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affordableplastic · 1 month ago
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If you’re seeking one of the expert and reliable plastic surgeons in NY, our highly qualified team of board-certified surgeons at Affordable Plastic Surgery specializes in various advanced cosmetic procedures. Contact us now at 201.225.1101 to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists and begin your journey confidently toward your desired aesthetic transformation.
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miezemia · 5 months ago
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Day 13 after surgery
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 1 year ago
✏️Vücut Sarkmaları ve Tedavisi❗️
✏️Body Sagging and Surgery❗️
✏️En sık nedeni çok kilo alıp-verme ve obez
hastalarda mide küçültme vb uygulamalar sonrası görülür.
✏️Tedavisi, biz Estetik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrah’ların aşamalı düzeltme ameliyatları yapmalarıdır
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timothykatzenmd · 2 years ago
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360° Circumferential Lower Body Lift after 20 Year Old Tummy Tuck Link: https://youtu.be/08h9uxQVCSg
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services-universe · 2 years ago
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healthguru · 2 years ago
Body Lift in Dubai | Hasan Surgery
A body lift in Dubai is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. The procedure is often performed after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, when skin loses its elasticity and sags.
In Dubai, there are several plastic surgery clinics that offer body lift procedures, and the cost of the surgery may vary depending on the clinic, the surgeon's experience, and the extent of the surgery.
Before considering a body lift procedure, it's important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon in Dubai to assess your suitability for the surgery, discuss your goals and expectations, and learn about the risks and benefits of the body lift in Dubai.  Dr. Hasan Ali from Hasan Surgery, is a leading plastic surgeon in Dubai for all Body lift procedures in Dubai.
Contact: https://hasansurgery.com/
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bodyliftsurgery · 2 years ago
Breast Lift Surgeon
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KAS medical Center has experienced surgeon and also have many years of experience in this field. If you are looking for the breast Lift Surgery in Delhi then you can undoubtedly go with KAS medical Center.
To schedule an appointment please 
Call -  +91-9958221983, 9958221982
Visit: www.bestbodyliftsurgery.com 
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caeticactus · 1 year ago
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yuki does tiktok bodylifting poses 100%
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jjk s2 brainrot victim
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shimbongulus · 2 years ago
i’m telling you, as a fat man myself, writing body-positive dreemurr content is literally giving me life. i cannot WAIT to show off some of what i’ve got cooking.
but like, in so much media it’s almost a fucking ritual! fat people have to be couched in jokes or judgement or they have to hate themselves. 
and it’s SO. REFRESHING. to be able to see and to create content for fat men and fat people who refuse to make their bodies their enemy, who appreciate that their bodies have gotten them where they are! 
it’s so refreshing to be able to write asgore as a fat man who isn’t always on a diet or mandatorily has some bodylifting arc to lose the fat, he’s fat, that’s his body type! and he’s okay with that! 
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montreux-suisse · 4 months ago
https://dr-rotunno.ch/refaire-son-ventre/ >>
Pour remodeler la zone abdominale, plusieurs interventions de chirurgie esthétique peuvent être envisagées en fonction des besoins spécifiques de chaque personne, tels que le relâchement cutané, l’excès de graisse ou la faiblesse musculaire. Voici les options les plus courantes :
1. L'abdominoplastie (plastie abdominale)
Description : C'est une intervention qui consiste à retirer l'excès de peau et de graisse au niveau du ventre. Elle permet également de resserrer les muscles abdominaux relâchés (diastasis).
Avantages : Corrige efficacement le relâchement cutané et améliore la silhouette abdominale. Recommandée après une perte de poids importante ou des grossesses.
Inconvénients : Intervention assez invasive avec une cicatrice sous le ventre. La convalescence peut durer plusieurs semaines.
2. Mini-abdominoplastie
Description : Variante plus légère de l'abdominoplastie, elle cible la partie inférieure du ventre (sous le nombril). Elle est indiquée lorsque le relâchement cutané est modéré.
Avantages : Cicatrice plus courte et temps de récupération réduit comparé à l'abdominoplastie classique.
Inconvénients : Ne traite pas l'excès de peau au-dessus du nombril ni les relâchements musculaires importants.
3. Liposuccion abdominale
Description : Cette technique consiste à retirer l'excès de graisse localisée au niveau de l'abdomen par aspiration, sans toucher la peau ni les muscles.
Avantages : Permet d’affiner la silhouette abdominale en supprimant la graisse sans cicatrices importantes. Récupération plus rapide qu’une abdominoplastie.
Inconvénients : Ne corrige pas le relâchement cutané ou musculaire. Elle est plus efficace pour les patients ayant une bonne tonicité de la peau.
4. Bodylift (ou lifting de la ceinture)
Description : Technique plus étendue que l'abdominoplastie, le bodylift cible tout le tour de la taille, permettant de retirer l'excès de peau à la fois au niveau du ventre, des hanches et du bas du dos.
Avantages : Améliore la silhouette du ventre et des flancs, idéal après une perte de poids importante. Redonne une apparence tonique et harmonieuse au tronc.
Inconvénients : Chirurgie lourde avec une cicatrice qui fait le tour de la taille. Convalescence longue et soins post-opératoires importants.
5. Lipoabdominoplastie
Description : Il s'agit d'une abdominoplastie combinée à une liposuccion. Cette technique permet de retirer à la fois l'excès de peau et la graisse localisée pour un résultat plus harmonieux.
Avantages : Affine la taille tout en traitant le relâchement cutané et la faiblesse musculaire.
Inconvénients : Intervention invasive nécessitant une période de récupération et une cicatrice sous le ventre.
6. Cryolipolyse (solution non chirurgicale)
Description : La cryolipolyse est une technique non invasive qui utilise le froid pour détruire les cellules graisseuses localisées au niveau de l’abdomen.
Avantages : Solution non invasive sans anesthésie ni cicatrices. Peut réduire des amas graisseux légers à modérés.
Inconvénients : Ne corrige pas le relâchement de la peau ou des muscles et nécessite plusieurs séances pour des résultats visibles.
7. Traitement par radiofréquence ou ultrasons pour la peau
Description : Ces traitements non invasifs utilisent la chaleur générée par des ondes de radiofréquence ou des ultrasons pour stimuler la production de collagène, ce qui aide à raffermir la peau.
Avantages : Peut améliorer légèrement la tonicité de la peau, surtout si elle est légèrement relâchée.
Inconvénients : Ne corrige ni l’excès de graisse ni les muscles affaissés et donne des résultats plus modérés que la chirurgie.
Le choix de la technique dépend de l’objectif esthétique, de la qualité de la peau, de l’état musculaire et de la présence d’un excès graisseux. Une consultation avec un chirurgien esthétique permet de définir l’option la plus adaptée pour obtenir un ventre plat et tonique.
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offroadendeavor · 1 year ago
Update on the little things I've been doing.
#missused #makeingitbetter #diy #designbuild #fabrication #bodylift #solidaxleswap #sas #fordsporttrac #fordsporttracraptor #fordrangerraptor #sporttrac #sporttracraptor #fordranger #rangerraptor #offroadendeavor #endeavor #doing
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getslimsauce01 · 1 year ago
Bodylift Houston
Your Herbal Vegan Secret to a Confident You! the natural magic of this creme designed to help slim down fat bulges, reduce stretch marks, retract loose skin.
get slim houston
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miezemia · 5 months ago
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 1 year ago
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description
🇻🇬🇻🇬🇺🇸🦋What are the causes of skin and tissue sagging in the body?
1) Gaining and losing a lot of weight
2) Postbariatric reasons 3) Losing too much weight due to chronic diseases
🦋What is postbariatric surgery?
✏️BMI appropriate is the general name of the surgeries performed by the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist for sagging in the whole body after the procedures (such as gastric balloon, stomach reduction, gastric by-pass) performed on patients deemed appropriate by Obesity Surgeons (General Surgery).
🦋The most common sagging in the body and the situations requiring surgery are;
1)Face and neck sagging
2)Arm sagging
3) Breast sagging and breast shrinkage (breast atrophy in women, gynecomastia in men)
4)Abdominal sagging
5) Sagging in the back area
6) Tight sagging
7)Gluteal (butt) wrapping and shrinkage (atrophy)
8)Hair loss
9) Chronic fatigue condition
✏️These 7 most common complaints should be operated on step by step.
✏️See our other videos and articles for hair loss and chronic fatigue!
✏️These 7 problems are divided into 3-6 surgery sessions, depending on the surgeon's decision.
✏️The main criterion for the period between surgeries is that the previous surgery has fully healed and the patient is medically ready for the next surgery session.
🦋Although the number of surgery sessions and selected areas vary among Plastic Surgeons, we present our approach in the clinic in items;
1) The two most basic rules in our clinic are; Our first question is which area(s) does the patient want first? Secondly, is the patient's request for surgery appropriate and it is our decision ❗️
2)Our clinic favors performing bodylift (360 degree tummy tuck) in a single session and without adding other surgeries!
3) Breast wrapping (you can have breast implants at the same time) and arm lift surgery in another session
4) We perform thigh lift surgery in a third session.
5)Face and neck lift (if necessary, some patients may not need it) in the fourth session
6) We perform gluteal lifting, back stretching (if necessary) and general revision (if deemed necessary for surgeries performed in previous sessions) in the fifth session.
7) We consider the fifth session to be clinically necessary in general; because patients require more or less revision due to previous sessions.
8)In addition, in the fifth session, we perform both extra lifting (stretching) and liposuction using endolift laser (ablative diode laser / 980 and 1470 nm).
✅ Important notice❗️❗️❗️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and have been placed solely for scientific information sharing.
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery.
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr✅[email protected]✅Nişantaşı/Şişli/İstanbul/Türkiye ✅☎️+905054925755☎️+905322058604
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timothykatzenmd · 2 years ago
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Removal of Illegal Silicone Injections with a Body Lift Link: https://youtu.be/9hlDTjgplrg
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dgtuning · 1 year ago
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This project really was something special. A brand new stock Jimny rolled in from Russia. When we were done with it, it rolled back east with front and rear Spidertrax sidewinder axles with Superior half shafts CTM U-joints, front and rear ARB lockers, custom made coils, HD radius arms and panhard bars, RS9000 Rancho shocks, 6.5 Calmini gears in a reinforced Samurai T-case, custom made winchbumpers with 9500 Milemarkers, 3 inch bodylift and a snorkel.
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