#BotW Revali: is an ass but has plausible reasoning for why he's behaving that way
sage-nebula · 4 years
Actually, making that shitpost just made me realize yet another thing screwed up by having Link appointed Zelda’s knight because of fighting prowess rather than because he was chosen by the Master Sword: Revali’s attitude toward Link.
In both Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity, Revali looks down on Link and considers him to be inferior. This makes a sort of sense in Breath of the Wild, where Revali (as far as we know) never saw Link fight and Link didn’t have a marked reputation for fighting prowess outside of sparring with other knights / protecting Zelda from monsters in battles that Revali and others presumably weren’t present at. As far as Revali knows, Link was appointed Zelda’s knight because he has a fancy sword, which doesn’t really impress Revali very much since the Rito specialize in bows and can fly out of reach of bladed weapons anyway. It isn’t until Link kills Windblight Ganon that Revali has a chance to see that Link really did earn his place among the Champions, and he gifts Link his Gale as a show of that earned respect.
But in Age of Calamity, Revali is being a dick to Link because . . . he’s a dick, I guess. Link is appointed Zelda’s knight because he showed fighting prowess on the battlefield, and then he continues to do so again and again and again given the nature of the game. In fact, Link not only kicks the asses of the Rito warriors on Hebra, but also fights and bests Revali himself before they formally meet. Granted, you could play as other characters if you wanted, but since Link is supposed to be accompanying Zelda, presumably the story would have it that Link was the one participating in that battle and coming out on top, even though he didn’t have the Master Sword yet. Therefore, Revali being like “lol ur a so-called knight with no skill, you suck” makes absolutely zero sense because he has just seen first-hand that Link is a skilled warrior, and in fact was bested by him, so at best it makes Revali seem like a sore loser and at worst it makes him seem like an incompetent dick.
Just when I think I’ve run out of ways that the plot of Age of Calamity screwed things up, I find new ones. Jeez this game was an absolute mess. Good thing it’s not canon and will have no bearing on Breath of the Wild 2, right? Right? Answer me, Nintendo, because I swear to god—
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