#Brian May Imagines
May I request something with Brian May x American fem! Reader where they are friends with secret crushes on each other? It's the readers first Christmas in the UK and since she had a falling out with her folks, but only kept in touch with her brother and wasn't going to go back to America for the holidays and could afford to in the first place. Maybe he and the guys could try to do something to make this Christmas special. While Freddie plays Cupid since he could have been peeved/confused the reader kept her birthday secret because her last one in the US was a living hell. Even though the reader enjoys Christmas she awkwardly keeps to herself knowing her friends were celebrating with their own families and while not wanting to be a bother she could be unaware of the secret plan the guys truly have or something.
Christmasy fluff and serious angst(mentions of emotional abuse, attempted suicide and depression) that ends with fluff confession.
Pretty please and thank you so much!💖
Hey there! Was saving this ask for this season and PHEW this is very complicated! I may have to whittle it down but I hope you like it!
You sat by the fireplace when you heard a loud "SHIT!" from the kitchen.
Another voice called out "what is it, Fred!"
"Burned my finger!"
Brian let out a laugh.
"That's not that bad! No need to scream like you're getting fucking murdered!"
"Oh, shut up!"
It made you smile. You placed both hands over your mulled cider and took a sip. Already there was a record of some pretty piano.
Brian emerged, raising a hand to his head to scratch his curls.
"Are you alright?" you asked.
"Ask me five minutes later and I'll tell you yes! But you...Y/N...you've been quiet..." he said.
His eyes softened. He sat on the chair next to you. The fire kept crackling. The tree the three of you decorated had lights that would slowly go on and then fade and turn back onto their light, multicolor glow. You had to admit they looked lovely against Brian's cheekbones.
"It's just...this is my first Christmas in the UK and...it's not that it itself is bad at all I just..."
You let out a sigh and put down your mug.
"My friends are out there, back home...with their own families. And you have your own. Loving, safe, stable, supported, and mine..."
You lowered your face to look at your hands and not at him. It would make discussing this easier.
There was the sound of footsteps and both of your heads whipped out to see Freddie.
"I'm going to get something in the other room, will be back in a bit- probably stuck in the corner," he announced.
"Go on, Fred!" Brian said, waving his hand.
Once the door closed, Brian turned to you.
"You mean...when they...they..."
"They said all those cruel, awful things to me, all the time and...and so much...so much and...and the suicide attempt I...I can't even think about it and I..I shouldn't miss it, I shouldn't miss home and all this holiday crap about having to be home for the holidays and I can't ever go home!!" you cried.
You placed your face into your hands and let yourself cry. Brian got closer to you, he put a hand over your back softly, going "there, there dear..."
"It's alright...you have us...and me and Fred...we'll be your family. We'll take care of you, feed you, give you a couch if you need it. Deaky's an early riser so he'll knock on your door and drag you out at 7 am- just a warning!"
You let yourself smile from that. You let yourselves both release from the hug, looking into each other's eyes.
"And you...you've been a treat for me- er- us to get to know. You're funny, creative, smart...and fun to be with. You may not have your birth family, but you're not alone...you have us."
"And do I have you, Brian?" you asked.
"Yes, you have me too...wait, what's on my head?"
He looked up and let out a curse, his arms folding and his face turning pink. Fred conveniently walked over at the end of your conversation and pulled out some mistletoe he let dangle from his hand over your heads.
"You know the rules!" he chirruped.
"Y/N, I don't want to, uh, make you uncomfortable!" Brian began to stammer.
"It's okay, you can kiss me!" you relented.
Letting out an exhale, he gave you a quick, chaste- but gentle- kiss.
"About time! Should we hear a happy announcement, soon?" Fred asked.
"Bugger off and don't let our dinner burn! Y/N's been looking forward to it all week!" Brian insisted.
Fred walked back to the kitchen.
Your heart racing, feeling bold, you went up to speak quietly in Brian's ear.
"I have to tell you...Brian I...If there was anyone I could be tricked to be under the mistletoe with- I'm glad it's you!"
He blinked. His face still flushed.
"I...I uh, agree...Y/N. Tomorrow there's an ice skating rink...can we go there?"
"You mean as a date? Then...then yes!" you agreed.
You both smiled and squeezed hands. The cadence of the record player finished into nothing as the snow beat against the window. For once, all really was merry and bright.
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hollis-art · 2 months
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sometimes dreams change. sometimes people change.
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rushingheadlong · 8 months
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(From Bri's Instagram stories)
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johnlennonswifey · 1 year
Since I haven’t been posting, I’ve decided I’ll make a little list of some of my favorite fics!!
🎸= All time fav
John Lennon
70s!John x Reader 🎸
Mustache John x Reader
Paul McCartney
Paul x Reader (love letter) 🎸
Paul x Reader (Part 2 of 2)
George Harrison
Jealous!George x Reader 🎸(literally my fav fic ever)
Comfort!George x Reader
George x Reader (somewhat Friends to lovers?)
Ringo Starr
Teddy Boy!Ringo x Reader
Ringo x Assistant!Reader
Ringo x Reader (fluffy)
Ringo x Reader (Married, dinner with parents)🎸
Roger Taylor
Roger x Reader (childhood friends to lovers)🎸
Roger x Reader (fluff)
Roger x Reader (fluff and more,(Roger gets hurt)) 🎸
John Deacon
John x Reader (John is readers handyman, I love this fic with all my heart pls read it)🎸
John x Reader (Series, 6/10 parts are out, I definitely recommend reading)🎸
Brian May
Brian x Reader (fluff)
Brian x Reader (Queen becomes a Hit)🎸
Brian x Reader (fluff)
Beatles Blurb
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could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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stesichoreanpalinode · 8 months
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HOW did we not know this before? Picture it! Brian, Roger, Freddie and Tim in a cave in Cornwall singing harmonies spontaneously and listening to the echoes…
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muschiettistrashmouth · 5 months
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fluff💗; Smut🌶��; Angst💀 �� DRACULA (1931) 🕸:
All I Wanted Was You.💗💀 The wonder of you.💗 Feeding. 🌶️
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Favorite Movies.💗
Horror Movies.💗
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2 times Carol saved you from getting hurt vs 1 time you saved her.💗
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Happy Birthday, babe.💗
Richie was right.💗
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𓊖 X-MEN 𓊖:
Carving Pumpkins.💗
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Car Accident.
Friends With Benefits.💗
Food Fight.💗
Period cramps.💗
Amusement Park.💗
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I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips. Pt2.💗
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First Kiss 💗
The Best Teacher 💗
Push, Push💗🌶️
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twotitsjohndecaon · 1 year
Brighton Rock | Nothing 'Ere Need Come Between Us
Hey besties!!! So sorry I disappeared for like a rlly long time. I got depression and then recovered from depression but we're back and thriving now!!! Here is the last part of the series, long awaited. tbh haven't read this shit in like a year so I hope it's ok but it should be :) Hope y'all enjoy :))
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Filthy smut. Bad. Xtremely dirty. 18+ only, dni in any form if you're under 18 I'm dead serious. Blatant infidelity and cheating, if you're not ok w reading about that this also isn't for you. Some sad/mad emotions for a brief time. Maybe some drinking and swearing, I can't remember for sure. You have been warned.
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“Where’ve you been for two hours?” Julie interrogated. You were flustered, not even thinking about the fact they might be back and you were gone longer than you should’ve. 
“I… got the sun cream, tried to walk back, but then I couldn’t find you all, so I looked for you then came back.”
“We were in the same spot!”
“But I wasn’t paying attention on the way there!” Julie rolled her eyes. 
“What’s on your neck?” she said, seeing the marks Brian had left, even though they were small. You hadn’t realized there’d been any. 
“Nothing. My skins just sensitive right now,” you said, your hand flying to your neck and clasping over the side of it. You sighed, changing and taking a quick shower, trying to position your hair to cover your neck. You hadn’t brought anything to cover it either, so you groaned and went back in the room, muttering you were going to take a nap, exhausted after your encounter, understandably. You had to be more careful, but you also didn’t know how else you could see Brian without suspicion. Luckily, Julie was still young enough to not realize a love bite right away, and she was in her “I don’t care” phase anyways so she dropped it pretty easily. But that and with the call earlier and your other disappearing acts, you worried she’d put everything together soon. You sighed as you tried to fall asleep, willing the thought to go away, and for her to be oblivious. You woke up, had dinner, and went to bed early still. Waking up early, you changed silently as Julie slept and snuck out to meet Brian. Luckily the heatwave made it so that the morning wasn’t frigid in any way, and you happened to run into Brian in the foyer as you went to leave.
“Ah, good,” Brain said, seeing you. You smiled at each other, happy to see him again. Time with your family was nice, so was time alone, but something about time with Brian seemed even easier and more enjoyable. “Look at you,” Brian whispered softly, giving you a quick kiss. Your chest fluttered for a moment. You only indulged him for a second before breaking away, fearful of getting caught somehow. 
“Shall we?” You offered. Brian assented and the two of you headed to the beach. “Where should we set up?” You asked, trudging along the beach.
“Over there,” he said, pointing towards a more secluded corner near the wharf, almost obscured into the large posts holding the dock up. You thought it a bit strange, but it was nice still. Besides, you didn’t want this getting out more than he did. The two of you sat down and made yourselves comfortable. “Sorry to wake you up so early.” “It’s alright. I had an early night,” you said.
“Tired from something?”
“I can’t imagine what,” the two of you sneakily smiled to each other and laughed. The sun rose further and its first true rays peaked out from behind the clouds and you sighed happily at the warmth. Brian admired you, and you could see him looking in your peripherals. To tease him further, you took off the light t-shirt you’d been wearing to cover your bikini top and tossed it aside, leaning down. You could hear Brian exhale softly at this, and his next move was scooting forward a bit, lifting your head, and placing it on his lap. 
“This good?” he asked, smiling down at you and brushing your hair away from your face. You smiled.
“Yeah,” you assented softly. You loved the little gestures he was making. In fact, you loved how Brian made you feel most of the time. He made you feel wanted and desired wholly, in softness and in lust. One moment he went from staring at you like he was going to devour you to the next, his gaze shifting, and then looking at you innocently as if you were the sun. You weren’t afraid of these feelings, even if they were rare and hard to shake. You knew this would be over soon, and you decided you might as well let yourself feel everything in your limited time together. Brian looked up, squinting towards the sea and sun. It was so quiet and peaceful, it being so early meaning that no one else had really come out to the beach yet. The only sounds were the waves. He looked thoughtful.
“What’re you thinking about?” you asked softly. He smiled.
“Do you know why the waves push and pull?”
“Because of the moon?”
“Kind of. The moon controls the tide, not the waves. That’s the wind. But do you know why the moon controls the tides?” he asked. You were quiet for a second.
“No, I guess not.” Brian looked down at you excitedly. He pulled your shoulders up and leaned his head down near yours so you were cheek to cheek and could see from his perspective.
“Well, the moon and the Earth are both rotating all of the time, and they’re rotating in the same direction. And the moon and the Earth have a gravitational pull on each other. So when the moon passes over some place on Earth, some place with water, that gravitational pull makes the water bump out towards the moon and on the side of the world directly opposite the moon. That’s what makes high tide. And when the moon isn’t over some place, it’s low tide,” Brian whispered to you, his voice going softly into your ear. “Make sense?” 
“Yeah,” you said, entranced by him. Brian looked at you, still looking out to the sea and decided to continue. 
“But— but the moon and the Earth, since they’re rotating in the same direction, means that it takes a bit for one to catch up to the other. So when there’s high tide, the moon isn’t actually directly over that place yet. The tides a little early,” he finished, hugging you to him.
“Wow. How do you know all of that?” you asked.
“I studied astrophysics in school a while ago,” he finished. 
“Well, that’s really something special,” you said, looking deep into your eyes. Ok. Maybe you did have to be afraid of these feelings. Because they were starting to feel very, very deep and hard to shake.
“I think you’re pretty special,” he said, looking at you deeply before kissing you. You melted into him this time, feeling the sun and joy upon his lips and it all felt like Brian. The two of you sat and talked lazily for a while longer before the mass of people started filing into the beach, and the two of you decided to go and walk down the promenade. The two of you were quiet, knowing that your outing together for the day would have to end soon again, both of you upset at this. You didn’t want to leave Brian, and you nothing seemed as good as being with him. He turned you around, holding your hands. The sun beat down on your backs.
“I’m terribly sorry sweetheart, but I really must go,” Brian said sorrowfully. Your face crumpled, and you nodded.
“I should too,” you said over the loud tourists now, the seagulls squawking, children playing, and people eating and mingling. Brian was about to tear away. “I don’t—“ you started. He turned back towards you and grabbed your hands tighter. “I don’t want you to go,” you said more clearly now. Brian sighed, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. 
“I don’t want to go either. I wish there was a way…” he trailed off, knowing there wasn’t one and he couldn’t finish that sentence.
“Can we find one?” you asked. Brian thought for a moment. 
“Shit,” he whispered for a second, rubbing his forehead with one of his hands, seemingly stressed for a moment before grabbing your hand again. He looked around, like he was fearful of being watched. You supposed you were too. He looked back to you. 
“Yes. I don’t know about finding a way— I can’t think of one right now, but I need to see you again. I— ok, come to the room again. Tonight for dinner.”
“How am I gonna get out of dinner?” You questioned, more to yourself. This seemed to be the only way to see Brian, but you didn’t know how you’d be able to weasel your way out of that one again. 
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry. But it’s the only time— I’ll have to make something up myself,” he finished. You were too preoccupied with your own problem to ask what that meant. “Same room as last time. I’m sorry it’s so difficult, but it’s the only time I can again,” he said, truly looking sorry but desperate to see you. You were a bit desperate too already for the next time you’d see him. This wouldn’t be fun to break once you left Brighton. You nodded.
“I’ll find a way,” you said. Brian and you looked at each other for a moment, not wanting to break away, unable again to do so. 
“Fuck it,” Brian whispered quickly before grabbing you and giving you a deep kiss. Once he pulled away, you had to smile. You couldn’t help it. That did it. 
“See you tonight,” you said, finally able to break away and hurried back to the hotel for breakfast. 
“Hi Julie, just have to change from my run before I head down,” you said, trying to avoid questions from the start as you walked into your room. 
“Whatever,” she said, flopping on her bed for a few moments as she waited for you to change quickly. You did so and headed down to breakfast, no questions asked. You went along with whatever shenanigans your family had planned for the day, and then it was nearly time. 
“Think I’ll sit out this dinner,” you commented just before your aunt and uncle parted ways to freshen up for the meal. Everyone paused, looking at you. 
“Y/N, it’s our last dinner, nonsense!” said your aunt.
“Really, the food’s not sitting with me well. I think it’s from eating out so much during this trip,” you said. Your aunt and uncle looked at you. 
“Well, you don’t have to eat if you don’t feel well, but you’ll at least sit with us. We want your company,” said your uncle. Fuck. It wasn’t working.
“I— really can’t,” you said, clamming up. 
“Why not?” Asked Julie.
“Y/N, what’s the matter?” Your aunt asked.
“You can tell us, is this why you’ve kept disappearing from time to time?” Asked your uncle. You felt terrible for lying, especially when they were being so kind and had been for even taking you on this trip. You had to think of something, right now, right in this moment. 
“I— I’m not alright! I’ve... well, this trip has been very special to me,” you said, calming down. Everyone was focussed straight on you, and all of your anxiety about Brian and everything for this moment gave you a saving grace. Your eyes became watery. You didn’t cry, but were visibly on the verge of it. 
“And, uh, I’m sad about going soon. Very upset. And truth is, I feel like I’ve made a… special connection to Brighton while I’ve been here, and I wanted to take one last walk around in the daylight. Alone. Before tomorrow. Just to connect,” you said. You paused, gauging the reactions. It was some of the greatest bullshit which has ever spewed from your lips, but after a moment:
“Aw, lovely, why didn’t you just say so?” Said your uncle. 
“We’re so glad we were able to give you such a touching experience. And that we’ve been able to spend more time with you,” said your aunt, pulling you into a hug. Somehow, it seemed to have worked.
“Sorry— I would’ve told you. It was just… hard for me to conceptualize,” you said. You felt even worse for lying now that they were being so accepting and caring about your feelings and you were taking advantage of theirs. But what had to be done had to be done. 
“We understand. Go, have your special moment. We’re so grateful you’ve come on our holiday,” said your aunt. They departed, leaving just with Julie. You went into the room, and sat on your bed, willing her not to comment on anything, even though you knew there wasn’t any real hope for that. The door closed, and she looked at you with contempt, hands on her hips, accusatory.
“You expect me to believe that for one second?” she said, voice high. 
“Julie! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” you said, done with all of her antics by this point. 
“You might have convinced them, but I know you’re hiding something. You keep appearing, doing strange things, strange calls… tell me right now what’s going on or I’ll tell my parents you’re lying,” said finished. You still felt bad for lying, but played into your part. She didn’t really have anything on you, to your knowledge. 
“There’s nothing to tell, Julie,” you said angrily. “I’m not lying.” Julie glared at you, and changed, now in a mood. The two of you ignored each other, and she left without a word, slamming the door. You should’ve waited longer to be sure they were gone, really, but you couldn’t help yourself, almost immediately jumping up and heading to Brian’s room. You knocked on the door, and no one answered. You groaned frustrated, and already near tears from the confrontations from just earlier. You needed Brian now, needed him to make you feel ok like he always did, and he wasn’t answering. Where was he? You knocked again, and still nothing. Your breathing picked up, and you turned around, crossing your arms. Great. Now he was turning out to be all a lie as well, all of this for nothing. You can’t believe he really was going to ditch you. You were so stupid, believing him, you’d given him what he wanted and he’d left you high and dry, and brought your feelings into it as well. Why did you have to go on and catch feelings for him? Deep feelings, ones that—
“Sorry, I’m so sorry I’m late,” Brian said suddenly, running up to you, and reaching underneath your arm to unlock the door and push you in. You were so baffled, and Brian was so quick in closing the door, you nearly tripped inside, but once you straightened up, Brian tossed the keys down, and looked at you. “What’s the matter?” he asked. Nothing. It was nothing, because he was here and you were fine now. You shook your head, and walked towards the bed. The room looked a bit more lived in now than it had before, but it was still pretty clean, unmussed. Brian grabbed your waist from behind, and leaned down to your ear. “What’s wrong?” but you didn’t answer again, fine that he was here, and grabbed the back of his neck to kiss him. He kissed back, the two of you starting to make out intensely, the kiss deepening and your tongues falling into each others mouth, Brian sighing into your mouth. You kissed until the both of you were out of breath. 
“Want you,” you whimpered softly, trying to convey how much you needed Brian right now, and he needed you just as much. Brian nodded. He turned you around and began slowly undressing the two of you standing as you continued to kiss, the process being deeper than ever but the slowest it had been, not a ravenous hunger this time but an intense process of appreciation. Once Brian had gotten the two of you to your underwear, he sat back against the bed and you came to his lap. Your lips still never parted, both of you moving with each other to get you more and more ready. Eventually, Brian made a beautiful gasp into your lips, and that alit you, kissing down to his neck, to which he sighed, then down his chest to his stomach. You looked to him, grabbing the waistband of his boxers, making direct eye contact. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he cooed in complete appreciation of what you were about to do. You removed his pants, and took him into your mouth slowly. Brian groaned softly, making the most gorgeous noises, and you took your time to taste as much of him as you could. He wove a hand into your hair, guiding you but not forcing you down, moaning softly, until he tugged on your head to bring you up. “Very lovely, darling, but I want to fuck you still,” Brian said. You just brought him in for another kiss, not being able to wait any longer. You needed him inside you, needed to feel how fantastic it was. You removed your final pieces of clothing and sank down onto him, the stretch sending you reeling in the best ways. Just when you felt like you were about to leave the moment, Brian grabbed your upper back, bringing you to his gaze, and encouraging you to move. You moved together, it being wonderful, and you were with him, and it was everything perfect. You looked into his eyes and he into yours the entire time. This was different from the other times, it wasn’t an animalistic fucking for only pleasure as the two of you had in the past, it was a connection this time, a language the two of you were making only between yourselves. Before you knew it, and far too quickly, you were close, and so was he, and the two of you shuddered, falling into each other and into bliss as the two of you finished. You pulled off of him, but stayed in his lap, kissing, and he only held you tighter, as tight as possible as the two of you came down. You couldn’t avoid it forever.
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” you blurted out suddenly. Brian pulled back, looking into your eyes, his eyes moving back and forth, seeing you were telling the truth. He was devastated. He didn’t expect to be, and neither did you, but it was the truth.  “I don’t want to go. I don’t want to be away from you,” you said. 
“I— I don’t want you to go either,” Brian said in near horror, thinking about the fact that this was the last time he could hold you. “No, there has to be something, has to be a way,” he whispered, looking down, trying to think of something. You both racked your brains. “Stay here, stay a little longer with me, even if your family goes, you can… you can stay in here,” he said. 
“I can’t do that. What will they say? What about my parents back home, when they find out I’ve stayed in Brighton?” 
“Why can’t they know?”
“They… they’ll never approve. They already think I’m some sort of crazed slut, and if they figure out I’ve met someone on holiday, not only will my aunt and uncle who’ve only treated me with kindness and understanding find out I’ve been lying to them, but my parents will… they’ll stop paying for my school. And I can’t afford it on my own, and I don’t know what I’ll do,” you said, panicked.
“Are you sure they wouldn’t?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, nearly beginning to cry. 
“Shit,” Brian said, sweeping his thumb under your eyes to prevent any tears from dripping down. “But you can’t go. I— fuck, I know this sounds crazy, but I suppose I’ll just say it. I know I’ve just met you and I know this is insane, but I think I love you. And you can’t leave, I can’t—,” Brian stopped, almost choking up himself. Your breathing stopped at his admittance, but then everything became more clear and more complicated at once.
“I think I love you too. But I don’t know what to do,” you said, crying more. Brian continued to wipe your tears. You stood up, getting dressed, getting ready to leave, because there was nothing else to do.
“Wait, Y/N, no,” Brian said, getting somewhat redressed himself quickly to stop you.
“Brian, I have to—“
“No, please,” he pleaded, grabbing your arm softly. 
“Brian, I have to!” you exclaimed, this already being too difficult a departure. Going back home would be absolute hell. Everything after this, the memories, everything, would be hell. 
“But why…”
“Because, I—!” you nearly shouted, stopping with a gasp. Brian was just about to ask what you’d stopped for, before he realized himself. His stomach dropped. You’d seen it. On the dresser, you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it before. A wedding ring, a man’s wedding ring, sat there, gleaming in the rising moon. You felt sick. He couldn’t be. But the room changes. And the strange meeting times. The not wanting to be found out. And… everything, which was making sense now. You couldn’t believe it. Sure, he was older, but still, you couldn’t believe any of this had happened, that he’d allowed it, that you’d gone along with it so far, that the two of you had apparently fallen in love despite all of it. 
“Y/N,” he whispered in immense fear of what was going to happen next, how you’d react, and the realization of what he’d done setting in. Your breathing was shaky, and you couldn’t move for a moment before you turned around and faced Brian, the arm holding you falling limp. You looked into his eyes. It was a look of betrayal now, but of things making sense, and the next steps being clear now. You swallowed, and took a deep breath.
“Because,” you restated, in only a whisper now. “Because my family wouldn’t allow it. And I love you, but you’re already for someone else,” you finished. Brian held your hands again. He was quiet, not meeting your gaze, looking absolutely distraught. 
“I do love you,” he said. “I’m not lying.”
“I know. But you, you’re… married,” you choked out. 
“I’ll leave—,” Brian stopped himself, not wanting to make promises. He really did love you. But he had fucked up. You shook your head. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized. You gulped.
“I won’t say anything. But I wouldn’t have if… and, I suppose, it’s beneficial still if we both just forget it happened. Don’t let it get out,” you said. Brian hated this, and so did you. Nothing was right anymore. “Well, that’s all it ever was, wasn’t it? Just a holiday fling? A mindless, holiday fling?” you said.
“It wasn’t,” Brian said, and you both knew he was right. “But that’s what we’ll have to leave it as,” he conceded.
“How the memory will go,” you finished. You squeezed each others hands, took in each other for the last time. Now you both knew, this would never, ever work. It was a true shame.
“Goodbye, Brian,” you said.
“Goodbye, Y/N,” he said slowly after you. You gave one last look into each others eyes. You left, walking back to your room and having a big old cry. Brian wished he hadn’t looked into your eyes that final time. He wanted the gaze of love, so brief, to be the only one in his memory, forever, but now his last glimpse was all of the hurt he created.
The next morning, you were on the train back. You were silent the whole ride, and luckily Julie seemed to have dropped everything from the night before. It’d worked perfectly, you supposed. No one had found out. But nothing was as it should. You went back home, and so did Brian soon after you, and each of you went back to your normal lives, now a bit more broken inside.
Time, much time, had passed, and many things had changed. You still didn’t feel as alive as you had with Brian since then, and neither did he, but you were beginning to get back into the swing of things. The seasons had changed, it’d grown hot and cold, and you missed him still, even though everything had ended so messily. One day, much after everything, you had managed to stumble upon something on Brian, then taking to a friend finding out where he was last seen, then through a few calls and using your best sleuthing skills, you had seemingly found where you could reach him. You knew you shouldn’t but you couldn’t resist. It didn’t have to mean anything, and besides, what was a letter?
Brian, much after, came home at the end of a long day. He opened his letterbox out of habit, sifting through everything quickly and tiredly on his couch, before he sat up, wide eyed. 
“To Brian May, from Y/N L/N,” it read. Brian opened it quickly, reading and smiling at your familiar person, it coming through your writing. He was thrilled to hear from you, and you had included a return address. Brian wasted no time sending a letter back. 
It was all innocent, really. Genuinely. But couldn’t help your excitement as you opened your letter from Brian, before starting to pen another in response back. 
“Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside…” you quoted, starting your correspondence back. 
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lily-in-thevalley · 1 year
Brian x gender neutral reader stargazing on a summer night?
Ohhhh anon you speak my language (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
Soooo, this was meant to be a short little "boop, here's your story (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)" but then uh... Yeah, enjoy.
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As much as you'd gotten comfortable living in the city, your found the more time you spent at Ridge Farm the more you loved it. All of the little perks to being far away from the busy, quick paced, noisy, every day life in London. The animals, the fresh air, waking up without dreading everything you had to do all day... Getting closer with Brian.
Your friendship with Bri was always close, and hardly ever did you come across a disagreement. When you did however, it always lead to a little more of your heart breaking. The last couple of years you two had put as much effort as you could into fixing your friendship after a major blow up. In the midst of a little cuddling Brian had mentioned that Queen were going to a farm, someplace quiet and private. Somewhere you two could heal with each other. And he wanted you to come with him.
Currently, you had no clue where Brian had run off to. Despite all of your efforts, your hurt feeling and all consuming love for Brian became a dangerous concoction. You two would frequently lash out at each other, fall into bed with the intent to take your anger out on each other...and then...Brian would make love to you. His eyes and his body lost all of their anger as he made love to you and made promises to fix his mistakes, promises that he loved you, that he was in love with you. Every night you believed him. And every morning you'd wake up alone. Feeling stupid, used, and unloved. This all became such a vicious cycle of pain and confusion for you both. And-
"(y/n)!" Roger clicked his fingers in front of your face. "Spacing out again? Brian's looking for you. Said he wanted to surprised you or something." Truthfully, you were hardly listening. The mention of Brian's name stung somewhere in your heart and left you reluctant to go find him.
"M'kay, thanks Rog," you got up, fully intending to ignore Brian's apparently want for you "If you see him just say I was tired, so I went to bed."
"Alright fruitcake, g'night" Roger waved, and you gave hum a hum before heading off to your shared room with Brian. You were three steps from the room when the door swung open, revealing a frantic and slightly disheveled Brian.
"oh thank god, angel," the nickname almost felt like a slap to the face, "there you are. Look, just come with me" as though your heart wasn't still broken from last night (when he cradled your body and whispered sweet nothings as you made love, before sneaking out of bed late into the night to keep away from you) he reached for your hand. As though you were burned, you pulled away from the contact, staining Brian's face with confusion.
"I'm going to bed. I'm tired" though it was mostly a lie. You did mean to lay in bed, but your exhaustion wasn't physical, more mental and emotional.
"I know just- can you please trust me? Just for tonight?" His entire being was painted with desperation and honesty. From his messy curls to the frantic, yet completly open gaze he fixed on you.
"...ok. I'll follow you" your head screamed that this was a bad idea. Telling you all of the heartache you endured because of this man while you were nothing more than a friend to him, questioning whether or not he even considered you to be friends anymore.
Gently, he took your hand and lead you across the field surrounding the farm. While your head was screaming, your heart pounded and took in every molecule of serenity that he filled you with. Your heart fixated on the way he held your hand as though he needed you, yet was afraid he'd break you. On the way tears had seemed to only just dry from his face, or the way the breeze grazed over his cheeks to brush the curls from his face. His entire body spoke of exhaustion and sadness, tugging at your heartstrings.
It must have been an hour or so ago since the sun set, leaving you both in a quiet cocoon of night and silence. Before long, Brian stopped and looked around, muttering under his breath before turning to you.
"I think... We're here" his soft voice made you shiver, making you kick yourself mentally.
"here? What's here?" You watched him sit in the grass and pat the space next to him. When you sat next to him, he layed back in the freshly trimmed grass.
"it's dark enough out here, far away from the city you know and um... You can see the stars." Brian pointed, tracing the lines of an asterism, and you laid back with him.
Besides the breeze and an occasional chittering from some woodland animal you couldn't see, the two of you laid there in complete silence for what must have been an hour. Though you were quiet, your mind was racing. Trying to find the motivation behind Brian's sudden apparent need for you. Taking a risk, you turned your head to glance at him. Your breath caught in your throat.
Brian had an intense, yet sad gaze fixed on you. Faintly, you could make out a glimmer of fresh tear tracks on his cheeks. He didn't stop staring as you caught him, he only smiled. A sad and tired smile. Your head couldn't stop you anymore as your heart moved your hand to cup his cheek, brushing newly formed tears from under Brian's eyes.
"Bri-" the words you meant to say were lost as he pressed a soft kiss to your palm.
"Watch the stars baby" he whispered, a scratchy, quiet noise that he tried to laugh off.
You looked back to the sky, opting to scoot closer and lay with your side pressed against Brian's. Easily, as though you were two magnets drawn to each other, your hands clasped together. Though it was minimal contact, you could feel his breathing calm from where he was pressed against you.
Another half hour must have lapsed in silence before you could find the words you needed.
"Bri... Are you ok?" The words were simple enough, yet caused him to hold your hand tighter.
"No" even with the single word his voice broke, getting husky and quiet in a way you only became so familiar with in the last year. He was still crying.
"what's-?" He cut you off.
"I'm so scared angel," he brought up a hand to wipe at the tears rolling down his cheeks, "shit, I'm so scared." You fully turned to face him, laying on your side.
"Baby, talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Why are you so scared?" You could hear the growing fear in you own voice, a mix of concern and anxiety that tightened your chest. Brian's breath hitched with a little cry before he could talk.
"I'm- I've been so awful to you. I've been hurting you and leaving you and promising you so much and then-" he sniffled, trying to regain some composure. His voice came out strained "been doing it all because I'm so scared."
You gently brushed away a new flood of tears from his cheeks, shushing him as his little cries turned into more heart pulling sobs.
"shh brimi... What are you scared of?" Carefully, you ran your fingers through his curls. Something to sooth him as his crying waned again.
"Scared of how much I love you. God it- it's been eating me up inside (y/n), making me do all kinds of stupid things I shouldn't." He wiped his eyes with the back of his hands to hide his face. Feeling like he could cry more just from the embarrassment and vulnerability of his words.
"You're scared of...but you keep leaving after we-"
"I know what I've done is wrong" his tone turned bitter, a testament to his anger with himself. "I've done nothing but hurt you and I've been nothing but weak and selfish and-" he took a short breath "After we... Make love, angel, and you've fallen asleep in my arms, and we've promised each other our love... I get so scared that I'll only hurt you more. After new years we saw how much I can hurt you and I've only made it worse since we got here."
In the brief silence, you squeezed his hand. Offering as much reassurance as you could silently while tears formed in your own eyes.
"so... You leave me?"
"I run away. Like the coward I am" Brian's words to himself were bitter and on edge.
"I want to to stay with me. After we make love I just want you to stay. You don't have to love me or be committed to me, I just want-"
"I love you." Compared to the edge that lined his voice previously, the gentle way he spoke those three words cut through the atmosphere. "I love you, and I want a committed relationship with you. I'm just... Scared I can't be good enough for you."
Silence coated you two again.
You snuggled into his side, resting your head on his chest.
"I love you Brian," you paused as you felt his breath hitch. "Be mine?"
Suddenly, he pulled you into his chest, trapping you to his heart.
"yes... I'll be yours. Please angel, just give me this chance."
You stroked over his heart, trying to calm him down again.
"I've got you...my star boy"
When you woke up the next morning you were laying on Brian's chest in the grass. The blanket of dread that coated your heart was nowhere to be found. You felt calm as your head moved with the rise and fall of Brian's breathing.
Things would be ok. You and Brian would be ok.
Some day. One day.
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rogertaylorsgirl · 10 months
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imagine being roger’s first real girlfriend. the members of the band would be so shocked at seeing him so committed to someone. of course, they would try and piss him off, talking about how much he’s whipped for you. but are they wrong? absolutely not.
this man would do anything for you. you could ask him the entire universe and he would make sure you had it. every time you would walk in the studio, he would leave the drums so fast and come to hug you, while the others complain about finishing the damn song.
you made him softer, sometimes he hated that, but he couldn’t do anything about it. you helped him calm down during one of his famous tantrums and you also made him romantic. he wasn’t the type to cuddle or show too much affection before, since the girls he dated were nothing serious, but now with you it was all different. you had changed him for the better.
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queencursedarchive · 8 months
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Wonder if they clean it before exchanging it or not 😍
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lemongrablothbrok · 4 months
Me: *listening to "One Night Stand" by Janis Joplin, a song I've never heard before*
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rogertaylorshbb · 1 year
"a hooker? god no!" Roger Taylor fanfic {part 1}
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hey! so I'm so so sorry I haven't written a fanfic in 11 days. I've decided to write this one, it may not be amazing, but its what I can do for now till I have more time!!
You were ecstatic that your friend brought you queens studio. you met violet a week ago. you had met in a bar and got to talking. she was more mature then you and had been around, you were only 21 while she was 29.
you both walked into the front of the studio. Roger sat at a table, a cigarette hanging between his fingers near an ash tray while he was staring at a magazine.
"oh my god....is that the drummer?" you gasped in excitement kind of jumping and giggling. "yes, that's roger" she sighed nonchalantly. "anyway I'm gonna go, 5 minutes, stay here" she pointed a finger at you and walked away leaving you alone. "wait...no- you cant just leave me here!" you shouted as she walked away.
shouting out to violet caught rogers attention. you saw his confused and disturbed face as he lifted his head up from his magazine. he looked at you in confusion cocking his head to the side. "hi" you raised your hand. you stood there awkwardly as he looked you up and down.
"hey" he sighed leaning back in his seat. you smiled which he did not return. "you can come sit here if you want" he nodded his head over to the seat next to him.
you walked over and sat down. you were nervous as fuck! you didn't know what to say, you had to remind yourself to breath. "are you violets friend?" he questioned crossing his legs. "uh yea" you smiled and put your head down.
"hm, so are you a fan?"
"oh yea, your music is awesome!" you shook your head yes. he smirked at you. 'thank you". he moved a bit closer to you. "so would you like a drink?". "oh- I don't drink"
"ah, gotcha" he nodded.
he then moved closer to you. "so, do you wanna go somewhere more private?" he raised an eyebrow. you furrowed your brows at him. "huh?"
"well...shouldn't we go somewhere more private?" he chuckled like it was the obvious thing to do. "why...anyway violet will be back any second". he chuckled even more. "hard to get..hm".
"what? what do you mean 'hard to get'" you exclaimed. he furrowed his brows but smiled. "c'mon enough with the games" he grabbed your hand and stood up. you forcefully pushed his hand away.
"what games?".
"your- wait- your not a....."
"a hooker? god no!" you shouted.
"oh- oh my god! I'm so sorry, I just thought..."
"Jesus no, I'm just a fan" you shook her head.
so that's all I'm gonna write for this part, sorry if its short!! hope you like the storyline though!
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imeternallylove · 6 months
Don't grow up, it's a trap - Brian May; pt.1
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Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Warning: none
Word: 2.7k
main mastetlist  | request & ask | prompts
Chapters index
prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part night | part ten | epilogue
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The nightmares gradually disappeared for Brian and Betty. Miss Y/L/N wasn't giving them enough money that he could afford to waste it. The boy strives to be as thrifty as feasible; sometimes his sister describes it as worse than stingy since he attempts not to spend any money at all.
Brian is still quite considerate, and he is frightened of being perceived as an avaricious kid who is greedy for the money of his benefactor. He reprimanded Betty, his naughty sister, several times; however, her staying by his side inspires him to persevere in difficult times. And now she begged for a pricey new Ken doll to be part of her Barbie collection because the one she had was outdated, which is totally nonsense for him.
Their father and mother now live someplace in the UK, making use of work in return for money for rent in a small room that was previously used as a hiding spot for escaping creditors. The kids only had to hope for their call back to be certain whether their parents had stayed healthy.
What was it like to face terrible times? Brian, of course, has vivid memories of what happened. If he were a money gabber, seeing a cheque and useful supplies in Miss Y/L/N's shopping bags on a monthly basis for two years wouldn't be shocking to him. It was because he was too empathic, and he and his sister couldn't refute the fact that they were too young and undoubtedly helpless at times.
And then Miss Y/L/N surprised him once again. One day, after he returned home, he spotted a present package wrapped in ordinary cream-coloured paper and fastened with a white ribbon.
An eighteen-year-old lad stood in front of his house, unwrapping what was inside. His younger sister appeared on either side, holding stuff for him, until they both widened their eyes in shock. It was immediately apparent that within were collections of books from Brian's favourite experts in astronomy and then he noticed the man doll, which had the name 'Ken' printed on the vibrant pinkish packaging box set laid aside.
Well, if he wasn't mistaken, it was a Barbie doll man, as his sister had been chanting for lately. Betty shrieked and yelled throughout the house as he moved his attention to her, while the cheeky sister snatched the pink box from his grip and began to play with it. The older May only grinned sheepishly since he was still stunned by Miss Y/L/N benevolence, and he began reasoning that it was more than enough.
The young man took the white card and flipped it to see what was written. Its mild fragrance made him feel pleasing right away. Brian had no idea that letters might make someone feel better. Even though he had never met the owner of the black ink, who penned a brief note expressing.
'Happy birthday, and I hope you both love your presents.'
Yes, definitely. Miss Y/L/N is overly nice to them.
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Two or three years later, the rotary phone marked the formal start of conversation between him, his sister, and their benefactor. It appeared awkward starting out; every word that he spoke was reviewed before deciding whether it was appropriate for him to talk to her. He avoided allowing her to be disappointed if Brian acted unpleasant one day.
Talking becomes less stressful after a while has passed. Brian never imagined his benefactor would be paying attention to all the weird things that went on in his day at college, or at the library, or at the lab, or- at his house. Before going to bed, he promised to repeat the story again the following day, and the next day, and every single day after that.
From the time he used to only work as a part-time teacher, Brian has gone back with his old lady, Red Special, to showing on the tiny gig on music that he loved again. The boy with black, thick curly hair felt like he was back in kindergarten, trying to get the attention of his parents when she mentioned it would be superb to see him perform music with his handmade guitar on stage with his pals.
Brian craves to know what Miss Y/L/N looks like, but he lacks the nerve to approach her more closely enough to ask. The boy feared that she would reject him and feel disgusted about his silly fantasies. Will it be terribly naive? Will she think that he's nosy? His pals chastised him for being absurd about the worries he had. At the end of the day, Brian doesn't even ask her out; all he wants is to get to know her. Is not it?
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On this particular school fair day, nineteen-year-old Brian May and his friends prepared an astronomy and scientific project booth, complete with a neat suit and long, courteous tie. To accommodate everyone who attended the event—mostly professors—the room was set up into four sizable groups and arranged in various locations.
Brian believes that today is another enjoyable day, whether it is spent with parents or students from different colleges.
"This is a joke; it's bloody hot." With an understanding look, the tallest boy gave his groupmate, who was whining about the humidity, a pat on the shoulder. Without taking a break from his security duty, Dave had been at the booth since the morning, leading each visitor through the project they had been working on and researching for weeks.
Even though the astronomy and scientific booth wasn't as well-liked as the others, they still had great fun listening to their extensive lectures about their subject matter. The boys were thrilled, even if it felt like they were speaking to no one or that only a handful of people were listening.
On the table was a printed rating sheet that booth attendees could fill out and comment on. When Brian noticed that someone else was now observing on the research board, he grabbed one.
"Hello, Miss. Please take this." Making a turn, a woman of adulthood grinned, grabbed her evaluation form, and held it. She bows to him first, then Brian bows slightly in manners while her grin continues to highlight her exquisite features. After reading the evaluation report for a few minutes and scanning his eyes, the boy lifted his head to look at the board once more.
“May I ask who drew this?”
Brian smiled broadly and replied, "It's me; I draw it all." Nobody has mentioned the naiveté he slathered onto his drawing since the morning. The first is this woman.
When she grins, all the boy can see are her eyes, which narrow to a single, curved line, and her voice, which sounds familiar. "You know, it's kinda cool. It looks fascinating when used as a drawing."
Brian listens as she speaks to him; her voice is soothing, like a lullaby. Her petite hand, making an attempt to give him an explanation in her own words. He captures sight of the expensive watch clung to hers and extracts a pen that had become lodged in her skirt's pocket.
Her eyes snapped up, peering directly into the boy's, and for a moment, Brian felt like a deer caught in the headlights as he watched her begin to write on the top of the paper he had given her moments before. Her lips parted, causing his mind to explode. "Your arts are easy to understand. I like it a lot."
In a move to lessen the shame he feels, Brian scratches the back of his neck. "Thank you. But I think it still looks absurd." He pointed at the magnum opus, which he had spent countless hours curled up on his back and drawing, and wiped the tip of his nose apologetically. His pals, though, agreed it was ridiculous. despite the fact that the periodic table should have the graph placed on it.
"Absurd?" When she recounted what he had said, Brian was taken aback. She gave him an icy smile after recognising that what he had said was far more foolish than what he had actually done.
He took a deep breath, gazing attentively, and the evaluation was positive when she marked the page. He felt relieved by it. Brian said, gawkily smiling, "I sometimes say stupid things like this." Gazing at her face, he realised that she was likely ten centimetres higher than him, partly because of the height of her stiletto heels.
Oh. She is so small. In that white lace collared black minidress, it made her seem so smaller.
"What makes you feel so negative on yourself? Now tell me what you are good at..." The older woman questioned as she lowered her gaze to his shirt level and read the name tag on the shirt, "Mister May?" Just before getting back to eye contact with his.
The way she looks truly appealing, the way the way how envious he is of her gorgeous straight ginger hair with a bang is so gorgeous and he only had ugly black curly hair, and the way her scents remind him of a fairytale—Brian can tell plainly from being this close.
With bafflement, the boy swiped and gestured to the board and himself. "Me? orㅡ or the project?" The small woman started chuckling at his foolish expression before realising that, and she responded in jest. "I'm talking with you. And, yes. I mean you."
Brian answers her dramatically, trying to clear his throat and gather himself back together. "I'm good at playing guitar, I think. I formed a band and wrote a few songs but still in the process."
"What else?" She flashed him a nod while folding her arm across her chest, and her captivating eyes encouraged him to keep going.
"I can cook."
With a broad smirk and a faint whisper, she asks. "Oh, what's more?"
"I'm single."
The thing he had been saying had stunned him. As soon as Brian noticed he'd done something dumb again, he glared at the woman, who appeared to be equally startled as Brian.
"Is that what you called 'good'?"
"Oh, I have no idea, maybe it will work out well." Sheerly, he scratched the back of his neck. Unbelievably, he knows this woman across from him is going to think Brian May is an idiot for sure.
But all she does is glance upward at the board once again, still grinning. "You're the opposite of what teenagers want—girlfriends."
"I find it difficult to like people. I think that living this way is better than dating someone." How come from science projects become a love story? When did it change? Isn't it time for him to explain what's on the board?
"There're a lot of things waiting for you to find out. Don't miss out because you're satisfied with what you already have." Brian watched the older woman bend down and put a check mark on the score sheet again.
"Like… dating someone?"
"Dating is just another chapter in life; if you really don't want it, there are plenty of other things to do."
"Then I will try to date someone from today on."
She started giggling at Brian, then her eyes sparkled, flashing all around, and since he always overslept in order to keep an eye on the skies at night with the dynascope, Brian reasoned that her eyes may be brighter than the moon.
The boy noticed something had been concealed there, inside her lovely eyes. And he didn't have any idea how to guess it at all. "Uh, I mean-  'starting to think about it.' I didn't think much beyond that."
"Don't waste much time; you can't go back to youth once you grow up."
Brian stood silent while having the conversation. It was almost like the remark from just seconds before was replaying itself in the back of his mind. He's thinking, in line with her statements, which could be accurate, that he hasn't done many of the things that teens ought to do.
He straight away recognised that Tim asked him to join to record additional songs, which he wants to, but unfortunate that he has a lot on his plate, and the band may already be recording without him.
“Hey! Bri! Come here, mate!”
As the boy shifted his gaze towards the source of the sound, he saw that four pals were now standing, discussing.
"I'll handle this. I don't know what the hell is wrong with Richard's group, they need you to help them." Dave scowled and gave a disgusted shake of his head.
Brian glanced at the woman, who continued concentrating on the board. It seems likely that the scoring evaluation will soon be finished. He may most likely return in time if he only takes a little diversion to see his friends before returning to her. She grinned and gave a nod as the boy lowered his head briefly.
The boy turned around roughly a few seconds after he had started discussing booth setup with another group of pals. When he spotted that the woman he was leisurely talking with had left, his two legs remained still, unhappy.
"Is she gone?"
"Oh, just now." Dave handed the score sheet to Brian, whom he acknowledged before seeing the results.
The boy had a sudden numbness across the entirety of his body after he noticed that this evaluation's owner's name appeared.
34 years old
"You know, it's kinda cool. It looks fascinating when used as a drawing."
"Hey, Bri?"
"What makes you feel so negative on yourself? Now tell me what you are good at."
"What's going on, mate?"
"There're a lot of things waiting for you to find out. Don't miss out because you're satisfied with what you already have."
"Don't waste much time; you can't go back to youth once you grow up."
'Oui! Brian!"
Dave yelled after his closest friend, who bolted outside of the room without saying anything. Brian is rushing among the huge crowd of visitors to the fair.
His heart pounded in his chest; it was beating stronger than ever. The boy repeatedly brought it back, not expecting it, but each time he did so, it reinforced Brian May's desire to meet his benefactor at least once.
He remembered telling her that he was attending a college event today and that he had set up a science booth a few weeks ago. At the time, Brian was jokingly inviting her to come visit him and his sister here.
If that woman was Miss Y/L/N, the conversation that just happened… reveals that she already knows who he is.
A tall, slender boy made his way through the crowd again. Where is the woman with ginger curls and a black velvet minidress right now? Brian's close attention was drawn to the person he had been dying to see for years.
Brian began running again, with the throb of his heart. He glimpsed the back of the woman, who matched Miss Y/L/N, moving gracefully past the mass of people. The boy's gaze was fixed on her, a woman he wasn't certain was who she seemed to be.
"Miss Y/L/N??"
The boy grabbed her arm and twisted her around towards him; only it made him displeased to see that the woman frowning at him was not the woman standing in front of the scientific booth, conversing with him.
Brian bends his head in apology. He lingered in that posture without looking up, and he ended up missing out on the opportunity to meet her.
His muscular hands raised his hair, eliciting a weary grumble. How often has he told himself not to expect it?
"Excuse me," and before Brian could turn around, he felt a finger poke into the middle of his back.
"I believed that you were just shouting out my name."
Brian finds himself wondering stupidly how quickly his heart is pumping by standing towards the woman he'd been talking with next to the board earlier, with a beaming grin on her face. The boy shifted his gaze away from her to see Betty standing next to her, chuckling at the silly face he had made.
"It's wonderful to meet you, Mister May."
oh hai, im new for this hehe
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stesichoreanpalinode · 7 months
Question: did Freddie and Brian share a pair of short shorts? Or both buy the same pair? Or were all four given the same pair but only two wore them in public?
South America, 1981 (I think)
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littleflower-426 · 1 year
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QUEEN / The Magic Tour 1986
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