containing a laugh, makes him raises both eyebrows with curiosity.
“A Vespa...?” You mutters biting the straw, while Chibs laughs again. You're starting to love his laugh, no regrets. “Ah, ah, but...! I have a Mustang, so, boom!”
Your left hand imitates the typical gesture of dropping a mic, getting up from the wall to walk towards the food with innocent air, opening one of the bags with your forefinger and having a quickly look.
“Ya'hungre?” He asks then, following your steps to grab boths bags, twisting his neck in a soft gesture to tell you without words about to have a seat.
So you do, on one of the cair placed on the front yard, next to a corner.
“So, what et' needs?”
“Brakes. I need to change them. Now it has ones that are obsolete and I was thinking to put an ABS”. Leaving your drink between your feet, you take the burger Chibs is offering you to unwrap it on your lap.
“Sounds good. Do ya' have them?”
“Yea', I bought them in LA. And I think could be good change the tires, the oil and the handlebar grips, they're a little worn”.
“Tha's'ease fo' ya'”.
“Yeah, but... I didn't want to fix it, actually?”
“I'm scared to have an accident or something, and destroy it. I don' have anything of my father, but his bike”. Having a bite with your gaze on him, you cover your mouth to keep talking. “So, I just... was telling... myself that I didn't have time... to fix it”.
“But we're gonna do 'et!” Chibs exclaim excitedly, opening his arms for a second and holding the burger and the beer in each hand. “I know yar' father prefers to fac'ap his bike, than keep'et in a garage with dust on 'et”.
“Yea', I think so...”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
First, knocks on your door. Then your bell ringing. Palming the mattress till you find your phone to watch the clock, you read all the notifications in the locked screen. There are almost eleven lost calls from Chibs and a lot of messages. And it in silence. You practically jump off of your bed, running as never before to the main door, opening it.
“Finally! Jesus Christ, I thought ya' were dead!” 
“What happened? It's everything ok? Sorry, I just fell asleep an—”. You're talking so fast that your tongue ends up making a mess.
Chibs enraptured looking at you from top to down with a goofy smile on his lips, very interested in the Black Sabbath' shirt you're wearing. Clearing his throat, while your gaze travels to the dark van parked in front of your house. Tig and Juice are taking off of it your motorbike. Pushing him away from you, with your left hand on his chest, you take some steps barefoot above the cesped. You're face shows surprise and confusion, believing for a while that you're dreaming or something like that. 
One of his hands wrap your left wrist, urging you to look at him. You're legs shaking for a second. 
“Ya're prette' with messy hair and tha' shirt, but I wanna ride with ya'”. He says then, trying to hide his excitement.
And you want to hide yours, but you can't. You hug him, but not with a normal one. You're rousing and thankful, surrounding his neck with yours arms leaning on your toes. You know he wasn't expecting by the “oh” he mutters kinda surprised, taking some seconds till he finally is able to wrap your back and your waist pushing you closer into him, resting his forehead on your shoulder. Then, Chibs understands why Happy said like you're like a Pop Tart. He knows it tooks you just one second to make him fall in love with you and that the fact of worrying about your favorite take away restaurant, it wasn't only 'cause you're ‘the rookie’. 
The scottish have a deep breathe from your hair, starting to wish he hadn't, because he's falling a little more. And he can't watch his mouth.
“Ya' smell really good”. He tells you with a husky tone on his voice that bristles the skin of your arms.
“Honey and vanilla”. You mutter with pursed lips, before the man making you a gesture to come in your house.
You nod in a hurry, running back to your room looking for the perfect clothes to drive. A comfy pair of jeans, a vaporous shirt, your boots and a leather jacket. Keeping your principal stuff in a bag and grabbing your helmet, you walk towards the main door sooner as you can. The van isn't there anymore but your bike and Chib's one, close to yours, are parked on the sidewalk. He's already waiting sitting on his, turning on the engine when you're wearing the black helmet before keep the bag under the seat, the scottish stares at you with a hug smile and a dearly gesture on his face.
It has been eight years since you heard your father's Harley roaring, and feeling how your body vibrates on it it's simply amazing. You can't even describe how you feel right now, looking at Chibs with that gesture mixing incredulity and surprise. Pressing the brake, but also the gas, the back wheel squeaks without caring if you wake up your neighbors. 
“Let's go, lass!” 
You release the brake, letting your motorbike rolls above the road with a hoarse growl flying off from the engine, being followed by the scottish. He didn't tell you where you're going, but after five days talking about your childhood in Cali, it's pretty clear that he wants to ride the coast with you after seeing the emotions that provokes you the memories doing it with your father. You know well he wants to be part of it, part of your routine and part of your life. And you're letting him come in 'cause, why not?
You know the road by heart, touring it with the fresh dawn's air hitting your face, till it turns with a salty smell after some hours driving in silence, enjoying the landscape views. You're closer to the ocean and you can feel it inside your lungs, closing your eyes for second. Time enough to make you fly back to your childhood. The sound of the engine, the seagull, the waves breaking. Everything is the same as you remember. But you're not a child anymore, you're ridding California with Filip Telford by your side, who can say that? Only you. And it's not because who he is, but because of who you want him to be for you.
It's sunrising. In the horizon, the sky is mixed with blue, orange and soft pink. It's your favorite part of the day, but now it's different. You're /living/ it, breathing it, enjoying it totally relaxed as never before, with Chibs' eyes on you for a ephemeral instant, fully spellbound. And that's what makes it special this time.
“Don'ya thenk' it's time fo' a coffee?” He asks loud enough for you to hear him. You nod laughing, 'cause you really need it after sleeping for just four hours.
Some mills away, you finally stop in a rest area on top of a small cliff. Taking off your helmet, you walk towards the wooden railings looking down. You're too close of the sea that almost some salty drops splash your face interspersed with the sea breeze. You couldn't get tired of a place like that. The smell of hot coffee pushes you into reality, turning to Chibs so you can hold the metallic mug.
“Maybe I put some Cardhu in'et”.
“Maybe?” You break in laugh, leaning your nose over it.
“When I say ‘maybe’, et's because I alrede' ded'et”.
“So... the other night, at the workshop, maybe it was a date?”
“Maybe”. He nods, blowing his drink, before taking a drink. “Maybe that's the second one”.
“Maybe you already won me, fixing my bike and bringing me here”. Giving him your most smooth smile, you drink too, turning to the ocean while he puts an arm on your shoulders letting you rest your cheek on his. “Maybe you put a lot of Cardhu”.
“Yea', maybe”. 
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ssfoc · 6 years
(An approximate intact translation with Google Translate’s help).
RIO - Before the interview with singer and composer Louis Tomlinson, on 13/3, the English musician’s team warned no subject was forbidden, but if possible, it would be better "not to speak very deeply" about the death of his mother, the inspiration for "Two of Us," the single Tomlinson released in early March. After all, it was a sensitive subject.
Johannah Poulston died in 2016 at the age of 42 after a rapid and fatal fight against leukemia. Louis’ mourning brought about verses like "This morning I woke up still dreaming / With memories playing through my head / You'll never know how much I miss you / The day they took you, I wish it was me instead.” These words open the ballad composed by her son.
The 27-year-old, part of one of the most successful groups of this decade, One Direction (today on hiatus), did not imagine, however, that hours after the GLOBO chat he would have to deal with another tragic loss: his sister, Félicité, just 18 years old, suffered a cardiac arrest and did not prevail. So far, Tomlinson has canceled public appearances and has yet to make a public announcement of his sister's death. His last social media was on the 13th.
In the interview, Louis Tomlinson was lively and communicative. Among the members of One Direction (including Zayn Malik, who left the band in 2015), he is the only one who has yet to release an album or solo EP. A perfectionist, the artist has postponed or debuted several times, but promised that the wait will not extend beyond the year 2019.
- My fans have waited patiently for so long that I need to make sure this album is brilliant. I don’t want to listen later and have the feeling that I could have done better.
See below for his interview answers about three-year-old Freddie Reign Tomlinson, the fruit of a relationship with stylist Briana Jungwirth.
“Two of Us” is a ballad with very organic instrumentation, with the piano as a base. It's a different song from the other singles you've released, like “Just Hold On” and “Back To You.”
We had some conversations at the beginning to make this song more ... let's say, radio friendly. But I wanted to keep it simple. To be honest, this production may be closer to my album than "Just Hold On" and "Back To You." The beauty of (those songs) was to be able to live in the world of other artists, as I did with Steve Aoki and Digital Farm Animals. But it wasn’t exactly my sound. For the album, which will come out later this year, I won’t say that we’ll only have ballads, but the production will be essentially organic, real, nothing super-programmed.
What else can you say about the album?
I’ve worked hard on it. In terms of lyrics, I can say that I am being very honest and telling my life’s stories in songs that help me to know a little more about myself.
You are often singled out as a perfectionist. Did that contribute to going this long without releasing a solo album?
Yes. And you get more pressure when you're doing solo work, especially on an album. I want to make sure every song comes out as good as it can be. I don’t want to listen later and have the feeling that I could have done better. Time has passed, and I think there’s more pressure now for me to release an album soon. So I have to be even more certain.
How do you deal with this pressure?
I definitely feel it, as well as the responsibility I have, leaving so many people waiting patiently for this record. But again, I'm also aware that if people expect so much, I need to make sure it's brilliant.
Speaking of waiting, since embarking on a solo career, you've only made appearances on television shows to promote singles, but no live shows or tour. Do you miss the stage? Are you ready to go back?
Yeah, I'm definitely ready to hit the road and I miss it. I spent a lot of time touring with One Direction. But of course, you can’t do that without an album. So I knew that if I wanted to spend more time shaping this record, I’d have to wait to go on tour. But it was a conscious choice. And it won’t be until the end of the year.
And your son will be close to turning four by the end of the year, so I figure this is a good time to go on tour again.
Yeah. It’s always difficult to leave him, but now he’s grown up. Of course, when I go on tour, it's not going to be with those crazy schedules either, spending long periods away from home.
How did the experience of parenting inspire you?
Musically, I wouldn’t say it was a big influence, maybe in just one of the songs I'm recording. And personally, I’ve always treated it naturally. It was a great event, of course, but I am the oldest of seven siblings, so I always had to be very responsible.
You wrote many of the lyrics to One Direction, but I imagine it's different to write for your solo career. What kind of approaches do you have today that you did not have before?
The lyrics in One Direction were a bit more generic, let's put it that way, because they had to match the feelings of four or five of us. Now I have the opportunity to speak from my heart. In terms of production, I'm probably looking for the simplest possible way. In the group, we had a lot of pressure to make songs for radio, but now I want to embrace my roots and keep it organic, true.
One of the challenges of stardom is not being able to control the image that people have of you, from news, gossip, and everything else, even when for a reserved person. In the scenario where this public image could be effectively built, how would you want to be seen by everyone?
That’s difficult. I think the natural stereotype of a musician or a celebrity isn’t always to be believed. Sometimes, for various reasons, people expect me to be rude or bad, for example, when in fact I just want them to understand that I'm a really nice guy.
One Direction is one of the most popular bands in the world, and you have always had to deal with harassment at airports, hotels, to get away from paparazzi, etc. Is it calmer now?
It's less intense, definitely, in every way. The calendar is calmer. My routine, too. I’ve been less visible. So nowadays, I get more time and space when I want to play or watch a football match, for example.
You’ve sold millions of albums, traveled through dozens of countries, and lived quite a bit. What are your personal and artistic ambitions?
As an artist, I definitely think that I'm starting over as a solo artist. I'm very proud of my experience with One Direction, but now it's my name, so I want to meet those challenges as an individual. It gives me goals to meet. As a person, I expect to get old, look back, and feel satisfied. I think at some point in my life, when I'm a lot older, I want to go back to a more formal education, maybe college or something that interests me academically.
In 20 years ...
I hope I'm still making music, I think it's everything (laughs).
Brazil is one of the main markets of One Direction. One of your solo singles, "Back To You," had 17 million streams coming from here, and I imagine you get a lot of messages from Brazilians on social network ...
(interrupts) MANY messages. Tons of them.
How is your relationship with the country and with your fans from here?
For starters, I'm completely in love with football. And historically Brazil has made legends in this sport, so I have great admiration. About the fans when we played there ... there are a few places that stick to your head when you rank the best, craziest, funniest fans in the world, and Brazil is definitely one of those places. I really feel the support of the Brazilian fanbase and I can’t wait to go back on tour to see them again.
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If They  Only Knew
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Pairing Rob Benedict x Reader
Written By: @gettingbywithalittlehelp96 & @itsfunnierin-enochian
Chapter Summary: A change of plans bring you face to face with Rob on a night that will mark a before and after in your life.
Chapter 9: They Ain't You
Throughout that following week, you decided it was better to keep yourself “mad” at Rob, so you didn't have to face the awkward moment of telling him you were sort of dating Billy. You knew he didn't care, after all you weren't 'the center of the universe’. Plus, he wasn't very pleased the last time he found out you were talking to Billy.
Not spending a single day with Rob was still as weird as it was the first day. You felt sad and off, but at least not seeing him and spending time with Billy, made your feelings for him slow down, even if it was only just a little. Work was unusually busy, and on top of that Briana made sure to tell you every detail of her night, which was the perfect combination to keep you distracted, and that was exactly what you needed.
You and Billy talked every day after that first night together, and he seemed to have become quite fascinated by you. He had even come to visit you at work a few times, since he lived so close. You liked that. He was good company and through him you knew Rob was okay. He was busy preparing for the mini tour that was coming up, but good. It was in moments like those that you wanted to be with him like you've always been. Hugging him and having him so happy in your arms. You missed that a lot.
On Saturday night, Billy was supposed to hang out with the guys, so you stayed at home, not wanting to interfere, which you were actually pretty happy with. You wanted a night where you could just sit in the couch and watch a movie, and fall asleep whenever you felt like it, but someone had another plan, which you figured, when you heard the banging on your door. You had just barely stood from the couch, there came your blonde, hyperactive, friend, bouncing through the door.
“Bri!” You exclaimed, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
She stepped inside your apartment and crossed her arms, looking at you. Not saying a word.
“Are you okay?”
You were sort of curious and scared. She was the kind of girl that could come up with anything.
“I am perfectly fine, the question is are you okay?”
“Y-yeah I'm fine, I'm a bit confused now,” you admitted.
“Oh yeah? I'm confused too. If you're okay, what the hell are you doing staying here in your pajamas?”
“Well, what do you want me to do? Billy wasn't-”
“Billy, Billy, Billy…” she interrupted, rolling her eyes dramatically and letting out a sigh. Looking back at you she noticed you were still staring at her confused. “Chop, chop, sweetheart, we're going out to drink and dance. Put on something nice, you have 30 minutes.”
Before you could protest, she had grabbed your hand to pull you off the couch, sending you to your room.
You picked something simple and comfortable, fixed your hair, added makeup and in 20 minutes you were ready, much to your surprise.
“Okay I'm ready!” You announced when you appeared in your living room.
“Damn, you're a beauty” Briana smiled, winking at you.
“You look gorgeous too, we're going to the same place, so you can meet your lover?” You said jokingly. Talking about the guy she met the weekend before.
“Thanks babe, but no I found a different place that you're gonna like and that guy was last weekend! This is a new weekend, with new vibes!”
“Awesome!” You exclaimed happily. You liked Briana's idea and when you hang out with her, you noticed you started to feel less anxious, and less guilty. That didn't mean you were over Rob, but it meant that you weren't suffering as much anymore. Staying away from him with no explanation was one of the worst things you've ever done, but you also knew that so far,  he didn't seem to care much about it.
When you got to the bar, you quickly recognised it. You had been there with Rob and the guys several times. It was a nice place, but you knew they liked to go there and that caused the vibes to change for you. Maybe they went to another place or stayed at Billy's, but knowing your luck, it was obvious they were going to be there.
As you made your way in, you looked around and noticed no familiar faces, which helped you to relax a bit. You needed to enjoy the night and that was what you were going to do.
You and Briana got a table next to the bar, and as you chatted and drank, you eventually found yourself forgetting all about the boys.
Briana was invested in “having fun”. She never once stopped moving, dancing, or talking. She was this big ball of confidence and energy, which helped boost yours as well, but even though you tried to follow her, you knew it was impossible.
A couple hours later, you were still on the dancefloor, when you saw her pointing behind you. You didn't understand what she was referring to so you turned, crashing right into Rob. You had never felt his grip on your arms so tight like that. His eyes were fixed on yours, making the moment seem to last forever, and you would be lying if you said that you wanted him to pull out.
Even though you stayed in silence, you couldn't help but feel like screaming your feelings at him and his eyes were doing the same. They were so bright with excitement, which seemed very strange considering the circumstances.
“What are you doing here?” Rob blurted out, letting go of your arms.
“I'm out with a friend, what are you doing here?”
You kept your eyes locked on his, not wanting to look anywhere else. He looked so beautiful in that red plaid shirt that you've never seen before, with his now shorter hair, and those eyes... Well those bright, blue eyes were as beautiful as always.
“Me too. Billy is here… along with Stephen, Mike, and a new friend, Jason.”
Talking with the music so loud was impossible. So naturally he thought it was a great idea talking directly on your ear, which made you feel like collapsing, and screaming out how much you loved him right then and there.
“I was going to get a few drinks,” he stated, pointing towards the bar. “You can join us if you want.”
“I'll talk to my friend,” you said in his ear, putting your hand on his chest.
“Okay, if she’s up for it, you know the table we're in.”
Dropping his hand to your waist, he kissed your cheek. That drove you crazy, and you hated him for doing it, but you also loved that he was doing.
As you watched him walk past you and your friend to the bar, you found yourself getting lost in how good he looked. That red plaid shirt, and tight jeans, were a deadly combination.
“Hey!! Wake up!” Briana yelled, disrupting your thoughts. “That's Rob, right?”
She didn't know Rob, not in person at least, you showed photos of him what she had no idea about was how you felt about him.
You nodded and looked back at her, trying your best to act casual. “He said we can go to his table if we want. Billy and the guys are there, too.”
“Of course we want to go!” she exclaimed as if there wasn’t a doubt. “But try not to drool, Billy is there and he will find out that you're dying for Rob.”
She had said it so casually, that you stopped and looked at her for a minute, just about to question her when she held up a hand to stop you. “Oh please, you may be able to hide it from them, but I’m a woman and can sense those things, I can see it as plain as day.
After shooting back two more drinks you and Bri, headed to the guy’s table.
“Hey Y/N!” Mike said happily, when he saw you walking up.
You smiled. Mike was such a great man and was always happy to see you, and you him. After making your rounds, hugging him and Stephen, saying hello to the new guy, you introduced Briana, who wasted no time sitting down next to Jason and starting a conversation. Jason was also a musician and he was really cool, or so he seemed, the little you could hear from him when Briana let him speak. One thing you were noticing was that he and Briana looked like they would make a nice couple.
Billy had stood up waiting for you to make your way over him, and as you were, you noticed Rob looking at you from the opposite side of the table. Lowering your head, embarrassed, when Billy kissed you suddenly, your eyes widened and you could tell your face had gotten red, but tried to act as best as you could to hide it.
“I didn't know you were coming here,” Billy said with a smile as he opened the chair next to him for you to sit.
“Me neither,” you replied, smiling nervously. “Briana brought me here and I didn't know where we were going.”
“Well you're very beautiful tonight,” he whispered in your ear before he kissed your cheek.
“Thank you! You're not too bad yourself.”
The first few minutes were awkward, to say the least. Even though you tried to focus on Billy, you couldn't avoid Rob's intense stare from the other side of the table. He was trying his best to carry a conversation with Stephen and Mike, but he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes of you and Billy. Then in one, brief moment, you looked away and turned back to see he had disappeared. Him not being there helped you to relax and you turned your attention back to Billy, so it didn’t look so suspicious. It wasn’t much longer before, Rob made presence very clear.
“Hey guys, I want to introduce you to Sally” Rob said loudly, as he came to the table, with his arm wrapped around the brunette’s shoulder.
“Lily,” she corrected, eyes scanning over everyone at the table.
“What she said,” Rob added smiling. He's had the right amount of alcohol that boosted his confidence, you could tell right away. “Let's go dance, baby, here's couples only.”
Giving you a wink, he walked away, taking the girl to the dance floor.
You watched him dance like he usually does when he's like that. It was funny in a way, but it was also a bit uncomfortable the way he was grinding against that girl. It bothered you how close he was to her, but you couldn’t say anything. Why would you say anything?
Turning away from the sight on the dance floor, you found Briana was looking at you, mouthing if you were okay. You nodded, but of course you weren't okay.
Suddenly you felt Billy's hand rubbing the small of your back. It was when you saw that Rob was walking towards the table, with his arm wrapped around that girl, kissing her cheek while they sat down. You knew what he was doing. You knew he was acting like an asshole on purpose.
Kissing Billy's cheek, you ran your left hand over his thigh, causing him to look at you and smiled, before kissing you with much anticipation. He was a great kisser, so you just followed him. You damned yourself when opened your eyes, to find Rob was staring at you both, while that girl placed kisses all over his cheek and neck.
“You wanna go somewhere else?” Billy asked, pulling back so your lips were almost touching.
You wanted to get out of there, but also wanted to stay. Rob had been acting weird since he saw you, and now you could see something in his eyes. Something that could not be possible. You really needed to stop dreaming and imagining things.
Before you could answer to Billy, you noticed the girl was practically undressing Rob right there, and when he stopped her, she just kept kissing him.
“I think we should go” you said finally.
When Billy announced you were leaving, Rob pushed the girl away nicely, you knew how he felt when he was getting too much attention, but he was too good to tell someone to simply get lost, so he tried to gently pull away from her.
After saying goodbye to everyone, you and Billy walked out of the place, trying to find a cab that take you both home. You couldn't stop thinking about Rob. About his hands touching your arms, about his voice right in your ear, and his hand on your waist, accompanied by that look in his eyes. You tried so hard to not read too much into it, but he didn't look at you in the same way he used to. Then you thought about the way he had grabbed that girl, how he was with obnoxiously flaunting her in front of everyone, and realized that you were in fact, reading the signals from earlier that night in the wrong way.
You were an idiot. You needed to focus on what was happening, on what was real. You needed to be honest with Billy and give him a chance. You and Rob were something impossible, but why was that so hard to understand?
Silence filled the drive back home and you just felt embarrassed for playing that little game that you didn't even know what was about.
When you arrived to Billy's apartment, you kissed for a while, trying to bring the mood back and heat things up, but no matter how hard you tried, the only thing in your mind was Rob.
In the end, you ended up falling asleep. You knew Billy was frustrated, you could sense it, but he didn't say a word. He just wrapped you tight in his arms and fell asleep right next to you. One thing was for sure in that moment, you knew you had to find a way to fix things quickly, before any of you get hurt.
— Masterlist —
TAGS: @marichromatic • @missihart23 • @natasha-cole • @notfunnystillhere • @kocswain • @apeshit7x • @princess-of-erebor1992 • @rblstrash • @spnmightkillme • @tas898 • @wontlookaway • @sirraxa • @damn-it-destiel • @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name • @burningrupture • @internationalmusicteacher • @sherlockedtash88 • @cyrilconnelly • @srtaprieto • @dropthepizza346 • @queenofhellwithcrowley • @pinkykayley
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Marcus Álvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do a imagine with Alvarez, in which he's at the scrap yard of Santo Padre with the reader (his s/o) but Angel does not know it and so he flirt with her like all day and Bishop and maybe Taza and Hank tries to make him stop before Marcus notice it?
Word Count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @bai-feng-jiu
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Don' move”. A male voice tenses your whole body, being leaned above the trunk of your car while you're holding a box of beers. Looking at him sideways, a long forefinger goes to your shoulder feeling a light itching. “A ladybug!”
“Oh, sweet Jesus Christ!” Your heart is about to stop, leaving the box down back to place a hand on your chest spitting a sight. 
“Mayans' waitress?” 
“Seems like, just fo' today”.
“That's sad”. He pretends to looks like, supporting his body against your car, before offering you a huge hand filled by golden rings. “Angel”.
“(Y/N)”. Narrowing it, you smirk at the mexican slightly.
“Should we tell him?” Taza rest his forearms on the white wooden railing, turning his face to El Pacificador.
“Maybe he needs a lesson”. The man pursing his lips, raised both eyebrows. The Vice imitates his gesture. Looks like it's going to be a very fun night.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”. Bishop snorts going downstairs, moving fast his legs to your position and placing a hand on your lower back. “Álvarez is asking for you, querida”.
“Good, amma' take thos—”.
“I got it. Go with him”. The president pushes you softly, with one of these smiles he always has ready for you, since the day you met.
Nodding and clapping on air, you turn your feet above the gravel floor after looking to both men, putting your hands inside the pocket of your shorts walking towards the clubhouse.
“Little trouble is back at home”. Che says leaning close to you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead before Tranq kisses your cheek. 
“Happy to see you here”. The other man says, before continuing with your steps.
“Respect that girl, or you're gonna deserve to be dead”.
“Calm down, prez, I jus' was trying to help'er”.
“You're not gonna try to help her by putting your cock into her legs, you hear me, ah?”
“Jeez, man!”
“You won't be able to complain when Álvarez tears your tongue out”. The mexican says poking his chest with a forefinger. “She's off-limits”.
Sticking your head out the glass colorful door of the Templo you find your husband sitting inside, on the last chair at the table with a thoughtful look. His dark orbs are above the cigar consuming itself resting in the ashtray, not noticing that you're there, immersed in his own things. You know how much he misses the club, even if he doesn't talk about it as you would like. Running the door by the rail until is full closed, you walk towards him. His gaze traveling to yours, smirking at the mexican while he pulls back the chair giving you some space. Sitting on his lap with your hands supported half on yours, and half against his abdomen, your fingers play with the fabric of his shirt. The first time you kissed him, Marcus was sitting on that same chair, long time ago. And at least, he's not wearing one of those suits he uses working with Galindo, or probably you couldn't control yourself.
“Do you think I took the right decision?” Setting apart a soft and shiny bristle of your hair, his hands go down to your waist.
“It doesn't matter if it was the right or not. You can be a Mayan again, whenever you want it”.
“I can't ride my bike like I used to, cariño”.
“Then, I'll be your driver”. 
He chuckles nodding, before resting his forehead on your chest closing his eyes. Sometimes he has his doubts about joining Galindo's Cartel, without caring about the good jack and the stability his new job gives him now. But you will always be by his side, supporting his back.
“Charters are coming, I have to go back”. You say softly letting your fingers tour his nap.
“Okay, mi amor”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The crowded yard is flooded by latin music when the night has fallen down, and the delicious smell of barbecue running through the environment. Your hands moving fast above all the beers on the bar, using the opener to take off the bottle caps, while other girls bring them to the guys. You're not sure about what they're celebrating, being the first time you're at one of the famous Mayans' parties, but you're having so much fun.
“Hey, you, mister ladybug!”
Angel turns towards you, directing his steps to the bar placed in a corner of the yard. A smile getting draw on his lips, walking like he's dancing his hips.
“Is everything okay with your leg?” You ask with a laughter on your throat.
“What a sense of humor!” He cheers lifting up his beer on air. “What ya' need, sweetheart?”
“Ice. You know where it is?”
“Yea', com'on”.
Stepping out of the bar as soon as other girl comes to save your place, the man puts an arm on your shoulders guiding you to the metallic warehouse, next to the club. Supporting you the door after turning on the light, both come inside to the big fridge. Opening it to grab some bags.
“Wait, I got it”. 
Angel leans above the fridge to help you out, invading without asking your personal space. He smirks at you holding the bags you took.
“So, what'bout ya'?”
“How I didn' see you before around? To work here ya' must have friends at hell”.
“I'm family”. You just say, putting some more bags on his arms.
“Álvarez and Bishop's?”
“Yea'”. You nod closing the fridge.
“Well, I would be glad to see ya' often”.
“No, you wouldn't”. Obispo is behind you cross-armed, talking firmly without hesitation. “Take the ice to the bar”.
The Mayan doesn't say anything else, passing by El Presidente's side and leaving you alone. Closing the door you raise both eyebrows. Bishop snorts clicking his tongue. He trusts you, of course, but he don't trust the other mexican.
“I can protect my ass without help”.
“I know, little trouble. But I don' need an internally fight for that pretty and beautiful ass”. He laugh surrounding your hips with an arm, accompanying you to your place.
“When you started to be that bored, ah?”
“I keep the good times here”. He answers pointing out one of his temples.
“Shit, you sound like my grandpa'!”
Walking close of your husband, he takes your hand living a smooth and gentle kiss on the back of it. Letting you go from his cousin, you lean towards him placing your lips on his forehead dearly, before following your way back to the bar continuing with your task. Angel is there making your job easier when placing the ice inside the freezer.
“Daddy protects ya' good”. He whispers looking at you for a second.
“Daddy?” You can't help but breaking in laughs, covering your mouth with a hand. “You think 'amma helpless baby girl?”
“I'm sure you can kick me, befo' I can figure it ou'”. 
“Yea', I'm sure you would like't”.
“Well, that's not gonna happen, but you can keep dreaming”. You joke on him, grabbing a bottle of water to drink from it.
Bishop turns to the call, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand after sipping of his beer. Marcus raises his chin making a gesture to the bar. Taza and Tranq looks at it too. El Presidente rolls his eyes, listening your laughs and watching Angel trying to flirt with you, ignoring the warnings he made to him.
“I told Angel to keep his hands off”. He just say, pretending to get up. But Álvarez stops him by a hand on his chest.
“I know you told him twice. Third is on my own”. He replies pretty calm, scaring Obispo more than if he was angry.
“And sometimes dreams come true”. The Mayan says, resting his body against the freezer.
Shaking your head with a loud laughter, you turn to the fridges checking the beers, before raising your gaze to your husband coming closer. Gawking nailing your elbows on the wooden bar and supporting your chin on your palms, you show him a lovely smile. No matter how many years have passed, you fall more and more everyday for him. Biting your lower lip with your incisors, you lean forward just a little.
“May I help you, señor Álvarez?”
Angel has an eyebrow upped, looking at the scene from the background and maybe understanding Bishop's words.
“I need two beers and my wife”. He says crossing his hands over his abdomen, as soon as he stops his feet.
“Yes, sir”. You just say winking the right eye.
“Having fun, mijo?”
“Yea', Padrino. She is… She…”
“She's more polite than me”. Marcus interrupts him with a calm tone of voice, twisting his head slightly. “Don't shit where you eat, Angel. You're smarter than that”.
“Sounds like he has an option”. You say frowning, passing them away with the beers between your fingers, taking off the opener handling on your neck with the free one, and giving it to other waitress.
And Marcus knows now you feel annoyed because of his words. That's one of the reasons you have never wanted to attend a Mayans' party. They're always marking their own territory over other members, and you're not a piece of meat, nor a trophy, not a bundle of money. Your husband follows your steps to inside the clubhouse in complete silence, not noticing the members who step out of it to give you some intimacy. 
“You know what I meant”.
“Look, I don't need… two pitbulls growling before me. You should know me after nine years”.
“I do”.
“Really? So then, why was tha' fo'?”
“I'm sorry”.
“Yea', you better compensate me later, señor Álvarez”. Walking closer, you offer him one of the beer, but grabbing your wrist to push you into him.
“You know how much I love you, right?”
“Nah, tell me”. You joke on him, placing both hands crossed above his nap, leaving some ephemeral caresses on his head.
“I can't explain”.
Pressing his lips with yours closing the distance between your bodies, until your chest collides with his, Marcus wraps you between his arms. It's true you didn't fall in love at first sight, but you wouldn't change him for anyone. You still feeling the same tickles and the same sparkles in your stomach whenever he's near of you. And you spend every morning, at least five minutes, watching him sleep peacefully above your chest. That is your favorite moment of the day, feeling somewhat blessed since you can do it every single day.
“Com'ere, papi”. You mutter against his lips, guiding him blinded through the only hallway on your steps to the dorms. “Let's remember old times…”
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon asked: can you do an imagine with coco in where you two are best friends and one night you got drunk and go to his house and kiss him and you tell that you love him and he is like in shock and you thing he doesn’t love you back so you run away and you start ignoring him preventing from realreal heartbreak
Word Count: 1.3k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @angels-reyes
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Are you sure...?” Ez asks again whilst you're taking off the helmet with some difficulties, because you drunk too much. More than usual.
You nod very convinced, while he turns his gaze from the building where Coco lives, to you. He shrugs his shoulders, taking the helmet to hang it in the handlebar. Ez turns off the motorbike when you're inside the hall, going upstairs to the flat you know by heart. The mexican and you met like ten years ago, being in inseparable since then but some months ago you started to feel something else, something bigger, for him. You think it's happened in a Mayan party, when you found yourself laying on his lap with both arms around his neck and his wrapping your body, with some fingers traveling over a side of your left thigh so kindly that melted you, your beliefs and your whole soul.
Your knuckles hit the main door, more loudly than you could think being partially deaf because of the music that was playing in the pub. You wait for some seconds till you see some light under the door. Coco opens it, rubbing his eyes kinda sleepy without wearing a shirt. You gawk at the tattoos on his chest, until he slaps your forehead with his fingers.
“Yo! Mami, it's five am, 'foc' is wro—”.
Before you let him to finish the sentence, your lips collides with his placing both arms on his neck. The kiss it's weird and a little uncomfortable, but he tastes like tequila and that's really good. Pulling him away looking at his face you know it wasn't a good idea. He's bewildered staring at you with pursed lips as you kiss them. Raising your right forefinger, trying to say something, you decide to turn over your sneakers to run away downstairs even if he's calling you, telling you to wait for him. You don't look back, down the avenue, while your legs are burning because of the fast steps going to your house.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
You growl squeezing in pain with the sheets tangled in your almost naked body. The sun is on, illuminating your room in a unpleasant way. Hiding your head with the pillow, you snort heavy because of the headache hitting you thanks to the hangover. You know that what happened last night it wasn't a dream, nor a nightmare. Anyway, you confirm that fact when, after palming the bed, you find your phone. There are thirty-six missed calls and seventeen text from Coco. Turning off the wifi to avoid the double blue check, so he can't know you read them, you open the conversation.
(05:03) 💬: (Y/N) ????
(05:06) 💬: where r u ????
(05:06) 💬: pick up ma calls!
(05:11) 💬: you ok ???
(05:15) 💬: d fuc u did ???
(05:16) 💬: r u drunk mami ??
(05:19) 💬: why u kiss meee
(05:31) 💬: where r u ????????
(05:33) 💬: why don u answer
(05:33) 💬: am callin 911
(05:47) 💬: shit
(05:47) 💬: d fuc is wron wth u ??
(06:08) 💬: (Y/N) hello ?????????
(06:15) 💬: r u dead ????
(06:36) 💬: did u fockin mix tequila nd daikiri again ????
(09:43) 💬: yo u r worren me
(09:43) 💬: im comen 2 ur house u little fockin craze bech
The last message makes jump the pillow over your head to the floor. The door is almost closed and you can hear the tv on with some action movie on it. You sob because of the pain lashing your head and the shame is consuming you. Getting out of the bed, praying it's Angel who is there, you grab a shirt wearing it, sticking your head out the frame. You sob again when you find Coco staring at you, closing the door as if he didn't see you. Dragging your back down through it, you sit on the floor with your knees against your chest being surrounded by your arms.
The man pushes the door a little, but you close it again. Hearing him sighing, you shake your head.
“We have to talk”.
“Get outta' ma' house, Coco”. You blub without tears filling your eyes, just making the sound.
“That's all? You come to mine, kiss me and you're not gonna say anythen'?”
No words. You can't answer him. You're regretting what you did 'cause you thought he could feel something too. But, by the way he didn't move, nor kissed you back. The next thing you can hear is the main door being closed loud with a dry hit. You're fucked. You fucked up ten years of relationship in three seconds.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Two days passed since he left your house and you wrote Taza to ask him to change your turn at the car scrapping, so you don't have to work with Coco. And even you think that the talk it's something that will not happen, you're very, very, very wrong.
After finish your turn, when the moon is almost on top of the sky, you go out of the office downstairs seeing the mexican sitting on your bike and smoking a cigar with a no-friends-face. He's kinda angry, upset and tired of being running behind you the last days, till he finally get the perfect opportunity. You're wearing your helmet, giving him the silent treatment and checking your pocket looking for your keys.
“I got them”. He says raising his free hand, with them on his palm. “And 'am not gonna give you, if you don' talk to me”.
“There's a beautiful night with a lot of stars”. You play fool, actually talking to him as he wants.
“Why you kissed me, ah?”
“I was drunk”.
“Yea', but I know you drunk and you didn' try before”.
“For god's sake, Coco, forget it. It was just a fuckin' kiss”.
“No, it wasn't”. He says shaking his head and having a smoke. “You told me you love me”.
“I didn'”.
“Yea', when I was helping you to get outta your dress”.
You frown, gasping and trying to say something else. But you're getting so nervous that you can fall down unconscious.
“'Course I love you, you're ma' best friend, idiot”.
“Not in tha' way, shithead”.
“Wha' you wanna hear, uh?” You ask crossing your arms and curling a leg. “Yea', 'am fuckin' in love with you, but who cares? You're not. Easy. I get it. Get outta 'fuck of my bike. I'm tired and I wanna go home to keep rolling in my misery”. Taking away your keys and pushing him, you sit on.
“Who the fuc' said I'm not? 'Cause I didn'”.
Turning your head at him in slow motion, you wrinkle your nose, shaking your head for a second as if you didn't hear what you actually heard.
“'Don' know. Maybe your rude texts? The fuck you did? The fuck is wrong with you? Why you kiss me?”
“I though' you lost a bet with the fuckin' boy scout”.
“What da'... Why I... Are you fuckin' stupid?”
“No, you are! You're the one who's giving me the back!”
You sigh taking off the helmet to put it in the handle bar, as you do with your leather gloves. You're gaze is down, staring at the keys in the lock, unable to look at him. You didn't act as you should and now you don't know what is worse.
“I'm sorre'”. You mutter looking him sideways.
“Yea', you better did, bech'. 'Cause I didn' fuc' anyone for one year waitin' you and you kissed me in a weak moment”.
“Jesus Christ, Johnny!” You start to laugh loudly with your hands on your lap, licking your lips. “Sweet Jesus Christ... You're a fuckin' moron, I swear to god”.
“Move your fuckin' pretty ass to ma' house, mami. Dare to do agai' what you did last night”.
“I accept that bet, Coconut”.
171 notes · View notes
with Che ‘Taza’ Romero and Marcus and Esai Alvarez.
Request: Taza or Maybe Riz ('cause we know you really love him !!) at his daughter's wedding!! Wedding with other biker or just some civil guys. Just fluff,love and father crying 🙈
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Warnings: none
Word count: about 900
Aurora says: pretend that Esai Alvarez wasn't killed by Happy. this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @thedevilsmoonshine
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The great day has come. You are going to get married to your best friend and you can’t believe it yet. The white long dress falling from your chest, with a lace sweetheart neckline, until covering your ankles with a silk skirt, it’s simply perfect. You couldn’t imagine a better piece of clothing, putting it together with a pair of high heels of the same color. Turning around in front of the mirror, you can’t help but smile when you see the door getting opened by the reflection. Your father comes in, closing it behind him. He doesn’t have any words to express how beautiful you are, walking towards you with a proud and soft smile drawn on his lips. Placing the long braid on your back, he tangles an artificial white rose in the middle of your hair, before surrounding your waist with both arms.
“Your mother wore it in our wedding”. He says then, trying not to break into crying, with a broken tone of voice.
“Dad…” You put at him, turning under his grip to caress his cheeks.
“You know… I always dreamed of that day, and Esai is gonna make you happy. He has always done, but I’m gonna miss you”.
“We live twenty minutes long, and we also work together in the scrap. Don’t be dramatic”. You chuckle feeling his lips on your forehead, so gently that you’re going to end up crying.
“But it’s not the same waking up every morning, to find you dancing and singing in the kitchen. Or come home and see you asleep on the sofa”.
“I have to grow up, dad. I can’t be like Peter Pan forever”.
“Yeah, I know…” Taza says clicking his tongue. “I love you with all my heart, baby. I feel so proud of who you became to, and I know your mother is too, always taking care of you from up there. You’re the best thing of my life, (Y/N), I want you to remember and to not forget it. And whenever you need me, I will be by your side”.
“I know, dad”. You say with a soft knot in your throat, showing him your most sincere and pure smile of all.
“Are you ready?”
You just nod, taking the arm he’s offering to you, before stepping out from your room and walking through the main hallway straight to the back yard. Everything is on point. Your friends and your family are already there, getting up from the perfectly decorated chairs, as soon as the soft melody starts to sound all around the ranch. You couldn’t imagine a way to get married better than this, and even if you weren’t convinced of celebrating it in your father’s house at first, now you can see how wrong you were. On the left side, you can find the tables already setted up waiting for the guests and the banquet, with a small stage in front of them to the music band. On the right one, there's a big bar that is full of all kinds of alcohol, waiting for the dinner to be done.
But the only thing that truly catches your attention, is the altar and the men standing up there. Your husband and his father. Marcus narrows his son's shoulders, while Esai tries to clean his tears, smiling with trembling lips and truly melting your heart. There's nothing else for you in the ranch, only your best friend looking at you with the same infinite love you feel for him. Taza helps you with the three rungs, loosening your grip to hug your future husband. Both men in tears, making you roll your eyes exaggeratedly and chuckling.
“Love her all your life like I do”.
“I will, I promise”.
“Hey, you”. You mutter smirking at him, when Esai finally holds your hands between some cheerings from the guests.
“Hey, you”. He chuckles, kissing the back of your fingers in a gentle gesture.
Two simple words that gave your history a beginning. You can remember it as if it happened yesterday. You were seven years old when you came to Oakland for a courtesy visit with your father, because Marcus called your father to join the Mayans. Sitting at Padrino's porch, holding a stuffed brown horse, he appeared from the inside. ‘Hey, you’. He just said, before offering you a hand to narrow it like a greeting. Almost seventeen years later, you're about to get married, hearing your parents crying like children.
“Tell me again why we invited them?” You say with a low tone of voice, trying to not laugh.
“Your father knows some apache curses that we don't want to discover”.
“And yours?”
“He runs calexico, remember?”
“Oh… yes, yes”.
You two turn at them, watching their families finally getting related. The older son and the only daughter. But they are happy. Happy for you, for what you are going to continue creating together. For knowing that you are going to be okay.
“We should get married in Vegas as I told you”. Esai mumbles raising both eyebrows. “You know I'm always right…”
“Oh, yes… of course”. Teasing him, you pinch his chin, waiting for Bishop to officiate the wedding.
“I love you, more than I can explain”.
“You have a life to try it, mi rey”.
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✨ Tag list:
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Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes x Reader
Anon asked: how about an imagine in which you an ez fight because of emily
Chapter index
Chapter three ; part one
Chapter three ; part two
Word count: 1.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. This is the part two of the third chapter, you can find the first part right over here . Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @wrcn9fvlcver 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Your forearms are supporting on the door, with the open window, resting your cheek there. Closed eyes covered by the sunglasses feeling somewhat relaxed after pass away the welcome sign. Even so, you're pretty excited about meeting this town and meeting other bikers, part of the Mayans family. At the end, they turned you into family too. 
“MAAMAAAAAA”. EZ's voice gets interrupted by another more booming.
Lifting the sunglasses to the roots of your hair, drawing a huge and happy smile on the corner of your lips. As soon  as the car stop, you practically jump off from it to walk fast towards Angel, who is coming with open arms till he have you between them. It's been two days, but it's feels like an eternity. 
“Ezekiel scared me, going to the ranch at night! I thought something bad happened!” You say making some pouts.
“Nah!” He chuckles before letting you go, walking closer to the crew. But you don't see Taza, guessing his in a meeting when EZ carries the backpack inside the clubhouse.
Hugging your boys and being introduced to the Sons', you sit on Angel's lap at the picnic table.
“How was the travel?” Gilly asks having a smoke of his cigar. You shrug.
“I was sleeping till Lost Hills, and then I drove to Stockton. Everything went... good”. You don't want to give it more importance than it really has, but by Angel's gaze you know that he knows his brother screwed up at some points. “Hey, papi, I'm hungry”.
“Oh, really?” The oldest Reyes raise both eyebrows, playing again. That distract him. The guys at the table breaks in laughters.
“Yea'!” You poke his chest with your forefingers.
“Oka', let's find somethen' fo' mama”. Palming your hips to make you get up, he does the same holding your hand with his full of golden rings. “So, wha' did my brother say, ah? Maybe he's the smart one, bu' I'm not stupid”.
“It was nothen', Angel. We were laughing, and he just called me 'baby'. That's all”. He rolls his eyes with a snort, rubbing his forehead. Very typical. “But he took care of me pretty well, you already know how he is”.
He doesn't say anything else about it, leaving back the workshop to find some place where buy you some good food, to regain strength. Whilst he tells you about the party tonight, one of those legendary SOA do with a lot of meat, alcohol, girls and drugs, even if Mayans aren't into this last one more than to sell it. In the end, it's a party and it's gonna help you to calm yourself a little more.
See Taza again, coming back of eating something, makes you fully happy running towards him to be received by his strong arms, pushing you close to him. You missed him, and he did it too. You can feel it pretty well when the man fills your face with a lot of kisses, walking next to Tranq and Bishop.
“All good, kid?” The president asks, giving you a flash hug and leaving a caress on your chin, you nod, being dearly surround by Hank. “If you need to sleep, the Sons' has prepared you a dorm, okay?”
“Good, but I slept in the car. Maybe fo' late”. You reply palming the big guy's chest with a soft smile.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The guys break in laugh, so you do mixed between Mayans and Sons', lying on Angel's lap with the fifth beer you have drunk in your hands. They're talking about funny and unbelievable anecdotes happened through the years. Having a good time for the first time in many months, being also a little drunk. 
“So, wha'bout my friend Taza and ya', lass? Do ya' have some kink fo' geriatrics or mummies?” Chibs, the SOA president ask, provoking more loud laughs.
“We're more into family stuff”. You shake your head, getting comfy above Angel's leg. “I'm friend of those two shitty guys since ever, they introduce me to the club. And Che and I...” Pursing your lips, you twist a little your neck. “We had a connection. I live with him at the ranch and I take care of the animals”.
“Kinda grandpa, no incest”. The man adds, leaving a caress on your head.
“You're not that old!” You chuckle turning to him for a while.
“And what about your shitty guys?” A young woman walks towards your table, placing her hands on SOA Vice, licking his lips hinting. You raise an eyebrow.
“'Am taken for life”. EZ talks first, without doubting and a firm tone of voice, showing a soft and gently smile.
“But you can take me, bonita”. The tension installed on air for a second disappear when Angel replies, provoking some more laughs, making you getting up so he can have the offered hand by the woman. 
“Com'ere”. Taza says palming his lap, but you shake your head.
“I think it's time to sleep, I'm tired and I drunk enough”.
“Okay, I'll tell you where's your dorm”. He says then throwing his cigar to get up too.
“Good night, guys. Amazing party, president”.
“Whenever ya' need'at, here's your house, lady”. Chibs answers raising his whisky in a soft cheer.
Narrowing one of Bishop's shoulders, you smile at him, before being wrapped by Che guiding you towards the clubhouse. Crossing the hallways, he opens the last door, the furthest room, so that you are not disturbed by noise. Your bag is already there and you also have a bathroom in it, in case you want to take a shower.
“If you need something, call me, okay?” He says holding you into his arms, leaving a kiss on your temple. “It was good having you here. Maybe Bish will let you come with us next time”.
“That would be amazing”.
“Rest, baby girl, you deserve it”.
“Taza”. You say before he can close the main door. “Can you... ask EZ to come?”
He doesn't say anything, staring at you.
“Please... I'm gonna be okay, I promise. He's tired too”. Finally he nods.
You take some advantage, changing your clothes and wearing the SAMCRO big shirt they gave you, 'cause Angel said them that you collect shirts or something like. Everything spins around you, going to the window to open it and let in the fresh air of northern Cali. Getting inside the bed and covering your body with the blankets, you wait for the younger Reyes.
You hear his steps, stopping next to the door for some seconds. Maybe he's doubting. Maybe Che threatened again. But when he opens the door, you get up on your palms between the darkness around the dorm only illuminated by some lights outside.
“I thought you would like to sleep”.
“Yea', but I can sleep in the car”.
You click your tongue, palming the empty side of the bed, before getting comfy on it.
“C'mon, prospect”.
Ezekiel closing the door and walking towards the mattress, gets undressed leaving his clothes on a chair. You make him some space, facing each other above the pillow.
“You drunk too much”.
“Yea', I know... The hangover is gonna fuck me up tomorrow, uh”.
“When was the last time you drunk so much, ah?”
“Dunno'. Three months ago?”
“Yea'course. Sorre'bout that”.
“You hurt me”. You mutter shrugging your shoulders. “But I have so much fun getting drunk with Taza”.
“I'm tryin' fuckin' hard to make it up to you. No matter how much I've to do it”. He says then, pulling away some brists of your hair with a gently touch.
“I know”. And you also know that those words have lifted a huge weight off him.
Ezekiel takes the first step, wrapping your body with his arms to push closer. Your pulse goes fast. You know that something like that could happen, but by the other hand, you weren't expecting. Leaving a sigh out of your lips you surround his neck with yours, hugging you tightly for some seconds as if you didn't see each other in years. And even if you don't want to recognize, its makes you feel somewhat happy again. 
Putting some inches between both, with your heads on their pillow, he has his gaze on yours. His fingertips touring your back softly from top to bottom, once and again, with a calm breath. You're fucking lost in his eyes, as many nights you did before. You could be like that forever with his smell filling your lungs, sinking your face on his neck. Closing your eyes, you let one of your hands travel on his head back and nape in gently caresses, wishing to not fall asleep so fast as always, just to enjoy the intimate moment you two are having. And you know that EZ is fighting against his tiredness to do the same.  
“Do you think... you could forgive me one day?” He soughs then, from nowhere.
Yes, you know you will, but there are open wounds that you don't know how to heal. And maybe he's the one who can take care of them, but, how can you say it? How can you ask him for it? You sigh, resting your dizzy head back to the pillow. 
“You don' have to tell me when it will be”. He adds shrugging. “I just wanna know it to think new plans to bother you, 'cause I'm running out of ideas”.
You chuckle closing your eyes for a second, as he does stirring slightly on the bed.
“I was serious, baby, I'll wait for you all my life”. He mutters leaving a dearly and slow kiss on your forehead.
And you're falling for him again, with those voices inside your mind telling you to keep calm and that you're too drunk to have a clear decision. His lips almost dragging your skin doesn't help, leaving another smooth kiss on the bridge of your nose and another on the tip. Till he reach yours. He just presses them against yours, mildly, inchmeal. Your lips catching his lower in a soft move, tasting him and noticing how much you need him, and how much he needs you.
EZ sighs against your mouth, pulling it away so as not to make you feel pressured. Leaving a last one on your cheek, he pushes you closer ready to sleep for long hours as he couldn't do the last months.
Your phone dings with a notification, making you waking up with a horrible headache hitting your whole body. You growl, palming the bed trying to find Ezekiel. But the mattress is cold and empty. For a second, you think that maybe was an illusion because of the alcohol running through your veins, rolling till your blurry gaze is on the ceiling. Stretching your right arm, you grab your phone unlocking it. But there's nothing on it. Frowning you turn to the nightstand, finding Ez's. You don't want to look. You can't. Even if you know his secret code, it's not your phone. But, shit, you have to look it. Turning on the screen, without moving it, you're able to read the message from an unknown number.
💬: “I have left Miguel”.
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ssfoc · 7 years
Hi! I am interested in your post about how the closet was more than just media training. I'm new and have found it hard to decide whether I think Harry and Louis are still together. Part of that is just coming in at a point when interaction between them is nonexistent. But another part is that the Louis of now is quite the departure from the Louis of early years. It almost appears that Harry has become more flamboyant and Louis less. Do you think it's intentional or just how they've handled it?
First, I always think that the belief of whether Harry and Louis are still together doesn’t actually impact the reality. Either they are or they’re not; what we think doesn’t really change that.
Second, if they are, then they are choosing not to come out for the time being, whether it’s due to legal constraints (because of contractual obligations) or to considerations for their personal lives and career. We know that certain aspects of their lives can be kept very private if they wish (they can travel incognito most of the time, major events about their families have been kept secret).
I was talking with a friend about the differences between video and still photography. Still photography can be controlled and edited. Danielle and Louis can appear to be happy together (Louis’ birthday photo 2016), but intimacy in video is hard thing to fake. Louis has never shown any real warmth or intimacy with any woman he has been romantically linked to. His papped photos with Briana (May 2015) showed his expressions of indifference and disdain.
Louis’ body language toward Harry has consistently been inclusive, intuitive, and intimate, UNLIKE his body language with anyone else– even when everything else about him has been muted, controlled, and toned down, even in 2015, when they supposedly hated each other. When they were within vicinity of each other, it was impossible to miss their awareness of each other.
Harry and Louis are tactile people. They like to touch and be touched. It’s more the pity that 1DHQ forced the other boys to imitate this love of touch so HL’s behavior wouldn’t stand out. Again, video is revealing. The most tender moments of touch occurred when they believed they weren’t on camera. The tenderness is something difficult to fake, and it was from both H and L.
Harry in particular liked to leave signals to the fandom about Louis, and he still does. Isolated things like Louis’ IG selfies or his shirts that communicate signals, or his black and white IG post at the Donny house, or the ridiculously intimate gestures on the interview with Nick (the one where Harry was on voice rest) or Harry’s bee tattoo– might be explained away as coincidence, but when taken in the context of their history, are, to me, obvious. Just look at the clip where they are talking to fans about the Donny dome– Harry’s stolen glances at Louis tell you everything you need to know about how in love he is with that boy. He doesn’t just love Louis, he cares about Louis’ being endeared by that fan, he cares about Louis’ love of his hometown. The glances occurred so fast and so surreptitiously, they were obviously not meant to be noticed– something, imho, that is impossible to fake.
Those terrible, hesitant sounds Harry made when asked directly whether Sweet Creature was about Louis? Not fake.
The terribly tender expression when he’s performing Two Ghosts, live. Who else could that song be about, really?
The beaming smiles they have when one is about to travel to the same location as the other, even now.
I think I’m convinced that they’re still together only because of knowing their personalities through their history, and piecing together the evidence. As I said, what I think doesn’t change the reality, and if reality shows me something different, I’m willing to change my opinion.
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